• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 9-3: Friendship Reforged

Friendship Reforged

“You have a lot of nerve to arrest us after putting us in danger, Gold Banks.”

Princess Celestia stood in between Gold Banks and the younglings who cowered behind both the prime alicorn, along with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, all while Twilight Velvet glared down Gold Banks. Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk turned their heads away from Gold Banks while Abigail hissed at the rich pony. Wanda held onto Starlight Glimmer, who continued to cry in the man’s cub’s chest. Danged Spell growled at Gold Banks with Shining Armor standing by Twilight Sparkle.

“And not to mention you took the land that my sister bought fair and square,” Princess Luna stated. “You have no right to it.”

Gold Banks smiled and said “Courageous words coming from two Equestrian fugitives. But no matter. Unless you turn yourself in, I will call forth the Debt Collectors and have you all apprehended.”

“And not to mention that you made us put them in danger,” The Forestallion complained with his fellow wreckers standing by his side. “What will the Equestrian License Board say about this?”

“I’ve already made it clear that I will have your license revoked,” Gold Banks said, turning her attention to the Forestallion. “And if the License Board objects to it, I will have them dissolved and replaced with yes mares. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. So deal with it as your path towards eternal homelessness becomes inevitable.”

Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle marched towards Gold Banks, staring down the rich diva of a mare, all while Spike stood by Danged Spell. Gold Banks turned towards the brother and sister duo, all while keeping her smile on her face.

“The student of Princess Celestia and her wannabe military brother,” Gold Banks said. “Whatever you wish to say, speak now and amuse me.”

“Oh we have something to say,” Shining Armor said. “After what you tried to do to my mother and sister. And you have the audacity to place us under arrest just so you can get away with your own crimes?”

“Big Brother is right,” Twilight Sparkle yelled. “And let’s not forget the time you tried to take Wanda away while she was sick at the hospital.”

Adagio Dazzle covered her mouth in horror upon hearing those words come from Twilight Sparkle. She turned to Sunset Shimmer and asked “Is this true?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I was there when she tried to take Wanda away. And that’s after she covered nearly every one of her friends in smoke.”

“That’s despicable,” Sonata Dusk said.

“How could anyone do something as mean-spirited as that?” Aria Blaze said.

Adagio Dazzle looked around and noticed a patch of fresh mud near a tree. She signaled to her sisters with her hoof.

“Come with me,” Adagio Dazzle said. “I have an idea.”

Sunset Shimmer looked at the mud patch nearby and said “I think I know what you’re up to.”

“Oh believe me,” Adagio Dazzle said. “I’m willing to get down and dirty with this.”

Sunset laughed before she said “And to think, we had to put up with Danged Spell with these kinds of puns.”

Sunset Shimmer followed the Dazzlings to the nearby mud patch. But nearby, Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle continued to argue with Gold Banks while everyone else watched. Despite the anger and energy that came out of the brother and sister, all Gold Banks could do is yawn in boredom.

“And most importantly of all,” Twilight Sparkle said. “You don’t even respect your own daughter Golden Lace. You would sooner see her suffer than let her live the life she wants to live.”

“Even more so, I heard how your own husband is being treated,” Shining Armor said. “And that his own anger was nothing more than a facade. You are nothing more than a selfish mare out for your own interests.”

But just as Shining Armor finished speaking, Gold Banks slapped some metal hoof cuffs around his wrists, all while slapping smaller cuffs around Twilight Sparkle’s wrists. The brother and sister were horrified at their bindings, linked by metal bars. Twilight Velvet screamed out loudly and tried to leap towards her son and daughter, only to be held back by a crying Princess Luna, while Celestia snarled at Gold Banks.

“What did you do to us?” Shining Armor yelled

“Easy,” Gold Banks said. “I waited until the right time then proceeded to cuff you and your sister like the pigs you are. And it comes with a little feature. Try testing your magic out.”

Shining Armor pointed his horn at Gold Banks and said “For what you did, I’m willing to do that.”

But just as Shining Armor’s horn began to light up, the cuffs around his wrists let out an electric charge, shocking Shining Armor and causing him to scream in pain before collapsing on the ground. Twilight Sparkle watched in horror, looking like she’s on the verge of crying.

