• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Facing Reality

They drive on in silence for a time. Applejack marvels at the sights all around her. Pointing, she calls out.

“Look at that barn, Arc!”

“I see it.”

Applejack turns to look at him as she speaks. “It looks even better than…!”

Stopping, she notices his frown.

“Arc? Did I… did I say something wrong?”

Pulling over, Arc parks the Jeep and sighs heavily.

“I… I really messed up.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Um… say what not?”

“I shouldn’t have left.”

“Left Equestria?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Earth.”

“What do you mean?”

“When we came back the last time, I… I was told… it would be our last Christmas together.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Shelly. My friend. She… she’s very sick.”

“Then why don’t we go see her?”

“That’s just it! The doctors told her she had less than a year to live!”

“So… you’re worried that she might be…?”

Arc interrupts Applejack before she can speak the word. “Yeah.”

He leans back in the seat and looks up at the ceiling.

“I should have been here for her.”

“Why not come back sooner then?”

“When we got back to Canterlot with Celestia the country needed me to lead it. Then there was the whole memory loss thing which had me wandering the country with Scootaloo for months on end. And even when I got it back I was busy with trying to overthrow Celestia and Decimus.”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide. “So you chose to be there for Equestria over your friend?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I always intended to come back and see her, but… but there was always something to do.”

Applejack sighs. “I… know how you feel.”

“You… you do?”

“Granny Smith. She… isn’t getting any better.”

“She’s sick?”

Applejack nods sadly. “Has been for a long time. “

“I… I’m sorry, Applejack.”

“Nopony but me and Big Mac know this, but… her dementia is getting worse.”

“When did you find out?”

“A few weeks before Ponyville was destroyed.”

“But… but you’ve been helping lead the country since Twilight took the throne!”

“That I have.”

“Wouldn’t you rather be with you grandmother?!”

Applejack nods. “Yeah. But my friends and country needed me. Just like you.”

“The others could have…!”

“Yes, they could have. But somepony else could have led in your place too.”

She puts a hand on his shoulder before continuing.

“Arc… I’m going to tell you something Granny Smith said when she learned the others were going to Canterlot to help Twilight and I told her I was thinking of staying with her instead.”


“She told me to go with the others. And when I hesitated she said not to worry about her.”

Arc smirks. “Sounds like something Shelly would have said.”

“Then she told me something I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”

“What was it?”

Applejack smiles as she looks to Arc. “She said… ‘I’ll go to the great farm in the sky when I die, my dear. Your parents and I will be there waiting for you and your siblings when your time comes.’”

Closing her eyes, Applejack smiles before speaking again.

“We’ll be together again someday. It might take a while, of course. But she insisted that I had things to do that needed to be done.”

“Like me.”


They are silent for a time. Eventually Applejack breaks it.

“Granny Smith, she… doesn’t have all the time in the world like we young’uns do. Her words, not mine. But I know she’s proud of me for all I’ve done. Managing the farm when I grew up. Helping raise Apple Bloom. Becoming an Element Bearer. Helping lead the nation. And… falling in love with you.”

“She knows?”

“I didn’t tell her though. She just kinda noticed I was a bit… different when the subject of you came up.”

“And how does she feel about the whole herd idea?”

“Happy, actually.”


“I was surprised too. So I asked her to explain her feelings on the matter.”

“What did she say?”

“That you’d take especially good care of me and Apple Bloom. And she would be happy there’d be somepony looking after me when she’s gone.”

She looks him in the eye before continuing.

“I never met Shelly. But if she’s anything like you described her… she felt the same about you, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Y-yeah. Thanks, Applejack.”

“Remember… you’re not alone in this.”

“I suppose not.”

Applejack turns to looks forward again. “So… let’s go find out. One way or the other.”

Arc takes a deep breath. “Okay. I… I need to do this.”

Putting the vehicle into drive, Arc steps on the gas and continues on. As they re-enter town they head for Shelly’s Kitchen. Pulling into the lot Applejack sees that the restaurant is empty and dark.

“Little early to be closed, isn’t it?”

Arc shakes his head as they park. “They close at two. It gives them time to clean and prepare for tomorrow.”

Getting out of the Jeep, he turns to Applejack as she joins him in front of the hood.

“Um… would you do me a favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Don’t mention the whole herd thing to them.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “They don’t know about it?”

“No. Things like that aren’t culturally acceptable here on Earth.”

“They’re not okay back in Equestria either, so I get where you’re coming from.”

“They know Rarity and I are an item, but not about my relationship with you and the others.”

“I’ll keep it to myself then.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about this.”

Applejack chuckles. “It’s fine, sugarcube. If you don’t say anything, neither will I.”

