• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 18(Shadow of the Past)-1: The Ground Bridge Portal

Arc 18: Shadow of the Past

The Ground Bridge Portal

Wanda ran through the middle of a dark forest as fast as she could. Fog began to build up. She kept running as fast as she could, until she tripped over and fell to the ground.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried as she struggled to get up. “Aunt Woona. Sisters? Abby?”

“They cannot save you,” the voice cried. “Your destiny is to be forever alone.”

“No,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want to be alone.”

As Wanda got up, the shadow under her moved away before forming into the Pony of Shadows once more.

“You,” Wanda cried. “Leave me alone.”

The Pony of Shadows laughed loudly as it said “It is your destiny to be forever alone, child. You cannot escape it.”

“What did I ever do to you?” Wanda yelled. “Why must you be so mean to me?”

“I’ll tell you why,” The Pony of Shadows said. “It was you who stopped me from capturing your mommy.”

“No,” Wanda cried. “It’s not true.”

“Do not lie to me,” The Pony of Shadows shouted with a thundering voice. “I saw you on that night when I took control of the very pony you would call ‘Mommy.’ So as payback for what you did, I will ensure that you will have no more friends and no family to call your own. Just you, all by yourself, FOREVER!”

The Pony of Shadows laughed maniacally as Wanda screamed in fear.

Wanda woke up in her bed with a loud gasp. She panted once more before looking to her left, where Sunset Shimmer slept. She turned to the right where Abigail slept on top of the nightstand.

“That nightmare’s getting worse and worse with each passing night,” Wanda whispered to herself. “But why?”

Wanda just slumped forward and put her face into her hands in frustration before she broke down in tears.

But in the vault part of the castle, Eleanor Young was stirring up a magical cauldron with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna nearby. Eleanor Young placed a few crystal shards into the bubbling solution before holding her hands out. She recited an incantation, causing the cauldron to glow brightly.

“This is almost like how Starswirl used the power of alchemy,” Princess Luna said.

“I never did figure out how alchemy worked, despite my magic,” Princess Celestia said.

“If only he wasn’t taken away from us,” Princess Luna said, “He would have taught us a thing or two about alchemy.”

The bubbling solution of the cauldron pushed out what appeared to be two crystals, similar to the one attached to the portal arch nearby. Eleanor Young reached out and grabbed the crystal with her hand.

“Tell you what,” Eleanor Young said. “After this project is a success, I could teach you both a few pointers on what alchemy is all about.”

“That’s great,” Princess Celestia said. “But that being said, it will take a week to complete the test run of this new ground bridge portal.”

“Maybe we could set up La Maresa as the destination,” Princess Luna said. “Wanda and Sunset always wanted to go back there and visit their friends. Besides, they did leave early this morning”

“Great idea,” Princess Celestia said. “If we can get this done within a week, we should be ready.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Princess Luna said. “Let’s get to work.”

One week had passed. At a classroom inside the School for Gifted Unicorns, Argyle Starshine stood in as teacher while Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Golden Lace observed the lessons he was giving. Below Sunset and Twilight, Abigail and Spike napped together. But Wanda was at a desk at the back of the class, staring down at her assignment and barely touching her pencil.

“Still can’t believe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are taking the day off,” Twilight whispered.

“They’re going to show off the new ground bridge portal to La Maresa,” Sunset Shimmer whispered. “I don’t know how they did it, but they did it.”

“Amazing,” Twilight said. “I can’t wait to see it.”

Starlight Glimmer immediately tapped on Sunset’s shoulder and said “Hey guys. Something’s really wrong with Wanda.”

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “She’s been ignoring us for the past few days like we don’t exist. Was it because everyone had to go back home?”

“No,” Sunset said. “I think I kept overhearing her talk about this Pony of Shadows and being all alone.”

But their words caught the attention of Argyle Starshine, who walked over to the students.

“Is there something wrong?” Argyle asked.

“I’m afraid there is,” Sunset said. “It’s my sister, Wanda. She hasn’t been herself lately.”

