• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 515 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 10-4: The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker Part 3

The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker Part 3

Deep within the dungeon, the rogue guards fought off against their replacement, holding them back while Silversword held down the Duchess. Neither side held back in this clash of the two sides.

“Don’t hold back,” Silversword said. “We need to hold them back until Holly can get out.”

The rogue guards cheered as they held back the mercenaries and the bandits, all while the Duchess struggled to break free from the clutches of Silversword, screaming loudly into the room.

“You have gone too far,” The Duchess yelled. “When I get out of this, you will pay for your treason in spades.”

“You’re one to speak,” Silversword said. “Even without the queens at our side, you will pay for your crimes against the ponies of Harmonia.”

But as Silversword held down the Duchess, he was knocked to the side by a bandit who broke through the defense lines. Another set of mercenaries followed from behind and were able to get the Duchess back on her hooves.

“Your attempt to protect your Toy Maker will end in failure,” The Duchess taunted. “And you have failed to contain me. Now watch as we recapture Holly, and make her suffer for even existing in the first place.”

The Duchess laughed as she and a group of mercenaries and bandits walked up the stairs and departed the dungeon, with some of them remaining behind to block any from leaving. But Silversword is not deterred. He grabbed a nearby shield and held it down.

“YOU WILL NOT HOLD ME BACK!” Silvershield yelled.

A number of renegade guards grabbed unused shields nearby and held them up. Though the replacement guards held their weapons out, the rogue guards charged and slammed right into the opposing group of cutthroats and freelancers, knocking them to the ground.

“Come,” Silversword commanded. “We must make haste before it’s too late.”

And with that, Silversword and the guards bolted out of the dungeon in pursuit of the Duchess, for the sake of Holly, the fillies, and the villagers.

Meanwhile, Holly, Sundrop, Moonrain, The Count, the Mayor and the villagers ran down the hallway of the castle as fast as they could, not stopping to look behind, or looking to the sides.

“Don’t stop,” Holly yelled. “The sooner we exit the castle, we will make our way to the harbor and take the next boat out.”

“It’s a shame that we have to go into exile,” The Mayor said. “I’m only hoping that Silversword and the other guards can arrest the Duchess and take over in memory of the Queens.”

“I know,” Holly said. “But as long as we are far away from the Duchess, we will be able to thrive in the new world, and make toys to bring joy to the colts and fillies there.”

“I only wish this was in better circumstances,” The Count said. “I feel like I am to blame for your misery.”

“It’s not your fault,” Holly said. “The Duchess was using you for her own personal gain as she said.”

“But,” The Count said before Holly silenced him with her hoof on his lip.

“It’s okay,” Holly said. “The sooner we’re outside the kingdom, the better.

But as they near the grand foyer of the palace, mercenaries, bandits and thugs blocked the exit, causing the entire group to come to a stop. Holly and the others took a few steps back from the minions of the Duchess.

“You’re not going anywhere,” The lead Mercenary said. “The Duchess has big plans for all of you, to show the newly crowned Auric Empire that they are the new leaders of the world.”

“NEVER!” The Count yelled. “Tell the Duchess I quit.”

Holly was quick to spot an opening nearby. She signaled to the others “THIS WAY” and ran down towards the doorway, with the refugees from the Town of Joy alongside the Count following from behind.

“Don’t let them get away,” a Bandit yelled. “Otherwise the Empress will be mad.”

The army of cutthroats immediately went in pursuit of Holly and her companions, chasing them all down the halls of Harmonia Palace. They ran as fast as they could, keeping one step ahead of those loyal to the Duchess.

“Don’t think leaving this country will keep you safe,” Another minion yelled. “We will hunt you down wherever you go, for Auric isn’t just a nation. It’s the entire world.”

Moonrain turned her head and gave a big raspberry to the mercenaries and the bandits, just as Holly and her companions reached a doorway with light emerging.

“I think that might be our ticket out,” The Mayor yelled.

“Thank the Queens,” The Count said.

“Don’t count your blessings just yet,” Holly said. “Once we’re outside, we have to make our way to the dock.”

“Right,” The Mayor said. “No time to relax just yet.”

