• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 29-2: The Golden Magic of Light

The Golden Magic of Light

“You did it, Princess Celestia. The Golden Magic of Light has been unsealed.”

Those words came from Queen Novo, who stood in awe alongside Princess Celestia, Sunset, Shimmer, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Queen Eleanor Young. Right behind them, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran through the doorway, only to come to a stop at the sight of the golden stream of magic.

“So this is the Golden Light,” Princess Cadance said.

“It’s beautiful,” Shining Armor said.

“And it will serve as the hope needed for all of us,” Princess Celestia explained.

“Still,” Princess Cadance said. “Didn’t Starswirl explain that it could be dangerous?”

“Only to those with an evil heart,” Princess Celestia said. “And to test this theory, I will be the first to bathe myself in the light.”

“Mother, no,” Princess Cadance said, placing her hoof on Princess Celestia’s side. “What would happen if we lost you?”

“It’s going to be okay,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll be okay.”

Princess Cadance removed her hoof from Princess Celestia, despite her own worry. Celestia immediately walked towards the light, amazing by its beauty.

“Golden Magic of Light,” Princess Celestia said. “I know I have some slight wickedness due to my time as Daybreaker. But will you lend me your strength, so that I could defend our people against Gold Banks and her Alicorn Amulet?”

Immediately, Princess Celestia walked into the light and disappeared completely. The light pulsed loudly as a shadowy silhouette of Princess Celestia emerged.

“Mother,” Princess Cadance yelled.

“Your majesty,” Shining Armor yelled.

The light grew bigger, overlapping the hole that emerged from, as Celestia’s silhouette disappeared completely. Everyone froze completely, unsure of Princess Celestia's fate.

“Will,” Wanda said. “Will she be okay?”

“I have faith in your mother, my darling Wanda,” Eleanor said.

Suddenly, Princess Celestia emerged from the light. Her mane and tail glowed brightly in a golden aura. As Celestia stepped forward, Princess Cadance ran up to her and hugged her tight.

“Don’t you scare me like that again, mother,” Princess Cadance cried. “We’ve already lost Luna. We don’t want to lose you as well.”

“You won’t, my daughter,” Celestia said as Princess Cadance released her hold on her mother. “For I have been given a gift to ward off evil. Observe.”

Princess Celestia pointed her horn into the air and fired off a stream of magic that glowed brightly. Everyone stood in awe at the magic pouring out of Princess Celestia’s horn.

“Amazing,” Shining Armor said. “The magic accepted you. You did it.”

“But I’m not the only one with this powerful magic,” Princess Celestia said as her horn disappeared and she turned to Wanda.

“Me?” Wanda said.

“Go right ahead,” Eleanor said. “It’s time.”

Eleanor nudged Wanda a bit before she stepped towards the golden light. She held her amulet closely and took a deep breath.

“Please give me the light to help my friends,” Wanda said.

Without looking back, Wanda jumped right into the light stream, disappearing completely in front of everyone.

Inside, Wanda floated around in the golden light, looking around with curiosity.

“What a curious place,” Wanda said. “But what does this light have to do with me?”

Suddenly, small streams of the light poured right into Wanda’s Amulet as a few more gently poured itself into Wanda’s head. Wanda closed her eyes calmly as she allowed the magic to pour into her head and her amulet.

“This light feels warm, like my mommies,” Wanda said. “Gentle and nourishing.”

Wanda was surrounded with a bright light as more light streams poured into her. Immediately, the amulet shot out a light of its own, creating a hologram in the shape of a powerful armor. Wanda opened her eyes and saw the armor right in front of her face.

“What is that?” Wanda said. “I’ve never seen that before.”

As Wanda reached out, her vision glowed brightly, blocking out everything that she saw in front of her.

Moments later, Wanda emerged from the golden light, her body and her new amulet glowing brightly.

“What just happened, mommies?” Wanda asked. “I felt the warm light, and I saw some kind of rock-like clothes appear in front of me.”

“That is called armor,” Eleanor explained. “Your new armor.”

“My new armor, Evevanyian mommy?” Wanda asked.

“Yes,” Eleanor explained. “But in order to activate it, you must say the following words: It’s morphin time. Equinox armor, engage.”

Wanda nodded to her original mother before clutching her new amulet.


The amulet glowed brightly as it surrounded Wanda with a bright light. Her clothes instantly took on the shape of a knight’s armor. When the light disappeared, Wanda now wore a bright battle armor that surrounded every inch of her body, except her head. Wanda looked down and was completely amazed.

