• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 1(A Nightmare from the past)-1: Welcome back Wanda

Author's Note:

Welcome back, folks. As of now, I have started on Saga 2 of the My Little Pony: One as a Family fanfic. For this first arc, I will focus on Chancellor Cinch's own past, and the hardship she had to go through. Enjoy.

Welcome back Wanda

Wanda was wandering alone in the middle of a dark forest. A light fog only dampened her vision a bit as she looked left and right.

“Mommy?” Wanda yelled. “Aunt Woona? Sunset? Big sis?”

Wanda’s voice echoed through the forest. But there was no sign of any one. Wanda covered her arms with her hands, shivering in fear as the wind brushed along the bushes and trees.

“Where is everyone?” Wanda asked as she looked around.

“There is no one to save you, child.” Wanda stood there in panic from the words of a disturbing voice. She looked left and right, jaw dropped to the ground.

“Who’s there?” Wanda yelled.

“Your worst nightmare,” the voice said. “Look behind you.”

Wanda turned around, fearing the worst. But to her surprise, there was nothing, except for her shadow on the ground.

“Where are you?” Wanda yelled. “I know you’re out there.”

A cackling laugh echoes through the dark valley as the voice yells out “Right here.” Wanda looked down to see her shadow jump out and land in front before turning to face her with a sinister chuckle.

“Who,” Wanda said with a hint of hesitation. “Who are you?”

“Some call me the Shade of Hate,” The shadow said as it shapeshifted into a horse-like creature. “But you may call me…the Pony of Shadows.”

“The…Pony of Shadows?” Wanda said as she stood there, helplessly.

“Yes,” The Pony of Shadows said. “And soon, you will have no one left. Your destiny is to be alone for ETERNITY!”

With that, the Pony of Shadows leaped at Wanda as the little girl screamed in fear.

Wanda awoke in the middle of the night with a loud gasp. She breathed fast and heavily before slowing down with a sigh of relief. No longer was she wearing her dress, but rather her pajamas.

“That nightmare felt so real,” Wanda said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Wanda turned to her right to see Abigail Albright, fast asleep on top of an empty nightstand.

“Where would I be without you, Abby?” Wanda whispered. “It was not long ago that you spoke your first word. And the same can be said of Spike the Dragon. But now, it feels like everything is becoming too distant since we last saw most of our friends at the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

Wanda then looked at Sunset Shimmer, who was still fast asleep before the Man’s Cub climbed out of bed.

“Sorry sis,” Wanda whispered. “But I’m too anxious to stay asleep.”

Wanda slowly walked away from the bed and towards the doorway, where she slowly opened the door. She took a few steps forward before walking out and exiting the bedroom. But as she disappeared, Sunset Shimmer slowly opened her eyes.

“I think she’s scared,” Sunset whispered to herself.

Wanda walked down the hallway, keeping her feet muffled with every step. She looked inside the master bedroom where Princess Celestia would sleep. But when Wanda looked in, Princess Celestia was not present at all, not even in her own bed.

“Mommy?” Wanda whispered. “Where are you?”

Wanda stuck her head out of the room before walking down towards the hall. Her eyes spot a slightly opened door in front of her.

“That’s Aunt Woona’s room” Wanda whispered. “Maybe she’s fast asleep.”

Wanda snuck up to the bedroom and took a peek inside. She scanned the entire room, from the dresser to the closet all the way to the bed. But like with Princess Celestia, the entire room was vacant. Wanda began to worry.

“Where are mommy and Aunt Woona?” Wanda said, nervously.

As Wanda pulled her head out from the room, her ears began to perk up. She looked down the hallway and noticed a faint light at the end.

“Do you suppose?” Wanda said to herself. “Maybe they’re talking downstairs. I could let them know of my nightmare.”

Wanda continued to walk down the hallway, towards the faint light at the end. With each step, the light glows brighter and brighter as she approaches the staircase at the end. She looked down and saw a light in a room at the Grand Foyer.

“That must be where mommy and Aunt Woona are,” Wanda said to herself. “I hope they won’t be upset that I’m awake.”

Wanda’s insect-like wings formed on her back as closed her eyes and levitated into the air. She flies off from the balcony and slowly descends down into the Grand Foyer. Her feet quietly touched the floor before her wings disappeared.

“There,” Wanda whispered. “Now to check to see if Mommy and Aunt Woona are there.”