The moment the entire group stepped outside, they immediately turned left and ran down the side of the palace, with the cutthroats pursuing after them. Those meanies were relentless in their pursuit, inching closer to Holly and her friends, and not seeming to tire.

“They’re gaining on us,” Sundrop yelled.

“Then we’ll have to take a giant leap,” Holly said.

“Are you kidding me?” The Count yelled. “What if we fall into the wilderness, or even the ocean below?”

“We won’t,” Holly said. “And if I know the layout of the palace well, then I know where we’re going to fall.”

Holly ran as fast as she could, darting down the side of the palace. With a great leap, she jumped into the air and flew over the wall before falling down towards the front yard. Immediately, she turned towards her allies.

“It’s okay,” Holly yelled as she fell. “Run as fast as you can and jump.”

“If Holly says it’s okay,” The Mayor replied. “Then let’s do it.”

The Count let out a sigh and said “Very well. Better to pull that than to be in the clutches of the Duchess.”

As Holly fell down towards the front yard of the palace, The Count, the Mayor, Sundrop, Moonrain and the townsfolk ran as fast as possible, even despite the bandits and the mercenaries gaining ground. With one mighty leap, the companions of Holly jumped into the air. One bandit did try to grab onto Sundrop, but she was able to leap in time and out of their clutches. Soon, they fell down towards the courtyard and right towards Holly, much to the dismay of their pursuers.

“Come on,” Holly yelled. “Let’s get going.”

As Holly, the Count, the Mayor, Sundrop, Moonrain, and everyone else ran as fast as they could out of the premises of the palace, the bandits and mercenaries pouted in frustration, watching as the former prisoners had made their escape.

“Blast,” one of them said. “We let them get away.”

“Not quite,” another said. “They mentioned that they’re heading down towards the docks. Let’s take a shortcut to the docks and nab them when they least expect it.”

“Yeah, great call,” a third said.

And thus, the cutthroats ran down the corner of the castle and down another route, in hope that they would capture Holly and her friends, and win favor from the Duchess of Auric.

Deep within the town square of the central city, Holly and her friends ran down as fast as they could, darting all the way down to the harbor. The sound of their hooves galloping all over the pavement caught the attention of the citizens, who looked out the door with curiosity.

“Sister, do you see that?” Sundrop said. “Seems we caught the attention of the ponies here.”

“Should we explain to them why?” Moonrain asked.

“I don’t know,” Sundrop said. “We are in a hurry to get to the harbor. And we don’t want to waste their time.”

But Holly overheard what Sundrop and Moonrain were saying. With one deep breath, Holly yelled out “We are refugees from what’s left of the Town of Joy, trying to make our escape from the Kingdom and from the wrath of the Duchess of Auric. If anyone is willing to lend a hoof, we would be willing to accept.”

Those words were enough to convince every citizen of Central City to emerge from their homes and gallop by Holly, the Count, and everyone from what’s left of Joy.

“My word,” The Mayor said. “Holly, I never expected you to ask for help.”

“Normally, I am not one who wants to ask for help, as I don’t want to burden anyone,” Holly said. “But in this time of crisis, I am making an exception.”

One of the citizens ran up to the Mayor and said “And none of us here like the Duchess. She has the nerve to sit on the throne of our beloved Queens.”

“She’s been trying to tax us into poverty,” Another citizen said. “And she took away the toys that Holly made for everyone. So we’re willing to be by her side to the very end.”

Holly looked like she was about to cry, but it was more of joy than of sorrow.

“Thank you, everyone,” Holly cried. “I will never forget this.”

Surrounded by the citizens of Central City, and cheering as loudly as they could, Holly and the ponies of Joy ran down through the streets, yelling loudly in harmony right into the cold air.

It didn’t take long for both the townsfolks of Joy and the Central City citizens to arrive at the Harmonia Harbor. Everyone ran down the docks, eyeing the biggest ship in front of them.

“That ship looks like our best escape,” Holly said. “If we get on, we can take this to a new land, far and wide.”

But the Count looked at the size and the shape of the ship, and looked at it curiously.

