• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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REMASTERED - Chapter 2 - The Truth

Meanwhile, paramedics rush Derpy to the hospital. Twilight accompanies her as Spike rounds up the rest of their friends to search Derpy’s house for clues. She follows Doctor Horse into Derpy’s hospital room.

“How is she, doctor?”

“She’s quite weak at the moment from extreme loss of blood. Considering the circumstances I’m amazed she is doing as well as she is. I still can't believe we treated that... that monster here not so long ago!”

“Don't take it so hard doctor. The human fooled all of us. I've already notified Princess Luna and Princess Cadance of the situation. As soon as she is able I need to get a statement from her to complete my report to them.”

The rest of Twilight’s friends and Spike arrive. Rainbow Dash looks over at the gray mare lying on the hospital bed.

“Hey Twilight! How is she?!”

“Still sleeping, fortunately.”

Applejack walks over to Twilight. “We went over to her house like you wanted Twilight, and I don't mind telling you I ain’t never seen anything like it in all my days! We couldn't hardly get past the entryway without throwing up, so we came back. Sorry, but it was just too much for us to handle.”

Pinkie Pie’s mane deflates. “Yeah! That place was TRASHED!”

Fluttershy nods. “Lucky for her you arrived when you did, Twilight.”

Twilight looks over to the bed, sadly. “I still keep wondering though. If I had gotten there sooner could things have been different?”

Spike walks over to Twilight and puts a claw on her side. “Don't beat yourself up over it Twilight. This pony is alive thanks to you. I'm sure she'll want to thank you when she wakes up.”

Twilight turns her head and looks to Doctor Horse. “Oh, that reminds me.”


“The investigation will require a medical examiner to write a report on the crime scene. Since we don’t have one here in Ponyville I was hoping you could stand in.”

Doctor Horse nods. “Certainly. What exactly do they need?”

“A list of items found at the scene, the layout of any evidence along with how it’s connected to what happened there… that sort of thing. We need to know EXACTLY what he was trying to accomplish. Fluttershy can lead you to the house when you’re ready.”

“Let me notify the nurse's station that I will be stepping out and we’ll be off.”

Fluttershy looks over to Twilight nervously. “But, Twilight... I...”

“I know you’re scared Fluttershy so you don't have to go in. Just show the doctor the house and come right back.”

Fluttershy looks relieved. “Thank you!”

Her and Doctor Horse leave the room together as Twilight turns to the others.

“I’d better get back to writing my report. Call me if she stirs.”

Pinkie’s mane returns to normal. “Will do, Twilight!”

Twilight leaves the room. Applejack looks into her sleeping face.

“She’s really messed up. Think she’ll really be okay?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. She looks like a tough mare… whoever she is.”

Rarity nods. “I do hope you’re right.”

Pinkie gasps. “When she’s feeling better I can give her a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party!”

She sighs as her mane deflates again.

“After all, I just finished preparations for Arc’s party. But I don’t think he’ll be available for it.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Yeah. And he doesn’t deserve one!”

Applejack sighs. “Right. I still can’t believe he did that to her though.”

Pinkie shakes her head. “I don’t think he did.”

Rarity gasps. “What?! But the evidence is overwhelming!”

“I know. But my Pinkie Sense didn’t give me any kinds of warnings about him. Not even once.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Does anypony else think that maybe he just snapped?”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “From what?!”

Applejack shrugs. “I dunno. He’d been working really hard lately to get the Writ Board emptied off.”

Rarity appears confused. “So?”

“What I mean is why would he go and do all the work to help other ponies and then try to kill this one?”

Pinkie sighs. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs and walks over to the window. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter now. After all, that traitor got EXACTLY what he deserved!”

About an hour later Derpy begins to stir. Rarity looks over at her.

“She’s coming to! Rainbow Dash! Fetch Twilight!”

Rainbow Dash flies quickly out the door. “On it!”

A few moments later Rainbow Dash and Twilight enter the room. The Mane 6 approach the bed together. Twilight looks over at the mare as she slowly opens her eyes.

