• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 16-4: Snow Way Out

Snow Way Out


Those words came from a panicked Granny Smith. She breathed heavily as Applejack and Rarity stood next to her right at the ground bridge portal of the Golden Land. Nearby, a stern Bright Mac stood next to Buttercup, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch. Nearby, ponies poured out from the portal into the Golden Land.

“She would have done so without her mother’s permission,” Bright Mac said, “And put herself in grave danger.”

“I was talking about Princess Celestia,” Granny Smith said. “Why would she put her own children, or herself, in danger like that? In fact, why would she go out when it’s deathly cold out there?”

“It’s to make sure a stray animal and a pair of juvenile delinquents make it here safely,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I was against it. But I also knew she would do so regardless of our approval.”

“Of all the times you could have stopped her,” Granny Smith said, “You chose this time not to? For one who is as strict towards Wanda, you managed to disappoint me on that level. I hope you’re proud of it.”

“And I would have gone with her,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But my duties are to the refugees of this blasted snow storm.”

“Nevermind that,” Granny Smith said before turning towards Applejack and Rarity.

“Grandma,” Applejack said. “Do you need me to do anything?”

“I’m afraid so,” Granny Smith said. “Take Rarity and go with Princess Luna towards the nearby palace where your friends are. I’m going to have a word with Princess Celestia the moment she steps hoof in this land.”

Applejack and Rarity nodded before they ran up to Princess Luna, who escorted them towards the Golden Palace.

“Do you think Wanda will be alright?” Applejack asked. “And especially Princess Celestia?”

“Princess Celestia has been through worse than that,” Princess Luna said. “She’ll keep them fine.”

“I sure hope so,” Rarity said. “But when we tell them about Granny Smith’s own concern about Wanda and Celestia…”

“I’m also thinking about what would happen if we don’t,” Princess Luna said. “Better to tell them the truth and let them know what’s going on.”

“Agreed,” Applejack said. “As horrible as the truth is, lies are a lot worse.”

But as Princess Luna, Applejack and Rarity were nearing the castle, Granny Smith turned towards Cinch and was about to speak when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Granny Smith turned around to see Majordomo Kibitz with a medium-sized wagon with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara inside.

“Granny Smith,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “I believe you forgot these four tykes.”

“Ma,” Bright Mac said in a stern tone. “You were supposed to look over those four while we’re gone.”

“Me?” Granny Smith said. “I thought Big Mac was going to look after them.”

“I assigned Big Mac to take down the makeshift kitchen and move it here,” Bright Mac said. “And as a matter of fact, look behind you.”

Granny Smith turned around to see Big Mac walk on in, pulling a large wagon that had the entire makeshift kitchen from inside the castle.

“Did I miss something?” Big Mac said sarcastically.

Granny Smith hung her head low and said “Oh for crying out loud. Now I’m starting to fall apart as a parent.”

Meanwhile, outside of the wall bunker, a tiny plume of smoke emitted from one of the buildings. But nearby, all Rainbow Dash and Spitfire could do is wait. They paced back and forth impatiently.

“What’s taking Airazor so long?” Rainbow Dash said. “She should have been back by now.”

“Patience, Rainbow,” Spitfire said. “The last thing we need is to scare them out and send them scattering across Canterlot.”

“But what if that bonfire inside there goes out?” Rainbow Dash said. “What if they freeze to death?”

“They won’t.” Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were startled by the words that came out behind them. When they turned around, they saw Captain Airazor alongside Shining Armor, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Danged Spell.

“Wanda?” Rainbow Dash said. “What are you doing here?”

“Mommy asked us to help out with those troubled colts,” Wanda explained. “She and Fluttershy are looking after the bulldog that tried to eat Sunset and I. Besides, you remember when I had to deal with Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, correct?”

Rainbow Dash flew up to Airazor and said “No offense. But letting Wanda deal with them? Have you lost it?”

“Oh it wasn’t my idea,” Airazor said with a smirk. “You can thank Princess Celestia for giving Wanda this responsibility.”

“Maybe we should give her a chance,” Spitfire stated. “If Wanda knew how to deal with Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, she can do it again with those guys.”

