• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 20-3: Firelight Glimmer’s Determination

Firelight Glimmer’s Determination

“So how did Firelight Glimmer cope with his sadness?”

Those words came from Shanoa, who was eating dinner with her husband Fortwright, her son Danged Spell and her baby daughter Dream Seeker. The sun was setting in the west as its light shone through the window.

“Well,” Danged Spell said. “We were going to all gather together just to remind Mr Glimmer that there are those who are willing to help him. But as it turns out, just him helping out a filly in need was more than enough.”

“That’s great, son,” Fortwright said as Baby Dream Seeker cheered.

“But I do feel sorry for Ditzy Doo after what she went through,” Danged Spell said. “Scraping her arm after a crash landing like that. That’s gotta be painful.”

“Well what matters is that someone was looking out for her well being,” Shanoa explained. “It’s a part of what makes us who we are.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “Guess you are right.”

“So what are your plans for tomorrow before you check into your new school?” Fortwright asked.

“Well all I wanna do tomorrow is run around in the fields surrounding La Maresa,” Danged Spell said. “Maybe get some of my friends to join me.”

“Well that’s a wonderful idea,” Shanoa said. “Just as long as it’s not the Everfree Forest.”

“Err,” Danged Spell said, confused. “What’s wrong with the Everfree Forest?”

“Some say that place is haunted,” Fortwright explained. “There’s a kind of magic in there that no pony can fully understand. Therefore, I forbid you to go into the Everfree Forest.”

“Even though I was the pony who helped fight back against the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings?” Danged Spell asked.

“Those two groups pale in comparison to what the Everfree Forest has,” Fortwright said.

“Even though Princess Celestia took her daughters down there?” Danged Spell replied.

Both Fortwright and Shanoa stood there, surprised by Danged Spells’ comment.

“Will you excuse us for a bit?” Shanoa said.

Immediately, Shanoa and Fortwright got up and slowly walked away from the table, leaving Danged Spell and Dream Seeker by themselves.

“What’s eating them?” Danged Spell said as even Dream Seeker stared at her parents heading for the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Fortwright and Shanoa looked at each other as if they were about to freak out.

“I think he’s got us there,” Shanoa said.

“But that was Princess Celestia,” Fortwright said. “She’s an alicorn and she can wander anywhere she wants.”

“Even so, she took her own younglings to explore the place,” Shanoa said. “I hate to say this, but curiosity will have little Spell head down to check the place out without any supervision.”

“You’re right,” Fortwright said. “And as a matter of fact, I recall Princess Celestia allowing little Wanda to head out into the cold during the big freeze by Coldnelius Snap. But only if she were supervised.”

“So should we tell him yes, only if we go with him?” Shanoa asked.

“We should let him know about that,” Fortwright said. “At least as long as he’s by our side, we can make sure the magic of the forest won’t take him away.”

“That will be a good idea,” Shanoa said. “Then again, there might be a place in that forest where Spell can master his Wolf’s Breath curse there.”

“Highly doubtful,” Fortwright said. “But it’s worth a try. Let’s go tell him that…”

“You’re going to take me down to the Forest tomorrow?” Fortwright and Shanoa turned around to see Danged Spell standing in front of the entrance, holding baby Dream Seeker in his arms.

“Son, you heard us?” Fortwright said, surprised.

“There was no way I couldn’t,” Danged Spell said, excited. “Besides, I could hear you talking from the table.”

“Well Spell,” Shanoa said. “We’ll let you go down to the Forest tomorrow, under one condition.”

“That you were going to go with me supervised,” Danged Spell said.

“He’s got us there,” Fortwright said.

Danged Spell jumped into the air many times and shouted “ALRIGHT,” all while baby Dream Seeker cheered every time he leaped.

“But promise us that you’ll be safe tomorrow,” Shanoa said, causing Danged Spell to pause in the air.

