• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17-4: The Truth is Out

The Truth is Out

In the skies above Canterlot, a number of changelings flew up to the Predacon Brothers, who looked ready to strike. Below them, citizens from across the city looked up in sheer terror at the swarm of changelings.

“Inferno,” one of the changelings said. “I take it the queen has her hostages in her position.”

“Correct,” Inferno replied. “It is only a matter of time before Princess Celestia surrenders her kingdom and the fiend known as Twilight Sparkle.”

“What is your command for the time being?” Another changeling asked.

Inferno looked down at the cowering ponies, and his face drew out a sinister smile.

“Go have fun with those soft skins,” Inferno commanded.

“At once,” the changeling saluted.

Immediately, the changelings flew down into the streets of the city. The scared citizens screamed loudly as they fled into the homes and barricaded the doors. Some of the changelings broke through the windows before the ponies could react, sending them into complete horror.

“That looks fun,” Waspinator said, observing his brethren terrorize the ponies. “Waspainator wants in on the action.”

“Go knock yourself out, brother,” Quickstrike said. “And make it really funny.”

“With pleasure,” Waspinator said.

Waspinator flew down to the street and transformed into an earth pony in a pizza delivery uniform. He picked up a nearby pizza box and walked up to one of the doors before knocking on it.

“Pizza guy,” the disguised Waspinator said in a generic voice.

“Pizza?” One pony said, opening the door. “I don’t recall ordering a pizza.”

“No,” Waspinator said, transforming back into his changeling form. “You didn't, you idiot.”

Waspinator cackled loudly as the pony screamed in horror. She slammed the door on Waspinator, only for the Predacon changeling to throw the empty box down and jump right through the window. The screams of the ponies inside went loud as Waspinator’s cackle became disturbing. In a flash, the door ripped open as the pony and three others ran out, leaving Waspinator in there to revel in his moment.

Back in the sky, Quickstrike was laughing out loud, looking down at the mayhem in Canterlot.

“I can’t believe that brother of ours went all out on those soft skins,” Quickstrike laughed.

“Ahh, but that is just a small taste of our capabilities,” Inferno said. “Let us make haste for the castle.”

“You’re right,” Quickstrike said as he flew up to the other changelings. “You heard my brother. Let’s see if we can take the castle and Twilight Sparkle before they surrender.

The other changelings cheered in unison before they followed Inferno and Quickstrike towards the castle.

Meanwhile, in the Grand Foyer of Canterlot Castle, everyone looked out the window to see the changelings ascend to their location, and nearly every one of them gasped in fear.

“I thought the last time they invaded us was bad,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But never on this level.”

“They don’t have the Windigo’s Guild to back them up,” Princess Luna explained. “But they’re still a menacing force to deal with.”

Twilight Sparkle backed up from the window, looking as if she were ready to cower.

“I suggest we all take the portal to the Golden Land and hide out,” Twilight said. “I’m not ready to be taken to Queen Chrysalis.”

“Not me,” Rainbow Dash said, pounding her hooves into the ground. “I’m ready to take those bug-brains on.”

“I’m with you on that, ArrDee,” Danged Spell said, standing next to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow, Spell,” Twilight said. “Are you crazy? You’ll get yourselves killed.”

“Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell are right,” Princess Celestia said as she and Queen Novo stood tall. “We make our stand here, but we wait until they crash through.”

“Princess,” Twilight yelled in frustration. “Are you out of your mind? They’re going to overwhelm us.”

“Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “I think it’s time you knew the truth that we intended to tell you.”

“Leave that to me, your majesty,” Lemony Gem said, approaching Twilight.

“What?” Twilight said, confused. “What is going on?”

“Twilight,” Lemony Gem said. “Buck Withers and I allowed Princess Celestia to make this wedding a trap set for Queen Chrysalis.”

Twilight’s eyes shrunk down in disbelief as her jaw dropped to the floor.

“SAY WHAT?” Twilight yelled.

Princess Celestia approached the dismayed Twilight Sparkle and said “Believe it or not, we noticed that Queen Chrysalis was starting to become agitated in her desire to capture you and bring down our kingdom. Buck Withers and Lemony Gem approached us with the idea of hosting their wedding here to bait the changeling queen out.”

“But what about the fact that Buck Withers was under Queen Chrysalis’ spell?” Twilight asked.

