• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 16-2:The calm before the Windigo’s Storm

The calm before the Windigo’s Storm

“So it’s bad back at Canterlot?”

Those words came from Sunburst as he sat next to Moondancer in the secret wing of the Ruby Library, looking down at a video tablet with Applejack and Rarity on it.

“Rainbow Dash and Spitfire came back to report about a train that derailed thanks to the winter storm,” Applejack said. “There were a number of refugees from La Maresa that needed a bowl of soup.”

“And I’m watching over Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara,” Rarity said. “With help from Snips and Snails.”

“Sounds like it’s getting worse before it gets better,” Moondancer said. “I hope you two are taking it carefully.”

“We’re trying as best as we can,” Applejack said. “But with more problems going out in Equestria, I think you hit the bullseye with that statement.”

“There was also the deal about four colts that Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Captain Airazor found,” Rarity stated.

“Four colts?” Sunburst asked.

“Yeah,” Applejack said. “Somehow, according to Rainbow Dash, they snuck onto the train when no one saw them and hid out until the train was knocked off. They turned out to be the colts who took over that blasted Coltsom Detention Facility. The Wonderbolts escorted them along with a number of ponies to Canterlot. But the moment they stepped hoof onto the city grounds, they made a run for it. The snow made it impossible to catch up to them. So that’s a bummer.”

“Well I hope they’re alright,” Moondancer said. “No one deserves to die in that kind of colt.”

“No doubt about it,” Applejack replied.

“By the way,” Rarity said. “Where is Wanda?”

“You just missed her,” Sunburst said. “Wanda left for the Emerald Woods with Sunset, Abigail, Danged Spell and Starlight.”

“But isn’t Starlight afraid of pigs?” Applejack asked.

“She is,” Moondancer said. “But they’re all pitching in to keep the pigs out. Shining Armor is building a wall of some sort to keep the pigs out. Danged Spell said he wants to stand guard with his Wolf’s Breath curse to scare them off.”

“Well not to channel Danged Spell’s use of puns,” Applejack said. “But he sure likes to hog the moment.”

Those words caused Sunburst and Moondancer to break out into laughter. Rarity even broke out into a giggle.

“Well as much as we want to laugh out loud,” Rarity giggled, “I’m afraid our break is about to run out. So we better get going.”

“You take care,” Sunburst said before the image of Applejack and Rarity disappeared from the screen.

Moondancer placed the screen of the video tablet down on the table’s surface before letting out a big sigh.

“Something up?” Sunburst asked.

“I’m beginning to wonder if the snowstorm back in Equestria is going to get worse,” Moondancer said. “It’s as if it were powered by Windigo magic.”

“Oh that’s a scary thought,” Sunburst said. “In fact, I still have nightmares about the Windigo’s Guild since both the Ponyville Providence Fair and the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“Let’s just hope that this isn’t the worst case scenario,” Moondancer said. “That this is nothing more than a powerful winter storm that will ease in the coming days.”

“I hope you’re right,” Sunburst said.

Meanwhile, deep within the Emerald Woods at the open area called Lost, Shining Armor had built a giant fence out of wood. There were some stones stacked up on the back of the fence. Inside the perimeter, Princess Cadance nodded at the fence with a sense of satisfaction on her face, while Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail looked after Starlight Glimmer, who had a cautious look on her face. Nearby, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Golden Lace and Juniper Montage looked eager to begin their activities, with the tents and sleeping bags set up once more, and a new campfire lit up in the center of the area. Juniper held up her smartphone, aiming the camera lens at her friends.

“There,” Shining Armor said, placing the last stone in place. “That should hold em.”

“But what about getting out?” Ditzy Doo asked.

“If you all need to escape,” Princess Cadance said, “We have a gate installed at the front with a latch to lock and unlock it.”

“Neat idea, sis,” Wanda said. “Even for those who can’t fly out.”

“So what do you think?” Shining Armor asked. “Will this keep those oinkers away?”

“I hope so,” Starlight Glimmer said. “The last thing I need is to be crushed under a pig’s butt.”

“Don’t you worry,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We’re not going to let any pig get through that fence.”

