• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 26-3: The Invasion of Mount Aris

The Invasion of Mount Aris

Princess Skystar was in her room within the palace, crying her eyes out on her bed. Queen Novo swam in, looking at her daughter not with anger, but with remorse.

“Skystar,” Queen Novo said. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Princess Skystar cried. “Wanda was right. I was selfish who only thought for herself. I only brought her here because I thought she could help you in saving Mount Aris from Queen Chrysalis. And now I put her in danger.”

“It was because you weren’t thinking right, my dear,” Queen Novo said before she swam up and placed her arm on Skystar’s back. “And as a matter of fact, I wasn’t thinking clearly as your mother.”

“Wha,” Skystar said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that while I was harsh on you due to how many times you’ve disobeyed me,” Queen Novo explained, “I realized just how I missed the mark in telling you what you did wrong, and why it was wrong. Time after time, I failed to tell you why what you did was wrong. I was so caught up in my zeal to punish you, that you’ve gotten too numb to it.”

“But mom,” Skystar said. “What can I do to make it up?”

“The one thing you can do is to help us get Wanda back,” Queen Novo said as Princess Skystar rose out of bed.

“What do you mean?” Princess Skystar asked. “Did Queen Chrysalis take Wanda?”

“Worse,” Queen Novo said. “Gold Banks has kidnapped Wanda and has taken her to the top of Mount Aris. Queen Chrysalis is in pursuit to get her back. But if you can pitch in, I would appreciate it.

Princess Skystar looked at Queen Novo and said “I’ll do it. I’ll make you proud, mom.”

With that, Princess Skystar swam out of her room and out of the palace, leaving a proud Queen Novo behind.

“That’s it, my daughter,” Queen Novo said. “Go rescue Wanda and make that Gold Banks pay for what she did.”

Immediately, Mr and Mrs Ladybug, along with Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream swam in from the front door.

“Queen Novo,” Mrs Ladybug said. “What happened? Where did everyone go?”

Queen Novo got up from Princess Skystar’s bed and said “I’m sorry to say this. But we’re evacuating from Seaquestria and Mount Aris. Follow me.”

With that, Queen Novo swam out of Princess Skystar’s room with Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream following from behind. But not much later, Baby Silverstream swam back in and grabbed the fork from off of Princess Skystar’s shelf before swimming back out of the room.

But outside within the halls of the Seaquestria palace, a portal formed as Grand Philosopher emerged all by himself. A bubble formed around the alchemist pony as he saw Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus, Baby Silverstream and a number of sea pony guards make their way out of the palace.

“It seems my timing was perfect,” Grand Philosopher said. “Now to take the form of an aquatic animal and locate the entrance to the secret world of this land. And soon, it won’t be long until Gold Banks has the magic of the hippogriffs.”

Meanwhile, Gold Banks swam upwards through the pathway as fast as possible, keeping Wanda Young next to her. The rest of her Debt Collector group followed from behind.

“Where are you taking me?” Wanda yelled.

“I’m gonna take you up to where you will be a hostage for Princess Celestia and the rest of Equestria’s surrender,” Gold Banks explained. “Once the entire kingdom is conquered, I’ll be returning you to Daisy Joy Tech, only now as apart of the new aquarium exhibit.”

“NO!” Wanda cried as she struggled to break free. “I’m not going to be a part of your suck zoo.”

“Deal with it, sea monkey,” Gold Banks laughed. “Because that’s going to be your new fate.”


“Let her try,” Gold Banks said. “Because no one is going to save you. Not even the Windigos.”

Gold Banks kept Wanda held to her side as she swam through the tunnel with her Debt Collector grunts by her side, until she reached the top of the water and the upper cave of Mount Aris. She picked Wanda out of the water with her magic before slamming her into the ground. Despite the impact, Wanda’s ice cuff remained intact. But as Gold Banks approached Wanda, the debt collector squad emerged from the secret entrance and transformed back into ponies in an instant before they pulled out their tridents.

