• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Surprise Visitors

Arc and Ember hurry back toward the Dining Room as fast as they can. He talks as they run.

“Rose, bring the base up to full alert status and order all guards inside the building or aboard one of the ships! Flash Sentry, tell Captain Tight Ship to have The Equinox to take off and take up a defensive stance to defend the facility with the Lunar Destiny! Sandstorm Mirage, keep watch over the exterior cameras! I’ll watch our guests with Shining Armor!”

Sandstorm Mirage calls out from the security office. “Yes sir!”

“Let me know when the ships are in position and all personnel are inside!”

Flash Sentry nods as he points to Tight Ship to carry out the order. “This should only take a few minutes!”

“What are we dealing with, Rose?!”

“It would appear to be seismic disturbances, Arc. However there aren’t any known fault lines nearby.”

Ember frowns. “So someone’s doing this intentionally?!”

Rose nods. “That is the logical conclusion, yes.”

Arc groans. “Great. Apparently I made someone angry.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “But who?”

“I’ll make you a list later.”

The pair enter the Dining Room. They find the princesses doing their best to keep order. Shining Armor looks to Arc as he approaches.

“Sir! What are we up against?!”

Arc turns to all assembled as they gather around him.

“Everyone please stay calm. I have my troops looking into this matter.”

Goldstone peeks out from under a table. “I thought this was supposed to be a secure facility! Now we’re under attack!”

Luna sighs. “Please, Lord Goldstone. Let’s hear Arc out on this.”

“According to my security team, it appears to be unexplained seismic activity of some kind.”

Gestal looks worried. “Is my daughter safe, Lord Arc?!

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Yes. She’s right behind you.”

He turns around, slightly embarrassed. Ashe appears nervous at the entire situation.

“Oh… of course she is.”

He takes her talon in an attempt to reassure her.

“I’m sure Lord Arc will handle this my dear. No need to be afraid.”

“Yes, father.”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Go ahead.”

Flash Sentry calls out to him as the ship takes off. “Sir, The Equinox is in the air and all personnel have fallen back to the base.”

“Good work. Any more information on what we’re dealing with here, Rose?”

“Nothing solid, no. However the tremors are worsening.”

Felix leans against a table. “That much we can feel.”

Fiona takes her husband’s paw. “Yes, indeed! It’s becoming that much harder to stand!”

“I’ll take theories, Rose!”

Rose frowns. “This is quite strange.”

“What is?”

“The tremors almost seem to have a pattern.”

Ember falls forward. Arc quickly reaches over to catch her.

“Are you all right, Dragon Lord?”

“Yes. Thank you, Lord Arc.”

He helps her up and continues talking as Ember holds onto his arm.

Flash Sentry gasps as he runs back over to the Comms Station. “Sir! Lieutenant Trixie reports movement in the Everfree Forest!”

Goldstone looks out fearfully. “See?! What did I tell you?! An attack!”

Rutherford steps forward with Yona. “Let them come! Yaks show them how to feel pain!”

“Yona help too!”

Luna turns to Arc’s earring. “Bring the base’s primary defenses online, sergeant.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

“Right away.”

Sandstorm Mirage presses a button under the desk. A moment later a barrier forms around the building. The guests gasp in surprise as Luna turns to them.

“Do not be alarmed. This is merely a magical barrier to secure the building. We will be perfectly safe here.”

Arc continues giving directions. “Call out any intel on what’s going on out there as you see it. That goes for everyone.”

Wrangler grins. “Sir, I recommend we fire a few shots into the Everfree Forest. Let whoever is in there know we mean business.”

Soarin nods. “Agreed, sir.”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding.

“Very well. Fire one shot and we’ll re-evaluate.”

“Yes sir, I… hey! What the…?! Miss?!”

Arc frowns. “What’s going on over there, lieutenant?!”

There is a pause as Flash Sentry momentarily argues with someone followed by a loud crash. Arc turns to Luna.

“Something’s wrong on my ship. I’m going to head up there and…”

A familiar voice suddenly comes over Arc’s earring.

“Um… hello? Arc? Can you hear me?”

“What the…? Fluttershy?! What happened to…?!”

“Arc, listen to me! You have to tell them not to fire! It’ll just make things worse!”

“Stand down weapons, Wrangler.”

Wrangler sighs. “I’ll keep em primed, sir.”

“Very well. Now then, where’s the lieutenant?”

Fluttershy sounds nervous. “He… might be unconscious.”