“All this over pigs?” Juniper asked.

“Starlight’s got Swinophobia,” Princess Cadance explained. “If she sees a pig, she freaks out.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “The last thing we need is for them to hog our campsite. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” Every youngling sans Starlight yelled before bursting into laughter.

Danged Spell just looked around and said with a smug smile on his face “Someone had to brighten up the mood. But at least we don’t have those oinkers to worry about.”

Suddenly, the sound of pigs oinking filled the air surrounding Lost. Starlight’s ears picked it up, causing her to scream a bit before leaping into Wanda’s arms.

“PIGS!” Starlight cried. “THEY’RE HERE!”

“It’s okay,” Wanda said, hugging Starlight. “We won’t let those pigs bother you.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “As a matter of fact, will you excuse me?”

Danged Spell leaped onto the stones placed next to the fence before leaping over it. The moment he landed outside of the perimeter, he saw three pigs looking up at the fence while struggling to reach upwards.

“I found your pig problem,” Danged Spell said. “And they’re trying to get in.”

“Scare them off,” Starlight cried from behind the fence.

Danged Spell turned his attention towards the pigs before he started barking right at them, all while his eyes remained normal.

“Spell,” Trixie said. “Don’t just pretend to bark. Go into your Wolf’s Breath and scare those pigs away for Glimglam’s sake.”

But Danged Spell did not respond to Trixie’s words despite hearing them. He marched forward towards the pigs, barking loudly at them and startling the hogs.

“Shoo shoo,” Danged Spell said. “Go away. Leave us alone.”

The pigs immediately turned tail and ran off into the forest, leaving Danged Spell standing there with a smug look on his face. He looked up to see Juniper Montage point her camera at him and gave a wink to the filly with glasses.

“I’m ready for my close up, Mr Devill,” Danged Spell said with a smirk on his face.

Juniper Montage peeked out from behind her phone and just giggled as Danged Spell leaped onto the fence and jumped back into the enclosure.

“So,” Trixie said. “Did you scare those nasty pigs away from poor Glimglam?”

“Sure did,” Danged Spell said. “But I’m surprised that they ran off like that over me pretending to be a dog.”

“Aww couldn’t you just lead them out of this place instead of scaring them off?” Ditzy Doo asked, flying up to Danged Spell. “After all, they’re a bunch of cuties.”

“You know I’m not the pony who takes chances, Ditzy,” Danged Spell said.

“Spell’s right,” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up to Ditzy Doo. “Until Starlight gets over her fear of those oinkers, we’re going to have to send them off.”

Ditzy Doo just hung her head down in disappointment from Pinkie Pie’s words.

“But I wanted to play with the pigs,” Ditzy said.

“But there are plenty of animals in the forest that are so cute and cuddly,” Fluttershy said as a bunny hopped nearby and rubbed up against her arm. “It doesn’t just have to be pigs. It can be rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, or even kitty cats.”

As Wanda sat down, Abigail jumped onto her lap and looked up at her human friend. Wanda gently rubbed Abigail on the head, causing the kitten to purr.

“Yeah,” Wanda said, massaging Abigail’s head. “Take little Abby here. You, sis, and Danged Spell remembered when we rescued her from those crows, right?”

“And it was Wanda who healed her back to health,” Sunset said. “Though she did collapse after doing just that.”

“I also remember that day as well,” Princess Cadance said. “Wanda gave us a shock when she fell down after using her magic to heal Abigail. It also showed why she doesn’t use her magic as often because it wears her out.”

“And not to mention Wanda screeching out in pain when Rainbow Dash performs a Sonic Rainboom,” Pinkie Pie said. “Amazing what limits our human friend has, much like how you have limits.”

“Me?” Starlight said as Pinkie Pie pointed her hoof at her.

“And back then,” Golden Lace said, “I was once the biggest bully of the School for Gifted Unicorns, trying to fit in to be like my mother. It took Queen Novo’s words to open up my eyes to how wrong I was, combined with the fact that I no longer see my mother that high on the pedestal.”

“Guess we all have come a long way,” Starlight said. “Back then, I was eager to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns alongside Sunburst. To learn new spells, and to become one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria.”

