• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17(Revenge of the Wedding Crasher)-1: Queen Chrysalis's Ambition

Arc 17: Revenge of the Wedding Crasher

Queen Chrysalis’ Ambition

Deep within the lair of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis broods on her throne, her eyes focused on the outside world. Princess Chrysalis II sat next to her while Locust stood tall next to the entrance and Coldnelius Snap leaned on a nearby wall.

“I’m rather surprised that they were able to break your Venom Frost curse, Snap,” Chrysalis said in a cold tone. “Considering that the fool known as Gold Banks was responsible for the curse to begin with.”

“I believe it was the husband of the wife who figured out how to break the curse,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But regardless, I plan on figuring out how to find another angry soul and use their spite to power a new winter storm in the future.”

“But that will take forever,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And I have no time to waste. As a matter of fact, I have a new plan in place.”

“A new plan, your majesty?” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“Yes,” Queen Chrysalis said, tapping her hooves in anticipation. “As you know, there is a wedding that’s coming up between two friends of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor: Buck Withers and Lemony Gem.”

“A shame it’s not Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Oooh it would be so much fun to use them to conquer Canterlot.”

“It would,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “But that egotistical hero wannabe will have to do. At least he’s pretty stupid to begin with.”

“My queen,” Locust saluted. “What would you request for me to do?”

“Ahh, eager to get your hooves dirty, Locust,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Very well. Call forth the Predacon Brothers. I will explain my plan to them.”

“At once,” Locust said before grabbing the rope tied to a bell and ringing it, causing Princess Chrysalis II to cover her ears.

“Mother,” Chrysalis II whined. “Why did you have to make that bell so loud?”

“Oh lighten up” Queen Chrysalis said “It is to make sure I have everyone’s attention,”

From above, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew in from the hole in the ceiling before landing right in front of Queen Chrysalis, bowing before the monarch.

“What is your command, Royalty?” Inferno asked.

“Prepare the troops, Inferno,” Queen Chrysalis commanded. “There is a wedding that will be planned between two ponies. I will make for Canterlot to place the one known as Buck Withers under my hypnotic control.”

“A wedding?” Waspinator said. “Oooh, Waspinator likes invading weddings.”

Queen Chrysalis took out a parchment and levitates it to Inferno, who grabbed it with his hoof.

“This document contains the details on our plan,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “When I give the signal, you will launch the invasion on those stupid ponies. And make sure you have drunk your fill of fire water.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Quickstrike said in anticipation. “I can’t wait to scare those softies with my beast form.”

“You may do that,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But use it to terrorize them. Not to kill them. But for now, prepare yourselves. Understood?”

“Yes,” Inferno bowed. “My queen.”

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator turned tail and flew off towards the hole in the ceiling before going through, leaving a satisfied and giddy Queen Chrysalis in her throne.”

“This plan is going to be so perfect,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And I love it when Inferno calls me that.”

“If anything goes wrong,” Coldnelius Snap said, “My cult will back you up.”

“Oh please,” Chrysalis said. “This time, we may not need your cult to defeat those morons. After all, I have power over ponies, though they appear complex. And yet, they will fall like playing cards, and I control the deck.”

“Mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “You observe way too many thieves and cobblers.”

“Ahh ponies and their cultural references,” Queen Chrysalis said. “So worthy of turning on them.”

Meanwhile, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator were at the changeling bar, chugging down as much fire water as possible.

“A wedding eh?” Quickstrike said. “I never thought I would be partaking in crashing a wedding. And yet, I’m so excited.”

“Waspinator loves weddings,” Waspinator said. “But Waspinator loves the part where the bride doesn’t get the groom.”

Inferno placed down a parchment on the bar counter and slid it towards Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“These are the details that were given to us,” Inferno said. “While our real goal is to conquer Equestria, these will be our queen’s targets.”

Inferno looked down at the parchment and saw the faces of Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young on it.

“Those miserable brats?” Quickstrike said. “That would be as easy as stealing candy from a baby.”

