• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 7-3: A Nightmare Night to Remember

A Nightmare Night to Remember

Starlight Glimmer stood there, amazed by the presence of her late uncle Meteor Flare. Everyone else stood by, unable to approach Starlight. Princess Cadance gave a nod to the ghost, who turned back to his niece.

“But,” Starlight said. “You died back in Sire’s Hollow.”

“I did,” Meteor Flare said. “But in the physical world, death only means we lose our physical forms temporarily. In due time when we feel that we’re ready, we take on a new physical form and start the process again.”

“But why are you still here?” Starlight asked. “Why haven’t you reincarnated into a new life?”

“Because you miss me,” Meteor Flare said. “And you wish for some comfort since my passing.”

“That’s right,” Sunburst said. “Starlight was sad that her favorite uncle died saving the kids from the Windigo’s Guild, after he declared the mine unsafe for anyone.”

“And here he is,” Twilight said. “No longer in the flesh, but now in spirit form.”

Meteor Flare’s ghostly form floated down towards Starlight Glimmer, who reached out and touched his chest area with her hoof. Tears flowed down from her eyes as she held her hoof on his chest.

“I missed you so much,” Starlight said. “I wish you weren’t taken away from me.”

“I wish for that as well,” Meteor Flare said. “But the reason why I had to do what I had to do was because I saw what they were trying to do with the younglings of Sire’s Hollow.”

The younglings gathered around the spirit of Meteor Flare, especially Starlight who stood in front of her late uncle.

“Tell us what happened,” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“When I was told about the instability of the mine,” Meteor Flare said. “I was disappointed. I wanted to help provide more gems to help with the economy of the town. Mining was a life I had been adapted to since I was ten years old. But I also realized just how dangerous the mines had become. ”

“And so you closed it all down?” Applejack asked.

“I did,” Meteor Flare said. But what I didn’t know was that the Windigo’s Guild took notice of the closed-off mines and built a base within. We were all in danger and we were unaware of it.”

“Was that the reason why Starlight and I were shipped off to Canterlot?” Sunburst asked.

“No,” Meteor Flare replied. “Your parents let you come here because you were gifted students. And I wanted to see how my favorite niece would turn out after training under the wing of Princess Celestia.”

“And I remembered those words before we first departed to Canterlot,” Starlight said. “No matter what happens…”

“Always keep your hope shining bright like the diamond,” Meteor Flare said. “It was the last thing I remembered from you when I was alive.”

“So afterwards, you found out about the colts and fillies’ disappearance,” Starlight asked.

“I did,” Meteor Flare said. “I sent a telegram to Firelight and Starseeker warning them not to return, not just for your sake, but also for your friend Sunburst. Afterwards, I had to sneak back into the mine and rescue the kids from their imprisonment. Their leader, Coldnelius Snap, communicated to the branch of the Guild with a demand: Convert the younglings into new recruits.”

“And what about the cave-in?” Danged Spell asked.

Meteor Flare closed his eyes and cleared his throat before turning his gaze towards the group.

“I’m afraid that was my doing,” Meteor Flare said.

“SAY WHAT?” Starlight yelled.

“Just as I was able to free the last child from his imprisonment,” Meteor Flare said. “The Windigo’s Guild ambushed me. They knew that I was a threat to their operation and they were willing to kill me, then stage a direct attack on the town afterwards. I was trapped with the lone pony cub.”

“I didn’t not know that,” Sunburst said. “The Guild was willing to wipe out our town out of spite?”

“I knew if I didn’t do something fast,” Meteor Flare said. “A whole town would be sent to the ice age, and everyone there would have died. Luckily, I realized that the guild were so arrogant and egotistic, they had left themselves wide open. I used that opportunity to launch a counter attack, knocking them all to the ground.”

“And what happened after that?” Twilight asked.

“Thanks to my intervention,” Meteor Flare explained. “I was able to get the last youngling out of there. But one of them was able to strike me down, leaving me unable to use my legs. They couldn’t catch up to the kid, but they had to make due with me.”

“And that’s where you made that choice?” Starlight asked.

“I knew I couldn’t make it out alive,” Meteor Flare said. “But I also knew that if those frozen zealots escaped, they would attack Sire’s Hollow, re-take the younglings, and even go as far as to wipe the entire town off the face of the planet. So I did the one thing that stopped them in their tracks at the cost of my life: I destroyed one of the support beams that held the mine up with my magic.”

