• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,605 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - Taking the Initiative

Later that morning Arc and Rose sit in a small café across the street from the bank.

“I’ve gotta hand it to you, Rose. This plan is a LOT safer than the one I had in mind.”

“Thank you. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. That and I just had the base idea. You were the one who expanded on it, after all.”

Arc's earring chirps.

“Go ahead.”

Xenos’ voice comes over the radio waves. “I’m walking up to the bank now with Max.”

“Good. Are Viktor, Hugh, and Sereb in position?”

Max nods. “Yes sir. They’re sitting in your Jeep in a parking lot a few buildings down.”

Rose gets close to Arc’s ear. “What about Ember?”

“She’s sitting in the lobby.”

Max looks over to her. “Ember just looked over and nodded. No Shard members in there.”

“Good. Now you two know what to do and say, right?”

Xenos chuckles. “Yeah. Our part of this is easy.”

“We’ll take care of it, sir.”

Arc frowns.. “Good. If anything goes wrong though, get out of there.”

“Arc’s right! Don’t risk getting hurt for this!”

Xenos nods. “Yes sir.”

“I’ll watch things from over here. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and sighs.

“The Hero of Light should be the one doing this.”

Rose turns to looks out the window. “That may be. But he’s easily recognized. The others aren’t.”

Arc nods. “Yes, well… if things get out of hand I’ll head over there and help.”

“You mean ‘we’, right?”

“You aren’t bound by your directives anymore, Rose. There’s nothing forcing you to do that.”

“Agreed. But I want to help. You’ve done so much for me. Been so kind to a soulless being like me. I want to do my part to make this mission a success.”

“Thanks. But you’re more than a mechanical doll to me.”

Rose appears confused. “What am I then?”

“A friend.”

Meanwhile, Max and Xenos walk into the bank. They approach the teller on duty.

“Can I help you gentlemen?”

Max nods. “Yes, we’d like to sign up for a safety deposit box please.”

“Both of you?”

Xenos smiles. “Yes ma’am.”

The teller gives them each a form.

“Just fill these out and I’ll get each of you your keys.”

Max nods as the teller walks away. “Thank you.”

Ember looks around the room as Max and Xenos pick up pens and begin to write. She frowns.

“Did that table just move a bit?”

Ember stands up and walks toward the bathroom. As she nears the table in question there is a slight rustling. Frowning, she pushes the door open and steps into a stall.

“Someone’s out there.”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a radio.

“Ember to Arc.”

“This is Arc. What is it, Ember?”

“I think there’s someone inside the bank cloaked!”

Rose turns and looks at the bank for a moment. “My scanners don’t show any magical items in there.”

“That may be, Rose. But your scanners are only set up to detect Equestrian magic, right?”


Ember frowns. “So you might not be able to see through a human’s spells.”

“That is certainly possible.”

Arc sighs. “Great. Should we abort the mission, Ember?”

Ember shakes her head. “We’re already underway. The three of us can handle this.”

Rose appears nervous. “Are you certain? There’s no shame in calling it off.”

“Yeah. Let’s keep going.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Against my better judgement, keep at it.”

“Be careful, Ember!”

“Yes, call me if anything comes up.”

“I will. Ember out.”

She turns off the radio, puts it in her pocket, and heads for the door. As Ember walks back toward her seat she nods at Max as he looks up. He turns to Xenos.

“It’s a go.”

Xenos nods, not looking up from his paper as the teller returns with the keys. She accepts their papers and turns to her computer screen.

“Let me just input this and you’ll be all set. Will you be depositing any items today?”

“Yes ma’am.”

The teller nods as she types. “I’ll take you two back there in just a moment.”

A few minutes later she finishes. Max hands her some money for the box.

“Thank you. Here’s your receipt and your keys.”

Max and Xenos are each handed a key. The teller steps out from behind the counter and beckons them to follow her.

“This way please.”

They are led through an electronic gate and into a small room with a large number of safety deposit boxes. The teller points to a specific box.

“This will be your box. If you’ll open it now I’ll certify that it’s empty.”

The pair unlock their box and pull out the metal case inside. Xenos hands it to the teller who sets it down on a nearby table. She opens the box and looks inside.

“There you are, gentlemen. Please deposit your items and head back to the front when finished. I’ll buzz you out from my desk.”

Max nods. “Thank you.”

The teller leaves the room. Xenos turns to Max as he pulls the Shard’s key from his pocket.

“Now then, which on is it?”

Max looks down the row of boxes. “Here it is!”

He slides the key into the lock and opens the steel door. Pulling out the inner box and opening it Max finds a small leather satchel. Picking it up he turns to Xenos.

“Looks like we got what we came for.”

“Yeah. Let’s get this job over with.”

A few minutes later Max and Xenos head back the way they came. Xenos is carrying the satchel under his arm. Ember stands as they approach and accepts the bag from him.

