• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 16-3: Sympathy for a Beast

Sympathy for a Beast

It was a cold night in Canterlot. Snow poured down upon the city and every pony took shelter within their own homes. Not a single soul was outside.

But nearby, inside a familiar wall bunker, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse huddled up to a makeshift fire made out of pieces of a broken crate. Some of them were shivering.

“I hope we can ride this storm out,” Score said, holding his hooves to the fire.

“Sorry we couldn’t make it to the train station,” Hoops said. “I heard the train was knocked down by the snow.”

“It’s alright,” Rolling Thunder said. “None of us could have seen the storm pick up this badly.”

“What matters is that we have to stay warm until this snowstorm dies off,” Flim explained.

“I dunno,” Short Fuse said. “I think the cold around us is starting to overpower the warmth of this fire.”

“Well none of us are going to step outside for our own sake,” Dumbbell said. “We step hoof onto Canterlot streets, we’re ponysicles.”

“How is it we get into these messes?” Flam sighed.

“All I can say is,” Hoops said, “Fate can be a cruel mistress.”

Meanwhile, at the Ruby Library, as the younglings and Spike gathered around Princess Luna and Argyle Starshine, Princess Celestia was in a nearby corner, speaking to Chancellor Cinch on the video tablet.

“I’m afraid the storms are getting worse and your castle is starting to fill up,” Chancellor Cinch stated. “Ponies from across Equestria are starting to make their way here. We even had to bring the citizens of Canterlot in.”

“How is it that the winter storms are getting this horrible?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I’ve heard reports that Windigos are riding through the night sky,” Chancellor Cinch explained.

“Windigos?” Princess Celestia said with shock. “So Coldnelius Snap figured out how to bring the Windigos back without causing ponies to lash out at each other.”

“I don’t know how he did it,” Chancellor Cinch said, “But one thing is clear. I don’t think we can house any more refugees from this terrible winter cold.”

“But Chancellor,” Princess Celestia stated. “How do we explain to the people that they have to be left out in the cold to perish?”

“I don’t know what else to do,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Do you have any ideas on what to do?”

Princess Celestia thought about it for a bit before a light bulb lit up.

“I have,” Princess Celestia said. “I’m going to open the Golden Land up to the refugees.”

“Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Are you certain about this? What would Starswirl say if he saw you do this?”

“He would be proud,” Princess Celestia said. “Before his disappearance, Starswirl told me that if there is ever an emergency like a powerful snowstorm that would cause every pony to come here, open the Golden Land up and let them be safe there until it all tides down. That’s our solution.”

Chancellor Cinch breathed out for a bit before she said “Very well. We’ll do it. Head to the ground bridge portal. I’ll meet you there.”

Princess Celestia nodded before Chancellor Cinch disappeared from the video screen. Celestia got up and walked towards Princess Luna, Argyle Starshine and the younglings. Luna immediately turned towards Celestia, holding a video tablet of her own.

“Luna,” Princess Celestia said. “Contact Princess Cadance. Let her know of the events going on in Canterlot and why I must make my way to the ground bridge portal.”

“Actually,” Princess Luna said. “I have Princess Cadance on call right now.”

Princess Luna immediately turned the video tablet towards Princess Celestia, where Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were present.

“Hi mother,” Princess Cadance waved.

“Princess Cadance,” Princess Celestia said. “What are you doing up so bright and early?”

“Well,” Princess Cadance said. “We wanted to tell you that little sister Wanda wanted to help out with the refugees.”

“So we all packed up and came over to the ground bridge portal,” Shining Armor said.

“So we were wondering if you could come by,” Princess Cadance asked.

“Stay right there,” Princess Celestia replied. “There is something I want to talk to you about once I arrive.”

Princess Cadance’s smile flattened out as she said “Is something wrong?”

“Wrong won’t begin to describe it,” Princess Celestia stated. “Till I arrive, stay put. Okay?”

“Okay,” Princess Cadance said. “We’ll wait for you.”

As the image of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor disappeared, Princess Celestia turned towards Princess Luna.

“Could you and Argyle watch over the rest of the kids while I’m gone?” Princess Celestia asked.