“Excuse me miss, but can you hear me?”

Derpy looks up at her groggily. “Y-yes.”

“Can you answer some questions about what happened?”

“I will try. So... thirsty, though.”

Rarity levitates a glass of water off the night stand and holds it to Derpy’s lips. “Here you are darling.”

Derpy weakly sips at the glass. “Thank you. That’s much better. What a dream I had...”

Twilight pulls out a notepad from her saddlebags. “Can you tell us about it?”

”I’ll try.”

Derpy thinks for a moment.

“I was lying on my kitchen table... so weak from what had happened. A pony and a dragon came in. Arc was there too. He had a spear in his hand. The mare... she said a lot of things I couldn't understand. Too weak. Then she opened a portal and… threw Arc into it. Before that... Arc told me he would see me again someday. Crazy dream, huh?”

Derpy looks over at Twilight as she takes notes.

“Can I ask you something, miss?”

Twilight stops taking notes. “ What? Oh… sure. What is it?”

“Where’s Dinky? And Arc?”

Twilight appears genuinely confused. “Who is Dinky?”

“My filly.”

Twilight stops and looks Derpy in the eye.

“You have a filly?”

Derpy nods. “Oh yes. She was just born today.”

Twilight looks to her friends. Rainbow Dash mouths the words ‘she’s crazy’. The others sigh and nod as Twilight returns her gaze to Derpy.

“Um... right... Dinky. I'm sure she's fine.”

“Okay. Is Arc with her at least? It would make me feel a lot better if he was the one caring for her while I’m here.”

Rarity steps up to the bed. “Arc is… gone.”

Derpy looks over to her, confused. “Gone? What do you mean?”

Twilight nods. “Well… you know that dream you just told me about?”

“What about it?”

“That… wasn't really a dream.”

Derpy’s pupils shrink as she screams out frantically.

“What?! Arc is gone?! Where?! What did you do to him?! Where's Dinky?! Tell me she's safe!”

Derpy jumps out of the bed and tries to run. It takes all of the Mane 6 to hold her down while Twilight uses her magic to press the panic button nearby. A few moments later several nurses burst into the room along with other hospital staff. They help hold her down as the orderlies restrain her. Nurse Redheart runs into the room and quickly administers a sedative. As Derpy loses consciousness the orderlies carefully pick the mare up and lay her back on the bed. Sighing, Nurse Redheart puts the empty syringe into a nearby receptacle and turns to the others.

“She should be out for a few hours now.”

Twilight looks at Derpy and shakes her head sadly. “The trauma of the entire ordeal must have been too much for her to handle.”

Pinkie walks over to the bedside. “Who do you think Dinky is?”

Twilight grimaces. “It's probably a coping mechanism her mind dreamed up so as not to think about the terrible things Arc did to her.”

Applejack sighs as she and the others leave the room. “I hope she'll be okay. But... she just seemed so... determined. So… convinced.”

Doctor Horse comes trotting down the hallway and into the room.

“Twilight! I need to see you and your friends immediately. We need to compare notes at once.”

Twilight looks over to him. “What is it, doctor?”

“There’s been a breakthrough in the case. Best not to talk about it here. Please follow me to my office.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

The group walks to Doctor Horse’s office together. Twilight explains what the pony told her and her delusions of a newborn filly named Dinky. The doctor nods.

“I see. And then what happened?”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “She tried to leave! It took all of us to hold her down! The nurse sedated her.”

Applejack shudders at the memory. “I gotta tell ya doc, it was scary! She was like a wild pony!”

The doctor leans back in his chair. “Anything else?”

Pinkie bounces over to the desk and jumps up on it. “Oh, oh! She asked about Arc, but not in a scared way! More like a ‘where is my buddy’ kinda way!”

Doctor Horse sighs and looks at Twilight. “With what you mares have told me I think I can crack this case wide open.”

The Mane 6 appear amazed and call out in unison. “WHAT?!”

