• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 4-2: A Sisterly Problem

A Sisterly Problem

It was the afternoon in the middle of Canterlot City. Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell were playing together with a rubber ball, tossing it back and forth to each other. They appeared happy and content. But nearby, Sunset Shimmer sat next to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor on a nearby bench, watching her friends play with a worried look on her face.

“Aren’t you going to play with your sister and her friends?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Not after what I nearly did to them,” Sunset said as she lowered her head down.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Shining Armor said. “You never knew that the demon inside you would take over and make you attack them.”

“But what if it takes hold of me again?” Sunset asked. “What if I become that very demon that came close to attacking my sister and her friends?”

“Don’t worry,” Cadence said. “Mother taught me the very spell that will put it at bay. So the next time it comes, we’ll be ready for it.”

“Considering who your big sister is,” Shining Armor said. “That’s saying a whole lot.”

With that, Shining Armor gave Sunset Shimmer a hoof noogie, causing Sunset to giggle.

“Hey knock that off,” Sunset laughed. “That tickles.”

“Shining’s just here to cheer you up,” Cadence said. “After all, you are family. And as a family, we are one together.”

Sunset Shimmer shook her head, restoring her mane to her former self. She looked up and laughed a bit.

“Maybe you’re right,” Sunset said. “But I sure hope you can help keep it under control.”

“Trust me,” Princess Cadance said. “If it happens again, I’ll be ready.”

Immediately, Shining Armor held his hoof out, catching the ball that was thrown right at him. He bounced the ball with his hoof ont he ground before tossing it into the air and catching it with the tip of his hoof.

“Sunset,” Shining Armor said. “You and Wanda have a lot in common with my sister, Twilight. You worry alot, and we do what we can to help you out. And sure we give our little ones a hard time. But it’s just for fun and not to be a big meanie.”

“Hey big bro, can we have our ball back?” Shining Armor turned to the other younglings who were standing there looking at Shining Armor. Twilight Sparkle held her arms up in the air as if she were ready to catch a ball.

“Oops,” Shining Armor said. “Forgot you were still playing with this. Here. Let’s go long.”

Shining Armor swung his arm back and tossed the ball right into the air. The younglings all looked up, watching the ball disappear into the sky.

“Big brother,” Twilight said. “I think you may have overdone it.”

“Relax sis,” Shining Armor said with a smug grin on his face. “In fact, it’s starting to fall any time now.”

Wanda looked upwards to see the ball start to fall down from above. She tapped on Twilight’s shoulder and pointed upwards.

“I think there’s your answer,” Wanda said.

“Great,” Twilight said before she bent down as if she were getting to jump.

“Twilight,” Sunburst said. “What are you doing?”

“Watch this,” Twilight said as the magic of her horn surrounded her body.

And with that, Twilight Sparkle jumped right into the air, flying right at the falling rubber ball. Before she collided with the ball, Twilight Sparkle spun herself in the air with a forward kick, smacking the ball with her right leg and sending it flying down towards the group. Starlight Glimmer looked up at the falling ball and immediately hid behind Wanda.

“Don’t let it hit me,” Starlight cried. “I don’t want my face to be smashed.”

Starlight kept her face hidden behind Wanda Young as she cowered in fear. But mere moments passed by, and Starlight opened her eyes. She peeked out from behind Wanda, who only rubbed the filly on the head. But when Starlight looked on, her face beamed with excitement.

“I…” Starlight said. “I don’t believe it.”

In front of Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Danged Spell, Wanda, Abigail and Spike, Moondancer stood on her arms, holding the ball in the air with her legs. Everyone stood there, amazed at Moondancer’s trick.

“What do you think?” Moondancer said. “Neat huh?”

“You’re telling me,” Danged Spell said with a smug tone. “With that kind of performance, you’re really having a ball. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” everyone else groaned in disgust, except for Moondancer who giggled a bit.

Twilight Sparkle landed next to Moondancer as the light yellow greyish pony tossed the ball aside before landing back on her four hooves. She flicked the back of her mane before trotting over to her friends.

