• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 5-3: The Inmates Revolt

The Inmates Revolt

Hoops and Short Fuse made their way through a dark cavern located deep within the Coltsom Juvenile Detention Facility. Behind them was the Solitary Confinement Cell that they were put in. In front of them was darkness that was nearly impossible to see.

“I don’t know about this,” Short Fuse said. “I feel like there’s going to be a roc nearby.”

“Don’t worry,” Hoops said. “As long as you stand by me, I’ll keep you safe.”

“Easy for you to say,” Short Fuse said as he wandered around in the dark.

Suddenly, Short Fuse slams his face into an object, falling down on the ground. Hoops looked down and reached his hoof out to Short Fuse, who just knocked it aside.

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much,” Short Fuse said as he got up.

As Hoops looked at Short Fuse with a confused look on his face, he turned towards the object, where it is revealed to be some sort of wooden chest.

“Hello,” Hoops said. “Where did you come from?”

Hoops placed his hooves on the front of the chest and pried it open. Inside appeared to be a set of pistols and some bombs. Hoops pulled out one of the pistols and looked at it.

“I’ve seen these babies,” Hoops said. “Magitech blasters. Not military grade. But I’ve seen royal guards conceal these as a last resort.”

Hoops pointed the blaster towards the deep void of the cavern and pulled the trigger. The blaster fired a set of energy rings that flew through the cavern before disappearing.

“Just as I thought,” Hoops said. “These are stun blasters. Non-lethal variants.”

Short Fuse looked into the box and pulled out what appeared to be a metal sphere with a button on that. Hoops turned around took notice of the sphere that Short Fuse has.

“So what are these things?” Short Fuse asked.

“These are a special kind of stun grenade,” Hoops said. “Unlike your traditional ones that produce a blinding light, these ones were made to shock the victim until they’re knocked out. They aren’t meant to be lethal. But I’ve heard of some cops who resort to that.”

Short Fuse placed the stun grenade back in the box, looking a little scared. But Hoops walked up to Short Fuse and twirled the blaster with his wing.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Hoops asked with a devilish grin on his face.

“Wait,” Short Fuse said, looking a bit nervous. “You’re not thinking of turning those weapons against the guards, are ya?”

“Exactly,” Hoops said before he tossed his blaster into the air before catching it with his hoof. “This is your chance to reunite with Rolling Thunder, and to pay those snowflakes back for what they did.”

Hoops pulled another blaster out of the box and handed it over to Short Fuse. Fuse took the blaster and held it before his face let out a devilish grin.

“Where do I sign up?” Short Fuse said.

Meanwhile, Dumbbell and Score were just observing the moon with the imprint of a shadowy pony on it. Next to their cells slept Flim and Flam in one and Rolling Thunder in another.

“How do you think Hoops is doing without us?” Score asked.

“I’m not so sure,” Dumbbell said. “But then Hoops has been through worse without us.”

“I’m beginning to wonder if being here was such a good idea,” Score said.

“I still think it was,” Dumbbell said. “But for the wrong reasons. Maybe for reasons I didn’t even know existed.”

“I mean,” Score said with a chuckle. “It’s not like Hoops is going to bust in here like he’s some power-charged super villain.”

Suddenly, smoke filled the room as the door leading out of the main cellroom hall blew right open with one of the guards tumbling through. The sound woke Flim, Flam and Rolling Thunder as they, along with Dumbbell and Score, looked outside their cells.

“What in the world is going on?” Flim yelled as he held onto his bar doors.

“Wait,” Rolling Thunder said. “I think I can make out that familiar face.”

When the smoke cleared, Hoops and Short Fuse marched forward, carrying blasters and shock grenades, all while Short Fuse had a large bag hanging from his left shoulder. Rolling Thunder, Dumbbell, Score, Flim and Flam were surprised by their presence.

“Bro,” Score cheered. “I knew you could make it.”

“But what in the heck do you have?” Dumbbell asked.

“A little bit of treasure that we found,” Hoops said as he pulled out a key. “Which got me this.”

Dumbbell and Score cheered as Hoops stuck the key into the cell’s keyhole and turned the key. He immediately pulled the cell door open, allowing Dumbbell and Score jump on out and give Hoops a big hug.

“Glad you managed to break loose bro,” Dumbbell said.

“That’s nice,” Hoops said as he pulled the key out of the keyhole. “Now enough mushy stuff. We better get the others out and lay waste to this dump.”