“Strange,” The Count said. “That design looks like it came from the Kirin Kingdom.”

“The Kirins?” Moonrain asked.

“Maybe if we leave this land,” The Count said. “I could take you and your sister to meet the Kirins, and pay our respects to the Queens.”

But the moment the entire crowd got close to the ship, The Duchess and the many cutthroats that took her side emerged, causing everyone to come to a stop.

“You,” Holly said.

“I’m impressed that you managed to get every citizen in Central City to your side,” The Duchess said. “But it won’t do you any good.”

“You’re one to speak, usurper.” The Duchess looked to another ship nearby, where Silversword and the Royal Guards emerged and took the side of every citizen of Harmonia.

“It’s over, Duchess,” The Count said. “You are surrounded and outnumbered.”

“Oh it may be true,” The Duchess said. “But I believe it’s the opposite. Look behind you, fools.”

Every citizen turned around to see the remaining mercenaries and bandits block off the exit from the Harbor, trapping everyone on the wooden deck of the docks. Holly turned back towards the Duchess.

“You will never get away with this,” Holly yelled. “The moment the entire world finds out about your plan….”

“There will be nothing they will do about it,” The Duchess replied, laughing loudly. “Money makes the world go round, and I intend on using this money to stage a war against the entire world, starting with the owners of this very vessel.”

“You’re not talking about the Kirin Kingdom,” The Count yelled.

“Oh yes,” The Duchess said. “I don’t know how this vessel got here. But I will use it as a means of accusing the Kirins of wanting to declare war on the Auric Empire. And once we force war onto the Kirins, we will launch our new weapons into their kingdom and push them to the brink of surrender. Once other kingdoms find out about our capabilities, they will fall like dominoes, and soon, the whole world will become Auric. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

The Duchess walked down the steps from the Kirin ship and towards Holly, all while the bandits and mercenaries from behind marched closely towards the rest of the citizens of Harmonia.

“And just to make sure you’ll do as your told, I will be taking the ones closest to you,” The Duchess said as she snagged both Sundrop and Moonrain.

“No,” Holly yelled. “Give them back.”

“Mommy,” Sundrop cried. “Help.”

“Let us go you big meanie,” Moonrain cried.

The Duchess looked at the two helpless fillies and said “See how even the most innocent of hearts are helpless before the Duchess?”

“The crimes that you have committed are unforgivable,” The Count said. “Not only have you defiled the entire Kingdom, but you wish to defile the entire world.”

“And there is nothing any of you can do about it,” The Duchess said. “You are nothing beneath me. And you wanna know what else? I was the one who ended the lives of the Queens.”

Tears began to flow from Holly’s eyes the moment she heard what the Duchess said.

“It can’t be,” Holly cried. “You killed the Queens?”

“I merely blackmailed a captain into stranding the queens there,” The Duchess said. “But I hired an assassin to make sure that they stay dead. And since they are not back, then you must accept the fact that the Queens are dead.”

“You LIE!” Silversword yelled.

The Duchess laughed and said “Face it. You’re washed up without your precious queens. Now you will refer to me as Empress, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

But as the Duchess finished speaking, a bright light emerged from the Kirin Ship. The Citizens, the Royal Guards, and even Holly looked up, and their faces beamed with both joy and surprise. This caught the attention of the Duchess.

“What’s going on?” The Duchess said. “Why are you not glum and depressed?”

Holly looked at the Duchess with a smug look on her face and said “Why don’t you see for yourself…Empress?”

The Duchess turned around towards the Kirin Boat, and her face turned to complete horror. Emerging from the light, were the Queen of the North and the Queen of the South, rumored dead by the Duchess’ words. The mercenaries and the bandits at the entrance of the dock ran as fast as they could, while the remaining cutthroats froze in fear. The two Queens had their gaze directed at the Duchess, and they were not happy, for not only were they furious at the Duchess’ words, but also the fact that she was holding Sundrop and Moonrain captive.

“Duchess of Auric,” The Queen of the North yelled. “Release those fillies this instant.”

Without saying a word, the Duchess released Sundrop and Moonrain from her grip, who immediately ran up to Holly and gave her a big hug.