“I may be a space geek,” Moondancer said. “But that’s not the only thing I’m good at.”

Danged Spell approached the ball and levitated it into the air with his magic, planting it on his right hoof. He spun the ball on the tip of his hoof with his magic, all while sporting an arrogant grin on his face.

“Now this is what I call having a ball,” Danged Spell said while balancing the ball on his hoof.

But when Danged Spell took a step forward, he tripped over a crack in the pavement and fell, sending the ball into the air before he slammed his face on the ground. The group laughed right at Danged Spell’s misfortune.

“Oww,” Danged Spell said. I think that performance was a little flat.”

Just as Danged Spell finished speaking, the ball fell down and bonked him on the crown of his head. The group laughed even louder than that.

“Not really flat,” Moondancer said. “I’d say it went around the world.”

As the group laughed even harder, Danged Spell lifted his head up before placing his face cheek on his right front hoof.

“Oh hah hah,” Danged Spell said in a sarcastic tone. “Real cute, you chowderheads.”

As the group of younglings continued to laugh, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Sunset Shimmer just watched on from the bench. Sunset cracked a smile and looked like she was about to laugh. But Cadance and Shining Armor turned towards each other.

“Cadance, dear,” Shining Armor said. “Could you do Twili a favor and look after Spike for a bit?”

“Well why’s that?” Princess Cadance asked.

Shining Armor reached over to Princess Cadance’s ear and whispered into it. Princess Cadance’s face popped up with excitement.

“Oh that,” Princess Cadance said. “Consider it done.”

“What’s going on?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

Princess Cadance reached down and whispered into Sunset Shimmer’s ear, surprising the little filly.

“I see what you mean,” Sunset Shimmer replied as Cadance gave her a wink from her eye.

Later that day, Princess Cadance was walking through the city of Canterlot with Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright, with Spike the Dragon riding on top of her back. She greeted the citizens of Canterlot, who waved right back at her.

“I’m surprised that Twilight wants us to look after Spike,” Wanda said.

“Well it’s because Twilight and Shining Armor have a lot of important work to do,” Princess Cadance said. “And they need us to keep Spike happy and content.”

“What kind of work?” Wanda asked.

“You’ll see,” Princess Cadance said.

“That being said,” Sunset Shimmer said. “What do you think Chancellor Cinch did with the owner of that dog that chased us early this morning?”

“Knowing Cinch’s harsh tone and her desire to get things done,” Princess Cadance replied. “I’d say it should be in the bag.”

But as the group walked down the street, Abigail looked in front of her and freaked out. She tugged on Wanda’s dress, all while she said “Dog. Dog.”

“Abby,” Wanda said. “Are you saying that dog is here?”

“Unfortunately,” Sunset said. “That would be a yes.”

Wanda, Princess Cadance and Spike looked in front to see that bulldog glaring up at them, teeth bare and growling menacingly.

“That’s the dog that’s been giving you a hard time?” Princess Cadance laughed as she walked up to the bulldog, all while Spike jumped off Cadance’s back. “Doesn’t seem like a threat to me.”

“Sister,” Wanda said. “Be careful.”

“Oh relax,” Princess Cadance said as she approached the bulldog. “What’s it going to do to me?”

Princess Cadance placed her left upper hoof on the bulldog’s head and proceeded to pet it. But the mongrel was annoyed by her hoof, his face began to twitch. The dog proceeded to open his jaw wide before snapping it on Cadance’s arm.

“YEEEOUCH!” Cadance yelled before she pulled her arm out of the dog’s mouth. “That hurt.”

The bulldog growled at Princess Cadance as the older alicorn sister backed away from the vicious animal. Sunset, Wanda, Abigail and Spike cowered behind the older sister.

“Guys,” Cadence said as she sat down. “Get on.”