“A special enchantment sent by a spy of ours,” Princess Celestia said. “She cast it on Buck Withers so that when Queen Chrysalis tried to control him, she would be under a false assumption that Buck was under her control.”

“So Buck was only faking it?” Twilight said.

“Yes,” Princess Cadance said, walking up to Twilight with Shining Armor by her side. “There was also the matter of the rings. They weren’t just given to Wanda and Sunset by Buck Withers to have them be the ring bearers. It was to remind them to get ready to play their role.”

“Buck Withers knew what he was doing,” Lemony Gem said. “So did Wanda and Sunset.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

“Wanda and Sunset volunteered to be taken captive by Queen Chrysalis,” Shining Armor said. “They let Buck Withers capture them to lure the queen into a false sense of victory.”

“Are they crazy?” Twilight said. “Why wasn’t I told of this?”

“Because you were so caught up in your status as the flower girl,” Celestia laughed, “That you didn’t pay attention to what Wanda was going to tell you.”

Twilight’s face slumped down from shocked to disappointed as her ears flopped down.

“Oh,” Twilight said. “Guess I screwed up.”

“It’s okay, Twilight,” Celestia laughed. “You wanted to play your part in this event, and there’s still a chance you can.”

“Really?” Twilight said as her tone turned to excitement. “What can I do?”

Princess Celestia reached down and whispered into Twilight Sparkle’s ear. The filly let out a smug smile before turning towards her mentor.

“Count me in,” Twilight said.

Suddenly, Golden Lace tapped Princess Celestia on the shoulder, catching the alicorn’s attention.

“They’re about to crash through in about any second,” Golden Lace said. “What shall we do?”

“Get yourselves ready, everyone,” Princess Celestia said, standing her ground. “We’re about to give them the ride of their lives.”

Queen Novo turned towards her Hippogriff guards, who stood proud and ready.

“You all know the drill,” Queen Novo commanded.

“Yes, your majesty,” The guards saluted.

“Excellent,” Queen Novo said. “Then it’s time to spring the trap.”

Everyone stood up in the front portion of the Grand Foyer, awaiting the moment when the changelings were to break through. Twilight Sparkle ran up to the other younglings, especially Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell who were itching to fight back.

“You got your head in the game, Twilight?” Moondancer asked.

“I do,” Twilight said. “If those changelings think they’re going to take me away, they can try.”

“That’s the spirit,” Moondancer replied. “Let’s show them that we mean business.”

Danged Spell looked at Rainbow Dash and said “Bet I can take down more changelings than you can.”

“Bring it on, wingless,” Rainbow Dash replied while Danged Spell smirked back at her.

Everyone braced for the worst as the changelings slammed through the windows and dove at the resistance group. The hippogriffs and the Wonderbolts leaped into the air, hoping to tackle down some of the invaders.

Meanwhile, back in the underground changeling lair, Locust had his eyes kept on Wanda and Sunset, still trapped within the cocoon. Sunset was fuming mad, but Wanda was in tears. Nearby, Buck Withers stood tall, though his attention was directed at Locust and his hoof in one of his coat pockets.

“Aww,” Locust said. “Do you miss your mommy?”

“Not only do I miss our mother,” Sunset said. “I also miss my freedom.”

“Well tough,” Locust taunted. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“But I don’t like being stuck here,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want to be a changeling and I want my mommy.”

“Do I look like I want to sympathize with you?” Locust said. “Face it. You’re now going to be a part of the hive whenever you like it or not. Our queen will soon have Twilight Sparkle and your kingdom in our grasp and your mother will be no more. And as a matter of fact, we…”

But before Locust could finish his speech, Buck Withers pulled out a small club from his pocket and smacked the changeling on the head, knocking him in a daze before he collapsed. Buck turned towards Wanda and Sunset, to which the former stopped crying and the latter calmed down.

“Thanks for shutting him up,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“To be honest,” Buck Withers said, pulling out a knife from another pocket. “I was getting tired of his talking.”

Buck Withers punctured the cocoon with the knife and slid it downwards, tearing the walls of the cocoon open. Wanda and Sunset poured out from the cocoon, covered in a slimy subsistence.

“I am going to need a bath when this is over,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“How did my crying turn out, Mr Withers?” Wanda asked.

“You hooked that fool with your acting, little Wanda,” Buck Withers said.

“Guess all those horrible memories of mine paid off,” Wanda giggled.

