• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Final Arc-3: The Changeling Guardian of Twilight Sparkle

The Changeling Guardian of Twilight Sparkle

Deep within the Carmaneah Walbridle Park, Twilight Velvet and Night Light were having a picnic with Flash Sentry, Timber Spruce, Vignette Valencia, Wallflower Blush, and Gloriosa Daisy. Nearby, Captain Airazor, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash observed the surroundings of the forest, keeping an eye out for intruders. Despite the peace, Twilight Velvet appeared to be worried.

“I haven’t seen Twilight since we arrived here,” Twilight Velvet said. “I hope she’s okay.”

“She’ll be okay,” Night Light said. “Twilight just needs some space for herself. That says a lot since we lost Shining Armor and Spike the Dragon.”

“I don’t know, Mr Light,” Flash Sentry said. “She’s been gone a long time and I'm even worried about her well-being.”

Night Light let out a sigh and said “Our daughter hasn’t been well since a week ago when contact with Canterlot was cut off. But what would Gold Banks want with taking the place over?”

“Whatever it is, it’s not good,” Twilight Velvet said.

“That I agree on,” Flash Sentry said. “They said Princess Celestia was going to let her daughter Wanda move back to Evevanya, and allow her sisters and friends to go with her. Then Gold Banks showed up and ruined everything, and now they’re gone, completely.”

“I read up on that as well,” Vignette Valencia said. “Every pony on my friends list kept talking about the incident in Canterlot. I even had to do a stream a couple of nights ago just to talk about it.”

“Not to mention what happened to the ponies in Canterlot,” Timber Spruce said. “Some of which were your friends from Daisy Joy Tech.”

“That’s something I hope I never experience again,” Gloriosa Daisy said. “But that being said, I wonder what happened to Golden Lace and every one of her friends.”

Wallflower Blush looked up at the group before turning her head away.

“Blush, you okay?” Timber Spruce asked.

“She’s been like this since the incident a week ago,” Vignette Valencia said. “Just when she was speaking clearly.”

Twilight Velvet turned to Night Light and said “Honey. I’m really worried about Twilight Sparkle. Do you think we should go check up on her?”

“Maybe you’re right,” Night Light said. “Maybe I should go out and check up on her.”

Night Light got up from his seat and began to walk away, only to see Captain Airazor, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash stand in front of him.

“Captain Airazor,” Night Light said. “What seems to be the problem?”

“We overheard what you were saying about Twilight Sparkle,” Captain Airazor said. “Perhaps you should let one of my Junior Wonderbolts check up on her.”

Night Light backed up for a bit and said “I dunno. I think I can handle it.”

“Don’t you worry, pops,” Rainbow Dash said. “I personally know Twilight since I flew up to Canterlot to help Ditzy Doo out. And not to mention her close friend Danged Spell who knew how to give me a run for my hay. So allow me to go look for Twilight and make sure she’s safe.”

Night Light just let out a sigh before he said “Okay. But be careful. I can only hope that Twilight Sparkle is safe.”

With that, Captain Airazor turned to Rainbow Dash and said “Now go. Find Twilight Sparkle and keep her safe.”

Rainbow Dash saluted Captain Airazor before she said “Yes ma’am.”

With that, Rainbow Dash flapped her wings hard before she took off into the air, leaving everyone behind.

“I sure hope we don’t lose Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire said. “She’s the toughest of us both.”

“Not the only tough one, Spitfire,” Captain Airazor said. “After all, you’ve become famous recently for bringing in a supply of food for the ponies of Vanhoover while outflying two rocs.”

Spitfire rubbed the back of her head and said “You’re right. I am a tough pony.”

Meanwhile in the middle of the forest, Twilight Sparkle sighed as she laid her back against the tree. An open saddlebag sat next to her, containing a few books and a video tablet. Another book laid right next to her, but it was completely closed.

“This isn’t right,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’ve tried everything, and still I feel empty on the inside. It’s got to be the fact that I haven’t seen Shining Armor nor Spike since last week. What the hay have I been doing?”

“Relax, Egghead. We’re all going through these hard times.” Those words were enough to cause Twilight Sparkle to jump in the air and scream really loud.