Wanda slowly walked towards the lit room in the Grand Foyer, keeping her footsteps silent with every step. Unbeknownst to her, a shadow popped up from the hallway in the balcony above, glaring down at the defenseless Man’s Cub.

In the lit room of the castle, Wanda took a peek inside from behind the doorway. She stood silent as she observed.

“My goodness,” Wanda whispered. “I didn’t expect Mommy and Aunt Woona to be up for a meeting.

Inside the room, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were in the middle of a conversation with Chancellor Cinch, Prince Blueblood, Bright Mac, King Myrrh and Queen Novo. The looks on their faces were of worry and shock.

“I can not believe the nerve of Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “The fact that she used the Horse News Network along with other news stations to put fear into the minds of the ponies of Equestria.”

“And after that incident at the Grand Gallopin Gala, one month ago,” Princess Luna said.

“Unfortunately,” Prince Blueblood said. “There’s nothing I can do. Gold Banks made good on her word that I would be ousted as CEO of the Horse News Network and now I’m nothing more than the Duke of Manehattan.”

“And there are reports of Ponies refusing to visit other parts of the nation,” Princess Luna said. “They bought into Horse News Network’s propaganda of the attack on the Gala by the Windigo’s Guild and the Changeling Swarm.”

“Unfortunately, I can confirm this,” Chancellor Abacus Cinch said as she slowly got up, only to observe a severed unicorn horn right next to her before drawing her attention to the rest of the group. “When I paid a visit to the ponies of Apploosa, they’ve barely stepped hoof outside of town, fearing that the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings would try to kidnap them.”

“We’ve been trying to transport apple trees to Apploosa since the end of the Gala,” Bright Mac said. “But not a single soul wants to accept those trees. They said that the changelings or the cult members would take them by surprise.”

“Our kind is not known to be wandering around with the rest of Equestria,” Queen Novo said. “But to see ponies hide indoors for fear of these troublemakers just saddens me. They’re not as menacing as the Storm King or his army.”

“Not to mention the border is far tighter than ever,” King Myrrh said. “I have never seen so many royal guards on patrol in that section of Equestria. Times have changed for the worse.”

“Speaking of royal guards,” Princess Luna said. “I got word from Guard Captain Thompson that the Royal Guard Academy was shut down just yesterday due to the Horse News Network Propaganda.”

“A despicable act,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I heard what happened with Shining Armor sometime after he joined up, only to be shut out after the academy was closed off.”

“So what can be done about Gold Banks’ new propaganda?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I’m afraid that’s easier said than done,” Prince Blueblood said. “I got word that the Equestrian Senate will vote down any means to punish the Horse News Network along with the other news stations of the nation. They’re also threatening to censure anyone who speaks out against what Gold Banks is doing.”

“Including myself,” Chancellor Cinch said. “These are some troubling times.”

“Princess,” Queen Novo said. “I know you now live in hard times. But they can’t live forever in the shadows. All of this mass hysteria, and the ponies could unintentionally summon the Windigos for real.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “But when you have Gold Banks blasting that noise across the nation and you’re powerless to stop it….”

“We’ll figure out a way,” Princess Luna said. “We’ll always figure out a way.”

“I hope you’re right,” Princess Celestia said. “Because I’m losing faith in myself far more than when I became Daybreaker.”

“By the way,” Queen Novo asked as she turned towards Bright Mac. “What has been of Golden Lace since she moved to Ponyville?”

“I’m afraid to say this to you,” Bright Mac said as he took off his hat with a somber look on his face. “But Golden Lace never arrived in Ponyville for the Rich family to take in.”

“She didn?” Queen Novo said with a shocked look on her face.

“You didn’t hear the report,” Prince Blueblood said. “Two weeks ago, Magistrate Creme Dream blocked the Rich family and Silver Banks from allowing Golden Lace to live in Ponyville. She took sides with Gold Banks.”

“That doesn’t sound right,” Queen Novo said.

“So what you’re saying is that Golden Lace is still in Canterlot?” King Myrrh asked.

“No,” Prince Blueblood said as he reached down under the table and pulled out a newspaper before throwing it onto the table. “You know the reason why Gold Banks pulled Golden Lace out of the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

Princess Celestia levitated the paper with her magic and read it. Her jaw dropped from the words on the paper before she slammed it onto the table.

“She was transferred back to Manehattan?” Princess Celestia yelled.

“To a boarding school known as Daisy Joy Tech,” Prince Blueblood said. “It’s a place for so-called wicked fillies.”