Everyone was surprised by Meteor Flare’s words, especially Starlight. A few tears poured from her eyes as she looked up at Meteor Flare.

“So what happened, afterwards?” Starlight said as she struggled to hold back her tears.

“One moment, I was buried under the boulders of the mine, the next moment, I had emerged into the outside world as if I was unscathed. But when I looked down at myself, I realized that my body had expired. Death had taken it. And yet, I could still exist as a Cosmic Core.”

“Amazing,” Applejack said. “So this is what death feels like.”

“But as proud as I was to have stopped the Guild from doing something worse,” Meteor Flare said. “I have made a little filly cry: Starlight Glimmer. And she’s been crying since I laid down my life for the ponies of Sire’s Hollow.”

“Uncle Meteor?” Starlight said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

“I miss the days of being able to play Ogres and Oubliettes with you,” Meteor Flare said. “To at least give you a reason to smile during my off times. Your mother, my sister Starseeker, was proud of having you as a daughter. And I couldn’t agree with her more.”

“So,” Starlight cried. “What’s going to happen?”

“Well,” Meteor Flare said. “There are legends that state that once a Cosmic Core is ready, they can ascend to the afterlife for a bit before being reborn as a new life. But right now, I do have unfinished business here in this world: Looking after you. Making sure you smile more. So my Cosmic Core has decided to be with you so that you can grow more as a pony.”

“You?” Starlight said. “You really mean it?”

“Yes,” Meteor Flare said. “My wish to see you smile more, laugh alongside your friends, and to see my sister Starseeker once more. Will you do it?”

Starlight Glimmer looked up at the ghost of her uncle and cried out “YES! YES I WILL!” She ran up and held onto Meteor’s ghostly form, crying into him as Meteor Flare patted his niece on the head.

“Don’t worry,” Meteor Flare said. “For me, helping you get up when you need it is my unfinished business.”

“But how will that be done?” Wanda asked.

“That I can explain,” Princess Cadance replied. “It is possible for a body to house more than one Cosmic Core at a time. Some like Starlight can house up to two cores. An adult could house up to three cores. An alicorn can house up to four cores. And there are reports of individuals who could house even more cores in their body.”

Applejack nudged Pinkie Pie and said “If you were Discord, I bet you could hold one hundred Cosmic Cores in your body.”

“Say,” Pinkie Pie said. “That does sound like a good idea.”

Starlight looked up at Meteor Flare and said “Will this hurt?”

“It’s your choice, Starlight,” Meteor Flare said. “What will you say?”

Starlight looked up and said “I’ve missed you so much. I’ll accept.”

Meteor Flare nodded as his spirit disappeared into his Cosmic Core, before flying through the air. Starlight stood on her hind legs as she extended her arms out. The Cosmic Core of Meteor Flare flew right into Starlight Glimmer and disappeared in a flash of light. When the light went away, Starlight stood down on her four hooves and looked at everyone.

“How does it feel, darling?” Rarity asked.

“It feels strange,” Starlight said. “Knowing that I now have two cores within. But I don’t feel anything else that’s off.”

“That’s normal,” Princess Cadance said. “If your body had more than the certain amount of cores it could hold, you wouldn’t be able to handle it, and you would have to eject the core or risk the loss of your life.”

Starlight gasped at what she heard from Princess Cadance. But before she could say anything, Meteor Flare’s spirit popped out and looked down at her.

“Are you alright?” Meteor Flare asked.

“I….I don’t want to die,” Starlight said. “But I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Starlight,” Meteor Flare said. “If you wish to, my Cosmic Core can just float beside you. I won’t be going anywhere for a long time.”

“No no,” Starlight said. “I just want you to be by my side, Uncle Meteor. But not like that.”

“I see,” Meteor Flare said. “But no matter what, you stay strong. As long as you wish for it, I will remain by your side.”

Starlight looked up at Meteor Flare’s spirit and smiled before she wiped her eyes. Starlight once again got on her hind legs and hugged the spirit of Meteor Flare.

“I hope you do,” Starlight said. “And thanks.”