“What you did has gone too far!” Princess Celestia yelled. “Let them go right now or I’ll…”

“Correction,” Gold Banks said with a smirk on her face. “Stay in your place, or I will manually activate your pupil’s own hoof cuffs and give her the same treatment I gave her brother.”

Princess Celestia’s anger turned to fear. She helplessly looked at Twilight Sparkle, whose tears were flowing down her cheek as she turned towards the eldest alicorn.

“Princess,” Twilight Sparkle cried. “Help me.”

“I’m sorry, my faithful student,” Princess Celestia said as a tear flowed down her cheek.

Twilight Velvet jumped out of Princess Luna’s arms before she walked up to Princess Celestia and cried right on her wing.

“Please,” Twilight Velvet said. “Please make sure my babies are alright.”

“We’ll do what we can,” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll do what we can.”

“Oh I beg to differ,” Gold Banks said as she glanced over the entire group. “You may be the Prime Princess of Equestria, but I call the shots. I give the orders. I’m the true Queen of Equestria. And there is nothing you can do to dethrone me. That being said, I believe the rest of you are overdue in your new restraint cuffs. But who should be the next to suffer the consequences?”

Gold Banks took her eyes off of Celestia and Twilight Velvet and looked at Princess Luna, who only glared back, then towards Danged Spell and Spike, who only growled at her. She shifted her eyes towards Princess Cadance, Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail, who looked pretty peeved. Then she shifted her eyes towards Wanda, who held Starlight close to her check. Gold Banks looked at the duo and unleashed a devilish grin.

“And thus, my choice has been made,” Gold Banks said as her horn lit up.

With a tug of her head, Gold Banks levitated Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer towards her, causing the duo to scream in unison.

“Starlight,” Sunburst cried as he helplessly reached out to Starlight Glimmer.

Gold Banks sat Wanda and Starlight right in front of her before pulling out two more small restraint cuffs. She slapped the first pair of cuffs around Wanda’s wrists first before doing the same thing to Starlight with the second pair. Wanda and Starlight looked down at the steel bars that linked them together.

“Get used to it, you little brats,” Gold Banks said. “You’ll be wearing them when you’re both enrolled in my new factory program.”

As Gold Banks lets out a sickening laugh, Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer could do nothing, but cry. The human and pony duo could not wrap their arms around each other due to the cuffs. But they could hold their hooves and hands together as they continued to cry. Everyone else stood there, helplessly, watching the Man’s Cub and the twin-tailed filly cry their eyes out.

“See how juvenile delinquents tremble with shame at my presence,” Gold Banks said. “Such is the way of today’s youth. Anyway, I believe there are more who need to be cuffed up and transferred to this new program. Who wishes to volunteer?”

But before she could react, Gold Banks felt something bite her legs. She jumped into the air, screaming loudly in pain and proceeded to shake her legs violently until the pressure of teeth were gone. When she turned around, she saw Danged Spell land on his hooves with Spike landing next to him. Danged Spell growled like a wolf while his eyes glowed brightly with Spike imitating him.

“No hurt,” Spike said with a growl.

“So it seems a pair of juvenile delinquents wishes to defy my will,” Gold Banks said. “Very well. I’ll teach you both some respect.”

Gold Banks swung her legs back and kicked both Danged Spell and Spike. The impact caused Danged Spell to yelp in pain before he and Spike flew a few feet off the ground before hitting a nearby fence. The duo barely got up as Twilight Sparkle shrieked in horror.

“That’s one of my friends and my own dragon buddy,” Twilight Sparkle screamed.

“All I see are a pair of delinquents who need to be taught a lesson,” Gold Banks said as she pulled out two pairs of small restraint cuffs with her magic. “And it’s time I delivered on that.”

Danged Spell glared at Gold Banks, growling as loudly as possible. Spike hid behind him, looking like he’s about to cry. Gold Banks hovered over the male duo, holding two restraint cuffs with her magic.

“Don’t even think about pulling any last-minute stunts,” Gold Banks said. “There is no escape from your fate.”

