• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - Assassins

The chariot rushes through the gates as the Honor Guards continue to protect their wards. As the vehicle stops several medics rush forward. Goldstone looks at the guards whom hurry toward them.

“There’s an assassin loose in the Aviary! Find them!”

Gestal looks around as his Honor Guards let him up. “Anyone injured?!”

Luna puts her hooves around Arc frantically as he continues to hold his bleeding chest. “Arc is!”

The medics lay him on a portable stretcher and fly away as Arc continues to hold the bolt. Gestal looks to Luna.

“Fear not, Princess Luna. We have excellent medical facilities here.”

Flash Sentry mutters under his breath. “Excellent? They couldn’t even reattach a tail!”

Luna steps quickly off the chariot. “I should head to the hospital!”

“Were you injured as well, Princess Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Lord Gestal. But, I… I would like to know that state of my nation’s hero.”

Goldstone hurries over to her. “Please, princess! We should stay here until the guards find the assassin! They may be lying in wait for us along the way!”

“Lord Goldstone is correct. For your own safety, I ask that you wait here with us.”


Flash Sentry walks over to Luna. “Please, your highness. The Hero of Light would not want any harm to come to you.”

Natalya looks around nervously. “The lieutenant is right, your majesty! Please let us protect you!”

Rose nods. “Arc will be fine. I’m certain of it!”

Luna sits down on the floor, huffily. “Fine!”

Twenty minutes later General Blackbeak flies over and lands before them. He hurries over to Gestal.

“Have you found our assailant yet, general?”

“No, sir. We’ve searched everywhere in this wing. However there is no sign of any unauthorized personnel.”

Goldstone frowns. “Are you certain?! They couldn’t have just vanished into thin air!”

Natalya turns to her commanding officer. “What about the guard towers around the city, sir? Maybe they saw something!”

“I’ve dispatched scouts to obtain their reports. We should hear something very soon.”

Luna looks over. “Any word on the Hero of Light’s condition, general?”

“My apologies, your majesty, but I’ve been too busy to inquire.”

A few minutes later a messenger approaches the general.

“Report, Footpad!”

“Several of our towers report seeing a large number of robed griffons flying away around the time of the incident.”

Natalya smiles. “Which way did they go?!”

“They flew in all different directions, ma’am.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Clever. That will make tracking them to their base nearly impossible.”

Luna turns back to Blackbeak. “Does this mean the area from here to the Infirmary is secure?”

“It is, but…”

“Then I would like to be escorted there.”

The general looks to Lord Gestal. He nods.

“I will escort you and your Honor Guards there myself, your highness.”

Luna stands. Flash Sentry, Rose, and Natalya form a tighter perimeter around her.

“Please follow me.”

As they walk away Lord Goldstone smiles wickedly as he mutters to himself.

“Princess Luna. What an interesting mare you are. I hope you and I can become more… intimately acquainted.”

Meanwhile, Luna and her entourage walk quickly down the corridor. Blackbeak turns to Natalya.

“Did you see anything during the attack, lieutenant?”

“No, sir. All I heard was the whiz of the bolt as it passed me. The next think I knew, Lord Arc was falling on Princess Luna and clutching his chest.”

Luna nods. “Yes. There wasn’t much time for us to see anything.”

Blackbeak frowns. “Good job protecting your charge, lieutenant.”

He turns to Luna.

“I’m sorry for whatever harm has befallen Lord Arc. Rest assured, your nation will have justice for him!”

Natalya nods. “I do hope he’ll be okay.”

Blackbeak sighs. “As do I, lieutenant. However, I’ve seen many griffons waylaid on the battlefield by such weapons. Hitting vital organs does not usually end well.”

They arrive at the Infirmary. The doctor is just closing the door behind him. Rose looks to him.

“How is he, sir?!”

The doctor shakes his head. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Blackbeak sighs. “Is it bad, doctor?”

“Hardly. Lord Arc is fine.”

Rose’s eyes light up happily. “That’s wonderful!”

Flash Sentry breathes a sigh of relief. “Good!”

Natalya grimaces. “I’ll say! It certainly wouldn’t be good for him to come to any harm!”

Luna walks over to the doctor. “Begging your pardon, doctor. But I clearly saw a crossbow bolt sticking out of the Hero of Light’s chest. How did he…?”

The door opens and Arc steps out. He looks around and grins sheepishly.

“Sorry for making everyone worry.”

