• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Nightly Revelations

Spitfire escorts Arc, along with two guards, back to The Pit. She frowns as they walk.

“I don’t know how you did it.”

“Did what?”

“Convinced the warden of your innocence.”

“Would you like me to explain it to you?”

Spitfire rolls her eyes. “I wish you would.”

“It’s actually simple really. When you tell someone the truth, it’s easy to believe.”

“Or at the very least, your version of it.”

“You still think I’m guilty, don’t you?”

“You are!”

“Oh really?”

Spitfire nods. “We have a note with your signature on it claiming to have kidnapped Princess Twilight!”

“You might want to get her side of that before prosecuting.”

Spitfire scoffs. “You WANT her to testify at your trail?!”

“Yes. And I want that note entered into evidence.”

“That’s already taken care of.”


Spitfire stops and turns to him. “Are you completely insane?!”

“Not last I checked, no.”

“You’re HELPING the prosecution lay the groundwork for your case!”

“Just trying to be accommodating.”

“Well if you’re going to go that far, fill out a confession and I’ll send it in.”

“It’d be blank.”

“Because you didn’t do anything wrong?”


“Even though we have evidence against you.”

“Do you?”


She puts a hoof against her forehead before continuing.

“The pressures of your position have apparently twisted you grasp of reality. I’ll be sure to include that in my personal report to Canterlot.”

“Write whatever you want.”

Coming to the cage from earlier, Arc steps inside. The guards lock the door and approach to remove his shackles as Spitfire looks him over.

“Have a nice night.”


With the press of a button Arc is again dropped in the foul smelling water. Making his way to the tank’s edge, he pulls himself out and sits on the floor for a moment to catch his bearings.

“Somebody’s gotta change that water more often.”

Standing, he heads for the door. However upon opening it he finds Fortunate Ire waiting for him.

“Um… what’s up?”

Fortunate Ire grins. “I just wanted to be the first one to pay tribute.”


“Yeah. Here you go.”

Reaching into his jumpsuit, the stallion pulls out a chocolate bar. Arc frowns.

“I thought those were supposed to be really rare down here.”

“They are. Which is why I want you to have it.”

“Um… okay.”

Accepting the item, he turns to walk down the corridor as Fortunate Ire follows at his heels.

“Anything else I can get you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I’m just looking to get cleaned up and head to bed.”

“I’ll escort you back to your room then.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine.”

Approaching the door from before, Arc opens it and sighs.

“Home sweet home.”

Fortunate Ire raises an eyebrow. “Begging your pardon, sir. But this isn’t your room any longer.”

“What do you mean?”

“You dethroned Buffalo Bull, sir. Remember?”

“Well, where am I supposed to sleep then?”

“The King’s quarters.”


Fortunate Ire nods. “Of course. You now have all the rights and privileges that come with his old position.”

Arc sighs. “Lucky me.”

He grabs his few belongings before allowing Fortunate Ire to lead him back to the ornate door. The stallion turns the knob and opens the unlocked door to allow him access.

“Anything else I can get for you, sir?”

“Just see to it I’m not disturbed tonight. I need to rest.”

Fortunate Ire grins. “Yes sir.”

Closing the door Arc looks around at the posh accommodations and sighs.

“At least I have a nice cage now.”

Stepping forward, Arc heads for the bathroom. Spying the shower he grins.

“Great. Now I can wash this stink from that pool off of me.”

Stripping down, he turns on the water and steps into the massive shower enclosure. Letting the water cascade over him for a time, Arc sits down on the floor, lays back, and closes his eyes as he sighs contentedly.

“After the day I’ve had, this is a little slice of heaven.”

A few minutes later he dozes off. His subconscious grants him visions of Rarity and Twilight. They lay down with him and nozzle his side happily for a time. Eventually the pair stand over Arc and lay their bellies on his. Moving back and forth while standing side by side they smile seductively and look down at him as they moan happily. Thoroughly enjoying himself, Arc grins and reaches out for them. As his hands touch their cheeks they draw back with small, fearful gasps. Confused, Arc opens his eyes. He looks up to see two mares over him trying their best to rub their bellies on him as they avoid his hands.

“What the…?!”

He jumps back, smashing his head on the tile wall behind him. The mares lower their faces to the ground reverently.

“P-please forgive us, your highness!”

“We were afraid you would hurt us with your strength!”

