• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,606 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 1 - A Fresh Start

Cherry Jubilee nuzzles Arc for what feels like forever as the pair sit on the porch swing. The others look on approvingly! Eventually Ruby breaks the silence.

“Cherry. We should probably get supper ready now. After all, Arc and the others are going home tomorrow.”

“Yes… you're right, sister.

Cherry and Ruby both stand.

“All of you please relax while we get supper going. We'll call you when it's ready.”

Dinky jumps up! “Can I help too?!”

Ruby nods! “Of course, dear!”


Sassy Saddles follows them. “I'll lend a hoof as well!”

They enter the house leaving Arc, Ember and Auriel on the porch. Auriel looks to the pair.

“I know this may not be the best time, but I was hoping the two of you could explain something to me.”

Arc nods. “We'll most certainly give it a try! What is it?”

“Yesterday when I was helping at the booth, we had quite a few customers! I saw many of them giving me rather strange looks.”

Ember smiles and nods at Auriel. “Don't take it too personal. No one in Equestria has ever seen a demon before!”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, that's not it. There were quite a few who, when I gave them their order, they gave me these with their bits!"

She holds up quite a few pieces of paper.

Ember looks at them, confused. “What do they say?”

Auriel shrugs. “That's what’s puzzling me! They all want me to call them some rather strange names! I just don't get it!”

Arc points at the papers in Auriel's claws. “Can I see them?”

“Sure. Maybe you can make some sense out of this gibberish.”

He takes the notes and reads a couple of them over before looking up and smiling!

“Wow Auriel! I didn't realize you made such an impact on their lives!”

Ember frowns. “That doesn't really explain anything, Arc!”

Arc picks up a paper at random. “Let me explain. This one reads... ‘Call me... 776-4321’.”

Ember stares at Arc, her mouth agape! “...what?”

Auriel looks to Arc. “What does this mean?!”

Arc grins at her! “It means they wanted to go out with you!”

“Out? Where?”

“On a date.”

Auriel tilts her head, still confused. “Which date?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! It means they think you're cute and want to... um… get to know you better.”

Ember looks to Arc, slyly! “Do you think that was ALL they wanted, Arc?”

“Probably not. But I'm not going there!”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “I see. What do I do about this?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, did you find any of them attractive or interesting?”

“Not really.”

“Then you don't have to do anything about it.”

Ember scoffs! “Throw those notes away and forget you ever saw them!”

Arc shrugs. “Although it is nice to know there are those in Equestria who are taking an interest in you Auriel... this may be going a bit TOO far for now! I don't want to see anyone try to take advantage of you.”

Auriel blushes slightly. “Thank you Arc! That's really quite sweet of you!”

Ember mutter to herself under her breath. “How does he DO that?!”

Shortly thereafter the group sits down to their last supper together. They eat and talk as the sun goes down!

Arc pushes his empty plate back and smiles! “Another wonderful meal, ladies!”

Ember grins! “It's probably for the best that we're going home tomorrow! A few more days of this and Arc wouldn't fit into his armor anymore!”

Dinky giggles at the thought! “Hee, hee!”

Sassy Saddles turns to Arc. “So, what’s Ponyville like? Are the ponies there friendly?”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “Well, it's certainly more... green.”

“The town isn't much bigger than Dodge Junction. But don't worry! The ponies who call it home are quite friendly and accepting of outsiders.”

Ember nods! “After all, they welcomed Arc and I!”

“I wouldn't worry too much about it Miss Saddles. You'll fit right in!”

She sighs in relief! “Thank you everypony! That makes me feel a bit better!”

Sassy Saddles looks over to the sink.

“Can I help you with the dishes ma'am?”

Cherry shakes her head. “No dear! Ruby and I will get to them tomorrow morning. Thank you for volunteering though! Oh, that reminds me! Ruby, would you give me a hoof?


The pair leave the room and return a few minutes later. They each have a couple bags in their mouths. Ruby gives her two bags to Auriel and Ember.

“Thanks for all your hard work this weekend.”

Ember takes one of the bags. “What's this for?”

Ruby smiles at Ember. "Your pay Around here, all hard workers deserve their wages."

Auriel accepts the bag. “Thank you ma'am.”

Cherry gives a bag to Sassy Saddles.

“Here you are dear. You earned it.”

Sassy Saddles looks at the bag, wide-eyed “But this really is a lot of money!”