But inside the Warden’s office, Warden Steel Bolt, Officer Blue Heat and the guards observed the action closely with Magistrate Creme Dream from a separate monitor. Every one of their faces shows a sign of satisfaction.

“So far, we have recorded a good chunk of those brats going nuts with those stun blasters and shock grenades,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“And we are downloading more of the footage onto the servers, Warden,” Creme Dream said. “The Stallion News Network will have a field day with this one.”

“It’s rather funny,” Blue Heat said as he watched Hoops, Dumbbell, Score and Short Fuse break the others out of their cells. “Those miserable brats always believe they’re fighting against authority, when in reality, we’re always ten steps ahead of them.”

“By the time they realized that they had soiled their own name with this riot,” Steel Bolt said. “It will be too little, too late.”

“Continue recording the video,” Creme Dream said. “I will inform you when you can make your escape.”

“Consider it done, Magistrate,” Steel Bolt said.

Meanwhile, back in the cell hall, Rolling Thunder, Flim and Flam emerged from their respective cells as Hoops, Dumbbell, Score and Short Fuse gave them each a blaster and at least three shock grenades. Hoops then walked up to more cell doors and unlocked each of them with the key, freeing more and more inmates. The crowd of juvenile delinquents cheered as they made their way out of the cell door.

“Come on,” Dumbbell yelled. “Let’s trash this place and get out of here.”

Suddenly, a battalion of guards made there way into the cell hall, armed with batons and shield. Hoops held onto one of the shock grenades and eyed the guard leading the group.

“Wadda say we test these bad boys out,” Hoops said as he clutched the grenade in his hoof.

Hoops pressed a button on the shock grenade and threw it into the crowd of incoming guards. The sphere detonated, sending a surge of energy through the guards, causing them to scream in pain before collapsing. Some of the remaining guards just watched in horror as their companions fell, while others charged at the inmates.

“LET EM HAVE IT!” Dumbbell yelled.

Immediately, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse fired off their stun blasters at the guards, emitting rings of energy that knocked each of the officers down. Some of the inmates quickly ran up and grabbed the shields of the unconscious officers.

“We’ve got your back,” one of the inmates yelled. “Follow us. We’ll get you out.”

As the inmates with the shields began to charge at the guards, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score watched on with pure delight.

“Didn’t realize that they had it in them,” Hoops said. “Guess I was wrong about the other prisoners.”

“There’s no time to reflect,” Rolling Thunder yelled as he grabbed a fallen guard’s shield. “Let’s give those chumps a taste of their own medicine.”

“Oh, right,” Hoops said. “Almost forgot about those clowns.”

Hoops flew right into the air and threw another shock grenade into the crowd of guards. The sphere detonated and gave them the shock of a lifetime, allowing the inmates with shields to push back against them.

Hoops turned to Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse before he said “The path is clear. Can you free the other inmates from their cells?”

Rolling Thunder saluted Hoops before he said “Consider it done.”

With that, Hoops tossed the key towards Rolling Thunder, who caught it with the tip of his wing. He pulled it down with his front left hoof and held onto it.

“Oh I’m down with it,” Short Fuse said, slamming his hooves on the floor and glaring at the guards. “Besides, I feel like a bull in a porcelain shop.”

“I’m surprised,” Rolling Thunder said as he flew upwards into the air. “Something about Hoops just made you braver.”

With a mighty flap of his wings, Rolling Thunder flew over the downed guards and through the doorway with Short Fuse flying after him. When one of the guards tried to grab Short Fuse, the custodian was hit by the energy rings of Flam’s stun blaster, knocking him out cold.

“That’s the spirit, brother,” Flim said as he blasted another guard out cold.

“Thanks, brother,” Flam replied. “I needed that.”

Down the hallway, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse flew above the guards that were making their way into the previous cell hall, each taking turns at blasting down the sentinels that tried to hold the peace of the detention facility. They dodged the batons of the soldiers while bouncing off their shields.

“Did you ever get the feeling that these guards feel underwhelming?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“Now that you mentioned it,” Short Fuse said. “They did feel like they were easy, as if someone was sending them to their doom.”

It didn’t take long for Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse to get into another room full of inmates locked in their cells. But standing in front of the cells were more guards, armed with batons and shields. Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse looked at each other and smiled.

“So you wanna blast them with the stun blasters?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“Or do you wanna shock them with the shock grenades?” Short Fuse replied.

They both looked at each other and said “Both. Both is good.”