The general looks Arc up and down. “Incredible! Had I not seen it with my own eyes…”

Rose scans him. “I don’t detect any puncture wounds, Arc. However, scans show you clearly took quite the blow to your sternum!”

Arc rubs his chest through his dress shirt. “Yes, it’s rather tender right now.”

The doctor nods. “X-rays showed nothing was broken. He’ll have some rather nasty bruising for a while, but nothing more serious.”

He turns to Arc and shakes his hand.

“You were very lucky, sir. Are you certain you don’t want some painkillers for that?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, doctor, but I’ll manage.”

“Do be careful with your injury. A nice hot shower should help with the bruising.”

“I’ll do that.”

Blackbeak steps over to Arc. “Why don’t I escort you to your room, sir? Give you a chance to rest after your close call.”

“Thank you, but I’d rather see Princess Luna safely to her own room first.”

Luna appears worried. “Are you certain, Arc? I’m sure the others could do that while you rest.”

Arc nods. “I’m sure.”

Skeptically, the general leads the group to a large, luxurious looking door. Two guards stand on either side of it but part to allow them entry as Blackbeak turns to Luna.

“This is our finest room, your highness. I hope it is acceptable.”

Luna nods. “It will do.”

“Good! Lieutenant Natalya will see to quarters for your Honor Guards later. I will let you get settled and see you in the Dining Room for lunch at noon.”

He bows and leaves the room. The guards outside close the door behind him. Rose, Flash Sentry and Natalya rush over to Arc. Rose reaches him first and puts an arm around him.

“Please sit down, Arc!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir! Not everyone who gets shot through the heart takes it as well as you do!”

Natalya nods as Rose helps Arc to the bed. “He’s right! How DID you manage that, sir?!”

Luna walks over. “Yes. I’m certain you didn’t have time to call forth your armor.”

Arc sighs as he reaches into his lapel. “Well, I certainly took a blow to the heart. That’s for certain.”

He pulls something out and holds it up. Everyone stares at it wide-eyed. Flash Sentry shakes his head in disbelief.

“S-sir! Is that…?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Cherry’s engagement pendant.”

He looks down at the central ruby’s smashed form sadly. A half inch or so round hole in the center. Rose puts a hand to her mouth.

“Arc! That… it saved your life!”

Luna nods. “You were fortunate to be wearing it at the time.”

Flash Sentry smiles. “Yes, sir! I shudder to think what would have happened had you not!”

Arc opens his shirt and examines his chest. “Right! To be honest with everyone, when I was hit I originally thought the bolt HAD pieced me!”

Natalya shudders. “That must have been quite painful!”

“Yes, well… as everyone can see, I’m fine.”

A strange rumble sound can be heard. Flash Sentry looks around.

“What was that?!”

Natalya shrugs. “No idea!”

Arc turns to Rose. “Any ideas?”

Rose shifts on her feet, sheepishly. “It was… um… from someone’s stomach.”

Everyone turns to Princess Luna. She blushes slightly.

“I skipped breakfast this morning. Until just now I had forgotten just how hungry I was am.”

Arc nods. “We should probably remedy that. What time is lunch, Natalya?”

Natalya looks at the position of the sun. “We’re a bit early. But if you’re hungry, there will be appetizers in the dining room by now.”

Arc stands up. “We should get something in your stomach, Princess Luna.”

Luna nods. “Perhaps you should stay here and rest, Arc. You’ve already had quite the day!”

Arc walks toward the door with Luna. “Thank you, but I’d rather stick with the group.”

Rose nods. “Who knows when the assassin will try again?!”

Natalya holds the door open. “I’m sure they’ll be caught soon. No one hides for long from our forces!”

Arc turns to her. “What about the rebels?”

Flash Sentry looks to Natalya as they walk down the corridor. “The commander’s right! They’ve been one step ahead of your government for some time now.”

Luna nods. “I agree. Do not be lured into a sense of complacency, everypony. Besides, I’ll be fine.”

Arc frowns. “Let’s not test that theory, Princess Luna.”

As they enter the Dining Room the group sees a long table with many chairs on either side of it with servants scurrying about. They stop and bow as Luna enters. One of them approaches hurriedly and addresses her.

“P-Princess Luna! We apologize for not being ready for your arrival!”

“It’s alright. We are early after all.”

Natalya frowns at the servant. “Princess Luna is quite hungry. What is ready?”

“The roast is still in the oven. But we have salad, bread, and fruits. What would the princess like?”