“I will,” Danged Spell said. “But promise me you’ll also be safe tomorrow. I don’t want to end up as an orphan.”

“Promise,” Shanoa said.

Danged Spell landed on the ground before walking up to his parents and giving them a hug. Dream Seeker giggled as she snuggled her older brother.

“I’m going to be excited for tomorrow,” Danged Spell said. “It’s going to be an exciting day.”

But the next morning, at the Glimmers’ house in La Maresa, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker were glued to the morning tv while eating their breakfast, though Firelight looked extremely nervous. On the TV screen, Gold Banks was interviewed by a number of reporters.

“And so you really want to force Princess Celestia to enroll Princess Wanda Young into Daisy Joy Tech?” The reporter asked.

“Of course I do,” Gold Banks explained. “As you all know, the School for Gifted Unicorns is down to around four students, and they had to gall to keep that miserable excuse for an education facility open. So I propose to the Senate that we force Princess Celestia to enroll Princess Wanda Young into Daisy Joy Tech in Manehattan. They’ve agreed to take up deliberations and will cast a vote when they are ready.”

Immediately, Starseeker turned off the tv and threw the remote onto the ground in disgust.

“The nerve of that Gold Banks,” Starseeker said. “Forcing Princess Celestia’s daughter to attend a school that she doesn’t want to go to.”

“Will you excuse me, hon?” Firelight said, placing his cereal bowl on the lamp stand. “I need to step away for a bit.”

Immediately, Firelight ran up the staircase and towards the master bedroom, leaving his wife behind.

“Oh no,” Starseeker said. “Firelight’s having a total relapse.”

Upstairs, Firelight Glimmer entered the bedroom before sitting down on the bed. He looked out the window and just sighed.

“I don’t believe it,” Firelight Glimmer said. “That monster Gold Banks is going to force Wanda Young into attending Daisy Joy Tech. It’s my fault that this happened.”

“I beg to differ.” Firelight Glimmer turned to his left and saw Eleanor Young emerge from the shadows. He got up on his four legs and glared at the Evevanyian.

“Who are you?” Firelight said in a hostile tone. “And what are you doing in my house?”

“My name is Eleanor,” Eleanor Young explained. “And I happen to be a guardian angel sent to protect Princess Celestia’s daughter and her friends. I overheard what Gold Banks wanted to do to little Wanda.”

“It’s true,” Firelight said as he began to calm down. “I’m to blame for separating Princess Wanda from her friends. But I made sure my Starlight stayed with her so that she could still have a friend. But it’s my fault that she’s in this situation.”

“No it’s not,” Eleanor said. “You’re not to blame for Wanda’s situation. Do you remember days ago when Gold Banks threatened to take your own daughter away?”

“I do,” Firelight Glimmer said. “I remember what she said, and how she used Wanda’s sister and friend as hostages to force Princess Celestia into surrendering Wanda and my Starlight. That I can’t forgive her for what she did.”

“Then I suggest returning to Canterlot,” Eleanor explained. “Your daughter needs your help more than ever. You need to confront Gold Banks and remind everyone how horrible she is as a parent compared to you and your wife.”

“You’re right,” Firelight said. “You’re absolutely right. Thanks for reminding me of what I need to do.”

“It was my honor,” Eleanor said before she bowed to Firelight Glimmer.

“Honey? Who’s that?” As Firelight Glimmer turned towards the entrance to the bedroom where he heard Starseeker’s voice, Eleanor created a small fog around her, covering her up completely. When the fog lifted, she was gone.

“No one, hon,” Firelight yelled. “I was just talking to myself and I realized one thing. I need to go back to Canterlot to save Princess Wanda from her fate.”

Immediately, Starseeker ran up the stairs and into the master bedroom, looking like she was on the verge of freaking out.

“Against Gold Banks?” Starseeker said. “Are you crazy? She’ll chew you up and spit you out.”