And with that, Rolling Thunder flung the shock grenades right into the crowd of guards before pulling out their stun blasters and firing at them. As the grenades went off and shocked good chunks of the guards unconscious, the blasts of rings hit the ones in the front, knocking them to the ground.

“Nice one,” Rolling Thunder said. “You’ve really come out of your shell, Short Fuse.”

“Thanks Rolling Thunder,” Short Fuse said as he rubbed the back of his head with his hoof.

Suddenly, they all heard the sound of someone yelling “FREEZE, PUNKS!” Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse turned to see more guards enter the cell hall, looking ready to tackle both pegasi to the ground.

“Rolling,” Short Fuse said, priming his blaster once more. “Unlock the others. I’ll deal with these clowns.”

“You sure you got this?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“Trust me,” Short Fuse replied. “I’m not afraid anymore.”

Rolling Thunder flew away from Short Fuse and began to unlock the cell doors with the key. Short Fuse stared down the guards, who slowly approached the lone pegasi.

“This is your last warning,” One of the guards commanded. “Return to your cells or we will use extreme force.”

“I’ve had enough of your warnings,” Short Fuse said as he pointed the blaster at the guards. “I go pew pew, AND YOU KISS THE DIRT!”

The guards charged at Short Fuse, shields in front and batons in the air. Short Fuse tossed a few more grenades into the crowd of guards before he pointed his stun blaster at the incoming prison police and pulled the trigger. As the rings of energy emit from the blaster and hit the guards in the front, the grenades detonate, shocking numbers of guards and knocking them out. Short Fuse continued to fire at the guards, sending each of them to the pavement and rendering them unconscious from the energy of the blasters or the grenades.

“Now that’s what I call cleaning the house,” Short Fuse said as he twirled his blaster.

Suddenly, Short Fuse’s flank began to glow brightly as Rolling Thunder unlocked the caged inmates from their cells. They all watched as Short Fuse’s flank glowed brightly, blinding some of the guards.

“Hey Short Fuse,” Rolling Thunder said. “Is that what I think it is?”

“No way,” one of the inmates said. “The pipsqueak’s gonna get his cutie mark.”

When the light disappeared, Short Fuse looked down at his rear, and smiled greatly, for it now bore the image of a fire.

“Well wadda know,” Short Fuse said. “I got my cutie mark.”

“You sure did, Fusey,” Rolling Thunder said.

Short Fuse jumped into the air and yelled out “I GOT MY CUTIE MARK AND I LOVE IT!” As he celebrated, Rolling Thunder fired at the bedazzled guards while more inmates grabbed their shields and batons and began to push back.

“Think you can handle it from here?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“We sure can,” One inmate said. “Go catch up to whoever sent ya, and give them my thanks.”

Rolling Thunder gave a wink to the inmate as he and Short Fuse jumped into the air and flew away from the inmates, all while they continued to throw what’s left of their shock grenades into the crowd of guards. The inmates cheered as they pushed back against the guards.

“SOMEONE HELP,” one of them yelled.



The guards retreated as fast as they could, with the inmates overpowering them.

But further up, many of the guards began to retreat in fear as Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim and Flam charged through with their blasters and shock grenades. The inmates followed from behind, cheering and hitting their stolen shields with the batons.

“Keep this up, folks,” Hoops yelled. “We got those chumps on the run.”

“Yeah,” Score yelled. “DOWN WITH THE AUTHORITY!”

Dumbbell turned his head towards Hoops and said “I’m still surprised that you managed to get all that cool stuff.”

“I still don’t know how they got there,” Hoops said. “But if anything, I’m glad we broke into this facility and tore this place up.”

“No argument there,” Dumbbell said.

Flim tapped on Hoops’ shoulder and said “By the way, seems the cavalry has arrived.”

Hoops looked up to his left to see Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse pour out of one of the hallways with guards sandwiched in by the inmates. Hoops looked up at Short Fuse’s flank and noticed a fire cutie mark on his hip.

“And not only that,” Hoops said. “He’s finally got his groove going. I knew he would come out of his shell.”

Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse fired off more blasts of ring energy at the guards, knocking some of them out and sending the rest of them retreating out of the building. Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim and Flam charged right at what’s left of the guards as the inmates cheered.

Back inside the Warden’s office, Warden Steel Bolt, Officer Blue Heat, a good number of elite guards and Magistrate Creme Dream on an opposite monitor observed the damage that Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse were doing, and the rest of the guards retreating from the building. All of them looked satisfied.