Suddenly, a mud ball flew from behind and hit Gold Banks in the back of the head. Gold Bank’s sinister smile turned into a scowl as she turned around, causing Danged Spell and Spike to run away from the egotistical mare and back towards Princess Celestia and Twilight Velvet.

“Who did that?” Gold Banks yelled. “Show yourself. I command it.”

But as Gold Banks finished speaking, another mudball flew right out of nowhere and slammed right in her face, covering it in mud. Gold Banks shook the mud off in frustration as she faced towards her front, with her eyes closed because of the mud.

“Answer me,” Gold Banks yelled. “Whoever did that will be spending the rest of their lives in Tartarus.”

“Why don’t you see for yourself, witch?” Gold Banks removed the mud from her eyes and looked forward, where Sunset Shimmer stood there holding a ball of mud. Next to her were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk scooping the mud from the patch and forming balls out of them.

“You!” Gold Banks snarled. “The older of the two brats.”

“First off, it's the second oldest,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And second off, you want to arrest us to satisfy your ego? Well here’s something to knock it down.”

With that, Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk flung mud right at Gold Banks, pelting her with the wet dirt balls, and once again covering her eyes. Gold Banks screamed in anger as she lit her horn up.

“You ungrateful ingrates,” Gold Banks yelled. “I’ll subject you to the worst, possible punishment I can think of.”

Suddenly, more mud flew right out of nowhere and smacked Gold Banks on the side. She quickly brushed her eyes off and saw Twilight Velvet levitating some mud balls with her magic while Spike held onto her. Next to Twilight Velvet and Spike, Princess Celestia tapped Danged Spell on the head, causing his eyes to return to normal and his snarl to shift into a smile.

“What you did to my babies is unforgivable,” Twilight Velvet screamed. “IT’S TIME YOU PAID FOR YOUR CRUELTY!”

Twilight Velvet flung the mud right at Gold Banks, once again covering her eyes as the mud began to cover the details of her clothes, fur and mane. Gold Banks screamed even louder as mud flung from two sides began to cover her.

“I knew I should have joined Sunset in pelting that crowbait with mud instead of resorting to my Wolf’s Breath Curse,” Danged Spell said.

“Well now may be the time to do just that,” Princess Celestia said.

Danged Spell winked at Celestia before running behind his friends and towards Sunset and the Dazzlings, who continued to pelt Gold Banks with mud.

“Hey Sunset,” Danged Spell said. “Do you think that quartet could form into a quintet?”

“If you’re up for getting your hooves dirty,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Then by all means, go for it.”

“With pleasure,” Danged Spell said as he scooped up a ball of mud.

With that, Danged Spell joined Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings in throwing mud at Gold Banks, who struggled to break out of the mess that was being made on her.

“Stop this,” Gold Banks commanded. “Stop this all of you.”

Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer stopped crying to look up at Gold Banks, who was helplessly being pelted by mud from Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Danged Spell and Twilight Velvet. Their faces turned into a sinister smirk.

“Hey Starlight,” Wanda said. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“That she somehow trips and falls on her face?” Starlight replied.

“Exactly,” Wanda said.

Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer got on their two legs despite the restraint cuffs that held their wrists tight. As Gold Banks struggled to keep herself standing, Wanda and Starlight thrusted forward, hitting Gold Banks in the front arms with the metal bars on their cuffs. Gold Banks screamed as she tripped and fell, landing on the dirt floor.

“Who did that?” Gold Banks yelled. “Who dares to knock me off my pedestal?”

As Gold Banks wiped the mud off her eyes again, she was hit in the face by another mud ball. Gold wiped her face off to see Sunburst holding another mud ball with Moondancer cheering.

“Do it again,” Moondancer said.

“Gladly,” Sunburst said. “After all, no one hurts Starlight Glimmer and gets away with it.”

But before Sunburst could fling the mud ball, Gold Banks got hit by another one on her right side. She turned to see the wrecking crew lead by the Forestallion approach her, each holding their own mudball.

“Since I’m going to be out of a job along with my workers,” The Forestallion said. “I’ve got one thing to say to you: HERE’S MUD IN YOUR EYES!”

With that, the Forestallion and the rest of his crew flung mud balls right at Gold Banks, causing her to get up in fear and turn towards the entrance.