“I’m not crazy,” Firelight said. “I left Starlight with Princess Celestia so that Wanda could have a friend to stay by her side. But with Gold Banks threatening to take Wanda away from her mother, someone’s gotta step up to the plate and make sure Gold Banks doesn’t get what she wants. Besides, she tried to threaten to take Pumpy-Wumpkin away to Daisy Joy Tech, and I won’t have it.”

Firelight Glimmer got up from the bed and marched towards the doorway, much to Starseeker’s own concern.

“Honey,” Starseeker said. “I better go with you, just in case.”

“Thanks,” Firelight said. “I need all the help we can get.”

But outside, Danged Spell emerged from his house with Fortwright and Shanoa following him while Dream Seeker rode around in a saddlebag. Directly outside, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy with Angel, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Maud Pie, Sunburst, Moondancer and Juniper Montage stood there waiting patiently.

“What are you guys doing out here?” Danged Spell asked.

“Well we heard you’re going to the Everfree Forest,” Rainbow Dash said. “And we’d figure we should go with you.”

“I dunno,” Danged Spell said. “I just want to explore the place with my folks and all.”

“Oh pretty pleaaaaase,” Fluttershy said. “I heard the animals there can take care of themselves.”

“And there’s a kind of magic in there that even ponies cannot comprehend,” Trixie said.

“And there’s a collection of rocks that would be perfect to study,” Maud Pie said.

Danged Spell turned his head towards his parents and said “You didn’t tell them about my trip to the forest, did ya?”

“No, we didn’t,” Shanoa nodded. “I don’t know how they found out about our trip.”

But as Fortwright, Shanoa, and Danged Spell began to ponder with the other younglings shouting out loud, they noticed Granny Smith along with four adult mares and stallions following Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker Glimmer down the road.

“Hey mom,” Danged Spell said. “Why are Moondancer and Sunburst’s parents following Mr and Mrs Glimmer?”

“And why is Granny Smith following them?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know,” Fortwright said. “But we should go check it out.”

Danged Spell looked at his friends begging at him and said “You know what? I’m with ya.”

Immediately, Danged Spell, Fortwright and Shanoa followed the group of stallions and mares down the street with Dream Seeker riding in Shanoa’s saddlebag. The other younglings just paused, watching as Danged Spell and his family rode down the street before turning their attention to Firelight Glimmer.

“Hey, do you suppose something’s happened with Mr Glimmer?” Rarity asked.

“Good point there,” Moondancer said. “In fact, I wanna know why our folks are following them down the street.”

“I’m with you on that,” Sunburst said.

Immediately, Sunburst and Moondancer followed Danged Spell and his folks from behind, leaving the rest of the younglings in the dust.

“Well we can’t be the only ones who think something’s up with Mr Glimmer,” Applejack said. “We better follow from behind and find out what in blazes is going on.”

Applejack got a charging start before she took off, charging after Moondancer and Sunburst. Right behind the apple pony, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy with Angel, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Maud Pie and Juniper Montage ran forward after them.

At the ground bridge portal arch of La Maresa, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker came to a stop, approaching the giant archway.

“So we’re heading back,” Firelight said. “Back to Canterlot and to stop Gold Banks.”

“We are,” Starseeker said. “Not just for Starlight’s sake, but also for Wanda’s sake.”

“It’s time we made up for what we did,” Firelight Glimmer said.

But before they could take a step forward, they heard the sound of ponies calling their names out. The two turned around to see Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Crescent Eclipse, Artemis Light and Granny Smith approach the two.

“Why are you heading back to Canterlot, right now?” Crescent Eclipse asked. “Didn’t you just get here two days ago?”

“I did,” Firelight Glimmer said. “But I’m afraid this is personal.”

“What do you mean by that, Mr Glimmer?” Firelight and Starseeker looked up to see Danged Spell, Fortwright and Shanoa approach the group with Dream Seeker riding in Shanoa’s saddlebag.

“Danged Spell,” Firelight Glimmer said. “And you brought your folks with you.”

