• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 13(Harmonic Friends)-1: Just the Six of Us(And a Baby Dragon)

Arc 13: Harmonic Friends

Just the Six of Us(And a Baby Dragon)

In a nearby attic at the top of a building, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator were tending to their injuries. Inferno was trying to readjust his back. Quickstrike was stretching out his side. But Waspinator had an ice pack on his head and his crotch.

“Uggh,” Inferno said. “Who knew that little colts and fillies were such a menace?”

“You said it,” Quickstrike said. “First they fought back when we invaded their gala with the help of the Windigo’s Guild, then they attacked us because we ruined their pool party, and now they humiliated us in front of those miserable ponies.”

“Humiliation is an understatement,” Inferno said. “That one gray pegasi filly that I was pursuing hit me like a ton of bricks. There is something unnatural about her weight despite her size.”

“At least you didn’t get humiliated that badly like Waspinator did,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator thought muzzled doggy bug was worthless without his bite. But doggy bug fought back, hit Waspinator in horrible places, and grinded on Waspinator’s head before kicking Waspinator with a powerful kick. Waspinator thinks more needs to be done to truly muzzle doggy bug.”

“At least you guys didn’t get ambushed by a trickster of a filly,” Quickstrike said.

“Trickster?” Inferno said as he and Waspinator turned their attention to Quickstrike. “Tell us more.”

“Oh I was able to pin down one of that varmint’s friends,” Quickstrike said. “But then a pink filly came up and let loose an ambush from the side with some powerful cannon. Oh I’ll never forget that pink filly. That skunk of a pony may look sweet and playful, but the moment you turn your back, you better kiss it good-bye.”

Suddenly, Quickstrike’s ears attuned to the sound of a filly singing to herself, causing the changeling to slam his hooves on the ground.

“Now I can hear that voice,” Quickstrike said. “I know who it is.”

“I can hear her voice as well,” Inferno said.

Inferno took a peek down from the window of the attic, where he saw Pinkie Pie bouncing down through Canterlot without a care in the world, singing a song with her voice, all while pulling her party cannon at the end of a rope. Quickstrike took a peek from the window and his eyes turned blood red while Waspinator threw down the ice packs and took a peek next to Quickstrike.

“That’s her,” Quickstrike said. “That’s the varmint who humiliated me.”

“I do recognize her,” Inferno said. “She’s friends with the one known as Twilight Sparkle, and judging by the information we got, she may be going to see Twilight Sparkle.”

“Ooooh,” Waspinator said. “That means pink filly bug will lure us to Twilight Sparkle, and we can take her back to the Queen.”

“Correct,” Inferno said. “Right now, let us put aside these mindless squabbles and follow her to Twilight Sparkle. Once we nab her, then you can get your revenge, Quickstrike.”

“YEE HAW!” Quickstrike yelled as he danced around with excitement. “I can’t wait to do this. Just say the magic word and we’re off.”

“But of course,” Inferno said. “FOR THE GLORY OF THE ROYALTY!”

Inferno pries open the window of the house and flies off after Pinkie PIe, with Quickstrike and Waspinator following from behind.

“Waspinator ready for round two,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator will triumph.”

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie continues to hop down through the streets of Canterlot, singing in the air without a care in the world, all while pulling her party cannon.

“My name is Pinkie Pie,” Pinkie sang. “And I am here to say, I’m going to make you smile and I will brighten up your day.”

Pinkie Pie came to a sudden stop. She looked up to see her mane vibrate like crazy.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” Pinkie said. “They’re close by. I wonder where they are? A nearby alleyway? The library that Twilight goes to? Under the bridge downtown?”

“Pinkie. We’re right over here.” Pinkie Pie looked to her left to see Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle wave to her, with Spike the dragon cheering nearby.

“Guys,” Pinkie said as she trotted towards her friends. “Glad I could catch up. You will not believe what I’ve been through since meeting up with Sunset Shimmer.”

“Speaking of which,” Rainbow Dash said. “How’s she doing?”

“She’s resting up so far,” Pinkie Pie said. “But I also reminded her that she’s not alone, even though she is sick. She’s got plenty of company with her sisters, and not just Wanda and Cadance”

“Wait,” Applejack said. “Are you suggesting that Adagio, Aria and Sonata are also her sisters?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Pinkie Pie said. “Sisters are those who care for you, who look after you. Just like brothers.”