Sunset Shimmer stood by her sisters as she watched Starlight hug Meteor Flare’s spirit.

“You know,” Sunset said. “After tonight, I think we’ve all learned about the mysteries of Cosmic Cores. They serve as our souls through various incarnations, they showcase our magical potential, and there is an entire universe hiding within.”

“Entire Universes?” Twilight said as she danced around excitedly. “Ooooh, I can’t wait to take a test based on that.”

Meteor Flare looked up at Twilight dancing around before he said “By the way, that’s a Star Swirl the Bearded Costume, correct?”

Twilight paused for a moment before turning towards the spirit of Meteor Flare.

“I can’t believe it,” Twilight said. “You know who Star Swirl the Bearded is?”

“Of course I do,” Meteor Flare said. “Learned all about him while I was in school as a little colt. In fact, Star Swirl chose to look after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna after Everfree City collapsed thanks to the war and because of the disappearance of both Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina.”

Twilight turned to Starlight and said “Starlight, if you want, I can look after Meteor Flare’s Cosmic Core.”

Starlight glared at Twilight and said “No. He’s my uncle.”

“But I bet he’s like an encyclopedia,” Twilight said.

“But he’s still my uncle,” Starlight yelled.

Starlight and Twilight yelled at each other, with Twilight becoming more excited and Starlight becoming more agitated. Everyone stood by, watching them bicker. Though Cadance and Meteor Flare do look a bit amused.

“Was this how Starlight acted?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Every once in a while,” Meteor Flare replied. “Sure she can act like this. But it’s rare for her to do so.”

“I think it’s because of her clingy attitude towards you, Meteor,” Princess Cadance replied.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a dog growl. Everyone turned towards the entrance of the graveyard where the Alicorn Bulldog stood guard, eyeing everyone in the vicinity. Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Ditzy, Spike and Abigail quickly hid behind the rest of the group in fear

“Is that the bulldog that trapped you in that bunker?” Cozy Glow asked as she peeked her head out from the sheet.

“It is,” Wanda said, shaking nervously behind the group.

“That’s the dog that trapped us during Wanda’s Birthday,” Sunset said.

Princess Cadance stood in front of the group and kept her vision on the bulldog.

“Don’t worry, kids,” Princess Cadance said. “Last time, I didn’t know this technique. But this time, I do.”

The Bulldog barked loudly as it ran towards the group, with Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Ditzy, Spike and Abigail screaming loudly.

“No time for that,” Danged Spell said as he grabbed a nearby candy sack with his teeth.

“Spell, wait,” Sunburst said.

Danged Spell ran as fast as he could towards the bulldog, carrying the sack of candy with his teeth. Before the canine could leap at Princess Cadance, Danged Spell swung the bag at high speed, hitting the dog and breaking the bag open. Candy flew out from the sack as the dog landed on the ground.

“SPELL!” Sunburst yelled.

Danged Spell walked up to the bulldog, who now looked a bit frightened.


The Alicorn Bulldog got up and ran off out of the graveyard, yipping loudly in fear. Danged Spell stood there, victorious.

“Guess that mutt’s bark was worse than his bite,” Danged Spell said. “That certainly sacked his pride.”

“DANGED SPELL, I NEEDED THAT!” Sunburst said, stomping towards Danged Spell.

“Needed what?” Danged Spell said, confused.

Sunburst pointed to what was left of the candy bag and said “You used my candy bag against that dog and broke it open.”

“But I thought that was my bag,” Danged Spell said.

Princess Cadance walked up to Danged Spell and said “I think you might have grabbed Sunburst’s bag by accident.”

Everyone laughed as Danged Spell blushed with embarrassment. He immediately walked up and grabbed his bag before walking back and presenting it to Sunburst.

“Here,” Danged Spell said. “You can have mine. I’ll take what’s left of yours.”

Sunburst sighed as he grabbed Spell’s candy bag. Danged Spell used his magic to pick up all of the candy off the ground and group it into one huge cluster. Everyone began to walk off towards the entrance as Spell walked behind them carrying his cluster of candy with his magic.

“Boy what a night,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Learning about Cosmic Cores, Trick or Treating, Twilight having costume blues, and encountering Starlight’s uncle in ghostly form. Can’t wait till tell mother about this.”