Arc looks to her. “How about a salad while we wait for the other guests, princess?”

Luna nods. The servants hurry to the kitchen as Natalya leads them to the end of the table and pulls out a chair.

“Here you are, your majesty.”

Luna appears confused. “But this chair is next to the head of the table! Wouldn’t that be rather presumptuous?!”

Arc nods. “True. But we need to build you up in the eyes of the griffons, princess.

“But this might offend them!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “The commander is right, your highness. The griffons will most likely see it as posturing. Which they respect.”

Rose sighs. “This is a very strange culture.”

Arc shrugs. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Luna sits down. “Very well.”

Arc sits down next to her as Rose and Flash Sentry take their places behind Princess Luna. She turns to Arc.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I’d hate to make a bad first impression.”

“If what I’ve read and witnessed is true, this is not only what they will want, but will expect.”

“This is most out of the ordinary. But I believe you, Arc. By the way, what is that smell?”

Arc sniffs the air. “Oh, um… it’s some kind of roast. Does that bother you?”

Luna shakes her head. “Not particularly. Like I told you on my visit to your base, I’ve shared meals with a great number of different races. Each have their own dietary needs, as I myself do. However the spices used are quite foreign to me.”

“I think I’ll have what you do though. Don’t want to make you queasy.”

“It’s fine, Arc. After all, if we have any more trouble in the future you’ll need your strength.”

Arc sighs as a servant pours them glasses of water. “Well, here’s to hoping we don’t.”

Luna nods as a salad if brought before her. “Agreed.”

A short time later the Council of Lords enters the Dining Room. Arc and Luna stand respectfully as Gestal walks over to them.

“Good to see you well, Lord Arc. When the attack occurred, we feared the worst!”

Arc nods. “Thankfully the princess and I are just fine. But where are my manners…?”

He gestures to Luna.

“This is Princess Luna, ruler of Equestria.”

Luna nods regally at them. “How do you do?”

Gestal nods stoically. “It is good to have you here safe and sound, your highness. Allow me to introduce the rest of the council. Lord Goldstone you know, of course.”

Goldstone gives Luna a calculating smile. “Your highness.”

“Lord Adalbert…”

The head of the military nods gruffly. “A pleasure.”

“Lord Weller.”

Weller smiles warmly. “Good to meet you.”

“And I am Lord Gestal. Head of the Council of Lords. Our king extends his apologies, but he is unable to see you at the moment.”

“I understand. He will be at the ceremony however, correct?”

Weller nods. “Certainly. A document of such importance cannot be made law without his signature.”

Adalbert snorts. “Yes. Our land’s customs are not as… simple as yours.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “What did you…?!

Arc interrupts. “I believe Lord Adalbert meant that the Griffon Kingdom, having a second line of leaders, takes some getting used to.”

Adalbert frowns. “Something like that.”

Weller gestures to the table. “Well, it appears everything is ready. Should we perhaps sit down?”

Gestal nods as he turns to Luna. “Yes. Forgive us for being late, your highness.”

Arc turns to Gestal as they retake their seats. “We decided to come a bit early. I was a bit hungry after my close encounter.”

Adalbert looks Arc’s attire up and down as they sit. “Tell me, Lord Arc. How did you survive such an attack apparently unharmed?”

Arc picks up his glass and chuckles slyly. “I am very difficult to kill, Lord Adalbert.”

“Yes… I can see that.”

Gestal turns to a servant, quietly. “We are ready.”

The servant bows and leaves the room. A few minutes later lunch is served. Gestal turns to Luna as they eat.

“I’ve ordered General Blackbeak to tighten security during your stay, Princess Luna.”

Goldstone smiles insincerely. “Yes, it would be… unfortunate if something were to befall the princess, or her entourage.”

Arc nods. “Has the would-be assassin been found?”

Weller shakes his head. “They have not. We can only assume they fled with the others.”

Adalbert scoffs. “While I hope that is the last we will see of them, I know better.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed.”

He turns to Luna.

“Tell me, how does Equestria deal with dissidents?”

Luna looks to him as she levitates a fork with a carrot on its tip. “Deal with? We mostly leave them alone.”

Goldstone frowns. “You cannot be serious.”

“I am.”

Weller looks confused. “How do they not overwhelm your nation?”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “Is it perhaps your absent sister’s doing?”

“I admit, my sister has always treated those who disagreed with her… carefully. It was my opinion in the past that they should be set straight as soon as possible.”

Adalbert grins. “Agreed!”

