• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Exotic Antiques

Sereb appears confused. “Eh?”

“The metal is faintly blue for some reason.”

Derpy looks over his shoulder. “Could it have been treated to look like that?”

Hammer shakes her head. “I don’t know what could do that. Especially given the technology all those years ago.”

Scootaloo steps forward. “Let me see it.”

Arc hands the key to Scootaloo. She tosses it to herself a few times before looking at it closely.

“My mom had a few instruments that were made out of this metal back in Knothole Village.”

Sereb appears hopeful. “Oh? What kind of metal was it?”

“She told me they were pure mithril.”

Cherry calls out to them. “That’s pretty rare back in Equestria. How about here, Arc?”

“Mithril doesn’t exist on Earth.”

Hammer nods. “Right. It’s not real.”

Scootaloo turns to Hammer. “In our land it is.”

Arc nods. “Right. Several components of the vehicle we used to get away from the military’s forces were built from it.”

Hammer grins. “I wouldn’t mind getting under the hood of that baby then!”

“Yes, well… it’s not currently in my possession. In any case, let’s get back to this key. Scootaloo, are you completely sure this is mithril?”

Scootaloo nods soberly. “One hundred percent.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “But what does that mean?”

“That the chest isn’t of this world. The thing I don’t understand is how my grandfather would have come into possession of something like this.”

Sereb frowns. “Can I assume that we cannot ask him directly?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. He died when I was just a boy.”

Cherry sighs. “So I guess that means the only way to figure this out would be to use the key to open the chest.”

“I suppose so. But like I said, I tried it in the past and got nowhere.”

Derpy grins. “You’ve grown a lot since then though. Maybe it just needs a bit of force to open?”

Wiseman chuckles. “Let up adjourn to the basement and find out.”

Heading downstairs along with the others, Scootaloo looks around.

“I’ve never seen a chest down here before. Where is it, Big Brother?”

“Before my squad moved in down here I moved it to the side room next to the furnace. Let me get it.”

Opening a door, Arc steps inside. A few moments later he emerges pushing a large chest roughly two feet tall. Sereb closes the door behind him as Arc steps back.

“Here it is.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “It’s certainly… an odd shape.”

Scootaloo nods. “And looks really old.”

Cherry gasps. “Any idea when it was constructed, Arc?”

“Not a clue. But it’s been in this house since long before I was born.”

Hammer looks the chest over. “The material it’s made of has a really strange patina to it.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

Arc nods. “It’s a layer of oxidation that forms on metal that’s old.”

“I’ve seen green, tan, and dark brown patinas. But this one is new. It doesn’t look like it should.”

Wiseman looks at them. “And why do you suppose that is?”

Derpy raises a hand. “Is it perhaps made of an exotic metal like the key?”

“Yes, Derpy. Both are not of this world.”

Hammer frowns. “But how is that possible?! Are you saying Arc’s grandfather was an alien, or something?!”

Wiseman shakes his head. “No. He was as human as they come. However if you’d like to know more you must open the chest.”

Arc sighs. “I guess there’s no other way.”

Stepping forward, Arc puts the key in the lock. Turning it, he attempts to open the lid. Tugging as hard as he is able it does not move.

“Just like last time.”

He turns to Wiseman.

“But I get the feeling you know how to open it.”

Wiseman nods. “Indeed.”

Hammer groans. “Care to share that information, bucko?”

Wiseman nods. “Of course. Just put your hand on top of the chest as you turn the key.

Derpy appears surprised. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

Sereb growls. “Arc, this may not be prudent. After all, we have no idea what’s in there.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “Whatever it is has been here for a long time, so I doubt it’s too dangerous.”

Cherry sighs. “And Wiseman’s never let us down before.”

Arc frowns. “I disagree with that statement.”

Hammer steps forward. “Well, how about I do it then?”

Wiseman shakes his head. “You could, Hammer. But that would not work.”

Hammer grins. “Just you watch!”

Putting a hand on top of the chest, Hammer turns the key in the lock several times. But nothing happens.

“As I said, it will not work for you. Arc must do this himself.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

Hammer steps back and allows Arc to approach. Kneeling down, he puts a hand on the chest’s top and takes ahold of the key. Sighing, he looks to the others.

