• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 20(La Maresa Blues)-1: A New Home, A New Start

Arc 20: La Maresa Blues

A New Home, A New Start

Danged Spell woke up from his bed before he climbed out. No longer was he in Canterlot, but now in a home in La Maresa. He walked out of his new room before trotting down the staircase. In the kitchen area, Fortwright, Shanoa and Dream Seeker were enjoying pancakes with cooked hay bacon strips.

“Morning, Spell,” Shanoa said. “How was your first night in La Maresa?”

“It’s rather strange,” Danged Spell said as he took his seat. “But for some reason, I feel a bit more relaxed compared to being in Canterlot.”

“So I take it you’re getting used to La Maresa,” Fortwright asked.

“Not one hundred percent,” Danged Spell said. “There is a part of me that still misses Canterlot, and not just because of the sights and stores. I do miss being around Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and especially Princess Wanda Young.”

“I know how you feel,” Shanoa said. “Truth be told, I actually did like Canterlot as a city to explore. But not as a city to live in. I knew that place was necessary since you possessed the Wolf’s Breath Curse, and Princess Celestia was going to help you deal with it. But these are troubled times.”

“So how am I going to deal with my curse now?” Danged Spell asked before he took a bite of pancake.

“We’re going to try to find a good school that can help you cope with your own curse,” Fortwright said. “Sure it’s not the School for Gifted Unicorns, but I guarantee that we will make sure you get a hold of that curse of yours.”

As Danged Spell swallowed his bit of pancake, he asked “Well at least I’m not back in Lio Lani, especially after what I did to Chieftess Pele.”

“Spell,” Fortwright said. “What happened there was not your fault. You weren’t in full control of your curse back then. You’ve learned how to control your curse a bit better now. I bet Pele’s become proud of what you’ve done.”

“Not really,” Danged Spell sighed. “I broke a Kapu on the islands by biting her by accident. Therefore, I’m banished, remember? Maybe for life.”

“Not for life,” Fortwright said. “Even if you were banished, Pele would change her mind because she’s your great-grandmother. And she loves you like you were her own son.”

“I know you’re trying to cheer me up and I know she’s my great-grandmother,” Danged Spell said. “But right now, I’d like to focus on my food.”

“Sorry about that, son,” Fortwright laughed. “We’ll talk about this another time when you’re ready.”

“Honey,” Shanoa said, getting up from the table. “Could you help me with these dishes?”

“Oh sure,” Fortwright said as he got up as well. “Spell, enjoy your breakfast. We won’t be long.”

As Fortwright and Shanoa gathered their dishes and left the dining room, Danged Spell continued to eat his pancake while Dream Seeker just giggled in front of him.

“I know, these aren’t liliquoi pancakes,” Danged spell laughed. “But they still hit the spot. Mom knows how to cook a mean set, that’s for sure.”

But in the kitchen, Fortwright and Shanoa stacked the dishes next to the sink before Shanoa began to wash them.

“Honey,” Shanoa said as she filled the bucket with soapy water. “I’m worried about our son and the grief he has within him.”

“I know,” Fortwright said. “But he still doesn’t seem to understand that he wasn’t banished by my grandmother Pele.”

“Remember when we showed him the letter from her stating how much she missed him?” Shanoa said. “Spell just tossed it aside like he thinks it’s some kind of trick.”

“There is a part of me that wants to bring grandma over so she can set the record straight for her great-grandson,” Fortwright explained.

“That’s a great idea,” Shanoa said, cleaning the dishes. “But you’ll have to let her know that we moved to La Maresa.”

“Oh I’ll get started on that, “Fortwright said as he walked up to the back portion of the kitchen and pulled out a pen and paper.

“Oh one last thing,” Shanoa said as she placed a few dishes in the dishrack.

“What’s that, honey?” Fortwright asked.

“Should we tell Spell more about school?” Shanoa asked.

“In due time,” Fortwright replied before he placed his pen on the paper. “Give it a few days and we’ll tell him everything.”

“I’ll try, hon,” Shanoa said. “I’ll try.”

“He may have some issues going on,” Fortwright said. “But Spell is still our son, our little La Walakeli.”

Later that day, Danged Spell emerged from his new house and breathed in the clean air. He stepped out into the village of La Maresa before he heard his mother call his name.

