• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - A Night Out

Arc walks down the stairs. Ember is waiting for him on the Living Room couch.

“How do I look?”

Ember grins. “I’m not really sure. I mean, to me you look dashing, but… is that what humans wear on dates?”

“This isn’t a date, Ember.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Right, Arc. Just like your evening with Princess Luna wasn’t a date?”

“But it wasn’t.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.”

“You’re no help.”

Hugh and Max head upstairs and join the pair in the Living Room.

“Looking good, sir!”

“I agree. Miss Lily will swoon when she gets a look at you!”

Arc shrugs. “I always dress this way for our annual outing. Shelly and Lily always look their best as well.”

“That may be, sir. But you’re going to be alone with Lily this time.”

“It’s much more romantic than a trio, sir.”

Arc frowns and turns to Ember. “Did you coach them or something?”

Ember laughs. “Nah! But at least they have sense!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Think what you want. Max, how are things downstairs?”

“Viktor and Xenos are doing research into some data Sunburst sent over while we were gone.”

Ember frowns. “Sent over?”

Hugh nods. “Through the portal, that is.”

Ember groans. “I know that! What rotten timing though.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “If you’d like I can stay here and help them, sir.”

Max nods. “There really is a lot to be done.”

Arc heads for the basement. “I could help too.”

Ember grabs him by the arm. “Oh no you don’t! YOU have a date to get to!”

“It’s not a date!”

Hugh grins. “Yes sir.”

Max turns to Arc. “In any case, Ember and I can stay with Miss Shelly while you and Miss Lily have your evening out.”

“Thanks, Max. I can always count on you.”

Ember frowns. “Hey! What about me?!”

“Keep an eye on Ember tonight too.”

Max grins. “Yes sir.”

“I can be responsible!”

Arc “I know you can, Ember. Just having a bit of fun.”

Ember shakes her head. “Jokers the lot of you.”

Hugh looks at the clock. “Shouldn’t you all get moving, sir? It’s almost six.”

“I suppose we should.”

Ember grabs her leather jacket. “Let’s go!”

Max nods as he zips up his own coat. “Right behind you, sir.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Arc? Maybe I should stay here.”


“Well, I certainly don’t want to be a third wheel on your date. Wouldn’t I make you just a bit… uncomfortable?”

“Not at all. Like I said before, this is just a little something Shelly, Lily, and I do every year. We’re just friends after all.”

“Well, okay. But only if you’re sure you won’t mind. I’ll keep quiet though.”

Arc and his friends walk out to the driveway and jump into the Jeep.

“Okay. Now I just have to make one quick stop before we head back to pick up Lily.”

Ember frowns. “Are we low on milk again?”

“Or bread?”

Arc shrugs. “I have no idea.”

Ember gives Arc a strange looks as the Jeep pulls onto the street.

“Then what…?”

“You’ll see.”

A short time later they pull into the parking lot of Shelly’s Kitchen. Ember looks Arc over one more time as they walk toward the building.

“Well, you’re as ready as you’re going to be, Arc.”

Max nods. “Agreed. You got this, sir.”

“Wait, your tie is crooked! Let me fix that for you.”

Ember straightens it and looks Arc over one final time.

“That looks a lot better.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “It looks the same to me.”


Ember rolls her eyes. “You two are hopeless.”

They walk up the stairs together. Arc knocks lightly before entering the unlocked apartment.

“We’re back.”

Shelly calls out from her chair in the Living Room. “I’m in here!”

Arc and company enter. Sereb is still in Shelly’s lap. Together the pair look Arc over.

“You look nice.”

“Thank you.”

He walks over to Shelly and hands her a bouquet of flowers. Accepting them, she smiles.

“Thank you, Arc. I have a vase here all ready for them.”

Shelly carefully begins pulling roses out of their white wrapping and one by one putting them in the vase.

“There! That’s nice!”

“You always liked roses.”

Shelly looks at the bouquet in Arc’s other hand. “Yes, well… I just love the way they smell.”

Max turns to Arc. “Does Miss Lily not like roses?”

“She does. But these are her real favorite.”

Shelly nods. “Yes. Ever since we were children.”

Ember looks at the two different kinds of flowers. “I guess everyone is different, huh?”

“Yes. What kind of flowers do you like, Ember?”

Ember blushes slightly as she looks away. “I’m… not much for such things.”

Max does his best to change the subject. “So… where’s Miss Lily?”

“In her room getting ready. She should be almost done by now if you’d like to go see her, Arc.”

“Oh, um… okay. I’ll be right back.”