“Here you go, dear.”

Ember smiles and takes the satchel, happily. “Thank you.”

She latches onto his arm as the trio heads for the door.

“Should we get some lunch now?”

Xenos nods. “Sounds good. I know a place nearby.”

Max waves after the pair as they leave the bank. “I’ll see you at home, sis. Have a nice date.”

Ember turns back and smiles. “We will!”

A few steps later Ember is knocked violently to the ground by some unseen force. Xenos reaches down to help her up.

“Are you okay?!”

Before she can respond the satchel is violently ripped from her grasp.


Xenos reaches forward at the empty air. “What the…?!”

He grabs at the satchel. Pulling it back he feels someone latched onto it. Ember gets up.


A figure in a navy blue cloak comes into view on the other end of the satchel. Xenos grabs them roughly.

“What’s the big idea?!”

Arc watches from the Café. “What the…? Wiseman?!”

Rose frowns. “What’s he doing here?!”

Arc stands up quickly. “Working for the Shards apparently!”

Rose grabs him by the hand. “He might just be a distraction. Something to bait the Hero of Light out.”


She pulls him gently back down into his seat. “The others are out there to provide backup if needed, remember? Trust them to handle this.”

Arc frowns as he sits back down. “I suppose so. But that doesn’t mean I like it.”

His earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir! Shall we intervene?!”

Viktor puts his hand on the door latch. “We’re still in the Jeep just down the street as ordered!”

Arc shakes his head. “Negative. Hold your position for now.”


Rose nods. “Arc and I think it might be a trap to draw us out.”

Hugh nods. “Very well, sir.”

“Keep watching, but stay out of it for now. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring and sighs as he watches the scene unfold across the street. He whispers inaudibly.

“Be careful you three.”

Rose pats his hand. “They’ve got this. Have faith in them.”

Meanwhile, the blue-robed figure drops out of their cloak. They turn to the group as Ember mutters under her breath.


The young woman jumps up and glares at them.

“You fools have something that belongs to the Shards!”

Max hurried toward them. “What are you talking about?!”

Xenos angrily points a finger. “Yeah! YOU’RE the thief around here!”

Ember begins whining. “That bag has my stuff in it! Give it back!”

Stingray pulls the bag from Xenos’ grip.


She grins smugly as she dangles the bag in front of Ember. “Mine now! You idiots wouldn’t even know what to do with this stuff anyways.”

Meanwhile, Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Viktor.”

“Here sir!”

“It’s time for Sereb to do his thing. Let him out.”

Hugh looks at the back seat as he lowers the window. “You’re up!”

Sereb grins as he jumps out the window and runs across the adjoining properties. He lunges at the bag and grabs it out of Stingray’s hand.

“What the…?!”

Growling at her, Sereb runs a short distance before ripping the bag to shreds and scattering its contents across the parking lot. Ember gasps. A horrified expression on her face.

“MY BAG!!!”

Max runs over to Sereb waving his arms. “Go on! Get out of here you mutt!”

Sereb drops what’s left of the bag and runs away. Ember looks up at Xenos as tears fill her eyes.

“That was my favorite bag!”

Xenos pulls her into an embrace. “I’ll buy you another one, my dear.”

Stingray looks over the bag’s contents strewn across the pavement. “What the…? Makeup… pocket change… a hairbrush?!”

Ember glares at Stingray as Xenos lets go of her. “I TOLD you it was my bag!”

Xenos angrily storms toward Stingray with Max. “COME HERE, RUNT! RUIN MY GIRLFRIENDS BAG WILL YOU!”

Stingray attempts to get past Xenos and grab her cloak. Sereb peeks around the building and narrows his eyes as he mutters to himself.

“No you don’t.”

Running at top speed he grabs the cloak in his mouth and runs away with it as Stingray gives chase.


Max turns to Xenos and Ember. “This would be a good time to leave.”

Ember nods. “Agreed.”

Xenos turns to her and grins. “You still want to go out, Ember?”

“Lay off!”

Arc touches his earring. “Arc to Viktor.”

“Right here sir.”

“Sereb will probably double back to you after he loses Stingray. Stay where you are and pick him up.”

“Yes sir.”

“I’ll see you back at home.”

Rose touches his arm. “Wait, Arc! Make sure they retrieve that cloak. I’d like to examine it.”

Arc nods. “And make sure Sereb brings you that robe.”

“We’ll see to it, sir.”

“Good. Arc out.”

He turns back to Rose.

“Something special about that cloak? Other than the invisibility, that is?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to examine it before I can make any conclusions. If that’s okay, that is.”

“Fine with me. I’d like to see it for myself as well. Tell me, was it the same as the one Wiseman wore?”


Arc stands up as Ember, Xenos and Max walk into the café. “Somehow I knew you were going to say that.”