“You miserable cretins,” Gold Banks yelled. “You’ll pay for this treachery.”

Gold Banks ran as fast as she could as she was pelted by mud balls. During her run, a key fell from her pocket and landed nearby, catching Wanda’s eyes.

“A key,” Wanda said as she ran up to the key. “Maybe that can free us from this mess.”

“Go for it, Wanda,” Starlight said.

Wanda picked up the key with her right hand and tried to position it towards the lock. But the way the cuffs were designed prevented her from doing so, leaving her a bit frustrated.

“Come on,” Wanda said. “Fit in. I wanna be free from this.”

Suddenly, magic surrounded the key and levitated out of her right hand before inserting itself into the lock and turning. The cuffs came open and landed on the ground, freeing Wanda’s wrists. She turned to her left to see Twilight Velvet and Spike approach her with Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, still cuffed to their wrists, walk by her side.

“You’ve been through a whole lot today,” Twilight Velvet said. “It’s time to do a favor for your mother.”

“Yeah,” Shining Armor said. “After that shock I had to go through, I’d say it’s deserving.”

As Twilight Velvet placed the key into Twilight Sparkle’s cuffs and turned it, breaking her free from her bindings, Starlight Glimmer walked up to the group, to which Shining Armor used his own cuffs to scoop her up gently. Starlight giggled as Shining Armor placed her next to Wanda.

“That was fun,” Starlight said. “Do it again.”

“If I get cuffed again,” Shining Armor said as she scooped up the now de-cuffed Twilight Sparkle with his own cuffs. “I may consider it.”

“Say,” Twilight Sparkle said. “What do you think will happen to Gold Banks now that she’s covered in mud?”

“I don’t think it will be pretty,” Twilight Velvet said. “But as soon as we get you all free, we should take a look.”

Outside, Gold Banks ran out from the gate and ran as fast as possible, still covered completely in mud. She tripped and fell onto her face, catching the attention of Chancellor Cinch, who was walking down the sidewalk and minding her own business.

“For someone who threatened us at the Canterlot Hospital,” Chancellor Cinch said in a disappointing tone. “You looked like you’ve gone through a major humiliation.”

“Do not play that game with me, Chancellor,” Gold Banks snarled. “Your own Man’s Cub and her friends were responsible for this. You will use your authority to place them in custody so that I can punish them.”

Chancellor Cinch turned towards the gate and looked through. She saw what’s left of the abandoned orphanage with a bulldozer next to it. She turned to see a line of bulldozers and wrecking balls right next to each other before turning to see the Forestallion and his crew march up to the gate. She also eyed Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, Abigail and Spike nearby. But when she looked down, she saw red marks on the wrists of Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Shining Armor, causing her jaw to drop.

“What did you do?” Chancellor Cinch said in a low tone, keeping her eyes on the entire group.

“I went to arrest them for intruding,” Gold Banks said. “That includes the brat of a chimp.”

Chancellor Cinch looked at Wanda’s wrists and also noticed the same red mark. Her eyes turned blood red as she turned towards Gold Banks, snorting steam out of her nose.

“YOU DID THAT TO THE MAN’S CUB?” Chancellor Cinch yelled.

“Of course I did,” Gold Banks said. “That property is mine. I bought it fair and square.”

“That property belongs to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” Chancellor Cinch snarled. “I know that because I was the one who oversaw them claim the deed.”

“So now you choose to neglect your own duties and side with those delinquents?” Gold Banks said. “I should have you removed from your post for this.”

Chancellor Cinch calmed herself down before using her magic to remove some mud from Gold Bank’s tail.

“Then you left me no choice,” Chancellor Cinch said, holding the ball of mud with her magic. “Since you chose to respond to me in a juvenile matter, I shall return the favor in a juvenile response.”

Chancellor Cinch swung the mud ball back before smashing it in Gold Banks’ face, causing Banks to tumble backwards and fall down. The citizens around looked at Gold Banks and laughed loudly.

“All of you,” Gold Banks yelled. “Make a fool out of me will ya? Well you fools haven’t seen the last of Gold Banks, and I’ll make you regret it.”

With that, Gold Banks turned tail and ran down the streets, yelling like a total maniac. Chancellor Cinch cracked a smile on her face before turning towards the rest of the group.