“Spell,” Shanoa yelled from inside the house. “Make sure you’re home before the sun disappears from the sky. I’m making your favorite dish tonight.”

“I will, mom,” Spell yelled before he closed the door tight.

Danged Spell stepped away from his new house before he looked down the street. Scraping his hoof on the ground in anticipation, Danged Spell ran down through the road of his new village, darting past ponies who walked casually through.

“Last time I was here, it was for the Ponyville Providence Fair,” Danged Spell thought to himself. “Never thought I would be living here. But better than being back in Lio Lani. At least things can’t get any worse.”

“Hey Spell. I didn’t think you would show up here again.” Spell looked up and saw Ditzy Doo waving to him.

“Hey Ditzy,” Spell waved. “Don’t mind me. I’m now part of this town.”

But as Spell ran through, he saw Pinkie Pie pull some kind of party wagon in front of him. He screamed really loud, catching the party pony’s attention.

“LOOK OUT!” Spell yelled.

But Pinkie Pie could do nothing but scream in terror as Danged Spell collided with her, knocking them both to the ground. When the dust cleared, Danged Spell opened his eyes, and found that he was on top of Pinkie PIe.

“Whoops,” Danged Spell blushed. “Didn’t expect to crash a party this soon.”

But Pinkie Pie just smiled before she reached out and kissed Spell on the nose. Spell pulled himself off before spitting to the side.

“Oh come on,” Danged Spell said as Pinkie Pie got herself back on her four hooves. “I wasn’t in the mood for pie today.”

“Oh Spellsy,” Pinkie Pie giggled. “You know I wanted to do a really big Welcome party for you and your Canterlot friends. And as a matter of fact, I think they’re showing up any moment now.”

Pinkie Pie pointed to her left side, where Sunburst and Moondancer approached the duo.

“Spell,” Sunburst said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Danged Spell said. “Except now I smell nothing but pie for the time being.”

“Danged Spell, “Moondancer giggled. “You’re still a clown even in La Maresa.”

Pinkie Pie bounced over to her wagon and pressed a button. Horns and trumpets popped out of the wagon, playing an upbeat note as Pinkie Pie danced around.

“Welcome welcome welcome,” Pinkie Pie sang. “I’m sorry this was late. But welcome to La Maresa, and this party will be great. We’re glad that you came over to our town. That's definitely fun, and now let’s celebrate this party under the sun.

And in a flash, a cannon emerged from the middle of the wagon and pointed it right into the air. Moondancer and Sunburst all saw the cannon and their eyes shrunk down in fear as it looked like it was going to fire.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Moondancer said.

“Let’s move out of the way,” Sunburst said.

Immediately, Sunburst and Moondancer ran away from the cannon as Danged Spell stood there, turning towards his fleeing friends.

“Oh come on,” Danged Spell yelled. “It’s not like it’s going to fire a giant cake in my face.”

With a loud boom, the cannon fired a giant five-layer cake into the air. Danged Spell looked up in awe as the cake flew over him.

“Okay,” Danged Spell said. “I was half-right.”

As the cake flew over Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer ran as fast as possible down the road. But Sunburst tripped and fell to the ground, smacking his nose on the dirt. Moondancer turned around and ran up to Sunburst before pulling him up.

“Come on,” Moondancer said. “It’s gonna land on us.”

But as Moondancer picked Sunburst up, the cake landed right on the two younglings, collapsing slowly into a gooey mess. Danged Spell and Pinkie Pie ran up to the cake, to which Sunburst and Moondancer popped their heads out before glaring at Pinkie.

“PINKIE!” Sunburst and Moondancer yelled.

“Whoops,” Pinkie Pie said. “It was supposed to land next to the wagon, not home on the both of ya.”

.Sunburst and Moondancer pulled themselves out of the cake before shaking a bit of it off their fur. But as they began to walk away, they heard the sound of rumbling going on.

“What’s going on?” Sunburst said.

Before they could turn around, the cake collapsed right onto Sunburst and Moondancer. Danged Spell and Pinkie Pie quickly ran up to the gooey mess that was once a cake, to which Sunburst and Moondancer pulled themselves out again.

“Next time, just make it economy-sized,” Moondancer said. “Or perhaps none at all.”