“Just the mere description of that makes me want to puke,” Bright Mac said. “How can one greedy little mare treat her own daughter like that, turn Silver Banks into a henpecked husband, scare the population of Equestria into sheltering in place and get away with it?”

“It’s as if all political power in Equestria is slowly fading away,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Gold Banks has been gaining political power since the end of the Grand Gallopin Gala. And I fear it will get worse the more this goes on. Only the calm and reassuring voices of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will comfort the rabble.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “But what if they don’t listen? What if the ponies of Equestria are gripped deeply with fear?”

“We will have to try,” Princess Luna said. “Perhaps that magic of Starswirl of Bearded involving ground bridges might be ideal to introduce.”

“That’s a great idea, sis,” Princess Celestia said. “I remember the kind of crystals needed to power the ground bridge. And it just so happens I have plenty in the basement, and more where that came from.”

“Good,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But we must make sure the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings do not learn to reverse engineer this spell. Otherwise, they could figure a way into ponies’ homes when they least expect it.”

Back at the doorway, Wanda continued to keep her eye on Princess Celestia and the others in the room. Though she was out of the sight of all of the adults, her ears could pick up the conversation going on.

“Ponies of Equestria living in fear?” Wanda whispered to herself. “Gold Banks now in charge of the Horse News Network? And even Golden Lace is forced to live at that…Daisy Joy Tech place? Wow. I thought my own nightmares were horrible.”

Wanda looked back up at the adults in the room, who continued to debate amongst each other, all while they were unaware of Wanda’s presence.

“If only I could talk with mommy,” Wanda said to herself. “I want to tell her about the nightmare I had involving this…Pony of Shadows, and being all alone. But now, I’m too afraid to go in there. What if no one believes me? What if they’re too busy to notice this Pony of Shadows? What if I…”

But before Wanda could speak any further, something touched her on the shoulder. The moment she felt the hoof on her shoulder, she screamed really loud and landed on the floor, directly outside the doorway. The high volume of her scream caught the attention of the adults in the other room.

“Wanda?” Princess Celestia said, caught off guard by Wanda’s presence.

“Man’s cub?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Cousin?” Prince Blueblood said.

“Smallfry?” Queen Novo said.

Wanda laid there on the floor, covering her eyes and shivering in fear. Princess Celestia got out of her chair and walked up to Wanda, before reaching down and tapping her with her hoof.

“Get away from me you big mean Pony of Shadows,” Wanda cried as she covered her face.

“It’s okay, my Darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “It looked like you had a bad dream. That explains why you were out here.”

Wanda opened her eyes and looked up at Princess Celestia. Though the princess has a calm and pleasant tone, Wanda’s eyes filled up with tears. All she could do was to leap onto Celestia’s chest and cry right into it.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Alone?” Princess Celestia asked.

Princess Luna got out of her chair and walked up to both Princess Celestia and Wanda Young. She looked down at the Man’s Cub and placed her hoof on Wanda’s cheek.

“It’s the same dream she’s been having for the past month since the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Princess Luna said. “Night after night, Wanda’s dream has been getting worse. The Pony of Shadows.”

“Sister, are you alright?” Princess Luna and Princess Celestia turned to the doorway where Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance and Abigail Albright emerged. The two youngsters looked up at Celestia and Luna with shame in their faces.

“We wanted to see what was up with Wanda,” Princess Cadance said as she turned beet red. “We didn’t mean to scare her. Our apologies, mother.”

“Apology accepted,” Princess Celestia said. “But to make up for what you did, you both have to clean the entire castle once a day.”

Cadence and Sunset’s face turned white as they yelled out “WHAT?”

Celestia let out a playful smirk and said “Gotcha,” causing Princess Cadance and Sunset Shimmer to breathe a sigh of relief.

“That was a low blow sister,” Princess Luna said with a deep tone. “Don’t do that again.”

Princess Celestia blushed for a bit and said “Sorry sis. Didn’t mean to do that.”

Wanda looked to her side to see Sunset approach her. She barely budged from her spot as Sunset reached out towards her sister.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “I know you’re hurt from that surprise we made. But I trust that it was not intentional. I just wanted to see if you’re alright.”

Wanda looked down at Sunset Shimmer’s hoof. She barely reached out before she placed her hand on top. Wanda slowly lets go of Princess Celestia before she allows Sunset to wrap her arm around her.

“Don’t worry,” Sunset said. “I won’t scare you like that again. Promise.”