Arc leaves the room. Shelly turns to Ember and Max.

“Have a seat you two.”

Max sits down. “Thank you, ma’am.”

Shelly giggles. “Please. Just call me Shelly.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Ember clears her throat. “So you and Arc have known each other for a long time now?”

“Since he came to live at the Farburg Orphanage, yes. But he doesn’t like to talk about that much. It was a very sad time in his life.”

Ember sighs. “Yeah. I kinda know how he feels.”

Meanwhile, Arc approaches Lily’s door. He takes a deep breath and knocks lightly.

“Is that you, Arc?”

“Yup. Can I come in?”


Arc opens the door to find Lily sitting in front of her mirror brushing her hair. She turns and stands to meet him in the center of the room.

“Sorry. I’ve never been very good at making myself look presentable.”

Arc smiles at her as he hands over the bouquet. “You look just fine.”

Lily smells them and nods. “Thank you, Arc. You know how much I love carnations.”

“You’re welcome. Are you ready to go?”

She turns back to her mirror and picks up her brush. “As soon as I get my hair right.”

“But you look great.”

Lily blushes slightly. “Really?”

“Yeah! Let’s get going. You must be hungry.”

Lily puts the carnations in a vase on her nightstand. “I am actually.”

Arc offers his arm to Lily. “Well then, let’s say goodbye to Shelly and the others so we can be off.”

Lily smiles as she puts her hand in the cruck of Arc’s arm. “Okay.”

The pair return to the Living Room. Ember and Max look over at the pair approvingly

“You look very nice, Miss Lily!”


Shelly smiles at the pair. “That you do.”

Lily looks worried. “Shelly, are you sure you’ll be okay without us?”

“Yes, of course. Now you two go have a good time.”

Max smiles at Arc. “Ember and I will take good care of Miss Shelly for you.”


Shelly waves after them. “Don’t keep her out too late now, Arc.”

Arc laughs as the pair head for the door. “I won’t.”

“Have a nice time, sir.”

“We got this!”

The pair leave the apartment and walk down the steps together to the Jeep. Arc opens the passenger side door for Lily.

“There you are, ma’am.”

Lily giggles as she sits down. “You sound like your friend Max now.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Of course! He seems like a really nice person.”

Arc walks over to the driver’s side and gets in.

“That he is.”

Lily looks to Arc as he pulls onto the road. “Say, where did meet him?”

“I, uh… met him… in a town near where Dawn and Daisy live.”

“Really? Where are they from again?”

“Ah… Ponyville.”

“I never heard of it. Is that in this state?”

“No. It’s quite a ways away.”

“Is it a ranching community, or something?”


Lily giggles. “Are there more horses than people there?”

Arc chuckles. “That statement I can categorially say yes to.”

“Are the people friendly?”

“Very! Admittedly we had a bit of a rocky start. But once we got to know each other, things were much better.”

“How did you do that?”

“Involving myself in the community mostly.”

“That’s it?”

Arc nods. “You’d be surprised just how far a little kindness and understanding will take you.”

Sometime later they arrive at their destination. Arc opens Lily’s door for her and helps her out.

“Here we are. Roberto’s Pizza.”

Lily smiles at Arc as she takes his arm. “You always did like his food.”

“You and Shelly did too.”

Lily smiles and nods as they walk toward the building. “Well, you were the one who showed us that pizza could be tasty.”

Arc shudders. “Yeah. The school pizza wasn’t much of an example.”

“It certainly wasn’t anything special. More like rubber than something you’d want to eat.”

They enter the restaurant to find it empty.

“This is odd.”

“Are they closed?”

Arc turns around and looks at the sign on the door. “This is regular business hours.”

Lily points to the window. “The ‘open’ sign is on too.”

Arc calls out. “Roberto? Are you here?”

A tall elderly Italian comes out of the back room.

“Arc! It IS you! I thought I recognized the voices out here!”

He shakes hands with Arc and turns to Lily.

“You’re getting so tall, little lady!”

Lily laughs as she embraces him.

“It’s good to see you again, Roberto!”

“Where is Shelly?”

“She’s not feeling well. Arc’s friends are spending the evening at home with her.”

Arc nods. “Sorry for coming so late. I wasn’t aware you had changed hours.”

Roberto sighs. “I… I didn’t.”

Lily looks around the empty room. “Then where are all your customers?”

“It is a long story, you two. But come! I bake you a pizza, and show you a good time!”

Roberto leads the pair to the private dining room. He dims the room and lights a candle in the center of the table as Arc pulls out Lily’s chair for her.