They walk over to him. Arc turns to Ember.

“You okay?”

Ember nods. “Yeah, it’ll take more than being pushed by that wimp to hurt ME!”

Max lowers his voice. “Mission complete, sir.”

Xenos sighs. “Uh, Max? He watched the whole thing. Remember?”

Arc chuckles as he looks to Max. “Protocol?”

“Yes sir.”

Arc puts some money on the table as he turns back to the others. “Let’s get going.”

Xenos turns to Arc as they head out the door. “What about the others?!”

Rose giggles. “They’ll meet up with us later.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

He leads them outside the café and around to the back of the building. Arc looks around.

“We alone?”

Ember nods. “I don’t see anyone.”

“My scanners show no one nearby.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Good. Let’s get home.”

The others walk through the portal. Xenos stops and turns to Ember, grinning.

“After you, my dear.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Funny.”

Xenos laughs as he and Ember disappear from sight. Arc follows them through last. A moment later they are back in Arc’s basement. Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Viktor.”

“Yes sir?”

“The rest of us are safely back home. Any sign of Sereb?”

“Not yet, sir.”

Hugh looks out his window. “There he is.”

The pair turn to see Sereb running toward the Jeep, the robe still in his mouth. Viktor lowers the window to allow him to come in.

“You okay?!”

Sereb drops the robe and hops down onto the floor. “Fine. That banshee was faster than I thought though.”

Viktor starts the Jeep. “She must’ve REALLY wanted that thing back then.”

Hugh nods. “Then we can’t let her have it.”

Sereb pants. “Agreed.”

A short time later they arrive back at Arc’s house. Viktor enters first followed by Hugh who is carrying the robe as Sereb brings up the rear. Arc and company are sitting at the kitchen table waiting.

“We’re back.”

Hugh holds up the robe. “We brought you a souvenir, sir.”

Arc nods as he takes the garment and looks it over. “Great! Good work, all of you!”

Cherry calls out. “I was more nervous than Arc was back there!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not possible, Cherry.”

“Well, you know what I mean. In any case, I’m glad it’s over.”

Ember frowns. “It’s not over yet.”

Xenos nods. “Right. The Shards still have secrets that need uncovering.”

Arc sighs as he hands the robe to Rose. “Can you scan this for me? I just want to know if… you know…”

Rose nods. “I’ll do my best.”


Arc turns back to Max.

“How did it go in the bank?”

Max reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a paper bag. “The mission was a success, sir.”

Arc takes the bag. “This was everything?”

Xenos nods. “Yes sir. We put back an empty deposit box.”

Sereb chuckles. “If I may, where did you get that idea, Arc?”

“From magic.”

Ember frowns. “Magic?”

“Well, here on Earth there are people known as magicians. They’re really more like illusionists, as true magic doesn’t exist here.”

Hugh laughs. “Tell that to Mio.”

Viktor frowns. “What do they do?”

“They direct your attention where they want it. Like this.”

He walks up to Xenos and shakes his fist in his face.

“You see this, big guy? You see this?!”

Arc then taps Xenos’ belly with his other hand.

“What the…?”

“You see, Xenos was so busy looking at what was right in front of him he didn’t notice what my other hand was doing. That’s one trick a magician on Earth has.”

Max nods. “So you directed Stingray’s attention to the bag Ember had?”

“Right. She was so sure what she wanted was in there, she didn’t quite know what to do when it wasn’t.”

Ember frowns. “But she saw them go in there!”

“Yes. But them buying a safety deposit box was their alibi. She rationalized that in her mind. It made it even more confusing for her.”

Hugh laughs. “Multiple variables, sir? I like it!”

Viktor nods. “Keep her guessing.”

Ember chuckles. “All the while the real treasure was right behind us in Max’s pocket.”

“Exactly. But she would have had to go through both you and Xenos, Ember.”

Xenos grins. “Good luck with that!”

Arc shrugs. “Just another little insurance policy.”

“And my part?”

“She was off balance by that point with what was happening, Sereb. I sent you in to set her off. Get Stingray out of there so they others could get away with the goods.”

Cherry sounds indignant. “How did you know she wouldn’t catch him, Arc?”

Arc grins. “Simple. There isn’t a human alive that can outrun a dog who has a new chew toy in their mouth.”

Sereb rolls his eyes as Arc sets the bag on the counter.

“In any case, let’s enjoy our snack before we get back to work on trying to figure this whole thing out.”

They sit down together over sandwiches and cold milk before heading down to the basement. Arc sets the bag on the table.

“Hopefully we’ll get some answers from whatever’s in here.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah! I’m sick of all these secrets the Shards are keeping!”

Cherry responds huffily. “As am I. So far I haven’t seen much of anything that would show them working towards a better world!”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Arc carefully reaches into the bag and removes a number of vials along with some papers. Viktor grins.