“This is armor?” Wanda said. “It sure looks pretty.”

“This is your new Equinox Armor, Wanda,” Eleanor said. “By tapping into the powers of your new amulet, you will be able to morph any clothing you wear into your new armor. Furthermore, your Equinox Amulet is bound to only you. Should you lose it, you will be able to call for it to return to you, and only you. Never forget that.”

“I won’t,” Wanda said. “Thank you, Evevaniyan mommy.”

“There is one last feature of your new armor,” Eleanor said. “Hold your arms out.”

Wanda nodded before she extended her arms in the air. Out of nowhere, a sword materialized in her right hand while a shield formed on her left arm.

“What is this?” Wanda asked.

“That is your new Equinox Sword and Shield,” Eleanor explained.

“But, I don’t like the idea of killing anyone,” Wanda said, looking at the sword.

“And you won’t need to,” Eleanor said. “That sword is tied to your heart. If you focus a beam of energy from your blade, you will be able to tranquilize your foes and bring them down, allowing others to swoop in and detain them.”

Eleanor snapped her fingers and in an instant, a boar materialized out of thin air, snarling at Wanda.

“Now, Wanda,” Eleanor said. “Demonstrate your new power. Tranquilize your foe with your new sword. And do not worry. It won’t hurt you.”

Wanda nodded towards Eleanor as she held her sword out. As the blade glowed brightly, Wanda swung her sword, firing a beam of magic right at the boar. When it connected, the boar was knocked to the ground, losing consciousness.”

“A sword that can stun a foe,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Interesting.”

As Wanda looked down at her sword, the boar slowly got up before bowing towards Wanda and disappearing without a trace.

“So this is the power of the Equinox Armor,” Wanda said as her sword and shield disappeared.

“It is, my darling Wanda,” Eleanor said. “Your weapons are tied to your heart. They can be used to sedate a foe in the right hands, or destroy them in the wrong hands.”

“But how will I know that I won’t kill them?” Wanda asked.

“It is your own heart that will show mercy, if you choose to do so,” Eleanor said. “I gave you free will with your armor. But that free will also comes with a responsibility to use that armor for good. Furthermore, there may come a time where even the most deadliest of foes may have to be put down.”

“But mommy,” Wanda said. “I don’t know if I want to kill anyone.”

“I know why you don’t want that,” Eleanor said. “But do not worry. As long as you don’t desire to kill, your sword will respond in kind and show mercy to your foes. Never forget that.”

Wanda reached out and gave Eleanor a big hug, who responded by patting her daughter on the back.

“Also, I have a question,” Wanda asked. “What inspired you to use the words It’s morphin time?”

Eleanor turned to Wanda and said “A sage from Eltar who exists on planet Earth. One day, if you ever go to visit, I can take you to meet him.”

“Thanks,” Wanda said before she hugged Eleanor closely.

Immediately, Princess Celestia turned to Sunset Shimmer and said “It’s time.”

“You wish for me to enter the light?” Sunset asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “Even though you lost your original magic, you have a chance to gain a new magic to help you with your demon form. In fact, I think something more within you is itching to break free.”

“Something more within me?” Sunset asked.

“One that bears the courage of the pegasi, the power of the earth ponies and the wisdom of the unicorns,” Princess Celestia explained. “Now go. Your real destiny awaits you, my daughter.”

Sunset Shimmer walked up towards the golden light, gulping loudly as she looked at the stream.

“Golden light,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Please help me make peace with the very demon within me.”

And with that, Sunset Shimmer jumped into the light before disappearing completely.

Inside the light, Sunset Shimmer appeared in what appears to be the ruins of a village located on an island. Sunset looked around, horrified by the destruction.

“What is this place?” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“It’s what’s left of my village.” Sunset Shimmer turned around to see Demon Sunset hovering over her.

“You’re me,” Sunset said.

“More like your previous incarnation,” Demon Sunset said. “My name is Taiyou no Arashi Kijo. But you may call me Sunstorm Demona. I am a demon pony, or was a demon pony.”

“Sunstorm Demona,” Sunset said. “What happened here?”

“More than a thousand years ago, our kind once existed on this very planet,” Sunstorm Demona explained.

Sunstorm Demona raised her hooves into the air before slamming them on the ground. Immediately, demon ponies appeared out of nowhere, going about their daily lives. The ruined houses transformed into their former selves, as if nothing had happened before.

