• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Sisterly Love (Part 1)

Getting out of the shower, the pair towel off. As he finishes drying himself, Arc feels something soft and warm press against his back. A moment later two arms wrap themselves around him. Chuckling, he pats them before speaking.

“You just can’t get enough, can you?”

Hammer grins as she squeezes. “Nope. But I’m okay with that.”

“Well... to be completely Honest with you, I... I do feel the same way.”


“I’d rather be with you and the others versus doing my job.”

“So quit then.”

Arc sighs. “You know I can’t do that.”

“Yeah. But we all wish it could be.”

“Well... breakfast?”

“It’s a might bit early for that though.”

“I was kinda thinking that you and I could have it with Mio.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Arc nods. “After all, I do need to kinda figure out a way to tell her who I really am.”

“That was fast.”

“What do you mean?”

Hammer shrugs as Arc turns to face her. “I... kinda thought you’d try to push it off, or something.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. This really does need to be done sooner rather than later, after all.”

“Thanks. It means a lot to me that you’re trying to get along with Mio.”

“What about Stingray?”

Hammer frowns. “She’s a whole ‘nother beast entirely. So let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”


Getting dressed, they head down the corridor together. Hammer snaps her fingers.

“I got an idea!”


“You could head to the Kitchen and get a breakfast cart put together for the three of us. And I’ll run over to my room and get Mio ready.”


“She likes to shower every morning. Probably more so now, what with who’s coming to breakfast.”

“Alright. I’ll see you there. Uh... how much time should I give you for a head start?”

Hammer sighs. “That’s just it. Mio will probably want to take a bit longer getting ready when she finds out you’re coming.”

“That’s okay with me.”

“Well, I think we should just let her get ready normally.”


“I won’t tell her you’re coming.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“I’ll see to it she’s dressed up in something she’d feel comfortable in, mind you. But if she knew you were coming I’d get a million questions regarding everything from her hair to her outfit to makeup and perfume. The last two of which I don’t actually have on hand anyways.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?”

Hammer shrugs. “Kinda. Think of it like a surprise for her.”

“Still sounds like the opposite of a good idea to me.”

“It won’t completely be a surprise. After all, I told her when I helped her move into my quarters that you’d be coming by at some point to check on her.”

“Did you now?”


“Why though?”

Hammer smirks as she looks him in the eye. “Because I knew you would be. After all, it’s not in your nature to let a helpless little thing like Mio lie injured in a bed all alone for very long.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Helpless?”

Hammer grins. “Yup.”

“We are talking about ‘Mio’, right?”

“Well, she isn’t exactly in peak shape right now. And I did figure you’d check back on her at some point.”

Arc sighs. “Alright, you get me there.”

“So is it a plan then?”

“Tentatively, yes.”

“Alright. You do your part and I’ll do mine! See ya!”

Hammer turns and runs down the corridor. Arc shakes his head and makes his way to the Kitchen. Taking a large portion of everything available he loads it onto a cart with the help of Saffron. She appears puzzled at the diverse nature of the food.

“Are you feeling alright, sir?”

“Fine. Why?”

“There’s enough food here to feed you for several meals.”

“Well, I don’t actually know what Mio likes, how much she eats, or how long she’s going to take in the bathroom.”

“Hence the warmers?”


Saffron levitates a bottle over to him. “Don’t forget this.”

Arc takes it. “Ah! Thanks!”

Saffron giggles. “After all, you can’t have pancakes without syrup.”

Heading out the door, he makes the walk to Hammer’s room. Raising a hand to knock he is surprised when the door opens and Hammer peeks out.

“I thought that was you.”

“Yup. And I brought...”

Hammer groans as she interrupts him. “You big dummy!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What? Did I forget drinks, or something?”

“Your armor!”

“Oh! Right!”

Calling forth his armor, Arc pulls something from his ring. Hammer eyes is suspiciously.