“Mr Glimmer,” Danged Spell said. “Why are you heading back to Canterlot? What’s this all about?”

“Did you see the news today?” Firelight Glimmer said. “Gold Banks wants to force Princess Wanda Young into attending the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“No we didn’t,” Fortwright said.

“Well see for yourself,” Starseeker said.

Shanoa pulled her video tablet out from her other saddlebag and tapped the screen a few times. Gold Banks appeared on the screen, giving out an interview.

“If Princess Celestia was wise beyond her years,” Gold Banks explained, “She would force Princess Wanda into attending Daisy Joy Tech, and leave behind her miserable life. After all, who needs this stupid magic of friendship when you can become the smartest mind in all of Equestria.”

Shanoa pounded the screen in frustration, causing the image of Gold Banks to disappear, before looking up at Firelight Glimmer.

“You’re right,” Shanoa said. “And that’s just despicable.”

“Which is why Starseeker and I are going back,” Firelight said. “But it’s not just to see our Glimglam again. It’s because of what Gold Banks is going to do to Wanda if I don’t take action.”

“Then I’m going with you,” Danged Spell said, stepping forward. “I’m going to go up to Canterlot with Mr and Mrs Glimmer to see Wanda again.”

“Spell, are you crazy?” Danged Spell turned around to see Moondancer, Sunburst and the other younglings run up to him.

“I’m not crazy, Moondancer” Danged Spell said. “In fact, this might be our last time we see Wanda ever again. If I were you and Sunburst, I’d tag along.”

“But Spell,” Sunburst said. “You are losing that chance to check out the Everfree Forest with your folks.”

“What’s this about going to the Everfree Forest?” Sunspot asked in a harsh tone, causing Sunburst to take a few steps back with his ears folded downward.

“Last night,” Fortwright said, “We made the decision to allow Spell to go to the Everfree Forest, as long as we’re with him.”

“You’re crazy, are you?” Sunspot protested. “Do you know how dangerous that place is?”

“We do,” Shanoa said. “That’s why we chose to go with him for his own sake. Though I wonder why the other younglings wanted to tag along.”

Immediately, Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light turned towards the other younglings with a disappointed look on their faces. Nearly all of them began to cower together while Danged Spell just looked on next to his own folks.

“You all should know better than to want to go into the Everfree Forest like that,” Artemis Light scolded. “Isn’t that right, Granny Smith?”

“Uhh yeah,” Granny Smith said in an awkward tone. “We don’t want you young’uns to get eaten by what’s in the forest.”

“Well regardless,” Fortwright said, “Spell’s right. Moondancer and Sunburst should go with him and the Glimmers back to Canterlot so they can help Wanda out. Besides, I think she’s worried sick about them.”

“Why not?” Firelight Glimmer said. “I would like to have a few extras to help me out on this.”

Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light nodded as a shamed Sunburst and Moondancer walked up to Danged Spell, who looked both excited and nervous.

“Go with Danged Spell to Canterlot and see if you can help them out,” Sunspot said. “We’ll discuss your punishment when you get back.”

“Yes dad,” Sunburst said in a gloomy tone.

As Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer walked up to the portal arch with Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer, Trixie and Pinkie Pie immediately walked up and stood by the rest of the group that was headed to Canterlot.

“Pinkie, Trixie?” Danged Spell said. “What’s going on?”

“Well the Great and Powerful Trixie would want to see her Glimglam once more,” Trixie said, stomping her hoof in anticipation. “And cheer up her Great and Powerful Princess Wanda.”

“Trixie’s right,” Pinkie PIe said. “I’m not going to let Wanda suffer like that. She needs a friend close to her and I’m the pony to do it.”

“Pinkie,” Maud Pie said. “Should I tell Mr and Mrs Cake about this?”

“Do more than that, Maud,” Pinkie Pie said. “Go tell mom and dad about this. They’ll understand.”

“Will do,” Maud nodded.