Wanda, Abigail, Sunset and Spike climbed onto Princess Cadance’s back without hesitation. Despite their weight, Cadence was able to slowly lift herself up. But when she extended her wings and tried to fly, she could barely lift herself off the ground. Cadance looked at the bulldog, who growled right back at her.

“I think we might be too much,” Wanda said. “If you want, I can hop off.”

“No,” Cadance said. “Because we’re RUNNING FOR IT!”

Immediately, Princess Cadance turned to her right and made a run for it with Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike holding on for dear life. The Bulldog barked madly before it chased Cadance in pursuit.


“Twilight,” Spike said.

“Don’t you worry, Spike,” Wanda said as she held Spike close. “I won’t let that big mean mutt take a bite out of you.”

Down the street, Chancellor Cinch was slumping down the road, soaked in water, with a peeved look on her face. She looked behind her, scowling at the street behind her.

“The nerve of that owner,” Chancellor Cinch snarled. “All I demand is that he keep that dog on a leash, and he had the audacity to splash a bucket of water in my face. I swear, the Man’s Cub’s antics are far more innocent and pure.”

Cinch’s ears twitched, causing her to get up on her hind legs and to look to her right. In the distance, she saw Princess Cadance running as fast as possible with Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike holding on for dear life. Cinch looked down further to see the same bulldog chase after Princess Cadance.

“Not again,” Cinch said as she prepared herself. “I swear, that dog is becoming a total annoyance.”

The moment Princess Cadance sped past Abacus Cinch, the Chancellor jumped right in front of the dog, causing the animal to skid to a stop. Cinch’s horn glowed as the magic zapped right into her vocal cords.

“I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE THOSE YOUNGLINGS ALONE YOU BAD, BAD DOG!” Cinch yelled with a ton of reverb amplifying her voice.

The Bulldog yelped again as it turned tail and ran off in the opposite direction. Cinch’s frown turned into a smile as she saw the animal run in the distance, darting past the ponies of Canterlot.

“Good riddance you flea-ridden mongrel,” Cinch said in a satisfying tone.

“You…you actually got rid of him.” Cinch turned around to see Princess Cadance walk up to her with Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike walking right next to her.

“You don’t need to thank me, Princess,” Cinch said. “Besides, I’m surprised that a mere dog can give you trouble, considering that you have a tendency to smack cultists and changelings with folded chairs.”

Princess Cadance rubbed the back of her head embarrassingly before she said “Well I’m not one who would want to hurt these kinds of animals.”

Cinch walked over to Wanda, who looked like she was going to hide behind Princess Cadance and cry.

“Young lady,” Cinch said. “I originally placed a restriction on your ability to fly in Canterlot just to ensure that you’re on your best behavior. But after having put up with that monster for so long, I will let your mother know that I’ll be lifting the restriction. Your safety comes first.”

Wanda’s face lit up. She wiped a tear from her eye as she jumped up and down, cheering. Cinch walked back as the others looked at the Chancellor, completely surprised.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” Princess Cadance said.

“Sadly, I’m not,” Cinch said. “Considering that this dog’s owner refuses to cooperate and decided to give me a cold shower, I’d say this is justified. Now come this way. I’ll walk you all to the castle.”

With that, Chancellor Cinch walked past Princess Cadance and down the streets of Canterlot. Princess Cadance followed Cinch from behind as Wanda, Abigail, Sunset and Spike marched from behind.

“I can’t believe it, sis,” Sunset said. “Now you can fly when you want.”

“I can’t wait,” Wanda said with an excited tone on her face.

Abigail and Spike lined up next to each other with the kitty walking on two legs. They both held hands and looked each other in the eyes.

“Proud,” Abigail said.

“Yeah,” Spike said.

Meanwhile, at the castle, Princess Celestia opened the front door with her magic. Outside, Magistrate Creme Dream and her daughter Majesty stood outside as if they were waiting patiently and with anticipation.

“Princess Celestia,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I’m sorry to have to disturb you on this fine afternoon.”