“Duly noted,” Pinkie Pie said.

As Moondancer and Sunburst shook the cake bits from their fur again, Rainbow Dash flew down from above, laughing at the duo.

“I knew Pinkie was known for her welcome parties,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “But this one really takes the cake.”

“RAINBOW DASH!” Sunburst and Moondancer yelled.

Rainbow Dash awkwardly turned towards Danged Spell and said “I thought you didn’t get this kind of reaction.”

“I wish I did,” Danged Spell replied.

Sunburst and Moondancer walked down the street in a disgruntled tone while Danged Spell followed from behind, leaving Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie behind.

“So,” Danged Spell asked. “Still trying to get used to La Maresa?”

“An understatement,” Sunburst said. “I still miss a lot of things from both Canterlot and Sire’s Hollow. I miss the School for Gifted Unicorns, I miss the time we spent together since we attended the school, and I especially miss Starlight.”

“Sunburst’s right,” Moondancer said. “I know you hold up well due to the amount of space around La Maresa. But I dunno if we can adjust to living in La Maresa.”

“Look on the bright side,” Danged Spell said. “At least it can’t be as horrible as Cape Coltnaveral.”

“Oh don’t remind me about that,” Moondancer said. “Even though we’re farther from that horrible place, I still have nightmares about living in that abomination that makes Tartarus look welcoming.”

“Or Lio Lani,” Danged Spell said. “Remember, I was banished from that place for biting the Chieftess Pele, even if it was an accident. And I haven’t seen her since.”

“Maybe she actually misses you, despite what happened,” Moondancer said.

“I doubt it,” Danged Spell said. “In Lio Lani, Kapus are serious business, and breaking even one small Kapu will invoke the wrath of the chieftess. That’s why I’d rather not even be around her.”

“I dunno,” Sunburst said. “Some ponies can actually have their minds changed. Like with Firelight Glimmer.”

“How’s he doing?” Moondancer asked.

“Not so well,” Sunburst said. “Though he wanted to move Starlight to La Maresa, he wound up changing his mind after that stunt Gold Banks pulled, and left her with Princess Celestia. As a result, he’s been depressed, and my dad asked me to check up on him.”

“Maybe we should check on Mr Glimmer,” Danged Spell said. “See if we can lighten his mood up.”

“Good idea,” Moondancer said. “Let’s go do that.”

“What’s this about Mr Glimmer?” Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer turned around to see Rainbow Dash fly up to the group with Pinkie Pie bouncing from behind.

“We’re going to check up on Firelight Glimmer,” Sunburst said. “You can come if you want.”

“Is it because he misses his little Glimglam and he had to let her stay with Princess Celestia because of what Gold Banks did a couple of days ago?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow Dash, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Sunburst just stared at Pinkie Pie following her response.

“The reincarnation of Discord, fillies and gentlecolts,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Danged Spell said. “We can’t just stand around acting all sorry for ourselves. Come on. Let’s go.”

“Right,” Sunburst said. “And I know where he is. Follow me.”

Sunburst takes off in one direction with Danged Spell, Moondancer, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie following from behind. But nearby in an alleyway, Eleanor Young observed the five younglings run off towards a nearby house where Firelight and Starseeker lived.

“I wonder if allowing them to come here was a good idea to begin with,” Eleanor said to herself. “Maybe the father of one of Wanda’s friends holds the key.”

Meanwhile, inside another house, Starseeker Glimmer sat alone in a chair, sipping on some tea. When the doorbell rang, her eyes lit up.

“Oh dear,” Starseeker said as she placed her teacup on the coffee table. “Someone’s at the door.”

Starseeker Glimmer walked up to the door and opened it. Outside, Sunburst, Danged Spell, Moondancer, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash stood there with Pinkie Pie waving towards the adult mare.

“Sunburst,” Starseeker said. “And you brought your friends with you.”

“Hey Mrs Glimmer,” Sunburst said. “My dad asked me to check up on Mr Glimmer.”

“He hasn’t been downstairs since we settled into our new house,” Starseeker said. “And I’m worried for him.”

“Poor Mr Gilmmer,” Moondancer said. “He’s suffered a whole lot since having to move down here.”