“So tell me,” Gold Banks said as she pulled herself out of the water and slid towards Wanda. “Why do you not fear me, but not Queen Chrysalis?”

“Because at least I know she’s not as big of a monster as you are,” Wanda cried.

“You know, you’re right on that,” Gold Banks said as she got up on her sea pony tail and picked up Wanda with her magic. “Queen Chrysalis was nothing more than a tragic monster who became that way because of an alicorn named Hydia. I have no tragedy in my own past. I live to make others suffer for my own personal gain, which includes your own dear mommy.”

Wanda could barely hold her tears in as Gold Banks levitated herself in the air with her amulet. She turned Wanda around and pushed her forward.

“Now come,” Gold Banks said. “It’s time to surprise your mother and issue my demands for her immediate surrender.”

“Surrender this, monster.” Gold Banks and Wanda Young looked outside of the cave, where a number of hippogriffs, changelings and cutlists surrounded the cave. Leading them were General Seaspray, Coldnelius Snap, Princess Chrysalis II, Locust, Crystal Snow, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“Well well well,” Gold Banks laughed. “What do we have here? Three inferior races out to get me.”

“Release your hold on Princess Wanda this instant, Gold Banks,” General Seaspray ordered. “You are completely surrounded.”

“Waspinator remembers what Gold Banks did to Princess Wanda,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator won’t forgive Gold Banks for how Princess Wanda, or fellow changelings, were treated.”

“Am I surrounded or are you surrounded?” Gold Banks said before she pulled Wanda back and held her close.

“I don’t know what you mean by that statement, monster,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But you have a lot of nerve to bring us to extinction. Your words mean nothing at this point, coward.”

“Now release that Man’s Cub,” Princess Chrysalis II shouted.

But Gold Banks levitated herself back, holding Wanda Young close to her.

“I don’t think so,” Gold Banks said, pointing . “Stay back, if you know what’s good for this brat.”

Wanda struggled to break out of the ice cuff as Gold Banks kept her close. Her eyes were focused on the cultists, changelings and hippogriffs that stood outside of the cave.

“Don’t bother breaking free, Mary Sue,” Gold Banks said. “You’re my hostage.”

“You know you’re going to be in big trouble,” Wanda shouted.

“Silence,” Gold Banks yelled before slapping Wanda across the face.

As Wanda looked like she was on the verge of crying, Gold Banks turned her attention towards the hippogriffs, changelings and cultists that had her boxed in.

“That’s a bridge too far, Banks,” Coldenlius Snap said. “I’ve been cruel before, but you are a sick monster for a pony.”

“You’re one to lecture me about abuse when you have a habit of abusing your victims?” Gold Banks laughed. “You make me laugh, because I think you and your kind are pathetic.”

Suddenly, a tentacle smacked Gold Banks from behind, causing her to drop Wanda onto the ground. Another tentacle shot out and grabbed Wanda, still held down by an ice cuff, while two more tentacles hit her grunts, knocking them down.

“WHO DID THAT?” Gold Banks yelled. “Who dares to ambush the future empress of all of Equestria?”

Gold Banks turned around and saw cecaelia Queen Chrysalis emerge from the secret entrance to Seaquestria, holding Wanda close to her with her tentacle.

“I dare to,” Queen Chrysalis said.

Immediately, Queen Chrysalis gripped the ice cuff with two of her tentacles. With a loud snap, the ice cuff shatters into pieces, freeing Wanda from her binding.

“I never thought I would say this,” Wanda said. “But thanks.”

“Thank me later when this madness is over,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Now get on my back.”

As the grunts got up and rallied around Gold Banks, Queen Chrysalis placed Wanda on her back before releasing her hold on her. Wanda held on as the Queen directed her gaze towards Gold Banks and her grunts.

“How dare you take my hostage,” Gold Banks fumed. “I stole her fair and square.”