“Oh not at all,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, I did have a busy day and I was hoping to enjoy some time with ourselves. But I know why you’re here. It’s about the next budget for Equestria”

“You guessed correctly, Princess,” Creme Dream said as she and Majesty walked inside the castle. “But most of the money is needed for the courts.”

“But I thought the courts were fully funded,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, you got the lion’s share of the last budget.”

“Oh that’s true,” Creme Dream said as she flicked her horn with magic, conjuring up a thirty page document. “But I don’t think it was enough. We’re experiencing a judge shortage and we need the extra bits to cover any future judiciary’s salary.”

Celestia let out a sigh and said “Okay. Bring it over here. We’ll take a look at it.”

Princess Celestia walked with Magistrate Creme Dream over to a nearby table. Creme Dream set the document on the table before flipping it open. As she does, Princess Luna walked over to the Magistrate.

“I’ve assigned Majordomo Kibitz to take care of some tasks upstairs,” Princess Luna said. “Would you like for me to get you something to drink?”

“Perhaps a spot of tea would be perfect for this occasion,” Creme Dream said. “With a bit of honey and lemon.”

“Coming right up,” Princess Luna said before she darted towards the kitchen.

Princess Celestia took a seat at a chair in front of the documents and looked down at them. She glanced at the wording, paying close attention to each letter. But her eyes quickly shifted over to Majesty, who looked up at her.

“You look pretty nervous, your majesty,” Majesty said in a smug tone. “Can you handle it?”

Princess Celestia let out a cocky laugh before she said “Kid, you’ve already seen what I could do to save my daughter, Sunset. Watch a master work her magic.”

Outside of the palace, Chancellor Cinch walked up the stairs and right in front of the doorway with Princess Cadance by her side, and Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike right behind them. Princess Cadance wiped the sweat from her brow and tossed it to the side.

“So how come that dog decided to chase us?” Princess Cadance asked. “What did we ever do to it?”

“To be honest,” Chancellor Cinch said. “There was a complaint about the dog chasing citizens left and right. So when I went to take my complaints to the owner, he had the audacity to splash a bucket of water in my face and told me to get out, stating that he doesn’t want the government to tell me what to do.”

“Wow,” Princess Cadance said. “Some ponies are just so stubborn.”

“Well that’s saying a lot,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And I can name a few of them at the back of my head.”

“Well regardless of how many stubborn ponies we’ve run into,” Chancellor Cinch said. “What matters is that you’ve arrived home safely. And that’s what matters the most.”

Chancellor Cinch stepped forward and noticed that the door was open. She stepped inside and saw Princess Celestia alongside Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty. Cinch’s face turned white as she took a few steps outside.

“I completely forgot,” Cinch said as her face turned to panic.

“What did you forget, Miss Cinch?” Wanda asked.

“Magistrate Creme Dream was going to come by today,” Cinch said.

“Oh no,” Wanda said. “Not her. I was hoping I wouldn’t see her again.”

“And she isn’t here for show,” Cinch replied. “It was about the budget for Equestria. And word has it she wants more money for the judiciary.”

“The what?” Wanda asked.

“Basically,” Princess Cadance said to Wanda. “The courts all across Equestria. From what I heard, despite all the extra funding, there is a shortage of judges going across the nation.”

“A shortage?” Sunset Shimmer replied.

“Yes,” Princess Cadance said. “Some judges are retiring from their bench. Others have chosen to resign over the fears of the changelings and the cultists. Because of this, both criminal and civil cases have been put on hold until further notice.”

Chancellor Cinch was about to step into the castle. But she immediately stuck her head out and turned towards Wanda, Sunset, Cadance, Abigail and Spike.

“I know you all don’t like being alongside Magistrate Creme Dream,” Cinch said. “So I recommend, with my blessing, to fly up to your own room.”

Wanda, Sunset and Cadance nodded to Abacus Cinch before the Chancellor stepped through the doorway. Cadance turned towards her younger sisters before signaling her head towards a window in the castle.

