• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17-3: Clash of the Tyrants

Clash of the Tyrants

Chaos had filled the air of the banquet hall of Canterlot Castle. Ponies were confused or distressed. Princess Celestia spoke with Captain Guard Thompson and Wonderbolt Captain Airazor. Queen Novo held Lemony Gem close to her while Princess Skystar cuddled Twilight Sparkle. Princess Cadance comforted Shining Armor from behind. Buttercup, Spoiled Rich, Sunlight Starscout and Bright-Eyes Starshine rocked Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who were all crying in unison. Spike and Abigail held each other in fear and for the worry of Wanda and Sunset. Silver Banks, Filthy Rich, Canter Zoom, Chancellor Cinch and Argyle Starshine comforted the rest of the guests, while the younglings all gathered together.

“What the hay just happened?” Applejack asked.

“Just when it looked like Buck Withers and Lemony Gem were about to tie the knot,” Pinkie Pie said, “Queen Chrysalis appeared out of nowhere, caused Buck Withers to take her side and take Wanda and Sunset, and now they’re being ransomed off for Twilight Sparkle and the kingdom’s surrender.”

“That is a lot to think about,” Adagio Dazzle said.

“I’m more worried about the fate of Wanda and Sunset right now,” Fluttershy said.

“We all are,” Sunburst said. “They were in danger before. But not on this level.”

“When I get my hooves on that smug jerk,” Rainbow Dash yelled, “I’m gonna smash her teeth out.”

“Easy, Rainbow,” Applejack said. “The last thing you need to do is to fly into that witch’s trap.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Rainbow Dash said. “When I get my hooves on that butter-faced bug, I’ll make em go SPLAT!”

But before Rainbow Dash could fly off, Applejack grabbed her by the tail and pulled the rainbow-colored pegasi down to her level.

“I said, easy Rainbow,” Applejack said, glaring at Rainbow Dash. “We already lost Wanda and Sunset. We don’t need to lose you as well.”

“Applejack’s right,” Cozy Glow said. “Two girls that I’ve known close to me are in the hooves of Queen Chrysalis, and you want to go out and get yourself captured by her?”

Rainbow Dash just glared at both Applejack and Cozy Glow before she said “You’re despicable.”

As Rainbow Dash trotted off in a huff, a confused Danged Spell walked up to the two girls.

“What the hay has gotten in with Rainbow Dash?” Danged Spell asked.

“Gal wants to go hoof-to-hoof with Queen Chrysalis,” Applejack said. “And we know how that will turn out.”

“Well as much I want to tackle that heifer of a queen, suicide missions ain’t on my radar,” Danged Spell said. “Besides, the moment I confront her, she’ll disable my magic and wolf’s breath curse like her minion before her. That would make me a sitting duck.”

“Well at least you have some form of common sense,” Cozy Glow said. “Kinda wish some other pony thought the same way.”

“Ahhh she’s just venting like I usually do,” Danged Spell said. “All I know is that if I see any changeling that tries to attack us, I’ll sink my teeth into ‘em, and make em pay for what they did to Buck Withers.”

Cozy Glow just looked at Spell and said with a disappointed tone “At least you were trying.”

But nearby, Twilight Sparkle continued to cry into Princess Skystar’s chest as Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, Lemony Gem, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor walked up to her.

“Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “Are you okay, my faithful student?”

“No,” Twilight said as she turned to her mentor. “Wanda and Sunset are gone, and Buck Withers has gone rogue.”

Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and said “Do not worry. They will return. I promise you that.”

“Please do,” Twilight said before she cried back into Skystar’s chest. “I can’t bear to see what happens to them.”

“I don’t know what they did to Buck Withers,” Shining Armor said. “But this time, Queen Chrysalis has gone too far.”

“First she attacked us during the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Princess Cadance said. “Then she sends the Predacons to do her dirty work, and now she had the gall to ruin Lemony Gem’s wedding and take my sisters.”