Chancellor Cinch got out of her chair and walked up towards Wanda and Sunset. She picked up the unicorn horn from the table and held it next to her.

“Man’s cub,” Cinch said in a soothing voice. “Do you remember the story I told you about how I lost my parents?”

“Yeah, I do,” Wanda said.

“Back when I was Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter and student,” Cinch said. “I used to live in the countryside near Canterlot with my parents. They were similar to Bright Mac and Buttercup of Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Never thought you were more of a country bumpkin like me,” Bright Mac said.

“But one night,” Cinch said. “My mother woke me up and told me I had to escape. She said a fire was started in the house, caused by a monster of a pony. I did what she said and made my escape.”

“I’ve heard of this story before,” Sunset said. “Where you were the only one who escaped, and the rest of your family succumbed to the smoke and burning embers.”

“Indeed I was the only survivor of the Cinch family farm,” Cinch said. “I was traumatized by the loss of my mother, my father and my siblings. I never understood how that fire was started, nor why it built up so fast and burned everything within.”

“I was alerted to the fire back then,” Princess Celestia said before she pointed to Princess Luna. “Your aunt was quick to take me to the inferno. But by the time I arrived, I was too late. The fire had already consumed everyone, and I assumed that there were no survivors. Until I met Abacus Cinch, the lone pony who lost everything. I noticed there was a unique power within her. But also to the fact that she was traumatized by the loss of an entire family.”

“Celestia adopted me following the loss of my folks,” Cinch said. “She allowed me to live in the palace, where I could heal from my trauma, and mourn for my fallen family. It was where I also met her.”

“Met who?” Wanda asked.

“Reach out with your hands,” Cinch said. “And I will tell you.”

Wanda held her hands out as Cinch levitated the filly unicorn horn, and gently placed it on top of the girl’s palms.

“This horn belonged to a sister of mine,” Cinch said. “Her name was Fizzlepop Berrytwist. She helped get me back on my hooves once we met. Like me, she lost her family and she was adopted by Princess Celestia.”

“Does that make us all sisters?” Sunset asked.

“In a way,” Luna said. “You both, plus Princess Cadance, are younger sisters to Chancellor Cinch.”

“It’s a small world, after all,” Princess Cadance said.

“Fizzlepop Berrytwist was more of a wingpony to me,” Cinch said. “She helped me through my first couple of years since Princess Celestia adopted me.”

Wanda held the horn piece into the air and looked directly at it. She noticed the jagged end of the horn where it broke off. Rough and sharp below. Wanda placed her finger on the end of the horn and gently felt the edges. She lifted her finger back towards her face and saw small scratches on the small flat surface of her skin.

“So how did this happen, Miss Cinch?” Wanda asked as she let the horn sit on the palm of her hand.

“What I am going to tell you will be heartbreaking,” Cinch said. “And it will make you appreciate your sisters far more. In fact, I hope you do appreciate your sisters far more once you hear this story. Are you ready to hear it?”

“Yes,” Wanda said as she nodded her head before holding out the horn piece closer to Cinch. The Chancellor levitated the horn off of Wanda’s palm and placed it on the table while Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance and Abigail Albright walked up next to the Man’s Cub.

“I didn’t know Cinch had a sister of her own,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“I’ve heard this story before,” Princess Cadance said. “Let’s say Fizzlepop Berrytwist was the older sister to Cinch.”

Chancellor Cinch placed the horn back on the table and began to clear her throat. She turned her attention towards Queen Novo, who winked towards the Chancellor.

“I know Princess Celestia is here,” Queen Novo said. “But in the event that she breaks down in tears, I’ll be happy to comfort her and her sister.”

“Deeply noted,” Chancellor Cinch said.

Chancellor Cinch turned back to Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She adjusted the collar of her dress and sat down right in front of the group.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “This story will make you cry. So either me, Luna or Novo will comfort you afterwards.”

“I’m a brave girl,” Wanda said. “I can handle this.”

“Even brave girls can be broken,” Princess Luna said. “And unfortunately, I knew how it ended.”

“Now then,” Chancellor Cinch said as she got the attention of everyone in the vicinity. “This happened long ago when I was adopted by Princess Celestia. It was on a fine summer afternoon in Canterlot Castle, back when the scars of the fire were slowly fading away. Me and my older sister Fizzlepop Berrytwist enjoyed the fine day without a care in the world. But little did we know, my second tragedy would unfold in front of me.”

To Be Continued in….

Cinch’s Carefree Fillyhood

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