“Here goes nothing.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Good luck!”

Turning the key, Arc is pushed back as the top of the chest distends rapidly into a dome-like surface. Hammer grabs Arc’s arm and pulls him back as Sereb jumps in front of Derpy and Scootaloo.

Hammer looks to Arc. “What the heck?!”

Scootaloo turns to their guest. “Wiseman, what’s going on?!”

“It’s activating. Please be patient.”

A few moments later a cone of light extends upward and a visage shines forth. Arc slowly stands, not taking his eyes off the light.

“This… this is IMPOSSIBLE!”

Derpy looks to him. “What…?”

Sereb growls. “Something’s coming forth!”

Slowly a form takes shape. Arc can only stammer as it does so.


Wiseman shakes his head. “It’s only a magical hologram of sorts. Think of this like an old recording.”

As the visage finishes materializing it smiles and begins to speak.

“Hello, my descendant. If you are seeing this, I can only assume there is once again trouble in Equestria.”

Arc gasps. “Wait, what…?”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “How does he know about…?!”

“If you are truly of my bloodline, then you should have no problem opening this vessel and claiming those items within which can render aid. Clear your mind and allow only that which is pure and good to fill it. Then... turn the key to receive that which you require.”

The visage fades. No one speaks for a moment. Eventually Hammer breaks the silence.

“What the heck was that all about?!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Pure thoughts.”

Sereb frowns. “Come again?”

Derpy grins. “Your thoughts are the key, Arc!”

Cherry calls out. “Maybe only someone who is good can open it?”

Wiseman chuckles. “You’re close, Cherry. Only one of Arc’s bloodline can open this chest.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “Be careful, Big Brother. I don’t trust all this talk.”

“Neither do I, Scootaloo. But… I have to do this.”

Focusing, Arc reaches for the key again. Taking it in his hand he slowly turns it. A slight click is heard as he does so. Putting both hands on the lid, Arc gently pushes it open. With a slight creak and a groan the lid gives way and swings upward on its hinges. Gazing into the chest Arc spies a very old looking scroll sitting on top of a large dark purple cloth. Carefully picking it up and unrolling it he begins to read aloud.

“To you whom seeks… pull back the cloth and don that which you find. Then stand before me again to learn more.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh…”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Is there any more?”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s it.”

Sereb looks inside the chest. “Pull back the cloth, eh?”

Cherry calls out. “There must be something useful under it.”

Arc shrugs. “One way to find out.”

Stepping forward, Arc grabs the cloth and pulls it away. Reaching inside he pulls out a chest plate. Cherry gasps.


Hammer nods. “Looks like it.”

Scootaloo grabs something and pulls it out. “Here’s a strange looking helmet!”

Sereb puts his paws on the side of the chest. “And a pair of boots with matching greaves.”

Derpy picks up the cloth and looks it over. “This has a chain on it. I think it’s a cape of some kind.”

Cherry gasps. “Looks like there’s also gauntlets and pauldrons in there as well.”

Wiseman nods. “A full set of armor.”

Arc turns to Wiseman. “What do I do with it?”

Derpy looks to Arc. “The scroll said to put it on.”

Scootaloo frowns. “But why?”

Sereb shrugs. “No idea. However there is no harm in doing so.”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. After all, it’s just metal.”

“I guess.”

Sitting down, Arc pulls on the boots.

“If nothing else, they’re comfortable.”

Scootaloo steps forward. “Here’s the greaves, Big Brother.”

Putting them on, Arc looks down.

“Nice fit.”

Hammer grins. “Next the chest plate.”

She assists Arc in putting on the armor as Derpy approaches.

“The gauntlets.”

Arc nods and holds up his hands. Derpy slips them on him as he wiggles his fingers.

“These joints work perfectly!”

Wiseman holds out the items. “And lastly… the pauldrons and helmet.”

His horn aglow, Sereb assists Arc in putting them on his shoulders before levitating the helmet over to him. Taking it in his hands, Arc looks at the faceplate for some time silently.

“It… looks like a lion.”

Sereb nods approvingly. “Very appropriate.”

Derpy giggles. “Yes it is. Try putting it on, Arc.”

Doing so, Arc looks all around. Hammer grins and nods.

“Looking sexy, Arc!”