“It will be done, sis,” Princess Luna nodded.

As Princess Celestia ran towards the door, Twilight Sparkle was quick to take notice as she immediately ran up to Princess Celestia and held her leg down before the alicorn could open the door.

“Princess,” Twilight asked. “Where are you going?”

“I have to go do some things at the portal,” Princess Celestia said. “Promise me to be on your best behavior with Princess Luna while you’re gone, okay?”

“I…,” Twilight said before she released her grip. “I’ll try.”

Princess Celestia gently rubbed Twilight on the head, causing the filly unicorn to giggle. Immediately, the alicorn princess opened the door and ran out in a hurry. Cozy Glow and Adagio Dazzle immediately walked up to Twilight.

“Now what’s going on with Princess Celestia?” Cozy Glow asked.

“I dunno,” Adagio Dazzle replied. “But judging by the look on her face, not good.”

Meanwhile, at the ground bridge portal of the Golden Land, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor paced back and forth, waiting for Princess Celestia. Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Juniper Montage, Trixie and Ditzy Doo just stood nearby, observing the two teen ponies.

“How long until mommy arrives, big sis?” Wanda asked.

“Won’t be long,” Princess Cadance said. “But I’m normally impatient when it comes to waiting.”

“Sister,” Sunset said. “It’s going to be okay. Once mother knows what’s going on, she’ll understand.”

Pinkie Pie turned her head to the left and saw a familiar white alicorn run up to the group, causing the party pony to get onto her four hooves.

“She’s here,” Pinkie Pie screamed. “Princess Celestia is here.”

Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and the younglings all gathered up as Princess Celestia ran up to the group. But just as Celestia came to a stop, the ground bridge portal activated, catching Wanda by surprise.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “What’s going on?”

“Your answer will arrive,” Princess Celestia explained.

Immediately, Chancellor Abacus Cinch emerged from the portal and approached Princess Celestia. Right behind her were Bright Mac and Buttercup, both looking distressed.

“Did you inform the ponies in the castle about the Golden Land?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I have,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “But not everyone was convinced.”

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “What’s this about the Golden Land?”

But before Princess Celestia could say anything, Cinch turned towards Wanda and said “Your mother and I have made an agreement. The refugees are going to stay in the Golden Land until further notice.”

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief before she said “Thank goodness. Now the ponies of Equestria will have a place to stay safe from the bad bad winter.”

Princess Celestia turned towards Princess Cadance and asked “I take it Wanda wanted to help out with the refugees.”

“Yes,” Princess Cadance replied. “Last night, Wanda wished she went with Applejack and the others back to Canterlot to help them out.”

“That explains why you all arrived so soon,” Princess Celestia said. “But not to worry. Once we get everyone here, we can make sure they stay comfortable within the Golden Land.”

Every youngling around Princess Celestia cheered with delight. But Wanda cheered for a bit before coming to a stop.

“Wait a minute,” Wanda said. “Did you rescue that Alicorn Bulldog that kept eating me? Or those three troubled colts?”

“I’m afraid not,” Bright Mac said, walking up to Wanda. “We did not see any sign of that dog, nor those boys and their friends.”

Immediately, Wanda’s face went into shock over the revelation. She was about to run towards the portal when Chancellor Cinch stepped in front of her.

“Young lady,” Cinch said. “I know you mean well. But it is not wise to put yourself in danger.”

“But I don’t want them to die,” Wnada cried.

“I’m afraid Cinch is right,” Princess Celestia said. “The snowstorm is picking up even further, and I don’t want you to get caught in the blizzard.”

“But mommy,” Wanda cried.

“No butts, young lady,” Celestia said in a stern tone.

“Your majesty,” Bright Mac said. “With all due respect, she’s not going to take no for an answer, no matter how hard you try.”

“Bright Mac,” Celestia said. “That’s rather unusual for you to say those words.”

“It is,” Bright Mac said. “Even if Princess Cadance agreed not to open the portal for her, Wanda could find an opportunity to slip out and find those missing young’uns and the dog.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Princess Celestia said in an awkward tone.