Sunset looked down at the unconscious Locust and said “What should we do with this guy?”

“He’s coming with us,” Buck Withers said, pulling out a rope from a third pocket. “As insurance in case we get lost and in case she finds out.”

Buck Withers tied the rope around Locust, binding his arms to his side and his legs together. Wanda activated her wings and slowly picked up Locust, struggling to keep him in the air.

“Place him on my back,” Buck Withers said. “I’ll know what to do.”

Sunset Shimmer used her magic to hold Locust up, allowing Wanda to position the unconscious changeling on Buck Wither’s back. With the rest of the rope, Sunset Shimmer tied up Locust to Buck Withers. Then she secured it with a knot to keep that changeling still.

“It’s done,” Sunset said.

“Now let’s go out the opposite way before she finds out,” Buck Wither said.

Wanda and Sunset nodded before they followed Buck Withers out the doorway with Locust tied to the top of his back, all while leaving a club and a knife behind.

Meanwhile, back at the lone portion of the lair, Queen Chrysalis continued her fight against Magistrate Creme Dream, dodging the alicorn’s blast of magic while firing back at her. Though the magistrate looked calm, Queen Chrysalis began to tire. Sweat poured from her forehead. The two mares came to a stop as they stared each other down.

“Do you…give up?” Queen Chrysalis panted. “I can…go all day.”

“Oh I still have some fighting spirit left with me,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “Though I cannot say the same for you.”

Chrysalis snarled at Creme Dream. She attempted to charge up her horn, only to lower her head in exhaustion.

“I’m…not finished…yet,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Of course you aren’t,” Creme Dream said in a sarcastic tone. “But that being said, you’re far more foolish than you make yourself out to be.”

“What are you talking about?” Queen Chrysalis said.

“While you were fighting me,” Magistrate Creme Dream said, “Your so-called servant Buck Withers escaped and took Princess Wanda Young and Princess Sunset Shimmer. They made you look like a total fool.”

“YOU LIE!” Chrysalis yelled.

“Don’t believe me?” Creme Dream replied. “Go see for yourself. You will be surprised.”

As Magistrate Creme Dream finished speaking, Princess Chrysalis II and Majesty tumbled on in, fighting each other up close. Queen Chrysalis walked up to the fighting fillies and pulled Chrysalis II out from the pile.

“Hey,” Chrysalis II whined. “I was winning.”

“Not now,” Queen Chrysalis said. “If that magistrate is correct, then we’ve been double crossed. Come. We must make forth to where our captives are.”

Uggh, fine,” Chrysalis II said in a reluctant tone.

Queen Chrysalis released Princess Chrysalis II from her grip before flying off in the opposite direction. Princess Chrysalis II glared down at Majesty, who got herself up and stared back at the changeling princess.

“Next time, you soft-skinned aristocrat,” Princess Chrysalis II said.

Flapping her wings, Princess Chrysalis II followed Queen Chrysalis out of the room, leaving Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty all by themselves.

“So,” Majesty said. “Do you think they will be upset?”

“Oh far from upset, my daughter,” Magistrate Creme Dream said, laughing in anticipation. “I can only imagine what will happen once she finds out about the truth.”

With that, Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty laughed out loud before they walked out of the room.

In a further part of the underground lair, Buck Withers ran as fast as possible with the unconscious Locust tied to his back. Wanda flew alongside Buck Withers while Sunset ran alongside the duo.

“Do you have any idea where we are?” Sunset asked.

“No,” Buck Withers said. “The route that we came from obviously has Queen Chrysalis. So we need to find the second exit and fast.”

“I guess we’re lost,” Wanda said, disappointed.

“What about that changeling we captured?” Sunset asked.

But as Sunset finished speaking, Locust came to, his vision was all blurry and he felt achy.

“Uggh,” Locust said. “What happened?”

Buck Withers came to a stop, causing Locust to rock back a bit before snapping back into place. He shook his head and looked down, before becoming horrified at his torso.

“Why?” Locust said. “Why am I tied up like this?”

Wanda flew down towards Locust, who looked up at her, his face becoming even more horrified.

“How did you break free?” Locust yelled.

“You can thank Buck Withers for tricking your queen into kidnapping us,” Wanda said.

“We’re trying to find our way out of this place,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Tell us.”

“Never,” Locust yelled in defiance. “I will never speak.”

