• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Final Arc-2: No Hope in La Maresa

No Hope in La Maresa

In the outskirts of La Maresa, at a rock farm, a lone colt was rolling up a rock on the ground all by himself, pushing it as hard as he could. Nearby, High Chieftess Pele landed on the ground as Danged Spell and Moondancer hopped off her back. Danged Spell wore a saddlebag on his back, where a video tablet laid in there.

“This must be where Pinkie Pie’s father told us to go,” Danged Spell said, pulling out his video tablet from his saddlebag.

“A rock farm?” Moondancer said. “She grew up on a rock farm?”

“To think she was a party pony when we met her,” Danged Spell said. “You’ll never know what kind of hidden depths our friends have.”

“Right now, our focus is getting that little one off the farm,” Pele said. “You contact Igneous Rock Pie that we’re already there. I’ll speak with the one known as Octavio Pie.”

Danged Spell tapped his video tablet a few times while Moondancer and Pele walked up to the lone colt occupying the rock farm, who still continued to push the rock across the dirt.

“Excuse me,” Pele said. “You’re Octavio Pie, correct?”

“That would be me,” Octavio said as he continued to push the rock through the ground. “What do you want?”

“Your folks are very worried about your well-being, and they want you to head for a safe place,” Moondancer said.

“I’ve told them time and time again, I’m not leaving the rock farm,” Octavio said. “Someone’s gonna hold down the fort until they return.”

As Octavio Pie pushed the rock down the dirt path, Pele stepped in front of the colt’s path, stopping him in his place.

“This is serious,” Pele said. “I was fortunate enough to have a talk with your father, and he wants to see you safe and sound.”

“What’s going to be the fate of these rocks should I step off this farm?” Octavio Pie asked. “Not on my watch.”

“Young stallion,” Pele scowled. “You will march off this farm right this instant.”

“Why should I?” Octavio said as he came to a stop. “You’re not my mom. Besides, her temper is far different from yours.”

As Pele glared down at a stubborn Octavio, Danged Spell ran up to the two, holding his tablet.

“That’s enough,” Danged Spell said. “The last thing we need is for both of you to start a fight in front of Octavio’s father.”

“Wait,” Octavio said. “He’s here?”

“He is,” Danged Spell said, holding up the tablet. “Just on this screen.”

Octavio looked down at Danged Spell’s tablet and saw Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz on the screen. His jaw dropped down in surprise.

“Mom? Dad?” Octavio said.

“Son, is that you?” Igneous Rock said.

“It is,” Octavio replied. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you both in a week. How are my sisters?”

“We’re stuck in the Golden Land thanks to Gold Banks,” Cloudy Quartz said. “Marble, Limestone, Maud and Pinkie are all doing fine.”

“Thank providence,” Octavio Pie said. “At least I can confirm to you that the rock farm is safe in my hooves.”

“One thing that matters is that you’re safe, my son,” Igneous Rock said. “But that being said, you must go with the ponies to La Maresa. You will be safe there.”

That is when Octavio Pie slowly turned his head away from the screen.

“I can’t father,” Octavio Pie said. “It’s just that…I don’t want to lose your farm. Your way of life.”

“It will be okay,” Igneous Rock said. “We’re more concerned for your well-being.”

“Father, I volunteered to remain behind on the farm, even though it meant not saying good-bye to Pinkie Pie,” Octavio Pie said. “And I know you care for my well-being. But after losing you and the rest of the family a week ago, I don’t think I can step away from this farm.”

“Son, I..” Igneous Rock said.

“I’m not going to change my mind on this,” Octavio Pie said, keeping his head turned away. “I know you want me to be safe. But I still need a means of keeping this farm going. So until I see you in person once more, I don’t think I can abide by that order. I’m sorry.”

Igneous Rock took off his hand and held it close to his chest while Cloudy Quartz hung her head down.

“It’s okay, my son,” Cloudy Quartz said. “You care a lot for our farm, and that says a whole lot.”