“Mommy,” Sundrop and Moonrain cried.

“I’m glad you’re both safe,” Holly said as she cuddled both Sundrop and Moonrain.

But right in front, The Duchess cowered in front of both Queens, who walked towards the aristocrat, glaring down at her soul.

“Duchess of Auric,” The Queen of the South said. “You have tried to strand us at the Kirin Kingdom, sent an assassin to end our lives, and we have heard reports of what you have done in our absence.”

“You usurped the kingdom for your own gain,” The Queen of the North said. “Your cruelty towards younglings was bitter and unjust. And you tried to imprison our guards, an entire town, and most importantly, a toy maker with a heart of gold and two caring daughters.”

“But how did you both get back?” The Duchess asked.

“We found out that you had blackmailed our captain with the intent of leaving us stranded in the Kirin Kingdom,” The Queen of the South said. “Furthermore, once we found out from the assassin on why you would have our lives ended, the Kirins gave us this seaworthy vessel and allowed us to return. We had already forgiven the captain, for he told us what was going on. But not towards you.”

The Queen of the North turned to Captain Silversword and said “Captain, arrest the now ex-Duchess.”

Captain Silversword saluted the Queens before he ran down one of the boats and down the docks, with the citizens standing aside to allow the Captain to run through. Once Captain Silversword ran up to the Ex-Duchess, he pulled up her wrists and slapped cuffs on it.

“Former Duchess of Auric,” Captain Silversword said. “You are under arrest for countless crimes against the Kingdom of Harmonia, especially towards the Town of Joy, and the citizens of Auric.”

The Count of Auric walked up to the Queens and said “Even though I helped Silversword in trying to get Holly to safety, I feel responsible for what I have done, and if necessary, I wish to turn myself in.”

The Queens looked down at the Count. But it was not of shame, it was of pride. The Queen of the North said “Count. We’ve heard that you disapproved of what the Duchess was doing. You are not at fault. Furthermore, what you said was true. You wanted to help Holly out, and what you did was more than you could imagine.”

“Henceforth,” The Queen of the South said. “You are hereby named the Duke of Auric, and will lead its people to a new tomorrow.”

The Count bowed in respect and said “Thank you. My first act would be to issue refunds to the ponies of Auric so that they may have joy in their hearts once more.”

“There’s no need for that kind of pleasantry,” The Queen of the North laughed. “After all, it’s okay to be humble, but not on that level.”

“Oh,” the Count, now the Duke, said as he got up on his four hooves and said “My apologies.”

The Queens turned towards Holly, the Mayor, Sundrop and Moonrain before stepping towards them.

“My Queens,” The Mayor said. “The Duchess has forced us out of homes.”

“And we have been made aware of what she did to your town,” The Queen of the South said. “Henceforth, we will send the royal carpenters to rebuild your town bigger than ever. Joy will see joy once more.”

The Mayor cried before he said “Thank you. I will never forget this.”

The Queen of the North turned towards Holly and said “And we will have your workshop rebuilt as compensation for what the Duchess did. We know you’re not one to ask for help. But you deserve every bit as possible.”

“And you are right, your majesties,” Holly said. “Before you left for the Kirin Kingdom, I didn’t want to burden anyone with helping me make the toys out of fear that I would become a selfish individual. But after what so many were willing to do for my sake, and for my daughters’ sake, I would be happy to take any help as possible. And if necessary, I would be willing to pay them for their hard work.”

“Then so be it,” The Queen of the South said. “Anyone who wishes to help Holly with making her toys, is free to do so.”

And thus, the citizens and the guards cheered in harmony upon hearing the words of both Queens. Except the Ex-Duchess, now cuffed and taken away by Captain Silversword.

“So I take it I am to be…” The Ex-Duchess said.

“No, that’s too good for you,” Captain Silversword said. “What the Queens have planned for you is far worse than that.”

The Ex-Duchess hung her head low and said “I was afraid of that.”

And thus, with the Queens restored back to their thrones, the citizens of Harmonia cheered, delighted to see the return of the warm-hearted monarchs. From Central City, to the town of Auric and the newly rebuilt town of Joy, everyone celebrated with newly crafted toys not just in the hooves of colts and fillies, but also mares and stallions. Joy filled the hearts of every pony in Harmonia.