“I’m not kidding,” Bright Mac said. “I often trick ma into grounding me just so I can sneak out of the house as a challenge of my own. She sometimes sets up bars around my window to prove a point. But they were only a mere obstacle to me in escaping just to rub it in her face. And I often like to do it without any help. Once she realized I was playing her for a fool, she decided to end the groundings, and instead pull some fast ones on me for her own amusement.”

“Sounds like your family is a little messed up,” Cinch replied. “But it isn’t going to convince Princess Celestia.”

“But all jokes aside,” Bright Mac said. “Let her do this. If you don’t, she could do something reckless and put herself in even bigger danger. Besides, she survived the Windigo’s Guild’s attack on the fair, the invasion during the Grand Gallopin Gala, nearly missing her birthday thanks to that dog, and nearly losing you twice.”

Princess Celestia looked stressed out from Bright Mac’s words. She turned to Wanda with a reluctant tone on her face.

“Wanda,” Celestia said. “After hearing Bright Mac’s testimony, and knowing that you will do something reckless if I deny it, I will grant you this permission.”

Wanda bowed down to Princess Celestia and said “Thank you mommy.”

“Under one condition,” Princess Celestia said. “You must have one older than you to accompany you.”

Shining Armor walked up to Princess Celestia and said “I’ll look after her.”

Wanda walked up to Shining Armor and said “Deal,” before giving him a fist-to-hoof bump.

“So squirt,” Shining Armor said. “You ready for this?”

“Not yet,” Wanda said. “I also need the help of a few others.”

Wanda pointed her finger at Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy and Danged Spell respectively.

“Sunset,” Wanda said. “I need you to help me tame the Alicorn Bulldog. Danged Spell, you and Shining Armor will serve as my backup. Fluttershy, we need dog food to carry this plan out.”

“I’m with you on this one,” Sunset Shimmer said, stepping towards Wanda.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Danged Spell said as he stood proud.

“You can count on me,” Fluttershy said.

“I have some dog food in the royal pantry to help out,” Celestia said.

“Great,” Wanda said.

Suddenly, Wanda looked down to see Abigail Albright meowing at her.

“Wanda,” Abigail begged.

“No Abby,” Wanda said. “Stay here. Keep Starlight happy. I don’t want you in danger.”

Abigail’s ears drooped to the ground as she walked away from Wanda and towards Starlight.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “You should be careful.”

“I will,” Wanda nodded.

“And do come back in one piece,” Buttercup said. “But more importantly, be strong.”

“That’s a promise, Aunt Buttercup,” Wanda said.

With that, Princess Celestia said “Then come. We must make our way through the portal and the palace.”

Princess Celestia, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Danged Spell and Shining Armor immediately ran through the portal before disappearing without a trace, leaving the rest of the group behind.

“To think,” Cinch said. “I used to be that mischievous before I lost Fizzie long ago.”

As Starlight Glimmer held Abigail Albright, Trixie walked up next to her best friend while looking at the portal.

“Stay safe, Wan Wan,” Trixie said. “Stay safe.”

On the other side of the portal, Wanda hopped onto Princess Celestia’s back as she, Sunset Shimmer, Danged Spell, Fluttershy and Shining Armor ran as fast as they could through the vault and all the way to the staircase. They ran upstairs into the main floor of the palace where many ponies sat among the walls. But as they ran through, they passed by Granny Smith, Applejack and Rarity, catching their attention.

“Now what do you suppose is going on with Princess Celestia?” Granny Smith asked.

“Well one thing is clear,” Applejack said. “It looks like Wanda wants to help out.”

“You got a good eye, Applejack,” Granny Smith said. “But still, why did Princess Celestia and the others run past us in a hurry?”

“That’s a very good point,” Rarity replied. “Perhaps the ponies at the Golden Land will know.”

“Then come,” Granny Smith said. “We better head there immediately. Since you both know where it is, you both lead.”

Applejack and Granny Smith both nodded before they led her down the path that Princess Celestia came from.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and the other younglings managed to reach the Grand Foyer. Wanda jumped off Princess Celestia and looked up at her.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “I know you want to do this. But the cold outside will pierce through your swimsuit and your skin.”

