• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 26-2: Poor Unfortunate Souls

Poor Unfortunate Souls

A number of hippogriff guards stood firm against the invading changelings and Windigo’s Guild cultists. Though the invading forces continued to fire blasts of magic at the bird-like creatures, they held their ground, blocking the attacks with their shields. In front of his troops, General Seaspray held the line against the attacking forces while the Predacon Brothers pushed forward with their squad.

“You have the nerve to attack the very kingdom of the hippogriffs and our monarch, Queen Novo?” General Seaspray yelled. “I’ve seen better rats fight us than the likes of you.”

Inferno flew down to the face of General Seaspray and glared at him.

“You will not survive against the wrath of the royalty,” Inferno said before he breathed more fire at General Seaspray.

Immediately, the general held his shield up, blocking the fire that came out of his mouth.

“Your queen’s wrath?” General Seaspray laughed. “How pathetic. Who in their right minds could even be so stupid to confront us?”

Immediately, Coldenlius Snap flew down from the sky and landed in front of the hippogriffs, staring down at General Seaspray as Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator stood aside.

“We do,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Now stand aside, General.”

General Seaspray held up his shield before he said “Try it.”

Coldnelius Snap pointed his horn at General Seaspray’s shield before firing a shot of cold ice right at it. The shield froze for a moment before the ice shattered off of the surface.

“Cold resistant shields,” Coldnelius Snap said. “How clever.”

“We have been prepared for you since the Grand Gallopin Gala,” General Seaspray said. “Now back off from Mount Aris this instant.”

Coldnelius Snap turned around and said with an amused laugh “Oh I will. But it won’t be for long. If I can’t take this land by myself, then we will overpower you with our forces.”

With that, Coldnelius Snap flew off from the top of Mount Aris. General Seaspray directing his attention towards Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator, who charged at the defending hippogriff forces with an army of changelings and cultists.

“We’ll need to press on and push them back,” General Seaspray shouted. “Come. Let us show them who’s in charge of this kingdom.”

With a mighty cry in the air, General Seaspray flew into the air and led his forces down the path of Mount Aris, aiming right at the invading forces.

“Do not let them get an inch, grand army,” Inferno shouted. “FOR THE GLORY OF THE ROYALTY!”

At the bottom of Mount Aris, Coldnelius Snap landed next to the base camp, where Locust, Princess Chrysalis II and Crystal Snow stood ready while the changelings and cultists made their advancement.

“I take it that general’s a hard flame to cool off,” Crystal Snow asked.

“An understatement,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Their shields are what’s preventing us from blasting through and making our way up Mount aris.”

“So what are we going to do?” Crystal Snow asked.

“Hold them off until my mom is able to convince Queen Novo to surrender her kingdom,” Princess Chrysalis II stated.

“I take it she made it into the hidden entrance,” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“She did,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Right now, we need to keep those bozos distracted long enough for her to take Queen Novo’s daughter hostage. Only then will their self-centered Queen be forced to surrender her kingdom for the safety of that mindless brat.”

“As long as she’s focused on the front line, she won’t know what hit her,” Locust explained.

“Then we press on,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Keep them occupied until Queen Chrysalis has her hostage.”

But as Coldnelius Snap, Locust, Princess Chrysalis II and Crystal Snow directed their attention to Mount Aris, a group of Debt Collectors prepared themselves on the mainland, boarding boats that were big enough to transport an entire legion. Grand Philosopher stood atop the central boat that lay hidden behind some foliage.

“The changelings, the winterians, and even the hippogriffs don’t know that we’re ready to ambush them,” Grand Philosopher said.

“What’s the plan, Grand Philosopher?” A lieutenant asked.

“We wait for the signal from Gold Banks,” Grand Philosopher explained. “And then…we attack.”

Princess Skystar swam with the royal guard towards the underwater cavern entrance, not knowing that it was Queen Chrysalis in disguise.

“Are you sure it’s alright to go out this way?” Princess Skystar said. “What if the changelings were to launch an ambush?”

“I can assure you that the other guards will make sure you get to safety, Princess,” The guard said. “Right now, they are holding back the changelings and the cultists.”

“Thank goodness,” Princess Skystar said. “I was worried that something had befallen us.”