“But it will be my queen who will nab them,” Inferno said. “That being said, here are the scenarios that will play out. If my queen succeeds in capturing one or two of them, they will serve as our hostage to ransom off the others and control of Canterlot. Once we have all three, we will turn them into changelings and they will be the ones who will devastate the kingdom of Canterlot.”

“I can’t wait,” Quickstrike said. “Two ponies and a man’s cub as changelings. This day is going to be perfect.”

“But what if Queen Chrysalis captures all three?” Waspinator asked.

“Good question,” Inferno said with a smirk. “She’ll use them to demand Equestria’s surrender and conquer other parts of the world with them by our side. Maybe even other words that exist beyond ours.”

“I take it back,” Quickstrike said. “Perfect may be an understatement.”

“Waspinator on board with this plan,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator giddy about working with brat bugs.”

Inferno raised his mug full of fire water into the air and said “To Queen Chrysalis, and to the downfall of the soft skin ponies.”

“To the Queen, and to the end of Equestria,” Quickstrike and Waspinator cheered.

With that, they chugged down their fire water once more before letting out a hearty laugh.

“Ahh that’s the stuff,” Inferno said. “High quality changeling fire water. There’s no other place like this.”

“You said it,” Quickstrike said.

“When Queen Chrysalis is happy,” Waspinator said. “Then Waspinator will be happy too.”

But as the changelings were preparing for the big day in Canterlot, Gold Banks was still stewing over the damage to her penthouse in Manehattan. Though there were construction workers present in fixing it up, she was furious.

“First my penthouse suite gets destroyed by…whatever that thing was,” Gold Banks fumed. “And now I learned that Golden Lace was expelled from Daisy Joy Tech. What kind of an idiot do they take me for?”

Gold Banks looked down at a stray hard hat before turning around and kicking it, sending it flying off before it bounced off a number of walls and girders.

“Well at least that will help cool off my anger,” Gold Banks said.

But as she walked away, the hard hat smacked her right on the back of the head, sending her falling, face-first, into the ground. Gold Banks glared at the hard hat before getting back on her four hooves.

“You miserable excuse for a head cover,” Gold Banks said. “GET LOST!”

Gold Banks picked up the hard hat and threw it even harder. The hat bounced off the walls and girders again before smacking her in the face. As the hat fell to the ground and came to a stop, Gold Banks just looked at it with a cold glare on her face.

“Ahh heck with it,” Gold Banks said. “It’s not like my day is going to get worse.”

Suddenly, a helicopter of some sort landed on the helipad, with a Debt Collector soldier jumping out before marching up to Gold Banks.

“Lady Banks,” the soldier saluted. “We have a message involving your husband, Silver.”

“Fire away,” Gold Banks said, unenthusiastically. “Let’s see what that old goat is up to.”

“According to recent reports,” the soldier explained. “He will be attending the wedding of Buck Withers and Lemony Gem at the Canterlot Castle. Furthermore, your daughter Golden Lace will be there.”

“So this is all the things I get for putting up with that stubborn mule,” Gold Banks steamed. “Nevermind. Take me there. I will deal with my husband and that rebel of a daughter if its the last thing I ever do.”

“At once, my lady,” the soldier said.

The Debt Collector grunt led Gold Banks towards the helicopter and stood to the side, watching as the matriarch of the Banks family stepped inside before hopping on in.

“Take us to Canterlot, on the double,” Gold Banks said to the pilot.

“Yes, my lady,” the pilot said before clutching the collective pitch controls.

As the copter began to fly off from the penthouse suite, Gold Banks looked down at the city of Manehattan, her frown flipped into a sinister smirk.

“Isn’t it grand to have technology that would make a princess jealous?” Gold Banks said. “This is why grifting those taxpayer bits into private helicopters paid off.”

“That’s not the only thing it’s good for, my lady,” The co-pilot said. “Observe.”