“I have never heard of the demon ponies,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“That’s because we’re extinct,” Sunstorm Demona said. “But long ago, we had our own lives on this very island called Megijima. We were a peaceful people, mostly going among our very lives. We never wandered outside of our island out of fear that would be seen as monsters.”

“Monsters?” Sunset said.

“Because we were slightly different from normal ponies,” Sunstorm said. “Different manes and tails. Different cutie marks. Different placement of horns. Different wings. Different traditions. And not to mention that, unlike our Equestrian brethren, we ate meat.”

“Meat?” Sunset said.

“Yes,” Sunstorm said. “Our kind ate meat and vegetables. We hunted animals on our Megijima. But we also respected the land. So while we did eat meat, we mostly ate vegetables in respect to our own land.”

“And what about your magic?” Sunset asked.

“Our magic was far more powerful than anything from your land,” Sunstorm said. “We used our magic to drive off invaders from setting hoof, or to destroy anyone who would dare to destroy us, be it a pony, or even a changeling that you call Queen Chrysalis.”

“So even Queen Chrysalis tried to invade your land of the demons,” Sunset said.

“She did try, but she failed,” Sunstorm explained. “During that time, I was the Jotei, or empress, of the land, and I was proud of my own people, including my husband, and my own children. Until one day, she came to this land.”

“Who is this she?” Sunset asked.

Sunstorm Demona walked to the side of Sunset Shimmer and pointed to a powerful alicorn in the air. One that looked completely different from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but also sinister.

“The one known as Hydia,” Sunstorm explained. “She claimed to be the ruler of Equestria who came to wipe us to extinction. Heeding her words, I rushed out with my most loyal and powerful of warriors to defend our land to the very end. Our magic was overwhelming.”

In front, an illusion of Sunstorm Demona and her warriors fired a blast of magic right at the hologram of Hydia, striking her with pure power.

“Did you defeat this…Hydia?” Sunset asked.

“We thought we did despite our best efforts,” Sunstorm said. “But we underestimated her power.”

Immediately, the hologram of Hydia broke through the magic and turned her attention towards the illusion of Sunstorm. Wings emerged from Sunstorm’s back before she flew up, blasting Hydia with more magic.

“I fought hard with every ounce of magic coursing within my body,” Sunstorm explained. “But in the end, Hydia proved to be more than a match for me.”

Immediately, Hydia charged up her horn and pointed it right at the illusion of Sunstorm before she fired right at her, engulfing the demon in a bright light.

“After what she did, I was completely consumed by the magic of Hydia,” Sunstorm said as the light covered the island completely. “It was as if I felt my body breaking up completely.”

“Oh my goodness,” Sunset said.

“When I came to,” Sunstorm explained, “Everything was gone. My village, my people, my way of life. Even my physical form was gone, reduced to a mere orb. It was taken away from me by this Queen Hydia. I was distraught. And full of anger.”

“All this because Hydia wiped your kind to extinction,” Sunset said.

“There wasn’t even a fragment of bone that remained,” Sunstorm said. “She wiped my people to extinction, and I vowed that I would be reincarnated so I could get revenge on her and the ponies of Equestria. And for a thousand years, my spirit lingered through the land, until I was reborn…as you.”

As the image of the island disappeared, Sunset turned towards Sunstorm.

“That was the reason why I lost control,” Sunset Shimmer said. “You did that to me. You made me into a demon and attacked those that I loved.”

“Because your kingdom took away my people and I wanted to show them what it was like to lose so many loved ones,” Sunstorm Demona said.

“Nearly at the cost of my sister?” Sunset snapped. “She’s not even of this world. Do you know what you were doing?”

“What I did was retribution for the loss of my people,” Sunstorm said. “I won’t rest until their spirits have been avenged.”

“That’s not the right way,” Sunset snarled. “A cycle of revenge is not the right way to go down. And it will only resort to innocents getting hurt or killed.”

“Nothing is innocent in this world,” Sunstorm said, turning away from Sunset. “If you would understand that, you wouldn’t be in this position at all.”

“Is that coming from someone who I let take control of my body, only to lose horribly to Gold Banks?” Sunset said.

“Speak that name again,” Sunstorm said, turning towards Sunset Shimmer.

“I do say that name again,” Sunset shouted. “Because you were willing to put my family’s lives in danger for your own desire for revenge. And then I made a horrible decision to entrust you into attacking Gold Banks, only for you to not only lose to her, but to lose my magic as well.”

