• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 26-4: A Heroic Confrontation

A Heroic Confrontation

Princess Celestia flew above the skies of San Di’Neigno towards Mount Aris. Right beside her were a huge number of pegasi soldiers that were armed to the teeth.

“Any sign of the changelings or the Windigo’s Guild?” Princess Celestia asked.

“None at all,” One of the soldiers said. “Not even a sign of your daughter, Princess Wanda Young.”

“Keep searching,” Princess Celestia said. “Queen Novo told us about their invasion and about how her daughter took Wanda. I am going to have a word with her when this is over.”

Suddenly, one of the soldiers looked down at Mount Aris and saw a number of cultists, changelings and hippogriffs crowded together with Cecaelia Queen Chrysalis on top. But when he looked around the group, he saw the Debt Collectors surround them with Sea Pony Gold Banks glaring down at the captured ground.

“We found them, your majesty,” one of the Pegasi soldiers said. “But I’m afraid Gold Banks got to all of them, and she’s taken on the form of a sea pony.”

Princess Celestia looked down from above and saw Wanda crying on top of the unconscious Princess Skystar within the group of changelings, cultists and hippogriffs.

“You’re right,” Princess Celestia said. “I also see my daughter with Princess Skystar. And it looks like…Skystar has been badly hurt.”

“What are your orders, your majesty?” Another Pegasi soldier asked.

“They haven’t noticed us yet,” PRincess Celestia said. “Launch a preemptive strike towards Gold Banks. She’ll pay for what she did.”

With that, Princess Celestia flew down towards Gold Banks with her pegasi guards flying in formation.

Down at the bottom of Mount Aris, the Debt Collectors pointed their tridents at the cultists, changelings and hippogriffs. General Seaspray stood by his troops, holding his shield in front. Queen Chrysalis stood atop the three armies and civilians keeping her eyes out on the soldiers. Crystal Snow directed her magic towards the wound on Queen Novo’s leg. Inferno, Quickstrike, Waspinator, Locust, Princess Chrysalis II and Coldnelius Snap kept their eyes on the advancing soldiers. Mr and Mrs Ladybug held Ocellus and Silverstream close. And Wanda cried on the unconscious Skystar, all while Gold Banks hovered over her new hostages.

“So sad, so desperate,” Gold Banks laughed. “And you all have no hope left.”

“You have a lot of nerve to treat us this way,” Queen Chrysalis snarled.

“Oh but I do,” Gold Banks said, floating towards Queen Chrysalis. “I remember the humiliation that you and Coldnelius Snap gave to me at the Grand Gallopin Gala. Well how does it feel for you and your boyfriend to have the tables turned on you?”

“DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT,” Queen Chrysalis shouted as she charged up magic in her horn.

But all Gold Banks did was touch her hoof on one of Chrysalis’ tentacles. In a flash, Fire Nag miasma flowed through Queen Chrysalis, nullifying her magic and causing her to scream in pain. As soon as Gold Banks pulled her hoof off, Queen Chrysalis grabbed her tentacle and held it closely.

“That’s just a small sample of what the Alicorn Amulet can do,” Gold Banks said. “And your desire for revenge against me will be worthless compared to how invincible I am.”

As Queen Chrysalis glared helplessly at Gold Banks, the sea pony directed her gaze towards Mermaid Wanda Young, who was crying atop the unconscious Princess Skystar.

“Well well well,” Gold Banks said. “It seems the Man’s Cub is not paying me any respect at all. Oh well.”

Gold Banks held her hoof out as her amulet glowed brightly, surrounding Wanda in an aura. Wanda screamed loudly as she was pulled up to Gold Banks, where she stared at her helplessly.

Gold Banks held her hoof back and said “One good round of discipline deserves another.”

And with that, Gold Banks slapped Wanda across the face, much to the horror of every changeling, every cultist and every hippogriff. The tears in Wanda’s eyes built up even more as she cried even louder.


“Flattery will get you nowhere,” Gold Banks said, holding the crying Wanda by her. “She has no one left to save her, and her mother will surrender her kingdom for her and your safety. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

Suddenly, the sound of Princess Celestia screaming “GOLD BANKS” echoed through the air. When Gold Banks looked up, she was hit in the face by a blast of magic, knocking her down and releasing her hold on Wanda. The mermaid man’s cub flew into the scream, screaming loudly and helplessly, until Princess Celestia flew out of the sky and grabbed Wanda with her magic.