Immediately, the debt collectors pointed their tridents at Queen Chrysalis, who held her tentacles up as a shield.

“Don’t even think about blocking this,” Gold Banks said. “They have more than enough firepower to end your life.”

“You also forget one thing,” General Seaspray said. “We have you surrounded. You so much end Queen Chrysalis’ life, and you will join her in the afterlife.”

“I beg to differ,” Gold Banks said. “Look behind you. My forces are gaining on your position.”

Immediately, Locust broke from the group and looked down at the bottom of Mount Aris. A number of Debt Collector soldiers are making their way from the beach right up the mountain, armed with tridents.

“I’m afraid the witch is right,” Locust yelled. “They’re coming this way and they’re armed to the teeth.”

Gold Banks turned towards Coldnelius Snap and hovered towards the leader of the Windigo’s Guild, holding a charge of magic in her horn while her amulet shone in the sun.

“So what’s it going to be?” Gold Banks said. “Take me on and get wiped out by my forces? Or let me go and fight back against them? And don’t even think about using me as a hostage. You try to grab me, and I’ll burn you with the power of Fire Nag Miasma. It’s your call.”

Coldnelius Snap kept his eye on Gold Banks for a moment before he turned towards the rest of his cultists and their allies.

“Disregard Gold Banks,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Turn your attention towards the Debt Collectors, and make them pay dearly.”

With a loud cry in the air, the changelings, cultists and hippogriffs turned towards the advancing debt collectors before charging right at them. Leading the combined forces was General Seaspray, who marched down the hill with his wing carrying his shield. Coldnelius Snap ran alongside the hippogriff commander with Crystal Snow right beside her. Princess Chrysalis II and Locust were on the left side of the combined forces, while Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator were on the right side.

“Now then,” Gold Banks said. “Where were we?”

Suddenly, Queen Chrysalis emerged from the cavern and leaped over Gold Banks with a push from two of her tentacles. Wanda rode atop as Chrysalis curled her limbs to her lower body. Gold Banks just looked up and just smiled.

“Impressive,” Gold Banks said, waving her sea pony tail in the air. “But I don’t expect you or your new allies to last much longer.”

Once she hit the ground, Queen Chrysalis made her way down the hill with Wanda Young riding atop. She stood atop the combined armies of the cultists, changelings and hippogriffs, all while they made their way down Mount Aris.

Immediately, Gold Banks pulled out her video phone and tapped the screen a few times. Grand Philosopher’s face appeared on the screen.

“The debt collectors have been sent out, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said.

“Just as planned,” Gold Banks said. “It won’t be long until we box them all in. Maybe they all will make for a convincing group of hostages. Especially Princess Wanda.”

Meanwhile, the advancing army of the debt collectors made their way up Mount Aris. They used their tridents to blast any and all hippogriff buildings and monuments, smashing them to pieces.

“I see them coming this way,” One Debt Collector shouted, taking shelter at a nearby fence.

“Get ready,” Another one shouted. “And aim for the changeling queen.”

The debt collectors kept their eye on the advancing combined army making their way down the hill. They pointed their tridents right at the front of the pack, especially on the tentacles of Queen Chrysalis. But as the combined forces made their way down, Quickstrike took notice of some of the grunts.

“So those yellow-bellied cowards want to give us our last rodeo, eh?” Quickstrike said. “Well EAT THIS!”

Quickstrike immediately fired off a blast of magic from his horn towards the positioned debt collectors. The shot hit the ground on impact before detonating, sending some of the enemy soldiers flying into the air.

“You polecats think you can pull a fast one,” Quickstrike yelled as he charged his horn up again. “THINK AGAIN!”

With another blast of magic, Quickstrike was able to hit two of the Debt Collector soldiers. The impact sent them flying away into a nearby canyon before they hit the ground with a loud thud. Moments later, their fur desaturated as their cosmic cores flew out of their bodies and into the air.