“WHO GOES THERE?” Twilight Sparkle said as she landed on the ground and looked around wildly. “SHOW YOURSELF!”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash emerged from behind a tree and approached Twilight Sparkle, who immediately settled down and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

“Don’t scare me like that, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said.

“Sorry I had to,” Rainbow Dash said. “Your folks and friends were pretty worried about you.”

Twilight Sparkle shifted her head away and said “I know. But at the same time, I haven’t come to grips with losing both Shining Armor and Spike.”

“I know how that feels,” Rainbow Dash said. “Actually, Captain Airazor knows how that feels since Princess Celestia disappeared.”

“Along with Princess Cadance, Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Wow. After all that’s said and done, I think it’s not just Shining Armor and Spike that I’m worried about.”

Twilight Sparkle sat down in front of the tree, looking up at the sunlight that poured into the forest. Rainbow Dash walked up Twilight and sat next to her, placing her wing on the filly unicorn’s back.

“Thanks for keeping me company, Rainbow,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“No problem,” Rainbow Dash said. “That being said, I hope you get wings like I do.”

“Now why would I want that?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“So you can fly like the rest of us,” Rainbow Dash replied. “In fact, I think you would make a swell Wonderbolt.”

“Me? A Wonderbolt?” Twilight laughed. “In your dreams, Rainbow.”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash joined Twilight Sparkle, laughing out loud. As Twilight wiped the tear from her eye, she turned to the Junior Wonderbolt.

“Actually, the real reason I’ve been distant from my family and friends is this,” Twilight explained. “I fear that I could lose them after I lost Spike, Shining, Cadance and the others.”

“That’s actually a good point,” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, you’ll never know if fate will leave you all by yourself. That being said, I don’t think it’s a good idea to push out the friends and family you have left.”

“I know,” Twilight said. “But I still worry that I could lose everyone else. I mean, one moment they’re here. The next moment, they’re gone completely.”

“Maybe you should take more advice from that rainbow idiot.” Those words were enough to cause Twilight Sparkle to scream loudly before holding onto the tree. Rainbow Dash immediately jumped into the air and landed on the ground, looking around the vicinity with a loud snort.

“Okay, Queen Chrysalis,” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Show yourself, you coward.”

“A coward?” The voice of Chrysalis said. “That’s saying a lot considering that my people are now without a home.”

Immediately, the tree that Twilight Sparkle was holding onto shapeshifted into Queen Chrysalis, catching Twilight and Rainbow by surprise. Twilight Sparkle released her hold on Queen Chrysalis and hid behind Rainbow Dash, who stared down at the changeling queen.

“You’re here for Twilight, are ya?” Rainbow Dash snarled.

“Ease up, you stupid idiot,” Queen Chrysalis said. “My desire for revenge is now against Gold Banks. Not your marefriend.”

“I would if you cooled it on those insults,” Rainbow Dash snarled.

“Uggh, fine,” Queen Chrysalis sighed. “But only because I have some news for the one filly I once had a grudge against.”

Twilight Sparkle walked out from behind Rainbow Dash and said “What are you talking about?”

Queen Chrysalis laughed and said “Why don’t you try contacting your brother? After all, you do miss him and your little Spikey-Wikey.”

Twilight Sparkle paused for a moment after hearing what Queen Chrysalis said. Rainbow Dash immediately inched her head towards Twilight’s ear.

“I think you should do what she says,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“I dunno if I can trust her,” Twilight whispered back.

“What if Shining Armor is alive?” Rainbow replied. “This might be your chance.”

Twilight sighed as she slumped her head down. She pulled out the video tablet from her pack and touched the screen a few times with her hoof.

“Alright,” Twilight Sparkle said, turning to Queen Chrysalis. “But you better be telling the truth.”

“Oh I know you won’t believe me,” Queen Chrysalis laughed. “But you will be in for a surprise.”

As Twilight continued to tap the screen a bit, she looked down at the tablet, worried and yet confused.

“You better not be tricking her,” Rainbow Dash said, eyeing Queen Chrysalis. “The last thing she needs is to have her hopes trampled on.”

“Do I look like I’m in the mood to be that monster right now?” Queen Chrysalis said. “After all, my subjects were in touch with Princess Celestia and they have confirmed that they are safe in the Golden Land.”