“Princess Celestia,” Queen Novo said as her wound began to shrink down. “You made it.”

Up in the air, Wanda looked up at Princess Celestia, who levitated her human daughter with her alicorn magic. A number of Pegasi Guards flew past Princess Celestia in an instant while Wanda saw the eyes of her adopted mother.

“MOMMY!” Wanda cried as she gave Princess Celestia a hug, crying right into her chest.

“It’s okay, my darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “I’m here.”

As Wanda held onto Princess Celestia in the sky, Gold Banks glared up at the alicorn, her amulet glowing brightly.

“You dare to interrupt my moment, Princess?” Gold Banks snarled. “Very well. If I can’t ransom your daughter for your kingdom, then you shall join the hostages.”

Suddenly, Queen Chrysalis fired a blast of magic right at Gold Banks, knocking her down. The impact was enough to catch Celestia and Wanda’s attention as she flew down next to the hippogriffs, changelings and cultists, just as the Debt Collectors backed off a bit, pointing their tridents at the entire group.

“I never thought I’d say this,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But I’m glad to see you, Princess Celestia.”

“The feeling’s mutual, Queen Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia said. “Though I’m surprised that you took on that form.”

“What can I say?” Queen Chrysalis said. “It’s all the rage.”

As Queen Novo slowly got up, she walked over to Princess Celestia and said “I’m sorry we had to meet on these horrible terms, old friend.”

“It’s okay,” Princess Celestia said. “I didn’t expect Gold Banks to pull a stunt like this.”

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Will you please get that mean ol Banks away?”

“I will,” Princess Celestia said. “But you need to go with Queen Novo and get off this island. Queen Chrysalis, Coldnelius Snap and I will hold Banks off.”

“But mommy,” Wanda cried.

“Don’t worry,” Celestia said with a smirk. “I’ll make sure Gold Banks suffers for her crimes.”

Coldnelius Snap walked up next to Princess Celestia before turning towards his daughter Crystal Snow.

“Look after the Man’s Cub,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Keep her protected.”

“Yes, father,” Crystal Snow said.

Crystal Snow picked up the unconscious Princess Skystar and placed her gently atop Queen Novo’s back before securing her in place with an ice cuff. She ran up to Princess Celestia, who levitated Wanda off her and placed her on the Winterian’s back.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Be careful.”

“OH be careful indeed,” Gold Banks yelled. “Lest you forget that I have you all surrounded. There is nowhere to go.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Princess Celestia said. “But not for long.”

With that, Princess Celestia turned around before she fired a blast of magic at a group of Debt Collectors. The resulting explosion knocked the grunts out of the way, and knocked them out.

“NOW GO!” Princess Celestia shouted. “GET TO SAFETY!”

Wanda held on tight to Crystal Snow as she and Princess Chrysalis II turned tail and ran down the bridge between Mount Aris and the mainland with a number of Debt Collectors firing at them. Locust, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator took to the air and fired right at the Debt Collectors, who turned their weapons right back at the four changelings. Down below, General Seaspray led the combined forces of the Windigo’s Guild, changelings and hippogriffs right behind Crystal Snow and Princess Chrysalis II.


“YEE HAW!” Quickstrike said, firing right at one of the guards and knocking him out. “IT FEELS GREAT TO BLAST THESE VARMINTS TO SMITHEREENS!”

“Keep at it,” Locust yelled. “Make these monsters pay, dearly.”

“No need to remind Waspinator,” Waspinator said, firing a few shots from his horn. “Waspinator knows what to do. Waspinator has plans.”

As one of Waspinator’s shots hits the trident of another Debt Collector, it goes completely critical and explodes, shocking its owner with Fire Nag miasma. The grunt collapsed on the floor before his coat and mane desaturated and his cosmic core flew off.

“Nice shot, brother,” Quickstrike cheered.

“Waspinator may be retreating,” Waspinator cackled. “But at least Waspinator rules.”