Cherry laughs. “For cherry picking we pay by the gunnysack, not the hour. That's the going rate!”

“Well, thank you ma'am."

Ruby approaches Dinky and gives her a smaller bag.

“Nice job this weekend. With a hard-working attitude like that, you'll go far in this world.”

Dinky accepts the bag and smiles. “Thank you, Miss Cherry!”

Cherry and Ruby leave the room again and momentarily return with two huge sacks of bits in their mouths! They put them on the table in front of Arc

Arc shakes his head. “Woah! I think the two of you need to double check your math! There's no way you owe me THAT many bits!”

Cherry nods. “Oh yes! We owe you this and so much more for all you've done for us!”

“My sister is right! Your recipes far outsold our own! That and you worked the stand for half a day AFTER spending the previous day baking with us! To say nothing for how many bags of cherries you filled this weekend!”

“But I can't take this! It's too much!”

Cherry smiles. "Arc, this doesn't even come CLOSE to me paying you back for spending 10,000 bits to save my life. So please... take this. It would make me feel a lot better about... everything you've done."

He sighs. “Well... would you be offended if I told you I was going to donate it?”

“Not at all! It's your money. Do what you want with it.”

Arc picks up the bags and store them neatly in his magic ring. “Well then... thank you very much.”

Ruby laughs. “No... thank YOU Arc!”

Dinky yawns. Arc smiles at his daughter as she rubs her eyes.

“I think the day's activities are finally catching up to someone!”

Dinky yawns again. “Yeah. I think I should be getting to bed now dad.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Me too. This has been quite a day!”

Arc turns to her. “You can take my bed upstairs. That is if you don't mind sharing with Dinky.”

“Not at all! She's just such a sweetheart!”

Dinky grins! “Just like you're always saying dad! Well goodnight everypony!”

Sassy Saddles and Dinky head upstairs to bed. Auriel turns to Ember?

“Do you think I could talk to you alone?”

Ember looks to Auriel a bit confused. “Um... sure. Let's make it quick though! I want to get some sleep as well.”

Cherry waves. “Goodnight you two!”

Auriel and Ember nod as they head upstairs. “Goodnight!”

Ruby smiles at her sister. “I think I'll leave the two of you alone.”

“Sister, you don't have to...”

Ruby nods. “I know... but I wanted to give you some space. Besides, I'm sure you two have a few things to talk about. Goodnight.”

She walks over to her sister and gives her a goodnight hug before heading upstairs to bed. Arc and Cherry are left alone in the kitchen.

Arc clears his throat. “That was certainly... kind of Ruby.”

Cherry nods meekly. “Yes, it was.”

“Should we have a seat in the Living Room?”

“Yes! Lets!”

Arc and Cherry walk to the living room and sit down in front of the fireplace. The sun has almost finished setting over the horizon. Cherry leans against Arc and closes her eyes, smiling contentedly.

"I'm not sure how this could be any more romantic."

Arc puts an arm around her. “I can think of something.”

Cherry looks up at Arc with her luminescent green eyes. “Oh?”

Arc looks to the fireplace and extends a hand toward it. A fireball blazes forth. The wood in the fireplace quickly ignites.

“There. Now it's perfect.”

Cherry rests her head in Arc's lap as he gently strokes her mane.

“Thank you for inviting us, Cherry.”

Cherry sighs, extremely relaxed. “No Arc. Thank YOU for coming! You honored our entire town with your presence! Having the Hero of Light himself walking among us is quite a treat!”

Arc smiles! “Maybe next year I'll bring the princesses with me then.”

The pair laugh lightheartedly! Cherry smiles up at Arc. “But in all seriousness, I was really quite happy when you told me you were coming! I... I missed you, my dear Arc.”

Arc nods soberly. “I… I missed you as well, Cherry. But can I ask you something?”

She nods! “Anything!”

“Please be completely honest with me now!”

“I will! Promise!”

Arc sighs. “I... just wanted to know how you can still stand to look at me after what I did to you!”

Cherry looks up, genuinely confused. I don't understand. You've done nothing but be the most amazing stallion I've ever met!”

"Well, I've turned you down twice now. Once when you wanted to by my ‘marefriend’, as you called it. And again just yesterday when I turned down your marriage proposal.”

She closes her eyes and nods. “Arc. I understand your position and your reasoning. You didn't say such things to me to be mean or to toy with my emotions, did you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Of course not! I just didn't want you to be alone if I ever...”