Leaning forward in his chair, Doctor Horse sighs. “I believe I’ve been able to compile what exactly happened back there. When I arrived at the house I too was taken aback by the extreme amount of blood that seemed to be centralized around the kitchen. At first glance it appeared that the human’s goal was to cause as much suffering to that mare as possible.”

Twilight soberly nods. “Agreed. I found her lying on the table when Spike and I entered.”

“However, if his intent was to do her great harm, why was so much care given to her comfort?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, confused. “Comfort?! But he was TORTURING HER!”

“If that were the case, several items were out of place.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What were those?”

“At the head of the kitchen table was a pillow. On the floor next to it was a bloody blanket. That and there was an open and apparently used Med-Kit nearby. If the sole purpose of his actions were to simply do her harm, why did he bother with those items?”

Twilight frowns. “I… don’t know. Why?”

Doctor Horse pulls a paper out. “We will come to that. Next, I examined the individual items on or near the table which consisted of the following...

1- Hunting Knife (bloody)
1- Med-kit (standard hospital grade)
1- Pillow
3- Blankets
1- Ball of String
1- Tin Bucket
1- Large Bottle of Rubbing Alcohol
1- Can of Coffee
1- Book (cover illegible due to blood-soaked cover)”

Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t see the connection, doctor.”

“I'm not surprised, as I didn’t either at the time. It was then I heard a strange yet familiar noise coming from an adjoining room. What I found was absolutely shocking. I'll have the nurse bring it in now.”

The doctor pushes an intercom button. “We’re ready.”

Applejack appears upset at this. “Doctor! You can't just take items from a crime scene! It's illegal!”

“Normally, yes. However as the medical examiner I deemed it necessary to preserve the integrity of the evidence.”

A small knock on the office door rings out. Doctor Horse calls out.

“Come in.”

The door opens and a pegasus nurse brings in a wrapped bundle. She carefully gives it to the doctor.

“Thank you nurse. You may go.”

The nurse leaves the office as the doctor sets it down on the desk and slowly unwraps it.

“Here we are. The critical piece of the puzzle.”

The Mane 6 watch as a newborn filly appears from under the blankets.

“Ladies... meet Dinky.”

None can speak for a time as they look down at the sleeping filly. Twilight shakes her head in an effort to clear it.

“I... I don't understand. Where did Arc... get a... filly?!”

The doctor frowns. “Remember those items I listed a few minutes ago? Well, after examining the patient and the crime scene, here is my professional opinion on what happened. Either by choice, or more likely by necessity due to the snow storm, the mare was forced to give birth at home. She was quite lucky to have someone there with the right tools. He did his best to make her as comfortable as could be then used the Can of Coffee to pass the time while they waited for the timing to be right. The filly was too big to be born normally, so he used the Hunting Knife to enlargen the… well, you know. After cleaning the mare with the Rubbing Alcohol, that is. After the foal was born he used the Ball of String to close off the umbilical cord prior to cutting it with the knife. The book was too soaked with blood to be identified, but was probably a reference guide of sorts.”

Spike looks over to Twilight, sheepishly. “Um... Twilight? I need to tell you something.”

“Yes Spike?”

“You remember the last time Arc visited the library and you lent him a book on pony psychology?”

“What about it”?

“Well... before you got home, he asked me to give him a book on... well... how to deliver a foal at home. It's probably the bloody book the doctor found.”

Twilight gasps. “Spike! Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Arc made me promise not to tell anypony! He said it was important! Now that I think about it, no one knew she was pregnant, so maybe he was just trying to protect her!”

Doctor Horse nods. “That theory is quite sound.”

Twilight falls to the floor, utterly defeated. “Doctor... please. Are you saying that Arc wasn't trying to kill her? In fact, he was trying to... to save her?!”

“Yes, Twilight.”

Applejack walks over. “Cheer up sugarcube. Arc's really understanding. Let's just go to whatever prison you sent him to and apologize.”

Twilight looks down at the floor. “I… we… can’t.”

Rarity appears confused. “Why not, darling?”

“I... need to talk to that mare. To hear her side. Then... then I’ll confess to what I did to Arc.”

