• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 515 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 19-4: It's So Hard to Say Good-Bye

It’s So Hard to Say Good-Bye

Morning dawned in the city of Canterlot. Though ponies walked through the day without a care in the world, a small crowd gathered around the ground bridge portal to La Maresa. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Argyle Starshine and Chancellor Cinch stood next to the portal arch. Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer stood tall, yet a little depressed and nervous on the inside. Next to them were Granny Smith, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker, Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Crescent Eclipse, Artemis Light, Fortwright and Shanoa. Shanoa had Dream Seeker in her right arm, who had fallen asleep.

Right next to Princess Celestia were Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. They all looked gloomy as they saw their three friends, one last time.

“I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this,” Princess Celestia said. “But as of today, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell will be moving to La Maresa to start a new life. I’m sorry that we couldn’t accommodate you three in Canterlot anymore. But I wish you three the best of luck when you leave this city.”

Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell nodded to Princess Celestia before turning towards their friends.

“Well,” Danged Spell said. “I guess this is good-bye.”

“It is good-bye,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Never thought you would be leaving for La Maresa.”

“Right now, it beats returning to Lio Lani,” Danged Spell said. “After all, I’m supposed to be exiled from that place.”

“And I’ll try to make sure he doesn’t get banished from La Maresa,” Moondancer joked.

“Really funny, Moonie,” Danged Spell laughed in a subtle tone.

“So what is going to happen now that I’ll be the only one with the Wolf’s Breath Curse in Canterlot?” Golden Lace asked as she slowed her laughter down.

“Not the only one,” Moondancer stated. “After all, Princess Celestia has the Wolf’s Breath Curse as well.”

Golden Lace walked up to Moondancer and said “Oh and by the way, I hope I do get invited down to La Maresa. I always wanted to check the place out.”

“I think one day we’ll let you come down,” Moondancer said. “Besides, we should tell Juniper Montage about your desire to do so.”

“That reminds me,” Granny Smith said. “Canter Zoom heard about you three coming down to La Maresa, and he wants to show you his new movie studio. But only if you are on your best behavior.”

“Oh we will,” Danged Spell said. “After all, that stallion is a famous movie director. Trashing his set is the last thing I would ever do.”

“Now aren’t you glad I have you as my son?” Shanoa said as Dream Seeker woke up with a yawn.

“Well,” Golden Lace said to Moondancer. “I hope you three can have a better life in La Maresa.”

As Golden Lace hugged Moondancer before stepping away, Twilight Sparkle walked up to her close friend.

“I always thought it would be me to go down to La Maresa,” Twilight said. “Perhaps on an assignment for Princess Celestia. But now, you have to go down there.”

“That’s true,” Moondancer said. “And you’ll most likely miss out on any parties in my name.”

“Even more so now that I will be moving back to Vanhoover once my dad is healed up,” Twilight said. “Though now without my big brother to be by my side.”

“Wait,” Sunburst said. “Your brother is going to remain behind?”

“Dad’s letting him look after our Canterlot house while we’re gone,” Twilight said. “Besides, I heard he might consider trying out for the Royal Guard again.”

Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell turned to Shining Armor, who nodded at the trio.

“Well Twilight,” Moondancer said. “You stay safe in Canterlot.”

Twilight reached over and gave Moondancer a hug as tears rolled down each others’ cheeks. Nearby, Starlight walked up to her mother and father.

“So, I guess this is good-bye,” Starlight said.

“It is,” Starseeker Glimmer said. “I wish it were to go back to Sire’s Hollow. But until then, we’ll be fine in La Maresa.”

“You do us a favor,” Firelight said. “You listen to what Princess Celestia and Princess Luna said, and stay out of trouble. Promise?”

“Promise,” Starlight Glimmer said before she gave her parents a big hug.

“One thing’s for certain,” Sunburst said, “I will miss you, Starlight. In fact, we’ve known each other since we were foals.”

“We have,” Starlight Glimmer said as her parents released her. “But please don’t forget about me. I promise I won’t forget about you.”