“I take it you need me to run upstairs and get a coat from my closet,” Wanda asked.

“That won’t be necessary,” Princess Celestia said. “Gather around. I will cast a spell to keep you all warm.”

Wanda, Sunset, Spell, Fluttershy and Shining Armor all gathered together as Princess Celestia lit her horn up. With a flash of light, a warm glow surrounded the group.

“What is this?” Sunset asked.

“This will protect you all from the cold winds outside,” Princess Celestia explained.

“A source of warmth that isn’t an extra layer of clothing,” Danged Spell said. “That’s a warm idea.”

“Danged Spell,” Wanda, Sunset, Fluttershy and Shining Armor said before bursting into laughter.

“Well that being said,” Celestia chuckled. “I think it’s time I let them all know to head towards the portal. I’ll ask Majordomo Kibitz to lead them there.”

“And what about the dog food?” Fluttershy asked.

“Come with me,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll lead you to the pantry before we help out Wanda and her friends.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “You’re not coming with us?”

“No,” Celestia explained. “This is where you all come in. Since you made this decision, you have to locate the dog and the younglings to make sure they’re alright. But I now know you can do it. I believe in you.”

“Thanks mommy,” Wanda said.

As Fluttershy and Princess Celestia ran down through the Grand Foyer, Wanda turned to Shining Armor with a nod.

“Come,” Shining Armor said. “Let’s find that pooch and get ‘em to safety.”

Wanda hopped onto Shining Armor’s back before he ran out of the doorway with Sunset Shimmer and Danged Spell following from behind.

Outside, Canterlot City looked almost like a ghost town as many ponies made their way towards the castle. Shining Armor ran through as fast as he could with Wanda on his back, and Sunset Shimmer and Danged Spell right behind him.

“See any sign of the beast?” Shining asked.

“Negative,” Wanda said.

“Mother was right,” Sunset Shimmer said. “The snow is just horrible and it would have been really cold if not for this warmth spell.”

“Just keep your eyes peeled for anything,” Shining Armor said.

But as the group ran as fast as they could, they saw something right in front of them. The ponies came to a stop and saw said thing take on the form of a bulldog shape.

“That must be it,” Wanda said. “The Alicorn Bulldog.”

“Oh I remember the last time we saw that beast,” Shining Armor said.

“Same here,” Danged Spell replied.

Wanda got off Shining Armor and approached the Alicorn Bulldog cautiously with Sunset Shimmer walking up next to her. Danged Spell stood by Shining Armor, preparing himself for the worse.

“So what’s the plan?” Sunset asked.

“The moment that dog runs at us,” Wanda said. “We use the Royal Canterlot voice.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sunset asked.

“Big sis was able to put it to good use,” Wanda explained. “We can combine our voices and scare the creature.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Shining Armor said. “But if it goes wrong, we’ve got your back.”

“You got this, Wanda,” Danged Spell said. “Don’t give up.”

Wanda turned towards the Alicorn Bulldog, who, despite the harsh cold, growled back at her and Sunset.

“Listen,” Wanda said. “I don’t want to hurt you. But I’m also concerned for your well-being. Let me take you to the castle and to the Golden Land. You’ll be safe there.”

But the bulldog didn’t listen. It stood there, growling even louder at the two sisters.

“Don’t make this mistake,” Sunset said. “We don’t want you to freeze to death. Come with us.”

Though the bulldog growled even louder, it still stood there as if it were waiting for a chance to strike. Wanda and Sunset looked scared, but also puzzled.

“We gotta get this beast to attack us,” Sunset said.

“I have an idea,” Wanda said. “Act scared.”

“Scared?” Sunset said. “Are you out of your mind?”

“Trust me,” Wanda said. “When there is fear in our eyes, the dog will lunge at us.”

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath and said “Alright. Let’s do this.”

Wanda and Sunset stood there, staring down at the Alicorn Bulldog. Their brave faces slowly melted away, revealing a pair of scared sisters looking nervously at the dog. The two held onto each other, shaking nervously.

“What are they doing?” Danged Spell said.

“I think I know what they’re up to,” Shining Armor explained. “Observe.”