Twilight just laughed before she said “I wish Sunset wasn’t sick. Then I would show her that I can be a sister to her like her own sisters.”

“In a way,” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re pretty much a sister to Sunset.”

“Pinkie’s right, Twilight,” Rarity said. “It doesn’t matter if they’re related or not. The fact that they care for each other says a whole lot, just like how your brother Shining Armor looks after you.”

“Speaking of which,” Twilight said. “ I wonder when big brother and Princess Cadance will be here. I heard they’re doing some shopping.”

Rarity giggled before she said “Oh don’t you worry, Twilight. I bet they’re enjoying the life of Canterlot like every pony else, and like we are.”

“Pony life,” Spike said, reaching out to the other ponies who were walking around.

Rarity picked up Spike and said “Oh silly Spikey Wikey. There is more to this life than meets the eye.”

But as Rarity held Spike up high, they both froze in place as they heard the sound of a dog growling. The rest of the fillies turned to see the Alicorn Bulldog glare at all of them with its teeth bare, though now with a bump on the top of its head.

“Isn’t that the same dog that almost made Wanda miss her birthday party?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It is,” Twilight said, standing there nervously. “I still have nightmares about that dog.”

Fluttershy looked at her friends before turning back towards the alicorn bulldog. She took a step towards the mongrel when Applejack jumped in front of her.

“Don’t do it,” Applejack said, standing on two legs and holding her arms out. “You don’t want to be fast food for that ferocious canine.”

“Applejack,” Fluttershy said, walking around Applejack. “I have to scare that dog off. For all of you.”

Applejack stood there, turning her head towards Fluttershy, watching as she marched up to the bulldog.

“Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “Don’t you do anything silly.

“Relax,” Pinkie Pie said. “If anything, Fluttershy has scared off worse than that mutt.”

The bulldog kept its eyes on Fluttershy, snarling louder with saliva dripping down from its teeth. But the pegasi just stood there, undeterred.

“Now you listen here,” Fluttershy said in a loud and stern tone. “I’ve about had it with you chasing down my friends with the intent to eat them.”

But the bulldog ignored Fluttershy’s words and growled even louder.

“Don’t you growl back at me, young lady,” Fluttershy said as she flew up to the dog’s eyes and stared down at her. The bulldog looked up at Fluttershy’s eyes and her growl ceased.

“Uh-oh,” Rainbow Dash said. “I know what this is gonna turn out.”

“Yeah,” Rarity said. “Fluttershy’s about to give that beast…the stare.”

Fluttershy kept her eyes on the alicorn bulldog, and all the canine could do was stare helplessly at the pegasi filly.

“I don’t want to see you trying to eat my friends, be it the ones next to me, or any of my other friends,” Fluttershy said with a deep stare. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

With a mighty loud yelp, the Alicorn Bulldog turned tail and ran off in the opposite direction, screaming in fear with ponies moving aside. Fluttershy flew down onto the ground as her frown turned into a smile.

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack said. “She just sent that beast packing.”

“I wish I knew her during the Fall Formal when that roc attacked,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy turned to her friends and said “Truth be told, I think I may have overdone it with that stare. But at least she won’t cause you any more trouble.”

“Well as much as I do appreciate that,” Rarity said, holding Spike with her two arms. “I do have one question. How did you know that it was female?”

“Oh Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “It’s a speciality of mine. I don’t think any of you would get it.”

Rainbow Dash just playfully nudges Rarity before she said “She’s got a point there.”

“Anyway,” Twilight said. “I think standing around here isn’t going to get us anywhere. I’d say we should go explore once more through the city of Canterlot.”

“Well it’s about time,” Pinkie Pie said. “I was wondering when we would get this show on the road.”

“Then come on,” Twilight cheered. “Let’s have the time of our lives again.”

Everyone cheered as Rarity set Spike down. Twilight lowered her back down to allow for Spike to run up and jump onto her back. Once Twilight was back on her four hooves, everyone walked down the street, checking out the sights of the city.

But nearby in the top of the buildings, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator spied on the Six fillies and baby dragon, all while maintaining their cover from the other ponies.