“Oh I won’t,” Sunburst said. “You can count on that.”

With that, Sunburst and Starlight gave each other a hug as Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young walked up to Danged Spell and Moondancer.

"Well, I'm glad to have had you both as a friend," Sunset Shimmer said.

"I'll have to confess," Danged Spell said. "I kinda wished I had your demon form instead of my Wolf's Breath Curse."

"Spell, you don't really need my demon form,” Sunset said. “You’re fine as you are with your Wolf’s Breath Curse. Besides, you would lose total control if you have that kind of power.”

Danged Spell froze for a bit before he said “Good point there. I’ll stick with my curse.”

As Danged Spell laughed, Wanda allowed Moondancer to place her hooves on the palms of her hands as Twilight Sparkle moved out of the way.

“To be honest, I was hoping we wouldn’t have to say good-bye,” Moondancer said.

“I know,” Wanda replied.

“Maybe one day, we’ll see each other again,” Moondancer said. “Till then, promise you’ll keep looking up at the stars.”

“I will, Moonie,” Wanda said. “I will.”

With that, Wanda, Twilight, Sunset and Starlight walked away from Moondancer, Sunburst, Danged Spell, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker Glimmer as Granny Smith stood out in front.

“It’s time,” Granny Smith said. “Take us to La Maresa.”

Princess Celestia nodded as she pointed her horn at the crystal of the ground bridge portal. With one blast of magic, the crystal lit up and the ground bridge portal activated, creating the vortex that leads to La Maresa.

“Well,” Granny Smith said. “This is it. Let’s go.”

Granny Smith led Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, Fortwright, Shanoa with Dream Seeker, Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Crescent Eclipse, Artemis Light, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker Glimmer towards the portal. One by one, they all entered through, disappearing until Danged Spell paused and looked at the rest of the group.

“You stay safe,” Danged Spell nodded. “And I hope you do visit.”

Wanda, Sunset, Starlight, Twilight, Spike, Abigail, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow and the Dazzlings all nodded before Danged Spell jumped through the portal. Once he was through, the vortex disappeared completely, leaving everyone behind.

“Can’t believe that three friends are no longer here in Canterlot,” Shining Armor said. “And soon, I’m going to be here by myself.”

“Not really by yourself, Shining,” Twilight said. “Spike’s going to be with you when I return home to Vanhoover once daddy’s legs are better. And you still have Princess Cadance to back you up.”

“I do, Twili,” Shining Armor said. “I do.”

Argyle Starshine walked up to Princess Celestia, who stared at the now idle portal arch.

“It’s going to be lonesome with only a few students remaining,” Argyle Starshine asked.

“I’m not ready to shut down the school just yet,” Princess Celestia said. “We still have Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Wanda Young.”

“And what about Twilight?” Argyle Starshine asked.

“She’ll be gone in a week or two,” Princess Celestia said. “For now, she’s allowed to come to class when she feels up to it. Right now, it’s time we all departed.”

“That we shall,” Argyle nodded.”

And with that, Princess Cadance escorted Wanda, Sunset, Starlight, Abigail, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace and the Dazzlings to the castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna following from behind. Shining Armor escorted Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon towards the hospital with Argyle Starshine by their side. But Chancellor Cinch stood behind as the only soul left. She looked up at the arch, which stood idle since Wanda’s friends and their respective family had left the city.

“So much sadness on this day,” Chancellor Cinch said. “If only they didn’t have to go through what the Windigo’s Guild placed us all under, or what Gold Banks pulled on Twilight Sparkle’s family.”

“And I heard Twilight Sparkle’s family will depart once his legs are healed.” Chancellor Cinch turned towards a nearby tree, where Eleanor Young had emerged from the use of an invisible cloak.

“They will,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Soon, all that Man’s Cub will have left will be her close sister Sunset Shimmer and her new roommate Starlight Glimmer.”

“Perhaps I could help out like I did with La Maresa,” Eleanor Young said.

“A second ground bridge portal,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But one that leads to Vanhoover.”