“We’ll do what we can to come down tomorrow,” Igneous Rock said. “Until then, you keep yourself safe. You promise?”

“I promise, father,” Octavio Pie said. “I promise.”

“And by the way,” Cloudy Quartz said. “Your sister Pinkie Pie said she misses you and wished you were at her original going away party.”

“If she doesn’t change her mind about leaving Equestria for Evevanya, I’ll consider it,” Octavio Pie said. “Right now, I’ve got to hold down the farm until you get back.”

As Igneous Rock nodded to his son from behind the screen before Danged Spell pulled the tablet back, Pele placed her hoof on Octavio’s shoulder with a small hint of remorse in her eyes.

“My apologies for losing my temper,” Pele said. “I was only concerned for your well-being and…”

“It’s okay,” Octavio said. “Had you told me that you were in contact with my father, I wouldn’t have been that rude to you. My apologies.”

“Tell you what,” Pele said. “How about instead of having you head to La Maresa to hide out, I can send some of my noble warriors to help guard your farm while you look after it.”

“Deal,” Octavio said.

“Very well,” Pele said. “But when your folks do arrive, I will bring them here. I promise.”

But as Pele walked away from Octavio, Danged Spell and Moondancer looked down at Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz on the video screen.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t convince your son to leave the farm, Mr Pie,” Danged Spell said.

“It’s okay,” Igneous Rock said. “I’m more to blame since I’ve put too much pressure onto him over the farm. But it’s the way we thrive in this world.”

“Mr and Mrs Pie,” Moondancer said. “With all due respect, I think Octavio needs more than just guards to look after him. I think what he needs is a friend.”

“A friend?” Cloudy Quartz said. “Are you really sure you’re up for looking after our Octavio?”

“I am,” Moondancer said. “It may mean I’ll be away from my other friends. But at least he won’t be alone.”

“Then do what must be done,” Igneous Rock Pie said. “And may providence bless you.”

Moondancer nodded as Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz disappeared from the screen. As Danged Spell placed his tablet away, he turned his face towards Moondancer.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Spell asked. “Stay behind to help out Pinkie Pie’s brother?”

“He’s going to be alone for quite some time, and he shouldn’t be,” Moondancer said. “No one should. Tell mom and dad I won’t be home for quite some time. They’ll be upset. But they’ll understand.”

Danged Spell closed his eyes as a tear fell down. He reached out and gave Moondancer a hug.

“Be careful, okay?” Danged Spell said. “We’re already separated from Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Lace and Misty. We don’t need to lose any more.”

“I will,” Moondancer said.

As Danged Spell released his hold on Moondancer, Pele walked up to the two younglings and said “Okay. It’s time to go.”

“I’m not going,” Moondancer said. “I’m going to stay with Octavio Pie to make sure he’s alright.”

Those words caught Pele off-guard. She looked down at Moondancer and said “Are you out of your mind?”

“No, I’m not,” Moondancer said. “As I said to Danged Spell, Octavio’s going to be alone for quite some time, even with your own guards looking after him. What he really needs is a friend to keep him from feeling lonely. At least until his folks get back.”

Pele paused for a moment before looking down at Moondancer and said “I understand. I know your parents won’t be happy about this. But I’ll defend your actions if needed.”

“Thanks, Chieftess Pele,” Moondancer said before she gave Pele a hug.

As Pele held Moondancer close, Danged Spell looked out from beyond the rock farm, his mane and tail blowing in the cold wind, his eyes watery and his ears flopping downward.

“I wish you all weren’t stuck in the Golden Land,” Danged Spell said to himself. “We could really use your presence to bring hope back to La Maresa: Wanda, Sunset, Starlight, Lace and Misty.”

Later that day, Pele landed in the town of La Maresa, where a small crowd of stallions, mares, and younglings gathered. Danged Spell jumped off Pele’s back before approaching what’s left of his friends: Sunburst, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy with Angel, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Snips and Snails.

“Spell, where’s Moondancer?” Sunburst asked.