“Now we’re talking!”

Hugh looks at them nervously. ”Please tell me they’re labeled.”

Arc nods. “They are.”

Ember grins. “Perfect! I didn’t want us to have to find another piece of yet another puzzle.”

Xenos looks over the vials. “These match the numbers in the earlier instructions, sir.”

Sereb looks over the notes. “So we could mix up this concoction?”

Rose shakes her head. “That would be unwise. It is unknown what chemical reactions would undergo during the process. To do so now would be extremely dangerous.”

Arc frowns. “What do you suggest, Rose?”

“I could head back to Equestria and help Sunburst analyze these substances. If possible, I’d also like to follow these directions and mix up whatever this is supposed to be.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that kinda… dangerous? You know… like you were just telling us?”

“We have to know what the Shards are making. That and mother designed my body to be protected from most chemical burns and explosions.”

“You sure you’ll be okay?”


Arc sighs as he walks over to the corner and picks up the return pad. “Fine. You and Sunburst take all possible precautions though, okay?”

“We will.”

Max puts the vials back into the bag. “You think it has anything to do with that stuff you found at the gas station, sir?”

Arc shrugs as he sets the return pad in the middle of the floor. “Probably. No way to know for sure though.”

Ember grins. “Rose gets that concoction made up, and we’ll have some answers.”


Arc turns to Max.

“Anything of interest on those papers?”

Max holds them up and looks at them front and back. “Blank, sir.”

Xenos shrugs. “Probably just there to cushion the vials.”

Arc takes the papers himself. “Maybe you’re right, Max. They just look like normal paper you’d find in any office supply store.”

Sereb walks over and sniffs the papers. “It doesn’t appear to be special. However I can’t shake the feeling there’s more to them.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. The Shards are sneaky like that.”

Rose walks over. “May I see them?”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

He hands the papers to Rose. She looks over them.

“You were right, Sereb. There’s writing on here.”

Xenos’ eyes grow wide. “What?! Where?!”

Hugh looks over Rose’s shoulder. “I don’t see anything either.”

Viktor turns to her. “Is it something only your sensors can pick up, Rose?”

“I’m using the same filter as I do to see cloaked figures.”

Max frowns. “Really?! Cloaked… ink?!”

Arc nods. “Let me try something.”

He calls forth his helmet as Rose hands him the papers back.

“I see it now too! It’s a message to Stingray!”

Ember gasps. “What does it say?”

“Something about these being samples for production.”

Xenos frowns. “They’re looking to scale up?!”

Rose shrugs. “Maybe they’re trying to become a legitimate business.”

Max shakes his head. “Not likely.”

“Agreed. This has to be something sinister.”

Ember sighs. “Any other clues in there, Arc?”

“The writer of this note says they want the Shards to start producing this stuff in large quantities. They’re to be ready to act at a moment’s notice.”

Viktor scoffs. “Someone’s paranoid.”

Hugh nods. “Or in a hurry.”

Xenos sighs. “Or up to no good!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “How about all of the above?”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, I… wait, WHAT?!”

Sereb looks confused. “Arc?”

“It says here the boss is at the safehouse awaiting delivery of these vials!”


Max grins. “You think that’s where your friend is, sir?”

Arc nods as he removes his helmet. “Right!”

Xenos puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe he can shed some light on what the Shards have been up to lately.”

Viktor shrugs. “Worth a shot anyways.”

Hugh turns to Arc nervously. “It could be a trap though, sir.”

“I don’t think so. Leaving something like this with those vials shouldn’t have been too big a risk for them as secure as the bank was. No, I believe this is genuine.”

Ember sighs. “Fine then. What are we going to do about it?”

“Check out the only other lead we have.”

Max frowns. “The farmhouse?”

“It’s all we have.”

Sereb growls. “It would be a fitting place to hide.”

Viktor gestures to his computer. “I wasn’t able to find any pertinent images of that place, sir. It’s set too far off the main road.”

Hugh shrugs. “Maybe we could scout it out the old fashioned way first?”

Xenos nods. “That would be the safest way to do this.”

“It could also lead to Frank getting hurt if we’re spotted.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “You still think he’s been kidnapped?”

“I do. This disappearing act is just not like him.”

Rose turns to him. “Do you want me to come with you, Arc?”

Arc kneels down next to the return pad and switches it on. “No, Rose. I’d rather you went back to Equestria and helped figure out the chemistry of what it is we’re up against.”

“Very well. Maybe mother can help too. Would that be alright?”

“Fine with me. It’s up to Sunburst though.”

The device powers up and a portal forms. Rose turns to Arc as she walks toward it.

“I’ll let you know if I discover anything.


Rose enters the portal and is gone. After a few moments Arc kneels down and turns off the machine.

Ember sighs. “So when do we go?”

Arc stands back up and faces the others. “Tonight.”

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