“And even the most powerful pony can have her own fears,” Princess Cadance said. “Not just a silly one like chickens, but also one other fear.”

“What kind of fear is that?” Starlight asked.

Princess Cadance walked up to Starlight Glimmer and said “The fear that something bad would happen to her three adopted children, or to all of Equestria.”

“Oh dear,” Starlight replied. “She fears for all of us?”

“Mommy does,” Wanda said as she held Abigail before standing up. “And I also have a deeper fear of my own: Losing all of you and losing my mommy.”

“Was it because Queen Chrysalis almost killed Princess Celestia?” Juniper Montage asked.

“It was,” Sunset Shimmer replied. “When I saw Queen Chrysalis carrying what I thought was my dead adopted mother, I freaked out because I thought she was gone for good. And truth be told, I didn’t know what to say when I saw the deed. In fact, I also nearly lost Princess Luna when that monster struck her down.”

“I remember seeing that,” Princess Cadance said. “To think that Queen Chrysalis could gaslight my little sister into thinking she would end up a pariah because of what happened to mother.”

“What matters was that Twili was able to send her packing,” Shining Armor said, stomping his hoof on the ground. “You recall when she used a power within her to best that witch.”

“Honestly, I was surprised when something within Twilight was able to take down Queen Chrysalis in one blow,” Sunset Shimmer said, “It was as if she had this kind of power within her. But I digress. Too much of this is blowing my mind away. We should just relax and enjoy the moment.”

“You know what?” Princess Cadance said as she pulled out some skewers with Marshmallows on the tips. “You’re absolutely right.”

Princess Cadance threw the skewers in the air, awing the younglings. When they all fell, they landed around the campfire in a perfect formation. Princess Cadance then brushed her hooves with a smirk on her face.

“This never gets old,” Princess Cadance replied.

“If Twili saw that,” Shining Armor said with a smirk, “She would make you her favorite princess.”

Later on, the marshmallows were already cooked to a golden brown. Each and every pony pulled their skewer out and laid their respective marshmallow onto a layer of graham crackers and chocolate before placing one on top in the form of s’more. Wanda had placed two marshmallows on separate piles of graham crackers and chocolate before placing another graham cracker on and giving one of the two s'mores to Abigail.

“S’more?” Abigail asked.

“Yes Abby,” Wanda said. “Big sister taught us about these delicious goodies. And they are oh so good.”

Abigail bit into the s’more and chewed for a bit before swallowing. Her face lit up by the taste of the snack.

“Good,” Abigail cheered.

“What I’d tell ya, Abby?” Wanda said.

But as Wanda rubbed Abigail on the head, she looked up at the sky, and her smile turned into a frown.

“Wanda,” Golden Lace said. “Are you alright?”

Wanda let out a sigh and said “No. Truth be told, I do worry for the refugees in Canterlot.”

Wanda’s words caught the attention of everyone around her, especially Princess Cadance, who turned towards her younger sister.

“Is it because Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spitfire decided to go help them back in Canterlot?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Not just that,” Wanda said. “I did recall that Applejack was worried about her own family, like I do worry about mine.”

“I think for you sis,” Sunset said. “Worrying has become an integral part of you.”

“It has?” Wanda asked.

“Yeah,” Sunset replied. “It’s a part of who you are. You worry for those who are in need of help.”

“And yet,” Wanda said, “There is a part of me that wished I went with Applejack and the others back to Canterlot. Because I don’t like how they are all suffering there. Especially those three colts.”

“You mean Hoops, Dumbbell and Score?” Ditzy asked. “The ones you made to attend your birthday party?”

“Yes,” Wanda said. “No matter what they did in the past, they don’t deserve to suffer in the cold. Them and that scary bulldog.”

“You’re talking about the dog that kept trying to eat you and Sunset,” Fluttershy asked.

“Even though that dog scares me,” Wanda said, “I still worry for its well-being. In fact, I don’t want it to die in the cold, just like how I don’t want the refugees to die.”

“I don’t know what you can do about it,” Danged Spell said. “Even with my Wolf’s Breath Curse, I would still be struggling to help ponies out.”