“Maybe we can help out,” Danged Spell said. “See if we can open up to him.”

“I don’t know what you younglings can do to help,” Starseeker said. “But if it can help him out, then maybe I’ll let you give it a shot.”

Starseeker moved to the side as Sunburst led Danged Spell, Moondancer, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash into the house. Rainbow turned towards Starseeker and gave a salute with her wing.

“Don’t you worry,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re on the case.”

As Rainbow Dash followed the rest of the group through that house, Starseeker closed the door before turning towards the youngling group.

“Please do this for my husband’s sake,” Starseeker said. “He needs someone who also feels a little empty as he does.”

In the bedroom, Firelight Glimmer sat on the far end of the bed, looking out the window. He let out a sigh before turning his head downward. While his ears picked up the sound of a door knocking, he barely shifted his head towards the door.

“Come in,” Firelight said in a depressed tone.

The door opened as Sunburst stepped into the room and walked towards Firelight Glimmer. Outside, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash peeked their heads.

“Mr Glimmer,” Sunburst said.

“Sunburst?” Firelight said as he turned towards the little colt. “I heard Sunspot and Stellar Flare were concerned for me. But to send you to check up?”

“Only because I was concerned for you as well,” Sunburst said. “You were the most eager to move us out. But something within you broke when you arrived and we were all worried for you.”

“Of course I did,” Firelight Glimmer said. “After what the Windigo’s Guild did in Sire’s Hollow and in Canterlot, I thought that was the last straw and I wanted to get you all out for your own safety. But I wanted my little Pumpky-Wumpkin to at least be somewhere where she could be safe and sound. Then Gold Banks threatened to take her away to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“I heard what happened down there,” Sunburst said. “I’m just upset that you got caught in her little web.”

“I thought the Windigo’s Guild was the greatest threat in Equestria, along with the Changelings,” Firelight said. “But turns out, our greatest threat is not an enemy without. It was an enemy within. What I saw in Gold Banks was a sociopath who tried to gaslight me into giving up my little Starlight to her.”

“I’ve had my run in with Gold Banks many times,” Sunburst said. “Like the one time she tried to have us hauled away after we got three of Sunset Shimmer’s old friends out of an abandoned orphanage. Or when she tried to take Wanda away while she was sick with the Hay Fever virus.”

“Makes me wonder why the senate is allowing her to get away with her cruel acts,” Firelight said. “If it weren’t for Gold Banks, I wouldn’t have had to let Starlight live with Princess Celestia.”

“Mr Glimmer,” Sunburst said. “I also miss Starlight. I miss the fact that I used to play with her, even back when we all lived in Sire’s Hollow. I’m still saddened by the fact that I can’t see her again. But I don’t let that get me down. I keep going even in spite of living here in La Maresa. I have friends to keep me going, and so do you. My father and mother are one of those friends who are worried for you.”

“And I let them down,” Firelight said.

“No you didn’t,” Sunburst said. “They agreed to move us to La Maresa after the incident in Canterlot. In fact, I heard that Danged Spell’s own parents wanted to move him here to try to help him with his Wolf’s Breath Curse. This is something new that we all have to adapt to. But we can make it, no matter what.”

As Sunburst got off the bed and walked towards the door where Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Moondancer were, Firelight up and turned towards Sunburst.

“Sunburst,” Firelight said. “Could you stay with me for a bit longer? And could one of your friends call my wife up here?”

“Mr Glimmer,” Sunburst said. “I’ll try. But it’s important to know that we care about your well-being, and to let you know that you’re not alone.”

“Thanks,” Firelight said. “Maybe I could use someone to cheer me up and remind me who I am.”

Sunburst turned towards Danged Spell and said “Get Starlight’s mom up here. She needs to be with her husband.”

Danged Spell nodded before pulling his head away from the door and walking down the hallway.

“What do you think is going on?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“He’s going through a lot since having to move down here without Starlight,” Sunburst said. “I’m going through the same, but he needs to know that he has friends who are willing to help him out in this time of need.”

“Then maybe I should give him a party to cheer him up,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Not if it means he gets covered in cake like what happened to Sunburst and I,” Moondancer protested.

“Oh no no no,” Pinkie Pie said. “When it comes to cheering up a friend, it has to be subtle. No going overboard with a celebration, and no giant cake. A small cake will suffice.”