“Uh... what is...?”

“A mask.”

“What for? Mio can’t see through your helmet.”

“True. But I won’t be wearing it.”

“Why not?!”

“Because at breakfast I usually... eat.”

Hammer facepalms as she steps back. “Oh... right. Now I feel dumb.”

Arc chuckles as he enters the room. “We all make mistakes.”

Walking the cart over to the table Arc begins unloading it with Hammer’s help. He looks to the bathroom door.

“Um... is she going to be okay in there by herself?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. Mio just needs a bit of help getting in and out of the shower these days.”

“She’s that weak?”

Hammer shakes her head. “That and her balance is still kinda off. It’s from the concussion I’m told.”

“Anything else I should know?”

“Nah. Just be yourself and don’t mention who you are until you think she’s ready.”

“Any idea when that will be?”

“No clue. Guess that’s where your intuition will come in handy.”

Arc sighs. “Great.”

“I’ll be here the whole time to keep the conversation going in the right direction. But it’s up to you to break the news to her when you feel the time is right. If that moment presents itself, that is.”

She looks to the bathroom before continuing.

“Mio’s been in there long enough to get cleaned up. I’ll head inside and help her get out and dressed.”

Arc pulls out a chair. “Okay. I’ll wait right here.”

Hammer disappears into the bathroom as Arc leans back. He muses to himself.

“The waiting game.”

Quite a bit later Mio emerges from the bathroom with Hammer by her side. She walks slowly and carefully as her sister holds her arm.

“I keep telling you I can manage, Hammer!”

“Well, the doctor says otherwise!”

“But what does he know about human...?”

She stops talking as Arc stands, his armor clinking slightly as he steps forward.

“Good morning, Mio. I trust you slept well?”

Mio blushes and looks away. “Y-yes, I did. Thank you for asking.”

She motions for Hammer to step back as he approaches. Taking a few steps herself, Mio stumbles. Arc hurries forward, falls to one knee, and catches her before she can fall. Turning beet red, Mio speaks softly.

“Th-thank you, Hero.”

“It was my pleasure.”

Hammer steps forward and helps Mio stand up as Arc also gets to his feet. He gestures to the spread before them.

“I’ve come with a nice breakfast. Why don’t we sit down and eat before it gets cold?”

Nodding silently, Mio is led over to a chair by Hammer and Arc. He pulls it out with his magic before sitting down across from her. Hammer takes a seat next to her sister and picks up a plate.

“What can I get for you, Mio?”

“I... um... would actually... like to do it myself.”

“But Mio, the doctor said...!”

“Hammer, please.”

Hammer sighs. “Fine. Here you go.”

Taking the plate in her hand, Mio casts a spell to serve herself a couple pancakes. They shakily float to her plate as she grits her teeth. However she loses her focus and drops them. Reaching out quickly Arc stops them with a spell of his own before them land in her lap. Hammer grins.

“Nice catch, Hero.”

Arc nods as he levitates them onto a plate. “Just trying to be helpful.”

Mio sighs as she waits for the others. Arc serves Hammer a plateful of food before making one for himself. Hammer digs in hungrily as Mio eyes the armored individual before her. Watching him intently, her eyes grow wide as he slowly lifts his helmet off. Spotting the mask over his face she groans slightly. Arc turns to her.

“Something wrong?”

“N-no, nothing!”

Hammer grins. “Come on! We both know you just wanted to get a glance at his face!”

Mio blushes. “I...! Well...”

Arc chuckles. “Perhaps another time.”

He motions to her plate before continuing.

“But please eat up, miss. You need to keep your strength up.”

“Th-thank you, I will.”

Mio takes a small bite and sighs as Arc raises his mask just enough to eat. Hammer looks to her.

“Come on! Pack it in there, Mio!”

“But I...”

“You can do it, little sis!”

Mio sighs. “Just give me a minute.”

Arc clears his throat. “So... how’s the recovery going, Mio?”