“Thanks. Um… this is a bit odd.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Is something wrong?”

“I can see… everything.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Well, it has eyeholes for a reason.”

“No, no! I mean that the helmet isn’t hindering my vision. It’s just like Eidolon’s Ward’s helmet.”

Cherry gasps. “You’re saying it’s enchanted?!”

Arc nods. “That’s the only thing I can think of, yes.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Enchanted?”

“I’ll explain it to you later. Right now I’d like to finish what was started.”

Kneeling down, Arc closes the chest and stands before it. The dome again forms on top as the visage once more presents itself.

“My name… is Daniel Williams. Many years ago I along with my two sisters, Megan and Molly, were transported to a faraway land known as Equestria. It was a relatively peaceful land benevolently ruled by a wonderful king and queen.”

Arc frowns. “What the…? A king and queen?”

Sereb shrugs. “I have never heard of this.”

Cherry calls out. “Shush! I want to hear the story!”

“Megan, being the oldest, was entrusted with a powerful magical artifact known as the Rainbow of Light. It gave us the power to defeat several wicked denizens whom desired to bring about ruin to the land.”

Hammer frowns. “And where exactly is this so-called Rainbow of Light now?”

Arc chuckles. “I’m pretty sure this is just a recording of…”

“It is located within this dome and is currently projecting my visage. Please do not remove it before attaining all the answers you seek from me.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “That was… unexpected.”

Derpy grins. “I’ll say! Do you think we can ask it other things?”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s a projection! I doubt we could just…!”

“Yes. Ask and I will attempt to answer.”

Arc frowns. “Um… okay. What exactly are you?”

“A magical manifestation of Daniel Williams.”

Scootaloo looks it over cautiously. “Are you alive?”

“I am not. Think of me as an echo of the person I represent.”

Sereb taps the dome with a paw. “Were all the memories of this human stored within the chest?”

“Many of them were, yes. However the chest is only a container. The real magic is held within the Rainbow of Light.”

Hammer turns to him. “Maybe we ought to start with what you’re wearing, Arc.”

“Agreed. What can you tell us of this armor, grandpa?”

“To understand that would require a detailed explanation of several events in the past. Shall I start at the beginning?”


“The land of Equestria was originally a very peaceful place. The equine inhabitants lived their lives with little regard to the dangers that occasionally popped up. When the land was in danger, or if we simply wanted to, my sisters and I would use the power contained within the Rainbow of Light to cross the transdimensional barrier separating our two worlds.

Hammer gasps. “Other worlds?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, Hammer. Earth is one side and Equestria is another.”

“Are there others?”

Daniel nods. “While the one whom gave us the Rainbow of Light did confirm the existence of other worlds, he was unsure how to access them.”

Cherry calls out. “Unsure?”

“We never knew if he was hiding the information or honestly didn’t know. Since it was of little importance we let the matter go.”

Derpy appears as if an idea strikes her. “Who was this individual? Was it Star Swirl the Bearded?”

“I am not familiar with anyone by that name. The individual in question was a gnome by the name of ‘The Moochick’.”

Scootaloo frowns. “What’s a gnome?”

“A small humanlike creature with magical powers. His were exceptionally powerful though.”

Sereb frowns. “You spoke earlier of using the power of the Rainbow of Light to fight enemies of the land. What became of that battle? Were you victorious?”

“For the most part, yes. Many creatures were defeated in this manner.”

Hammer grins “So you brought peace to the land?”

“For a time, yes. However, eventually a creature surfaced that proved too much for the Rainbow of Light’s powers.”

Arc grimaces. “What happened?”

“A terrible darkness befell the land, corrupting all that was wholesome and good… twisting it to further its borders.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Darkness has borders?”

“This did, yes. It creeped along the ground, leaving nothing but ruin in its wake. Think of it like the movement of shadows as the sun crosses the sky.”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “So some were able to escape?”

“Many were, yes. They fled to the Dream Castle as it was the final bastion of hope.”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “What made it so special?”

“That was where Megan and the Rainbow of Light resided. The darkness was prevented from encroaching on the castle or its grounds as long as that remained true.”

Arc sighs. “But that didn’t last forever, did it?”