But before Rainbow Dash could say something, her eyes caught the window of the wall bunker. The smoke that came out disappeared without a trace. Rainbow Dash’s face turned ghostly white in sheer horror before she turned towards Wanda.

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash said. “Do what needs to be done, Wanda.”

Wanda nodded to Rainbow Dash as she and Sunset Shimmer approached the door. Wanda gripped the handle and swung it wide open before she stepped inside with Sunset right behind her.

Inside, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse all stared in disbelief at what was left of their bonfire. Wanda and Sunset took a few steps forward, observing the colts’ despair.

“Our fire,” Short Fuse said in a meek voice. “It went out…so fast.”

“What the hay are we going to do now?” Flam asked.

“I don’t know,” Dumbbell said. “At this point, I feel like I wanna curl up into a ball and cry.”

But before Hoops could say anything, Wanda placed her hand on his shoulder, catching his attention. Hoops looked up and saw the man’s cub looking down at him with a smile on her face.

“You okay?” Wanda asked.

But Hoops immediately got up from his position before turning towards Wanda and getting down on his knees, sobbing in tears.

“Oh please forgive us Princess,” Hoops cried. “We were supposed to be going back to the Coltsom Detention Facility just to be with those guys. But this stupid snow storm trapped us here, our close friends had a run-in with a train derailment and we have no warmth whatsoever.”

Wanda immediately kneeled down and placed her hand on Hoop’s shoulder for reassurance.

“It’s okay,” Wanda said. “I know why you were in Coltsom. You wanted to prove that you were irredeemable, that you wanted to forever be a pariah just for the sake of notoriety. But what’s past is past. All I care about is getting you and your friends to a warm place to hunker down.”

“My sister’s right,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Mother found out that the three of you were in Coltsom just to check the place out, while the rest of you were there for minor infractions that don’t justify that kind of lockup. Furthermore, had you all still been in Coltsom, we would have demanded your transfer to the Golden Land so you wouldn’t freeze to death. There’s still a chance for you all, and we’re willing to give it to you. So, would you come with us to the Golden Land?”

Hoops got up on his four hooves as Wanda took her hand off his shoulder. He turned towards the rest of the troupe with fire in his eyes.

“Boys,” Hoops said. “It’s time we swallow our pride for our own sake. We’re heading to whatever this Golden Land is.”

Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse all cheered loudly as they gathered up to Hoops and gave him a hug. Wanda and Sunset took a few steps back to let the colts embrace each other as Spitfire and Rainbow Dash walked in.

“Never thought it would work so well,” Rainbow Dash said. “You both did a great job.”

“It wasn’t just about saving their lives,” Wanda explained. “It was also making sure we push them into the right direction. It was what mommy would do.”

“Well you both have a great mother,” Spitfire said. “And you both carry on her legacy as Princesses of Equestria.”

“But now is not the time to celebrate,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We need to return to Twilight Sparkle’s house, where Princess Celestia and Fluttershy are watching over Karen the Alicorn Bulldog.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “Aren’t you concerned that it will eat you?”

“Not anymore,” Wanda giggled. “Turns out, the beast has been extremely hungry all this time. But enough talk. We have to get back to mommy.”

Spitfire turned towards the colts and said “Come. We have to make our way back to Twilight’s house before we get you all to the Castle. Once there, we can take you to a portal that leads to the Golden Land.”

The colts nodded before Wanda, Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire led them out of the wall bunker. Outside, Shining Armor, Danged Spell and Airazor greeted the group as the storm began to pick up.

“Never thought you two would pull it off,” Airazor said. “But you did it.”

“No time to complement us,” Wanda said. “We need to get back to mommy and get to the castle this instant. I don’t want them to freeze.”

“And she’s got a point,” Shining Armor said. “Let’s head back to my house and give Princess Celestia the good news.”

Everyone nodded in agreement before Wanda hopped onto Shining Armor’s back. With a mighty neigh, Shining Armor galloped off into the distance with Wanda on top of his back, all while Sunset Shimmer ran alongside him. Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Airazor, Hoops, Danged Spell, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse followed from behind.