“If this were a wedding between me and you, Caddy,” Shining Armor said, “I fear I would have fallen for the same trap. In fact, I fear it would have been worse than what she did.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Princess Cadance said. “If we ever have a wedding, we would have to put up maximum security around the city.”

“And even then,” Shining Armor said as Princess Cadance placed her hoof around his shoulders. “It wouldn’t be enough.”

As Princess Skystar comforted Twilight Sparkle, Queen Novo walked up to her daughter with a solemn look on her face, while Lemony Gem stood by the hippogriff queen.

“Mother,” Skystar said. “Why must we suffer at the hooves of such horrible faces?”

“It is because they desire power over everything else,” Queen Novo explained. “Like the Storm King who attacked our kingdom.”

“I heard about the wrath of this Storm King,” Lemony Gem said. “I take it he’s as horrible as Queen Chrysalis.”

“Far more,” Queen Novo said. “But right now, our concern is with the well-being of your groom and the two daughters of Princess Celestia.”

“There is a part of me that is to blame for allowing that Queen to take my Bucky and Celestia’s daughters,” Lemony Gem explained.

“And the other part?” Queen Novo asked.

“That part wants to see Chrysalis get her just desserts for taking my groom, taking Celestia’s children and ruining my wedding in one day,” Lemony Gem fumed, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“That’s the spirit,” Queen Novo said. “And in due time, she will get what’s coming to her.”

Meanwhile, in the depths of a secret changeling hideout underneath Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis gloated alongside her daughter Princess Chrysalis II. Buck Withers stood tall next to the mother and daughter duo, while Wanda and Sunset were trapped helplessly inside a transparent green cocoon, staring out at the changelings and Buck.

“My master plan worked like a charm,” Queen Chrysalis said. “We caught two of Princess Celestia’s snot-nosed brats and Lemony Gem’s husband-to-be.”

“You mean husband-not-to-be,” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“Well that too,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But it feels so great to finally pay back that meddlesome Princess Celestia. Soon, she will turn Twilight Sparkle and her kingdom over to me, and it won’t be long until my new captives will become the newest members of the hive.”

“You’re ridiculous if you think we’ll join your cause, you despicable witch,” Sunset Shimmer yelled, pounding the cocoon’s transparent wall with her hoof.”

“If you’re trying to anger me, you’re doing a horrible job,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And don’t bother trying to break out. The membrane of that cocoon can absorb blunt and sharp damage, and can also nullify magic of all types. Face it. You’re my new prisoners.”

As Sunset Shimmer continued to pound the wall of the cocoon in frustration, Queen Chrysalis’ ears picked up the sound of wings buzzing. She turned around and saw Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator fly in.

“Ahh, the Predacon Brothers,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I take it you got my message and had some fun with that meddlesome Gold Banks.”

“We have, Royalty,” Inferno said as he, Quickstrike and Waspinator land near Queen Chrysalis. “And you’ve captured the two daughters of Princess Celestia.”

Queen Chrysalis scooted to the side and said “See for yourself.”

Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator walked up to the cocoon where Wanda and Sunset were trapped inside, completely helpless.

“Well well well,” Inferno said. “Looks like our queen has managed to capture the Man’s Cub and her feisty sister.”

“When my mother comes to rescue us,” Sunset Shimmer snarled, “You’re going to wish you never stepped hoof in Canterlot, you no good, hunk of worm food.”

“Was that supposed to anger me?” Inferno laughed.

“I’d say this brat here needs a lesson in manners,” Quickstrike said. “Don’t ya, you spoiled child?”

“Calling me a spoiled child is one thing,” Sunset replied. “But you leave my sister alone.”

“Is that a fact?” Quickstrike said, turning his gaze over to Wanda. “Well all bets are off, Sunny.”

“So,” Inferno said, poking at the cocoon. “How does it feel to know that you will become a part of the hive?”

“I don’t want to be a changeling,” Wanda cried. “I just want to be with my mommy again.”

“Well tough,” Quickstrike said. “You’re going to be a part of the hive, and you’re going to like it. In fact, you would be perfect as the fourth member of the Predacons.”

