• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,606 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 9 - Checking Out

Arc hurries down the abandoned corridors. Spotting unconscious guards every so often, he sighs.

“Buffalo Bull really did think of everything.”

As he runs, Arc calls out to his thrall.

“Scootaloo! Are you there?!”

“Kinda busy right now, Big Brother!”

“How are things going out there?!”

“We’ve established a perimeter! Nopony’s getting away from us!”

“Are you sure?!”

“It’s just a matter of time now! How about you?!”

“I’m looking for some medical help for a lieutenant!”

“Need help in there?!”

“No, don’t blow your cover! Stick to the plan!”

“Yes sir!”

“And be careful out there! Remember, the sun’s still up so no Crimson powers right now!”

“I’ll be fine! Watch your back in there!”

Arc severs the connection as he reaches the medical facilities. Grabbing a first-aid kit and a few other thing he begins the run back. However as he nears the catwalk overlooking the courtyard the security shutters in front of him close suddenly, blocking his advance.

“Great! Now what?!”

Looking around for a moment, he spots a card reader. Swiping Spitfire’s card the reader’s light remains red. He frowns.

“I guess I’ll need the warden to release the lockdown. Or at the very least his keycard.”

Turning, Arc runs in the general direction of the wardens office. Eventually coming to it, he tries the knob. Finding it locked, he puts his shoulder into it. A few good blows later the door is ripped from its hinges and falls to the floor.

“Virtuous Lance! Are you in here?!”

Looking around, Arc finds the light switch and flicks it on as he enters the now lit office and calls out again.

“Anyone in…!”

Arc stops talking as he spies a trail of blood snaking its way away from the desk. Running behind it he spots Virtuous Lance on the floor holding his side and facing the wall. Opening the med kit, Arc gets to work trying to stop the bleeding. Groaning, the warden attempts to raise his head.

“Who… who’s there?!”

“Hero of Light Arc, sir! What happened?!”

“I… don’t really know. One moment I was standing up to answer a persistent knock at my office door. The next… something flew through my window and… and stabbed me.”

“Who was it, sir?!”

“Don’t know. Not a… pony though. Had magic and… and carried a… weapon of some kind with it.”

“We’ll figure this mess out, sir! Just let me see if I can do something about all that bleeding!”

Arc presses a piece of gauze to the wound and applies pressure. The warden cries out in agony as he does so.

“What… what happened… out there…?!”

“A prison break. Everyone in The Pit is loose.”

“Did you see… my lieutenant out there?”

“Yeah. She was hurt pretty bad.”

“N-no! You left… her?!”

“A couple mares are looking after her. I went for medical supplies to help treat her wounds, but got stopped by a security shutter.”

“How… bad?”

“Not nearly as bad as you.”

Virtuous Lance points a hoof toward his desk. “You can… release the lockdown… from my… terminal.”

“Sure. Just let me finish…”



Arc rushes over to the computer. He looks over the screen for a few moments before turning back to the warden.

“What’s your password?!”

“It’s… ‘the light of day’. All… one word.”

Typing, Arc gains access. The screen shows red all over it as Arc turns back to Virtuous Lance.

“What now?!”

“Security tab.”

Locating it, Arc presses a few buttons. A few moments later he finds an option marked ‘courtyard’ and presses it. A popup informs him that the area is in lockdown. After going through a double prompt, he is able to disable it. Down the corridor the sound of a door sliding open rings out.

“I think that did it.”

Meanwhile, Aloe and Vera tie a knot in the makeshift bandage wrapped around Spitfire’s waist. Moaning, she slowly opens her eyes and looks around.


Aloe frowns. “Please lie still.”

Vera nods. “Yes, you’ve been badly injured.”

Spitfire looks over to see the mares in orange jumpsuits standing over her. She instinctively jumps back to put some distance between them. Crying out in pain, she holds her side and moans.

“What… did you two do to me?!”

“We’re trying to help you.”

“Yes, our boss told us to.”

