• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Final Arc-4: La Resistance of Manehattan

La Resistance of Manehattan

Deep within the halls of Daisy Joy Tech, the guards marched around, observing everything that goes on. Cameras were set up within the corners of the room, looking down at everything within the vicinity.

Within the Headmare’s office, Miss Honey Twist sat down in her chair, sipping her tea. On the table was a plate meant for her teacup, while another plate had a stack of honey cookies. In the instant, an alarm went off, alerting Miss Honey Twist as she sat her cup on top of the empty plate.

“That didn’t take long,” Miss Honey Twist said.

Immediately, Miss Honey Twist turned her chair towards the monitor before pressing a few buttons on the keyboard. Immediately, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat appeared on the big screen.

“Warden Steel Bolt,” Miss Honey Twist said. “Report,”

“You were right,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “Not only is Twilight Sparkle within that forest, but so are the other escapees.”

“What did I tell you?” Miss Honey Twist said. “Juvenile delinquents are so easy to locate. They could hide away in Tartarus or at the end of the world. But they can never escape a real disciplinary action.”

“Well that being said, we ran into a problem,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“A…problem?” Miss Honey Twist said, slightly annoyed.

Warden Steel Bolt nodded to Officer Blue Heat, who turned his attention to Miss Honey Twist.

“Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap are also in the vicinity as well,” Officer Blue Heat explained. “Our assumption is that they have made a temporary home up there.”

Miss Honey Twist leaned forward and tapped her hooves together.

“Well this is a surprise,” Miss Honey Twist laughed. “The Queen of the Changelings and the Leader of the Windigo’s Guild. I wonder what brought them up there?”

“Do you want us to take them out?” Warden Steel Bolt asked.

“Negative,” Miss Honey Twist said. “With your skills, they would wipe you out without breaking a sweat. I will send you some new, experimental supersonic blasters, along with a number of Master Trench Gruff’s troops to back you up.”

“More stallion power is what we can have,” Officer Blue Heat said. “Though I dunno about Master Trench Gruff. That guy is crazy.”

“Crazy, yes,” Miss Honey Twist said. “But he will be assigned to another task in La Maresa, tomorrow. So you won’t have the privilege to have him on your side.”

“Well that’s a shame,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “Then again, our mission is about bringing those brats back to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“Speaking of which,” Miss Honey Twist said, “I was informed by Gold Banks that a new shipment of colts and fillies from Cape Coltnaveral are arriving here as early as tomorrow. So as soon as you bring those delinquents back here, you will have the pride in showing them who’s in charge.”

“That is our greatest reward,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “We look forward to that big moment. Steel Bolt and Blue Heat, out.”

As soon as Steel Bolt and Blue Heat disappeared from the monitor, Miss Honey Twist tapped the keyboard a few times.

“I think it’s time I informed Gold Banks about the presence of Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap,” Miss Honey Twist said.

After a few presses, the monitor lights up again as Gold Banks appeared on the screen.

“What is it?” Gold Banks said. “I just got back from Tartarus after my meeting with our captives.”

“I was just informed that Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap were located in Vanhoover,” Miss Honey Twist explained. “Kind of an unusual place for them to be.”

“I think I know why this is,” Gold Banks explained. “Queen Chrysalis had a grudge against Twilight Sparkle, and she came here to seek her out. But I suspect that her grudge against me will override her grudge against that former student of Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m going to send some of my troops to Vanhoover to aid Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat,” Miss Honey Twist said. “They will test drive our new experimental supersonic blasters to drive them mad.”

“An interesting proposal,” Gold Banks said. “But I would like to see it in person when I get the chance. Inform me when they have arrived, and I will see to the operation.”

“It shall be done,” Miss Honey Twist said.

“Very good,” Gold Banks laughed. “I will see to it that the changelings and cultists are driven to extinction, and every colt and filly up in Vanhoover are forced back to your boarding school. Gold banks out.”

As Gold Banks disappeared from the monitor, Miss Honey Twist turned her chair back to her food and picked up her teacup before taking another sip.

“It won’t be long until Magistrate Creme Dream’s plan comes to fruition,” Miss Honey Twist said. “A shame that it will cost me my school. But that’s the price of victory, I suppose.”