“I take it she gave you all a hard time?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Of course she did,” Princess Luna responded. “She wanted to arrest us all for her own personal gain.”

“Oh I am aware of that,” Cinch said, adjusting her glasses. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what she did was wrong. And I also assume that the younglings were responsible for throwing mud in her eyes.”

“Of course we did,” Danged Spell said. “It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.”

“Danged Spell,” The rest of the younglings yelled before breaking down into laughter.

“I’m beginning to like this guy,” Adagio Dazzle laughed.

The Forestallion walked up to Chancellor Cinch and said “When we took this job, we assumed that Gold Banks had the rights to this land. But what we didn’t know was that she was willing to put lives in danger just to carry her own agenda out. She even threatened to have our licenses revoked and to forever live out in the streets if we didn’t do so. If what we did would result in us losing our licenses, then we would be willing to surrender them.”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I plan on launching an investigation into Gold Banks’ theft of this land and her behavior. Maybe that would finally put a spotlight on her, and maybe make Magistrate Creme Dream think twice about the support she gives to her lackey.”

The Forestallion looked like he was on the verge of tears, but his smile shined like the sun. He got down on his knees and said “Oh thank you, Chancellor. Thank you. I will never forget this.”

Chancellor Cinch let out a chuckle before she said “There’s no need for that kind of humbleness, Forestallion. Besides, you’re making the others laugh.”

The Forestallion got up and saw the younglings giggle at him. He turned around and blushed with embarrassment.

“Wow,” Moondancer laughed. “That’s something I won’t get out of my head.”

“No argument there,” Sunburst replied.

Chancellor Cinch walked through the gate and approached Wanda. She looked down at Wanda’s swollen wrists and lifted them with her hoof. Wanda just looked up at Cinch with a smile.

“I’ve been harsh on you during your early times, Man’s Cub,” Cinch said. “But there are some lines that I would never cross, which says a lot compared to what Gold Banks did to you. And yet, each and every day, you still proved to be a far better soul than most ponies. Never forget that.”

“I won’t,” Wanda said.

Cinch turned and looked at Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. All three looked proud, but also sad. Cinch immediately turned to Princess Celestia.

“I take it those three are the orphans that Sunset Shimmer was friends with,” Cinch said.

“They are,” Princess Celestia said. “They considered the ruins of the orphanage their home, and Gold Banks tore it down out of malice. They deserve better.”

“Indeed,” Chancellor Cinch said. She looked at Celestia’s face before she said “But by the look of your face, you do wish to look after them.”

“That is my wish,” Princess Celestia said as she looked down at Sunset Shimmer. “Not just for their sake, but also for Sunset Shimmer’s sake. To amend the fence of former friends. To give them the happiness that they denied themselves. They deserve more than to remain alone.”

“Then it is your decision and yours alone,” Chancellor Cinch said with a smile. “Just like you did with Princess Wanda and Sunset Shimmer, like you did with Princess Cadance, and like you did with me and Fizzie. And I know you made the right decision.”

With that, Cinch turned tail and walked towards the gate, waving back at Princess Celestia. Celestia nodded to Luna, who nodded back before walking up to Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“Dazzling sisters,” Luna said in a somber tone. “I am terribly sorry for what happened to the orphanage you lived in. But I promise you three this: we will make it right.”

“It wasn’t just a building,” Adagio Dazzle said. “It was home. And now it’s gone. We have nothing left.”

“Then I believe it’s time you had a new home to live in,” Princess Luna said. “From henceforth, you will now live with Princess Celestia in the castle.” Those words caused the three sisters’ jaws to drop.

“Wait,” Aria Blaze said. “In the royal castle? After all we did?”

“Yes,” Princess Luna said as she pointed to Sunset Shimmer. “And with one you once called friend.”

Adagio Dazzle looked at Sunset Shimmer before she wiped a tear from her eyes. She ran up to who was her ex-friend and grabbed her, giving her a big hug.

“I’ll take it,” Adagio cried. “And truth be told, I do miss you Sunset.”

“And I miss you too, Adagio,” Sunset said as she hugged Adagio Dazzle back.