Back at Twilight’s house, Princess Celestia peeked her head out, observing the snow fall at a faster speed. Fluttershy and Karen the Bulldog stuck their heads out as well.

“I did not expect this snowstorm to pick up this fast,” Fluttershy said.

“Nor did I,” Princess Celestia said. “I just hope they can make it back safely.”

“I’m sure they will,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve seen their spirit, and I believe they can make it.”

Karen the Bulldog turned to her left, and looked down a nearby street before her face beamed with excitement, followed by the alicorn bulldog barking wildly.

“Karen,” Fluttershy said. “Do you see them?”

Karen turned to Fluttershy and nodded in agreement. Princess Celestia looked down and saw numerous shadows in the distance, becoming more and more detailed as they approach.

“You might be right,” Princess Celestia said. “I can make out Shining Armor with Wanda on his back, Sunset Shimmer by his side, and I also see a number of colts running right behind him. And there’s also the Wonderbolts.”

“I was right,” Fluttershy said. “They did make it. We’re going to be okay.”

Celestia looked up ahead and saw Shining Armor riding closer with Wanda riding on top, waving to her. Sunset was next to him, waving back at Princess Celestia. Immediately, Princess Celestia flung the door open and ran out, leaving Fluttershy and Karen behind.

“PRINCESS!” Fluttershy yelled. “BE CAREFUL!”

But as Princess Celestia ran out the door and onto the street, she heard the sound of Wanda yelling out “LOOK OUT, MOMMY!” Celestia turned to her left, only to be hit on her side by a runaway wagon, knocking her down and causing the alicorn to scream in pain.

“MOMMY!” Wanda screamed in horror as everyone came to a stop.

Wanda got off Shining Armor and ran up to Princess Celestia, who laid on the ground with a turned-over wagon right next to her. Her tears began to build up, looking down at her injured adopted mother.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “Mommy. Get up.”

As Celestia struggled to get up, she said “Wanda. This was why I didn’t want you to come out here. I warned you about how dangerous it was. But in my own foolishness, it was I who took the fall. And yet, who am I kidding? You would have disobeyed my order and the results would have been the same..or even worse.”

“Mommy,” Wanda cried as Sunset ran up to her. “You have to get up. Please. I don’t want to lose you.”

But as Celestia got up, she slipped on a bit of the pavement and fell down on her side again, causing Wanda and Sunset to shriek. Celestia looked up at her daughters with a smile on her face.

“Mother,” Sunset said with tears in her eyes. “Don’t you die on us, like you almost did with Queen Chrysalis.”

“It’s…only a hard bump,” Celestia said with a smile. “I’ll be fine.”

“A hard bump?” Shining Armor said in an angry tone. “This is the third time you’ve scared your own daughter like that. What were you thinking?”

But before Princess Celestia could say anything, her eyes noticed the appearance of a human-like figure in a white robe, who walked up to her. This also caught the attention of Wanda, Sunset and Shining Armor, just as everyone else walked up to them.

“Who?” Wanda said, curiously.

“Do not be alarmed,” the figure said. “I took notice of your brave deed, and I came to assist.”

The human figure placed her hand on Princess Celestia’s side, glowing brightly. An aura surrounded Celestia’s torso with a warm light. When the light faded, the human withdrew her hand to her side as Princess Celestia slowly turned to her side.

“I owe you one,” Celestia said as she got on her two front hooves.

Wanda looked up at the figure and asked “Excuse me. But who are you?”

The figure took off her hood, revealing herself to be Eleanor.

“I’m a guardian angel,” Eleanor explained. “And I look after those who need it.”

“Another human like Wanda?” Sunset said. “I never realized humans could exist in Equestria.”

As Celestia slowly got herself up, the others approached the alicorn princess for concern of her well-being, while Shining Armor approached Eleanor.

“Well whoever you are,” Shining Armor said, “I appreciate what you’ve done for Princess Celestia.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Eleanor explained. “It’s what I do for the ponies of Canterlot. But for now, I must locate anyone who needs a helping hand.”

Eleanor bowed towards the group before turning around and walking off in another direction, disappearing within the snow. Wanda just stood there, staring at where Eleanor used to be.