Weller nods over his plate of roast. “Begging your pardon, your majesty. But… have you?”

“I have not.”

Goldstone chuckles. “Would it perhaps be very… costly to do so?”

“When I took over full leadership of my nation, I had intended to stamp out any enemies of the state!”

Arc turns to her. “What stopped you?”

Luna sighs. “Our nation’s Lead Sage told me something rather interesting.”

She pauses and looks down at the large salad before her before turning her gaze to those assembled.

“If you would permit a small demonstration.”

Gestal nods. “By all means.”

Luna’s horn glows as she slowly lifts her salad out of the bowl. As she does so bits and pieces of lettuce, carrots, radishes and whatnot fall to the table.

“You must forgive me. I’m doing my very best to hold this.”

Weller smiles at her politely. “Yes, well… there is quite a bit there.”

Luna gestures with a hoof. “The more I try to hold onto this mass of greens, the more falls to the table. Every effort on my part causes more problems. More of a mess if you will.”

She looks down at the growing mess on the table before lowering the greens back into the bowl and levitating her fork again. Luna picks up a radish and looks at it a moment before speaking.

“However, if I deal with small problems… individuals, they are a simple matter to deal with.”

Gestal frowns. “What of their allies?”

Luna sighs as she picks up the mess from the table with her magic. “Those who cause trouble for their groups are generally cast out. Nopony wants to help troublemakers. They are usually on their own.”

Goldstone nods thoughtfully. “Perhaps. But if these individuals were to somehow band together…”

Arc reaches out a hand and picks up a baby carrot as Rose does the same to an eggplant slice.

“Princess Luna is not alone in these matters.”

“Right! We’ll band together too!”

Natalya picks up a lettuce leaf. “Many talons make light work, Lord Arc.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Like these factions, we too will band together to defend the crown.”

Arc looks at the baby carrot in his hand. “I’m all for freedom and allowing others to voice their concerns. However, when they turn to deception, trickery or worst of all, violence…”

Arc crushes the carrot in his hand. Juice begins to drip onto the table.

“…that’s where my patience ends.”

He drops the carrot onto the table and looks up at the assembled lords.

“I’m sure the rebels have crossed the line. Several in fact! But if you engage them in this way, you will only strengthen their resolve.”

Adalbert rolls his eyes. “What would you have us do?! Roll over and die?!”


Goldstone frowns. “Then what, pray tell, ARE you saying?!”

“When I was Lord Regent, there were several occasions where I was forced to make some rather… distasteful choices.”

Gestal nods. “Such is the role of a leader.”

“That it is. However, I always tried talking first. Sometimes it worked… sometimes it didn’t. But it was always worth the effort.”

Gestal shakes his head. “We do not negotiate with rebels here, Lord Arc.”

Adalbert looks at Arc’s chest. “Or terrorists!”

Goldstone frowns. “Agreed. These traitors will be found and PUT DOWN! No matter the cost!”

Weller sighs. “While I may not go so far as some of my compatriots, I agree that coddling these rebels will only encourage them to attempt grander and more serious crimes against the crown and our nation.”

Gestal focuses on Arc again. “All of us have heard of your exploits across the sea, Lord Arc. However, things work very differently here.”

Adalbert nods huffily. “I’ll say! These rebels aren’t a group we can simply march on and take out!”

Goldstone nods. “Yes! The cowards operate from the shadows! What else can we do but to fight them?!”

Luna holds up a hoof. “I do not believe this is a simple matter. However, Equestria will not violate the terms of the treaty in this regard.”

Arc turns to her. “Which part would that be?”

Gestal clears his throat. “We are concerned that when the treaty is signed the rebels may try to blend in with other griffons that will undoubtedly travel there.”

Adalbert frowns. “Hiding in plain sight.”

Weller nods. “For that reason, language was written into the treaty to remove unlawful aliens from Equestria.”

Arc sighs. “Extradition?”

Goldstone chuckles. “Yes. Their crimes are against the Griffon Kingdom. Therefore, they need to face OUR justice!”

Luna turns to Arc. “That works both ways. Should a griffon commit a crime in Equestria before returning home they would have to stand trial before OUR courts.”

Arc nods. “Not sure how I feel about that, but…”

A single pane of glass in a large window overlooking the city shatters as a bolt flies toward Princess Luna. Moving like lightning Arc reaches for the projectile. It pierces his palm, but he is able to wrap his fingers around the fins. A split second later Rose jumps over the table toward the window as her breastplate absorbs the impact of four more bolts. The lord’s Honor Guards move to protect their own wards. Flash Sentry jumps in front of Luna with Natalya at his side and draws his blades.