“Alright. I’m just kinda weak and dizzy these days. Doctor Whooves said the concussion shouldn’t cause any permanent damage though.”

“That’s good.”

Hammer chuckles. “Mio’s still trying to get used to all the ponies around here.”

“Well, it is quite the change.”

“Nah. It’s no different than dealing with humans back home. The ponies are just a bit... smaller.”

“But they’re not...”

Hammer frowns. “Not what, Mio?! Good enough?!”

“No, I was going to say...”

“They’re doing the best they can! After all, it’s hard enough for them to treat the Hero! Someone of the opposite sex is really...!”

Arc interrupts. “Hammer, please. Just let her answer.”

“Fine, fine.”

Mio continues. “I was going to say that the fact everyone here is a horse, or pony of some kind, isn’t what surprised me.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh?”

“It’s their society.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “The what now?”

“Remember those history books you brought me yesterday, Hammer?”

“What about them?”

“I was just reading about how the country of Equestria was formed.”

Hammer grimaces. “Um... not sure I know that one.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s a rather interesting tale. However I only know the cliff notes myself.”

“The three pony races were once bitter enemies. However when the land threatened to freeze over, the aides of the nation’s representatives came together to work out a solution.”

Hammer gasps. “What’d they do?”

Mio sighs. “I’m a bit confused on that one myself.”

“It was something to do with just getting along, I believe.”

Hammer scoffs. “And that ended a winter storm?”

Mio nods. “Supposedly, yes.”

“I’ll have to look into it myself one of these days when there’s time. There HAS to be more to that story!”

Arc nods. “If you find something out be sure to let me know.”

“Me too.”

They finish breakfast sometime later. Arc stacks the dishes back on the cart as Hammer leads Mio over to the bed.

“Come on. Back to bed with you.”

“But the doctor said I can be walking around now.”

“And you are. From the table to the bed.”


Hammer interrupts. “And from the bed to the toilet every so often. Don’t worry, as I’ll be right here by your side the whole time.”

Mio sighs. “Thanks.”

Arc looks over. “Hammer?”


“If Doctor Whooves believes that your sister needs to start moving around then we should do what he says.”

“I did! She walked from the shower to the table to the...!”

Arc interrupts. “He probably meant a bit more than that.”

“Yes, I don’t think I’m supposed to just stay in bed all day anymore.”

Hammer frowns. “Did those lunkheads let you up?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Who?”

“The soldiers I got to watch her while I was gone with Arc the other day!”

Mio sighs. “They did exactly as you told them, Hammer.”

“Did Nurse Redheart come to help you to the bathroom EVERY time?!”


“Good! I’d have busted their heads if they didn’t!”

Mio looks toward the door. “Actually, might I use the restroom?”

“Of course! Come on!”

Carefully leading her sister into the bathroom, Hammer helps her sit down before carefully pulling her pants down for her and stepping back.

“There you go!”

“Um... thank you, Hammer. Might I have a bit of privacy now?”


Hammer turns to face the opposite direction as Mio sighs.

“Can you step out?”

“Fine. I’ll wait outside with the Hero. Just call for me when you’re done.”

Mio groans. “Fine.”

Hammer steps out and closes the door behind her. Running over to Arc she grins hugely.

“This is going great!”

“It is?”

“Yeah! She doesn’t suspect a thing!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why would she though?”

Hammer shrugs. “I don’t know. But she is pretty on edge with you here.”

She elbows him before continuing.

“Probably the hormones in her.”

Arc sighs. “For someone she hates, no less.”

“She’ll learn to love you like I do! Well, maybe not THAT much. But who knows?! I do have some good news though!”

“What is it?”

“I came up with an idea on how you could get her in the mood!”

“How I could... what?”

“Sorry. That came out wrong. What I meant was how you could get her in the mindset of being more receptive to the truth of your identity.”

“I’m listening.”

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