“I can get started on it right away,” Eleanor Young said. “All I need are the ingredients and…”

“Actually, I have a request for you,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’ll need you to check up on those three in La Maresa, to see how they’ll cope while they are separated from the rest of their friends. During that time, use that opportunity to synthesize two more ground bridge portal crystals.”

“Are you sure about that?” Eleanor Young asked.

“I am,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And if the Windigo’s Guild or any other danger were to strike, do what you can to keep them safe. Understood?”

“I will,” Eleanor replied.

“Good,” Chancellor Cinch said. “You will depart at night while everyone is asleep.”

Later that evening, Wanda sat down in her room, staring out at the sunset through the window with Abigail sleeping next to her. She let out a quiet sigh and barely moved from her position. Outside of the room, Sunset Shimmer and Cozy Glow walked Starlight Glimmer to the entrance.

“Are you sure about that?” Starlight asked.

“It’s okay,” Sunset said. “Go stay with Wanda for the night. She needs some cheering up after today.”

“What about you and Cozy Glow?” Starlight asked.

“We’ll be fine,” Cozy Glow said. “Just go keep that not-so-golly Wanda comfy.”

Starlight nodded before she walked up to Wanda, who continued to observe the sun setting in the distance. Sunset and Cozy Glow pulled away from the room as Starlight got up on the bed.

“How are you doing, Wanda?” Starlight asked.

“Not so well,“ Wanda sighed.

“It’s about Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell, correct?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda replied.

“Truth be told, I do miss Sunburst,” Starlight explained. “I’ve known him far before I came here to Canterlot, back when I was a foal. Mommy and Daddy took me to Sunburst’s house so that we could play together. And since then, we had a strong bond that has lasted….. until now.”

Wanda turned towards Starlight, who just looked up at the setting sun with a tear in her eye.

“And I still remember when we tried to set you and Sunburst up with dinner together,” Wanda asked.

“Oh I remember that very well,” Starlight giggled. “And we would have enjoyed it had it not been for those Predacons.”

“At least Helga Hearthsoup was able to make more for all of us to enjoy,” Wanda said. “Manehattan spaghetti and seasoned oatballs. Who knew it tasted so good?”

“Well,” Starlight laughed. “That’s Helga Hearthsoup for you. And I’m glad Sunburst got to enjoy it.”

But as Starlight looked out the window, Wanda placed her hand on Starlight’s hoof.

“Starlight,” Wanda said. “I know I’m not like Sunburst, and I’m not like the Great and Powerful Trixie. But know this. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”

“You…you mean it?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said, placing her arm behind Starlight’s back. “We’ll get through this together.”

Starlight Glimmer leaned onto Wanda and rubbed her muzzle around the Man’s Cub’s arm while Wanda snuggled Starlight closely.

Outside of the room, Sunset Shimmer and Cozy Glow observed the two friends and smiled closely.

“So,” Cozy Glow said. “What are you going to do with three of your friends gone?”

“We’ll have to stick closer together from here on out,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Especially with Twilight Sparkle leaving once her daddy’s legs are better.”

“But you also heard that Shining Armor is going to stay with us,” Cozy Glow explained.

“Yeah, I heard,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But that being said, I don’t know how long he’s going to be here. He may end up attending the Royal Academy and would end up having to sleep there, leaving the house abandoned.”

“And Spike the Dragon without anyone,” Cozy Glow said. “Remember when you heard about Twilight letting Spike be with Shining Armor?”

“I did,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And right now, I don’t know how we’re going to handle these next few days.”

“I think we’ll get through this,” Cozy Glow said. “After all, I’ve had to put up with my own mother and sister before I finally decided to run off. And even then, I’m still reminded of what they did.”

“I hope we do,” Sunset Shimmer said. “In fact, I hope we do see them again. It’s only been half a day and I’ve already missed them.”

Downstairs, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance were relaxing in the great chamber of the castle. Princess Celestia was drinking tea, Princess Luna observed the fireplace while Princess Cadance was playing a game on her tablet. Despite the calmness, the trio looked a bit troubled.