“Do not criticize me again,” Sunstorm said. “Or I will eat you.”

But Sunset Shimmer stood there and said “Go ahead. Take control of my body again. I hope you’re up to losing to Gold Banks again.”

Sunstorm reached out and attempted to swipe at Sunset, only to pause for a moment.

“Well,” Sunset said. “What happened?”

Sunstorm lowered her paw down and turned away from Sunset Shimmer.

“You’re right,” Sunstorm said. “I did lose because of my temper. My desire for vengeance and I couldn’t beat the likes of her.”

“That’s because she used magic from other races of Equestria,” Sunset said. “The Changelings, the Winterians, the Hippogriffs, and even the Fire Nags to name a few. Gold Banks has become the most powerful pony in all of Equestria. If she’s not stopped, no one is safe. She would make this Hydia character look weak in comparison.”

“What can I do about it?” Sunstorm said. “After all, I am a creature of vengeance.”

“Throw away your desire for vengeance, Sunstorm,” Sunset said. “Learn to trust me. If you can work together with me, we can bring down Gold Banks and take her power away from her.”

“I don’t know if I can,” Sunstorm said. “A thousand years and I have nothing but a desire for revenge against Hydia.”

“I’ve never met Hydia before, but I know that your kind was not the only victim of Hydia’s wrath,” Sunset Shimmer said. “The hippogriffs, the Winterians, the changelings, the Crystal Empire, and I fear that the old Everfree Kingdom might have suffered under Hydia’s evil. We may have more in common than you realize.”

“So other races suffered under Hydia’s crimes?” Sunstorm asked.

“I believe so,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Queen Novo told me about how this Hydia character took the lives of her mother and father: King Neptune and Queen Athena. I learned that Queen Chrysalis lost her mother: Queen Papilionoidea. And from what Princess Celestia told me, Coldnelius Snap may have been King Glacieous, until his legacy was taken away from this Hydia character. It was also said that King Glacieous once had a wife named Queen Icelina, who was Queen Eternia’s sister.”

“Even though I barely stepped hoof of the island, I have heard of those names,” Sunstorm Demona said. “I have met with King Glacieous before and Queen Eternia and her sister Icelina. Though I was hostile, they had no ill will against my kind. I did learn to trust them with my heart. But despite that, I still defended my people as if the outside world was cold and barren, despite the knowledge of their presence.”

“Then help me out,” Sunset Shimmer said as she held her hoof out. “Help me stop Gold Banks. And if we figured out where this Hydia is, we could bring her to justice for the crimes she committed against all of us. Will you do it?”

Sunstorm Demona looked at Sunset’s hoof before reaching out and touching it with her paw.

“I suppose vengeance is not really the better path,” Sunstorm said.

“It’s not,” Sunset said. “My mother told me that vengeance is not the right path. Justice is.”

“Is your mother Princess Celestia?” Sunstorm asked.

“Yes,” Sunset replied.

“Funny,” Sunstorm said. “I’ve met your mother and aunt in person before. And even though you don’t bear wings right now, there is something more powerful that is ready to sprout from you, Sunset Shimmer. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.”

“A phoenix?” Sunset asked.

“Yes,” Sunstorm Demona said. “When you reawaken, you will find that your form has changed. No. You will find that your true form will reveal itself. Thank you…for hearing my story, and for awakening my mind to the truth.”

Sunset smiled as she and Sunstorm Demona disappeared completely.

“Doitashimashite, Taiyou no Arashi Kijo,” Sunset said.

At the golden palace, Sunset Shimmer emerged from the light, her body glowing brightly. Everyone ran up to Sunset Shimmer, amazed by her return.

“Sister,” Wanda said. “Are you alright? What happened?”

But when Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes, her wings sprouted from her side, surprising her little sister.

“Sister,” Wanda said. “You have….wings.”

“I do?” Sunset said, surprised by her wings. “Oh my gosh. Sunstorm Demona was right.”

“That means more than you realize, my daughter,” Princess Celestia explained. “No longer are you a unicorn. You are now an alicorn.”

“An alicorn,” Sunset cried. “I’ve become an alicorn.”

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer jumped into the air and cheered loudly, flapping her wings as she flew across the room. Sunset then landed on the ground, cheering even loudly.

“I’M AN ALICORN!” Sunset cheered. “I never thought this would happen.”

But when Sunset came to a stop, she saw Wanda, Abigail, Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, Novo and Eleanor laugh.