“Sunset,” Cadance said. “I’ll carry you and Spike to your bedroom. Wanda, take Abigail and follow from behind.”

“Roger that,” Wanda and Sunset said.

Princess Cadance lowered her back down, allowing Spike the Dragon and Sunset Shimmer to climb up on it. Cadance then got up on her four legs as Wanda picked up Abigail Albright before her wings materialized on her back.

“Come on,” Princess Cadance said. “Let’s fly up to your room.

Sunset Shimmer and Spike the Dragon held onto Princess Cadance before the older sister extended her wings and flew upwards towards the room. Wanda flapped her wings as fast as possible, holding Abigail tightly before flying up right behind her older sister.

“Safe?” Abigail asked.

“Don’t worry,” Wanda said. “We’ll be safe from that bad Creme Dream.”

Meanwhile, back in the Grand Foyer of the Castle, Chancellor Cinch approached the table with the papers on the surface. The sound of her hoofsteps caught the attention of Princess Celestia, Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty.

“Chancellor Cinch,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I was wondering when you would show up.”

“I was trying to deal with the owner of a rogue dog that tried to bite into the youngling Princesses,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Unfortunately, he won’t take no for an answer and chose to wash me up.”

“Anyway,” Princess Celestia said. “You all know why the Magistrate is here.”

“It’s because of the budget for the judiciary,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Correct,” Princess Celestia replied.

Just then, Princess Luna walked in from another room with a tray that held up four cups of tea. She walked over to the table and set the tray next to the papers.

“Chancellor Cinch,” Princess Luna said. “I had a feeling that you would show up.”

“I came this close to missing today’s meeting,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“She said it had something to do with a dog that’s been giving my daughters a hard time,” Princess Celestia said.

“Hard time is an understatement,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Even Princess Cadance is afraid of it.”

“Well as soon as we take care of the plans for the judiciary budget,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I could order a newly hired judge to impose a fine on that dog owner.”

“Oh believe me, Magistrate,” Chancellor Cinch said before she rolled her eyes. “The owner’s a far stubborn fool. He would go as far as to disregard a fine for allowing its dog to roam the streets.”

But as Cinch continued to chat with Celestia, Luna, and Cream Dream in the Grand Foyer, Kibitz was leading Cozy Glow through the upper hallways, showing the little filly every room in the castle.

“And now my dear Cozy,” Kibitz said as he stopped in front of another room. “This is the room that belongs to Princess Wanda Young and Princess Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh I know what this place is,” Cozy Glow said. “But I’m so excited to see it again. Lemme take a look.”

Kibitz laughed before he opened the door and said “Oh very well. But don’t mess anything up.”

Cozy Glow immediately dashed towards the entrance of the room and took a peek inside. Her face beamed at the bright colors that reflected off the sun.

“I know I’ve been in here before,” Cozy Glow said. “But it looks so magnificent during daylight.”

“Oh I am aware of that,” Kibitz said. “After all, the last time you were in here was when the two Princesses invited their friends to a slumber party after the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

Cozy Glow took a few steps in, observing every nook and cranny within Wanda and Sunset’s room. She was amazed by the toys, books and even the video games that decorated the shelves, plus the two drawers filled with normal clothing. She also looked down at the color of the rug and a certain spot on there.

“This was where I slept during our Slumber Party night,” Cozy Glow said. “I sure miss all of them, especially the ponies from La Maresa and that Prince Blueblood character.”

“Well speaking of which,” Kibitz said. “Prince Blueblood lost his job as head of the Horse News Network. He was replaced by this propaganda mouthpiece named Neigh Nanners, and the station was changed to the Stallion News Network.”

Cozy Glow groaned in disgust before she said “First off, I don’t like watching the news, especially this Stallion News Network. Second off, I’ve heard of Neigh Nanners. This jerk is a total conspiracy nut.” Cozy’s tone turned into a more somber one as she added “But third, I’m sorry that Prince Blueblood lost his job there.”