“Still thinking about Wanda’s friends?” Luna asked.

“I have, Aunt Luna,” Princess Cadance said. “Wanda saw those three not just as friends, but more as members of her inner family, like all three of us.”

“Like how I almost lost my sister to the Pony of Shadows a thousand years ago,” Princess Luna said.

“You know, I’ve been wondering,” Princess Celestia said. “What if Canterlot really isn’t the place for Wanda to live in, all this time?”

“What do you mean, mother?” Princess Cadance asked.

Princess Celestia set her teacup and plate aside on the stool and got up.

“Maybe the parents of her friends were right,” Princess Celestia said. “Maybe Canterlot may not be a good place for Wanda to live in. Perhaps we should give La Maresa a chance for little Wanda.”

“But didn’t the Windigo’s Guild prevent you from moving Wanda there?” Princess Luna stated.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia explained. “But they also attacked us during the gala and once again when we demonstrated the ground bridge portal to La Maresa. I think they are going to be more bold in their attacks on Canterlot from here on out.”

“So you might move Wanda to La Maresa after all?” Princess Luna asked.

“I might,” Princess Celestia said. “But this is going to be her decision, and hers alone. No one else has to make that decision. Not me, not you, not even the Windigo’s Guild. We’ll talk to her about this tomorrow. But she has all the time in the world to decide if she wants to stay here in Canterlot, or move to La Maresa.”

“I only hope that no one will decide Wanda’s fate for us or her,” Princess Cadance said. “After all, she’s my sister, and I would have to see someone pull that horrible stunt.”

“They won’t,” Princess Celestia said. “If I have anything to say about that.”

But outside in the streets of Canterlot, Gold Banks looked through the bars of the gate that sealed the castle out from the rest of the world. She stomped her hoof down on the ground, steaming mad.

“Curse you, Princess Celestia, and curse your Wonderbolts,” Gold Banks fumed. “One day, I’ll make you pay for that round of humiliation.”

“Is that a fact, my apprentice?” Gold Banks turned around to see Magistrate Creme Dream walk up to her.

“What do you want, you miserable diva?” Gold Banks snarled.

“Oh, I came here to propose a means of redeeming yourself,” Magistrate Creme Dream explained as she walked up to Gold Banks. “Since Princess Celestia’s little pet has lost three of her friends, it won’t be long until she’s all alone.”

“Get on with it,” Gold Banks demanded. “What’s the plan?”

“Tomorrow morning, I will propose a bill on the Senate floor to demand that Princess Celestia enroll her children into Daisy Joy Tech,” Magistrate Creme Dream explained. “If I can convince a majority of the Senate to favor this bill to the point where the Princesses’ veto means nothing, she will have no choice, but to send them there.”

Gold Banks laughed a bit as she stepped away from the gate.

“Send them away to Daisy Joy Tech without her say so,” Gold Banks said. “I like that. But what if she mentions what I did yesterday?”

“Oh I have that covered,” Magistrate Creme Dream explained. “Not even that stunt you pulled yesterday will be enough to sway Senators to her side. You have my word.”

As Magistrate Creme Dream walked away, Gold Banks turned back to the castle with a terrifying smile on her face.

“Make your peace with your mommy, you sick little monkey,” Gold Banks grinned. “For soon, the next years of your life will be the worst years you ever experienced.”

With that, Gold Banks laughed loudly before she walked away from the castle gates.

To Be Continued In…

Arc 20: La Maresa Blues

A New Home, a New Start

Author's Note:

From the very start of this fanfic, I dreamt up the idea of separating Wanda's friends from each other. While the original idea would have had all of her friends move out, writing this arc changed my idea the moment I started on the second portion.

Now for the next arc, Wanda will take a break from the action, as we will focus on Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer. This is also the first step in our path towards the Finale of this Saga: Operation Daisy Joy.

Note: I'm going to give myself a few days off to prepare for this next arc.

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