“You better speak this instant,” Buck Withers commanded. “Otherwise, I will ask Wanda to deploy her secret weapon.”

“Do your worst,” Locust said in disgust.

“Wanda,” Buck Withers said. “Pull out the goggles and our secret weapon.”

Wanda reached down to the skirt area of her dress and pulled open a secret compartment that lay hidden. She pulled out three goggles and gave two of them to Sunset Shimmer before putting on one. Sunset gave one of the goggles to Buck Withers, who put one on his eyes before Sunset put her goggles on.

“Everyone ready?” Wanda asked.

“Ready,” Buck Withers said.

Wanda reached into the pocket of her dress’ secret compartment and pulled out two onions and two peelers. She gave one onion and peeler to Sunset Shimmer before placing her peeler on top of the onion.

“Wait,” Locust said. “What are you doing?”

“You said: Do your worst,” Wanda said. “That’s what we’re doing.”

“No,” Locust screamed as he struggled to break free. “Not that. ANYTHING BUT THAT!”

Wanda and Sunset immediately started to peel their onions right in front of Locust’s face. The aroma from the onions started to float out before it moved towards Locust’s eyes, watering them up. Locust tried to hold it in, only to break out crying.


“Then tell us,” Buck Withers said. “Where is the other exit out of this dump?”


“Wanda, Sunset,” Buck Withers said. “Keep those onions next to that changeling. This is just in case he lies.”

“Right,” Sunset said.

Buck Withers walked down the tunnel with Locust still strapped to his back and still crying. Wanda and Sunset followed from behind, keeping their peelers close to their respective onions.


“This is just in case you try any funny business,” Wanda said. “And besides, you deserve it for what your queen almost did to my mommy.”

Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flew through the halls of the lair in a hurry. Queen Chrysalis looked anxious as hell as she sped down the halls.

“Do you think that Buck Withers character and those snot-nosed brats really tricked us?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“If that magistrate is correct,” Queen Chrysalis said, “Then I assume that Buck Withers has double-crossed us and taken the two princesses.”

“But what if this magistrate is lying just to get under our shell?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“Honestly,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I don’t trust her. But I got the feeling that she was playing us for a fool.”

But as Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II approached the center of the underground lair, their jaws dropped in total appallment. For not a single soul was in the vicinity, and the only thing that was left was a torn out cocoon with slime dripping out.

“They’re,” Queen Chrysalis said. “They’re gone.”

“So that magistrate was correct,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Buck Withers and those sheltered children were playing us for fools.”

Queen Chrysalis flew down towards the torn cocoon and ripped it from the ceiling. She threw it to the ground and stomped on it in frustration before yelling into the air.


Princess Chrysalis II flew down to the area where Queen Chrysalis continued to smash what’s left of the cocoon. The filly changeling looked down and saw a club and knife next to it.

“Hey mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Seems those buffoons left their toys behind.”

Queen Chrysalis took a look at the knife and the club before pulling the latter towards her. She examined the club with her eyes and noticed a slight curve on the round end before taking a sniff at it.

“So not only did Buck Withers play us for a fool,” Queen Chrysalis said. “He had the gall to knock out Locust. And judging by a lack of souls anywhere, I assume they took him.”

“So our hostages have made a hostage out of Locust,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “That’s just low.”

“Oh you better believe it,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And considering that they’re trying to find a way out, they took Locust so that they can force him to lead them out.”

“Shall we go after them?” Princess Chrysalis II said in anticipation.

“Yes,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Let us do so, and teach those sociopaths a lesson. We’ll take a shortcut.”

With a powerful flap of their wings, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flew off down another pathway, hoping to catch up with Buck Withers, Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer.

But down the hallway, Buck Withers walked through the path with Locust still strapped to his back, crying his eyes out. Behind him, Wanda and Sunset walked behind, still holding their peelers and onions.

“Please let me go,” Locust said. “I hate onions.”

“Not until we’ve reached the exit,” Buck Withers stated.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Locust cried.

“We aren’t,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Your queen brought us down here, and we’re returning the favor.”

“You are nothing but a trio of sociopaths,” Locust cried. “You tricked my queen into kidnapping you, broke out and took me in response.”

“Well this is for your own good,” Sunset said as Wanda held her onion tight.

“Oh for crying out loud,” Locust cried. “Is this the things I get for being a changeling? This must be it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t take someone like me. If I were a pony, I…”

“We’ve reached the exit,” Buck Withers said.