As the Predacons followed Mermaid Wanda Young, Crystal Snow and Princess Chrysalis II from behind with General Seaspray and the combined forces following in pursuit, Queen Novo led the hippogriff civilians through with the unconscious Skystar on her back. Mr and Mrs Ladybug held Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream close to them as they made their way alongside the other hippogriffs.

“I am going to miss Mount Aris,” Queen Novo cried.

“I know,” Mrs Ladybug said, holding Baby Ocellus close to her. “We all are.”

As nearly every changeling, every cultist and every hippogriff made their way off of Mount Aris and towards the mainland, Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis, Coldnelius Snap and a number of Equestria Pegasi guards stood firm against Gold Banks, while her Debt Collectors rallied around her.

“Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “You are charged with kidnapping my daughter and her friends, inciting two mobs towards Canterlot and La Maresa, and intentional genocide towards the Winterians, the Changelings and the Hippogriffs. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I’d say I didn’t go far enough, princess,” Gold Banks said. “But as long as I am all-powerful, I am judge, jury, and executioner. And my judgment towards you and your new allies, is a permanent loss of your FREEDOMS!”

With that, Gold Banks fired off a blast of Fire Nag miasma at Princess Celestia, who immediately jumped out of the way before she flew up into the air. Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis jumped out of the way before pointing their horns at sea pony Gold Banks.

“JUDGE THIS!” Queen Chrysalis shouted before she and Coldnelius Snap fired magic right at Gold Banks.

But Gold Banks raised up a shield consisting of Fire Nag Miasma, blocking both the changeling magic and the winterian magic. She turned her attention towards Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap, who stood up to her.

“Your magic means nothing to me,” Gold Banks laughed. “I possess the power of Fire Nag miasma. I am invincible.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia fired a blast of magic at Gold Banks, knocking her down. Celestia flew down above Gold Banks, pinning her arms to the ground.

“You’re not the only one who can master the power of Fire Nag magic, Banks,” Princess Celestia said as her horn glowed a bright red-orangish. “In fact, mine is not as lethal as what you can do.”

“That is your biggest mistake,” Gold Banks snarled as her amulet glowed a bright blue.

Gold Banks pointed her horn at Princess Celestia and fired a blast of ice magic at her, knocking her down to the ground. Gold Banks gloated as Celestia slowly got up.

“Do you see now?” Gold Banks laughed. “This is the power of the Alicorn Amulet. None of you are capable of…”

Suddenly, Queen Chrysalis grabbed Gold Banks with one of her tentacles and slammed her onto the ground before tossing her into the air. Coldnelius Snap leaped upwards and fired a blast of ice magic right at Gold Banks, freezing her in place.

“SHUT UP!” Queen Chrysalis yelled as Gold Banks fell to the ground.

On impact, the ice that surrounded Gold Banks shattered to pieces. Gold Banks slowly got herself up before she turned her attention towards the trio.

“You dare to interrupt my speech,” Gold Banks yelled as Fire Nag magic flowed from her amulet. She turned towards her shock troops and shouted “MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR THIS!”

Immediately, the Debt Collector grunts charged towards Celestia, Chrysalis and Snap, pointing their tridents at the trio.

“Royal Guards, counter them,” Celestia ordered.

Immediately, the pegasi soldiers flew towards the Debt Collectors before clashing against them. The shields of the pegasi held back against the tridents of the Debt Collectors.

“Don’t give them an inch,” Celestia commanded. “Hold them back.”

But immediately, Gold Banks flew towards Princess Celestia and grabbed her, sending her upwards into the air.

“You think you can best me, Princess?” Gold Banks laughed. “Let me show you how helpless you truly are.”

With that, a powerful red orangish aura surrounded Gold Banks before it flowed right into Princess Celestia. The alicorn princess screamed loudly as the aura burned within her as Gold Banks flew upwards.

“You sick…twisted…monster,” Celestia screamed.

“Get used to it,” Gold Banks said. “You’ll be enduring this pain long after I put you in a cell in Tartarus.”

“This pain is…means nothing….compared to what…you did….to my daughter,” Princess Celestia said as she felt the surge of fire nag energy flow through her.

“Such heroic nonsense,” Gold Banks yelled.