“Nice shot, brother,” Inferno cheered. “But now is not the time to rest on your laurels.”

“Oh tell me about it,” Quickstrike shouted.

Above the entire group, Queen Chrysalis ran across the path leading down towards the beach of Mount Aris with Wanda holding onto the changeling-cecaelia hybrid.

“Are you doing okay, Princess?” Chrysalis asked.

“I am,” Wanda shouted. “Far better than being with that mean Gold Banks.”

“There’s one thing that bothers me,” Chrysalis said. “Why do you not fear me, but you fear Gold Banks more?”

“She hates my guts far more than you’ll ever have,” Wanda replied. “She even locked me away at Daisy Joy Tech with my friends, and that was the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

Immediately, Locust flew up to Queen Chrysalis and Wanda and said “I was able to research this Daisy Joy Tech before we lost the hive. This Miss Honey Twist takes great pride in kidnapping and tormenting their own students for their own amusement. She even flunks them on purpose for entertainment.”

“That’s exactly correct,” Wanda responded.

“That is just completely sick, even by my standards,” Queen Chrysalis said as she continued to move down the hill. “If I ever see this school, I’ll tear it apart with my bare hooves.”

Suddenly, a shot of fire nag magic passed by Chrysalis, Wanda and Locust. The trio looked down to see three debt collectors fire shots of magic from their tridents.

“HALT!” One of them yelled. “You will go no further.”

“Shut up!” Queen Chrysalis yelled as she swung her tentacle at the grunts, knocking them to the ground.

Immediately, one of them got back up and pointed the trident at Queen Chrysalis, charging up the magic within.

“This time, you join the very changelings that we took from you,” The grunt shouted.

Immediately, another tentacle shot out from Queen Chrysalis and grabbed the unlucky soldier. Queen Chrysalis immediately flung the poor fool high into the air as he screamed loudly.

“THIS ONE IS FOR DRAGONFLY!” Queen Chrysalis shouted as she charged up a blast of magic.

Queen Chrysalis fired off her magic from her horn and it traveled towards the flying grunt at breakneck speed. Before the grunt had time to react, the shot hit him dead on, sending him falling down into the canyon. Moments later, a flash of light went off within the canyon before a loud boom echoed. When the light disappeared, a cosmic core floated up from the canyon towards the stratosphere.

“Do not hold back,” Queen Chrysalis commanded. “Make your way towards the beach and make the debt collectors pay for what they did.”

The changelings, cultists and even the hippogriffs all cheered in the air as they pushed their way down to the beach.

But at the bottom of Mount Aris, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar emerged from the ocean with Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus, Baby Silverstream and a number of civilians right behind them. The moment they reached land, they all transformed back into hippogriffs, with Mr and Mrs Ladybug and Ocellus transforming back into changelings.

“Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of the three armies,” Queen Novo commanded. “They’re either our chance to keep Gold Banks’ own army out, or our chance of escape.”

Princess Skystar looked up the mountain and her face beamed with excitement. She poked at her mother’s shoulder and pointed up the mountain.

“I see them,” Princess Skystar shouted. “And it looks like Wanda is riding on top of Queen Chrysalis.

Queen Novo directed her gaze towards the mountain. She was quick to notice the combined armies of hippogriffs, changelings and cultists making their way down the mountain, knocking aside any debt collectors who tried to attack them. General Seaspray led the combined forces from the front. On the sides were Princess Chrysalis II, Coldnelius Snap, Crystal Snow, Locust, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator. Above the alliance was cecaelia Queen Chrysalis, knocking aside any debt collector who tried to attack them from afar, while Wanda rode on top of her back.

“That’s them alright, “Queen Novo said. “But it looks like the Debt Collectors will stop at nothing to bring them down.”

Immediately, Mr Ladybug turned to his right and saw another ship land on the beach of Mount Aris. The ship laid its gate down, allowing for more Debt Collector grunts to make their way towards the advancing armies.