Nurse Redheart enters the office. “Doctor! That strange mare is awake and raving! Should I sedate her again?!”

The doctor stands up quickly. “No. Myself, Twilight, and her friends need to speak to her right away.”

Twilight looks to her friend. “Fluttershy, can you carry Dinky for me please?”

“Of course.”

The Mane 6 and the doctor walk back to the mare's room. She can be heard down the hall screaming for Dinky and Arc. Twilight pauses outside the door and takes a deep breath. Together they enter the hospital room. The mare seems to calm significantly upon seeing Fluttershy carrying Dinky.

“Oh Dinky! I've been so worried! Please bring me my baby!”

Fluttershy does so as Applejack and Rainbow Dash undo the straps holding her front hooves. Derpy holds Dinky tightly, kissing her over and over again happily.

“Oh my sweet, sweet little filly! I'm so glad to have you back! Thank you, all of you!”

She looks over at Twilight.

“Arc said I could trust you! Thank you for bringing my precious little filly back to me! Speaking of... where is Arc anyways?!”

Twilight looks uneasy. “Why don't we start with your name?”

“Oh, right. My name is Derpy. Pleased to meet you all.”

“Hi, Derpy. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. I've seen you around town, but you’re totally different now. Can you tell us what happened?”

“Sure, but it's a really long story.”

Applejack chuckles. “That's okay sugarcube. We've got lots of time.”

Derpy tells of all the nice things Arc did for her. How he had brought her food when she had none, buying back her furniture, covering her with a blanket at night, about the shared dream in which he ‘sacrificed’ his life to save hers, how he had delivered her filly, and after the complications how he resuscitated little Dinky, saving her life as well. Twilight cries and looks down at her hooves.

“Arc… did all those things…?”

The Mane 6 have all begun to sniffle from Derpy’s story as she continues.

“Yup! He helped me so much! I really miss him. Can you tell me where he is now?”

Twilight continues to cry. “He... he trusted me... so much... and I... I... wouldn't listen.”

Spike walks over to Twilight and tries to comfort her. She turns to him.

“Oh, Spike… what have I done?!”

Derpy looks over at her nervously. “Twilight? Where is Arc?

“I… I… banished him…?”

“What?! Where to?”

“T… T… Tartarus!”

Twilight collapses to the floor in tears. Derpy appears dazed and confused.


Rainbow Dash looks to her. “It’s an interdimensional prison.”

Fluttershy gasps. “But why? I thought only the most dangerous criminals were sent there!”

Twilight looks up at Derpy. “When I walked in and saw all the blood, I just assumed he had killed you!”

Derpy throws back the blankets and struggles to stand. Applejack quickly steps forward.

“Whoa there, sugarcube! Where do you think you're goin'?”

Derpy looks at the Mane 6 with a determined look on her face. “Tartarus.”


Derpy staggers forward with Dinky in her hooves. “Arc has been doing nothing but good since coming to Equestria! He saved all of you when the monsters attacked! He saved Ponyville and everypony living here! He saved my foal! He saved ME! Twice! It's time somepony saved HIM!”

Twilight walks over and stands in front of Derpy. “I'm sorry Derpy, but... it's impossible.”

Derpy looks at them with tears in the corners of her eyes. “I've seen Arc do the impossible... twice! Besides… Arc never gave up on me. I won't give up on him.”

Twilight gestures with a hoof toward the window. “No, I mean it's literally impossible to get to Tartarus right now. Winter snow and ice block cover the path to the Gates of Tartarus all winter. And even if we could get there we wouldn’t be able to pass through the barrier as it stands. Believe me, if we could get to there now we would, but...”

Derpy starts to cry as she falls to her fetlocks. Rarity gasps and turns to Twilight.

“But... but that's too long! I don't know if even Arc could survive THAT long there.”

Rainbow Dash pipes up. “Hey, Derpy said it herself! He's already done the impossible, twice! He's a scrappy human! He's totally got this!"

Pinkie Pie jumps around the room, happily. “Rainbow Dash is right! Arc's the man! Those demons won't know what hit em!”