The alicorn bulldog, noticing the fear in Wanda and Sunset’s eyes, barked loudly before charging at the duo, mouth wide open and teeth bare in the open.

“NOW!” Wanda yelled.

With a deep inhale, Wanda and Sunset projected their voice outwards towards the bulldog.

“DON’T YOU EVER, EVER, ATTACK US LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY DOG!” Wanda and Sunset yelled with their Royal Canterlot voice.

The bulldog shrieked in fear before it ran off in the opposite direction. Wanda immediately jumped onto Shining Armor’s back in a hurry.

“After it,” Wanda yelled.

Shining Armor took off in pursuit of the bulldog with Wanda on his back. Sunset and Danged Spell grouped up next to the stallion, joining in the pursuit.

“Where’s it going?” Sunset asked.

“The closest place that it can hide in,” Shining Armor said. “And I have a feeling it’s home sweet home.”

The bulldog ran as fast as possible from the group, dashing through the doorway of a nearby house. Shining Armor wasted no time running through the doorway with Wanda on his back, all Sunset and Danged Spell followed from behind.

Inside the house, Shining Armor and Wanda Young looked at a nearby corner where the alicorn bulldog was trapped. It stared at Wanda and Sunset, shivering in fear.

“Never thought that the dog would wind up at your place, Shining,” Sunset said.

“Neither did I,” Shining Armor siad. “But regardless, we got ‘em in its place. It’s time you worked your magic.”

Wanda jumped off Shining Armor before she and Sunset approached the bulldog, who was cowering in the corner, staring helplessly at the Man’s Cub. Sunset stopped for a moment before turning to Danged Spell.

“If Princess Celestia is outside,” Sunset asked, “Let her know where we are.”

“Right,” Danged Spell said before he ran out the front door.

As Wanda approached the dog, it yelped even louder in deep fear.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Wanda said, reaching out. “I’m not going to hurt you anymore. I only yelled at you because I wanted you to stop trying to eat me.”

As Wanda held her hand out, the bulldog looked at it before sniffing her palm.

“I’m not your enemy and I’m not supper,” Wanda said. “I’m here to help.”

The bulldog slowly reached over and licked Wanda’s hand. Wanda just giggled before she placed her hand on the dog’s ear and scratched it gently.

“See,” Wanda said. “I’m your friend. I’m here to help you.”

Outside, Danged Spell looked up in the air and on the street with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

“Where are they?” Danged Spell said to himself. “They should be here by now.”

But his ears picked up the sound of hooves running as fast as possible. Danged Spell turned to the left, where Princess Celestia ran in with Fluttershy and a bag of dog food on her back.

“Princess,” Danged Spell said as Celestia came up to her.

“Where’s Wanda?” Celestia asked as Fluttershy jumped off. “Did she do it?”

“She and Sunset did it,” Danged Spell said. “They tamed the bulldog.”

“I don’t believe it,” Fluttershy said, picking up the dog food with her wings.

Danged Spell pointed to the entrance to Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor’s house before he said “They’re inside. Wanda’s doing what she can to comfort it.”

But as Danged Spell finished speaking, they all heard the sound of Wanda giggling inside.

“I think she might have succeeded,” Celestia said with a warm smile. “Come. Let’s finish the job.”

Fluttershy carried the bag of dog food inside with Danged Spell and Princess Celestia following from behind. Inside, Sunset and Shining stood there with smiles on their faces while the Alicorn Bulldog pinned Wanda down, licking her face and causing her to laugh before nuzzling his head on her cheek.

“I don’t believe it,” Fluttershy said. “An actual alicorn bulldog.”

Fluttershy flew up to the dog, who got off Wanda and stood in front, growling loudly at her.

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy said. “I’m not here to hurt you. In fact, I have some food for you.”

Fluttershy opened the bag of dog food and pulled out a few scraps of the meat. She held it out for the dog, who sniffed it before licking it off her hoof, eating it with delight.

“Well guess that solves its hunger issues,” Shining Armor said.

“It does,” Fluttershy said. “When I observed it, it looked rather scrawny for a dog. They’re supposed to be far rounder than what you see.”