“It better be, for your sake,” Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly, a voice let out “Twili? Is that you?” Twilight Sparkle’s face beamed with joy and excitement as she looked down at her video tablet.

“Shining Armor,” Twilight Sparkle cried. “It’s you, isn’t it? And so is Princess Cadance…and little Spike.”

On the video tablet, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance looked up at Twilight Sparkle from the Golden Land. Next to them was Spike the Dragon, who giggled in delight.

“I was hoping you would contact us,” Shining laughed. “After all, it’s been lonely without you.”

As a tear fell from Twilight’s cheek, the little filly said “You don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve last seen you. I’ve missed you three so much.”

“We’ve missed you as well, Twilight,” Princess Cadance said. “Spike here missed you so much.”

Spike reached out and cooed right at Twilight Sparkle from behind the screen, who proceeded to wipe a tear from her eye.

“But how did you know that you thought I was going to contact you?” Twilight asked.

“Ironically, you can thank Queen Chrysalis’ daughter and the Predacons for this,” Shining Armor explained. “In fact, once Princess Celestia revealed them and Coldnelius Snap’s daughter to the Golden Land, there was a lot of backlash from the refugees, because they didn’t forget what the changelings and cultists did. It took some brave words from Wanda and Sunset to make them change their mind and reluctantly accept them as allies.”

“How are Wanda and Sunset doing?” Twilight asked.

“They’re better than ever,” Princess Cadance said. “Thanks to the power of the Golden Magic of Light, Wanda was able to obtain a powerful Equinox Armor to protect her. As for Sunset, not only was she able to control her demon form, she became an Alicorn.”

“Wow,” Twilight said. “I wish I could see them up front.”

“Well we’ve got some good news,” Princess Cadance said. “We’re going to open a portal between the Golden Land and Vanhoover. That way, we can bring you, your family and your friends over.”

“That’s great,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I can’t wait for it.”

“Hey Twili,” Shining Armor said. “Do me a favor. Keep smiling for the whole world. Smile so that when we see each other again, our reunion will be one to remember. Promise?”

“Okay,” Twilight cried. “I promise I will.”

“Until then,” Shining Armor said. “Remember that I will always watch over you, Twili. You’re as much a bright star in the sky, just like Princess Cadance.”

Princess Cadance let out a playful laugh as Spike waved to Twilight from behind the screen. Once all three individuals disappeared, Twilight Sparkle placed her video tablet face down on the ground and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“They’re alive,” Twilight cried. “They’re all alive, and I’m glad they are.”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Queen Chrysalis and said “I’m surprised that you told them they were alive. Guess you’re full of surprises.”

“That’s not the only thing,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Until your best friend is safe in the Golden Land, I will serve as her guardian angel. In fact, I’ve been doing so since that incident a week ago. Gold Banks is a monster that needs to pay for what she did to my hive.”

As Queen Chrysalis turned away from Rainbow Dash, the little pegasi filly asked “So why do you want Twilight Sparkle to begin with?”

Queen Chrysalis came to a stop and said “Ever since Twilight Sparkle bested me during the Grand Gallopin Gala, I had a desire for revenge. But at the same time, I had a lot of respect for her. She has power unlike anything I have ever seen for a filly who doesn’t even have a demon curse of her own. She could become an alicorn with that kind of power. Or perhaps a changeling like me and my daughter.”

“Is that why you really want her?” Rainbow Dash said. “You just want to make her a part of your hive?”

“Who doesn’t?” Queen Chrysalis smirked. “But that being said, I will not tolerate anyone who harms Twilight Sparkle. If they intend to harm the filly, they answer to me. Especially Gold Banks and this Miss Honey Twist.”

With that, Queen Chrysalis flapped her wings and flew off from Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, leaving the pegasi filly to just stare off at the changeling queen.

“I still have my doubts about you,” Rainbow Dash said. “Especially after the fact that you desired revenge against Twilight.”

As Rainbow Dash turned around, Twilight had packed all of her books and her video tablet into her saddlebag before setting it on her back. The unicorn filly walked up to Rainbow Dash, looking content, and yet still sad.