Rarity smiles. “Here, here!”

Applejack lets out a whoop. “You got that right!”

Pinkie pulls out her party cannon. “Pony Power!!!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “…yay!”

Derpy looks up. The hope returns to her eyes. “How can I help?”

Twilight looks over at her. “Right now, you can rest and recover.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash help her back to the bed as the Pegasus motions to Dinky. “You also have a filly to care for.”

Derpy sighs. “I guess you’re right.”

Fluttershy smiles and pulls the covers over Derpy. “There you are. Nice and warm.”

Applejack points to Dinky. “Want us to take her to the ward for you?”

Derpy shakes her head as she holds her daughter close. “No thank you. I’d… just like to hold her.”

Rarity nods approvingly. “Well, the rest of us should probably head home and get some sleep now.”

Rainbow Dash glances at the clock. “I guess it is pretty late.”

Applejack nods. “Come on, everypony. Nothing more to be done tonight.”

Twilight sighs. “You’re right. We’ll meet at the library first thing in the morning though to try and come up with… something.”

They nod and walk toward the door. Pinkie turns back.

“Aren’t you coming, Twilight?!”

“In a bit. See you tomorrow.”

Pinkie nods and follows the others out. Derpy looks to her.

“Miss, can I ask you something?”

“Um… sure. What is it?”

“Can you tell me more about Arc?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What?”

Derpy sighs. “I… knew him for such a short time. But he did so much for me.” It would be nice to know what exactly made him do all those things.”

“Arc is a very… caring individual. From what I’ve seen he always puts other’s needs above his own.”

“That I can testify to.”

Twilight looks out the window at the night sky and falling snow. “He’s also very… understanding of mistakes.”


“Bringing him to Equestria was a mistake. But he wasn’t upset. Not in the least.”

Derpy appears confused. “To Equestria?”

“Yes. Arc is actually from another world entirely. He’s a human whom resided on Earth up until a few months ago.”

Twilight sighs before continuing.

“However, I can’t really see him looking past what I did to him this time.”

Derpy smiles and beckons Twilight to approach her. She slowly does so as the mare speaks.

“I think he might.”

“How can you say that?”

“Because he saw all the mental baggage I carried… all the hurt from my past… and that I really had nothing to offer him in return other than a broken pregnant mare.”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous. “Did… did you two have some kind of… um… relationship going?”

Derpy nods. “Yes, we did.”

“I see. Well, I’ll do my very best to reunite you two.”

“Thank you. Although I only just started speaking to him today at lunch, I still see him as a very good friend.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But I thought you said you were in a relationship with him.”

“Oh yes. Our relationship to each other is that of friends.”

“Nothing more?”

Derpy giggles. “Well, we did just start talking earlier today. Do you think we moved to fast to become friends?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Oh no. In my experience it’s never too early to think of someone in that way.”

“Good. I… don’t really have much experience with friendship.”

“Well, you’re in luck then. I’ve been writing reports on that very subject for Princess Celestia for some time now. If you have any questions I may be able to answer them.”

Derpy smiles. “Good! Um….”

She puts a hoof to her chin before continuing.

“So how do you know when someone honestly wants to be your friend?”

“Well… they’re nice to you. And they ask about how you’re doing. Oh! That and they take an interest in things that are going on in your life.”

Derpy grimaces. “Are… are you sure?”

“Oh yes. That’s what I’ve experienced from everypony since I moved here to Ponyville.”

Drooping her ears, Derpy sighs and looks down. “That’s… unfortunate.”

Twilight appears confused. “Unfortunate that I made friends?”

“No. What you described… that’s how everyone back home treated me.”

“You must’ve had a lot of friends then.”

Derpy shakes her head. “Not one.”


“You see, my father was a very wealthy stallion. Those whom spoke to me did all the things you described. But they were just using me to get money.”

Twilight gasps. “What?!”

“It’s true.”

Derpy looks down at Dinky and sighs.

“Even my daughter’s father was just using me. He ran off when I told him I was expecting a foal.”

“You mean he left you?”