“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!” The words that echoed through the cavern caused the guard and Princess Skystar to come to a stop as Queen Novo approached them with a few more guards. While Princess Skystar shook in fear, the guard stood calm with a sinister smile.

“Mom,” Princess Skystar said. “I was told that the invaders were making their way down here by this guard. That’s why I went with him.”

Immediately, Queen Novo turned her attention to the guard, who had his back turned from Queen Novo.

“Explain yourself,” Queen Novo demanded. “Why did you take my daughter out of her room and lied to her?”

“That’s easy,” The guard said as his voice changed to Queen Chrysalis’s voice. “To lure you into a TRAP!”

A dark cloud surrounded the guard, much to the horror of Queen Novo and Princess Skystar. When it disappeared, Queen Chrysalis emerged in her pony-octopus cecaelia form. Immediately, Queen Chrysalis grabbed Princess Skystar with her tentacle and pulled her close.

“You,” Queen Novo said in a cold tone. “Release my daughter this instant.”

“Back off, Novo,” Queen Chrysalis shouted. “She’s mine.”

“You have the gall to trick my daughter into going with you and now you claim her to be yours?” Queen Novo said. “You’re as cowardly as they come.”

“Mom,” Princess Skystar cried. “Nevermind me. RUN!”

But Queen Novo and the guards stood firm. They stared down Queen Chrysalis, who smiled back at the Sea Pony monarch.

“Foolish worm,” Queen Chrysalis smiled as her horn glowed. “Let me give you a demonstration on why I shouldn’t be trifled with.”

Meanwhile, Wanda sat down on the sofa with a full belly and a satisfied look on her face. Her bowl, once filled with roasted and seasoned seaweed, was completely empty. Baby Silverstream and Baby Ocellus snuggled up to Wanda as Mr and Mrs Ladybug were enjoying seaweed of their own from the bowls.

“Thanks Mr and Mrs Ladybug,” Wanda said. “I owe you for this hospitality.”

“It was our honor, princess,” Mrs Ladybug said.

“Wanda,” Ocellus said. “We haven’t heard from Queen Novo yet.”

“She’s right,” Mr Ladybug said. “I wonder what happened to her?”

“I’m only hoping that she wasn’t called to defend Mount Aris from your kind and from the Windigo’s Guild,” Wanda explained.

“I hope you’re right,” Mrs Ladybug said. “The last thing we need is to worry about seeing Queen Chrysalis again.”

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the foundation of the house, causing Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream to scream in horror.

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Wanda yelled.

“I don’t know,” Ocellus screamed. “But it’s as if someone set us up the bomb.”

Wanda swam out of the sofa before making her way out of the hallway with Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Ocellus and Silverstream swimming from behind.

“Wanda,” Mrs Ladybug shouted. “Where are you going?”

“To check out what’s going on outside,” Wanda said.

But as Wanda turned her attention to the front, she saw a hole where the front door used to be. The two guards stood firm, pointing their spears towards the newly formed hole.

“What’s going on?” Wanda asked.

“It’s Queen Chrysalis,” One of the guards said. “She’s captured Princess Skystar, and Queen Nov is at a standstill.”

“You need to stay put,” The other guard said. “You’re not safe out there.”

But as Wanda looked outside, she saw Queen Chrysalis charge up her horn again and fired it right at her.

“IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US!” Wanda shouted.

Immediately, one of the guards quickly grabbed Wanda and held her to the side while the other quickly swam out of the way. Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Ocellus and Silverstream swam behind the sofa as the blast of magic hit the front of the house, shattering the walls. When everyone emerged, they looked at Queen Chrysalis from afar, with all but Wanda completely horrified at her presence.

“What is she doing?” Mr Ladybug asked.

“I don’t know,” Mrs Ladybug said. “But I fear she’s coming for revenge against us for turning our back on the hive.”

Wanda peeked her head out from behind the guard and looked at what was left of the front of the undersea house.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Wanda said.

Outside within the vicinity of Seaquestria, Queen Chrysalis laughed as the magic in her horn disappeared. She held Princess Skystar close, holding Queen Novo at bay.

“Do you see now?” Queen Chrysalis said. “”It’s futile for you to hold back. All you have to do is to surrender the kingdom to me and I’ll release your daughter on her merry way.”

“You’re a sick, twisted demon, Chrysalis,” Queen Novo said.