“Okay big bro,” Quickstrike said. “How are we to nab Twilight Sparkle and make our way out of there, all while dealing with that pink pest.”

“Not while every pony is in the vicinity,” Inferno said, looking down at the ponies of Canterlot. “For once, I would like not to cause another incident.”

“Speaking of which,” Waspinator said, pointing towards the sky.

Inferno looked up and saw a small group of pegasi flying through the sky. The uniform they were wearing caught his attention.

“Strange,” Inferno said. “I thought the Wonderbolts were splitting up.”

“Wonderbolts?” Quickstrike said, looking up. “Weren’t those the varmints that beat the stuffing out of us when we invaded them?”

“They were,” Inferno replied. “And almost a month after that incident, the news wasted no time besmirching their name to the point where they had to split up. But why now?”

“Beats me,” Quickstrike said. “But if anything, this is the last time I trust the news.”

“Well with that now in our minds,” Inferno said. “We have to be even more cautious if we are to nab Twilight Sparkle. But what to do?”

“Waspinator has suggestion,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator think we should disguise ourselves as pegasi ponies.”

“Excellent idea,” Inferno said. “We can take this form and keep close tabs on those pesky fillies. And I have the perfect idea.”

In a flash of light, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator transformed into different colored, pegasi colts. They look down at each other, observing their new disguise.

“Perfect,” Quickstrike said. “No one will suspect three innocent colts of kidnapping Twilight Sparkle.”

“Then come,” Inferno said. “Our queen awaits the capture of Twilight Sparkle, and we intend to fulfill her duties.”

Immediately, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator jumped off the roof of the building and flew off in pursuit of the young fillies and their baby dragon.

Meanwhile, the six fillies and Spike were wandering down through the city of Canterlot, walking past the citizens who paid no attention to them. Twilight Sparkle was looking around the city as if she was trying to locate someone.

“Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said. “You okay?”

“I just want to know if Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are here,” Twilight said. “I was told they would meet us here for a short time.”

“I don’t think we can find them in this crowd,” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe if I flew up and looked down at the crowd, I could find them.”

Twilight’s face lit up before turning to Rainbow Dash and said “Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash. We’ll need all the help we can get.”

Rainbow Dash saluted Twilight Sparkle before she flew up to the top of Canterlot City. She then looked down at the crowd of ponies, who wandered through the town without a care in the world.

“Now where could Princess Cadance and Shining Armor be?” Rainbow Dash said. “At least the princess should be easy to spot in a crowd, what with her being an alicorn.”

But as Rainbow Dash continued to scan through the crowd of ponies, she looked up at the empty parts of the city. There were barely any ponies, much less any who were familiar to her. Rainbow Dash looked towards the far end of the city, but no sign.

“This is strange,” Rainbow Dash said. “I thought Princess Cadance would be a snap to find. But it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash felt a bump behind her with the sound of someone saying “Oww.”. She turned around to see three pegasi colts floating near one. One of them looked like he slammed right into a pole.

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash said. “You need to be careful.”

“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” One of the colts said in a strange voice. “My brother here wasn’t paying attention and he didn’t mean to bump into you.”

“Yeah,” another colt said, also in a strange voice. “So we’ll just be on our merry way.”

Rainbow Dash floated there, watching the three colts fly off in another direction and towards a nearby roof. Her face looked both confused and worried.

“Something’s not right,” Rainbow Dash said. “I better warn the others.”

Meanwhile, near the crowd, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the group sat nearby, staring up at the sky, all while Spike cuddled next to Twilight. Even despite the busy crowd, they seem to be enjoying the moment.

“I sure wish Princess Cadance and Shining Armor can find out where we are,” Twilight said as she rubbed Spike on the head.

“Relax, Twilight,” Rarity said. “I bet they were caught up in their shopping and forgot about the time.”

“I’m with Rarity on this one,” Applejack said. “Give it time, Twi. They’ll show up.”

“I hope you’re right,” Twilight said. “But at the same time, I hope we get some news from…”

“Rainbow Dash,” Spike said, pointing up to the sky.

Everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash fly down towards the level. Twilight got up from her seat and walked up to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow,” Twilight said, looking excited. “Did you find them?”