“No. Eventually the creatures whom had been corrupted by the darkness began assaulting the castle. While they were weakened within the confines of the castle grounds they made up for it through sheer numbers. The armor you now wear was constructed for me on orders of the king and queen to protect me as I did my best to defend the castle.”

Hammer grimaces. “Did the castle fall?”

“That is… complicated.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Can you elaborate?”

“The king and queen knew it was only a matter of time before the walls were breached and all hope would be lost. Not willing to allow their entire race to be wiped out, together they cast a very special spell on the Rainbow of Light. It allowed the queen to use her great and powerful magical abilities to open a portal to safety. As unstable as it was though, only a handful of the inhabitants made it through before the enemy breached the Throne Room. Myself and the king held them back to give the ponies time to flee.”

Sereb nods approvingly. “A valiant stance.”

“As the final few ran for their lives from the unstoppable onslaught, the king ordered me to take his wife and run. I threw my weapon aside, ran straight for her, and shoved her through the closing portal as the king himself coved our escape.”

Scootaloo grins. “So she made it to safety?”

“Not exactly. While she was physically unharmed, the queen had used more mana than anyone thought possible. With her final bit of strength she cast a spell on herself. In a flash of light she was gone. And in her place a small crystal sapling grew before our eyes.”

Derpy gasps. “A sapling? Like a tree?”

“Yes. The queen’s voice reverberated in our heads at that point. She commanded us to bring forth her daughters.”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “What for?”

“To safeguard the fillies. Two pods formed around them and filled with fluid as they closed their eyes.”

Cherry gasps. “You just let the tree have them?!”

“The queen told us it was necessary for the survival of their race.”

Arc frowns. “What happened next?”

“My sister Megan was appointed ruler then and there by the queen. She then told us that the spell she had cast did not teleport us to another world. But instead had brought us to the future.”

Hammer’s jaw drops. “Wait, what?!”

Arc frowns. “The future? What about that shadow that had threatened to destroy everyone?”

“It was significantly weakened from the centuries of having nothing to feed on. Taking the Rainbow of Light from Megan, I climbed the ancient stairs to the tallest tower in the castle. Holding it up, the land was bathed in a rainbow colored light. The shadows were dissolved nearly immediately, of course. However the damage was done.”

Scootaloo frowns. “To the castle?”

“To the world. Nothing was left alive and eternal night reigned. It took the combined efforts of every magic wielding unicorn to again raise the sun so the land would again be bright. Only then could the monumental task of rebuilding commence.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “The two filly princesses… what were their names?”

“Celestia and Luna.”

Arc frowns. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Derpy appears confused. “Arc?”

“Luna specifically told me that she and her sister weren’t actually blood related and were raised for some time in an orphanage.”

Scootaloo gasps. “Why would she have lied about something like that?”

Hammer looks to the visage. “I somehow get the feeling you had something to do with that.”

Daniel nods. “That I did. With the death of the queen and her rebirth as the crystal tree of sorts, I was tasked with removing the remnants of the shadow’s creatures while Queen Megan ruled the land with Chancellor Molly by her side.”

Arc frowns. “Why you?”

“Because I possessed the only suit of armor left that could resist the shadow’s power. Anyone else would have been corrupted.”

Hammer grins. “Did you complete the mission?”

“Yes and no. While the world again knew peace, I could still sense darkness at the fringes. Sadly I was never able to fully root it out.”

Arc sighs. “What of the princesses?”

“They remained in their cocoons. That is, until my sisters came up with a plan along with the tree.”

Scootaloo grins. “Tell us of this plan.”

“A very powerful spell was cast with the aid of the tree. One that covered the entire world in an instant.”

Arc nods. “And the purpose of this spell?”

“To simultaneously wipe everyone’s memory of the past. It caused them to forget all about the shadow that destroyed the world in addition to the previous royal family.”

Derpy gasps. “What about your sisters?”

“The tree believed that our citizens needed to be able to stand on its own. Megan and Molly agreed with it and lent their support. After the spell was cast, they and I returned to Earth with the Rainbow of Light… never to return.”

Sereb sighs. “And that was the end of that forgotten chapter in history.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Without a leader in place the pony races banded together to form the three nations. Warring amongst themselves for many years before being brought together again by a plan orchestrated by Star Swirl the Bearded.”

He looks to the visage again.

“Did you have anything to do with that plan?”