But before Moondancer could say anything, Danged Spell ran upstairs with Starseeker following him. The sound of their hooves touching the floor were enough to get Moondancer’s attention.

“Well that was fast,” Moondancer said.

“Your friend told me about what’s going on with my husband,” Starseeker Glimmer said. “And he told me that Firelight wants me by his side to help him out.”

Moondancer gently pushed the door opened, allowing Starseeker to walk inside. Firelight placed his hoof on the bed, directing Starseeker to walk up to him.

“Honey,” Starseeker said. “Are you going to be okay?”

“I’ll try,” Firelight Glimmer said. “As much as I miss Starlight, I know I have to be strong for her.”

“We have to be strong for Starlight,” Starseeker said as she sat next to her husband. “This is something new that we’re doing for her sake, and to make sure Gold Banks doesn’t take her away.”

“You still remember what that monster said?” Firelight asked.

“I do,” Starseeker said, placing her hoof on her husband’s hoof. “No matter what, we’ll be there for Starlight’s sake.

With that, Starseeker reached up and kissed Firelight on the lips. After she got done kissing him, Firelight cracked a smile in front of his wife.

“Thanks for at least being by my side,” Firelight Glimmer said. “At least I know I won’t be alone.”

As Starseeker reached over and gave Firelight another kiss, Sunburst turned to Rainbow Dash, Moondancer and Danged Spell.

“Guys,” Sunburst said. “Pinkie Pie and I will try to keep Firelight cheered up. Find the others and let them know of this.”

“You’re talking about Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy and Juniper, correct?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That’s exactly correct,” Sunburst replied.

“Oh, and don’t forget my sister, Maud Pie,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Maud Pie?” Moondancer asked. “What kind of name is that?”

“A name associated with my closest sister who’s in La Maresa on behalf of our parents,” Pinkie Pie explained. She turned to Danged Spell and said “And I know what you’re gonna say, ‘That’s a really dirty name.’ Did I get that right?”

Danged Spell just looked at Pinkie Pie with an upset look on his face.

“I was gonna say that you pink parasite,” Danged Spell growled.

“Well all jokes aside,” Sunburst said. “Spell, you heard what she said right? Find our friends and this Maud Pie character. We’ll need all the help we can get.”

“Roger that,” Danged Spell said as his angry tone melted away. “We’re on our way.”

Danged Spell ran down the hallway with Rainbow Dash and Moondancer right behind him, all the way downstairs and towards the living room before making their way out the front door. Once they got outside, Rainbow Dash shut the door tight.

“Come on,” Rainbow Dash said. “We better find the others and get them here this instant.”

“Find what others?” Everyone turned to the right to see Trixie standing there.

“Oh hey, Majix,” Danged Spell said.

“That’s Trixie,” Trixie yelled. “The Great and Powerful Trixie. Not Majix.”

“We’re trying to find a way to cheer up Mr Glimmer,” Moondancer explained. “And although Sunburst and Pinkie Pie are pitching in, we may need all the help we can get. See if you can help us locate the rest of our friends, which includes a Maud Pie.”

“Oh that will be as easy as abracadabra,” Trixie said.

Suddenly, a poof of smoke surrounded Trixie. When it cleared up, Trixie was covered in black soot, and Danged Spell tried to stop himself from laughing.

“That’s just great,” Trixie coughed. “Everytime I say that, something terrible happens.”

“Well no time for that,” Rainbow Dash said. “We better go around town and get our buds over to Firelight’s house, on the double.

With that, Danged, Spell, Moondancer, Rainbow Dash and Trixie ran down the streets of La Maresa. But nearby, Eleanor Young looked up at a window on the second floor of Firelight’s house.

“Firelight Glimmer is going through a hard time since he had to let his daughter go,” Eleanor said. “I hope he’ll be alright.”

To Be Continued in…

Gathering the Crew Together

Author's Note:

I was going to do a semi-large and complicated story. But I'd figure I keep it simply focused on Firelight Glimmer and the younglings. Besides. This and the next arc are focused on Firelight and his own atonement from moving the younglings out from Canterlot, plus having to separate from his daughter Starlight Glimmer.

I plan on diving more into this on the next part.

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