Danged Spell turned his head away before he said “She stayed behind to look after Octavio for the time being.”

“She did what?” Those words came from Artemis Light, who looked completely shocked and was on the verge of fainting. Crescent Eclipse held his wife close before turning towards Danged Spell. But before anyone could speak, Pele stepped in front of her Great Grandson and approached Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light.

“It was your daughter’s decision,” Pele said. “She didn’t want Octavio Pie to be alone because he refused to leave the farm. I’ve already sent my best warriors to keep them protected.”

As Crescent Eclipse held his wife close, he looked at Pele and said “And you allowed this to happen?”

“I can take you there if needed,” Pele said. “I can even fly there and look after her until the Pie Family returns.”

“Are you out of your mind,” Artemis Light said as she got herself up. “How could you let our daughter do something like that?”

“It’s because she needed to take responsibility for the well-being of others.” Emerging from the crowd was Fortwright, who, along with Shanoa who had baby Dream Seeker in her saddlebag, approached Artemis Light and Crescent Eclipse. “After all, you both taught her that.”

“What do you mean by that, Fortwright?” Crescent Eclipse asked.

“During our parent meetings in Canterlot, you told us that you worry about Moondancer not taking enough responsibilities for others,” Shanoa explained. “You fear that she could end up becoming a selfish mare when she grows up, and you wish she could help others out. This is your own wish being fulfilled.”

Artemis Light moved her head towards Crescent Eclipse and said “I hate to say this. But they’re right. Besides, I also realize that if we take Moondancer back, we may end up leaving a little colt by himself.”

Crescent Eclipse turned to Pele and said “Take us to the rock farm. We can help Moondancer look after Octavio until his folks come back.”

“I shall,” Pele nodded.”

But as Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light gathered around Pele, Danged Spell emerged from the group and approached his Great Grandmother.

“I’m going to scout for a bit,” Danged Spell said. “Who knows if Gold Banks will send her fanatic followers to La Maresa.”

“Be careful, Lah Walakeli,” Pele said. “We’ve entered dangerous times since Gold Banks has taken over Equestria.”

Danged Spell nodded to Pele before turning back to his friends.

“You sure you’re going to be alright?” Trixie asked. “One of us should go with you.”

“I’ll be fine,” Danged Spell said. “Besides, I’ve got the power of the Wolf’s Breath curse with me. That’s something to howl about.”

“Oh real cute, Spell,” Applejack laughed. “Even in these dark times, you sure know how to fill in for Pinkie Pie.”

As Danged Spell turned towards the outskirts of La Maresa, he turned his head towards his companions and said “Just know that no matter what happens, you and the rest of the ponies from Canterlot were the best friends I could ever have.”

And with that, Danged Spell ran out of La Maresa, leaving his friends, and the adults behind.

“There goes a brave colt,” Sunburst said with a tear in his right eye. “Now I know how it feels to see friends disappear for good.”

“He’ll be back, Sunburst,” Rarity said. “Knowing that pony, Danged Spell is one tough wolf.”

“It’s not just that,” Sunburst said. “I already miss my other friends, like Wanda, Sunset, Golden Lace, Misty, and even Starlight Glimmer.”

Those words caught Trixie’s attention. She walked up to Sunburst and said “I miss Glimglam as well. When the Great and Powerful Trixie heard about what happened in Canterlot, I broke down in tears”

“We all miss them, Sunburst,” Fluttershy said. “I was hoping to take them all down to the San Di’Neighgo Zoo and introduce them to my Uncle Wegefrolick. But I’m afraid I wasn’t able to.”

“Not just that,” Sunburst said. “They were supposed to go down to the land of Evevanya a week ago, and look what Gold Banks did. At least they’re safe in the Golden Land. But even then, I wish I could see them again.”

Ditzy Doo walked out from the group and looked at the location where Danged Spell ran off to.

“Now I’m beginning to miss Danged Spell and Moondancer,” Ditzy Doo said. “Are we all breaking up?”