“All just to make sure no one takes sympathy on me,” Queen Chrysalis said.

But when Queen Chrysalis turned back towards the ruined undersea house, her eyes quickly caught Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Baby Ocellus with Baby SIlverstream, and Princess Wanda Young with the hippogriff guard keeping her safe.

“Well, what do we have here?” Queen Chrysalis said. “I sense a trio of traitors living amongst your kind. They’re lucky that I’m not in the mood to punish them at all. Now the man’s cub on the other hand.”

Queen Chrysalis extended her octopus limb out towards the house at a blinding speed. The guard tried to move Wanda out of the way, only for the limb to hit him right in the face, knocking him backwards and causing him to lose his grip on Wanda.

“NOO!” Wanda screamed.

Immediately, the tentacle grabbed Wanda and pulled her away from the house. Mr and Mrs Ladybug, Ocellus, Silverstream and the guards were helpless to watch as Queen Chrysalis pulled Wanda up to her.

“Hello there, Man’s Cub,” Queen Chrysalis said. “It’s been awhile.”

“Chrysalis,” Wanda snarled. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh nothing more than to turn this boring kingdom into the Changeling’s newest hive,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And to do that, I need a hostage in the form of Princess Skystar. But you’ll be a bonus for Princess Celestia.”

“Is that it?” Wanda glared in a cold tone. “All this just because you lost your old kingdom to Gold Banks?”

Queen Chrysalis paused for a moment before yanking Wanda towards her face.

“Yes,” Queen Chrysalis said. “As far as I’m concerned, anyone who’s not a changeling nor a winterian is considered an enemy to me. That’s why I’m resorting to selfish reasons to taking Mount Aris and the aquatic kingdom of Seaquestria. You got a problem with that, girl?.”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Wanda said.

Queen Chrysalis’ smile began to fade away as she tossed Wanda out of the way. Wanda swam up to Queen Novo and stared down Queen Chrysalis.

“I wish you didn’t have to get involved,” Queen Novo said.

“That I agree on, Aunt Novo,” Wanda said. “But Queen Chrysalis says otherwise.”

Queen Chrysalis pointed her tentacles at Wanda and said “Now you listen here. You will tell Queen Novo to surrender her kingdom to our kind or never see your daughter again.”

“Is that it?” Wanda said. “Is that the command of a coward?”

“Coward?” Queen Chrysalis snarled. “Who are you calling a coward?”

“One who's been through a lot, even before today,” Wanda said. “You have the gall to take Princess Skystar just to force the hippogriffs to surrender their own land?”

But Queen Novo looked a bit nervous. She immediately lowered her head towards Wanda’s ear and whispered into it.

“Smallfry, what are you doing?” Queen Novo whispered.

“I’ll distract her,” Wanda whispered back. “You get Princess Skystar out of there.”

Wanda Young swam closer towards Queen Chrysalis, who held Princess Skystar close to her.

“Don’t you even think about coming to my hostage, Man’s Cub,” Queen Chrysalis shouted.

“Are those the words of a queen, or a coward?” Wanda asked, crossing her arms.

Queen Chrysalis’ eyes began to twitch. Veins popped up in her forehead. She shook her front arms in anger, glaring down at Wanda.

“What…did you…call me?” Queen Chrysalis yelled.

Queen Chrysalis swung one of her tentacles back before she fired it off at Wanda, who only dodged out of the way before swimming downwards.

“You have a lot of nerve to say that hogwash in my face, girl,” Queen Chrysalis yelled. “Especially after we lost our own hive to Gold Banks.”

“That doesn’t mean you should attack another species just to claim its home for your own,” Wanda shouted. “You could have asked for our help and we would have given it to you.”

“Don’t you DARE pity me on that,” Queen Chrysalis said, extending another tentacle out towards Wanda.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Wanda said after she dodged the tentacle.

“Do I look like I care?” Queen Chrysalis snarled as she positioned another tentacle above Wanda.

“You should,” Wanda said. “Also, I would check your hostage if I were you.”

Queen Chrysalis turned to the left and noticed that Princess Skystar was missing from her tentacle. She looked down and saw Queen Novo hold Princess Skystar close to her.

“You tricked me,” Queen Chrysalis said in a cold tone. “YOU TRICKED ME INTO RELEASING HER!”