Everyone came to a stop as they saw an archway with light shining out of it. Wanda and Sunset looked out, smiling at the warm lucent glow of the exit.

“It’s so pretty,” Wanda said.

“We’ve only been down here for a few moments,” Sunset said. “And yet, it feels so warm and inviting.”

“Okay, you’ve reached the exit,” Locust said. “Now cut me loose.”

“Very well,” Buck Withers sighed. “Cut him loose.”

Wanda and Sunset scraped the rope around Locust with their peelers. The fibers of the rope loosened with each rub until the rope came off of Locust, freeing him from his bindings.

“You’re free to go,” Buck Withers said.

“Finally,” Locust said, flying up into the air. “And not a moment too soon.”

Buck Withers’ ears began to pick up the sound of wings buzzing. He turned towards Wanda and Sunset before he said “Get behind me. She knows we’re here.”

Wanda and Sunset hid behind Buck Withers as Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II emerged from another pathway before landing in front of the entrance.

“Queen Chrysalis,” Buck Withers said.

“Trickster,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Double-crosser.”

Immediately, Locust flew up to Queen Chrysalis before landing on the ground and bowing before her.

“My queen,” Locust bowed. “I am so sorry for allowing these soft skins to take me captive. I will accept any punishment you give me, even death.”

“No,” Queen Chrysalis said. “It was not your fault that Buck Withers tricked you. My wrath is now directed to him for what he did.”

Buck Withers reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his whip, cracking it in the air.

“Take your best shot, witch,” Buck Withers said.

“I must say,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I never expected a simpleton like you to deceive me with your fake hypnotism. But your shenanigans are at an end. I will best you, and I will make sure those two suffer for their insolence.”

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II stared down Buck Withers as Locust hid behind his queen. But behind Buck Withers, Wanda peeked out, looking up at the queen.

“She’s furious right now,” Wanda said. “If only mommy were here. She would show her who’s boss.”

Suddenly, Wanda heard the sound of Sunset aching in pain. Wanda looked down and saw Sunset begin to transform.

“Oh no,” Wanda said. “Not now.”

“Wanda…Bucky,” Sunset said, catching Buck Withers’ attention. “Get…going. I’ll…handle the queen.”

“What in the world is going on?” Buck Withers asked.

“It’s Sunset,” Wanda said. “For some reason, she transforms into a demon when we least expect it.”

“Go…now,” Sunset said. “I’ll…use my…demon form….to best her.”

“Sunset, no,” Wanda said. “I don’t want you to die.”

“I’ll….be okay,” Sunset said with a smile. “Worry…about her…well-being.”

Upon noticing that Buck Withers turned her back, Queen Chrysalis flew down towards the groom.

“Don’t you dare turn your back on me, adventurer,” Queen Chrysalis said.

But Wanda and Buck Withers only stepped to the side as Sunset Shimmer slowly began to transform.

“What is this sorcery?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“A living curse within my sister,” Wanda said. “And your worst nightmare.”

Immediately, Wanda jumped onto Buck Withers as he ran as fast as possible through the light, leaving Queen Chrysalis behind with a transforming Sunset Shimmer, and a confused Princess Chrysalis II and Locust.

“Mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “What’s going on?”

But Queen Chrysalis was too focused on Sunset Shimmer, whose body morphed from her pony form into a giant she-demon. The moment its eyes opened up, Demon Sunset looked down at Queen Chrysalis, whose face dropped down in horror.

“Is that one of Celestia’s tricks?” Locust said.

“No,” Chrysalis said, shaking in fear. “She has a demon in her, and now she’s going to tear us apart.”

To Be Continued in…

Conflict of Love

Author's Note:

Honestly, I wasn't expecting to be done this fast. Maybe the excitement of each part was starting to get to me, considering the story that I came up with.

As for why the Wedding took place, yes. It was intended to be a trap set for Queen Chrysalis, right from the very start. This is the major difference between "A Canterlot Wedding" and "Revenge of the Wedding Crasher." While the ponies of the former were unaware of Queen Chrysalis' presence, the ponies of the latter(Sans Twilight, who let the excitement of the wedding get to her) used the wedding as a bait to lure Queen Chrysalis into a trap. Why do you ask? Stay tuned.

Now, one last thing. Because I have overdone it on parts, I may slow down a bit. But I will promise you this: I will wrap this arc up before this month is over. You have my word.

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