The Count, now the Duke of Auric, gave the gold to its people, filling their hearts once more with joy and happiness. He even gave them plush bears for them to snuggle, courtesy of Holly.

“Holly has taught us all one thing,” The Duke of Auric said. “That happiness should be a requirement in life.”

And at the rebuilt town of Joy, ponies drank Apple Juice and celebrated by spinning tops, bounced a small ball and scooped up jacks, sped toy wagons down the roads, and even played with dolls. The Mayor looked at his people and smiled once more, clutching a plush bear in his arms.

“Holly,” The Mayor said. “It’s not just your skills that keeps us all happy. It is also your heart. That is what makes you great.”

But nearby, at the craft shop, now built bigger than ever, there were plenty of ponies who were crafting toys. From trains to dolls to horns, balls, pogo sticks, wooden equipment or even kites. There has never been this much activity inside Holly’s home. Even Sundrop and Moonrain were hard at work themselves, putting together their own unique spin on toys.

But despite the extra help, Holly was still hard at work with her toys, crafting them to perfection, making sure that each and every detail is perfect.

“And how are you doing?” Captain Silversword said as he came out from a nearby room.

“Despite all of the help that I have gotten,” Holly said. “There are some things that remain the same.”

“Still got a passion for making toys, I take it,” Silversword asked.

“And not only that,” Holly said. “The Duke sent me an accountant to help keep track of the money we earn from making these toys. In fact, I was surprised that the ponies of Harmonia are willing to send me money for my toys.”

“Because of what you do to please the ponies of Harmonia,” Silversword said. “They want to repay you by making sure you and your daughters stay happy with a roof over your head.”

“At first, I didn’t like that idea,” Holly said. “But now, I am welcome to change in a way. But I hope that what I do will help keep the spirit of happiness across this mighty land.”

“Oh it will,” Silversword said. “It will.”

Suddenly, Sundrop and Moonrain ran up to Holly and yelled out “Mommy. Look at what we built.”

Holly took a look at the figures and smiled warmly. Silversword also looked down and was completely surprised.

“Are these the queens as fillies?” Silversword asked

“Don’t tell me they gave you some inspiration to make these,” Holly asked.

“Oh that was supposed to be our secret,” Sundrop said.

“But since you found out,” Moonrain said. “Yes. It is.”

“Well,” Holly said, observing the figures. “Since you made this so special, I’ll put in a good word to the Queens and let them know I am considering making more of these just for the ponies of Harmonia.”

And thus, both Sundrop and Moonrain cheered into the air, yelling out “YAAAAAY!”

Holly turned towards Silversword and said “By the way, how is our special worker doing?”

“Don’t you worry,” Silversword said. “She’s going to be here for at least twenty years. But we will make sure she will be the best worker you ever had.”

“Oh Silversword,” Holly said. “You are such a clown.”

But as Silversword and Holly laughed, in another room, the Ex-Duchess was chained to an iron ball, crafting out toys with a scowl on her face. Three guards stood next to the Ex-Duchess, ensuring that she doesn’t escape.

“This is the kind of punishment I got?” The Ex-Duchess snarled. “I would have sooner lost my head than to put up with this.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?” One of the Guards said. “After all, some ponies see death as too much of an escape.”

The Ex-Duchess snarled even further as she continued to put together another toy.

And thus, Holly, Sundrop, Moonrain, The Duke of Auric, Captain Silversword, the Mayor of Joy, The Queens of the North and the South, and every pony in Harmonia lived in joy and happiness. Well except the Ex-Duchess, who was denied her rise in power, and now wished for death.

End of the Tale of Holly the Toy Maker.

Stay Tuned for…

Friends and Family for Hearths’ Warming Eve

Author's Note:

What did you all think of the story of The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker? Should I extend this into a separate Fanfiction of its own? Should I add in more characters, or are those that I used good enough?

Anyway, while the story within the story has reached its conclusion, the arc hasn't. The next part will wrap this arc up, and we will move onto our next arc.

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