“Yeah,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator down with a Predacon sister. Better than being in the hooves of that loser Celestia.”

As the Predacons burst into laughter, Wanda’s eyes began to fill with tears. She tried to hold it in, only to break out crying.


As Wanda broke down crying, Sunset Shimmer turned to her and gave her a hug out of sympathy. Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II walked up to the laughing Predacons, their smile still bare for them to see.

“Aww, now you went and made her cry,” Queen Chrysalis joked. “You must be punished for this.”

“Then grant us our punishment,” Inferno said. “What consequences do we have to pay?”

“Head up to the surface and scare those ponies as instructed,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Make sure they suffer so great, they never want to crawl out of bed again.”

“At once, my queen,” Inferno bowed.

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew off towards one of tunnels, leaving Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II and Buck Withers alone with Wanda and Sunset.

“What are you up to?” Sunset snarled.

“Oh I’m not going to stop with Twilight Sparkle’s capture,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I wanna leave my mark on Equestria. I want every pony to remember the name of Queen Chrysalis. And I want to make sure that this day will be perfect.”

“You won’t get away with this,” Sunset yelled.

“I beg to differ,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I already have.”

“Whine all you want,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “It won’t save you from the likes of us.”

Suddenly, Locust comes flying in like he’d seen a ghost. The frantic noise coming from his wings was enough to catch everyone’s attention.

“Locust,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Judging by the looks on your face, it appears we have an intruder.”

“Not just any intruder, your majesty,” Locust said. “An alicorn. And she’s got a youngling by her side.”

“An alicorn?” Queen Chrysalis said. “Seems Princess Celestia decided to heed my warning and bring me Twilight Sparkle.”

“It is not, my queen,” Locust said. “This one goes under the name of Magistrate Creme Dream.”

“The Magistrate of Equestria?” Chrysalis said, confused. “Why would the Magistrate of Equestria desire an audience with me?”

“I don’t know, my queen,” Locust said as he pointed to his burnt rear end. “But that brat who accompanied her did this to me.”

Princess Chrysalis II took a close look at Locust’s behind, glaring at the burnt marks, all while Queen Chrysalis looked down the very cave that Locust came out of.

“It appears we’ve attracted the attention of the Magistrate of Equestria,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And if my judgment is correct, the brat that accompanied her is her daughter Majesty.”

Princess Chrysalis II turned to her mother and said “Would you like for me to help you quash these interlopers?”

“Why not?” Queen Chrysalis giggled. “After all, I could use the practice before we finish off Princess Celestia. Come, my daughter. We shall teach this Magistrate and her daughter a lesson on who rules this world.”

Flapping their wings as fast as possible, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flew up into the air before turning around and faced Locust.

“Locust,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Ensure that no one tries to break in and take my hostages and my newest play thing. Understood?”

“At once, your majesty,” Locust saluted.

With that, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flew off down the tunnel that Locust came out of, leaving the majordomo of the changelings behind with the mind-controlled Buck Withers, and the cocoon with Wanda and Sunset still stuck inside. But as Locust stood tall for his Queen and Princess, Buck Withers scooted over to the cocoon and slightly shifted his head to the girls.

“Psst,” Buck Withers whispered. “You heard what he said, right?”

“I did,” Sunset whispered. “Magistrate Creme Dream is here. I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

“Personally,” Wanda cried. “I’m more scared of Creme Dream than I am of Chrysalis.”

Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flew down into another portion of the underground changeling lair, looking around the premises. Queen Chrysalis looked rather tense compared to her daughter.

“Are you sure she’s around here?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“I’m sure of it, my daughter,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I can actually smell a powerful stench nearby. One that’s far more potent than the likes of Princess Celestia.”

“Well now. That’s no way to treat the real ruler of Equestria.” Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II turned towards a nearby doorway, to which Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty walked on in. Chrysalis observed Creme Dream’s form and looked rather startled.