“Oops,” Sunset said, blushing. “Too much?”

“Not too much, sister,” Princess Cadance said. “This means that we all can fly together, and you’re no longer left out. Welcome to the team, Alicorn Princess Sunset Shimmer.”

With that, Princess Cadance reached over and gave Sunset Shimmer a hug, all while Shining Armor looked like he was on the verge of crying.

“I wish my sister could see this,” Shining said. “Maybe one day, Twili will become an Alicorn like Sunset Shimmer has.”

Sunset turned towards Shining Armor and said “Are you crying?”

“No,” Shining said. “It’s just liquid pride.”

Sunset just laughed as she let go of Princess Cadance. She walked over to Wanda, who was still wearing her new armor.

“So we both got what we didn’t expect,” Sunset said. “You with your new armor. Me with my new alicorn form.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “But you will always be my sister, no matter if you’re a unicorn or an alicorn. Never forget that.”

“I won’t,” Sunset said as she gave Wanda a hug.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of Princess Skystar yell out “Oh my gosh. You’ve both changed.” Sunset and Wanda looked down the golden hall where Princess Skystar and the Dazzlings ran up to them, totally excited.

“You’ve become an alicorn, Sunset,” Adagio Dazzle cried with joy. “I can’t believe it.”

“And you look so handsome with that armor, Wanda,” Sonata Dusk said.

“You can thank our mothers for giving us the courage to unleash our true selves,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We couldn’t have done it without them.”

“Hey speaking of which,” Wanda said. “Where’s Starlight?”

“That we can explain,” Princess Cadance said. “We sent Starlight out to give the good news that Princess Celestia is back on her four hooves. But after what we’ve experienced, I’d say that’s truly an understatement.”

“Well we should go tell her,” Sunset Shimmer said. “In fact, we should go tell everyone about our second wind.”

“You should,” Princess Celestia said. “They need hope in this dire time, after what Gold Banks has put us all through. Make them proud, my daughters.”

Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer nodded to Princess Celestia as they walked out of the throne room and down the hallway. Abigail Albright, Princess Skystar, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk followed Wanda and Sunset out of the throne room, leaving Princess Celestia, Queen Novo and Queen Eleanor behind.

“There goes two brave souls,” Queen Novo said. “And we need as many as we can to take back Equestria from Gold Banks.”

“We do,” Princess Celestia said. “But right now, I feel as if they will bring hope to Equestria.”

“You should be proud of them,” Eleanor said. “After all, you did raise them to be your daughters.”

“And you helped out as much as you could, Eleanor,” Celestia said. “They’re your daughters like they are mine.”

“Wait,” Eleanor said. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well let’s just say I’m going to give Sunset and Cadance the say so to call you mother from here on out,” Celestia smirked.

“Oh Celestia,” Novo laughed. “You sure go overboard with the phrase ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ And that’s despite the fact that you are a village rolled up into one pony.”

“Well there is more to us all, than meets the eye,” Celestia replied.

To Be Continued in…

Hope from the Knight and the Alicorn

Author's Note:


So yeah. It was my plan from the start to turn Sunset Shimmer into an Alicorn, even at a young age. And believe it or not, Sunstorm Demona was originally called Sunstorm Incubus. But I changed the name just because Sunset's previous incarnation was female. And I included plenty of Japanese mythology.

As for Wanda's new armor, it's more of a nod to the Power Rangers as you can tell, along with a mix of Saint Seiya. I plan on sketching out Wanda in her new armor sometime in the future.

After the next part, I may take a small hiatus before our final arc: Operation Daisy Joy. The next part will show a slight preview of what the final arc will bring.

I need to give you an update. After much thought, I am going to move Operation Daisy Joy into its own stand alone Saga. The final arc will serve as a prologue to the 3rd Saga. Two reasons.

1) I realize just how ambitious Operation Daisy Joy is going to be. It wouldn't make sense to keep it contained in a mere arc when I can make it a stand alone saga.

2) I admit this: I am starting to feel a bit of a burn out from more than a month of writing. So after I wrap Saga 2 up, with a new arc: Prelude to the Operation, I will take a couple of months break from writing. And I will need it if I want this arc to go all out.

So yeah. I will take a slight break after Arc 29, then move onto Prologue to the Operation before taking around a 2 months break to prepare for Saga 3: Operation Daisy Joy.

Edit: Oops. I got the wrong part up. Don't worry. I fixed it.

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