Argyle Starshine looked up at Wanda Young, who just continued to stare down into her assignment.

“I was told that Wanda has been having nightmares about this Pony of Shadows from Princess Celestia,” Argyle Starshine explained. “About how it keeps taunting her into believe that she will be alone.”

“Alone?” Moondancer asked.

“There are four words to describe this fear,” Argyle Starshine explained. “They can be referred to as autophobia, monophobia, eremophobia, or even isolophobia. Deep on the inside, each of us have a phobia buried within.”

“That’s right,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Like my recent fear of pigs.”

“Or even my fear of roaches,” Danged Spell explained.

“Or Princess Celestia’s fear of chickens,” Sunset said.

“Those are examples of phobias,” Argyle Starshine said. “A fear of pigs would be referred to as swinophobia. A fear of roaches would be referred to as katsaridaphobia. A fear of chickens would be alektorophobia.”

“I have a fear of my own,” Golden Lace said, raising her hoof in the air. “After what happened in the last few months, I have my own phobia: My own mother.”

“That would be referred to as matrophobia,” Argyle Starshine said. “A fear of one’s mother. Its opposite would be referred to as patrophobia: A fear of one’s father.”

“There is one fear that I do have,” Sunset said. “Because I transform into a she-demon without any control what-so-ever, I always fear that I could end up hurting others, including my sister. What would that be referred to as?”

“Oh dear,” Argyle Starshine said with a worry. “That’s far worse than a phobia. That’s what I call Harm OCD. An obsessive-compulsive disorder. Unfortunately, considering your case with Harm OCD and your transformation into this…she-demon, I’m afraid I don’t know of any means of treatment, other than what your mother can offer.”

“Wow,” Sunburst said. “I’ve been reading through about phobias and the variations that exist. But I never expected Sunset’s problems to be far worse than a phobia.”

“Some of us have silly phobias and some of us have serious phobias,” Danged Spell said. “But Sunset’s own problem may be the scariest of us all.”

“It’s no joke, Danged Spell,” Sunset Shimmer said. “While I am grateful for my mother’s treatments, sometimes I feel as if my own demon form was starting to become more and more resilient. As if it were trying to fight harder, break through and take complete control of my mind.”

“Well let me say this,” Golden Lace said. “We’re your friends, and we’re going to stand by your side to the very end. And no demon form is going to get in our way.”

“Thanks you guys,” Sunset said. “But I don’t know if that will help. Besides, I think my sister needs more care in the world right now.”

“She’s right,” Argyle Starshine said. “Right now, we don’t know how to cure Sunset Shimmer of her Harm OCD and her demon form. But we can help her sister out.”

“I’ll do it,” Starlight said, slamming her hoof on the desk. “I’ll help out Wanda. I’ll even protect her from the Gold Bankers that have been making waves in Canterlot.”

“Gold Bankers?” Sunburst asked. “I’m afraid to ask, but what are Gold Bankers?”

“Gold Banks’ own personal fanclub,” Moondacner said. “Since the end of the wedding of Buck Withers and Lemony Gem, they’ve been showing up in Canterlot, protesting Princess Celestia’s name, everyday. It’s getting to be a real headache.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “We had to escort Wanda to school today because of them.”

“Even I don’t know why they’re giving us a hard time,” Argyle Starshine said. “Nor can I understand Gold Banks’ own ego. But one thing is for certain: Keeping our friends protected while standing strong against the Gold Bankers is our best option.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “We know.”

Later that day, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Golden Lace walked down the streets of Canterlot with Wanda Young hiding her face in the middle of the pack. Around them, a number of angry ponies wearing shirts that represent Gold Banks were yelling at the younglings, holding up signs like “Down with Celestia,” “Stupid Monkey, go Home,” “All Youngling disgrace Equestria,” and “Gold Banks for Empress.” Some even tossed tomatoes, eggs and even soda cups at the younglings.

“These Gold Bankers are really starting to get under our fur,” Twilight yelled.

“Tell me about it,” Golden Lace said. “This is obviously the work of my mother.”

