• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - The Call

Arc reappears on the sigil in his basement. Rose walks over to him.

“Welcome back, Arc. Are you alright after the day’s activities?”

“Just fine, Rose. Where are the others though?”

“Upstairs making supper.”

“I see. Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“I think this is the first time you’ve ever asked how I am.”

Rose nods. “Yes. Usually I rely on my sensors to ascertain that. But… I feel better hearing it directly from you. Not sure why though.”

“That’s a human mannerism. Concern for a friend.”

“I’m feeling more human and less android these days. Is that bad?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Whatever you’re feeling right now is exactly what you’re supposed to feel. At least that’s what I believe.”

“I’m… a little frightened by this.”

“Fear is also a human emotion.”

Rose sighs. “I suppose it is.”

They are silent for a time. Arc clears his throat and attempts to change the subject.

“So… did those remote sensors from Sunburst work out?”

Rose nods. “Yes. Xenos drove me over there already. I set them up in the woods surrounding the house. The triangulated signal should help us receive the most accurate readings.”

“Thanks. How’s Frank doing anyways?”

“It’s rather strange actually. Most of the time his readings are that of a normal human. However seemingly at random his body chemistry will shift heavily.”

“Like that day?”


“Any idea what’s causing it?”

“Whatever Doctor Rieper did to him most likely. Although without more information, there’s no way to know what that could have entailed.”

Arc sighs. “In any case, I took Rieper’s laptop. It might hold some answers if you’re up to it later.”

Rose nods. “I’ll certainly try.”

Arc sniffs the air. “Why don’t we head upstairs though? It smells like the guys are almost done cooking supper.”

“That’s alright. I don’t require food, after all.”

“Yes, but we still would enjoy your company.”

“Alright. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Arc nods and goes upstairs as Rose heads to the bathroom. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she sighs

“These new thoughts going through my head. Is it really alright for me to be thinking such things?”

Meanwhile, Arc enters the kitchen. As expected he finds his squad busy at work. Max salutes him from the stove.

“Welcome back, sir.”

Viktor looks over from the sink. “Was Miss Moore able to figure anything out?”

“A bit. But my armor was out of my ring. Didn’t you guys hear what was said?”

Hugh looks away, clearly embarrassed. “Uh… no, sir.”

“Why not?”

Eidolon’s Ward turns from the cupboard. “I told them to shut off their cameras before Minerva started undressing, Arc.”

Xenos nods. “We did so, of course. But didn’t feel right about turning everything back on.”

Max sighs. “Yes. Back then, we just felt like eavesdroppers.”

“I appreciate that. As does Minerva, I’m sure.”

As the squad puts the food on the table the phone rings. Arc moves to answer it.

“I’ll get it.”

Rose turns to him. “The phone in the Living Room is acting up. You might want to use the one upstairs.”

“Thanks, I will.”

Hurrying upstairs to the telephone in his parent’s room Arc picks up the receiver.


“Hello again, Arc.”

“Diva?! How did you…?!”

“Shut up and listen to me, you moron! You have something I want!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Friends?”

“Don’t be funny. You know what I mean.”

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Can you be more specific?”

Diva chuckles. “Ah, so you still want to play games? Very well. Just a moment.”

The muffled sounds of Diva calling out to someone can be heard. A few moments later she picks the receiver back up.

“I’ve ordered someone very special brought over. They’d like to say hello.”

There is the sound of the receiver being moved before Diva speaks in the background.

“Go ahead.”

Silence fills the air for a few moments before what sounds like a smack rings out. Diva screams to someone.


“H… hello?”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “What?! Minerva?!”

“Hero! Stay away! Don’t listen to…!”

A crash can be heard as Diva comes back on the line.

“Now then, Hero... do I have your attention?”

“Leave her alone! She doesn’t have anything to do with you and I!”

“Oh, I think she does. We have her on camera walking the halls of the local hospital.”

“So what?!”

“She and her cameraman were seen outside the office of a good friend of mine right before someone took something of his. I think we both know who that was.”

Arc clenches his fist.

“What would it take to get Minerva back safely?”

Diva chuckles. “I’m a fair woman. You return the device to me, and I’ll give you back your girlfriend.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. When and where?”

“One hour from now behind the abandoned hospital The Riders were using for a hideout. I’m sure you remember the one I’m talking about.”


“Good. Now then, a few rules. You can ride your beast of burden to get here. However, he needs to leave before you take one step off the road. Open a portal and get rid of him. Tell your other suicidal friends to stay away too. I’ll have sensors all over the area so don’t try anything stupid. You understand?”


“After you get rid of the mutt, walk around the back of the hospital. We’ll be there waiting for you.”

Arc frowns. “I’ll be there.”

Diva cackles. “You’re a smart man, Hero. But not smart enough to leave well enough alone. Now then, before I hang up, I just want to make it perfectly clear what the punishment would be for double-crossing us.”

A moment later the sounds of Minerva screaming can be heard. Arc yells into the receiver.

“What are you doing to her?!”

Diva chuckles. “My men are just softening her up a bit… with their fists!”

“Stop it! I already said I’d give you what you want!”

“You’d better! Or else your little girlfriend’s going to meet a gruesome end! Slowly and PAINFULLY!”

Minerva continues crying out in pain for a few moments as she begs her captives to stop before the line cuts off. Arc slams the receiver down before hurrying back downstairs to the kitchen.


The sound of footfalls can be heard as the trio run up the basement stairs together. Ember frowns.

“I get the feeling that wasn’t the call for supper.”

Rose appears confused. “What is it, Arc?”

Sereb growls. “Is there trouble?!”

“Like you wouldn’t believe! That was Diva on the phone!”