Arc rubs his head as he speaks. “Oh… um… I wasn’t…”

“Shall we continue washing you?”

“Washing… me?”

One of the mares nods. “Yes sir. The previous king was very insistent that we clean him all over using nothing but our soft belly fur.”

“All except his genitals. For that he used our manes.”

Arc frowns. “Well I’m not interested in that sort of thing. “

She appears relieved. “Thank you, sir. How shall we wash you?”

“I’ll do that myself.”

“Shall we…?”

Arc points to the door. “Just… just wait outside please.”

“Yes sir.”

They quickly exit the bathroom, closing the door behind them. Arc groans as he stands up and grabs the soap.

“Buffalo Bull… what else were you up to?”

Finishing his shower, Arc dresses in a new jumpsuit and leaves the bathroom. Looking around a few moments he spies what appears to be the bedroom door. Pushing it open he sees the two mares inside. One is lying on her stomach with her side learning against the headboard, while the other sits on her fetlocks next to the bed waiting for him.

“What now?”

“I’m used as a pillow, sir.”

“And I’m your stress toy, sir.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Stress…?”

The mare on the floor bows her head. “I’m to be used as you see fit.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not interested in using you as a pillow or raping your friend if that’s what you mean.”

“What shall we do then, sir?”

“Look, I’m too tired to talk about this right now. Why don’t you two head back to your rooms for the night.”

“Sir, we… um… don’t have rooms.”


“We sleep here as per the former king’s edict.”

Arc sighs. “Great. Tell me, is there an extra pillow and blanket around here somewhere?”

“Yes sir, I’ll go fetch it for you.”

She bounds off the bed and over to a nearby closet. Pulling out the requested items she hurries over to Arc.

“Here you are, sir.”

“Thanks. You two can sleep in here.”


Arc points back to the Living Room. “I’ll just take the couch for tonight.”

Leaving the room, Arc heads for the sofa as the two mares look to one another, confused. Making himself comfortable, Arc closes his eyes and sighs.

“This couch is more comfortable than the bed in the room I left. This should make my stay here a bit more tolerable.”

Drifting off to sleep Arc dreams of a large, moonlit field. The grass rustles slightly as the wind blows through it. Sitting down, he looks up at the moon and sighs.

“All this beauty and no one to share it with.”

A voice rings out behind him.

“Perhaps I can help you with that.”

Turning, Arc spots the Princess of the Night walking toward him.

“Luna? What are you doing here?”

“This is my domain.”

“The Lunar Realm?”

Luna nods as she motions for Arc to follow her. “Yes. I called you here for a very special reason. But for now please follow me.”

Standing, Arc follows Luna into the field. Waving a hoof, a large gazebo materializes directly in front of them. They ascend the stairs together as candles all around the perimeter spring to life. Arc looks around.

“It’s very… picturesque.”

“Thank you, Arc. But let us change you into something a bit more… appropriate.”

With a glow of her horn, Arc is changed from his prison jumpsuit into his royal raiments.

“Much better.”

Arc grins. “Thanks. Wasn’t really a fan of that outfit. But why does the Lunar Realm look like this now?”

“I wanted to make a change from my previous… visions.”


“Forgive me, that’s what I call the… setting of my realm. After all, none of this is truly real.”

“That much I understand.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Do you now?”

“Oh yes. In truth, I’ve been able to create my own little pocket dimension as well.”

Luna appears surprised. “You… you have?”

Arc nods. “It’s not nearly as large or detailed as yours, but I’m happy there most nights.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well… it’s made from my memories of Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction.”

“You… um…”

Arc bows his head sadly. “Yes. Cherry’s place.”

“That is understandable.”

“I’ve been able to entertain several guests there in the past. For me, it’s kinda like a mini vacation.”

“With Cherry?”

Arc nods. “And others, yes.”

“In a place close to your heart.”

“Right. Is that normal?”

Luna sighs. “Arc, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.”


“Please keep this between us, but… my original realm was fashioned after the inside of Star Swirl the Bearded’s castle.”

“Because you grew up there?”

“Exactly. It… was the only home Celestia and I ever really knew. As I’m sure you understand, the orphanage wasn’t exactly… personable.”


“It remained that way until the day I… fell from grace.”

“The Nightmare Moon incident?”


Arc puts a hand on Luna’s shoulder and smiles at her.

“It’s in the past.”

“I know. But something like that is not easily forgotten.”