“No I didn’t,” Wanda said as Queen Novo swam with Princess Skystar close to her. “You did that yourself.”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Queen Chrysalis shouted as she extended another tentacle out.

But before anyone could react, the tentacle grabbed Wanda and pulled her close to Queen Chrysalis. Queen Novo and Princess Skystar reached out in fear.

“SMALLFRY!” Queen Novo shouted.

“It’s okay,” Wanda said. “I can handle it.”

“You better,” Queen Chrysalis said, turning Wanda towards her. “You already cost me one hostage. And now you will have to suffice.”

“Go ahead and use me as a hostage,” Wanda said “I’m not afraid of you.”

Queen Chrysalis backed up for a bit before letting out a little laugh.

“You’re not afraid of me anymore?” Queen Chrysalis said. “You should be, considering that your life is in danger.”

“That’s the least of my worries,” Wanda said, staring at Chrysalis. “You think you’re so great. But you’re nothing more than a selfish individual who doesn’t care for the well-being of others.”

But as Wanda spoke, Princess Skystar paid attention to Wanda’s words, and became worried.

“I do care for the well being of my own species,” Queen Chrysalis shouted.

“So why let them suffer?” Wanda asked.

“Don’t you dare speak ill of my kind,” Queen Chrysalis yelled, yanking Wanda and slamming her on a nearby wall with her tentacle.

“I’m not speaking ill of your kind, Chrysalis,” Wanda said. “I’m speaking ill of you. You don’t think about how others would react by your own actions.”

As Wanda spoke to Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skystar became far more worried from hearing Wanda’s speech, as if guilt began to build up.

“Princess Skystar,” Queen Novo said. “What’s the matter?”

But Princess Skystar turned her head in shame.

“Listen to this,” Queen Chrysalis shouted. “I lost a good amount of changelings during the attack on my hive. And you have the nerve to criticize me?”

“And you want to lose more just to steal the home of the hippogriffs?” Wanda said. “Like I said, you don’t think of anyone, but yourself. You’re selfish and self-centered, and you wouldn’t know what it’s like to lose everyone who cared for you, until it’s too late. You have a lot to think about, Queen Chrysalis.”

Suddenly, Princess Skystar shouted “STOPPPPPPP!” Queen Chrysalis and Wanda Young turned to Princess Skystar, who looked like she was on the verge of tears.

“Skystar?” Wanda said.

“You’re right,” Princess Skystar cried. “I am selfish and self-centered. I only took you because I assumed you could help out my mom with dealing with the changelings. But now I realized, I did put you in danger.”

With that, Princess Skystar ran off in the opposite direction, crying her eyes out. Wanda, Chrysalis and Novo just stared at the fleeing Skystar before Novo turned her attention to Wanda.

“I’m….I’m sorry,” Wanda said. “I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay, smallfry,” Queen Novo said. “She needed to hear that. But it’s also a sign that I’ve failed as a parent. All this punishment towards her and she never learned a lesson from it. I may have encouraged her to treat her punishments as achievements.”

Wanda turned back towards Queen Chrysalis with shame in her eyes.

“Do what you want with me,” Wanda said. “I think I may have gone overboard.”

But Queen Chrysalis calmed down and instead released her hold on Princess Wanda.

“I can’t believe I would say this,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But I agree with you. I think I have gone too far.”

Queen Chrysalis pulled out her compact and began to open it, focusing her attention on the mirror.

“What are you doing?” Queen Novo asked.

“I’m going to call off the attack and order my troops to retreat,” Queen Chrysalis said. “They won’t like what I’m going to say. But we’ll find another way.”

Suddenly, Wanda was hit by an ice cold blast, binding her arms to her torso with a ring of ice. She screamed loudly as she was pulled away from Chrysalis and Novo.

“SMALL FRY!” Queen Novo yelled.

Queen Chrysalis looked around where Wanda was being dragged. With one glance, her anger skyrocketed.

“YOU!” Queen Chrysalis snarled.

As Wanda was pulled away, Gold Banks, having taken the form of a sea pony, appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Wanda by the ice bindings. Five grunts swam up beside her before they pointed their tridents at Queen Novo and Queen Chrysalis.

“Queen Novo I presume,” Gold Banks said.

“What do you want, Banks?” Queen Novo said.