But deeper within the halls of Daisy Joy Tech, a number of colts and fillies were being led down the hall by some of the guards stationed there. The students were chained together to prevent them from breaking from their line, while scores of the troops wielded handheld supersonic blasters for any who would dare to escape. The expressions of the younglings paint a bleak and hopeless future for all of them.

Suddenly, one of the fillies tripped and fell to the ground. She slowly tried to get up, only for a guard to grab her by the back and yank her up.

“Quit diddle daddling,” The guard scolded. “Now keep marching back to your cell this instant you filthy brat.”

The filly struggled to keep her tears in as she made her way down the hallway, leaving the guard standing there with a smirk on his face.

“I love this job,” The guard said.

Outside of the building, lights shined down on the ground, detecting any who would try to escape, or break in. Guards patrolled the area briskly, keeping an eye out for any who would wander in their path. Standing tall was the metallic statue of Daisy Joy the Elephant. The limbs looked as if they could move on its down, while the eyes glowed bright as rubies in the light.

Outside of the school within the trees, Prince Blueblood observed the outside perimeter on top of a thick tree branch. More shock troops patrolled the exterior in search of anyone who would escape the halls or who would try to break in.

“Never thought they would triple down on security,” Prince Blueblood said. “But that’s the price we pay for our recent success there.”

With that, Prince Blueblood turned around before leaping off the branch and running through the park within Manehattan.

Nearby, Prince Blueblood eyed the entrance to the subway before making his way down the staircase, keeping an eye out for anyone who would follow him. At the bottom of the stairs was the subway platform. But there was not a single soul within the station. Instead, only a single tram sat on the tracks without power.

“So many have left Manehattan since Gold Banks took over Canterlot,” Prince Blueblood said. “What a desolate place.”

Prince Blueblood walked up to the end of the platform before jumping down to the tracks of the subway. He looked down to his left before running down the path, keeping an eye out for anything behind and in front. Unbeknownst to him, the tram behind him began to light up.

As Prince Blueblood ran down the subway tunnel, his face became a bit agitated as sweat poured from the side of his head.

“This is why they’re gaining the upper hoof,” Prince Blueblood said to himself. “Miss Honey Twist sees that school as too important to let go. I’m not willing to risk a single member of the resistance group to pull off any suicide missions.”

But Prince Blueblood suddenly came to a stop the moment he noticed the tunnel began to brighten up. He looked behind him and saw a light come for him.

“Oh for crying out loud,” Prince Blueblood said. “Not this again.”

Immediately, Prince Blueblood jumped to the side as the tram sped past him. Prince Blueblood looked within the windows, where not a single soul was within the cars.

“That’s the seventh time that this happened,” Prince Blueblood said. “Next time, I’ll take the trolley down to this place.”

Prince Blueblood picked himself back up and dusted himself off before walking down the subway tracks. But immediately, he came to a stop as he looked behind him.

“Something tells me that I’m being watched,” Prince Blueblood said as he pulled out a smoke pellet from behind his bowtie.

Prince Blueblood held the smoke pellet in the air before throwing it on the ground. On impact, the pellet filled the room with smoke, covering Blueblood completely. Once the smoke cleared up, Prince Blueblood was gone.

But as soon as the smoke cleared up, a number of Debt Collectors emerged from the remnants of the heavy mist, confused by Blueblood’s disappearance.

“Blast that Blueblood,” one of the grunts said. “He’s always one step ahead of us.”

“We better report back to Miss Honey Twist,” another one said. “No doubt she’ll be angry over this revelation.”

Meanwhile, on an abandoned subway platform, a number of colts and fillies were spread out across the place. Some were treating injuries. Some were serving food to the others. Some were typing on their computers, looking up research or scouting the perimeter. Prince Hoofar stood on a makeshift headquarters above, looking down at the rest of the place. Nearby, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo were already at their station, looking at the cameras.

“Prince Hoofar,” Marcie Pan said. “Prince Blueblood is almost here.”

“Bring him in,” Prince Hoofar said.