“There! A more cozy atmosphere. Can I start you two off with something to drink?”

“I’ll have a water.”

“Coke for me, please.”

Roberto leaves the room and returns momentarily with their drinks and a basket of bread. He chuckles as he pulls out his order pad.

“Would you like your regular, Arc?”

Arc laughs. “You know me so well!”

“And for you, Lily?”

“I’ll have my regular too.”

Roberto smiles. “I’ll have that out for you as quick as I can.”

He leaves the room. Arc turns to Lily.

“So how’s Shelly been lately?”

Lily sighs. “Other than the hospital visit?”

Arc nods.

“She’s… been having more bad days lately.”

“Her conditions?”

“You know it.”

“Have the doctor’s been able to do anything for her?”

Lily shakes her head. “Not a thing that hasn’t already been tried.”

“So no new treatment options?”

“Nothing I’m afraid. She’s really suffering now more than before. That special chair Frank sent over for her is helping a lot, but…”

Her voice trails off as she looks down.

“…it’s only going to get worse for her from here on out.”

Arc sighs. “Shelly’s always been a tough girl. Always smiling even when it hurts.”

“Yes. I’ve always respected that in her. She’s done so much for me in the past. I just wish I could do something to help her.”

“As do I.”

Arc and Lily continue to chat as they wait for their food. Lily sniffs the air and smiles.

“That does smell good!”

“That was one thing that bothered me when we entered. No pizza smell.”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“Probably due to the lack of customers.”

“That’s another question! This place should be brimming with guests right now!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Very strange indeed. It kinda reminds me of you and Shelly’s restaurant a while ago.”

Lily looks worried. “You don’t suppose the Shards are branching out, do you?!”

“I sure hope not. Roberto doesn’t deserve that!”

A short time later the proprietor enters their room with two steaming pizzas.

“There you are! One extra cheese, and one veggie lovers!”

“Thanks, Roberto!”

“These do smell good!”

“Enjoy you two! I’ll come check on you in a few minutes.”

He turns to leave as Arc serves Lily a slice of her pizza before turning to the proprietor.

“Are you busy, Roberto?”

Roberto turns around. “No. Was there something else you needed?”

Lily nods. “Kinda. We just wanted to ask you something.”

Arc picks up a slice for himself. “Your pizza smells great, as usual.”

They each take a bite.

“Tastes the same too.”

Lily nods happily. “Agreed!”

“So why don’t you have any other customers?”

Roberto sighs. “There’s a gang of ruffians that come around here every so often. They cause nothing but trouble for my customers. So no one comes around anymore.”

Lily gasps. “We had the same trouble in our restaurant, Roberto!”

Arc frowns. “Were they the Shards?”

Roberto shakes his head. “I have heard of the trouble in Angel Grove. However these are no young delinquents, but adults that should know better!”

“A different gang?!”

Roberto nods. “Yes. They call themselves ‘The Riders’.”

Arc frowns. “Not very imaginative.”

“These gang members drive very big, very loud motorcycles. Mostly middle aged men from what I’ve seen.”

“Do they come here for your pizza?”

“Yes, they love my pizza! But they don’t like to pay! And when they show up, all the other customers leave.”

He looks over at Lily.

“I am very glad to hear your own business is on the rise, young Lily. But if things don’t change around here soon, I’ll…”

The sound of engines can be heard approaching the building from outside. Arc frowns.

“It sounds like we have company.”

“Oh dear! Do you suppose it’s The Riders, Roberto?”

Roberto sighs. “Yes, that’s them. I’ll head up front now and take their orders.”

Arc frowns. “I thought you said they don’t pay!”

“That’s right. But if I don’t serve them, they’ll smash my shop.”


Arc moves to stand. “Can we help?”

Roberto shakes his head. “No, no! Please! Just stay in here until they leave! Lock the door behind me! You two will be safe in here!”

The owner hurries out to greet the newcomers as they approach the building. Lily looks to Arc, clearly frightened.

“We have to help him!”

“Agreed. Let’s take a look out the window and see what we’re up against.”

The pair head over to the window and peek outside. They see three dozen motorcycles lined up with an equally large number of muscular bikers heading toward the entrance.

“Hmmm… we need a plan.”

“How about your friend from Angel Grove?!”

“Which one?”

“The big armored one from the news! That Hero of Light fellow!”

“Think I should give him a call?”

Lily looks at the phone next to the couch. “You have his number?!”

Arc points to his head. “Of course. I never leave home without it.”