“Begging your pardon, your majesty,” Mr Ladybug said, pointing to the incoming soldiers. “But we got company.”

Queen Novo directed her gaze towards the fresh batch of soldiers that emerged from the ship and said “I don’t think so. Guards. Take them out.”

Immediately, a number of hippogriff guards marched in front of the civilians before donning their shields. They took to the air, wielding powerful spears before they dive bombed the Debt Collector soldiers.

“I hope they can hold them back,” Princess Skystar said.

“Right now, we need to rendezvous with the three armies and escort the rest of the civilians off Mount Aris,” Queen Novo explained. “Come with me.”

With a small platoon of guards remaining, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar led Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus, Baby Silverstream and the hippogriff civilians towards the pathway. Up ahead, the combined armies made their way down with cecaelia Queen Chrysalis and mermaid Wanda Young on top, nearing the bottom of the mountain. Queen Chrysalis continued to knock debt collectors to the side with Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator blasting any that dare to fire on them.

“How are you doing, Man’s Cub?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“I’m hanging on as much as I can,” Wanda said.

“Keep still,” Queen Chrysalis said. “This ride ain’t over yet.”

Princess Chrysalis II looked to her right and saw Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Ocellus’ family, the guards and the civilians make their way towards the foot of the mountain.

“Everyone,” Princess Chrysalis II yelled. “I think I see more hippogriffs coming towards us.”

“That must be Queen Novo and Princess Skystar,” General Seaspray said. “And they got everyone out of Seaquestria.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Let’s get to them this instant.”

But as the alliance made their way down the mountain, one Debt Collector soldier got up before picking up his trident and aiming right at the back of the army.

“This is to put you all in your place,” The Debt Collection grunt said, charging up his trident.

The Debt Collector fired a blast of magic from the trident and hit just behind the entire group, causing a powerful explosion. Every hippogriff, changeling and cultist was knocked into the air with Queen Chrysalis falling down towards the ground.

“HANG ON!” Queen Chrysalis shouted as she wrapped herself and Wanda with her tentacles.

Queen Chrysalis rolled down the mountain while Wanda held on as tight as possible, screaming loudly. Coldnelius Snap grabbed onto Crystal Snow before he hit the ground hard. Inferno, Quickstrike, Waspinator, Locust and Princess Chrysalis II took to the air before they hit the ground, while most of the changelings, cultists and hippogriffs followed suit. General Seaspray landed nearby, directing his attention to the Debt Collector soldiers above them.

“We’re not out of the woods, just yet,” General Seaspray shouted. “Cover the front. I’ll hold the back flank.”

A few hippogriffs sided with General Seaspray as the rest of the armies got themselves up and rallied around Princess Chrysalis II, who landed nearby and braced herself.

At the bottom of Mount Aris, Coldnelius Snap released his hold on Crystal Snow before he began to get up. But when he moved his left leg, he screamed in pain.

“FATHER!” Crystal Snow said. “WHAT HAPPENED?”

“My leg,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I can’t move my leg.”

As Crystal Snow got up, she directed her horn at Coldnelius Snap’s left leg and directed a stream of cold magic right into it. Nearby, Queen Chrysalis released herself and Wanda from her tentacles before she got up.

“Uggh,” Queen Chrysalis groaned. “Those Debt Collectors are becoming a real pain in the rear.”

Wanda tumbled off of Queen Chrysalis before she slid her way towards Crystal Snow, who continued to feed magic into Coldnelius Snap’s leg.

“What happened to him?” Wanda asked.

“He’s badly hurt,” Crystal Snow said. “I’m doing what I can to heal his the injuries to his leg.”

Once Crystal Snow’s magic disappeared, Coldnelius Snap moved his leg for a bit and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I owe you one.”

As Crystal Snow wiped the sweat off her brow, she directed her attention to mermaid Wanda Young.

“I don’t believe we have met,” Crystal Snow said. “My name is Crystal Snow, the second in command of the Windigo’s Guild and the Princess of Winteris. You must be Wanda Young.”