“No, we’re not,” Sunburst said. “We’re experiencing harder times than we realize. But we’re going to get through this, no matter what.”

But Ditzy Doo looked discouraged. She slowly walked to her left towards the Sugar Cube Corner, to which the doors and windows were completely boarded up.

“But I miss those days where I could get a muffin from the Sugar Cube Corner,” Ditzy Doo said. “I miss seeing Mr and Mrs Cake, plus their apprentice Pinkie Pie. And I especially miss the lemon muffin surprise that they always make. No amount of anger will ever bring them back.”

“But we will,” Snips said as he and Snails approached Ditzy. “We’ll find a way to bring back the Sugar Cube Corner, and your Lemon Muffin Surprise.”

“Yeah,” Snails said. “Maybe we could pitch in and try to make those muffins for you.”

“Thanks you guys,” Ditzy said. “But I dunno if you, or anyone else, would be able to replicate that recipe of Mr and Mrs Cake.”

Sunburst walked up to Ditzy Doo and said “We’ll give it a shot. We’ll do what we can to replicate that recipe and we will get it right.”

As Sunburst walked Ditzy Doo away from the Sugar Cube Corner, Snips and Snails walked up to, and alongside the sun unicorn. Ditzy looked like she was on the verge of crying. But Sunburst remained strong.

“Sunburst,” Snails said. “It’s hard for us to say this, but…”

“Go right ahead,” Sunburst said.

“We think you would make a swell leader,” Snips said.

Immediately, Sunburst paused and said “I don’t know about being a leader. That would be a massive responsibility among us colts and fillies.”

“It may be,” Applejack said, walking up to Sunburst. “But you have the makings of a leader within you. Maybe far more than I have.”

“Applejack’s right, darling,” Rarity said. “Like it or not, you’ve been keeping our morale high enough to thrive in these dark times. And it’s something we need since Princess Celestia and the others’ disappeared.”

“So would you do this for all of us?” Flulttershy asked. “All of the critters would appreciate it if you took the leadership stance.”

Sunburst thought long and hard for a moment. Then he raised his head up and said “I’ll do it. I’ll take on that leadership role.”

“That’s the spirit,” Applejack said, patting Sunburst on the back. “We’ll need all the help we can get.”

Sunburst looked down at Ditzy Doo, who still looked depressed. He reached over and gave the cross-eyed pegasi filly a hug.

“We’ll make sure the cakes return to La Maresa, and we’ll make sure you get that lemon muffin surprise,” Sunburst said.

As Sunburst held Ditzy Doo close to him, Pele walked up to the unicorn filly and said “I think it would be time for you to take your friends over to the ruins of Castle Everfree. We’ll gather whoever we can to follow suit.”

Sunburst nodded. He kept Ditzy Doo close to him as he walked towards the back part of the village. Applejack walked up to Pele, whose attention was towards Artemis Light and Crescent Eclipse.

“You okay there, Chieftess?” Applejack asked.

“I’m doing what I can to keep my spirit high,” Pele said. “But right now, I don’t have as much mental energy to deal with these dark times. Even more so, I do miss my people in Lio Lani.”

Applejack turned back towards her friends, who were walking down through La Maresa, before turning back to Pele.

“If there’s anything you need help with, we’re here,” Applejack said. “Including my folks who once again had to relocate to the castle.”

“Thanks for the offer,” Pele said. “But I’ll be okay for now.”

Pele walked up to Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light, both of which looked primed and ready. They walked towards the town’s exit before running off into the distance, leaving Applejack behind. Fluttershy and Rarity walked up to the apple filly while Sunburst began to escort Ditzy Doo away.

“I just hope we don’t have to migrate away from the Ponyville Providence,” Applejack said. “This has been our home since our birth, and there’s no way I want to leave.”

“Now come on, Applejack,” Rarity said. “There’s no way we’re going to leave La Maresa again for good after we were stranded in Canterlot for so many months.”