“Negative,” Rainbow Dash said, causing Twilight’s mood to flip. “But that might be the least of your worries.”

“What do you mean, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, picking up Spike from the chair.

“I somehow ran into three colts who bumped into me,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wait,” Applejack said. “You’re not talking about Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, are ya?”

“Personally, I wish it was them because of the way these three sounded,” Rainbow Dash said. “As if they were older than they looked.”

But as Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight were confused by Rainbow Dash’s words, Pinkie Pie’s mane went on the fritz.

“Oh no,” Pinkie Pie said.

“What’s the oh no for?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Do you guys remember those three changelings that attacked us during that pool party we had?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Those three despicable ruffians?” Rarity said. “Oh they made Hoops, Dumbbell and Score looked well behaved before Princess Wanda made them change their ways.”

Pinkie Pie quickly looked left and right before she said “Let’s talk about it, inside. I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Unfortunately,” Twilight said. “I’m going to agree with you on that.”

Spotting a nearby open door, Pinkie Pie said “Come. We’ll be safe inside.”

With that, Pinkie Pie walked through the doorway, all while Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy with Spike in her arms followed from behind.

But in the air, the three colts, who happen to be the Predacons in disguise, looked down and watched the fillies walk into the building.

“Well ain’t that just swell,” Quickstrike said. “They’re onto us.”

“Then it’s time we consider drastic actions,” Inferno said. “But what to do?”

“Waspinator has an idea,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator suggests we transform into a giant beast and scare the ponies out.”

Inferno smiled before he said “Why not?”

Inside, the fillies took a nearby seat at a table while Fluttershy placed Spike below. Twilight sat next to Fluttershy, looking down at Spike who cooed back at the lavender unicorn filly.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Twilight said. “But are those three colts the Predacons?”

Pinkie Pie said nothing, but nodded in agreement.

Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves down and said “Those creeps again. It was one thing for them to crash our pool party. But now they have to hound us?”

As they talked, a waitress walked up to the six fillies with a notepad in one hoof and six menus in another.

“What will it be?” The waitress asked.

Pinkie Pie immediately slammed some bits onto the table and said “Seven root beer floats. Keep the change.”

“You got it,” The waitress said as she gathered up the bits and walked off.

As the waitress walked off, Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie and said “So why exactly are those creeps in Canterlot?”

“Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “Remember when you defeated Queen Chrysalis just to save Wanda?” Those words were enough to cause Twilight Sparkle to turn to shock.

“I remember,” Twilight said as tears began to fall down her cheek. “I didn’t want Queen Chrysalis to turn Wanda into a changeling, even after those horrible words she said and the fact that she nearly killed Princess Celestia.”

“Was it really that horrible?” Rarity asked.

“It was,” Twilight said. “Queen Chrysalis was successful in gaslighting Wanda into joining her. And she would have succeeded if not for me.”

“But what mattered was the fact that you had the power within to fight back against Queen Chrysalis,” Rainbow Dash said. “And because of that, you became a hero to the ponies of Equestria. But more importantly, you helped save Wanda and Celestia.”

“I know,” Twilight said. “But Queen Chrysalis said she would vow revenge on me after what I did. I don’t know what to do now that the changeling hive is after me.”

“Now don’t you worry about that,” Applejack said. “We ain’t gonna let that snake grab ya and take you back to her hive.”

“You better believe it, Egghead,” Rainbow Dash said. “If I saw them try to lay a hoof on you, I’d give them a SPLAT!”

“Okay okay,” Twilight said. “I get your point. You don’t have to be so dramatic about it.”

Pinkie Pie turned to her left to see the waitress walk up with a tray full of seven root beer floats.

“Here you go,” The waitress said, placing down the floats on the table. “Enjoy.”

Immediately, each of the six fillies grabbed their root beer float and took a sip at it. Twilight grabbed two before placing one of them down under the table, where Spike grabbed it and took a sip. Twilight then grabbed her drink and sipped it.

“That being said,” Fluttershy said. “I’m surprised that they just want to capture Twilight over Sunset and Wanda.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Applejack said. “They still want Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young, just like they want Twilight. You’ve seen how they want to convert individual lifeforms into changelings, right?”

“I wish I didn’t during the Gala those months ago,” Fluttershy said. “How could they side with a monster like Queen Chrysalis?”