Cherry interrupts, sadly. “...didn't come back? Listen Arc... it doesn't matter if I was your marefriend, your wife, or just your friend. The news of your... demise... it would still hurt the same! But... if it's all the same to you, can we just... live in the here and now? I want this moment to last forever!”

Arc smiles and hugs Cherry for a long time. He kisses her cheek and she returns the affection with a peck of her own! The pair fall asleep shortly thereafter in each other arms/hooves on the couch. Meanwhile from the top of the stairs Ember looks to Auriel, whispering.

“Do you understand now?”

Auriel whispers back. “Yes. Thank you.”

Meanwhile, high overhead, the Dark One looked down on the house with a wicked smile!

“Heh... so it would appear that you DO have a weakness, Arc! It appears I will have to give some thought on how best to exploit it!”

The next morning Arc awakens to the first rays of light shining through the living room window. he is lying on his back, Cherry sleeping on his chest. She does not stir. Arc looks at the sleeping mare lying on him and mutters to himself.

“Cherry... I must be the luckiest human in Equestria.”

He strokes Cherry 's head for as long as he can, soon she starts to move around. Arc continues to stroke her mane.

“Good morning sleepyhead!”

Cherry smiles sleepily. “Is it morning already?”

Arc nods. “So it would seem.”

Cherry lays her head on Arc's chest again, looking at him with a loving smile on her face!

“I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to get up right now!”

He nods and smiles back. “Neither do I, but... how about you and I get breakfast going? I need to get back to Light's Hope soon.”

She sighs and gets up. “All right.”

Arc and Cherry proceed to the kitchen and together cook breakfast.

“I do enjoy cooking with you Arc!”

Arc lightly boops Cherry’s nose with the tip of his finger. “And I as well Cherry. We really must do this again sometime!”

The others, smelling the cooking food, come downstairs.

Dinky trots in happily! “That smells delicious!”

Auriel nods! “Indeed! The scent of it woke me up!”

Ember salivates at the sight of breakfast! “Looking forward to this!”

Sassy Saddles walks over to the cupboard. “I'll set the table!”

In a flash the table is set and the group sits around it for one last meal together! Ruby passes a plate and turns to Arc.

“So tell me Arc... what's you next big endeavor?”

“Several things actually. I need to contact Canterlot and ask the princesses if it's time for my diplomatic mission to Griffonstone. If not, I still need to head back to the Dragon Lands and meet with Hydra Prime Ikis. He requested a meeting with me quite some time ago!

Cherry looks nervous! “What do you think this “Hydra Prime” wants?”

Arc shrugs. “I'm actually not sure. The way my friend explained it, I assume he wants to meet with me as a greeting. Hydras and ponies have a very bloody history after all.”

Ruby looks surprised! “We do?”


Auriel nods. “The crimes against the hydra are known even in Tartarus. Ponies sought to control and enslave the them many long years ago.”

Cherry turns to Arc, fear in her voice! “You don't suppose he wants you to come there so he can... take revenge, do you?!”

“I doubt it. The Marquis has always been a good friend to me. And even if things were to go south, I’m confident I would be okay I've already defeated a hydra in combat before. And that was before I became the Hero of Light!”

Dinky nods! “Don't worry Miss Cherry! My dad's unstoppable!”

“While I’m in the area, I also need to visit Forsaken Village. On another one of my misadventures I, more or less, liberated a member of their tribe. They invited me to their village as well.”

Sassy Saddles thinks for a moment. “I've never heard of it. Is there really a village in the Dragon Lands?!”

Ember nods! “Yes. Although it's not inhabited by ponies, but large sentient wolf-like creatures.”

Cherry shrinks back. “Are they... friendly?”

Ember shrugs. “More or less. My father has standing orders to all dragons not to attack a member of their tribe without provocation. As far as I know there's never been any kind of altercation, as they pretty much keep to themselves.”

She breathes a sigh of relief! “That's reassuring! But what could they want?”

“I wouldn't worry about it, sister. They probably just want to thank him.”

Arc nods. “Ruby’s probably right. He only told me not to bring any ponies with me. Yet another race that Equestria seems to have wronged in the past.”

“My father told me before that Equestria was a much different place before the princesses took over. They brought order to the chaos. Although he didn't go into detail, I'm sure he would know more.”