They step forward slowly. Spitfire spots the emergency egress ladder and rushes up it. Reaching the top she presses a button to retract it before limping down the corridor as she mutters to herself.

“I… I’m coming, general!”

Meanwhile, Arc steps away from the computer and hurries back to Virtuous Lance’s side.

“We need to call for help! How do we do that?!”

“It’s… automatic. Canterlot… has already been… notified of this… breech.”

“Can I send for medical help now?”

“Panic button… to the left of the… computer. Under… desk.”

Arc looks under the desk. Spotting a small, white button he presses it a few times before looking over to the warden.

“Now what?”

“Control room… will send somepony. We just… wait.”

Sitting down, Arc rips off another section of his prison jumpsuit and presses it to the stallion’s wounds.

“Come on! Stay with me, general!”

“Getting… cold.”

“Help’s on the way! Just hang on a bit longer!”

“They’re… a ways out. Emergency will have… them scrambling… other places.”

He reaches up and grabs the tatters of Arc’s jumpsuit as he looks him in the eye.

“Listen. You… need to do… something… for me.”

“What is it?”

“I… I know you’re innocent… of the charges… against you. Somepony… wanted you gone… out of the way for… some reason.”

Arc nods. “Decimus and Celestia.”

“Find proof. Stop them. Protect… Equestria. Protect… Celestia. Protect… look out…!”

Arc turns just in time to see a glowing horn. A split second later he is violently thrown across the room and into a wall. Before he can act, Arc takes a massive blow to the gut, knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to the ground. Looking up, Arc feels a massive weight over top of him and hears a familiar voice coming from it.

“Stay down.”

“Kane?! What are you…?!”


Arc looks to Virtuous Lance lying next to his desk. A familiar mare walks over to the wounded stallion.

“Sunset Shimmer?!”

“One moment.”

Pulling a spear to herself, Sunset deftly manipulates it with her magic. It’s point pierces Virtuous Lance’s chest. With a gasp, he stops breathing as Sunset turns her attention back to Arc.

“Now then… where were we?”

Arc seethes as he struggles to breathe under Kane’s weight. “Sunset… why?!”

“Why? Why what?”

“He… didn’t do anything to you!”

“You’re right.”

“Then… why…?!”

“…did I kill him? Why, my dear hairless ape, that’s where you’re mistaken.”


Sunset smiles wickedly as she drops the Spear of Righteousness next to Virtuous Lance’s dead body.

“You were the one whom killed him.”

“But I…!”

Kane nods. “That will be the logical conclusion from whomever arrives next.”

Sunset sighs as she turns to look at the stallion. “It’s a shame we arrived just a few moments too late to save him.”

Kane looks down at Arc. “Fortunately we were able to capture his murderer.”

Sunset nods and walks over to Arc. Kneeling down on her fetlocks, she looks him in the eye and pats his cheek with a hoof as she smiles wickedly.

“Your time… is over.”

Hoofing Arc in the side of the head, she knocks him out. Kane casts a spell on him to make sure he stays that way as the sound of hoofsteps running haphazardly down the corridor rings out. A few moments later Spitfire hobbles into the room. Spotting Virtuous Lance, she half stumbles half falls to get to him.

“W-warden…? Can you hear me?”

Sunset sighs and shakes her head. “I’m sorry, miss, but he can’t.”

“What… happened?”

“I saw the door knocked open and ran in here to investigate with my partner here.”

Kane nods. “We entered just in time to see this human stab the warden in the chest.”

“While we were able to subdue him, your superior never stood a chance.”

Kane gestures to Arc’s unconscious form. “Rest assured, he will not get away from me.”

Spitfire lays a hoof on Virtuous Lance’s neck. Not feeling anything, she puts her head to his chest and listens. Tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes.

“He… he can’t be gone. General… get up!”

Virtuous Lance lays there motionless as Spitfire buries her face in his side and sobs.

“You were always the one whom believed in me! I can’t… I can’t go on without your guidance!”