As the doors of the helicopter shut tightly, the co-pilot pressed a button on the cockpit controls. Wings with two thrust engines extended out. The blades of the helicopter folded up as the wing engines fired up and shot towards the west, flying away from Manehattan. Gold Banks just sat back, her smile widening.

“Oh right,” Gold Banks said. “I invested in that tech. Silly me.”

Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Castle, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright waited in anticipation. Wanda was no longer wearing her swimsuit nor her regular dress, but her purple gown that Rarity made for her for the Grand Gallopin Gala.

“I wonder what’s taking big sis so long?” Wanda asked.

“Patience, Wanda,” Sunset said. “Big sis has a little surprise for us all.”

“I know,” Wanda said. “But I’m so anxious to see what she’s wearing.”

“So am I,” Sunset laughed. “But good things will come to those who wait.”

“That’s what mommy said,” Wanda said, directing her attention to Sunset.

“Exactly,” Sunset said. “I know you’re anxious to see big sis as I am as well. But if we wait long enough…”

But before Sunset could finish her sentence, she heard the sound of a door beginning to open. Sunset paused and turned her attention towards the door with Wanda by her side.

“Guess that answers your question,” Wanda said.

“Our patience will pay off,” Sunset finished.

The door opened slowly until a shadow emerged from the doorway. When the light shined, the shadow transformed into Princess Cadance, who was wearing a lavish blue-greenish gown.

“Pretty,” Abigail said.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “I never thought you had a dress like that, big sis.”

“I do,” Princess Cadance said. “But that wasn’t the reason why we were waiting.”

“Wait,” Sunset said. “You mean to tell me we were waiting for something else?”

“That’s right,” Princess Cadance said. “Come on in and see for yourselves.”

Princess Cadance stepped to the side, allowing Wanda, Sunset and Abigail to step through the doorway. Inside, Lemony Gem struck a pose, wearing a gorgeous wedding gown.

“Hey girls,” Lemony Gem said. “What do you think?”

“It looks beautiful,” Wanda said.

“Never thought I would see you in a wedding dress, Miss Gem,” Sunset said. “In fact, I think that dress looks perfect.”

“Oh you don’t need to thank me,” Lemony Gem said. “In fact, a friend of yours was responsible for this dress, and she’s right next to you.”

Wanda, Sunset and Abigail turned to their left, where Rarity walked up to them. Nearby was a sewing machine, having already been used to craft a number of dresses.

“Surprised, aren’t you?” Rarity said.

“Not really,” Wanda said. “You did make gala gowns for all of us.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “WIth you at our side, who needs a professional couturier?”

“Oh girls, please,” Rarity blushed. “Truth be told, I didn’t expect to be sewing up a wedding dress at this age. But who knows? We may all be a series of prodigies when it comes to our raw talents.”

“That’s true,” Lemony Gem said. “I was going to go for a wedding dress at the nearby tailor. But they were closed down for the time being. Poor timing on that part.. But when this filly heard about my plight, she wanted to take care of that as a challenge. And look at the quality of this dress. She did something that would make an adult mare or stallion blush.”

“Maybe we have talent of our own,” Wanda said. “Though I dunno about my talent, despite my cutie mark.”

“That being said,” Rarity said. “There is something I want to tell you both.”

“Well this is unexpected,” Sunset replied. “But go ahead.”

Rarity took in a deep breath and exhaled anxiously. She turned towards Wanda and Sunset with a solemn look on her face.

“Wanda, Sunset,” Rarity said. “The ponies of La Maresa and I were honored and grateful to be with you while we were stuck here. But that being said, after the wedding is over, we will be heading back home.”

Wanda’s smile depressed downwards, turning it into a slight frown.

“So,” Wanda said. “This is it. You’re going back to Ponyville.”

“Yes,” Rarity said. “As much as I want to continue my time here in Canterlot, we have to be back home in La Maresa. And believe me, I am reluctant to leave this lavish metropolis.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunset said. “And I am going to miss you.”

“Well look on the bright side,” Rarity said. “You can always come down to La Maresa if you desire. We will be there to welcome you both with open arms.”