A giant gate that blocked off the subway tunnel swung wide open as Prince Blueblood made his way in. He jumped into the air and landed on the platform before the door behind him shut tight. Every colt and filly gathered around Prince Blueblood as he walked towards the makeshift headquarters. Prince Hoofar took notice and ran down the stairs before approaching Prince Blueblood.

“Any news about Daisy Joy Tech?” Prince Hoofar asked.

“It’s worse than we thought,” Prince Blueblood explained. “Miss Honey Twist went out of her way to tighten up security. Even going near that place is hazardous.”

Prince Hoofar slammed his hoof on the ground as Prince Blueblood made his way up the stairs to the headquarters. Hoofar followed his Manehattan counterpart from behind, still agitated.

“Blast that Honey Twist,” Prince Hoofar said. “She’s becoming far more cautious in keeping Daisy Joy Tech alive.”

“More like Gold Banks wants to keep it alive,” Prince Blueblood said. “She sees that school as her pride and joy, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that her legacy survives.”

“No doubt that’s the reason why my father wanted me to come from Saddle Arabia to Manehattan,” Prince Hoofar said. “But still, this has never been this difficult, even with the aid of my own soldiers.”

Suddenly, Fawn Doo announced “Scout Group A and B are coming in. No hostiles near the gate.”

“Open it,” Prince Blueblood commanded.

Fawn Doo pressed a few buttons on the console. Immediately, the gate swung wide open as Lightning Dust, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse flew right in. Right behind them were Hoops, Dumbbell, SCore, Flim and Flam. Once everyone was inside, the gate closed behind them. Hoops and Lightning Dust ran from their group all the way up to the command platform, where Prince Blueblood and Prince Hoofar awaited.

“Report,” Prince Blueblood commanded.

“There’s been an increase in patrols throughout Manehattan,” Hoops said. “I don’t know where Miss Honey Twist is getting the money for this madness, but that explains why there are so many of these troops around the entire city.”

“I’ll have to agree,” Lightning Dust said. “I saw a number of families attempt to escape Manehattan, only for them to be accosted by these despicable fiends. I couldn’t save a single colt or filly from them without compromising my crew.”

Prince Blueblood walked away from the two as he buried his face on the table.

“What have we been fighting for?” Prince Blueblood said. “First my aunts disappeared, and now Miss Honey Twist has increased the number of shock troops on the streets. It’s getting harder and harder to maintain this rebellion.”

“Prince,” Prince Hoofar said. “Now is not the time to give up hope. I could contact my father to send the entire army to Manehattan.”

“Don’t bother,” Prince Blueblood said. “Your entire army would be no match for this private military group. Their weapons would incapacitate them at a faster rate.”

“But is that the excuse for you to end the operation?” Prince Hoofar said. “Even if you did so, they would continue to hunt us down before they take us all captive and lock us up in Daisy Joy Tech. And I mean every colt and filly across this world.”

“I made a promise to my aunt Celestia to bring down Daisy Joy Tech,” Prince Blueblood said as he pounded the meeting table. “In return, she authorized all of this tech to fortify our base. But now that Gold Banks was able to drive her and Princess Luna into hiding, I don’t know what I can do. Day by day, our operations began to take a hit since Gold Banks took over Canterlot. It’s starting to feel hopeless.”

Suddenly, a light blinked on Marcie Pan’s console. She typed in a few keys before turning her attention to Prince Blueblood.

“Your majesty,” Marcie Pan said. “I’m getting a communication signal from an unknown location.”

“Miss Honey Twist must have figured out where we are,” Prince Blueblood said. “Put it on screen.”

As Marcie Pan punched in a few buttons on her console, the screen behind her lit up, and on it was none other than Princess Celestia.

“Manehattan Base,” Princess Celestia said. “Come in, Manehattan Base.”

Those words were enough to cause Prince Blueblood to raise his head to the monitor. His face beamed with a ray of hope as he saw the visage of his royal aunt once more.

“Princess Celestia,” Prince Blueblood said. “You’re….you’re alive.”

“Prince Blueblood,” Princess Celestia said. “My apologies for not contacting your team for an entire week. I don’t know what I was thinking of locking myself away from the world.”