Daniel nods. “Yes. In truth, I was summoned back to Equestria by the tree a number of years later to put into motion its plan. The tree released the unconscious Celestia and Luna, whom hadn’t aged a day since the last time I saw them, and asked me to carry them to a specific building in the Unicorn Kingdom.”

Arc gasps. “The orphanage?”

“They would be raised in the new culture of the land until Star Swirl the Bearded could locate them.”

Sereb frowns. “Locate? You mean the tree wasn’t working with him?”

“Our former queen wished to help, yes. But not to directly involve herself as she had in the past. The ponies of the land needed to believe that it was of their own doing that peace was attained. I did that for her before using the Rainbow of Light to return home to Earth again.”

Arc nods. “The soldier arrived at the orphanage with the orb. Celestia touched it and made it glow. Luna did so as well and did something similar. They were brought up by Star Swirl to be the future monarchs of the land.”

Cherry giggles. “And the rest everypony already knows.”

Hammer appears confused. “Uh…”

Derpy turns to her. “They’ve ruled the land since that time centuries ago.”

Arc nods. “And maintained the peace.”

He looks to Wiseman before continuing.

“I don’t understand. What does this have to do with me?”

“Your grandfather Daniel fought to save the land many years ago. However his story did not end there, nor did Equestria’s troubles.”

Daniel nods. “Correct. Creatures of shadow did pop up from time to time in an effort to regain a foothold in the land. Eventually even Princess Luna herself was corrupted and forced into exile by her sister. Worried that she herself would fall prey to a similar fate, she created the Hero of Light.”

Sereb frowns. “But how do you know of that?!”

Derpy nods. “Right! That happened centuries ago!”

“After Nightmare Moon attacked, Princess Celestia was on the edge of madness herself after what she had done to her only remaining family member. In response, she cast an ancient and forbidden spell. One that would summon aid in the greatest hour of need. That spell opened the path between our worlds and summoned me through space and time to help safeguard the land once again.”

Cherry gasps. “Wait! Safeguard the land?! You mean you were…?!”

“Yes. I was the very first Hero of Light.”

Arc frowns. “But that was so long ago.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow suspiciously. “Just how old are you?!”

“At the time of this story I was but a young man. However at the time of your question… I am deceased.”

Scootaloo turns to Daniel’s visage. “Did you ever see what become of either princess?”

“Oh, yes. Many years later I even fought by Princess Celestia’s side.”

Derpy sounds confused. “But they were fillies when you originally met. By the time you were grown weren’t you too old for combat?”

“While I am not sure how exactly it was done, I was pulled through space and time to be where I needed to be in order to render aid.”

Hammer frowns. “And who the heck was able to do THAT?!”

“Princess Celestia herself.”

Cherry grins. “With the Rainbow of Light?”

“No. That was in my possession back on Earth at the time. In the dark days of a bloody war with the Griffon Kingdom and the Great Demon Kingdom all hope was lost. Using the forbidden spell, Celestia called forth the land’s greatest hero. At that point in history that honor fell to me.”

Arc nods. “So you helped her end the war?”

“Yes. With the land again safe from its enemies, I was appointed Hero of Light and tasked with the duty of safeguarding the kingdom from any who might cause harm. Even if the danger came from Princess Celestia herself.”

Sereb growls. “So you lived out your life in Equestria?”

“I… did not. While I was torn between Earth and Equestria for a long time I choose the latter.”

Scootaloo frowns. “What made you change your mind?”

“Before I had been summoned, I had met and courted a young woman. While I lacked the courage to ask for her hand in marriage, my time in Equestria gave me a new vigor and determination. Using a magical mirror I found in one of the castle’s storage rooms I was able to return to Earth without alerting anyone.”

Arc gasps. “You mean you did it in secret?”

“Yes. You see, Princess Celestia had become too dependent on me to keep the peace in her kingdom. Rather than let her lose all that had been built I decided to leave her and return to my former life.”

Hammer grins. “Did you marry your sweetheart?!”

“Yes. She and I had children together and raised them as best we could.”

He looks to Arc happily.

“It would appear you were the eventual offspring of our children’s descendants. Now then, I have a question for you?”

Arc gasps. “Me?”

“Yes. What need of you for my old armor?”