“I'll stop by and see him before I visit those towns. After all knowledge is power!”

The group finishes their breakfast and Cherry silently clears the table with Dinky's help. Arc stands up along with the others.

“Another fabulous meal, Cherry!”

Cherry nods, sadly. “Thank you. But I couldn't have done it without you.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Not trying to rush you or anything, but we really should be getting back home soon.”

Cherry turns her head quickly! “You don't have leave so soon! Feel free to stay as long as you like!”

“Thank you for the hospitality Cherry, but I agree with Ember. We should be getting back.”

Cherry sadly walks over to Arc and puts a hoof on his hand.


Arc kneels down to her. “That is... really quite tempting Cherry. I'm sorry, but as I said before I have quite a bit to do right now. Don't worry though! I promise that I’ll keep in touch better! Next time you and Ruby will have to come visit me in Ponyville!”

“Yeah! That would be so cool! You can see my dad's base!”

Ember nods! “Plenty of room there for guests too!”

“If you ever feel like you need to get away from here for a bit, let me know. I'll keep a room open for you two!”

Ruby nods! “Thanks! I'll make sure Cherry and I take you up on that sometime!”

“Please do!”

Arc stands up and looks to Dinky, Ember, Sassy Saddles and Auriel.

“Ready to go?”

“Yeah! I kinda miss mom.”

Ember nods. “I'm looking forward to Saffron's Roast Cockatrice again!”

Auriel turns to Ember. “What's a cockatrice?”

“You'll see.”

Sassy Saddles sighs nervously. “As ready as I'll ever be, I guess.”

Arc turns to Cherry. “Would everyone please wait for me at the sigil? I'll... meet you there in a few minutes.”

Everyone nods understandingly. Ruby leads the way to the basement stairs.

“This way, everypony.”

All assembled leave the room. Cherry trots forward into Arc's outstretched arms for one last hug! She wraps her front hooves around him, tightly!

“Please... do be careful! I don't know what I would do if...”

Arc strokes Cherry’s mane tenderly and nods.

“I know. And I do promise to do a better job keeping in touch. You and Ruby would be welcome in my base anytime! I mean it! In fact, when I get back from my duties in the Dragon Lands and Griffonstone the two of you should come for a visit!”

Cherry kisses him on the cheek! “Thank you Arc! I would love that! Just... take care of yourself, okay?”

Arc nods and breaks the embrace. “I will. Now... I really need to go Cherry.”

Cherry steps back and smiles. “Yes, I understand. Come back anytime you want! Day or night! Even if you just want some company over a cup of tea or something! Now, how about I escort you to my basement?”

Arc laughs! “Sure! Although I don't think anyone has ever said that sentence to me!”

The pair laugh together easily as they walk to the basement. Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and steps onto the sigil with the others. Ruby waves!

“Goodbye everypony! Come back soon!”

Cherry forces a smile. “Yes... goodbye Arc.”

Arc activates the sigil and teleports everyone back to Light's Hope's Main Hall. In a flash of light they are gone. Ruby turns to Cherry.

“Sister... I... I don't really know what to say other than I'm really sorry things didn't work out.”

Cherry continues to look at the empty sigil as she speaks! “It's okay Ruby. As long as we're both still alive, I'll hold out hope for us yet!”

Meanwhile, back at Light's Hope, Arc's group appears on the Main Hall’s sigil. Arc sighs.

“It's good to be home again...”

Sassy Saddles looks around, astonished! “You... LIVE HERE?!”

Arc returns his armor to his ring. “Yes. This is just the Main Hall though. Just let me check in with my secretary before we go see Rarity.”

Sassy Saddles nods nervously. “Um... okay.”

Ember turns to the front doors. “I think I'll head over to the Ponyville Writ Board and see if I can get it caught up.”

Auriel follows her. “I'll come with you.”

Arc turns to the pair. “Auriel, do you think you could stay? There's someone I want you to meet.”

Auriel nods. “Well, okay. Maybe another time Ember.”

“Sure! See you all for lunch!”

Ember leaves. Arc walks over to Raven’s desk.

“Well, we're back Raven! Anything interesting happen while I was gone?”

She shakes her head. “No, commander. Things were fairly quiet around here all weekend.”

Raven looks past Arc to Sassy Saddles standing behind him before turning back to him and smiling!

“Did you make another friend, sir?”