Wanda’s eyes became a bit watery. She reached out and gave Rarity a hug.

“I knew this day was going to come, Rarity,” Wanda cried. “I will miss you. But at least I will always be able to see you again.”

“Besides, darling,” Rarity said as her eyes watered up, “We would like to see you, Sunset and all of the others come down to La Maresa once more. Or maybe we should show you San Di’Neighgo. Now that’s a city worth coming down for.”

“We might consider doing that,” Sunset said. “After all, there is a particular zoo that’s owned by a Dr Wegefrolick.”

“Oh you simply must do so,” Rarity said as she released her hold on Wanda. “He’s Fluttershy’s favorite uncle who designed the zoo, all thanks to petitioning your adopted mother: Princess Celestia.”

Suddenly, Wanda’s ears picked up the sound of a familiar filly singing. She got up and walked towards the doorway, catching Rarity and Sunset’s attention.

“Wanda, darling,” Rarity said. “Where are you going?”

“That’s just Twilight,” Princess Cadance said. “She’s too excited for the wedding just to pay attention to…important details.”

Wanda looked outside and saw Twilight Sparkle prancing down the hallway, singing about love and marriage. The Man’s Cub stepped out from the doorway and ran up to Twilight.

“Hey Twilight,” Wanda said. “Equestria to Twilight. We need to speak about the wedding.”

But Twilight did not pay attention to Wanda’s speaking. She continued to prance down the hallway with her singing, leaving Wanda just standing there. Sunset Shimmer walked outside, taking notice of Wanda’s confusion.

“What is with her?” Wanda asked.

“This is the first time she’s attending a wedding,” Sunset Shimmer said. “So she’s going to be acting like that.”

“But I promised mommy I would tell her the important details about this wedding,” Wanda said.

“Don’t worry about it,” Princess Cadance said, stepping out from the room. “I know why Princess Celestia gave you the responsibility to tell Twilight about our plans for the wedding. But I think as time goes on, she’ll understand why.”

Wanda let out a sigh as she said “Why can’t things be so easy when they’re so hard?”

“Sad sis.” Wanda looked down to see Abigail look up at her with a solemn look on her face.”

“I know, Abby,” Wanda said. “But I just hope everything will go according to what mommy has planned.”

Meanwhile, deep within the city of Canterlot, Buck Withers, Shining Armor and Gad Zookes were walking down the street past the citizens. Buck Withers was wearing a dashing tuxedo and was carrying a small jewel box in one of the pockets.

“Excited about your big day?” Shining Armor asked.

“I’ll say,” Buck Withers said, tapping the jewel box that was in his pocket. “We did try to get married around the time of the Gala. But we chose to hold it off because we wanted to invite everyone.”

“And those rings you got,” Shining Armor said. “You didn’t get the stones off another Rock Monster, did ya?”

“No,” Buck replied. “It was getting too repetitive to take them down. But wait till you hear this story about a dragon-like rock creature with aquamarine stones in their eyes.”

“Oh you don’t need to tell me,” Shining Armor said. “I saw you pull that off, even with some trouble. But I would have been happy to pitch in.”

“None needed,” Buck Withers said. “After all, I am the best adventurer Equestria has.”

“Personally, if you asked me,” Shining Armor smirked, “I think you are one of the craziest ponies I have ever met. One that would put Princess Celestia to shame. But on the flip side, you do put your money where your mouth is when it comes to talking down monsters. I’ll have to say, you are the prime monster hunter in Equestria.”

“No need for the flattery, Shining,” Buck Withers said. “Besides, you at least faced down far worse than the beasts I had to take on.”

“If you’re talking about Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis,” Shining Armor said, “I’m not truly proud of taking them on. Besides, they’re a lot more clever than you realize.”

“By the way,” Buck Withers said. “Did I ever tell you how Lemony, Gad and I endured that windigo storm from that sick cult leader?”

“About a thousand times,” Shining Armor replied.