Sunset Shimmer walks over to Spitfire and puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“I know this is a hard time for you. But you can’t fall into the jaws of depression and sadness right now.”

“What else do I have to live for?!”

Sunset points a hoof at Arc. “See to it your superior’s murderer is kept here securely so he can be brought to justice.”

Kane grins. “Indeed. And we shall assist you.”

Spitfire nods as she sits up and wipes her eyes. “I… I will, thank you.”

Walking over to the phone, she picks it up and dials a number.

“This is Lieutenant Spitfire. The warden has been murdered by one of the prisoners. Prepare… The Hole.”

She hangs up the phone and turns to the pair before her.

“It’s our most secure holding cell. He won’t be getting out of that one so easily.”

Looking to Arc, she seethes.

“I had wanted to keep him in there rather than ‘The Pit’. But… the general…”

Kane stands. “Good. Shall we carry him there now?”

Spitfire nods as two medics rush into the room and look over the warden. “One moment.”

They look over Virtuous Lance for a few minutes before stepping back and turning to Spitfire.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do.”

“Understood. Have a team go over this room carefully before you move his body to the morgue. I’ll write a report and notify Canterlot of this matter first thing in the morning. One of you will follow me.”

They comply as Sunset Shimmer helps Kane load Arc onto his back. Walking out the door, Spitfire leads the way deeper into the prison. Sometime later they come to a large metal grate built into the floor. A small door in the center appears to be the only way in or out of the cylindrical cell. Two unicorn guards stand on either side of the grate. One produces a key as they approach and opens the door as the other waits patiently for them. Spitfire grabs Arc and tosses him toward the guards as she speaks.

“I’m going in.”

The guards nod and use their magic to lower Arc and Spitfire into The Hole. The cell is empty, save for a stone bed built into the floor and a hole in the wall that reeks of urine and feces. Landing, Spitfire picks up heavy duty chains and fastens them around Arc’s wrists and ankles. After looking them over to make sure everything is secure, she looks up at the guards.

“Send down the medic.”

Doing as they are told, the stallion is lowered down carefully as she continues to speak to the guards.

“Tighten the chains.”

Manipulating several levers, the chains are pulled into the wall to remove all the slack. The unconscious young man is left dangling a foot of so off the ground. Spitfire turns to the medic.

“Administer 30cc of adrenaline.”


“I need to talk to him.”

Nodding, the medic complies. Pulling a shot from his pack he administers the treatment and steps back.

“Pull the medic up.”

The guards do so with their magic as Arc groans and looks around.

“What the…? Where am I?”

“Nice of you to wake up.”

“Lieutenant? What… happened?”

Stepping forward, Spitfire hoofs Arc in the side hard.


“What was that for?!”

Spitfire hoofs Arc in the face a few times before stepping back angrily.

“For what you did this evening!”

“You’re mad that I saved you?!”

“YES! I mean, no! I…!”

She appears suddenly faint. The medic looks down at her and calls out.

“Ma’am, we really need to get you to the infirmary to get checked out.”

Sunset nods as she peers into the cell. “You should listen to him, miss.”

Kane grins. “This fool isn’t going anywhere.”

“Very… very well. Lift me out.”

The guards do so. Stepping forward the medic helps Spitfire down the corridor as Sunset looks down at Arc and smiles wickedly.

“Enjoy your stay, hero.”

She chuckles as Kane follows her. Arc grunts as he looks around.

“This… is clearly the worst situation yet.”

Sighing, he looks up at the guards.

“Uh… any chance you could lower me down.”

They say nothing.

“Come on! This is really uncomfortable!”

Unmoving, Arc frowns and leans back as best he’s able. He calls out telepathically.

“You still there, Scootaloo?”

“Yeah, Big Brother. We’ve recaptured all the prisoners and are waiting for reinforcements now. You okay?”

“Not really. They’ve put me in some kind of solitary confinement cell.”

“What?! Why?!”

“I’ve been blamed for killing the warden.”

“But you didn’t, right?!”

“No. Sunset Shimmer did that.”