“Come on, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “Let’s go see our friends and family.”

“You got it, egghead,” Rainbow Dash said.

With that, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle ran off from the middle of the forest, down the trail leading to the picnic area.

At the picnic area, Captain Airazor and Spitfire continued to observe the surroundings while everyone else was enjoying their lunch. Twilight Velvet turned to the Wonderbolt Captain, holding a daffodil sandwich.

“Are you hungry?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“Thanks, but I already had a big meal,” Captain Airazor said.

“Same here,” Spitfire replied.

“Well that’s a shame,” Twilight Velvet said. “We packed all this food in our basket and it’s going to go to waste.”

“If you want, I can have it,” Timber Spruce said. “After all, I work up an appetite.”

“Oh Timber,” Gloriosa Daisy laughed. “You think about food after every hike.”

“Come on sis,” Timber Spruce said. “You know all that walking in this forest always makes me hungry.”

“She’s got a point,” Vignette Valencia laughed. “Maybe you need to lay off the sandwiches and start working out more.”

“Oh come on,” Timber Spruce laughed. “Don’t start siding with him.”

As Gloriosa Daisy, Timber Spruce and Vignette Valencia laughed, Twilight Velvet and Night Light watched from their end of the table before turning to them.

“I hope Twilight Sparkle will be happy again,” Twilight Velvet said.

“With what she’s going through, it may be a long time before that happens,” Night Light said.

“Or maybe it just did.” Twilight Velvet, Night Light and all of the other younglings turned to one end of the forest, where Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle stood tall. Twilight Sparkle wiped a bit of tear from her eye before looking down at her mother.

“Twilight,” Twilight Velvet said. “You’re better already?”

Immediately, Twilight Sparkle ran down to Twilight Velvet, Night Light and Flash Sentry before giving all three ponies a big hug.

“I am, mom,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Well what just happened that lifted your spirits?” Night Light asked.

“You won’t believe this,” Twilight Sparkle said. “But I was able to make contact with Shining Armor.”

“Wait,” Twilight Velvet said. “Your brother is alive?”

“He is,” Twilight Sparkle said. “And so is Spike, Princess Cadance, and everyone else. Even more so, I heard Sunset Shimmer became an Alicorn, and Wanda has this new armor.”

“That’s great,” Night Light said. “Maybe we should contact them when we get the chance.”

“I hope we do,” Twilight Sparkle said as she pulled herself away from her folks and turned towards Flash Sentry.

“You’re not one to give up completely, Twilight,” Flash Sentry said. “That’s the spirit.”

“Of course it was, Mordecai,” Twilight Sparkle laughed.

Flash Sentry placed his hoof on Twilight Sparkle’s shoulder and said “We’ll see them again, soon. I promise you that.”

“Oh believe me,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’m excited for it.”

Immediately, Wallflower Blush walked up from behind Twilight Sparkle and gave her a big hug.

“Hey,” Twilight Sparkle giggled. “What’s that for?”

“I’m just glad you’re alright,” Wallflower Blush replied.

“Thanks,” Twilight Sparkle said.

As the group laughed together, Captain Airazor and Spitfire approached Rainbow Dash, who looked both proud, and yet worried.

“Thanks for keeping Twilight Sparkle safe,” Captain Airazor said.

“Thanks, ma’am,” Rainbow Dash said. “But we did have a run in with Queen Chrysalis?”

“You did?” Spitfire asked. “I’m surprised that you both got away so easily.”

“That’s because she didn’t fight back,” Rainbow Dash said. “She told us that Shining Armor and the others were safe in the Golden Land. And to be honest, when Twilight was able to contact them, I was surprised on the inside, even though I had to contain it on the outside.”

“That is rather worrisome,” Captain Airazor said. “What would Queen Chrysalis want with Twilight Sparkle besides revenge?”

“One thing that she told me was that she wanted to be Twilight’s guardian angel,” Rainbow Dash said. “Something that also made me feel uneasy.”

“You have every right to be that uneasy,” Spitfire said. “After all, we still remembered what she and Coldnelius Snap did to us long ago.”

“I do remember,” Rainbow Dash said. “The Grand Gallopin Gala. Plus she sicked her Predacons on all of us. That being said, she also told me that the changelings were without a home, and that she wants revenge on Gold Banks.”