“Still,” Sunset said. “It wouldn’t hurt to at least give those ponies, even that bulldog, a chance to have a sign of hope. Maybe tomorrow, we should go give them a hoof. What do you all say?”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor turned towards each other and whispered, causing some curiosity among the younglings.

“What do you suppose is going on?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think it had to do with Wanda’s own personal worry,” Pinkie Pie said. “She’s a sweet girl and she also cares for those who need it. But I also think it’s because of our worries as well.”

“You mean towards the refugees of La Maresa?” Sonata Dusk asked.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “Every one of them.”

Immediately, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor turned back towards Wanda.

“Tell you what, sis,” Princess Cadance said. “Tomorrow morning, we can talk with our mother about your desire to help out the refugees of La Maresa.”

“Yeah,” Shining Armor said. “In fact, I think I might pitch in as well.”

“Really?” Wanda asked in a cheerful tone.

“I think we all might pitch in and help out the ponies of La Maresa,” Princess Cadance said. “They have a wonderful culture with their fair and their food. They deserve a leg up after all they’ve done for the ponies of Equestria.”

But before Wanda could speak, she heard the sound of bushes rustling nearby. It was enough to catch everyone’s attention, including Starlight Glimmer, who jumped right into Trixie’s arms.

“PIGS!” Starlight cried.

“Hey, easy Glimglam,” Trixie said. “We’re safe as long as we have this fence up.”

Danged Spell pointed his nose towards the west end of the encampment and his eyes glowed brightly. He growled as vicious as a wolf before he ran past the other younglings and jumped over the fence.

“Spell, wait,” Golden Lace yelled as Juniper Montage pointed her video camera at Danged Spell.

Once Spell got over the fence, he looked north towards some bushes that were rustling. His teeth lay bare as his snarl became scary.

“Spell,” Golden Lace said as she and Juniper Montage looked over the fence.

But as Spell growled at the bushes, a few rabbits jumped out and looked up at the colt. Spell’s growl disappeared as the rabbits jumped towards him.

“It’s only rabbits,” Juniper Montage said. “But at the same time, I was amazed at what Danged Spell has.”

“It’s called the Wolf’s Breath Curse,” Golden Lace explained. “Some unicorns were born with this curse and it often happens in the face of danger. Danged Spell is a prime example of this curse, but he uses it for noble purposes.”

But as the rabbits jumped towards Spell’s arm and rubbed up against it, Spell’s eyes somehow returned to normal, much to his confusion.

“This is strange,” Danged Spell said. “For some reason, my curse just wore off.”

Starlight Glimmer peeked her head out and saw Danged Spell with some rabbits nearby.

“Oh thank Celestia,” Starlight said with a relief. “I thought they were going to be pigs.”

But looking down at Spell, Starlight knew that there was some disappointment in the colt’s eyes.

“Spell,” Starlight said. “What happened? Where’s your wolf form?”

“It just went away,” Danged Spell said. “I don’t understand why.”

Spell just petted one of the rabbits on the head before turning towards the fence and jumping over it. Golden Lace, Juniper Montage and Starlight Glimmer jumped down and walked up to the disappointed Danged Spell.

“Your curse is gone?” Starlight asked.

“That’s rather surprising,” Golden Lace said. “Lately, you’ve forced yourself into your Wolf’s Breath curse to help us out, only to need Celestia’s help to remove it. Now it just disappeared like that?”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “I dunno why.”

“Maybe you look a little tired,” Shining Armor explained. “After all, it’s been a long day since Applejack and her friends went back to Canterlot.”

“Yeah,” Adagio Dazzle yawned. “I’m starting to feel a little tired.”

“Then let us finish up on our s’mores and head for our sleeping bags,” Princess Cadance said.

As Danged Spell walked back to his spot with a worried look on his face, Starlight returned to where Wanda, Sunset and Abigail were.

“Now I’m a little worried for Danged Spell,” Starlight said. “If he can’t maintain his curse, then how can he protect us?”

“I think he might be overreacting to the effects of the Golden Land,” Sunset explained. “It helped keep my demon form in check. And I think it helps Danged Spell keep his Wolf’s Breath curse in check so he doesn’t lose control.”

