• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Bereavement

Arc opens a portal back to Light’s Hope as he turns to Twilight and Rose.

“I want you two to head back to Ponyville now. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Twilight looks at him, confused. “What about you?”

Rose’s eyes grow wide. “You’re not coming back with us?”

Arc shakes his head as he looks over his shoulder at the Dragon Lord and Ember, grieving. “I need to stay here with Ember. She needs me right now.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I… understand. Please give her our condolences.”

“I will. Tell Derpy and Dinky I’ll be home… when I can.”

Twilight nods and turns to Rose.

“Why don’t you stay with me until Arc gets back? The two of us have a lot to talk about.”

Rose nods. “I’d like that, mother.”

Arc gives them both a hug. “I’ll see you when I can.”

The pair nod silently and walk through the portal. Arc closes it behind them before turning his back on the huge double doors. Looking to the mouth of the cave he sees a raging snowstorm blowing outside. As if nature itself mourned the loss of the Dragon Lord’s mate. Arc sighed.

“Lady Cinder. I wish we could have gotten to know one another better. Ember… Ember would have been so happy to… I’ll stay by her side until she can walk on her own again. I promise.”

Arc walks over to the Bloodstone Scepter. He stoops down, picks it up and looks it over. Sighing, he stares at the scepter in his gauntlet for some time.

“All that trouble we went through. So much risk. So much… pain. The combined power of the Dragon’s Tear and the Bloodstone Scepter was unable to bring Ember’s mother back to them for longer than a brief time. Was our trip to the temple worth it?! Was it worth me almost getting killed over?!

Arc looks over his shoulder at Ember and her father. He shakes his head sadly.

“I can’t really speak for the others, but… for Ember to be able to meet her mother… yes. Yes, it was worth the risk.”

Ember and Torch spend the rest of the day mourning the loss of Cinder. As evening falls the Dragon Lord slowly makes his way through the large double doors with his daughter.


Ember does not move. Arc walks over to her, takes her by the claw and slowly leads her away from the doors as the Dragon Lord closes them. The massive dragon stands there looking at the steel frame for some time before speaking. However he does not turn around.



Arc opens a portal back to Ember’s house and leads her toward it. Stopping briefly and turning around, he addresses the Dragon Lord.

“Sir? I’ll stay with Ember until… as long as she needs me.”

Dragon Lord Torch nods and responds in a voice quieter than Arc was aware he capable of.

“Thank you.”

Nodding, Arc leads Ember through the portal. It collapses behind them. The Dragon Lord stands in front of the doors for what seems like forever. Memories of the past fill his mind as he turns around and walks slowly to the mouth of the cave.

“Cinder… you were splendid. But… what cannot be… cannot be.”

Walking to the mouth of the cave, Torch deftly takes flight and circles the great mountain several times. He flies to another nearby mountaintop and smashes into it with all his might. Sinking his claws into the rubble he picks up the largest chunk and lifts it high into the air as he takes off.

“Goodbye… Cinder. You will live on in Ember and I… forever.”

The Dragon Lord brings the massive boulder down on the cave’s entrance, sealing it forever. He hovers some distance away and looks at the now closed off tomb.

“Rest forevermore… Cinder.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember reappear on the sigil. Arc walks her slowly over to the couch and helps her sit down before leaning the Bloodstone Scepter against the wall. He removes his armor, turns around and gets a fire going in the fireplace.

“Let’s get warmed up, shall we?”

Ember does not respond. Before long there is a roaring fire before them. Arc sits down next to her on the couch and takes her claw in his hand.

“I’m here, Ember. I’m right here.”

Tears begin to flow from her eyes, but she still says nothing. Ember begins to shiver as if cold.

“Are you hungry?”

Ember shakes her head sadly.

“Would you like me to take you to bed, Ember?”

She closes her eyes as the tears continue to flow and slowly nods. Arc carefully helps her up and leads her to her bedroom. He helps her sit down on the side of her bed.

“There you go. Now I’m going to help you take off your armor, okay?”

As before she does not respond. Arc carefully removes Ember’s armor and sets it in the corner of the room. He puts his hands on her shoulders and gently pushes her down onto the bed.

“Let’s get you comfortable.”

Arc picks up her ankles and swings her legs onto the bed. He then covers Ember with the blankets and gives her claw a quick squeeze.

“Get some rest Ember.”

As he turns to leave the room Ember grabs his hand. Arc turns around to look her in the eye. She says nothing, but continues to stare at him wordlessly.

“Okay, Ember… okay.”

Arc sits down on the side of the bed. Ember holds onto his tunic as he removes his boots and sets them aside before pulling the covers back and lying down next to her. As he covers them both up she wraps her arms around him tightly. Arc puts his own arms around Ember’s back and holds her close.

“Go ahead, Ember. I won’t tell anyone. Promise.”