“Ironically, those both ring true,” Captain Airazor said. “Princess Celestia told us that the Changelings and the Windigo’s Guild have lost both Winteris and the Changeling Hive to Gold Banks. Even more so, they attempted to capture Mount Aris and Seaquestria, only for Gold Banks to drive them and the hippogriffs out to claim the land as her own.”

“Twilight did tell me about that,” Rainbow Dash said. “I didn’t believe that because I thought the changelings were playing some sort of trick. Guess those rang true.”

Suddenly, Spitfire’s stomach began to rumble. She looked up at the two and grinned embarrassingly.

“Guess I burnt out all of my breakfast,” Spitfire grinned.

“Same here,” Captain Airazor replied. “Very well. We’ll ask Night Light if there are any more sandwiches available. And if not, the mess hall might have something for all of us.”

Rainbow Dash leaped into the air and shouted “ALRIGHT” before she followed Spitfire and Captain Airazor to the others, eager to sink their teeth into some food.

But nearby, Queen Chrysalis looked down at Twilight Sparkle from atop a tree, with worry in her eyes. Next to her was Coldnelius Snap.

“Long ago, I once held a grudge against Twilight Sparkle,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“And now you desire to protect her like I desire to protect my daughter,” Coldnelius Snap replied. “Amazing how a greater enemy can turn bitter foes into reluctant allies.”

“It’s not just that,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “I have a deep respect for Twilight Sparkle. She was the first filly to beat me in combat, period. In fact, I do believe that she has the potential to be an alicorn, or one of us.”

“Still desire to turn her into a changeling?” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“Yeah,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Especially if the plan to defeat Gold Banks backfires and my daughter needs a sister to call her own.”

“I’m also surprised that you told Twilight Sparkle that her brother was alive,” Coldnelius Snap said.

“Right now, I’m disgusted with the idea of being cruel and mean,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Even if she was the one I desired revenge on, I was not willing to egg on her misfortune in these dark times.”

“There is still a part of me that desires revenge against Equestria for what happened to my people and my wife Queen Icelina,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But for now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Queen Chrysalis turned to Coldnelius Snap and said “What does that even mean?”

“It means two parties should work together against a common enemy,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Right now, I am willing to put aside my hatred of Princess Celestia just to take down Gold Banks. But even then, our alliance may not be enough as long as she has that amulet.”

“Do you believe that this Golden Magic of Light is powerful enough to take down Gold Banks?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “After all, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“The Golden Magic of Light is a powerful magic that dwells within their sacred land under Canterlot,” Coldnelius Snap explained. “Its purifying spell can drive back the most potent of all darkness. And yet, Celestia originally refrained from using it out of fear that it could affect friend and foe alike.”

“Even if she can control this Golden Magic of Light,” Queen Chrysalis said, “It’s going to take a miracle to best Gold Banks. As of now, she is the most powerful being in Equestria.”

“Even I do call its power in question if the wielder cannot put it to good use,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But in time, she may find a way to do so.”

With that, Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis looked down at Twilight Sparkle, keeping a close eye on the little filly and the family and friends that surrounded her.

But outside the forest, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat stood behind some bushes. Officer Blue Heat held his binoculars close while Warden Steel Bolt tapped his screen.

“So this is where Twilight Sparkle and some of the other escapees are hiding,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“Miss Honey Twist told us where some of the escapees were hiding,” Warden Steel Bolt explained. “Unfortunately, this is where Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis are hiding as well. Guess we’ll be biting off more than we can chew.”

“I take it you’re going to report to Miss Honey Twist about our progress,” Officer Blue Heat asked.

“I am,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “She deserves to know everything and what to do until then.”

To Be Continued in…

La Resistance of Manehattan

Author's Note:

This is a different turn for the character of Queen Chrysalis. Instead of always focusing on revenge, she's now focusing on protecting the one she wants revenge on. Partially because there's an even bigger foe that she wants revenge on, and partially because she sees Twilight Sparkle as an important part of her hive.

This may be expanded upon in the 3rd saga.

There are only two parts left of this saga. The next one will take place in Manehattan, one of the locations that will be covered in Saga 3.

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