“But what if bad ponies were to get into this land?” Starlight asked.

“They won’t,” Wanda said. “Sure I’m worried about the ponies in Equestria. But here, you’re all safe from the winter winds. And mommy said it’s because of the magic of the Golden Land.”

“I hope you’re right,” Starlight said.

“For now,” Sunset said, “Let’s finish our s’mores and enjoy ourselves before we hit the hay.”

Starlight giggled as Sunset and Wanda snuggled up to their best friend, while Abigail continued to nibble on her s’more.

Meanwhile, back at the Ruby Library, Sunburst, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk have fallen asleep in their respective sleeping bags, with Luna napping nearby. But Argyle Starshine was up with a lit lantern next to him and his quill pen on the surface of his journal.

“There has been some tension in the air since Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Rarity left us for Canterlot,” Argyle wrote. “While the younglings enjoy themselves, some of them express concern about the ponies in Canterlot, with the winter winds picking up even more than it had. Reports of trains being derailed and ponies nearly freezing to death have been popping up across while we remain in the Golden Lands. Canterlot Castle is now a refugee shelter for the ponies who need it the most. There are reports of younglings helping out to make sure no one stays hungry or cold.”

Argyle dipped his pen into the inkwell before placing it back on the page.

“I also worry for my own family,” Argyle wrote. “Especially my mother and my sister. Not long ago before I took up my job as a teacher for Daisy Joy Tech, my father passed away from cancer after my graduation from earning my degree as a teacher. But with the job market in terms of teachers shrinking due to schools closing down, I was left with no option, but to work at the tech just to provide for my mother and sister. Now as I write this, I fear for their safety due to these winds, and I hope that one day, I could see them again.”

Argyle Starshine placed his pen back into the inkwell and sighed.

“Dear mother and sister,” Argyle said. “Please be safe.”

But nearby as Argyle placed his open book to the side, Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon were right next to Princess Celestia, looking down at one of the books.

“How do you think Starlight is doing with Wanda and the others?” Twilight asked.

“With word that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have set up a fence around Lost,” Princess Celestia said, “I’d say she’s doing just fine.”

“Well if it didn’t work,” Twilight said, “Wanda could bring her back here.”

“That’s true,” Princess Celestia said.

But Twilight’s eyes shifted from her book towards the ceiling.

“Dear Princess,” Twilight said. “Do you think the refugees of Canterlot will be okay?”

“I believe so,” Princess Celestia said. “This isn’t the first time we’ve had this kind of snowstorm in Equestrian history. But I believe in the faith of the ponies there.”

“Still,” Twilight said. “I think it would be a good idea for them to come to the Golden Land. That way, they can ride out the storm.”

“That might be something I’ve been considering,” Princess Celestia said. “If the storm gets worse, then I will let them come to the Golden Land.”

“That’s great, “Twilight said, only for Celestia to hush her.

“Not so loud, “Celestia said with a smile. “We don’t want to wake up the others.”

Twilight blushed and said “Oops. My bad.”

Spike looked up at Twilight and just giggled.

But back in Equestria atop the mountains, Coldnelius Snap transformed from his Windigo form and landed right on top. The other Windigos turned towards the cult leader and bowed before him.

“That’s right my fellow Windigos,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Thanks to that fool Gold Banks, Equestria will now suffer its permanent, world wide winter. Not a single place will be spared the cold touch of death. Not even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will hide from your wrath.”

The windigos chanted with glory, filling the air with their horrifying shreks, before taking off for the sky.

“Brace yourselves, My Little Ponies,” Coldnelius Snap said. “For you will beg for the mercy of winter’s cold embrace and will finally be forever at peace with your icy tombs. In the name of Queen Icelina, be forever frozen.”

And with that, Coldnelius Snap transformed back into a windigo and pursued his fellow ghostly horses, intensifying the winter winds that surround Equestria.

To Be Continued in…

Sympathy for a Beast

Author's Note:

So what do you suppose will happen next in the arc? Why does it mention a beast? And furthermore, will Argyle see his family again? Especially his mother and sister?

Stay tuned.

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