“Oh I remember,” Applejack said. “We went over to Canterlot to celebrate Wanda’s birthday. Then a giant boulder got in the safe path between Canterlot and La Maresa. The changelings even made it harder to get back home, and just when the path was finally clear, Granny Smith and the rest of the family had to take shelter in Canterlot and then the Golden Land because of Coldnelius Snap’s decision to unleash a horrible winter storm. At least the apple trees survived the worst.”

“You’re right on that,” Rarity sighed. “On the one hoof, I did appreciate my time up in Canterlot. But on the other hoof, I did feel homesick for La Maresa. And for that time, Sweetie Belle. There are some things Canterlot has that cannot be replicated in La Maresa.”

“Pa and Grandma always told me there are some traditions that represent the heart of our town,” Applejack explained. “Much like how Seaquestria has its traditions that represent its heart. A shame that the hippogriffs lost their kingdom.”

“Didn’t the changelings and the Windigo’s Guild take over that place?” Rarity asked.

“I’m afraid not,” Fluttershy said, walking up to Rarity and Applejack. “Last I heard, they tried to do so, only for them and the hippogriffs to be driven out. Even more so, I heard Wanda was caught in the middle of the action.”

“Wait,” Applejack said, shocked. “Wanda was caught in the middle of that action?”

“I thought someone already told you about that,” Fluttershy said.

“Well, none of Wanda’s friends told us about that, darling,” Rarity said. “This is news to all of us.”

“Well according to Danged Spell,” Fluttershy explained, “Wanda was kidnapped in the middle of the night by Princess Skystar to Seaquestria just because she believed Wanda could help Queen Novo stave off the Changelings and Windigo’s Guild. But to make matters worse, Gold Banks and her Debt Collectors were able to not only overpower the Hippogriffs, Changelings and Cultists, but also Princess Celestia. They say she has an Alicorn Amulet that makes her stronger than her, Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap.”

“That explains why we lost contact with Wanda and the others a week ago,” Rarity said. “If she has this alicorn amulet, who knows what kind of horror will await us.”

“I think that’s why we’re all on edge,” Applejack said. “But still…”

As Applejack pondered to herself, Sunburst yelled out “Come on, guys. We’re heading out to the Everfree Castle.”

Immediately, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy walked towards Sunburst and the other younglings as they made their way towards the back of town.

“Hey Sunburst,” Applejack said. “I overheard that Wanda was caught in the middle of the conflict between the hippogriffs and the alliance of the changelings and cultists.”

“It’s true,” Sunburst said, holding Ditzy Doo close to him.

“Well why didn’t you tell us about it?” Applejack asked.

“We were trying to,” Sunburst said. “But you and Rarity were too busy to hear anything about it. Ditzy here didn’t understand what we meant by it.”

“She’s right,” Ditzy said. “I just assumed that the hippogriffs survived the attack and were back at their home. But after overhearing what you guys said, maybe I misheard everything.”

“There’s also something else you should know,” Sunburst said. “Wanda accidentally killed one of Banks’ soldiers.”

Immediately, Applejack and Rarity came to a stop over Sunburst’s statement.

“She did that?” Applejack said, coldly.

“Yeah,” Sunburst said.

Trixie came out of the crowd and said “I didn’t know that happened. Poor kid. If the Great and Powerful Trixie saw her, then the Great and Powerful Trixie would forgive her.”

“Aww, that’s sweet, Trixie,” Rarity said.

“Right now, we can talk more about it once we get to Castle Everfree and to the Rich family,” Sunburst explained. “Besides, they and the Apple Family are looking after the foals.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Trixie said. “Let’s go.”

With that, Sunburst held Ditzy close as Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Trixie, Snips and Snails followed from behind.

“Do you think we’ll get through these hard times?” Snails asked.

“I hope so,” Snips said. “I’m feeling stressed out just thinking about this, and I normally don’t stress out like this.”

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of La Maresa, Danged Spell ran near the trees of the open field, keeping his eyes out for anything within the vicinity.