“Warden Steel Bolt,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “The footage that has been downloaded to my servers is enormous. The Stallion News Network will have a field day with this one.”

“All in a day’s work, Magistrate,” Steel Bolt replied. “The more we convince these losers that Private Prisons are the new thing, the better.”

“Anway, you have completed the task,” Creme Dream replied. “It’s time to make your retreat.”

“At once,” Steel Bolt said as he gave a salute before Creme Dream disappeared from the monitor.

“All units,” Officer Blue Heat yelled. “Group up. It’s time to depart.”

The private guard unit gathered around Steel Bolt and Blue Heat, preparing for the worst. Steel Bolt typed a few keys on the keyboard, causing a red light on the console to light up.

“Preparing special evacuation,” A voice on the console said. “Input voice command.”

“Commence Evacuation Order Six…Six,” Steel Bolt said.

“Voice Command approved,” the voice said. “Preparing evacuation.”

The room began to rumble as the guards stood there, unmoved. The doorway behind them was gated up with a new metal doorway. Steel Bolt sat in his chair in anticipation and Blue Heat stood tall.

Suddenly, the floor began to sink downward like an elevator as Steel Bolt, Blue Heat and the guards descended towards beneath the Warden’s office. As they all went down, Warden Steel Bolt let out his biggest grin ever.

“Sayonara, suckers,” Steel Bolt said. “When you all make news, you will forever be pariahs to all of Equestria.”

And with that, Steel Bolt, Blue Heat, and the guards descended down into the abyss until they disappeared without a trace.

But above ground in the night, the remaining guards retreated from the building as the inmates pushed them out. They chanted and cheered as the last guard fled from the grounds of the Coltsom Detention Facility. Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse emerged from the build as the inmates cheered.

“Today is your day of freedom,” Hoops yelled. “Never again will you be tormented by the authority. Down with the authority and down with the snowflakes.”

The crowd cheered “Down with the authority and Down with the snowflakes” as they emerged from the building and into the fields surrounding the Detention Facility, pushing down all of the fences surrounding it and even leaping over the barbed wire.

“We did it,” Flim said. “We drove them out of this place.”

“Yeah,” Dumbbell said. “But at the same time, there is something about this place that could prove useful to us.”

“We should consider sprucing it up,” Rolling Thunder said. “We could use more comrades in arms.”

“Very well,” Hoops said. “But for now, let’s enjoy this sweet smell of freedom.”

With that, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse ran off in another direction, enjoying every waking moment.

Later that morning outside the abandoned Detention Facility, Bright Mac and Granny Smith stood outside, completely shocked at the damage done to this place. Nearby was Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat, the latter who was breaking down crying.

“I..I don’t believe it,” Bright Mac said, still unable to comprehend the damage to the facility. “Those three actually pulled that off?”

“It’s true,” Steel Bolt said in a solemn tone. “And they had help in more ways than one.”

“More ways than one?” Granny Smith asked.

“They discovered a cache of weapons that were stolen by Changelings,” Officer Blue Heat sobbed. “And they used them to knock out some of our guards and sent the rest of them running for their lives. They were relentless.”

“But don’t you worry,” Officer Steel Bolt said. “They’re already at the hospital, recovering from their injuries. They’ll be back up before you know it.”

Granny Smith looked at her son Bright Mac, who took off his hat and held it in shame.

“It’s not your fault, son,” Granny Smith said. “We didn’t know about what those Changelings pulled on us.”

“No, it is,” Bright Mac said. “I thought they could be disciplined and taught a harsh lesson about the stunts they pulled. I thought maybe some tough love would snap them out of it. But after what they pulled, I don’t think any punishment in Equestria would ever make them see the error of their ways. I’m afraid they are beyond redemption and beyond any disciplinary action. Even Tatarus would be seen as a playground to those three.”

“I know you wish to regret what they did,” Granny Smith said. “But you have a birthday party that you and the other younglings have to attend in Canterlot. I’ll let Buttercup know about what happened. But no matter what, stay strong for Wanda, okay?”

“I’ll try, ma,” Bright Mac said as he put on his hat. “I’ll try.”

Bright Mac and Granny Smith walked away from abandoned facility as Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat watched on. But as soon as the two apple farmers were gone, the two turned to a nearby tree where Magistrate Creme Dream was eavesdropping from afar. Creme Dream walked up to the two, who stood tall for her.

“They bought into it,” Creme Dream said.