“I am,” Wanda said. “But a princess like me?”

“Yes,” Crystal Snow said. “In fact, I don’t just see Coldnelius Snap as our leader. I see him as my father: King Glacieous.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “Coldnelius Snap, the leader of the Windigo’s Guild, is really King Glacieous?”

“What she states is correct,” Coldnelius Snap said. “My revenge against your kingdom was not only because of one alicorn named Hydia, but also what happened to my wife and Eternia’s sister Queen Icelina, and how Equestria abandoned all of us. But right now is not the time for conflicts, Man’s Cub. We have bigger threats on the horizon.”

Wanda turned towards the beach, where a number of Debt Collectors marched their way towards her and the three armies, armed with tridents.

“Oh no,” Wanda said. “You’re right. We have bad ponies coming our way.”

“But Queen Chrysalis said that there are others coming to help us out,” Crystal Snow said.

Immediately, Wanda turned to her right to see Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus, Baby Silverstream, a number of hippogriff guards and the civilians make their way to her.

“That’s them,” Wanda cheered. “That’s Aunt Novo with everyone else from Seaquestria.”

“What I’d tell ya?” Princess Chrysalis II said as she approached Wanda, Snap, Snow and her mother with the combined forces right behind her.

Queen Novo ran as fast as she could towards Princess Wanda and the advancing armies with Princess Skystar by her side. The civilians of Seaquestria and the remaining hippogriff guards ran behind her with a few guards standing in front of the royal family, shielding them from any Debt Collector fire.

“AUNT NOVO!” Wanda cheered.

Suddenly, a shot from the mountains hits Queen Novo directly, knocking her to the ground. Everyone came to a stop in horror as they directed their gaze at a Debt Collector grunt, who emerged from the bushes armed with a trident.

“MOOOOOOOOOM!” Princess Skystar screamed.

The grunt pointed his trident right at Queen Novo and charged up another shot. The hippogriff queen could barely get up as she saw the Debt Collector grunt fire a shot at her.

But in an instant, Princess Skystar jumped in the way and took the blast of magic from the trident. She screamed loudly in agony as she was knocked a foot away from her mother, before she collapsed on the ground and lost conscious.

“SKYSTARRRRRRR!” Queen Novo cried.

A few of the guards ran up in front of the grunt and held their shields out, only for the grunt to charge up his trident and slam it on the ground. The resulting quake knocked the guards in the air before they landed near Princess Skystar. He pointed his trident directly at Princess Skystar with every civilian standing in fear, before he walked up to Queen Novo.

“Aunt Novo,” Wanda cried. “Skystar.”

The Grunt slashed at Queen Novo’s leg with his trident, causing the hippogriff queen to scream in pain. She held her leg close to her as the grunt directed his trident at the unconscious Princess Skystar.

“A shame that your daughter is going to die,” The grunt said. “But that’s the price you pay for existing.”

As the Debt Collector grunt charged up his trident, Wanda watched helplessly, slowly getting her tail up and pointing the palm of her hands at the grunt’s trident.

“NOOOOOO!” Wanda screamed before she fired a burst of magic from her palms.

Wanda magic flew right at the trident, hitting it directly. The grunt looked down in horror at the trident as Queen Novo covered her face with her wing.

“No, NOOOO!” The grunt screamed in agony.

And in an instant, the trident exploded in the grunt’s face, sending a massive amount of energy through the soldier’s body and causing him to scream in intense pain. When the energy disappeared, the guard collapsed onto the ground as his fur desaturated and his cosmic core flew off from his body.

Wanda looked at the dead corpse of the grunt before looking down at her hands.

“What….” Wanda cried. “What have I done?”

Queen Chrysalis approached Wanda and said “What you thought was necessary. Now come.”

Queen Chrysalis immediately picked up Wanda Young with her tentacle, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. Crystal Snow, Coldnelius Snap and Princess Chrysalis II followed from behind with the three armies making their way towards the injured Novo and the unconscious Skystar.