“Where are you right now?” Prince Blueblood asked.

“I’m in the Golden Land right now,” Princess Celestia said. “Right now, we were able to seal ourselves away from Gold Banks after she chased us here. But we won’t be stuck for long, as we have secured the portal crystals leading to La Maresa and Vanhoover.”

“It’s good to see you again,” Prince Blueblood said as tears flowed from his eyes.

“Feelings’ mutual, nephew,” Princess Celestia said. “But I’m afraid they caught Princess Luna.”

Prince Blueblood’s face fell into a depressed look. He shifted his eyes up and said “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“You don’t need to be,” Princess Celestia said. “Princess Luna gave her freedom up so that we could escape. And I’m not one who’s going to let her sacrifice go in vain after I nearly did so. I owe her a lot. So I think it’s time I discussed my plan with you.”

Prince Blueblood looked up at Princess Celestia with determination in his eyes and said “So what’s the plan, Aunt Celestia?”

“Normally, I would send someone to assist with your operation,” Princess Celestia said. “But this is personal to me. So I will join you in the operation to bring down Daisy Joy Tech, and free every colt and filly from that horrible place.”

Prince Blueblood’s face beamed even bright. He looked up at Celestia and said “That is the best news I have ever heard in a week. You don’t know how much this means to us all.”

Prince Hoofar walked next to Prince Blueblood and said “It would be an honor for you to join us, Princess Celestia.”

“I can say the same for you, Prince Hoofar,” Princess Celestia said. “Let everyone know that I will join you all in bringing down Daisy Joy Tech.”

Prince Blueblood turned to Hoops and Lightning Dust before he said “You heard her. Let everyone know that Princess Celestia will join us in bringing down Daisy Joy Tech.”

Hoops and Lightning Dust saluted both princes before they ran down the stairs to where the other members of the resistance held out.

“Hey guys, guess what,” Hoops yelled. “The Big Mama is going to join us in our resistance against Miss Honey Twist and her stupid school.”

“We’re going to bring them down like a wrecking ball with Princess Celestia on our side,” Lightning Dust announced.

Immediately, the crowd bursted into cheers over the words of Hoops and Lightning Dust. Dumbbell and Score ran up to Hoops and high fived their big brother.

“That’s the best thing we’ve heard all day,” Score said.

“With Princess Celestia on our side,” Dumbbell said, “We’ll bring that school down and free every pony in there.”

“Then this is to the end of Daisy Joy Tech,” Hoops yelled. “May that school be a shell of its former self.”

With that, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score cheered loudly as Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse and Lighting Dust joined them and everyone in the cheers, as they chanted “Down with Daisy Joy. Down with Daisy Joy. Down with Daisy Joy.”

Later that evening, Prince Blueblood was in his office with Prince Hoofar, looking over his notes.

“So tomorrow’s the big operation,” Prince Hoofar said.

“It is,” Prince Blueblood said. “I’m nervous about tomorrow. But if it means we bring down Daisy Joy Tech, then so be it.”

“There’s also the matter that a number of rogues will join Princess Celestia with tomorrow’s operation,” Prince Hoofar said.

“I am aware of that,” Prince Blueblood said. “Word has it that Princess Celestia had to form a truce with Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis. I don’t like it. But we have no other choice in this matter.”

“That I agree on,” Prince Hoofar said. “Besides, I learned that Gold Banks was the one who drove the changelings and the cultists out of their homeland.”

“And my cousin Wanda was caught in the middle of a crisis on Mount Aris before Gold Banks drove the hippogriffs off,” Prince Blueblood said. “Who knew that this problem was far worse than we imagined?”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Prince Blueblood immediately shifted his head towards the doorway.

“Enter,” Prince Blueblood said.

Immediately, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo entered Blueblood’s office, and walked up towards the two princes.

“Prince Blueblood, Prince Hoofar,” Marcie Pan said. “We’d like to talk to you both about tomorrow’s operation.”

“Very well,” Prince Blueblood said. “Have you changed your mind on joining us?”

“We have,” Fawn Doo said. “Originally, we were excited about helping rescue ponies from Daisy Joy Tech to make amends for how cruel we were. But over time, we felt overwhelmed by Miss Honey Twist’s forces.”