Arc nods! “Yes indeed! Raven, this is Sassy Saddles. I'm going to take her over to see Rarity in a minute. Sassy Saddles, this is Raven Inkwell. She keeps all the paperwork straight here at Light's Hope and keeps the lights on for us!”

“Pleased to meet you Raven!”

“Well, if there is nothing of immediate importance, I'll be back in a bit. Business in town.”

Raven nods. “Very well commander!”

The group leaves Light's Hope and begins walking towards Ponyville. Arc looks over to Dinky.

“How about I take you back to your mother first, Dinky?”

“Thanks dad! I was kinda hoping you would say that.”

Sassy Saddles nods, understandingly. “Homesick?”

“Just a little. I mean, this isn't the first time I've been separated from my mother, but... I should probably get back there.”

“I'm sure Derpy misses us both, sweetheart.”

In a few minutes they arrive at the Little Hooves Orphanage. The orphans are busy playing outside. Derpy and Coco Pommel are sitting on the second-floor patio overlooking the yard. Pipsqueak spots them first!

“Mr. Arc! Dinky! You're back!”

The orphans all run to the fence as Arc and Dinky walk through the gate together! Dinky looks up at her mother and smiles!

“Hi mom! We're back!”

“Welcome back dear! I'll be right down!”

Derpy and Coco Pommel stand and go inside the orphanage.

Aquamarine looks to Dinky. “Did you have fun on vacation?!”

Dinky nods! “YEAH! It was so exciting!”

Pipsqueak smiles at her! “Can you tell us all about it?!”


Dinky and the other foals run to the corner of the yard and lie down in the grass together! Sassy Saddles turns to Arc.

“Your daughter is very popular here!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Thanks to several acts of extreme bravery, the orphans here see here as their role model. I'm very proud of her!”

Coco Pommel and Derpy walk out the door and approach Arc.

“Arc! You're home! I missed you!”

Arc drops to his knees to give Derpy a hug! “And I missed you too! Hopefully next time we can all go together!”

Derpy smiles! “Yes. I'd like that!”

“Derpy, I'd like you to meet Sassy Saddles here! She's... moving here from Dodge Junction to... seek employment.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Well, that's the short version anyways! So, you're Dinky's mother?”

“I am! She's my pride and joy!”

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that you have an amazing daughter!”

Derpy looks over to Arc, affectionately! “Thank you! But I can't take all the credit for that! After all, Dinky has an amazing father to show her the way!”

“Don't sell yourself short Derpy. She loves us both!”

Coco Pommel smiles! “It's good to see you again, Arc! I hope you were able to properly rest!”

“More or less! Say Coco Pommel, you're just the mare I need to see right now. I was wondering if you could do something for me.”

“Oh? Something I can help you with? Would you like to step inside?”

Arc shakes his head as he pulls the bags of bits out of his magic ring and sets them on the ground in front of Coco Pommel. “That won't be necessary. I'd just like to donate this money to the orphanage.”

Coco Pommel looks at the large bags of bits before her! “Wh-what?! But Arc! You've already done so much for us!”

“Think of it as a donation from Cherry Hill Ranch then. I want you and the orphans to have it! Just put it away somewhere until a need arises! Who knows... it may come in handy someday.

Coco Pommel nods. “Well... okay. But only if you're sure!”

Arc nods! “I am! Now I have quite a few other things to do today, so I'll see you two later. Take care of Dinky, Derpy!”

She waves after Arc as he leaves. “I will! See you at lunch?”

“Sounds good! I'll see you at Light's Hope around noon then!

Derpy smiles! “Looking forward to it!”

The pair pick up the bags and take them inside the orphanage. Derpy smiles as the ascend the stairs.

“That was very kind of Arc to give the orphanage this money!”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes it was! We're all so blessed to have a friend like him!”

Meanwhile... Arc, Auriel and Sassy Saddles continue on their way towards Ponyville. Sassy Saddles turns to Arc.

“I'm beginning to see a trend here.”

Auriel looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“All I hear from everypony is how you've done so much for them! I mean... I really am impressed, but... I get the feeling you would help a monster if it asked you to!”

Auriel nods, sadly. “He... he did. Arc took me in and provided for me when I was banished from Tartarus.”

Arc turns to his downcast friend. “Auriel, you're not a monster! I do wish you would stop calling yourself that!”