Suddenly, Coldnelius Snap flew upwards in the air, his robe discarded, his wings extended out. He transformed into a windigo and flew towards Gold Banks before hitting her with a powerful blast of cold ice. The impact caused Gold Banks to scream in pain before she lost her grip on Princess Celestia.

As Gold Banks fell downwards towards the ground, Coldnelius Snap immediately grabbed a nearly unconscious Princess Celestia. With a cold aura that surrounded him, Coldnelius Snap touched Princess Celestia on the forehead, cooling her body and allowing her to regain full consciousness.

“What happened?” Celestia asked. “Where’s Banks?”

“I knocked her out of the sky, Princess,” Coldnelius Snap explained.

Celestia immediately tumbled out of Coldnelius Snap’s arms before she flew downwards towards Gold Banks. Snap flew down after Celestia, keeping his focus on the sea pony tyrant. Gold Banks looked up at both ponies before charging up the magic in her amulet.

“You know nothing of the true power of the Alicorn Amulet,” Gold Banks yelled. “It has the powers of the Winterians, the Changelings, the Fire Nags, and even…”

But as Gold Banks spoke, one of Queen Chrysalis’ tentacles reached out and grabbed Gold Banks, pulling her down at breakneck speed. The rogue bureaucrat screamed in agony before she was slammed on the ground.

“I’ve about had it with your self-centered speeches, Banks,” Queen Chrysalis snapped as she stood over Gold Banks.

“And I’ve about had it with your visage,” Gold Banks snarled.

Queen Chrysalis swung her tentacles into the air before she flung them down at Gold Banks. But before she could hit the sea pony, Gold Banks charged up her amulet and fired a shot of Fire Nag magic right in her face, knocking the cecaelia changeling to the side before she hit the ground. Immediately, Gold Banks got up on her fish tail before she levitated herself towards Queen Chrysalis.

“As much as I want to finish you off,” Gold Banks said, “I plan on making you suffer.”

The amulet around Gold Banks’ neck glowed brightly as Gold Banks touched the tentacles of Queen Chrysalis. Ice formed around her eight limbs, binding them tight. Gold Banks even froze Chrysalis’ horn with her magic.

Immediately, Gold Banks turned towards the heavens and saw Celestia and Snap dive towards her, charging up their horns. Gold Banks laughed out loud before facing the two and charging up her amulet with green magic.

“I’ve tested out Fire Nag and Winterian magic,” Gold Banks laughed. “Now it’s time to test out Changeling magic.”

Gold Banks pointed her horn at Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap before firing at the duo. Celestia and Snap resorted to combining a shield spell in an attempt to block the blast of magic. But when the changeling magic hit the shield, it detonated, sending the two falling down before they landed next to Queen Chrysalis.

“I win,” Gold Banks laughed. “I may not have that man’s cub. But the Princess of the Sun, the leader of the Windigo’s Guild and the Queen of the changelings will suffice. And soon, Equestria will be mine.”

As Gold Banks gloated, Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap slowly got up. Snap noticed the ice that formed around Queen Chrysalis’ tentacles.

“Can’t…transform..back,” Queen Chrysalis said in agony.

“Allow me to break the ice,” Coldnelius Snap said.

But when Coldnelius Snap placed his hoof on the ice that held down Chrysalis’ tentacles, it burned him on the hoof, causing him to yell in pain as he pulled his hoof back.

“What kind of sick, twisted abomination is this?” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“Why, it’s a mixture of fire nag miasma and windigo ice,” Gold Banks cackled. “The advantage of the Alicorn Amulet. I can mix spells together and create something new. With my new amulet, every race across this planet will bow to my will.”

Princess Celestia slowly got up before she approached Coldnelius Snap.

“Snap,” Celestia said. “If we combine our magic, we can break the ice that’s trapping Chrysalis’ limbs.”

“I’m with you on that,” Coldnelius Snap said.

But as Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap charged up their horns, a small haze of red-orangish miasma surrounded Celestia, Snap and Chrysalis, causing them to scream in pain. Celestia and Cinch slowly collapsed as Gold Banks held her hooves out, emitting more of the miasma towards the three adversaries.

“There’s only a small amount of Fire Nag miasma to weaken you,” Gold Banks laughed. “After I get done with you, I’ll go after every changeling, every winterian, every hippogriff and sea pony, and especially that mary sue of a child Wanda.”