“Hook, line and sinker,” Steel Bolt said.

“Neigh Nanners is already putting together the footage from the security video,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “Once the report is out, their names will be forever soiled and the ponies of Equestria will be convinced to support Privatized Prisons and Juvenile facilities. And I believe there is a Supermax Juvenile Facility that has your name on it.”

“Glad to hear of it,” Steel Bolt said. “If anything, good riddance to government-runned prisons.”

“That reminds me,” Blue Heat said. “There will be other guards who could believe that we abandoned them in their time of need.”

“Don’t you worry,” Creme Dream said. “I have big plans for that. In fact, I have dispatched members of the Debt Collector Squad to re-capture them, either for new imprisonment, or to take them to the mysterious Dream Valley, where none have escaped.

“Dream Valley?” Steel Bolt said, looking a bit uneasy.

“Oh don’t you worry,” Creme Dream said. “After all, they don’t come back as….boys. Now come. We have work to do.”

Magistrate Creme Dream walked away from the abandoned Coltsom Detention Facility with Blue Heat and Steel Bolt following from behind.

But sometime later, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse returned to the now abandoned facility, looking up at it. The group looked at each other with anticipation.

“So wadda think?” Hoops said. “Our new base of operations?”

“I like it,” Rolling Thunder replied. “Ironic how what was once our prison has become our fortress.”

“No doubt we’ll need supplies to reinforce this place,” Flim said. “And there’s also the matter of that crystal that dampened our powers.”

“That I can take care of, brother,” Flam said. We can alter that crystal so that our magic won’t be affected.”

“And the crystal that also prevents pegasi from flying above and outside the building,” Short Fuse said. “We’re going to be rulers of this region.”

“You know,” Dumbbell said. “With all this good we did for those inmates, I have a funny feeling that we might be losing our edge.”

“No doubt about it,” Score said. “The last thing we need are a bunch of ponies who see us in a positive light. We’re supposed to be the most hated characters in Equestria.”

“You’re both right,” Hoops said. “After all, we’re the Scrappies. We were meant to be hated. We were meant to cause ponies to rage at our appearance. And we have a notorious reputation to uphold.”

“Then might I have a suggestion?” Flim said, holding up a newspaper to Hoops, Dumbbell and Score’s face. “There is a birthday celebration for one Princess Wanda Young.”

“The human snowflake?” Score said with a chuckle. “What’s so special about her birthday?”

“Well her party is strictly invitation only,” Rolling Thunder said. “But if you want to prove to be the most hated ponies in Equestria, then you should consider doing some party crashing.”

“Well consider it done,” Hoops said with a devilish grin. He turned to Dumbbell and Score and said “Come on boys. We have a notorious reputation to uphold. Let’s head back to Canterlot and crash that monkey’s birthday.”

“Here here,” Dumbbell and Score said.

And with that, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score turned tail and flew off towards the morning sun to the east. Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse watched as the pegasi trio disappeared into the atmosphere.

“So,” Flam said. “Do you think those three will have what it takes to be the most hated villains in Equestria?”

“If they could help bring down an entire prison,” Rolling Thunder stated. “Then they could do anything they want.”

“Which reminds me,” Short Fuse said. “We should set up this place to be a fortress of fear of some sort.”

“And we could use that to celebrate your Cute Ceanera,” Rolling Thunder said. “After all, you have a cutie mark now.”

“Oh yeah,” Short Fuse said in a satisfied tone. “Gotta get used to having this bad boy on my hip.”

“The next thing we need is a cake to celebrate,” Flim said. “And believe it or not, I happen to have some mad skills at baking cakes.”

“But we will need ingredients,” Flam said.

“They did leave behind all those goodies in the pantry,” Flim said. “So we should be set.”

“Then prepare yourself for the sweetest Cute Ceanera ever, Short Fuse,” Rolling Thunder said.

Short Fuse laughed as he, Rolling Thunder, Flim and Flam walked back towards the abandoned Coltsom Juvenile Detention Facility.

To Be Continued In…

Arc 6: Wanda’s Birthday Catastrophe

A big surprise to anticipate

Author's Note:

So while I did write Hoops, Dumbbell and Score to make them as hate-filled as possible, I may have unintentionally given them some sympathetic traits. So this is why I decided that the next arc make them as apathetic as I can. After all, the next arc will celebrate Wanda's birthday.

On a side note, there will be a Nightmare Night Arc coming up after that. But it will release sometime after Halloween. So stay tuned.

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