“Call me crazy,” Wanda said. “But for some reason, I feel as if I’ve known her before.”

“No kidding,” Sunset said. “In fact, doesn’t she look almost like you?”

Before Wanda could say anything, she heard Fluttershy voice. Wanda turned around to see Fluttershy and Karen the Alicorn Bulldog run up to her.

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked. “And who was that person?”

“Just someone who was watching over us,” Princess Celestia.

Suddenly, Karen turned towards the nearby street and started to bark wildly. Celestia slowly turned to the area, where Silver Banks walked up to the group with two mares walking with him. The eldest of the two had a dark apricot orange coat and a magenta and purple mane, with a glowing star for a cutie mark. The youngest had a lighter shade of blue coat, a light royal blue mane, and a pair of stars for her cutie mark.

“Silver Banks,” Celestia said. “I didn’t expect you to be out here.”

“Neither did I expect you,” Silver Banks said. “When I heard your scream from a distance, me and these two went to your side to see what’s wrong.”

“Those two?” Danged Spell asked. “Who are they?”

The eldest came up to Danged Spell with the youngest walking up next to her and said “My name is Sunlight Starscout. My daughter is Bright-Eyes Starshine. We came up to Canterlot to escape the snowstorm and we came across Mr Banks.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “Your daughter’s last name is Starshine?”

“That’s right,” Bright-Eyes Starshine said. “I’m the younger sister of Argyle Starshine.”

Celestia turned towards Sunlight and said “Your son is staying with us at the Golden Land. If you wish to do so, you can come with us.”

“We’ll do it,” Sunlight nodded. “I don’t care what kind of tracking magic that the headmistress of Daisy Joy placed on us. I want to see my son.”

“That may be great and all,” Silver Banks said. “But I believe you have a problem with some of the colts following you.”

Princess Celestia looked down and saw Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse frantically rub their forearms as their legs began to develop frost around it.

“I can’t feel my arms,” Flam said, struggling to rub his hooves warm.

“Forget my arms,” Short Fuse complained. “I can’t walk at all.”

Princess Celestia attempted to light her own horn. But the cold air began to cover it in frost, dimming the light. She began to worry.

“The cold air is preventing me from using my magic,” Princess Celestia said.

“Mine too,” Shining Armor said as his horn struggled to light up. “I think the warmth spell is starting to wear off.”

Wanda held herself close as she began to shiver. Sunset Shimmer got onto her hind legs and held onto her adopted sister to keep her warm.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I’m starting to freeze.”

“Either the spell wore off,” Sunset said. “Or the cold is starting to pierce through that warmth you gave us”

Princess Celestia looked at the tipped over cart that knocked her down. She ran up to the cart and pulled it up right, setting it down on its wheels.

“There,” Princess Celestia said. “That’s your mode of transportation.”

She pulled down the back of the cart before she lifted Wanda and Sunset and placed them in. Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Fluttershy immediately flew into the bed of the cart as their wings began to freeze over.

“My wings,” Rainbow Dash said. “I can’t feel em.”

“This is worse than I imagined, “Airazor said as she landed on her four hooves with her wings frozen solid. “We can’t fly back to the castle. If we don’t get back, we’re goners.”

Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and Silver Banks lifted each of the colts up and placed them onto the bed of the cart. As Danged Spell placed his hooves on top of the cart, he looked down at Karen, who just whimpered right at him.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Danged Spell said. “But I feel sorry for the mutt.”

“Spell,” Fluttershy said. “Can’t your Wolf’s Breath curse allow you to communicate with the beast?”

“I dunno,” Danged Spell said. “But I’m surprised that you want me to talk with her when you can communicate with animals.”

“I know,” Fluttershy said. “But I’m curious if the effect of the Wolf’s Breath curse can let you talk with canines. Give it a try.”

Princess Celestia nodded at Danged Spell, who shifted towards his Wolf’s Breath Curse in an instant. He looked down at the Alicorn Bulldog and barked right at it. The bulldog wasted no time barking right back.

“What did he say?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’ll let Spell be the one to translate,” Fluttershy said.

“Unfortunately, he won’t be able to shift out of his curse,” Princess Celestia said. “With my horn frozen, he’s stuck until we can get to the Golden Land.”