“I was told I would need it soon.”

Wiseman nods. “Indeed. Equestria will again be in danger as will its rulers.”

Daniel sighs. “Very well. Unfortunately, the Rainbow of Light is old and devoid of much of its power due to many years of disuse. It is not likely it can return you to Equestria without first being transferred to another vessel.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Another what now?!”

Sereb growls. “We will need to find an item capable of containing the power within that artifact.”

Derpy sighs. “But where would we find something like that?”

Scootaloo grimaces. “And here on Earth, no less.”

“Do you have any suggestions on items we could use for this purpose, grandpa?”

“Anything well made of precious metals would suffice. Gemstones would be even better.”

Wiseman looks to Arc. “What about Cherry’s pendant?”

“I’m not sure I want to…”

Cherry calls out to him. “Please do, Arc! This will almost certainly be of use if you need to return to Equestria quickly!”

Arc sighs. “Very well.”

Reaching into his ring, Arc pulls out the pendant. He looks it over for a long moment before holding it up to the visage.

“Will this do?”

“It will, yes.”

“What do I have to do?”

“Simply touch it to the dome. I’ll handle the rest.”

Stepping forward, Arc does as instructed. A blinding light fills the room momentarily as the transfer is made. Opening their eyes everyone stares at the pendant nervously. Derpy is the first to speak.

“Did it… work?”

Scootaloo gasps. “Looks like it.”

Sereb steps forward. “I can sense the raw power of this item all the way over here!”

Hammer points a finger. “That and it’s glowing now!”


Looking at the pendant, Arc sees a weak glow in the largest central ruby. Daniel sighs and shakes his head.

“It would appear the power left in the Rainbow of Light was less than I thought. While definitely still there, you will need to recharge this new artifact before it can be used for this purpose.”

Sereb groans. “That would take significant amounts of energy to rekindle, would it not?”

“Indeed. Several powerful magic users will be needed.”

Arc bows his head. “I… thank you, grandfather. I’ll use the armor and this item well.”

Daniel smiles at him. “That much I can tell. However, with the energy gone from the Rainbow Heart, this device will cease to function very soon.”

Hammer gasps. “Can’t you transfer to that thing in Arc’s hand too?!”

“Yes. But I was not asked to.”

Arc grins. “Please do so.”

“Very well.”

The visage closes its eyes and concentrates. A few moments later it fades away as the light from the heart in Arc’s hand glows slightly brighter.

“Can you still hear me, grandpa?”

“I can, yes. While I cannot instruct you further on the path you should take, I am certain you will find a way to bring this new Rainbow of Light up to full power.”

Arc nods as he looks at the heart in his palm.

“That I will, grandpa. That I will.”

For a time no one speaks. Eventually Derpy breaks the silence.

“What now, Arc?”

Sereb turns to him. “Shall we ask Frank and his Shards to help?”

“Not right now. Right now only one thing matters to me.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Arc sighs. “Making sure Shelly’s last Christmas is memorable.”

Wiseman steps forward. “I can help with that.”

Derpy appears surprised. “With Christmas?”

Sereb growls. “Please don’t.”

“I meant empowering the pendant.”

Arc groans. “What do we have to do?”

“Simply allow me to channel some of my power into it.”

Arc holds out the pendant, allowing Wiseman to touch it. With a flash of light the central ruby glows brightly for a time before appearing to go dormant. Derpy looks it over cautiously.

“Did it… work?”

Hammer joins her. “I hope so.”

Wiseman nods. “Yes. This new Rainbow of Light is now capable of opening a portal from Earth to Equestria, and vice versa. Simply concentrate on any location you have a sigil, or the Crystal Mirror itself, for the best results.”

Arc grimaces. “If this thing works I’ll thank you.”

Wiseman chuckles. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Cherry giggles. "Look on the bright side, Arc. At least now you'll be protected in future battles."

Arc sighs. "I was kinda wondering what to do about that."

Hammer grins. "Well, your family had your back."

Sereb chuckles. "And now our enemies won't stand a chance."

Derpy smiles. "That's right. But now that you have this armor, what now?"

Arc looks down at his gauntlet and sighs. "Nothing in that regard has changed. All I want is to give Shelly a proper Christmas. Everything else can wait."

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