Arc sighs. “Okay, we can talk about that later. What should we do about the situation at hand?”

“It’s complicated. Can you meet me and the others in front of your base?”

“Right now?!”

“Yes! I know you’re very busy, but I really need you to trust me on this one!”

“Very well. I’ll head out there now.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Take care of things until I get back.”

“I’d like to come out there with you, sir.”

“No. Stay with the princesses.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc walks toward the Main Hall as everyone follows him. Stepping up to the doors he looks to Shining Armor as he calls forth his armor.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Sir, wait!”

Arc attempts to Blink outside but finds himself thrown across the room by an invisible force. King Felix and Queen Fiona leap forward to catch him.

“Whoa! What the…?!”

“Lord Arc! Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah. Thanks you two.”

Fiona smiles at him. “We were happy to be of service.”

Cadance hurries over as Arc stands up. “The barrier around the base repels all magic levied against it.”

“I see. So no Blinking through, huh?”

Luna shakes her head. “I’m afraid not. However you could probably get out using your gauntlet’s Sigil Magic.”

“Worth a shot.”

Arc hurries over to the sigil nearby. Powering it up he teleports to his quarters aboard The Equinox. Running toward the window Arc Blinks through it. His eyes grow wide as he begins to fall.

“I forget the ship was in the air!”

Quickly casting a Telekinesis Spell Arc uses it to lift himself and slow his descent. He lands near Twilight and her friends.

“Glad you could drop in!”

“Not my best idea, Rainbow Dash.”

He turns to Fluttershy.

“Now, what’s going on?”

Fluttershy looks nervous. “Well… I didn’t want to make everypony nervous, but from the way the trees were moving down here, I don’t believe we’re dealing with a normal earthquake.”

Twilight looks around. “Which seems to have stopped, mind you.”

Arc nods. “Crisis averted, right?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “Not yet, no.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Are the trees alive now?”

“No. But there appears to be a very large creature moving around. That’s what’s causing the ground to shake.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “What?! But… but that’s impossible! Nothing’s THAT big! Uh… right Twilight?”

“Well… there are a few creatures that could certainly make such a racket. But they aren’t usually so active.”

Arc nods. “I think I know what’s going on. Fluttershy, I need you to do something for me.”

“Of course. What is it?”

“Turn towards the Everfree Forest and repeat everything I say exactly as I say it.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “Why?”

Twilight puts a hoof on her friend’s back. “Let’s just trust Arc on this one.”

Fluttershy nods. “Okay. Go ahead.”

Arc clears his throat as Fluttershy stands ready.

“Hello again. We’ve been waiting for you. Can you understand me?”

The trees rustle as the ground again trembles. Twilight gasps.

“Did you hear anything, Fluttershy?”

“No voices, no. Just the trees shaking.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I have no idea why you’re talking to trees now.”

Arc continues.

“If you’ve come here looking for help, we’re still fully willing to do so.”

Silence ensues after Fluttershy repeats the message.


“Nothing. Are you sure there’s something there to hear me?”


Rainbow Dash points a hoof at the sky. “Maybe the airships are spooking them.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “I suppose that might be. But they’re needed here for protection.”

Arc touches his earring. “Arc to Tight Ship.”

“Go ahead, sir.”

“I want The Equinox and Lunar Destiny to pull back a ways.”

Wrangler frowns. “Sir?”

“We have a delicate situation down here. Trust me on this one.”

Soarin looks to Tight Ship. He nods.

“Make it happen, Thunderlane. Lemon Hearts, radio the Lunar Destiny to follow us closely.”

“Aye sir.”

Those on the ground watch as the two mammoth ships do as they are told. Arc turns to Fluttershy again.

“Alright. Let’s continue.”

Meanwhile Rutherford turns to Tugem.

“Who you suppose they talking to?”

“I have no idea. Perhaps someone invisible?”

Ghaleon chuckles. “Hah! Can’t the rest of you feel it?”

Gestal turns to him. “Arbiter Ghaleon?”

Ashe appears nervous. “What is it?”

Sereb sniffs. “The air is filled with tension.”

Ghaleon nods. “You can feel it too?”

Goldstone looks confused. “H-how can you tell?!”

Ember chuckles. “Probably from you, Goldstone.”

Fiona grins wickedly. “Yes. You’re shaking like a leaf in the wind. Something wrong?”

“I’m acting completely normal here! It’s everyone else who’s nuts! Including Lord Arc out there talking to the wind!”

Smolder scoffs at Goldstone’s behavior. “Coward.”