“Luckily, I borrowed this from Twilight’s house,” Fluttershy said as she pulled out a notepad and pencil from her mane.

“One of Twili’s school supplies,” Shining Armor said. “Clever.”

Fluttershy gave Danged Spell the notepad and pencil, to which Danged Spell opened it and wrote down on the pages. Once he was done, he gave the notepad to Fluttershy.

“Wow,” Fluttershy said, looking up at Danged Spell. “That’s exactly what she said.”

Danged Spell nodded towards Fluttershy, who then looked down at the words on the pad.

“Read it, Fluttershy, for goodness sake,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I am terribly sorry for what I did to you and your friends,” Fluttershy read. “I have been hungry for a long time, and my master kept denying me my food. So I assumed that eating you and your friends would be a good idea. Please forgive me and get me out of this blasted cold.”

Fluttershy looked down at Karen, who just whimpered back at the filly.

“Aww,” Fluttershy said. “All you wanted was food all along. That’s why you wanted to eat us. Well come on in.”

Sunlight Starscout picked up Karen and placed her in the bed next to Hoops and Rolling Thunder. She and Bright-Eyes jumped into the back of the wagon bed and sat down as Shining Armor placed the yoke around Celestia.

“You sure about this?” Shining Armor asked. “You did suffer a serious blow from this same cart.”

“I am,” Princess Celestia said. “Besides, that guardian angel did a great job at healing my wounds.”

As Shining Armor locked the yoke to Celestia’s torso, he, Silver Banks and Airazor stood next to the princess of the sun, ready to take off.

“I’m going to need my Wolf’s Breath curse to get us to the castle,” Princess Celestia said. “So hang on.”

Everyone in the bed held onto the corners as tight as possible as Princess Celestia’s eyes glowed brightly. WIth a howl into the air, Princess Celestia took off with the power of her Wolf’s Breath curse, all while Shining Armor, Silver Banks, and Airazor ran alongside her.

“Hurry,” Wanda cried. “Don’t let this snowstorm freeze us.”

Princess Celestia pulled the cart as fast as possible, galloping through the empty city of Canterlot, panting loudly like a wolf. Everyone in the cart continued to hang on as Shining Armor slowed down to the point where he’s now running alongside the cart.

“How are you holding up?” Shining Armor asked.

“We’re struggling,” Sunset said, holding Wanda tight. “I don’t know how long we can last.”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Shining Armor said. “We’re getting close to the palace.”

“You have a strong connection with those two,” Bright-Eyes said. “Are you their brother?”

“No,” Shining Armor said. “I have a sister back at the Golden Land named Twilight. These two have an older sister named Princess Cadance.”

“Well regardless,” Bright-Eyes said, “You do a great job as a surrogate brother towards those two, just like my big brother Argyle.”

“Then we better kick it up into overdrive,” Shining Armor said.

Back in the front, Princess Celestia kept her focus on the road, barreling down towards the open gates to the castle, with Silver Banks and Airazor by her side.

“I’m surprised by your stamina, Mr Banks,” Airazor said.

“I may be old,” Silver Banks said. “But I can still pull it off.”

With a kick of snow into the air, Airazor, Shining Armor and Silver Banks made their way through the front garden of the castle, with Princess Celestia still pulling the cart. They bolted through the front gate of the castle, down the grand foyer, and through the halls. The place looked abandoned and cold.

“What happened?” Dumbbell yelled. “This place looks like a ghost building.”

“Trust us,” Sunset said. “We’re almost to the Golden Land.”

The group descended down the hallway as fast as possible, all while frost built onto their limbs, horns and wings. They made their way down the nearby staircase, all while the cart shook violently.

“This isn’t what we meant by trust,” Rolling Thunder said with his voice shaking.

“I’ve been through worse,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, Celestia pulled the cart through the vault area with Shining Armor, Silver Banks and Airazor by her side. But the Princess began to tire.

“Princess,” Shining Armor said. “What’s going on?”

But no words came out of her mouth, all while her horn was frozen solid. Celestia continued to pull as much as she could, despite her legs slowing down.

“I think we’re all at our limits,” Airazor said.