“This is going to be exciting,” Sonata Dusk said. “We’re going to live with Sunset Shimmer again, and all her new friends.”

“Never thought it would be the day where we live with Sunset Shimmer once more,” Aria Blaze said. “And especially with her sisters.”

Wanda and Abigail ran up to Sunset and the Dazzlings with Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Spike the Dragon, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell right behind her. She gave her pony sister a fist noogie, causing the filly to giggle.

“I can’t wait to show them some of our new friends,” Wanda said.

“Then it’s true with what they say,” Sunset said. “As a family, we are truly one together.”

Suddenly, everyone came to a pause as they heard the sound of a familiar voice screaming in the distance. They looked up and saw a fireball of some sort crash nearby in the grass.

“What the hay was that?” Starlight Glimmer asked.

“I have a feeling it’s a certain pink party pony who thinks she’s Discord,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Emerging from the crater was none other than Pinkie Pie. She stood tall on top of the edge, looking upwards at the sky.

“Have no fear,” Pinkie Pie said as she stood up on her hind legs. “Pinkie Pie is here.”

Pinkie PIe jumped from the crater and landed near the rest of the group, pulling a telescope out from her mane and looking through it.

“I heard word about three newcomers to the vessel, mateys,” Pinkie Pie said, mimicking the vocal tone of a Pirate Captain. “Who wishes to join the crew?”

Sunset Shimmer poked at Pinkie Pie’s shoulder and said “Pinkie Pie, I want you to meet the Dazzling sisters.”

Pinkie Pie turned towards the Dazzlings, who looked at the pink pony with an awkward tone, with the exception of Sonata Dusk, who waved at Pinkie Pie excitedly.

“Oh my gosh,” Pinkie Pie said. “You three are the newcomers to this wonderful family? And I heard you patched things up with Princess Sunset Shimmer. I can’t wait to bake you three a welcome cake.”

“That’s one of your sisters?” Adagio Dazzle said, looking like she’s on the verge of laughter.

“Actually, a friend from La Maresa,” Sunset Shimmer replied. “But a friend nonetheless.”

“And we have plenty of friends from La Maresa that we wish to introduce you to,” Wanda Young said.

As all of the younglings were laughing loudly, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight Velvet watched on with smiles on their faces.

“Twilight Velvet,” Princess Celestia said. “Thank you for watching over those three.”

“You’re welcome, your majesty,” Twilight Velvet said. “And I know they will be in safe hooves.”

“It’s one thing to have two little sisters,” Princess Cadance said. “But now far more?”

“If you need help with foalsitting,” Shining Armor said. “I’ll be happy to help.”

Princess Cadance laughed before she said “You’re just saying that because you want to be around me more. But I’ll take the extra hooves.”

With that, Shining Armor grabbed Princess Cadance and swooped her off her hooves, causing the eldest sister to giggle loudly.

“So what are we going to do with six younglings from here on out?” Princess Luna asked.

“Six Younglings?” Princess Celestia said. “Big whoop. Remember when we looked after twenty younglings?”

Princess Luna laughed before she said “No argument there.”

And with that, Celestia and Luna laughed as the sun began to set in the west.

To Be Continued in….

Arc 10: Holly the Toy Maker

The Joy of Hearth’s Warming Eve

Author's Note:

So as of now, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk will live at the Castle. I won't use them for every part in this fanfic series. But I will do what I can to put them to good use.

Now on the subject of Gold Banks. I have made her an irredeemable, despicable, selfish mare with every part she showed up. And I have no intention of redeeming her. In fact, I want you to HATE her.

I want you hate Gold Banks as much as possible, either as an intentional Hate Sink, or unintentionally as a Scrappy. Hell, even if you love to hate Gold Banks, I still want you to hate her. Like I said, I'm keeping her as an irredeemable character.

The next arc is a Hearth's Warming Eve arc, and it's going to be a story-within-a-story. The story of Holly the Toy Maker draws inspirations from the following.

The Holly the Heartswarmer doll from MLP: The Best Gift Ever.
The Klaus movie on Netflix
and Rankin-Bass' Santa Claus is Comin to Town special.

Stay tuned next week, for I will showcase this Hearths Warming Eve special.

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