“You must be Magistrate Creme Dream,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I never expected the Magistrate of Equestria to be like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Indeed I am,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I’ve heard about your plan to conquer Equestria and capture this…Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh I’ve been desiring revenge on Twilight Sparkle ever since she blasted me to the stratosphere,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And once I have her, I will turn her into a changeling and have her aid my kind into conquering Equestria, and enslaving every pony into feeding us love.”

“An ambitious plan,” Magistrate Creme Dream said with a yawn. “Except it’s highly flawed.”

“What do you mean by that?” Queen Chrysalis said, glaring at Creme Dream.

“Didn’t you get the memo?” Creme Dream replied. “This whole wedding was a trap set for you.”

“A trap?” Chrysalis snarled, her tone becoming hostile.

“Don’t you realize why the wedding was made in the first place?” Creme Dream asked. “Why Princess Celestia allowed you to sneak in and kidnap her daughters? Or why Buck Withers allowed you to place him under your control?”

“Don’t you DARE mock my plan, hag,” Chrysalis yelled.

“Oh I’m not mocking your plan, Queen Chrysalis,” Creme Dream said. “I’m merely criticizing the fact that you allowed your ego to get the best of you. In fact, your obsession with wanting revenge on this Twilight Sparkle, and your desire to turn her and two of Princess Celestia’s daughters into changelings, is your weakness. A weakness that will see to you and your kind’s persecution.”

In a blind rage, Queen Chrysalis fired a blast of magic, hitting Creme Dream dead on. The Magistrate fell to the ground while Majesty just stared at her mother with a sinister look on her face. Queen Chrysalis looked down at Creme Dream and laughed as the Magistrate slowly got up.

“You fool,” Queen Chrysalis laughed. “You left yourself wide open. Now I have disabled every inch of your magic, rendering you helpless against my wrath. You are nothing without.”

But Creme Dream just picked herself up and dusted herself off before looking up at Queen Chrysalis.

“A hex that blocks the user from casting magic,” Creme Dream said. “It’s powerful enough to even cripple an alicorn. Impressive….but not so much.”

Suddenly, Creme Dream’s horn lit up and she fired a blast of magic right at Queen Chrysalis, who barely had any time to react before she was hit by it, knocking her down.

“MOTHER!” Princess Chrysalis II whined.

Queen Chrysalis slowly got herself up and said “How? How did you resist my hex?”

“You forget one thing,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I’m far older than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. In fact, I may be older than their mother Queen Eternia. I’ll go as far as to say that your petty little trick won’t work on me.”

“That’s it,” Queen Chrysalis roared, steam pouring out of her nose. “The gloves are off. I’ll have to beat you the old fashion way: BRUTALLY!”

Queen Chrysalis stared down Magistrate Creme Dream as her daughter Princess Chrysalis II stood by the changeling matriarch, who bent down a bit as if she were ready to launch an attack.

“Would you like for me to take out that snot-nosed brat?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“Do it,” Queen Chrysalis said. “The Magistrate is mine.”

On the opposite side, Magistrate Creme Dream stared down the tense Queen Chrysalis, her smile not leaving her face, while Majesty stood by her mother.

“Go have some fun with her pathetic excuse for a daughter,” Magistrate Creme Dream said.

“It will be my pleasure,” Majesty said.

Both Queen Chrysalis and Magistrate Creme Dream stared each other down, neither side moving an inch. They both snorted in anticipation, not letting their eyes drift away from each other. While Chrysalis looked serious, Creme Dream’s smile never left her face.

And with a kick of dust into the air, Queen Chrysalis and Magistrate Creme Dream charged each other while Princess Chrysalis II and Majesty followed suit. The two adult mares fired blasts of magic at each other while dodging the shots from their respective foe. Once they got up front, they both charged up their horns before firing magic at point-blank range. The blast was so powerful, it sent both Chrysalis and Creme Dream down to the floor while their daughter tackled each other.

“LET ME GO YOU SPOILED DIVA!” Chrysalis II yelled while Majesty pulled on her mane.