Ember seethes. “WHAT?!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “How did she find us?!”

“No idea, and it’s not important right now! She has Minerva!”

Eidolon’s Ward gasps. “WHAT?! NO!”

Xenos frowns. “Are you sure, sir?!”

Hugh nods. “Could she be making that up?!”

“No! I distinctly heard her voice!”

Viktor grimaces. “We’ve gotta get her out of there!”

Max turns to Arc. “Agreed. But where exactly is she?”

“At what’s left of The Rider’s destroyed hideout.”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear. “Let’s all suit up and head over there!”

Sereb snarls. “I’ll tear that banshee’s throat out myself!”

Arc sighs. “We can’t.”

Rose frowns. “Why not?!”

“She claims to have a lot of eyes over there who’ll be watching out for trouble. I’m supposed to bring her back that laptop alone.”

Xenos shakes his head. “This is clearly a trap, sir!”

“I know that. But she didn’t give me a choice. Either they get that laptop back or she’ll beat Minerva to death!”

Ember seethes. “Those cowards!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Agreed! They’re the lowest of worms!”

Hugh nods soberly. “So what’s the plan, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Do as we’re told and get Minerva out of there.”

Sereb nods as he turns to Rose. “How important do you suppose that data is?”

“Very if Diva is willing to go to these lengths to get it back.”

Arc pats his ring. “Right. She must be desperate to make sure we don’t find out what’s on there.”

Ember groans. “But if it’s that important, it might be just what we need to blow the lid off this whole thing!”

Eidolon’s Ward calls out. “We can’t leave her with Diva, Arc!”

“I know that, Cherry.”

Ember frowns. “Why not?! She’s not exactly the most upstanding example of a human I’ve come across!”

Arc sighs. “That may be. She certainly did do some very nasty things to me and Cherry. But she also stuck her neck out by helping us earlier today. Either way, we’re not going to abandon her to Diva and her cronies.”

Max grins. “Agreed, sir.”

Xenos nods. “So what’s our part of the plan?”

“Sereb and I will ride out there in full battle armor. He’ll drop me off in front of the hospital and take a portal back here.”

Rose frowns. “What about you?”

“I’m supposed to walk behind the hospital to where we fought Bloodletter and The Riders. Diva and her henchmen will be waiting for me.”

Hugh grimaces. “You can’t go alone, sir!”

Viktor nods fervently. “Agreed. Diva and her friends have tried to get you in their clutches every time you met.”

Xenos clenches a fist angrily. “They’ll have you right where they want you!”

Max nods. “Yes sir. This plan is very dangerous.”

“That it is. But if I don’t do what Diva says she’ll hurt Minerva. Or worse.”

Ember frowns. “She doesn’t have the stomach to do that!”

Arc sighs. “I believe she does. Before Diva hung up I heard Minerva being beaten. She cried out, begging them to stop.”

Rose looks to Viktor. “Judging how far they were willing to go, that device must contain valuable information.”

“Rose can you copy the contents before we give the laptop back?”

“Yes. However, I must caution against that.”


“Miss Moore worked on this laptop, and was easily found. If I were to do the same would we not befall the same fate?”

Arc gasps. “Are you saying they were tracking that laptop?”

“That is the most logical conclusion, yes.”

Ember takes up a battle-ready stance. “Then they’ll be here soon!”

Rose shakes her head. “I do not believe so, Ember.”

Max raises an eyebrow, skeptically. “How can you be certain?”

“It’s probable that Arc’s ring, as it is the gateway to a pocket dimension, is preventing the signal from being sent.”

Viktor sighs. “But if we take the laptop out to check its contents or copy it…”

Xenos groans. “We’ll show up on their scanners in a second.”

Hugh clenches a fist. “But the information on it may be crucial to our investigation!”

Arc turns toward his armor. “If returning it will save Minerva’s life, I’ll gladly give it up.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You’re leaving now?!”

“I have less than an hour to get there. That and I don’t want to leave Minerva with Diva any longer than I have to.”

Ember frowns as Eidolon’s Ward opens to allow Arc to step inside.

“So what are we supposed to do?!”

“Wait here and watch the monitors.”


Cherry calls out. “Please, Ember! I know you want to help, but if you do Minerva will pay the price!”

Ember grits her teeth. “…fine.”

Max nods soberly. “Be careful out there, sir.”

Viktor heads toward the basement steps. “We’ll do our best to watch your back from here, of course.”

Rose turns to follow him. “I’ll help too.”

Xenos clenches a fist. “Don’t be afraid to call us in to help in case of a double-cross, sir.”

Hugh nods. “Yeah. All of us will be ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

“I appreciate that, but Diva made it very clear that she won’t tolerate interference.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Seriously. If things get dicey, call us!”

“Only as a last resort.”


Arc turns to Sereb. “Let’s go!”

Sereb nods and returns to his true form. Arc climbs up into the saddle as the armor materializes on his steed.

“Wish us luck.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. We will need it.”

The others nod soberly as he raises a gauntlet and opens a portal. Arc and Sereb step through. Ember clenches her fists angrily as the portal closes behind them.

“Argh! I hate this!”

Max puts a hand on her shoulder. “We don’t like it any better than you do, Ember.”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah. The commander’s walking into the lion’s den on this one for sure.”

Hugh nods. “We should get armored up in case the commander needs reinforcements.”

Viktor calls out from the basement. “Agreed. Robed up too.”

The others head for the basement as Ember turns to look out the kitchen window momentarily.

“I should be out there with you, Arc. But… I do understand your reasoning. It’s the only thing stopping me from flying out that door after you.”

Sighing, she turns toward the basement door to follow the others.

“Stay safe, Arc.”

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