But right behind them, a couple of Hippogriff guards landed on the ground as their coats and manes desaturated and their cosmic cores flew from their corpses. General Seaspray led what’s left of his forces towards the three armies.

“They’re overwhelming us,” General Seaspray yelled. “There’s no way we can hold them off.”

As General Seaspray’s squad joined up with the rest of the armies, Locust, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew down and grouped around Queen Chrysalis, who sat Wanda down next to the unconscious Princess Skystar. Wanda picked up Skystar and held her close.

“Skystar,” Wanda cried. “I…I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t…mean to…kill someone. Even if he…struck you down.”

“Smallfry,” Aunt Novo said. “I’m afraid Queen Chrysalis…is correct. You did…what had to…be done. I’m…proud of you.”

“Aunt Novo,” Wanda cried as she directed her gaze towards the dead grunt. “Even…if it was necessary…I didn’t mean…to.”

And with that, Wanda cried on the unconscious Skystar, her tears filling to the brim. Queen Novo just looked at Wanda as a few tears came out of her eyes.

“Maybe I should have sent Princess Skystar away for her safety,” Queen Novo said. “It’s my fault that I wasn’t a good mother to her.”

Immediately, Princess Chrysalis, Coldnelius Snap, Crystal Snow, Locust, General Seaspray, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator gathered around Mermaid Wanda Young, the unconscious Skystar, the injured Queen Novo, Cecaelia Queen Chrysalis, Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Silverstream, Baby Ocellus, the three armies of the changelings, cultists and hippogriffs, and the civilians of Seaquestria. Debt Collectors from the mountains and the beach surrounded each and every one of them with their tridents pointed at them.

“I hate to say this, my queen,” Inferno said. “But they got us.”

“It’s okay,” Queen Chrysalis said. “At least we all fought together.”

“Waspinator not like how this ending turned out,” Waspinator said. “Dragonfly’s spirit will cry once we all suffer.”

Immediately Sea Pony Gold Banks flew down from the mountain and landed next to a number of her troops. She looked at the surrounded captives and smiled.

“Just like blasting fish in a barrel,” Gold Banks said. “I caught far more than my fair share of hostages.”

“You’ve gone too far, Banks,” Crystal Snow yelled. “First our home of Winteris, then the changeling’s hive and now Mount Aris.”

“That’s correct, ancient Princess of Winteris,” Gold Banks said as she pointed to her amulet. “I came to all three locations just to get my hooves on your magic. And I have far more than my fair share of magic. Impressive, isn’t it?”

“You’re a sick monster, Gold Banks,” General Seaspray said. “Even far sicker than the Storm King was.”

“You compare me to that simple brute?” Gold Banks smirked. “He doesn’t even know what real power stands for.”

“You won’t get away with this, Gold Banks,” Queen Chrysalis snarled. “I swear of it.”

“And even your new form is no match for my Alicorn Amulet,” Gold Banks laughed. “As of now, you are my prisoners, and your ransom will be more than enough for Princess Celestia to surrender her kingdom.”

As Gold Banks laughed out loud, Wanda cried on the unconscious Skystar with every Debt Collector Grunt surrounding every changeling, every cultist and every hippogriff.

To Be Continued in…

A Heroic Confrontation

Author's Note:

The idea of Princess Skystar taking a bullet for her mother was all my idea. She still carried remorse from what Wanda said to Queen Chrysalis in the last part, and she wanted to make up for it. While it was on good intensions, it was a bad approach in the end that put Skystar's life in grave danger.

As for Wanda taking out the life of a Debt Collector, it was thought of during my brainstorming of this arc. In fact, I wanted to make sure his death was indirect, caused by Wanda striking the trident. And this is something she's gonna live with for the rest of her life.

As for why this arc was extended to 5 parts? Well the next part will answer your question.

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