Ember buries her face in Arc’s chest and screams with all her might. Unable to cope with the death of her mother as Arc puts a hand on the back of her head.

“There you go. Let it all out. I know what you’re going through…”

The following day, Ember lies face down on her bed. There is a small knock on her bedroom door but she does not respond. The door opens and Arc walks in. He sits down on the bed and gently rubs Ember’s back.

“Your dad hasn’t come back to his Throne yet.”

Ember does not move as Arc continues.

“He… he’s still in his cave looking over his horde.”

Again there is no response.

“Ember? You really need to get up and eat something. Keep your strength up.”

Ember does not look up, but speaks weakly and sadly.

“Arc… would you do me a favor?”


“Could you please leave and come back in about a week?”

“I… I can’t really do that, Ember. You need someone around right now. What brought this on?”

Ember sighs and responds in a flat tone. “I figured by the time you came back, I’d be dead.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

“Even dragons need to drink water to survive. So whenever you come back, dig a hole and just throw me into it. That would be…”

“I’m not going to just let you waste away, Ember!”

She calls forth her spear and offers it to him.

“Then would you at least hold this so I can finish myself off quickly?”

Arc grabs the spear from Ember’s claws and throws it across the room.

“Don’t ever say that again, Ember! Don’t you think there are others who would miss you if you died?!”

Ember allows her arm to drop back down to her side but does not move her head. “What does it matter anyway?”


“We’re all just on the slow road to death anyways. Why not just lie here and get it over with?”

Arc shakes his head. “I know you don’t mean that.”

Ember still does not move, but stares at the wall. “I do. If I just lie here very still, after a week or so of not eating or drinking I’ll die and join my mother. You’ll be along in a few decades anyway. Then all we have to do is sit around and wait for my father to join us and we’ll all be together again.”

“You… you really want to die that badly?”

Ember nods sadly. “I do. The pain in my heart right now… you… you don’t know what it’s like!”

Arc lies down next to Ember and puts an arm around her.

“I… I do. Remember, just like you did yesterday, I too watched my mother pass away.”

“And didn’t you want to die with her?”

Arc sighs. “Kinda. But unlike you, I didn’t have anyone around to talk to or comfort me before I was sent away to live at the Farburg Orphanage. There wasn’t anyone around that needed me, at least so I though. Had I ended my life then and there I wouldn’t have been missed.”

“Like me.”

“No! Not like you! Your father would be sad! Our friends in Ponyville would miss you! And… and…”

He squeezes her tightly and whispers in her ear.

“…and I would miss you.”

“You… you care about me that much?”

“Of course I do! You’re my best friend after all!”

Ember sighs. “Well, you should probably find someone else to fill that role. I’m… not really able to help myself anymore. Much less anyone else. Now would you please leave me to my fate?”

“No, Ember. You’ve stuck by my side all this time through thick and thin! Together we’ve been able to weather any storm thus far! I… I won’t leave you now!”

“Why? I’m useless to you.”

“Because that’s what someone who cares does, Ember! What a true friend does! What a… what a mate does.”

A small smile creeps across her face. “You… you want to take me as your mate?”

Arc shakes his head. “My answer from yesterday still stands, Ember. But regardless of what the future holds for you and I, always know this. No matter what happens between us… if you and I ever get married… if you find someone else to take as your mate… or even… even if you forget all about me, as Cherry did, I will always care for you! Nothing in this world, or any other, will EVER change that!”

They are silent for a time as Ember goes back to crying. Arc takes her claw in his hand.

“I’m your friend, Ember, and I’m here for you now. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

Ember rolls over to look at Arc. Her face is red and dirty from crying. Arc takes her face in his hands and gives her a small kiss on the forehead.

“I’m not going to leave you like this, Ember. I promise.”

She buries her face in Arc’s chest and continues crying for some time. Eventually Ember wears herself out and falls asleep. Arc continues to hold her, and whispers in her ear.

“Just rest now, Ember. I’m right here.”

Ember sleeps fitfully again that night. Often tossing and turning in her sleep as she cries out for her mother. Cherry calls out to Arc telepathically.

“I never thought I’d see the day Ember was like this!”

Arc nods. “I suppose no one is truly immune to the grief that comes with losing a parent.”

“I… I was about the same way when my parents died.”

“If I may, how did you get through it, Cherry?”

“Ruby did about what you’re doing now. It took some time, but the two of us were able to move on together.”

Arc looks down at Ember who is asleep on his chest.

“I’ll do the best I can to help her through this hard time.”

“I know you will. Ember’s very lucky to have you in her life, Arc. Imagine having to go through something like that alone.”

“Sadly, I don’t have to imagine.”

“I know, my love. I know.”