“As soon as my relief comes I’ll head inside and get you out.”

“No, Scootaloo. You need to maintain your cover.”

“But what about you?!”

“I’ll be okay for a bit. But at much as I hate to admit it… I do think someone needs to come get me this time. Spitfire looked REALLY mad before she left.”

“Understood. I’ll contact Princess Twilight about it. See what we can figure out.”

“Good. I’ll try to get some rest until then.”

“Okay. We’ll get you out of there somehow, Big Brother.”

“I know you will.”

Cutting the connection, Arc does his best to rest. However he quickly finds being hung up by chains is less than comfortable. A short time later a guard enters the command tent and hurries over to Scootaloo as he salutes.

“Final count shows everypony accounted for, ma’am. Our reinforcements have just arrived and are now disembarking.”

“Good. We can’t let them get away at this point.”

“Also, your relief is here.”

“Show them in.”

Stepping outside, the guard returns with a mare in tow. She walks over to Scootaloo and salutes as the filly addresses her.

“I’m told you’re here to take over for me, miss…?”

“Sunset Shimmer. And yes, I’ll take care of things. You need to get back to Canterlot and report to Hero of Light Decimus.”

Scootaloo nods as she hurries out of the tent. “Yes, I’ll do that at once.”

Heading for the nearest transport, Scootaloo orders the pilot to get her back to Canterlot, post haste. Sunset looks up at the vessel as it flies away. Grinning, she turns to the prisoners lying on the ground and walks over to Buffalo Bull.

“Can I assume you’re the leader of this rabble?”

“Yeah. What of it?”

Sunset smiles as she looks to the soldiers around her. “Everypony, follow my lead.”

Pulling a knife from her belt, she deftly stabs Buffalo Bull in the belly. He falls to the ground as the rest of the guards step forward, spears in hoof. As the world around him dims, he closes his eyes to the sounds of screaming stallions and mares as they’re butchered where they stand. Eventually the cries die down as blood covers the ground. Sunset looks around approvingly as Kane approaches her.

“And that is how it’s done. No loose ends and nopony to testify on that hairless ape’s behalf.”

Kane appears confuse. “I don’t understand, mistress. Why let him live though? It would have been a simple matter to kill him in the warden’s office.”

Sunset frowns and turns away. “Because General Mustang says he still has his uses.”

Several hours later Arc shifts yet again in an attempt to find at least a bit of comfort. Hearing the sound of metal on stone, he looks up just in time to see a robed figure unlocking the cell door overhead. The chains around his wrists and ankles suddenly begin to loosen as one of the figures jumps down into The Hole. Arc eyes them suspiciously.

“Who… are you?”

“Someone who loves you.”


Throwing back her hood she smiles and plants a kiss on his lips. Turning her attention back to the shackles, Ember grabs them and deftly rips them apart. Another robed figure drops a rope to them as Ember turns to Arc.

“Can you climb?”

Arc shakes his head as he rubs his heavily bruised wrists. “I don’t think so.”

Ember grabs the rope. “Then we’ll pull you up.”

Tying the rope around Arc, she flies up and out of the hole. The other figure pulls him up. Reaching the top, he spots the unconscious guards as he rolls over to lie on his back looking up. Stooping down, they and another throw back their own hoods.

“Hey there, handsome. How’s prison?”


“You know it!”

“But… how did you two get in here?! This is a maximum security prison!”

Ember grimaces. “We… had some help.”

Hammer jerks a thumb behind her to another robed individual. “Says she’s a friend who owed you one.”

“Calling me a ‘friend’ might be going a bit far.”

Tossing the hood back, Arc gasps.


“So your vision still works. Lucky you.”

Calling forth Light’s Bane, she deftly slices the air in front of them to open a portal. Arc frowns as he looks at it.

“Where are we going?”

Tempest hefts her spear over her shoulder as she turns to him.

“Somewhere that isn’t here.”

Ember and Hammer put their arms around Arc’s back and help him through the dark portal as Tempest brings up the rear.

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