“So,” Firelight Glimmer said. “Now that we’re all set, how do we activate the portal to Canterlot?”

Everyone just went up and murmured to each other as if they had no idea.

“Honestly,” Starseeker said, “I’ve only seen Princess Celestia do it. But I don’t know how it works.”

“Allow me.” Everyone turned to the crystal attached to the arch where Eleanor Young stood there, waving to the group.

“May I ask who that is?” Starseeker asked.

“Ooooh, I believe her name is Eleanor and she’s supposed to be some kind of guardian angel,” Pinkie Pie said. “I would state more, but I don’t want to give anything else away.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “I’m with you on that. Besides, I think I’ve seen her before.”

“So Eleanor,” Firelight said. “You said you know about this?”

“I do,” Eleanor said. “And it’s as simple as this.”

Eleanor Young placed her hand out and fired a blast of magic at the crystal connected to the arch. Immediately, the portal materialized in the middle of the arch until it covered up the interior of the arch.

“Well,” Firelight Glimmer said. “This is it. And thanks for your help.”

The only thing Eleanor could do was nod at the group with a smile on her face.

“What are we waiting for?” Danged Spell said. “Let’s head back to Canterlot and save Wanda from being enrolled at Daisy Joy Tech.”

With that, Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer, Trixie and Pinkie Pie all leaped into the portal and disappeared. Moments later, the vortex shrunk down and vanished without a trace, leaving the other ponies and Eleanor by themselves. Dream Seeker reached out towards the arch and a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Well,” Fortwright said. “They’re gone. And it looks like our trip to the Everfree Forest has been canceled for now.”

“Yeah,” Sunspot said. “I’m going to have to have a word with you about that. I know you wanted to keep your son protected, but not like that.”

“I don’t know how they found out about our plans for today,” Shanoa said. “After all, we only told Granny Smith about our plans yesterday and…”

Shanoa paused for a bit before she turned to Granny Smith, who looked even more nervous.

“Granny Smith,” Shanoa said. “Did you tell them about our plans?”


“Wait,” Sunspot said. “You mean to tell me that their parents all knew they were going down to the Everfree Forest?”

“Well I’ll be darned,” Stellar Flare said with a laugh. “Here I wonder why I didn’t get any news about it from Granny Smith, or her family.”

“Because by the time we reached your houses, you were all fast asleep,” Granny Smith cried. “I’m sorry we couldn’t wake you up like that.”

Sunspot just hung his head down before walking down the street.

“Honey,” Stellar Flare said. “Where are you going?”

“I was thinking about a punishment for Sunburst,” Sunspot said. “But after what I heard, I dunno what else to say.”

As Sunspot and Stellar Flare walked away, Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light just stared at them with the others gathered around the couple.

“I know this sounds hypocritical,” Crescent Eclipse said. “But now I wanna go down and explore this Everfree Forest. See if it’s as mysterious as the stars in the sky.”

“What would Moondancer say if she found out we went into the forest without her?” Artemis Light asked.

“We’ll let her off the hook,” Crescent Eclipse said. “For now.”

But nearby, Applejack placed her hoof on Granny Smith as Rarity walked up to her.

“Do you think your folks will be alright after today?” Rarity asked.

“They will,” Applejack said. “Though I hope that Firelight and the others will save Wanda from her fate at who knows where.”

But as the ponies gazed away from the arch, Eleanor looked up at it with worry in her eyes.

“Perhaps I may have to return to Canterlot and reveal who I really am to Wanda,” Eleanor said to herself.

To Be Continued in….

Arc 21: A Friend in Need

The Healing Powers of a Friend

Author's Note:

The whole idea of the Everfree Forest was just something that popped in my head. I dunno if we will re-explore the place in this Saga. But it is something to keep in mind.

The next arc will be the last major focus of Firelight Glimmer as he returns to Canterlot to set right to what once went wrong. And boy am I going to make it a bit cathartic.

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