Sassy Saddles nods! “Arc is right, Auriel. You're a very nice young... demoness? I'm sorry, but I just don't know how to put it.”

“It's okay.”

The trio enters town to find the streets deserted. Auriel look downcast as Sassy Saddles looks around.

“Where is everypony?”


Arc puts a hand on Auriel's shoulder. “Don't worry. They'll come around. I went through the same thing.”

Auriel sighs. “Thank you Arc...”

They make their way to Carousel Boutique. Sassy Saddles looks the building’s exterior over.

“This is a pretty nice place for a town as small as Ponyville!”

Arc nods. “Rarity doesn't do anything halfway.”

They approach the front door. It is locked. A note on the door reads... ‘Gone to visit family. Will return next week’.

Auriel thinks for a moment. “I guess she had the same idea for a vacation as you did, Arc.”

Sassy Saddles appears crestfallen. “Oh dear! What do we do now?”

Arc turns back toward the path. “Let's go see another friend of mine. She and Auriel will get along famously!”

He leads the way to the Golden Oaks Library. Arriving, Arc knocks on the door. Spike and Twilight answer the door together.

“Hiya Ar... what in Celestia's name is THAT?!”

Spike points a claw at Auriel! Twilight frowns at him!

“Spike! That was rather rude of you!”

Spike looks down at the floor. “I'm sorry Twilight. But she's really scary looking!”

Arc nods. “Like me?”

Spike shakes his head. “Don't be silly Arc! I know who you are!”

“I think what Arc is trying to say is that it wasn't too long ago that HE was viewed as the monster!”

“I guess that makes sense.”

Spike turns to Auriel.

“Sorry for the way I acted.”

Twilight looks apologetically to Auriel.

“I'm sorry. You'll have to forgive my assistant here. He's never seen a demon before.”

Auriel looks at Twilight, surprised! “Aren't you afraid of me?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all! I know Arc wouldn't bring anypony here who was dangerous, miss...”


Twilight steps aside to let them enter. “Well Auriel, why don't you all come inside now. Care for some tea?”

“Um... okay.”

Arc nods! “Sounds good to me!”

“Me too!”

Twilight leads the way to the kitchen and puts a pot of water on the stove as Arc and friends sit down at the kitchen table.

“Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Twilight Sparkle, Auriel. Pleased to meet you!”

“Thank you.”

“Twilight. I'd like you to meet another friend I made during my vacation to Dodge Junction. This is Sassy Saddles.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Happy to make your acquaintance!”

Sassy Saddles nods! “Likewise, Miss Twilight.”

“Oh, just call me Twilight! Everypony else does.”

The kettle on the stove whistles. Twilight pours a cup of tea for everyone before sitting down at the table.

“It's been a while since we had tea together, Arc. So what's the occasion? I mean, not that you need one!”

“A couple things actually. First of all, I wanted you and Auriel to meet! She was the Demon King's Lead Scientist up until recently. I figured the two of you would enjoy a bit of academic conversation!”

Twilight’s eyes light up! “Yes indeed! It's not every day that I get to talk about science with a REAL scientist! After all, I'm just an amateur!”

Arc smiles! “What about the time you brought me to Equestria?”

“That was an accident!”

Arc laughs! “One that I am very happy about, mind you.”

Auriel looks to Twilight. “You managed inter-dimensional travel?! That's fascinating!”

Twilight sighs. “Yes. But sadly only one way. I can bring things here no problem, but sending them back isn’t something I can do.”

Auriel nods. “If my father were here, he would insist I study this new magic at once! As bad as he is, I do miss him.”

Sassy Saddles looks to Auriel. “Who is your father? I assume he's not a pony.”

Auriel appears suddenly frightened! “He's... um... the Demon King of Tartarus. I'm sorry!”

“You remember him, right Twilight? He was the one who led the demon army's attack on the Gates of Tartarus, and ordered his forces to tear you apart when we got separated at the end.”

Auriel looks to Twilight! “He did?! Twilight I am SO sorry about that! My father only wants what is best for all of demon-kind! Which, in his mind anyways, means leading to invade Equestria!”

Arc nods. "Yes well, as you can see Auriel here is NOTHING like the Demon King. She's much friendlier and truly cares about others. So what do you say, Twilight? Can you help me integrate her into Equestrian society? You did such a good job on me.”

Auriel looks at Twilight hopeful.


Auriel’s eyes grow wide! “What?! Really?!”