Hearing this, Goldstone turns toward Smolder. “Why you insolent little maggot! I’ll…!”

Iris growls at him. “Accosting a whelpling?!”

Kane steps toward the errant lord. “You have no honor, griffon!”

Ikis clears his throat. “We should trust our hosts to handle this.”

The Marquis nods. “Agreed.”

Felix points outside. “Wait! Something’s happening!”

Everyone stops talking and hurries back to the windows as Arc continues.

“I’ve ordered our airships to stay back. You can safely come out now. Both of you.”

A low growl emanates from the woods. Surprised, Fluttershy yelps and runs to hide behind Rainbow Dash.

“What was that?!”

Twilight looks surprised. “It sounded like… but… it couldn’t be!”

“What did they say, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy peeks out nervously. “They… um… wanted to know what assurance they have that the metal birds won’t come back just as fast.”

“I haven’t hurt either of you yet. Doesn’t that tell you anything?”

“Um… it says they can sense your power.”

Twilight looks to her friend. “So they’re afraid of Arc?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Sounds like it. But I would be too if I didn’t know better.”

“If you choose to leave now, you have my word that I won’t pursue you. But you came looking for help before. And now it stands before you. All you must do is accept my aid and step forward.”

Fluttershy repeats the message. A few moments pass before a response comes on the wind.

“They say they’re willing to come out.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Great. Anything else?”

“Just one other thing. They’re asking… no, begging you not to hurt their baby.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Baby?”

“You have my word no harm will come to them if you still agree to the earlier terms of our agreement.”

Twilight turns to him. “Arc, what is this all about?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Fluttershy translates and turns back to the others.

“They’ll come out, but only if Arc is the only one nearby.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Twilight turns around. “We’ll go stand by the front door then.”

Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash return to the base. Arc waits patiently for something to happen. A minute later the ground begins to shake again. The perimeter of the forest is torn asunder as the Ursa Major slowly emerges. They walk through the clearing toward the base. Thunderlane turns to Tight Ship.

“Sir! What do we do?!”

Soarin sighs. “Hold here.”

Wrangler frowns. “But the summit!”

Tight Ship thinks for a moment. “Lemon Hearts, hail the Hero of Light and ask for directions.”

“Aye sir.”

She presses a few buttons before speaking.

“Lemon Hearts to Hero of Light. What are your orders?”

“Both ships hold position.”

Moon Dancer frowns nervously. “Sir, if you’re attacked we won’t be able to help at this range.”

“You have your orders. Standby.”

Soarin shrugs. “I guess that settles it.”

Wrangler hurries over to the captain. “This isn’t smart! He’s defenseless down there!”

“Have faith in him. It’s all we can do right now.”

Meanwhile, the leaders inside gasp and step back from the windows. Felix is the first to find his voice.

“What IS that?!”

Cadance frowns. “An Ursa Major?!”

Ikis turns to her. “A what, your highness?”

Tugem grimaces as he too steps back. “It’s a large bear-like creature that was thought to be a legend.”

“Yak tell of them in ancient stories. Yak thought they were bigger though.”

“Bah, father! If not-yak was any bigger, would be a mountain!”

Iris turns to Sereb. “What do you know of this creature, Warchief?”

“Unknown. However I am certain Arc has his reasons for this course of action.”

Ember hurries over to Luna. “We have to help him!”

“Arc knows what he’s doing, Dragon Lord. Trust him.”

Smolder rolls her eyes. “Yeah! Trust him to get stepped on!”

Goldstone scoffs. “The whelpling and I agree on something.”

Ember glares at Goldstone. “Don’t press it!”

He rolls his eyes at the threat and turns to walk away as he mutters to himself.

“The new Dragon Lord certainly has fire in her. Just like her father. However…”

Goldstone looks over his shoulder at Ember who has turned back to the Abyssinians and grins wickedly.

“…she certainly has quite a nice backside. I’d certainly like to broker a business deal with HER.”

Meanwhile, Twilight and Rainbow Dash stare at the Ursa Major, their jaws agape.

“T-Twilight? When did Arc make a deal with something like THAT?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “I have no idea! But a better question would be HOW he did it!”

The Ursa Major slowly lumbers toward Arc. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“What’s that on its back?”

Twilight steps back slightly. “I think that’s an Ursa Minor! What is going on here?!”