“I have this theory,” Twilight said, taking a gulp of her float. “And it sums up in one word: Fear.”

“Fear?” Everyone else said.

“Yes,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “They say that the power of fear allows Queen Chrysalis to keep her subjects in line. They can range from a fear of persecution by other races, to a fear of extinction. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that can drill down into our minds. But sadly, changelings aren’t the only species that can be subjected to fear.”

“Sort of like what we can go through,” Pinkie Pie said. “But not from Princess Celestia.”

“No,” Twilight said. “You don’t need to be in charge just to commit to fear. In fact…”

But before Twilight Sparkle could finish, her ears picked up the sound of a roc roaring loudly. She screamed really loud, grabbed her float and dove under the table.

“Did you hear that?” Rarity said. “That sounded like a roc.”

“I know,” Twilight said, shivering under the table as she drank her float with Spike next to her. “Wanda and I nearly got eaten by one during the Fall Formal Festival.”

The remaining fillies looked out the window to see ponies left and right running away in total fear. The entire commotion caused some confusion with the younglings.

“What is going on?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy said. “First we heard a roc’s cry, and then ponies are freaking out.”

“Uhh, guys,” Pinkie Pie said, looking up. “I think we have a problem.”

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy looked up and saw what appeared to be a roc flying overhead, circling the city. The group looked almost paralyzed just seeing it.

“What is a roc doing here in Canterlot?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know,” Applejack said. “But if we stay inside, we should be safe.”

“I hope you’re right,” Fluttershy said, shivering in place. “I don’t want to be eaten by a roc.”

The waitress ran up to the window and looked up to see the roc. Her jaw dropped down, staring in total disbelief.

“What is this world coming to?” The waitress said. “And it’s not the first time a roc decided to invade this city."

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were walking down the street with Airazor and Spitfire by their side. They seem to be enjoying themselves, having not yet noticed the panic going on.

“So that’s why you want to get the Wonderbolts back together,” Princess Cadance said.

“After what the Stallion News Network did to demotivate us,” Airazor explained. “I wanna show them that we are Equestrian strong, that we will not back down to fear.”

“Yeah,” Spitfire said. “Besides, I miss having Rainbow Dash by my side.”

“And I miss wanting to sign up and become a member of the royal guard,” Shining Armor said.

As soon as the four turned their heads to the front, they took notice of the panicked crowds, who were running in total chaos.

“What the hay is going on?” Shining Armor asked.

“Beats me,” Airazor said. “I’ve never seen the citizens of Equestria lose their minds over nothing.”

Spitfire looked up at the sky and her eyes shrank down in fear. She tapped on Airrazor’s arm and said “I think your nothing is right above you, Captain.”

Airazor, Cadence and Shining all looked up to see the roc circling above the city. Their faces turned to total horror, just staring at the big bird.

“Another roc?” Shining Armor said. “And I still have nightmares about the previous one that tried to eat Twili and Wanda.”

“But why would a second roc be in town?” Princess Cadance said. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Princess Cadance paused for a bit before turning to face Shining Armor.

“Oh no,” Princess Cadance said. “I think Twilight might be in trouble.”

“Not only that,” Shining Armor said. “But I also think Wanda could be in trouble, along with her friends.”

“I’ll dispatch the remaining Wonderbolts to locate Princess Wanda,” Airazor said. “Find Twilight and make sure she’s alright.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor nodded to Airazor before taking off in another direction. Airazor immediately turned to Spitfire.

“I have a funny feeling that Queen Chrysalis is up to no good and that roc is a fake,” Airazor said. “Go with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Word has it the Predacons are in town.”

“Yes ma’am,” Spitfire said with a salute before she took off after Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.

Airazor turned her attention towards the roc and extended her wings out.

“Predacon or not,” Airazor said. “I’m not going to let that thing cause harm to the citizens of Canterlot. That is my vow as a Wonderbolt, and I stand by it, one hundred percent.”

To Be Continued in…

Once a Wonderbolt, Always a Wonderbolt

Author's Note:

Truth be told, I haven't used Airazor in a long time, considering that I've been using Predacons Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator alot. So I'm glad I was able to bring her back. But what does this mean?

All I can say is...stay tuned.

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