Twilight smiles and nods. “If Arc says you're okay, I believe him. After all, he's done so much for us in the past!”

Sassy Saddles mutters to herself. “That again...”

Auriel looks relieved! “Thank you so much, Twilight! I promise I won't let you down!”

Twilight and Auriel begin to talk at length on a variety of subjects from quantum physics to geometry to botany!

“...and that's why leaves are green!”

Auriel stares at Twilight. “Fascinating!”

“That's nothing! You HAVE to show me how to extract energy from different gemstones!”

Auriel nods happily! “It's really simple when you know how. Frankly I'm amazed pony-kind hasn't already figured it out! No offense!”

Twilight laughs! “None taken!”

Auriel and Twilight enjoy a good laugh together! Twilight suddenly looks back to Arc!

“I'm sorry. You said there was a couple things you wanted to talk to me about. What else can I do for you?”

"Well, I swung by Carousel Boutique and saw the note on the front door.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Rarity and Sweetie Belle went to go visit their parents. They'll be back in about a week. Did you need some clothes made?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not exactly. Sassy Saddles here was looking for a job. I was hoping to introduce her to Rarity.”

Sassy Saddles sighs. “I'm caught in quite a cross stitch with no clear way out!”

She explains the events of the past couple days.

“I see. So Arc saved you as well and brought you here?”

Arc nods. “She just needs a fresh start somewhere! If she can make clothes as well as costumes, I think she’ll do well.”

“Thank you Arc, but it looks like I will have to wait...”

Arc turns to Twilight. “Do you happen to have the phone number of Rarity's parents by any chance?”

Twilight nods. “I do, but why?”

Arc stands. “I want to get Rarity's permission to try something. Might I have the number please?”

Twilight points a hoof. “Sure. I wrote it on the chalkboard next to the phone. You remember where it is, right?”

“I do. If you ladies will excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back.”

Arc leaves the room, Twilight, Auriel and Sassy Saddles can only stare at each other confused. Auriel looks after him.

“What do you think he has planned?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don't know. But if I know Arc, it's going to be one heck of a plan!”

Arc returns a few minutes later.

“Okay, the matter is settled. Twilight, Rarity said you had a key to her shop. Is that right?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. I told her I would feed and water her cat Opal while she was away. In fact I should probably head over there and feed her soon. Why do you ask?”

“I asked her if we could go there and use some of her tools.”

Auriel looks confused. “But, what for? Can you sew Arc?”

“Not at all. But Sassy Saddles here can! I want her to make something!”

Sassy Saddles looks to Arc, surprised! “Yes of course! What do you need?”

“I'll explain when we get there. Let's go everyone!”

The ponies appear confused, but follow Arc nonetheless. As before the streets are deserted. In short order they arrive back at the Carousel Boutique. Twilight unlocks the front door and lets everyone inside.

“Okay, we're here. What's this idea you have now Arc?”

Arc turns to Sassy Saddles. “I want to hire you to make Auriel here some new clothes. Rarity says you can use whatever you need to do the job. Don't worry, I'll pay for the materials you use. And don't think for a moment that I'm going to let you work for free!”

Sassy Saddles looks to Arc, happily! “So... you want me to make some REAL clothes?”

“Yes. And I'm a REAL customer too! Your first!”

“I... don't know if I can! I'm kinda afraid of breaking these REALLY expensive machines!”

Arc looks confused. “Haven't you ever used a sewing machine before?”

Sassy Saddles nods! “I have, but... it was my own! What if...”

“Sassy Saddles, you need to have more faith in yourself! After all, Arc wouldn't have hired you to do this job if he didn't think you could do it!”

Arc nods. "Twilight’s right. That and if you don't take this opportunity, it may never come again. You may fail, but at least you will have made the effort."

Auriel steps forward and stands before Sassy Saddles. “Um…do... do you think you could make me look... beautiful?”

Sassy Saddles looks at the demon, confused. “Beautiful?”

Auriel nods in desperation! “I want to look less like a demon, and more like a pony! I'm... really tired of scaring the townsponies! Please... can you help me?!”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “I'm sorry, Auriel. I can do my best to make you some pretty clothes, but... you'll still be yourself underneath.”

Arc nods. “Auriel... I understand what you're going through right now. I've been there! But I can't become a pony any more than you can become a human. We both just need to make the best of things, and let the chips fall where they may!”