But Wanda’s mind was wandering to her left. She spied what appeared to be Eleanor Young hiding behind the Mausoleum, catching her attention.

“Wanda?” Sunset said, noticing Wanda’s lack of attention. “Are you alright?”

“I’m not so sure,” Wanda said. “But I feel like someone familiar was right behind that building.”

“I don’t see anything,” Sunset said. “Must have been some kind of ghost. Come on.”

As the group walked off, Wanda looked at the Mausoleum and said “I could have sworn I saw a familiar presence.” Behind the Mausoleum, Eleanor Young hid carefully so as to not catch the attention of her daughter’s sight.

“That was a close call,” Eleanor said. “As much as I want to see my daughter again, now is not the time to do so. All I can do is for Princess Celestia to continue raising her until the time is right.”

Later that night, at the palace, everyone was in the ballroom dancing around and enjoying the food. Pinkie Pie passed out goodies to everyone while Fluttershy and Rarity lined up next to her.

“So you had one last Nightmare Night plan, did ya?” Rarity said.

“Of course,” Pinkie Pie said. “Even after that birthday party was salvaged into something spectacular, I’d figure one good party deserves another.”

“That’s why we like being around you Pinkie,” Fluttershy said. “You always know how to throw the best parties in La Maresa.”

“And I’m glad you got to join us for tonight,” Pinkie Pie said before squawking out a big “BAGAWK!”

“Normally, you don’t like going out Trick or Treating with us,” Rarity said. “And it was great for you to try it out.”

“Well it was nice,” Fluttershy said. “But I prefer hiding under the blankets and telling stories with my animal friends. Last year, I did so with Mr Bovine.”

“I wonder how he’s doing without us?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Danged Spell immediately popped his head out and said “Well I bet he’s having a MOOOOOVING good time.”

And with that, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie yelled out “DANGED SPELL” before bursting out into laughter.

Next to them, Twilight and Starlight were eating some cake together.

“So,” Twilight said. “What do you think of our first Nightmare Night together?”

“I thought it was fun,” Starlight said. “Going to houses in Canterlot, accepting treats, and even seeing my uncle for the first time since he died.”

Twilight took a sip of punch and said “I’m actually hoping that Hearth’s Warming Eve will turn out great. Maybe we can build snowponies or enjoy marshmallows roasted over an open fire.”

“I thought we eat that kind of stuff during the summer,” Starlight said.

Twilight nodded and said “Mom and dad always enjoyed that kind of stuff during this time. So does Shining Armor.”

Trixie popped out of nowhere and said “So the Weak and Pathetic Star Swirl thinks he can defend all of Equestria? Well you stand no chance against the Great and Powerful Warlock named TRIXIE!”

“Bring it, Warlock,” Twilight said with a smug tone. “For the humble, yet powerful, Star Swirl will defend Equestria with his life.”

Starlight took a sip of juice and said “Isn’t it nice to have friends like these?”

On the stage, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Ditzy Doo, Moondancer and Sunburst were dancing the night away, enjoying every moment of it. Ditzy jumped into the air and flew around with her wings extended.

“Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “The dance floor is down here.”

“But it feels so restrictive,” Ditzy Doo said. “Besides, I’m Captain Muffins.”

Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to fly off, only for Moondancer to pull her down.

“Moonie,” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Relax,” Moondancer said. “We’re here to enjoy ourselves.”

“Moondancer’s right,” Applejack said. “It’s time we just kick back and enjoy the moment.”

But just as Applejack finished speaking, Ditzy Doo flew down and above Applejack, causing the apple filly to duck down before looking up.

“Told ya,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It figures,” Moondancer said as she hoofpalmed.

As Rainbow Dash flew up and chased after Ditzy Doo, Sunburst stopped dancing and looked up at the two pegasi flying.

“I’m jealous of those two,” Sunburst said.

“Now why in tarnation would you say that?” Applejack asked.

“Considering that they can dance in the air,” Sunburst said. “That’s the reason why.”

Applejack looked at Sunburst and said “Excuse me? Dance in the air? What next? Pretending that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?”

“Funny you should say that,” Sunburst said. “That’s actually one of Twilight Sparkle’s favorite songs.”

Applejack stopped dancing before she pulled down her hat and said “You know what, nevermind.”

Moondancer looked at Sunburst and said “Smooth move, Smartie.”