“Do you think he can get here in time?!”

Arc takes Lily’s hand and leads her toward the room’s private bathroom. “I guarantee it. You stay in here though.”

“What about you though?!”

“When he gets here I’ll go out there and help.”

Lily nods nervously as Arc closes the Bathroom door. “Be careful!”

Arc calls out through the closed door. “I will. Lock that door behind you and don’t open it for anyone other than me. Understand, Lily?”


Lily does as she it told and sits down in a dark corner of the bathroom. She begins to cry.

“Be careful, Arc! I don’t know what I’d do if you were to…!”

Meanwhile, the thugs burst into the pizzeria carrying on loudly. They roughly push a few tables together and sit down. Roberto rushes over nervously.

“Wh-what can I get you?!”

The leader grabs Roberto roughly by the front of his shirt. “Just start cooking! I’ll tell you when to stop!”

“Yes sir, right away!”

He roughly pushes Roberto toward the counter. Meanwhile, Arc steps over to the door and opens it a crack. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc, what are you planning to do?!”

“Teach those guys a lesson for starters.”

“Be careful! Somepony could get hurt!”

Arc touches his ring and calls forth Eidolon’s Ward. “Yeah… them!”

Viktor’s voice rings out through his earring. “Commander? You’re cameras just came online! Is everything okay?!”

“You guys stay on your toes. Things are about to get dangerous.”

Xenos hurries to his seat. “Yes sir!”

Arc pulls the magic robe out of his ring and puts it on. He then locks the door, cloaks, and Blinks through. The gang members are whooping it up as Arc looks around.

“Hmmm… these guys are pretty big.”

“Maybe they’re too much for you, Arc!”

“They may be big, but I can see they’re dumb as a box of rocks. I’ll bet they mostly rely on intimidation and numbers rather than actual fighting experience.”

“You sure about that?!”

“One way to find out.”

He Blinks outside to the parking lot. Cherry sounds confused.

“Arc? What are you…?”

He walks toward the building and decloaks. “Making an entrance they’ll remember.”

Pushing the door open, Arc slowly walks inside. The Riders stop talking and look over at the newcomer, chuckling. The leader yells over to him.

“A little early for Halloween, isn’t it?!”

Arc ignores him and walks over to the counter. Sitting down he slowly reaches over and rings the bell. A few moments later Roberto steps nervously out of the kitchen and walks over to the counter.

“S-something I can get you, sir?”

The leader stands up quickly. “HEY! No orders until we’ve been served! Got it, old man!”

Roberto looks over to the robed and armored person before him.

“I… I’m sorry, but they’re having a… um… private party.”

He lowers his voice.

“Come around back and I’ll take your order there.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. I can wait.”

The leader turns his attention to Arc. “Get out of here, you bum!”

He shoots Roberto a nasty glare.

“Y-yes sir! Your order will be out soon!”

As Roberto turns to head back to the kitchen Arc puts a hand on his shoulder and lowers his voice.

“No matter what you hear, stay back there.”

Roberto nods and returns to the Kitchen as The Riders stand up as one and walk over to the counter.

“You deaf, weirdo?! I said get out of here!”

Arc turns around. “Is there not room for everyone here? After all, I just want some of the best pizza in town. Same as you, I suppose.”

“This is OUR turf though! Get lost!”

“You’re hurting this man’s business. Why don’t you and your boys leave so he can get some paying customers?”

The leader looks to him, confused. “Are you crazy or something?! Why should WE leave?!”

“Because it’s just the right thing to do.”

The gang laughs heartily as the leader motions for one of his men to hold the front door open.

“Well then. Maybe YOU ought to leave before things get rough! After all, it would be the ‘right’ thing for YOU to…”

“I’m not going anywhere. Now unless you all want to leave here with broken limbs, I suggest all of you walk out that door and don’t come back.”

The leader smirks. “I guess we’re doing this that hard way!”

Arc chuckles. “Thinking the same thing.”

He turns to look out the front door as he picks up a nearby pepper shaker and toys with it.

“Those are some nice bikes you have out there.”

“What are you…?”

Arc hurls the pepper shaker past the man holding the door at one of the bikes outside. It hits the side squarely denting the panel. The leader’s face turn crimson with rage.

“GET HIM!!!”

They lung at Arc as he Blinks outside. The leader looks around.

“What the…?!”

“Out here!”

“Don’t just stand there! After him!”

The gang rushes outside and surrounds Arc.

“You just made a BIG mistake, friend! We’re going to teach you a lesson you ain't NEVER going to forget!”

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