Arc tries the front door, but finds it locked. Looking through the glass he spots Lily sitting in a booth going over the day’s receipts. Knocking lightly he waves to her as she looks up. Grinning, the young woman runs over to the door and unlocks it.

“Arc! Welcome back!”

They embrace as Applejack smiles approvingly. Eventually Lily steps back and takes Arc’s hands.

“It’s so good to see you again!”

“You too, Lily.”

He motions for Applejack to approach. Lily smiles at her as she does so.

“Lily, this is another one of my friends from Ponyville. Her name’s… uh…”

Applejack extends a hand. “Applejack.”

“Pleased to meet you… miss.”

“It’s a… nickname.”

Lily nods. “Then we’ll go with that.”

Arc smiles nervously. “She and I are… visiting.”

“That’s nice. Everything okay though?”

“Y-yeah. Mostly, I mean.”

Lily takes Arc’s hand and turns back to the building.

“Let’s go inside. There’s someone else whom I’m sure is dying to see you again, Arc.”

They enter the dining room and head over to the kitchen. Passing through the double doors they spot a young man at a counter emptying a dishwasher. Arc raises an eyebrow.


Turning, Frank smiles and walks over to them.

“Arc! Good to see you again, my friend!”

“Likewise, Frank.”

Lily motions to Applejack. “Arc’s brought a friend with him again!”

Frank looks Applejack over. “Forgive me, miss. Have we met before?”

“You don’t remember? It’s me, Applejack. From Ponyville?”

Frank looks to Arc. He puts an index finger to his lips soberly as Frank extends his hand to the young woman.

“Yes, now I remember you. Please forgive my lapse in memory.”

Applejack laughs. “It’s probably the dress. I don’t wear them very often.”

Lily smiles. “You do look very nice in it though. As do you, Arc.”

“What is the occasion, my friend?”

“I just wanted to look my best. I’m taking Applejack out for dinner tonight after I show her our town. But, uh… is there anyone else here, Lily?”

Lily shakes her head. “Nope. Just Frank and I at the moment.”

“We were just finishing with today’s chores while we…”

The back door opens. Snake, Jackal, and Wolf enter carrying numerous bags which they set on the counter.

“We got everything you asked for, boss.”

“Yeah. And it was a lot!”

“Hopefully it’s the right stuff.”

Frank nods approvingly. “I’m sure you three did fine. Is that everything from the van?”

Snake nods. “Yes sir.”

Jackal points a finger toward the door. “Me forget to put it back in garage!”

They large man hurries out the door. However no sooner has he done so as someone else enters. Arc gasps at the sight before him. Shelly slowly walks inside with the aid of a cane as she beams at their guests.

“Well, this is a surprise!”


Running over to her, Arc carefully hugs the young woman. She returns the embrace happily.

“It’s been too long!”

Arc smiles widely. “That it has!”

Frank nods. “And he’s brought along a friend.”

Applejack steps forward. “Hey there. Name’s Applejack.”

Shelly extends a hand. “Shelly.”

Arc chimes in quickly. “She’s from Ponyville.”

“Ah! Is Rarity here as well?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nah. Just me.”

“How are things in Ponyville these days?”

Arc chuckles. “Very… peaceful at the moment. But how are YOU, Shelly?”

Shelly smiles as she motions to her cane. “As you can see, doing much better.”

“But how?!”

Lily giggles. “The doctor has her on a new treatment. It appears to be working.”

Shelly nods. “Yes, I feel great. Well, as good as someone like me can feel, that is.”

Frank motions to the stairs. “Why don’t we get you upstairs though, Shelly? You should be resting after walking through the store with my boys.”

“I am a bit tired after all that.”

Applejack appears concerned. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Applejack extends an arm which Shelly takes. Helping the woman toward the door, Lily leads the way upstairs as Frank calls back to his guys.

“Put the perishables away first!”

Wolf groans. “Yes, boss.”

Snake chuckles. “We got this, sir.”

Entering the apartment, Applejack turns to Shelly.

“Which way?”


Arc frowns. “Don’t you need to lie down though?”

“Yes, but I need my medication first.”

Applejack leads Shelly over to a kitchen chair as Frank acquires her pills from a nearby cupboard. Lily fills a glass of water and sets it before her friend as Frank places the pills carefully in her hand. Putting them to her mouth, she picks up the water and takes a long drink. Arc smiles.

“So… tell me, Shelly. How’s your quality of life these days?”

“Much better. I can walk with my cane and even go to the store without needing a nap in the car afterwards.”

Applejack grins. “That’s good to hear.”

Lily turns to him. “So how long are you going to be in town this time, Arc?”

“Just for the day actually.”