“Where are they?!”

Natalya points a talon toward the window. “There!”

Quite some distance away several griffons in white robes can be seen hovering. With a powerful flap of their wings all of them fly into the overhead sea of clouds. The guards from outside the room rush inside along with General Blackbeak. He quickly surveys the room.

“What happened?!”

Goldstone looks at the general angrily. “Another assassination attempt, you fool!”

Adalbert points a talon at the window. “The shots came from outside!”

Blackbeak and his guards rush forward. Weller calls out after them.

“They’re camouflaged! Hiding in the clouds!”

“We’ll find them!”

The general along with the guards smash through the window and fly toward the clouds as Gestal turns back to Luna and her entourage.

“It would appear the rebels are indeed more resourceful than we first gave them credit for.”

Adalbert looks at the clouds. “Right! It’s unlikely the general will find them in there!”

Weller nods. “He’ll certainly try though.”

Goldstone scoffs. “Blackbeak couldn’t find a sack of seeds in a feed store!”

Flash Sentry turns to Luna. “Are you all right, your highness?!”

Luna nods. Clearly shaken at the events before her. “Yes. Thanks to all of you, that is!”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good! It’s clear the rebels are trying to…”

Rose looks down at Arc, interrupting Natalya. “We need to get that looked at!”

Luna appears confused. “But, I didn’t see…”

She looks down to see a small pool of blood forming on the table as blood drips down the shaft of the bolt in his hand. Her eyes widen.

“Oh my! What happened?!”

Rose looks to Luna. “I believe the first attack was meant to be for you, your highness.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes. “Of course it was! Who else would have been targeted?!”

“All of you.”

Adalbert frowns. “Come again?!”

Rose looks at them as she helps Arc up. “Four bolts were part of the second wave. I believe they intended to kill the Council of Lords as well.”

Arc stands up. “Maybe. We’ll have to ask them when they’re caught.”

Natalya gestures to the door. “Yes sir. But for now we need to have your talon looked at!”

Weller stands. “Yes. I will escort you to the Infirmary myself!”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, but we have a medic that normally takes care of my wounds about our ship.”

Adalbert laughs. “They’re not as good as our surgeons!”

Gestal turns to Adalbert. “Lord Arc is a warrior. Remember, many of our own heroes insist on a regular medic to treat them.”

Flash Sentry nods. “We need to get Princess Luna to safety as well.”

Rose looks around nervously. “Agreed! Security must come first. Please follow us, your majesty.”

Arc nods. “Lead the way you two.”

Weller turns to Natalya. “Keep us appraised of Lord Arc’s condition.”

“Yes sir.”

Luna stands. She is led by her Honor Guards toward the door. Arc turns to Gestal.

“We’ll be back later. Thank you for lunch, and the roast was excellent.”

The group leaves the room as the lords turn to one another. Weller sighs.

“We should probably get back to work.”

Adalbert nods soberly. “Agreed. We shouldn’t let the rebel’s actions deter us from our duty.”

Goldstone sighs. “Yes! I’ll be in my office going over the cost of this mess.”

Gestal nods. “We all have our roles to play in this matter.”

The Council leaves the dining Room. Goldstone and his Honor Guards proceed to their destination.

He turns to his Honor Guards as he walks into his outer office. “Guard my door and see to it I’m not disturbed.”

The guards move to stand on either side of the office door. Pained expressions spread across their faces as they do so. Goldstone opens his office door and steps inside, muttering to himself.

“Fools… their antics will only ensure their downfall!”

He turns and looks at his secretary working silently at her desk. Stacks of papers surround her. Goldstone smirks as he thinks to himself.

“I suppose I should unwind after such an eventful day..”

He watches his secretary for a few more moments before speaking.


Galena looking up nervously. “Y-y-yes sir?”

He smiles wickedly at her. “I’ve had a rather hard day. So I’m going to need you to… ‘work late’.”

Galena begins shaking in fear. “R-right now?!”


She stands up and slowly walks into his office. As she passes, Goldstone grabs her tail feathers and slams the office door. Galena’s body goes rigid with a sudden intake of breath.

“Please don’t do this, sir!”

“You know what I want you to do.”


“NOW DO IT!!!”

Galena begins to cry as she carries out Goldstone’s instructions.

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