“It’s okay,” Kibitz said. “According to Blueblood, you can be as hot headed as possible when it comes to the news networks of Equestria. But do one good deed, even if it means opposing the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings, and you’re a pariah in their books.”

“I overheard my mom talk about that long before I met Golden Lace,” Cozy Glow said. “And according to her, she’s the sole owner of every news station and paper in Equestria. So she basically dictates every bit of gossip out there.”

“Well that is unfortunately true,” Kibitz replied. “But despite their friendly tone towards Magistrate Creme Dream, it seems Celestia and Luna have begun to sour on Creme Dream. In fact, they’ve known your mother for almost a thousand years.”

“A thousand years?,” Cozy Glow said. “My mother is that old?”

“Indeed she is,” Kibitz replied as he walked towards the window. “Just like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Magistrate Creme Dream’s advantage of being an alicorn is to live longer than most creatures. In fact, some say she’s older than even the Queens that preceded the Princesses.”

But Kibitz’s ears picked up the sound of wings flapping. He looked outside the window, then turned to Cozy Glow.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to discuss this another time,” Kibitz said. “The royal daughters have arrived home and they’re not supposed to see you right now.”

Cozy Glow’s eyes shrunk down, her teeth chattered and she looked left and right.

“What am I going to do?” Cozy Glow asked.

Kibitz eyed a nearby closet with Sunset Shimmer’s name on it. He turned to Cozy Glow and said “Go in there. Sunset doesn’t use her closet as much as Wanda uses hers.”

Cozy Glow nodded. She dashed towards Sunset Shimmer’s closet, opened the door and dove in before shutting it tight. Kibitz dusted himself off before he approached the window and opened it.

“Well,” Kibitz said. “Time to greet the daughters.”

Kibitz stepped aside as Princess Cadance flew in with Sunset Shimmer and Spike riding on her back. Wanda Young flew in from behind, carrying Abigail Albright.

“Welcome home, my ladies,” Kibitz said.

“Kibitz,” Princess Cadance said as Sunset Shimmer and Spike the Dragon hopped off her back. “I didn’t expect you to meet us at my sister’s room.”

“Oh I was just tidying up the place,” Kibitz replied. “Now is there something I can get you three?”

“Not really,” Sunset said. “After today’s class, I am exhausted.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said as Abigail leaped out of her arms. “Being chased by a dog twice in one day is enough to just want to kick back and relax in our room.”

“Well then I might as well leave you to rest up while I prepare dinner,” Kibitz replied before bowing to the three sisters and stepping out of the room.

Princess Cadance yawned before she said “I’m beat. I’m gonna go take a nap before dinner tonight.”

Immediately, Princess Cadance stepped out of the room and walked down the hallway. Wanda and Sunset watched as their big sister disappeared out of the room before they sat down on the bed.

“So we’ve gone from having to put up with that dog to having to put up with Creme Dream downstairs,” Sunset Shimmer said.

Wanda let out a sigh and said “Can’t this day get any worse?”

Sunset put her hoof on Wanda’s back and said “I think as long as we don’t make any noise, we won’t get her attention. Besides, I don’t want to even go near Creme Dream at all.”

Wanda smiled back at Sunset and said “You and me both, sister.”

With that, Wanda reached over and gave Sunset Shimmer a big hug. Abigail and Spike both leaped onto the bed and proceeded to give both sisters a hug as well.

But inside the closet, Cozy Glow spied on Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike from behind the door. She turned her head away and sat down near the door.

“What was I thinking about coming back here?” Cozy Glow said to herself. “I know Princess Celestia and Princess Luna said they would look out for me. But at the same time, I now have my own mother to deal with. At this point, hiding out in a cage in Tartarus is starting to sound like a better alternative.”

To Be Continued in…

An Unexpected Reunion

Author's Note:

So what do you supposed will happen between Wanda, Sunset and Cozy Glow? And what part does Celestia, Luna, Cinch and Creme Dream play? Stay tuned.

Also, good news. As I speak, part 4 of this arc is complete.

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