“What?” Sunburst said. “I was just pointing out the facts.”

Nearby, as the younglings were enjoying themselves, Princess Cadance watched on, enjoying a slice of cake, with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna next to her.

“I take it Eleanor’s trick at the graveyard worked perfectly,” Princess Celestia said to Cadance.

“It did,” Princess Cadance said. “And I was glad to have met Eleanor Young. Can’t believe she’s Wanda’s real mother.”

“She is,” Princess Luna said. “But she wants us to look after Wanda a bit more.”

“Call us crazy,” Princess Celestia said. “But I believe Eleanor puts a lot of trust into all of us in looking after Wanda. It was as if she knew this would be the perfect place for her.”

“No place is perfect, unfortunately,” Princess Cadance said. “But it takes a strong heart to raise a little girl and to teach her right from wrong.”

“And I think Wanda has the right friends to help her out,” Princess Celestia said. “Not just with Sunset Shimmer and you, but also with the friends she made in Canterlot, La Maresa and Seaquestria.”

“By the way,” Princess Luna said, taking off her Nightmare Moon helmet. “Where are Wanda and Sunset?”

“Just enjoying some time by themselves,” Princess Celestia said.

Outside of the ballroom, Wanda, Sunset, Spike, Abigail and Cozy Glow sat together next to the wall with their bags of candy. Sunset had her eyes closed, her front hooves around her chest area and her horn glowing.

“What’s she doing?” Cozy Glow asked.

“Watch and learn,” Wanda responded.

Sunset’s chest glowed brightly. She thrusted her arms out as her Cosmic Core emerges from her body. It pulsed a bit, as if it were active.

“Wow,” Cozy Glow said. “That’s what a Cosmic Core looks like?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “But I’m surprised that it’s moving like that. I thought Cosmic Cores were still objects on the outside.”

Cozy Glow pondered for a bit before she looked down at her chest. She placed her front hooves towards her chest and lit up her alicorn horn.

“Maybe,” Cozy Glow said. “Maybe I should see what my own Cosmic Core looks like.”

Wanda turned her attention towards Cozy Glow and said “Great idea I can’t wait to see it.”

Cozy Glow’s chest glowed brightly before she thrusted her arms out like Sunset did. Her Cosmic Core emerged from her chest, and like Sunset, it too was pulsing a bit with activity.

“Yours too?” Wanda said. “That’s amazing.”

Cozy Glow opened her eyes and looked down at her Cosmic Core, amazed by its appearance. Inside her core lie galaxies that span with the confines of the core.

“Hey Wanda,” Sunset said as she opened her eyes. “What about yours? Can we see it?”

“Sure,” Wanda said as she placed her hands near her chest. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Wanda’s chest and hands glowed brightly. She thrusts her hands out, and watches as her Cosmic Core emerges. But to her surprise, the Cosmic Core pulsed even faster than Sunset Shimmer and Cozy Glow’s own Cosmic Cores.

“Wow,” Sunset said. “Yours moves faster than ours.”

“What does that mean?” Cozy Glow asked.

“I don’t know,” Wanda replied. “I know that Aunt Luna’s core is still and calm. But mine ripple faster than the both of yours.”

Sunset, Cozy Glow, Abigail and Spike stood there, amazed by the rapid movements of Wanda’s Cosmic Core. Wanda looked inside her core and saw a bright light that emitted from one of the galaxies within her core.

“Wanda,” Sunset asked. “What is that?”

“I don’t know,” Wanda said. “But it sure is pretty.”

“Pretty,” Abigail said.

“Cool,” Spike said, reaching out to Wanda’s Cosmic Core.

To Be Continued in…

Arc 8: Pool Party Crashers

A Heat Wave in the Fall

Author's Note:

So as of now, Starlight will be able to communicate with the ghost of Meteor Flare thanks to his Cosmic Core remaining with her. This will take this iconic character down a different path from her Friendship is Magic counterpart. Truth be told, I wanted to expand on Meteor Flare's characterization, but he was already dead. So I had to bring him back as a ghost(Or just his Cosmic Core) just to expand a bit on him.

Also, what do you think is in Wanda's Cosmic Core? Cue the speculations.

Anyway, our next arc is just a simple pool party episode. Or is it?

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