Arc and Ember sleep fitfully through the following day. Ember often thrashes in her sleep, but Arc does not let her go. She awakens late that night screaming. Jumping out of bed, she runs at top speed into the Living Room.


Arc gets up quickly and chases after her. He grabs Ember by her wrists as she looks around the room frantically.

“Ember! It’s okay! It’s me, it’s Arc!”

She takes ahold of his tunic and looks into his eyes pleadingly. “Arc! I can’t find my mother! Help me look for her!”

“Ember, listen to me…”

“We have to find her! She’s dying!!!”


The sternness in his voice is enough to jolt Ember back to reality. She looks down at the floor.

“She… she’s gone, isn’t she?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Ember. She is.”

Ember falls to her knees utterly defeated. Arc kneels down in front of her and wraps his arms around her shoulders. She throws her claws around him as if he were her last lifeline.

“I’m still here, Ember. I’m still here.”

Ember’s entire body is covered in sweat from the long days of crying. She smells of body odor and urine. Arc slowly helps her up and toward the Bathroom.

“Come on, Ember. I’ll help you get cleaned up.”

Arc sits her down on the toilet as he adjusts the water temperature. He then lays her on the shower floor carefully. Removing his clothes down to his undershirt and shorts, Arc steps into the shower. Ember rolls over onto her side as the warm water cascades over her scales.

“Come on, Ember. I think we both need to get cleaned up.”

Arc grabs a nearby bar of soap with his magic and pulls it to himself along with a washcloth. Rubbing the washcloth and soap to achieve a nice lather as he looks down at Ember. Arc smiles at her.

“I’ll be gentle.”

He starts with her face. The amount of grime Ember picked up from the temple seems to go on forever. Arc is careful not to get any soap in her eyes. He then works his way down Ember’s limp body. Frowning, he looks down at the murky water that is flowing away from them.

“I guess we both needed a bath.”

Arc carefully washes her arms, torso, legs and tail. He respectfully keeps away from her nether regions. As he completes his task, Arc lays back against the shower wall.

“I bet that feels better, doesn’t it?”

Ember does not respond to his question as she lies motionless on the shower floor. Arc puts a hand on Ember’s head and pats it gently.

“I wish the shower could wash away your feelings of loss and sadness.”

Arc sits there with her for a long time as the warm water from the shower head continues to spray down on them. He gently strokes her back, doing what he can to comfort his friend. Eventually he stands up and steps out of the shower.

“I’m going to get changed now, Ember.”

As before she does not look over. Arc removes his wet undergarments and retrieves a spare set of clothes from his ring. Putting them on quickly her turns back to his friend.

“I’ll be back, Ember. I just need to go to your room for a few minutes, okay?”

Ember says nothing as he slowly walks out of the Bathroom. A few minutes later Arc returns and shuts off the water. He helps her up gently and towels her off as she stands there mutely.

“Let’s get you back to your room. It’s still pretty late.”

Taking her hand, Ember wordlessly follows Arc back to her room. He sits her down on the bed before turning to the nightstand. A small plate of gems and a glass of water await. Arc sits down next to her and picks up a gem.

“You need to eat, Ember.”

Ember does not respond. Arc pushes the gem into her mouth. She slowly chews it as Arc smiles at her.


Arc hand-feeds her the rest of the gems before picking up the glass of water. He holds it out to her, but she wordlessly shakes her head.

“You haven’t drank anything since we were in the temple. And that was just a sip!”

Sighing, Arc puts the glass to her lips and slowly tips it up.

“Ember… please.”

After a few moments Arc sees Ember’s throat expand and contract as she slowly swallows. Finishing the cup, Arc sets it down on the nightstand next to the empty plate before lying her down and turning off the light.

“Try to get some sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

Ember nods as Arc joins her. She wraps her arms silently around him as the pair fall asleep together.


Ember looks around to see a setting sun over the tree tops. The air is warm and the smell of nature is on the breeze. She looks down at her feet and sighs. A voice rings out behind her.


She turns to see Arc and Cherry sitting on a porch swing together.

“Arc? Cherry?! What… how…?!”

Arc smiles and nods to her. “Welcome to our little Sanctuary.”

Cherry smiles. “We’re happy you came!”

Ember walks slowly toward the house, confused. “I don’t get it. Am I… dead?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. You’re just asleep in my arms.”

Cherry nods. “Arc and I come here every night.”

“You do? Why?”

Arc pats the swing as he moves to make room. “Join us and you’ll see.”

Shrugging, Ember does so. She sits down between them and sighs as she turns to Cherry with a weak smile.

“Nice place you got here.”

Cherry laughs. “Arc’s mind made it!”

Ember looks around. “So, this isn’t really Cherry Hill Ranch?”

Arc shakes his head. “No Ember. It’s just… something my mind cooked up.”

“And… you two…?”

Cherry smiles. “Very real, I assure you. At least Arc is.”