“You’re one to speak, you self-centered Princess,” Majesty said before Chrysalis II flung her to the ground.

Majesty got back up and blasted Chrysalis II point blank, knocking her to the floor. Princess Chrysalis II got back up before she fired back at Majesty, who only dodged out of the way.

“Try that again,” Majesty smirked.

“With pleasure,” Chrysalis II said before she fired a few shots at Majesty.

As Creme Dream and Chrysalis got back up, they charged each other again before clashing their horns at one another in a deadlock.

“How does it feel to know that you will be the first to feel my wrath?” Queen Chrysalis said, holding back against Creme Dream. “Once I’m done with you, your precious princess will be the next to fall.”

“Your wrath?” Creme Dream said. “All that pent-up rage deep within your veins, and you can’t even phase me with your worst.”

WIth a flash of magic from her horn, Creme Dream knocked Chrysalis away from her, sending her sliding back before coming to a stop. Queen Chrysalis rose back up and faced Creme Dream.

“You take that back you insolent fool,” Queen Chrysalis yelled.

As Creme Dream charged Chrysalis again, the changeling queen fired off multiple blasts of magic. While Creme Dream dodged most of the shots, one of them hit her square in the face, knocking her to the ground once more.

“Never underestimate my wrath,” Queen Chrysalis said. “For it is a true representation of my power.”

Magistrate Creme Dream got back up and looked at the side of her face, spotting a black mark on it.

“Impressive,” Creme Dream said. “You knocked me down again. You really are that determined to take me down. But it will do you no good.”

“What do you mean by that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Simple,” Creme Dream said. “I can do more with THIS!”

Immediately, Magistrate Creme Dream disappeared in front of Queen Chrysalis’s eyes, startling the changeling. But in a flash, Creme Dream appeared behind Queen Chrysalis and fired a blast of magic at her, sending her flying right into a wall before she fell down.

“Like I said,” Creme Dream said. “I’m far older than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. My magic has far more potential compared to the likes of you.”

But as Queen Chrysalis slowly got up, Creme Dream teleported right behind the bug pony and blasted her again, sending Chrysalis flying upwards before crashing down onto the floor.

“Is that your best?” Creme Dream laughed. “You are nothing compared to me. Not only am I more powerful, I am also more focused. You let yourself be blinded by your own rage. That…is what makes you…weak.”

“Nobody calls me weak,” Queen Chrysalis said as she got up.

“We’ll see about that,” Creme Dream said.

Once again, Creme Dream teleported and reappeared right behind Chrysalis. But before the Magistrate prepared to blast Chrysalis, the changeling queen countered with a blast of her own magic, knocking the Magistrate down.

“You’re not fooling me again with your trick,” Queen Chrysalis said.

As the Magistrate got up, she let out a horrifying laugh that caused unease within the changeling queen.

“What’s so funny?” Queen Chrysalis said.

“You know what I find hilarious about you?” Magistrate Creme Dream replied. “You’re so easy to agitate. So easy to anger. And I’ve been turning your own anger against you.”

“Don’t you dare mock my wrath,” Queen Chrysalis stomped.

“Oh I beg to differ,” Creme Dream replied as her horn charged up. “That is just a small sample of my mockery to you.”

Noticing Creme Dream’s horn charging up, Queen Chrysalis charged her own horn up before she fired a powerful blast of magic at the Magistrate, who countered by firing off her blast of magic. The two blasts collided with each other, pushing back and forth while Queen Chrysalis and Magistrate Creme Dream held firm.

“Do you give up?” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Me? Give up?” Creme Dream chortled. “You should ask yourself that question.”

“THAT’S IT!” Chrysalis yelled.

Queen Chrysalis pushed her magical beam forward, putting a lot of pressure on Creme Dream and her magic. But the Magistrate refused to be deterred.

“So this is the power of her anger,” Creme Dream said. “Raw and untapped. And yet, powered by an unstable mind.”