Suddenly, Gad Zookes tapped Buck Withers on the arm and said “Hey Buck. Do you see what I see? Looks like a trio of pegasi colts have some serious issues going on.”

Buck Withers looked up ahead, noticing Hoops, Dumbbell and Score walking down the street as if they were troubled.

“Good eye, Gad,” Buck Withers said. “Those must be the three pegasi that used to give Princess Wanda a hard time. Let’s go see what’s going on.”

Buck Withers, Gad Zookes and Shining ARmor ran up to the three pegasi, who were looking around frantically.

“Hoops,” Shining Armor said. “You look like you’re missing something. Is something wrong?”

“Oh there is something wrong,” Hoops said. “It’s about that bulldog Karen.”

“Shhhh,” Shining armor shushed. “Whisper it to us. No need to give it away.”

Hoops reached over to Shining Armor and whispered something in his ear. His eyes popped out as he turned his head to Buck Withers and Gad Zookes.

“What happened?” Buck asked.

“They can’t find Karen the Alicorn Bulldog,” Shining Armor whispered.

“Call me crazy,” Gad Zookes said. “But doesn’t that creature have an owner of some sort?”

“An owner?” Hoops said.

“Yeah,” Gad Zookes said. “The Chancellor told us that her owner is one of the rudest ponies she has ever met. In fact, from what I understand, he drenched her in a bucket of water when she asked to keep Karen on a leash.”

“Oh yeah,” Shining Armor said. “That was during the time when Karen the Bulldog was still aggressive towards Wanda and Sunset, and even towards Caddy.”

“And back then,” Hoops said, “Even we were afraid of that mangy mutt. Well until that Man’s Cub of a Princess was able to tame it.”

“And all it took was a bit of food and the will to finally scare that dog into submission,” Buck Withers said. “Maybe I should consider looking after the girls and teaching them the ropes of bringing down monsters.”

“If you’re lucky,” Shining Armor said.

“Look” Hoops said. “My boys were searching for that dog for…important business. But for some reason, she’s gone missing.”

“Tell you what,” Gad Zookes said. “I’ll pitch in and help you find that mutt.”

“Gad,” Buck Withers said. “I’m surprised that you’re going to help them out.”

“I’ll be fine,” Gad Zookes said. “Besides, you have a wedding to get to. And don’t worry. I’ll catch up.”

Buck Withers nodded to Gad and said “Gad. You’re the best stallion I’ve ever known. Go show those kids how to find that dog.”

Gad Zookes saluted Buck Withers before he took off with Hoops, Dumbbell and Score following from behind, leaving Shining Armor and Buck Withers behind.

“So, Bucky,” Shining Armor said. “You ready to head towards the castle and get hitched?”

“Not quit yet,” Buck Withers said. “I need to spend some time getting myself mentally ready for this moment. I’ve waited a long time for this.”

“Well don’t take too long,” Shining Armor said. “You don’t want to keep Gem waiting.”

As Shining Armor took off towards the castle, Buck Withers pulled out the box and looked at it.

“I’m nervous about today,” Buck Withers sighed. “I feel like I’m ready to tie the knot. But for some reason, a part of me says I’m not. I’ll even say that it was Princess Cadance, I still would not be ready. What am I going to do?”

Buck Withers placed the box back into his tuxedo pocket and walked down the street, looking up at the morning sky. His smile disappeared, his face looked concerned as he made his way through the streets of Canterlot, paying no attention to everyone else around him.

“One thing I know,” Buck Withers said. “My life will change forever. Will I still be able to be an adventurer? Or will I dedicate myself to being a father to a youngling or two? I don’t even have the courage to tell her if I’m ready or not.”

Suddenly, Buck Withers heard someone whistle out to him. Buck looked down the nearby alley where the whistle came from.

“Someone whistling to me?” Buck Withers called as the whistle grew louder.

Despite his own concern, Buck Withers slowly walked down the alleyway, looking around for any sign of danger.