“She’s right,” Silver Banks said. “But we have to push on towards the portal.”

Everyone kept pushing forward as hard as they could, even as they began to tire. Up ahead, the portal was still wide open as if it were waiting for them.

“There’s the portal,” Spitfire said. “We’re almost there.”

“Wait,” Short Fuse said. “We’re going through that? Are you all crazy?”

“You ain’t seen crazy yet,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

Nearly every colt yelled loudly as Princess Celestia jumped into the air and dove into the portal with the cart right behind her, followed by Shining Armor, Airazor and Silver Banks.

Meanwhile, at the Golden Land, Granny Smith paced back and forth impatiently. Nearby, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch and Argyle Starshine stood by, watching. Argyle had his journal and quill set nearby on a stone railing.

“Where could they be?” Granny Smith said. “Everyone’s already in the Golden Land and they’re still missing.”

“Patience, ma,” Bright Mac said. “Besides, it was Princess Celestia who chose to supervise them.”

“I know that,” Granny Smith said. “But I’m also worried for her sake. Already plan on giving them a stern talking to for that kind of recklessness.”

“Even though you’re not in charge of them?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Yes,” Granny Smith said, glaring at the Chancellor. “You got a problem with that?”

Chancellor Cinch nervously backed up for a bit before standing right next to Princess Luna.

“I’ve never seen her act this tense,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“I have,” Princess Luna said.

Suddenly, the portal began to light up. Everyone turned their attention towards the portal before Princess Celestia jumped right out, pulling a cart with Wanda, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Karen the Bulldog, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Sunlight Starscout and Bright-Eyes Starshine holding on for dear life.

“WHAT IN TARNATIONS?” Granny Smith yelled, watching as the cart flew over her.

But as Princess Celestia landed her hooves on the ground, she tripped and fell down, tipping the cart over and causing everyone inside to fly out and land on the ground. Once the cart came to a stop, Shining Armor, Airazor and Silver Banks emerged from the portal.

“SISTER!” Princess Luna yelled as she ran up to Princess Celestia.

The warm atmosphere of the Golden Land melted away the frost on the legs, arms, wings and horns of those who entered the portal. Princess Celestia and Danged Spell’s eyes disappeared as the curse returned them to normal, all while Karen walked up to Danged Spell and licked his face.

“That’s the second time this happened,” Danged Spell said as he slammed his hoof on the ground, all while Karen licked him. “What is wrong with my curse?”

“It’s because of the magic of the Golden Land,” Sunset said as she got up with Wanda by her side. “If you are stuck in a curse, it will allow you to break free of it as long as you’re here.”

“That explains last night,” Danged Spell groaned.

Nearby, Argyle looked at the nearby cart before turning his eyes towards Sunlight and Bright-Eyes. Immediately, his face lit up with enthusiasm.

“Mom, sis,” Argyle said. “You made it.”

“Dear Argyle,” Sunlight said. “We’ve missed you.”

Argyle ran up to his mother and sister before getting on his two legs and gave them both a big hug. Bright-Eyes reached out and held her brother tight.

“So you made it all the way here, big bro?” Bright-Eyes asked.

“All thanks to Princess Celestia,” Argyle stated. “And I’m glad you both are safe.”

As Argyle embraced Sunlight and Bright-Eyes, Shining Armor walked up to Princess Cadance, who ran up to him and held him tight.

“Don’t you worry about me, Caddy,” Shining Armor said. “I looked after Wanda and Sunset while they went out to rescue that Alicorn Bulldog and those boys.”

“You’re the bravest pony I’ve ever known,” Princess Cadance said before kissing Shining Armor on the lips.

But nearby, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch helped get the yoke off of Princess Celestia before getting her back on her four legs. But as Celestia struggled to get up, Granny Smith marched over to her.

“What were you thinking, Princess?” Granny Smith snapped. “Putting your own kids in that kind of danger?”

“She would have ignored my orders if I said no,” Princess Celestia explained.

“That’s no excuse to pull a stunt like that,” Granny Smith said. “You’re lucky I’m not part of the Equestria Youngling Protection Agency. Otherwise, I would have taken them away for your recklessness. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“For your own information,” Rainbow Dash said, “We volunteered to help those ponies out alongside the Wonderbolts.”