Arc slowly raises his head as the beast approaches. It stops and looks around before turning to its cub and snorting. The Ursa Minor slips off and plops down next to their mother with a colossal boom. Everyone inside the base along with Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy quickly find themselves on the ground. Arc gets to his feet and dusts himself off.

“Should’ve seen that one coming.”

The cub lies on the ground, its paws on either side of its belly.

“Fluttershy, I need another translation.”

“Oh! O-okay.”

“Are you ready?”

Fluttershy nods. “Y-yes.”

“No, no. Ask her that.”

“Ah! Right away!”

Fluttershy repeats the message.

“She say yes. But again please don’t hurt her baby.”

“Alright. Here we go.”

Arc raises a hand to the cub. It slowly begins to shrink. After a few minutes it is roughly the size of a baby black bear cub. He turns to Twilight and her friends.

“Rainbow Dash. Fly to Ponyville and get the vet.”

“On it!”

Taking flight the blue pegasus is out of sight in moments. Arc turns back to the Ursa Major.

“Fluttershy, ask her if it’s alright for me to do the same to her.”

Fluttershy repeats the message. The Ursa Major sighs and nods. Arc raises a hand. The beast slowly shrinks down to the size of a large adult brown bear as Rainbow Dash returns with the vet in her hooves.

“Good heavens! What in the world…?!”

Arc turns to the vet as he picks up the cub in his arms. “There’s something wrong with this little one. Follow me everyone. Sandstorm Mirage, lower the defenses.”

The Magic Barrier falls as the group heads for the doors. Entering the Main Hall the Ursa Major growls at those assembled. Twilight calls out.

“Everypony please step back.”

Goldstone frowns at her. “And who are YOU?!”

Arc turns to him. “A friend of mine, Lord Goldstone. I suggest you listen to her.”

“How dare you! I…!”

Gestal clears his throat. “Lord Goldstone?”


“Do as you’re told.”


Ghaleon wordlessly stomps the floor with a talon. Goldstone steps back silently as do the rest of the guests. The vet turns to Arc.

“I need a place to examine the patient.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof down the corridor. “How about Arc’s room?”

“Good idea. This way.”

Arc leads the procession to his quarters. Everyone follows them at a distance. The guards open the door and part to allow them entrance. Arc calls out to the Hoof Maidens inside.

“Everyone out into the corridor! Hurry!”

A half dozen mares hurry out as Arc and his friends head inside. Shining Armor approaches the guards as the door is shut.

“Keep everypony else out of this room. We don’t want anypony hurt.”

“Yes sir.”

Luna turns to everyone assembled. “Let’s head back to the Dining Room.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. Let Arc and the others do what needs to be done.”

Felix looks to Luna for guidance. “What exactly are they doing?”

“I honestly have no idea.”

Meanwhile, Twilight and Rainbow Dash run ahead of Arc and hastily clear the table. He lays the cub on it as the vet gets to work.

“This cub seems to be in a lot of pain. What exactly happened to it?”

Twilight sighs. “No idea. They just kinda showed up.”

Arc turns to his friend. “Fluttershy, can you ask?”

“I’ll try.”

She approaches the Ursa Major. A short exchange later Fluttershy turns to the vet.

“The mother says he’s always been short tempered. Brash even. But lately his outbursts have gotten out of hoof. On the way here is when the pain started.”

Fluttershy walks slowly over to the cub.

“Should we start with a physical examination, Doctor Fauna?”

“Yes. Would you assist me please?”

“Of course.”

Arc watches as the Ursa Major sits and watches every movement they make. Twilight turns to him.

“Would you happen to have a paper and pencil, Arc?”

“Yes, in that drawer behind you.”

Twilight takes the pad and pencil with her magic excitedly.

“Thank you!”

She hurriedly begins to write.

“I might be the first pony to get this close to these majestic creatures in hundreds of years! All the research materials on them is positively ancient!”

Arc sighs. “Do what you will, my friend.”

A short time later Doctor Fauna looks over to Arc.

“There doesn’t appear to be any physical injury to the patient.”

Arc frowns. “Where do we go from here?”

“Let me see…”

She puts her ear to the cub’s chest.

“That’s very strange.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Tummy ache?”

“No. But the cub’s breathing sounds very… odd. I think I need to run some more tests at my clinic. Might we take the cub there?”

Fluttershy turns to the mother. She nods. Arc picks the cub up as they leave the room. He looks over to the guards as the procession passes them.

“Tell the princesses I’m heading into town. They can have the room back now.”

Arc and company walk quickly toward the Main Hall. The guards turn to one another and shrug.

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