Auriel nods. “Th-thank you Arc.”

“You always seem to know just what to say to make everything better!”

“Thanks Twilight. I try.”

He looks over at Sassy Saddles.

“How about it? Will you do it?”

Sassy Saddles look around the room for a moment before using her magic to pick up Rarity's sewing tape.

“Let's get to work, Auriel! Don't you worry about a thing! I'll do my very best!”

Auriel looks relieved! “Thank you so much!”

“Good! Don't work too hard now. And don't be late for lunch back at Light's Hope.”

Sassy Saddles nods, not looking up from taking Auriel's measurements.” We won't! Don't worry about a thing! I'll make Auriel here some clothes that she’ll be proud to wear!”

Arc turns to Twilight. “Well, we should probably let them get to it.”

“Yes. Let's! Oh, I almost forgot!”

Twilight quickly feeds Opal and gives her fresh water.

“There! That would have been embarrassing. To come all the way over here and forget to feed Opal!”

Arc and Twilight leave the shop and walk down the street toward the Golden Oaks Library.

“Will you join us for lunch as well, Twilight?”

She laughs! “Yes! It will be good to catch up on your latest adventures! I mean how much trouble could you have gotten into since the last time I saw you?!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You would be surprised...”

The pair arrive back at the library. Twilight opens the door and steps across the threshold before turning back to Arc.

“See you in a few hours!”

Arc nods! “Looking forward to it!

He makes the walk back to Light's Hope, grateful for the peace of the morning! As he arrives back at his base Raven waves him over!

“Commander! Princess Luna and Princess Cadance have requested that you contact them immediately via your Holographic Communicator! It sounded quite urgent!”

“Very well. Any idea what this is about?”

Raven shakes her head. “No sir. But it was quite strange. For an emergency, they sounded quite happy. Giddy almost!”

Arc nods. “Thanks. I'll take it from here.”

“Very well, commander.”

He walks quickly to the War Room! “I'm getting to the bottom of THIS right now! Giddy princesses, indeed!”

Arc sits down at his place in front of the Holographic Communicator. A few minutes later a holographic image of both princesses appears! They look quite happy!

“Ah, good to see you again Arc! I trust your vacation was restful?!”

He nods. “It was, thank you Princess Luna.”

Cadance beams at him! “So, what are you planning to do next?!”

“I think I’ll head back to the Dragon Lands and meet with Hydra Prime Ikis. He invited me there quite a while back and I would say he’s waited long enough! While I’m there I've also been invited to the Forsaken Village to meet a friend.”

Luna laughs! “You're going all the way to the Dragon Lands and you're not planning to say hello to the Dragon Lord?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow at her candor. “Yes, I was planning to stop by and see him. He may be able to advise me on protocol. After all, I wouldn't want to cause an international incident.”

Cadance smiles and nods giddily. “A wise choice! Perhaps next time the two of you can go on vacation together!”

"Me and the Dragon Lord go on… what? Are you two feeling alright? You're acting a bit... strange. I'm thinking maybe the strain of running a country is finally getting to you! In all seriousness, perhaps the two of you should take some time off as well."

Cadance laughs. “Maybe next time! Right now we have something very important to tell you!"

Luna turns to Arc and nods. “It will soon be announced to everypony, but we wanted you to be the first to hear the good news!”

Arc nods, confused. “Um... thanks? What is it?”

Luna happily claps her hooves together, smiles widely and motions to someone Arc cannot see to approach.

“Actually, I think we'll let them tell you themselves!”

A familiar figure steps into view next to the princesses. Arc’s heart almost stops.

“WHAT?! But how?!”

Cadance bursts into a fit of laughter. “I know, right? Our faces looked about the same when we found out!”

Captain Decimus himself stands with the princesses, smiling.

“Greetings, Hero of Light. Oh, and to answer your question... I am VERY difficult to kill! Now if you will excuse me, SOME of us don't have time to waste on VACATIONS!”

Captain Decimus walks away. Luna laughs and waves a hoof after him.

“Don't take it too hard, Arc! He's always like that after cheating death! Now we all have a lot of... stuff to do. Best of luck on your trek to the Dragon Lands!”

Cadance waves a hoof! “Bye, bye Arc!”

The connection is severed. Arc leans back heavily in his chair.

“How one earth did he... his head was... there's no way! What is going on here?!?!?!”

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