“Tell me then, when did you decide to change it to Canterlot Castle?”

“After I regained my powers.”


Luna nods. “When Twilight and her friends changed me back with the Elements of Harmony, I… found that my magic was quite weak. Whether from the power of the Elements or my own magical imbalances all those centuries ago, I’ll never know. It took me some time to be able to cast magic properly again.”

“It’s good that you were able to find yourself again, Luna.”

“Thank you, but I need you to do something for me, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me that if I should again threaten the realm… that you’ll take me down quickly.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “This is rather sudden, Luna.”

“The darkness that resides in my heart is always nagging at me. Taunting me to retake my former position.”

“You mean your conscience?”

“Something like that, yes.”

“I suppose everyone has those kinds of thoughts.”

“Except for you I would assume.”

Arc shakes his head. “Oh, no. I’ve been tempted.”

“Tell me more.”

“Every time I was appointed Lord Regent in the past I sat alone and unchallenged. It would have been a simple task to overthrow the surrounding nations. Equestria already has the Crystal Empire, so the next logical step would have been Yakyakistan.”

“That would have allowed you to control the entire continent.”

“Right. From there Abyssinia would have been a cakewalk to overthrow. Heck, when I first arrived there, the king and queen literally handed me their crowns in exchange for protection from the Storm King.”

“Then on to the Griffon Kingdom I assume.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Ember could have probably convinced her father to invade them alongside me and my new forces from Yakyakistan’s warriors and Abyssinia’s conscripts. Together we would have crushed the Griffon Kingdom’s forces and overthrown the Council of Lords, their king, and that entire corrupt system.

Luna sighs. “As Equestria’s sole ruler and Hero of Light, it is unlikely that anypony could, or would have attempted to, stop you. That and I know you already have strong feelings regarding the Griffon Kingdom’s policies. Yet you recommended a treaty versus a war. May I ask why?”

“Because as much as I would have loved to overthrow them, the King and Council of Lords would have certainly thrown everything they had into defending the land.”

“What about a silent coup?”

“I did consider that. If memory serves correctly, Ember suggested that very thing and volunteered to help.”

“There would have been only a hoofful of casualties outside of a few guards and the rulers themselves. But…?”

“But even though my intentions would have been to free the public, they still would have seen me and my forces as invaders. Many would have rallied to the rebel’s cause in an effort to free their land from the new ruler across the sea.”

“You would have brought freedom.”

“It would have looked like tyranny.”

Luna nods. “I suppose so.”

“That’s why I suggested the treaty. First and foremost to get the younglings off the streets. Second, to establish ties in an effort to bring about social change through diplomacy. Ultimately I wanted them to change themselves.”

“A very noble goal. Such things do not happen overnight though, Arc.”

“I know.”

“It is very unlikely that you will live long enough to see the fruits of you labors.”

“Yes. All I could do is plant the seeds and hoped they sprouted. I owed it to those homeless younglings.”

Luna smiles. “Very impressive, Arc.”


“I now know that Cadance and I made the right decision back then regarding your appointment.”

Arc sighs. “Tell that to Celestia.”

“Yes, I am aware of her claims of illegitimacy.”

“Think you could convince her otherwise?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Have you tried?”

Luna shakes her head. “I cannot. She is sequestered away all hours of the day in warded rooms. No magic or spell could reach her.”

Arc sighs. “I see.”

“Forgive me, but for now I operate from the shadows as I did in the past.”

“I heard that you left Canterlot so Twilight could gain an audience with her mentor. Could she pass something on to Celestia about…?”

“No, Arc. I actually asked her to avoid that subject altogether.”

“Uh… why?”

“Because she needs to maintain her position in Celestia’s eyes.”

“What about me?”

“I’ve actually just finished meeting with the warden of your prison. He informed me of your desire to have your case go to court.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“May I ask why?”

“So I can plead my case before Princess Celestia.”

Luna frowns. “You’d have to stay in prison until she’s ready to see you then. That could take several months.”

“I know.”

“But you’re innocent!”

“That’s exactly why I want to plead my case.”

“In truth, that’s one of the reasons I called you here tonight.”


“I’d be willing to order the Nightborn to assault the prison tomorrow night. You’d be a free man before the sun rises.”

“By ‘free’ you mean on the run.”

Luna shakes her head. “No. Cadance has agreed to grant you amnesty in the Crystal Empire. You’d have a room in the Crystal Castle as well as anything else you need.”