“That was the reason why you both requested to helm the operator’s desk,” Prince Hoofar said.

“It was,” Marcie Pan said. “But after Princess Celestia said she would join us in liberating the colts and fillies from Miss Honey Twist, we would like to help you out on the field.”

Prince Blueblood let out a hearty laugh as he said “I was hoping you guys would change your mind. Very well. We’ll find someone else to handle your former duties.”

“I’ll do that,” Prince Hoofar said, raising his hoof.

“Prince Hoofar, are you really sure about that?” Prince Blueblood asked.

“Even with Princess Celestia on your side, you’re going to need someone to guide you through the school,” Prince Hoofar explained. “So as commander, I chose to volunteer to be the new navigator of the team.”

Prince Blueblood looked up at Prince Hoofar with a smile on his face and said “Thanks. It’s going to take all of us to deal with Miss Honey Twist, and shut down Daisy Joy Tech for good.”

As Prince Blueblood got up from his desk and made his way around, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo approached him and said “There’s another thing: the rest of the resistance awaits your rally.”

“Oh right,” Prince Blueblood laughed. “I was so caught up in the preparations for tomorrow, that I forgot all about that.”

With that, Prince Blueblood walked towards the doorway with Marcie Pan, Fawn Doo and Prince Hoofar following him from behind.

Outside, within the abandoned subway platform, Prince Blueblood approached the resistance members that waited patiently. Once he placed his hands on the guard rails, the crowd cheered for the rebel prince for a mere moment before they settled down. Prince Blueblood looked down at the ponies that surrounded him and cleared his throat.

“Members of the Manehattan Resistance,” Prince Blueblood announced. “Tomorrow is a big day. Princess Celestia and a number of rogues that will join her will be aiding our attack on Daisy Joy Tech. We intend on breaking into that place and shutting the operation down, once and for all. But it won’t be an easy feat. Even with our precious Princess back on our side, Miss Honey Twist will put up a staggering resistance against our forces. But deep inside, each and every one of you wants to see that school shut down for good, and for our lives to return to the way it was.”

The crowd cheered in the air as Prince Blueblood bowed to the ponies of the resistance. Their screams echoed loudly to fill the room.

“When it comes to Prince Blueblood, he knows how to make a speech,” Prince Hoofar said.

But when the crowd’s cheering died down, Prince Blueblood looked down at the ponies.

“Tomorrow will be our finest hour,” Prince Blueblood said. “No matter what obstacles will be in our way, we will knock them out of the way, and we will free every colt and filly from that horrible place. After what happened to my cousins and to their friends, I highly justify our final battle with the monsters in charge of Daisy Joy Tech. Make no mistake. When the morning comes, so will the taste of freedom FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS!”

And with that, the crowd’s cheering echoed even louder than before. But as the crowd cheered, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo watched from behind Prince Blueblood. Though they looked hopeful, both ponies also looked worried.

“So this is it,” Marcie Pan said. “Our final fight against Miss Honey Twist and Daisy Joy Tech.”

“We know that Princess Celestia is the most powerful alicorn in all of Equestria,” Fawn Doo said. “But even so, I am worried about tomorrow. What if they have a surprise waiting for us?”

“Even if they do,” Marcie Pan explained, “We’ll fight back. After all, we still have to atone for how cruel we were during our time there, long before Miss Honey Twist betrayed us.”

“You’re right,” Fawn Doo said. “Something I should have taken into account since it was her who double-crossed us when we were only loyal to her.”

As the crowd cheered loudly, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo held each other closely with a warm hug.

To Be Continued in…

Final Part

One Final Golden Moment

Author's Note:

Some of the inspirations for this part came from the Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS4 and PC. Especially the idea of the underground base(Which was inspired by the Subway system of the remake). There's a part of me that should have expanded upon the foundation of this resistance group that Prince Blueblood pulled together. But with Saga 3, I plan on having them launch an effort to bring down Daisy Joy Tech.

There is only one part left, and I must give you a heads up: I may delay its release till this Saturday. So keep your hooves crossed.

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