With her horn glowing bright, Magistrate Creme Dream pushed back at Chrysalis’s magic, causing the changeling queen to sweat. She struggled to push the magic back as the ends inched closer to her.

“Must…not….let…her..WIN!” Chrysalis struggled.

With one last push, Queen Chrysalis thrusted her magic towards Magistrate Creme Dream until they were evened out. The two adversaries held out, struggling to push the ends of their magic back at each other until…

With a loud boom, the center of the magical streams explode, sending both Chrysalis and Creme Dream flying back in the opposite directions until they each hit their corresponding walls. The blast was enough to catch the attention of Majesty and Chrysalis II, who were horrified by their respective mothers’ fall.

“Mother,” both Majesty and Chrysalis II yelled.

But both Creme Dream and Chrysalis got back up on their four hooves in an instant. They stared each other down as if they were ready to tear each other apart.

“No one has lasted this long against me,” Creme Dream said.

“And you’ve managed to top Twilight Sparkle when it comes to irritating ponies,” Chrysalis snarled.

“Believe me,” Creme Dream replied. “I’ve only scratched the surface.”

The two adult mares stared down each other before they charged once more, firing blasts of magic at each other while once again dodging the opposing shots. They flew into the air, firing and dodging once more while neither alicorn nor changeling seemed to tire.

“Give it up,” Creme Dream said. “You are simply no match for me.”


Auras surrounded Queen Chrysalis and Magistrate Creme Dream as they collided with each other, creating a powerful explosion that filled the entire room. Once Majesty and Chrysalis II saw the explosion, they wasted no time fleeing the vicinity towards another room in hopes of not being consumed by this magical blast.

Meanwhile, back above ground in the city of Canterlot, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score were still keeping a close eye out for a single changeling. Joining them were Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Flim and Flam, whose eyes were on Karen the Alicorn Bulldog.

“Are you sure we can’t release her now?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“Not yet,” Hoops replied. “Not until we see a single changeling in the air.”

“Guess you really want the glory of taking them out,” Rolling Thunder replied.

“Of course,” Hoops said. “I hate to say this, but that monkey changed my outlook on life.”

“As long as we get a shot at those bad bugs,” Short Fuse said, “I’m fine with that.”

“You’ll get your shot,” Rolling Thunder said.

Dumbbell’s eyes were quick to see the Predacon brothers emerge from the nearby ground and fly up into the air. He turned towards Hoops and pointed him upwards.

“There,” Dumbbell said. “They’re here.”

“Let’s get that mutt loose,” Hoops said.

“We’ll take care of that,” Flim responded.”

Flam pulled out a pair of bolt cutters as he and Flim ran up to Karen the dog, who just whimpered in silence.

“Don’t you worry,” Flam said. “We’ve got just the thing.”

Immediately, Flam nudged the bolt cutters into the hook that kept Karen leashed up to the dog house. With a powerful squeeze, the bolt cutters broke the hook. The dog got up on her four legs and barked excitedly.

“We’re not done yet,” Flim said. “There’s still that muzzle to take care of.”

Flam hooked the bolt cutter right into the strap of the muzzle and squeezed hard, severing it and loosening the muzzle from Karen’s snout. The bulldog barked loudly before she turned to Flam and started licking his face.

“Hey, cut that out,” Flam said. “We have a job to do.”

Karen ran up to Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, who looked eager to jump right into the battle. Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse stood by them while Flim and Flam ran up to the rest of the group.

“So this is it,” Score said. “We get to fight the changelings.”

“Let’s do this,” Hoops said. “Scrappies forever.”

With that, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse and Karen ran off towards the center of the city, all while the changelings poured in over Canterlot’s wall.

To Be Continued in…

The Truth is Out

Author's Note:

I have to be honest: I had the fight between Queen Chrysalis and Magistrate Creme Dream last this long because I wanted to at least show how powerful they were, but also how Creme Dream could get under Chrysalis's skin, or rather her shell. What do you all think? Was it long enough? Should it have been longer? Or was it too long?

The fight's not over just yet. I will wrap that up in the next part.

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