“That’s very generous of her.”

“It seems a small thing to give the one whom did so much and received so little goodwill in return. Especially from my sister. Virtuous Lance is even willing to make a small hole in the security which we could then use to gain access to your ward.”

“Thank you, Luna. But I have to refuse.”

Luna groans. “Arc…”

“I have to do this. Please respect my wishes.”

Luna sighs and nods.

“Very well. If that is truly what you want, the Nightborn and I will not interfere. At least not at this point.”

“Thank you, Luna.”

“However, there is yet another reason I had for summoning you here tonight.”

“Oh? Is something wrong?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Arc. In fact everything is going very well. I’m merely granting the request of a very special individual.”

Closing her eyes, Luna concentrates. A few moments later Twilight and her friends appears. They grin and run over to him. Pinkie reaches him first.

“She did it!”

Applejack chuckles. “You doubted her?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not in the least.”

Arc grins. “Hi everyone. How’s it going?”

Fluttershy giggles. “Oh, we’re doing okay in Abyssinia.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Yeah! Better than you are apparently, jail bird!”

Twilight sighs. “What happened?!”

“Sunset Shimmer and Kane got the jump on me.”

Twilight gasps. “They’re back?!”

“Yup. And from what I heard in my semi-conscious state, they sounded like they left together on somewhat pleasant terms.”

Luna frowns. “Surprising, considering what Twilight told me regarding their past.”

“Princess Celestia was furious when she left via the Crystal Mirror. I can’t imagine how she forgave that.”

Luna shudders. “It is likely she is still under Decimus’ influence.”

Arc nods. “I guarantee it. But there’s something I need to know.”

Rarity smiles warmly. “Anything, Arc.”

“How are Derpy and Dinky doing?”

Applejack grins. “Just fine.”

Rainbow Dash nods happily. “They’ve started up school aboard your ship with Coco Pommel and the two teachers.”

Fluttershy appears suddenly nervous. “Every day when their parents go to work, they head for your ship. Um… is that okay?”

“Fine with me. Frankly I’m glad to see it’s being used for peaceful purposes.”

Applejack sighs. “Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle have been doing their best to help the other students adapt to the changes. Cherry’s been instrumental in her role as well.”

Pinkie bounces around happily. “Yeah! It’s a lot easier now that she has your old armor to act as a body too!”

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings excitedly. “Yeah. But I think they could all use some help.”

She flies over close to Arc and nudges him with an elbow.

“Any chance you could get the Scarlet Filly to make an appearance?”

Twilight facehoofs. “Rainbow Dash…”

“Just a short one! Please!”

Applejack chuckles. “That’s some serious hero worship right there.”

“She’s just so COOL!”

Arc shrugs. “Scootaloo’s really busy in Canterlot at the moment.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Doing what?!”

“Keeping tabs on what Decimus is up to mostly.”

Twilight frowns. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

Pinkie grins wickedly. “Not for her! She’s bad! But in a good way!”

Arc nods. “Right. Scootaloo will be just fine. After all, she’s Decimus’ protégé.”

Luna shudders. “A frightening thought.”

“If things get bad she can always escape.”

Rarity sighs. “You’re putting a lot of faith in a filly, Arc.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Are you sure she’s really okay over there?”

“I’ve seen what she’s capable of. She’ll be fine.”

Rainbow Dash shadowboxes. “So when are we busting you out of jail, Arc?!”

“When I’m found innocent at my trial.”

Pinkie gasps. “WHAT?!”

Applejack frowns. “You know Celestia isn’t going to give you a fair one!”

“Oh, I think she will. After all, everyone knows that she’s a fair and just ruler, right?”

Rarity grits her teeth. “Not anymore!”

Twilight sighs. “I’m beginning to question that myself.”

Luna nods soberly. “I will be observing the trial myself when the time comes. Just to be sure Celestia plays fairly.”

Arc appears relieved. “Thanks, Luna. But might I ask for a bit of a favor now?”

“Oh? What is it?”

“You have full control of this realm, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Any chance you could whip us up a kitchen?”

“I suppose so. But whatever for?”

“So we can cook up a midnight snack.”

Rarity giggles. “That’s Arc for you. Always thinking with his stomach.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Prison food that bad?”

Arc nods. “Oh yeah. Trust me, you do NOT want to go to jail.”

Luna smiles, her horn aglow. “One kitchen coming right up.”

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