“Still can’t believe there’s no one nearby,” Danged Spell said to himself. “We haven’t seen a single soul in days.”

Immediately, Danged Spell came to a stop as he noticed three shadows in the woods nearby. His ears twitched a bit as he glared his eyes.

“Bank’s own clowns?” Danged Spell said to himself. “I was hoping it wouldn’t lead to this. But I’m ready.”

Danged Spell ran up to one of the nearby trees and hid behind it. He peeked his head to get a closer look at the four shadows, but could barely make out their appearance, nor their voice.

“Who are they?” Danged Spell said to himself. “Are they really fanatics sent by Gold Banks? Or…someone familiar?”

Danged Spell ducked down and snuck his way between the trees. As he inched closer to the four shadows, he could make out the voices from them, and his face began to soften a bit.

“I think I know those three,” Danged Spell said.

One voice shouted “It’s still a shame that Canterlot fell a week ago.”

Another one said “Yeah. And that was the place that we got married at, honey. To think, Gold Banks had the audacity to interrupt our wedding.”

“I’m worried more about the colts and fillies of Canterlot,” a third voice said. “They were great guests who enjoyed my food.”

“They were, indeed,” a fourth voice said as Danged Spell inched closer. “It’s too bad you didn’t get to serve them more before you left with us, Helga.”

Danged Spell peeked his head behind a tree closest to the shadows, where they appeared to be Buck Withers, Lemony Gem, Gad Zookes and Helga Heartsoup.

“I don’t believe it,” Danged Spell said. “Buck Withers and the others. And even Helga Hearthsoup. They’re all alive.”

Suddenly, Spell accidentally pressed his hoof on a dead branch, causing it to crack. The sound of the branch snapping caught everyone’s attention.

“Who goes there?” Buck Withers shouted as he got up. “Show yourself.”

Realizing the branch that he stepped on, Danged Spell swallowed hardly and began to walk towards Buck Withers.

“It’s me,” Danged Spell said. “Danged Spell.

The moment Danged Spell walked into the light, Buck Withers, Lemony Gem, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup saw his face. Buck Withers looked as if he were ready to cry.

“Danged Spell,” Buck Withers said. “It is you. You’re alive.”

Danged Spell immediately ran up to Buck Withers and gave him a big hug.

“I’ve missed you so much, Bucky,” Danged Spell cried.

“We’ve missed you as well,” Buck Withers said. “But what happened?”

“Most of La Maresa is on lockdown,” Danged Spell explained. “Nearly everyone had relocated to Castle Everfree. My great grandmother Pele is looking after everyone here.”

“Pele is your great grandmother?” Gad Zookes asked. “I did not know that.”

“That’s impressive,” Buck Withers said as Danged Spell looked up at him. “To think that you’re the descendant of a great alicorn from Lio Lani.”

Danged Spell jumped down from Buck Withers and said “Right now, we could use your help in keeping La Maresa secure. Are you up for it?”

Buck Withers gathered his supplies and said “What are you waiting for? Lead on.”

With a hearty laugh, Danged Spell said “You got it, Bucky.”

Immediately, Lemony Gem, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup gathered their supplies and put out their campfire. Once Buck Withers got his supplies ready, everyone followed Danged Spell out of the forest and towards La Maresa.

“For the sake of us all,” Lemony Gem said to herself. “For the sake of us all.”

To Be Continued in…

The Changeling Guardian of Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

I'll have to be honest: This part is the weakest I have written. Mainly because there isn't much action going on. But at the same time, I wanted to visit La Maresa once more and see what the ponies there are up to.

This part also introduces Octavio Pie, who will play an important role in early Saga 3 to complete the Pie Family's own storyline.

On a side note, I forgot to add in Buck Withers, Lemony Gem and Gad Zookes. So I did that. But I also threw in Helga Hearthsoup just to prove that she's still part of the story.

There are only three parts left before Saga 2 is concluded.

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