“Kid’s got a point,” Airazor said. “I was hesitant. But due to our forces being stretched thin, I allowed it.”

“You put your own trainees in danger like that?” Granny Smith snapped. “What would the world say for doing something like that?”

“But,” Spitfire said.

“No butts,” Granny Smith said.

As Granny Smith walked towards Wanda, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch turned towards Celestia.

“I take it back,” Luna said. “I’ve really never seen her this angry before.”

“Agreed,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I thought I was harsh before. But this takes the cake.”

But as Wanda and Sunset got themselves up, they looked up at Granny Smith, who stared down at them.

“And I’m extremely disappointed in the both of you,” Granny Smith said. “You went out in the cold when you’re not supposed to, even with your own mother’s permission, and even with the Chancellor’s blessing. Do you realize what kind of danger you three got yourselves into?”

“Yes,” Sunset said. “That’s why we had to get them to safety.”

Sunset pointed to the colts and the bulldog, who just looked up at Granny Smith with a smile on their face.

“That may be an admiral reason,” Granny Smith said. “But it doesn’t excuse what you two did, and with what your mother did as well.”

“But Granny Smith,” Wanda said.

“No excuses,” Granny Smith said. “As punishment for endangering your own lives, and without the word of the Chancellor or the Princesses, you two will have to help out the refugees, this instant.”

Immediately, Wanda’s face burst with excitement. She tried to hold it in, but her wings formed instantly as she flew up into the air.


But as Wanda flew down, Granny Smith’s jaw dropped down with a surprise on her face.

“Wait a minute,” Granny Smith said. “You wanted to help out with the refugees?”

“She did,” Sunset said with a smile. “Last night, Wanda had a regret in not following Applejack and the others to the portal, wishing she would help out with the refugees. Well thanks to you, she got her wish.”

Granny Smith hung her head down as she said “What the hay was I thinking?”

“And since you declared it a punishment,” Danged Spell said as he got up with Karen the Bulldog next to him, “You gotta carry it out.”

“Oh fine,” Granny Smith said. “We’ll do it.”

As Princess Celestia finally got back on her hooves, she said “Well now that we’re all safe and sound, let’s head down to the golden palace and help out.”

Everyone nodded, except Argyle Starshine, who walked up to Princess Celestia.

“Begging your pardon, your majesty,” Argyle said. “But I would like to spend some time with my mother Sunlight and my sister Bright-Eyes.”

“Very well,” Celestia giggled. “But be sure to catch up when you can.”

As the rest of the group began to walk away, Bright Mac and Buttercup walked up to Wanda Young, who looked proud.

“You seem to be in a good mood after what ma put you thought,” Bright Mac said.

“I am,” Wanda said. “I made peace with the bulldog, I helped save Hoops and the colts from impending doom and now I get to help out the rest of the refugees.”

“That’s amazing,” Buttercup said. “I hope you leave a lasting impression on every pony here.”

“I know it will be hard,” Wanda said. “But I’m ready to put all of my effort into this.”

“Glad you’re going to do so,” Bright Mac said. “Compared to how Ma accidentally left the foals behind. Thankfully Big Mac came to the rescue before it got worse”

Wanda immediately came to a stop as her smile disappeared into a frown. She slowly turned to Granny Smith, causing the middle-aged mare to freeze in horror, all while everyone turned their attention to them.

“What just happened?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Someone didn’t pay attention to their younglings,” Princess Luna said with a smile.

“I’ve never seen Wanda this angry,” Danged Spell said.

“Neither did I,” Sunset replied.

As Wanda glared at Granny Smith, the matriarch of the Apple Family looked at her with sweat pouring from her head.

“You left the foals by themselves?” Wanda said in a cold tone.

“Now let’s be honest,” Granny Smith said. “I was concerned for your well-being.”

“AND YOU FORGOT TO BRING THE LITTLE ONES IN?” Wanda yelled, causing everyone around her to shake in fear.

“I’m beginning to think scolding the man’s cub was a terrible idea,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I never thought I would be teaching her this.”