“Oh I’ve come to ensure the immediate surrender of the hippogriffs, the changelings, the winterians and all of Equestria,” Gold Banks said. “And this filthy monkey is our key to do so.”

“LET ME GO!” Wanda cried. “YOU SCARE ME!”

“Of course I do,” Gold Banks said. “I own everything in this world.”

“You miserable little monster,” Queen Chrysalis yelled as she extended her tentacle out.

Immediately, two of the grunts raised their tridents up before stabbing the tentacle with it. Green electricity pulsed from the tridents, shocking Queen Chrysalis.

“AHHHHHH!” Queen Chrysalis yelled.

“Let go of Wanda Young this instant,” Queen Novo shouted.

“I wouldn’t do that again if I were you,” Gold Banks said as the grunts withdrew their tridents from Queen Chrysalis’ tentacle, forcing Chrysalis to bring it back. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t know what would happen to this poor, innocent child.”

Gold Banks looked down at Wanda’s neck and saw her necklace attached around it.

“Oh and by the way, I guess you’re not needing this little gift that the flounder gave you,” Gold Banks said as she ripped the necklace off of Wanda’s neck.

“GIVE THAT BACK!” Wanda cried. “That’s the only thing that will change me back into a human.”

“Well that’s just too bad,” Gold Banks said. “Guess you’re going to be stuck as a sardine for the rest of your life.”

Immediately, Gold Banks held onto a frightened Wanda as she and her grunts swam up towards another cave.

“Where are you going with her?” Queen Chrysalis snarled as she held her tentacle close to her.

“I’m going to use this girl as a bargaining chip to ensure not only your surrender, but also Princess Celestia’s surrender,” Gold Banks explained. “And I have you and that brat of a hippogriff princess to thank. Oh, and I do appreciate that speech she gave to her. Too bad I consider myself a selfish pony who thinks only of herself, and is proud of it.”

As Gold Banks laughed, she carried Wanda through the cave with the grunts following from behind. Queen Chrysalis clutched her tentacle close to her before turning her attention to her compact.

“Tell your troops to save Princess Wanda from that monster,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I plan on doing the same.”

Immediately, Princess Chrysalis II’s image appeared on the compact mirror.

“Mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “We’re dead-even against the Hippogriffs. What’s your status?”

“End the fight against the hippogriffs, this instant,” Queen Chrysalis ordered.

“Are you kidding me?” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“No, I am not kidding,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Gold Banks followed us here and took Princess Wanda Young. You are now ordered to rescue her, and aid the hippogriffs in holding back the Debt Collector monsters. Understood?”

Princess Chrysalis II looked behind her for a moment before turning her attention back towards Queen Chrysalis.

“Understood,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “I’ll let Coldnelius Snap know of this.”

As Princess Chrysalis II disappeared from the compact mirror, Queen Chrysalis closed it before she turned towards Queen Novo, who was speaking to General Seaspray on an oyster pearl.

“Aid the changelings and the cultists?” General Seaspray asked. “Are you kidding?”

“Sadly no, I am not kidding,” Queen Novo said. “Gold Banks has made off with Princess Wanda. I am ordering you to aid them and rescue her from that monster. Queen Chrysalis has already given the orders to the changelings and cultists.”

General Seaspray looked around for a bit before he said “Okay. I’ll do it, your majesty.”

As General Seaspray disappeared from the pearl, Queen Chrysalis swam up to Queen Novo, who gave the pearl to her guards.

“I will tend to the people and get them out,” Queen Novo said. “Chase after Gold Banks and get Wanda back.”

“You don’t need to tell me,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I’m already on it.”

As Queen Chrysalis swam after Gold Banks, Queen Novo nodded to the guards before she swam back to the palace.

“Before I leave, I must make amends with my daughter,” Queen Novo said. “It’s tragic that she had to know the real truth. But she must also know what a horrible mother I’ve been to her.”

To Be Continued in…

The Invasion of Mount Aris

Author's Note:

The whole idea of this arc was based off a story that was originally intended for the Saga 2 finale. I wound up changing it up, but I chose to salvage this story. This includes Wanda's confrontation with Queen Chrysalis.

Originally, I was going to make it four parts long. But I changed my mind and I have decided to make it five parts long. Part three will come as early as tomorrow.

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