“Where is that whistling coming from?” Buck Withers said. “I swear it sounds familiar.”

But Buck Withers came to a complete stop the moment he saw a shadowy figure in front of him. Buck stood his ground and pulled out his whip, holding it firmly with one hoof.

“Who goes there?” Buck Withers said. “Show yourself.”

But emerging from the shadows of the alleyway was Lemony Gem, who apparently was not wearing her wedding dress.”

“Lemony,” Buck Withers said, loosening his stance. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be preparing for our wedding?”

“Oh not at the moment,” Lemony Gem said. “I just came out here to wish you the best of luck for when we tie the knot.”

Buck Withers placed his whip back into the pocket of his tuxedo. Then he walked up to Lemony Gem with sweat on his forehead.

“Well,” Buck Withers said. “Easy said than done. I don’t know if I am ready for this wedding.”

“But I know you are,” Lemony Gem said, walking up to Buck Withers. “You’ve waited your entire life for this moment, and I know you can do this.”

Buck Withers pulled the collar of his tuxedo, emitting steam out of it. Then he turned towards Lemony Gem, who was right up to his face.

“Don’t just do this for yourself or for me,” Lemony Gem said. “Do this for those who look up to you.”

And with that, Lemony Gem kissed Buck Withers on the snout. His eyes popped out a pair of hearts as he made silly sounds with his voice.

“I will, my darling,” Buck Withers said.

Suddenly, Buck Withers’ eyes turned completely green, leaving him in a trance-like state. Lemony Gem smiled as she placed her hoof on Buck’s shoulder.

“That’s a good boy,” Lemony Gem said. “I’ll meet you at the castle, and I’ll put on my best for this day.”

“You said it,” Buck Withers said.

Immediately, Buck Withers turned tail and ran down the alleyway before making his way down the streets of Canterlot, leaving Lemony Gem by herself.

“That was almost too easy,” Lemony Gem said in a sinister tone.

As soon as she took a few steps back, Lemony Gem transformed into Queen Chrysalis, gloating about as Princess Chrysalis II stepped out from the shadows.

“You did it, mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “You got that moron, hook, line and sinker.”

“That stallion is a total buffoon,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Putting him under my spell was far easier than I realized.”

“So what is he going to do?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

Queen Chrysalis walked towards the shadows and said “My precious daughter. I didn’t just hypnotize that fool. I also planted instructions into his mind. When I give him the signal, he will grab Princess Celestia’s daughters and bring them to me. I will use them as a hostage for Princess Celestia to surrender Twilight Sparkle and the Kingdom. Once that’s out of the way, we will turn them into our new changeling generals and send them to enslave every pony in Equestria.”

“Oh goodie,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “But what if Buck Withers grabbed Twilight as well.”

“I have my doubts,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “But if he does grab Twilight Sparkle, then it would be an unexpected bonus. Now come. Let us alert the Predacons about our progress and prepare for phase two.”

“Alright,” Princess Chrysalis II said.

But as Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II blended into the shadows, they did not notice Eleanor Young spying on them from above on the roof.

“So these must be Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II,” Eleanor said. “I think it’s time I informed Princess Celestia about this.”

Eleanor Young extended her hands out before a light appeared on her back, materializing her insect-like wings. She turned towards the castle and flew towards that direction.

To Be Continued in…

Here come the Queen

Author's Note:

Now. While this does sound like a repeat of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's A Canterlot Wedding Season 2 Finale, it isn't. So far, here are the differences.

1) Right off the bat, Queen Chrysalis is the main antagonist of the story instead of revealing herself near the end of the story

2) The wedding is between Buck Withers and Lemony Gem

3) Unlike with FiM, the main characters live in Canterlot instead of this universe's equivalent of Ponyville(Ponyville Providence and La Maresa)

4) Twilight is too caught up in the moment because the wedding is coming up.

But those won't be the only differences. While Buck Withers is under Chrysalis' spell, there will be more differences that will make it stand out from "A Canterlot Wedding." What are they? Stay tuned.

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