Derpy nods. “That very night, yes.”

“And you thought he honestly cared.”

“You described him perfectly. But…”

Derpy sniffles slightly.

“…but when things got tough he just ran out. Like everypony else in my life.”

Twilight’s ears drooped. “And you think that Arc is no different?”

Shaking her head Derpy smiles as she gently strokes Dinky’s small mane.

“No. Arc… he really cared.”

“How… can you be so sure?”

“He stood up for me in our shared dream, for starters.”

Twilight appears surprised. “You two shared a dream?!”

Derpy nods. “I fell asleep in his arms. Every night I have the same dream. Where I’m confronted with my past and am crushed by it before waking up.”

“Fascinating! How did he stand up for you?”

“When the memories of those I knew came to taunt me, he rebuked them. He fought their insults and lies with truth and logic.”

“He is pretty smart, yes.”

“And then a dark version of me named Regret physically attacked.”

Twilight frowns. “In the dream?”

“Yes. It wanted to hurt me… to keep me sad and alone. But Arc didn’t let it. He stood between me and them and refused to move. Even going so far as to be mortally wounded.”

Twilight gasps. “He… he died for you?!”

Derpy nods. “That gave me the courage to stand up for myself. I picked up the spear dropped for my by a bright creature and used it to kill Regret and banish it from my mind.”

“What about Arc though?!”

“He was okay. We woke up shortly after that and he stood to get me something to eat.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Arc does love food.”

“While we ate though he noticed the spear over the fireplace was the same as the one from my dream.”

“How did it get there?”

Derpy shrugs. “I have no idea. But I’ve never owned anything like it before, so it HAD to come from the dream world.”

Twilight bows her head. “Well, as dangerous as Tartarus probably is I’m glad Arc has it.”

“So am I.”

“Derpy, I want you to know that we’re going to find a way to get Arc out of there. I don’t know how, but we’re going to do it.”

“Thank you. I’ll help too if I can.”

Twilight smiles. “Yes, well… it might take some time, but I do believe that nothing is ever truly impossible.”

“While I don’t really understand that sort of thing, I trust that you can do it.”

Derpy looks down at the sleeping filly in her fetlocks and smiles as she turns to Twilight.

“Please do your best to save our friend.”

Twilight nods. “I will. You have my word.”

There is a small knock at the door as Nurse Redheart enters. Walking over to the bed she smiles at Derpy.

“How are you feeling, miss?”

“Really sore and weak.”

“That’s to be expected after foalbirth. Now then, you should lie down and get some sleep.”

Derpy nods and lays Dinky on the mattress next to her. “Yes, that sounds nice.”

Redheart raises an eyebrow. “Um… you can’t sleep with a baby like that.”

Derpy appears confused. “I can’t?”

“No. You could roll over and crush her.”

“Oh my! Well where should she sleep then?!”

Twilight giggles. “In the ward with the rest of the babies.”

“Where’s that?”

Redheart points to one side. “A few minutes’ walk down the corridor to the left.”

Twilight nods. “They’re kept warm and safe there while the mother recovers from labor.”

Derpy sadly picks Dinky up. “Okay.”

Giving the filly a small kiss on top of her head she looks to Twilight.

“Would you please take her there?”

“You… you want me to do it?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. If Arc trusted you then I trust you with my filly.”

Twilight nods and extends a hoof. Derpy gives her the swaddled bundle and whispers.

“Good night, Dinky. Sweet dreams.”

Redheart motions for Twilight to follow her as Derpy lays back on her pillow. The pair turn off the lights as they leave the room. The nurse turns to Twilight.

“This way please.”

Twilight nods and follows. As she does so she looks down at the sleeping filly and speaks softly to her.

“Your mother cares so much for you. Hopefully I don’t let her down.”

As they reach the ward Nurse Redheart motions to an empty bassinet. Twilight lays the filly in it as the nurse records her name along with her mother’s. Turning to leave Twilight walks the halls for a time, he head bowed.

“Friendship. Do I really know as much about it as I thought? Or have I only been deluding myself?”

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