“Just because you’re not alive doesn’t make you any less real, Cherry. But I guess the real question is… how did Ember get here?”

Cherry closes her eyes and smiles. “I… might have willed her here.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “…what?”

Cherry puts a hoof on Ember’s claw. “I wanted you here, Ember. You looked like you needed a change of scenery and some company.”

Ember sighs and looks down at her claws. “Sorry, but I’m not really in the mood to talk.”

Arc turns to Ember. “I’ve found that when you don’t WANT to talk is the time you really need to.”

A tear courses down her cheek. “I… I just miss my mother so much! I mean… I knew she was dead before but… to get to meet her like that… I thought it would be a dream come true.”

Cherry nods. “But…?”

“My dream quickly became a nightmare! Watching her die was the worst moment of my life!”

Arc takes Ember’s claw in his hand and nods sadly. “I know how you feel. I too watched as my mother died right in front of me.”

Ember turns to look at Arc. A pleading look on her face. “Then tell me! How! How do I get past this?!”

Arc shakes his head. “You don’t.”


Cherry nods. “The loss of a parent… it’s not something one just gets over. But we have to keep moving forward.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. It isn’t easy though. I still feel the sting of loss from your passing, Cherry.”

Ember looks confused. “But she’s right there.”

Cherry shakes her head. “My spirit is here. However, my body is currently buried back at the ranch. “

Arc nods sadly. “Yes. I’ll never be able to hold you in my arms again, Cherry.”

Ember frowns. “So what should I do?!”

Arc gives Ember’s claw a quick squeeze. “Grieve.”


Cherry nods. “There’s no shame in morning a lost loved one, Ember.”

Arc smiles sadly at Ember. “Do you remember what I did when Cherry died?”

“You… just kinda lay on your bed mostly.”

Arc nods. “I just stared up at the ceiling and cried… a lot.”

Cherry shakes her head. “I’m sorry we don’t have any better advice, Ember.”

“Then why bring me here?”

Arc turns to look Ember in the eye. “Not losing connection with your friends and family is important. They can be the wind in your sails as you transverse the ocean of life. But without them you don’t move forward.”

“Is that why you stayed with me through this, Arc?”

“Yes, Ember. And to make sure you didn’t kill yourself.”

“Sorry, but death… it’s not something I’ve ever really had to deal with before. When I saw my mother die it reminded me that…

Ember appears ready to cry again.

“That all the friends I’ve made since meeting you… I’ll… I’ll outlive them ALL!”

Arc nods. “I know.”

“How am I supposed to process that?!”

“I can’t really answer you. But… what I do is try my best to enjoy the moment. The here and now with my friends and loved ones.”

Arc looks to Cherry as she smiles at Ember.

“You have much to live for, Ember. Just take it one day at a time.”

“Thanks. I’ll try. So… when I wake up, will everything be okay?”

Arc shakes his head as he fumbles for the right words. “That’s… if only it were that easy. But I’ll stay with you as I always have.”

A sad smile crosses her face. “Thanks. I’ll do my best.”

Arc nods as they look toward the setting sun. “That’s all any of us can really do.”

The three of them sit there for a time, silently. Eventually Ember turns to Arc.

“How… hows my dad doing?”

“Not the greatest. I think he might be taking it even harder than you are.”

Cherry sighs. “Arc is right. You lost your mother. But he lost his wife.”

Ember nods sadly. “What… what should I do?”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding. “I think you should go to him. The two of you need each other right now.”

“But what do I say to him?!”

“Try just doing for him what I did for you.”

Cherry nods. “Yes. Just… just be there for him.”

Ember appears nervous. “I… I can try. But isn’t it still dark out?”

Arc stands up. “He’s still awake.”

“How do you know?”

“You haven’t been sleeping well, so I doubt he is.”

Cherry nods.

“Go to him, Ember.”

Ember nods. “I will. But… um… how do I get out of here?”

Arc chuckles. “Oh… right. Time to wake up I guess.”

Cherry waves from the swing. “See you there, Arc!”

The pair open their eyes. Arc sits up and looks down at his friend as he extends a hand to her.


Ember shakes her head. “No. But let’s go anyways.”

Helping Ember up, Arc leads her to the door. They step out into the cool night air together. She takes Arc’s hand as they proceed down the street.

“Aren’t you worried someone might see you doing that?”

She squeezes his hand. “I don’t care. Let them think what they will of me.”

The pair reach the Dragon Lord’s horde. They can see him sitting in the center, motionless. Ember turns to Arc.

“Could you wait here for me please?”

Arc nods and lets go of her claw. Ember walks over to her father and puts a claw on his side. He looks over to her sadly as she looks up to him.

“Dad? I… I’m here.”

He nods as Ember sits down and leans against him.

“You’re not alone. We’ll get through this… together.”

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