“Something tells me the owner doesn’t treat it right,” Princess Celestia said. “When this storm is over, I will have a word with him about feeding his dog.”

Fluttershy looked at the bulldog and said “Would you like some more you little cutie?”

The dog barked back at Fluttershy, who was happy to pull more food out from the bag.

“What did it say?” Danged Spell asked.

“It’s a she,” Fluttershy explained. “And her name is Karen.”

“Karen?” Danged Spell asked.

Wanda got up and continued to pet the dog on the head while she enjoyed the food that Fluttershy gave it.

“Hey Spell,” Wanda asked. “Do you suppose your curse can allow you to speak to the dog?”

“That’s a good question,” Danged Spell said. “And as a matter of fact…”

But before Spell could finish, everyone heard the sound of wings flapping and hooves landing on the ground. They turned to the door and saw Captain Airazor walk in.

“Princess Celestia,” Airazor said. “I caught you when you entered this house. And you're a sight for sore eyes.”

“Do you have anything to report?” Celestia asked.

“Rainbow Dash and Spitfire have located a plume of smoke emerging from a wall bunker nearby,” Airazor explained. “It may be the missing colts from the train.”

“You mean those friends of Hoops, Dumbbell and Score?” Sunset asked.

“I believe so,” Airazor said. “But we need someone to convince them to get to safety.”

Celestia turned towards Wanda and said “Wanda, I know this is to put a lot of burden on you. But could you and the others go with Airazor? Fluttershy and I will look after the dog.”

“You can count on me, mommy,” Wanda said with a thumbs up.

Wanda jumped on Shining Armor’s back as Sunset and Danged Spell stood by the big stallion.

“Karen,” Wanda said. “We’re going to go help out some others. Will you be a good girl and behave for us?”

Karen the Bulldog barked at the group with a sense of enthusiasm on her face, resulting in Wanda giggling at her.

“Well with that,” Shining Armor said. “We’re off.”

Immediately, Shining Armor ran out the door with Wanda on his back, and with Sunset, Danged Spell and Airazor right behind him, leaving Fluttershy and Princess Celestia behind.

“Will they be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“If you’re talking about the boys,” Celestia said. “I do worry for them, and I hope they’re alright.

Back in the Golden Land at the Ruby Library, Argyle Starshine once again wrote in his journal with the quill’s tip on the page.

“Word has it that the snowstorm has gotten worse, and the ponies of Equestria cannot remain in the castle,” Argyle wrote. “But Princess Celestia has made the important decision to get everyone into the Golden Land as fast as possible. What’s more, little Wanda Young has decided to go rescue an Alicorn Bulldog and a pair of colts that were stranded. It’s dangerous not just for the man’s cub, but also for her adopted mother. I only hope that they can make it.”

Argyle dipped his pen back into the inkwell before writing once more.

“But I still fear for my mother Sunlight Starscout and my sister Bright-Eyes Starshine,” Argyle wrote. “I have lost my father not long ago and I do not want to lose them this soon. They still have a lot of life left in their years and to have them consumed by this terrible storm. I only hope, by Princess Celestia’s will, that they make it here. Sunlight Starscout and Bright-Eyes Starshine. They are the hope that keeps my spirit healthy, and I don’t know what would happen if they were gone from the world.”

As Argyle Starshine placed the pen back into the inkwell, he looked down at the pages and just sighed.

“Please be safe, mother Sunlight and sister Bright-Eyes,” Argyle said.

To Be Continued in….

Snow Way Out

Author's Note:

So this is it. After so long, I am ending the Alicorn Bulldog's determination to eat Wanda and her friends. I also chose to give her a name: Karen.

Also, if you noticed, Argyle Starshine's mother and sister have been identified: Sunlight Starscout and Bright-Eyes Starshine. The former named after the mane character of My Little Pony Generation 5. But it's not officially Sunny Starscout. Her incarnation has yet to exist in my universe.

Finally, despite Celestia caving in and allowing Wanda to go find Karen and the other colts, she's not going to get off the hook. In fact, someone is going to scold her on the next part, and it's not going to be Chancellor Cinch, who actually allowed this to happen. Who is it? Stay tuned.

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