Applejack nods. “Yeah. I’m just here to take care of some… personal business.”

Frank chuckles. “Then we won’t inquire further.”


Lily looks the woman up and down. “That’s a very nice dress, Applejack.”

Shelly grins. “As is your outfit, Arc.”

Lily looks to the clock. “Would you two like to stay for lunch? It’s going to be a simple one, of course.”


Applejack interrupts him. “We’d love to!”

Arc chuckles. “Guess we’re staying then.”

Frank stands. “How about I make us some sandwiches then?”

Lily turns to Applejack. “Do you have a favorite?”

“Not really. I’m pretty easy in that department.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “No meat though.”

Applejack blushes slightly at her mistake. “Oh! Uh, right! Thanks!”

Shelly smiles. “That’s fine. We can go vegetarian today.”

Frank and Lily make a number of sandwiches as Applejack and Arc talk with Shelly. A short time later they all sit down to their meal together. Lily turns to Arc.

“So how are things in where you’re from, Applejack?”

“Kinda rough at the moment.”


Arc sighs. “Remember how I told you there was trouble with the nation’s leadership before I left?”

“What about it?”

“Trouble got too close.”

Frank gasps. “What happened?”

“Someone in the military ordered their town burned down.”


Shelly’s eyes grow wide. “But why?!”

Arc sighs. “It was… um…”

Applejack cuts him off. “…politically motivated. The one whom ordered it was trying to get to somep… someone else.”

Lily frowns. “To some folks their citizen’s lives are just not important.”

Frank looks to Arc. “Did the princesses stop them?”

“At the time, no.”

Applejack nods. “Right. Another individual, whom is really high up in the government, saw to it the citizens were relocated until the danger had passed.”

“Fortunately no one was killed. Well, none of the citizens anyways.”

Lily appears relieved. “So is this an ongoing matter?”

Applejack shakes her head. “No, it’s been settled.”

Arc shrugs. “More or less, that is.”

Shelly frowns. “Uh oh. Some of the troublemakers still at large?”

Applejack nods. “They’re still out there, yes.”

Arc clenches a fist under the table. “Yup. But their days are numbered.”

Frank clears his throat. “Well, I certainly hope Rarity and her little one are doing well.”

Lily smiles. “As are Dawn and Daisy, I hope.”

“My cousin and her daughter are just fine. However, Rarity was hurt during the attack on the town.”

Shelly gasps. “Oh my!”

Frank leans forward. “Is she alright?!”

Arc sighs. “She had a concussion and a lot of bruises.”

Applejack looks to Lily. “But she’s been up and around for a while now.”

“And she’s… okay with you traveling with Applejack here?”

Arc nods. “Completely.”

“Right. Rarity’s actually a good friend of both of ours.”

Arc chuckles. “Not to worry. She approved of this little trip.”

Frank grins slyly. “That’s good, my friend. After all, you know what they say about a woman scorned.”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t do that to her.”

Lily giggles. “Of course not. But you have to admit that it’s a bit… strange seeing you here without her.”

Shelly looks to Applejack. “What is she up to these days?”

“Helping organize the other citizens of Ponyville. They have a lot of things to do before moving back.”

Frank winks at Arc. “Would my Shards be of help to them in such a task?”

Arc shakes his head. “They’re being given a lot of help from the capital. Reconstruction, reparations, and transport back home is top of the list right now.”

Lily grimaces. “Do you think they’re really safe though?”

Applejack nods. “I believe so. After all, the bad fellas lost their advantage and had to withdraw from the region not too long ago.”

Arc grins. “Right. They come back and the military will crush them again.”

Frank chuckles. “It sounds like things truly are on the mend over there.”

Shelly sighs. “That’s a load off our minds.”

Lily grins. “Shelly and I have been beside ourselves with worry ever since you left!”

“Sorry. And I’ll try to come back more often to visit.”

Frank nods soberly. “Please do, my friend.”

They finish their lunch. Arc stands and clears the table as he turns to Lily.

“How about we get these dishes going?”

“In that outfit, Arc?!”

Frank frowns. “She’s right. Let me do that.”

Shelly yawns as she slowly stands.

“I think I need a bit of an after lunch nap myself.”

Arc turns to her. “Shall I help you to bed?”

“Please do.”

Taking her hand, Arc leads his friend to her bedroom and helps her lie down. Removing her shoes, he pulls the blanket up over her and smiles.

“How’s that?”

Shelly smiles sleepily. “Very nice. Thank you for coming to see us.”

“And thank you for lunch.”

“Come back with the others next time though.”

Arc grins. “I will.”

Leaning down, he gently kisses Shelly’s forehead before quietly leaving the room.

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