A flame of anger surrounded Wanda as Granny Smith looked up at her.

“I’m disappointed in you, Granny Smith,” Wanda said. “You came to the Golden Land and forgot to bring those foals with you? What if they froze to death? What would your own son say if you neglected them like that?”

“Honest, “Granny Smith said. “It was an accident.”

“No excuses,” Wanda said. “By my royal decree, and as your punishment, you must aid me in helping out the refugees, this instant.”

Granny Smith hung her head and said “That girl packs a meaner bite than I do.”

As Granny Smith walked towards Celestia with shame in her heart, Hoops walked up to the man’s cub.

“Never thought you to be that ruthless,” Hoops said. “Ever thought about joining us in the future? Maybe ditch that seal skin and wear some cool threads?”

“Not really,” Wanda said. “That kind of life ain’t for me. Besides, I’ve got some refugees to help out, and ponies that need the fullest attention.”

“That’s too bad,” Hoop said. “After seeing how you saved us, I think you’re one of the coolest individuals we know.”

“My sister is full of surprises,” Sunset said. “And that ain’t half of it.”

As everyone walked towards the golden palace, Argyle Starshine opened up his book and placed his inkwell next to him before dipping his pen into the ink and placed it on his page.

“Writing in your journal, I take it?” Sunlight said. “That’s my boy.”

“Of course, mom,” Argyle said. “You taught me to always record my tales into a book, and I still take it to heart.”

“Oooh, I can’t wait,” Bright-Eyes said.

And with that, Argyle wrote into his book.

“I never thought I would see my mother and sister again,” Argyle wrote. “But thanks to the pure heart of one little human girl, her mother, her sister, her friends, and other kind-hearted individuals, I am finally glad to see them again. Words cannot describe the warmth in my heart just to see their eyes once more. But it’s sad that I cannot see my father ever again, since his death while I was away. Furthermore, I wonder what Daisy Joy Tech will do now that they know I violated my own clause.”

As Argyle dipped his quill into the inkwell, Bright-Eyes placed her hoof on his.

“It’s about that tracking spell they placed on us, correct?” Bright-Eyes asked.

“Yes,” Argyle said. “They will know what I did, and I fear for the both of you.”

“What matters is that we are back together again, my son,” Sunlight said. “And besides, I should let Princess Celestia know more about this.”

Argyle nodded with a smile on his face before he placed the quill onto the page.

“But I digress,” Argyle wrote. “For as I write, the warmth I feel is comforting. To know that family is back together. It isn’t fully understood. But at the same time, it’s as if my worries melted away. As if that sense of hope and joy filled my heart. A joy that individuals share with loved ones, be it family or friends. For now, I am glad they are a part of my life again. And together, we will help out those who need it the most. For there is more to hope and joy….than meets the eye.”

As Argyle placed the pen back into his inkwell, he turned to his mother and sister with a proud smile on his face.

“What do you think?” Argyle asked.

“It’s wonderful,” Sunlight said. “You make me proud, my son.”

“Well you taught me very well, mom,” Argyle said.

“Come on,” Bright-Eyes said. “Let’s go meet the other refugees.”

Bright-Eyes and Sunlight ran off towards the Golden Palace, leaving Argyle to pack away his inkwell and close his book shut.

“Thank Celestia the ink dries fast on these pages,” Argyle said.

Argyle Starshine placed the book under his arm before taking off after his mother and sister. But behind him at the portal, Eleanor Young stepped out from behind, just as the portal disappeared once more. She looked from next to the archway towards the Golden Palace, watching Wanda Young disappear through the doorway.

“That’s my girl,” Eleanor said with a smile.

To Be Continued in….

Reflections of the Heart

Author's Note:

Told ya Wanda would face some form of consequences. Though at this point, it feels more like a reward.

I decided that this would be the time to introduce Wanda to her real mother Eleanor. But for the moment, I'm not letting her know who Eleanor is until some time in the future. Furthermore, the next two parts will have the other ponies in the limelight. Not everyone will get a shot, but at least I'll do what I can to give them a chance to shine(Especially Trixie and the Dazzlings. I've got something special for them).

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