“You will never take Wanda away from me, ever again,” Celestia shouted.

“You can take her to the far ends of this planet, or even to another dimension,” Gold Banks said. “But no matter what you do, I will find her, and I will take her back to Daisy Joy Tech. I will make her as miserable as possible for my own amusement.”

Those words caused Princess Celestia to pause for a moment and reflect on what Gold Banks said.

“She’s right,” Princess Celestia said to herself as tears formed in her eyes. “Gold Banks has become so powerful, that she could even take Wanda away from me for good. I don’t know if Wanda can afford to stay in Equestria.”

Suddenly, a pegasi soldier flew up in the air and bit right into Gold Banks’ tail. She screamed loud enough that the miasma flowing from her horn disappeared, allowing Celestia and Snap to get up.

“NOW!” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “SHATTER THE ICE AROUND CHRYSALIS!”

Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap charged up their horns together before they fired their combined magic right at the ice binding Queen Chrysalis, shattering it to pieces. Immediately, Queen Chrysalis got up on her eight octopus limbs and turned her attention towards Gold Banks.

“You will pay for your sick, twisted view, Banks,” Queen Chrysalis shouted.

But before Chrysalis could charge up the magic in her horn, Gold Banks pulled the pegasi soldier off her tail and zapped him with magic. The lone soldier screamed loudly before Banks threw him on the ground. As the soldier’s coat and mane desaturated and his cosmic core ejected from his corpse, sea pony Gold Banks turned her attention to Queen Chrysalis.

“This ends NOW!” Gold Banks shouted.

Gold Banks levitated into the air before her amulet charged up. She flew downwards and slammed her hoof onto the ground, created a powerful shockwave that extended across the land, knocking down pegasi soldiers, Queen Chrysalis, Coldnelius Snap and Princess Celestia.

“Now you see that I am the most powerful being in Equestria,” Gold Banks said as she pulled herself back up in the air. “And my beauty will serve as an example of what Equestria should be. After all, I am here to Make Equestria Great Again.”

Princess Celestia got up and turned to her right. Many of her guards pulled back from the Debt Collectors, but a couple were shot in the back by the private army’s tridents, causing them to collapse onto the ground before their coats and manes desaturated and their cosmic cores flew off.

“Our troops are dying because of this madness,” Princess Celestia said. “We must retreat.”

Queen Chrysalis looked at Gold Banks, who stood gloating in the air. The cecaelia changeling queen looked down at her own hooves as she struggled to catch her breath.

“I hate…to agree with you,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But I understand…why.”

“Let us fall back, this instant,” Coldnelius Snap said.

With that, Queen Chrysalis grabbed three of the fallen Pegasi soldiers with her magic and took off towards the bridge to the mainland. Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap extended their wings out and flew off from the foot of Mount Aris, with the remaining pegasi soldiers following from behind. The Debt Collectors rallied around Gold Banks, as she lowered herself down near the surface.

“My lady,” one of the grunts said. “What should we do about those three?”

“Let them go for now,” Gold Banks said. “They’re only delaying the inevitable.”

Immediately, Grand Philosopher emerged from the water, having taken the form of a cecaelia. He walked up to Gold Banks on his own tentacles.

“My lady,” Grand Philosopher said. “While you were dealing with the three armies, I located the entrance to the secret world of the hippogriffs. The magic is now yours to claim.”

“Excellent,” Gold Banks laughed. “But it’s a shame that you missed out on the fun. Princess Celestia tried to intervene, and she lost, even with the help of Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap.”

“Maybe next time I will get to see more of your Alilcorn Amulet in action,” Grand Philosopher said. “Now come with me. I wish to show you the hidden world under Seaquestria, where you can become stronger than ever.”

“Oooh I can’t wait,” Gold Banks said in anticipation. “Lead on.”

To Be Continued in…

A Mermaid’s Remorse

Author's Note:

THIS is the reason why I Chose to extend the arc by one part: Princess Celestia, Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis fighting against a superpowered Gold Banks. And don't think this is the last time we'll see Celestia and Banks fight each other.

The next part will conclude the arc. And then we'll have only 4 more arcs left.(With the final arc being a long one)

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