“These guys scare me alot,” Starlight cried as one of the tomatoes hit her on the cheek.

“I know I’m not supposed to use my Wolf’s Breath curse on these clowns,” Danged Spell said. “But I'm tempted to do so.”

“No, Spell,” Moondancer said. “The last thing you need is to provoke them into attacking you.”

“Well what can I do besides this?” Danged Spell said. “Because this is starting to get infuriating.”

“Just keep pushing,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We’ll be near the castle before you know it.”

But as the group pushed on, they bumped into a figure and fell down to the ground in a large groan. The entire group struggled to get themselves up as the crowd continued to heckle them.

“You alright?” Twilight looked up in front of her to see a worried Shining Armor look down at her.

“Big brother,” Twilight said. “Can’t you help us with this?”

Shining Armor looked up at the crowd, who continued to throw garbage at the younglings, before his eyes glared down at them.

“Come with me,” Shining Armor said in a harsh tone. “I’m not going to let these hot heads get the best of you.”

Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Golden Lace all got up and followed Shining Armor through the angry crowd. As they threw more garbage at the younglings, Shining Armor formed a shield around the group, deflecting the trash and moving alongside the group.

“I forgot that your brother could do that,” Sunburst said.

“Well his desire is to protect the innocent from the more extreme elements,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“It’s good that he’s here,” Moondancer said. “But I still worry for Wanda. She’s still not out of her funk.”

Twilight looked at Wanda Young, who just stared down on the ground, depressed, while walking.

“She’s still in that kind of funk,” Twilight said.

“You told her about the demonstration today,” Shining Armor said. “After all, Princess Celestia is going to open the ground bridge portal to La Maresa.”

“We did,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But for some reason, she treated it like it was no big deal.”

“Lonely?” Abigail meowed.

“I don’t think Wanda should ever be lonely, Abby,” Sunset said. “But at the same time, I still wonder why Wanda’s been more blue than she’s been before.”

“That is something to ponder about,” Sunburst said. “If there was only a way to reach out to her.”

The younglings all stood around Wanda Young as they followed Shining Armor down the street, who kept his magical shield up to protect them from the trash flung by the mad crowd.

Sometime later, the group arrived near the castle where a new portal arch had been forged. A number of royal guards and Wonderbolts got in between the group and the crowd of hecklers. There were seats for guests to sit down at, plus a podium near the archway where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch stood ready.

“Thanks, big bro,” Twilight said.

“Anything for my little sister and her friends,” Shining Armor replied.

Shining Armor disabled the shield surrounding the group, allowing the younglings to rush up to the empty seats and sit down. All except for Wanda Young, who slowly walked up to the gang with Abigail and Spike by her side.

“Wanda,” Shining Armor said. “Is there something wrong with you?”

Wanda just let out a sigh before she said “No. Nothing’s wrong.”

“I’m not so sure,” Shining Armor said. “You’ve been like that for the past seven days.”

But all Wanda could do was just ignore Shining Armor and walk to her seat, leaving him worried.

“Poor Wanda,” Shining Armor said. “What’s it going to take to get her out of that funk?”

As Wanda took her seat, Shining Armor walked up to the podium and approached the Princesses and the Chancellor.

“Your daughters and her friends are here, Princess Celestia,” Shining Armor said.

“Thanks for pitching in,” Princess Celestia said. “On a side note, did Wanda still look…depressed?”

“I’m afraid so,” Shining Armor said. “I still can’t understand why Wanda’s been like this.”

“The nightmares that she’s been having are becoming far worse than I expected,” Princess Luna said. “All it pointed to was the Pony of Shadows taunting her, claiming she’ll be all alone and she’ll have no one left. Even more so, it claims it’s doing so out of revenge for what happened a thousand years ago.”

“A thousand years ago?” Shining Armor said. “What was significant about that era?”

“It was when the Pony of Shadows, or rather the Shade of Hate, took possession of me,” Princess Celestia said. “On that day, I became a monster known as Daybreaker and nearly brought the newly formed Canterlot City to its knees, had it not been for W…I mean, a unique individual from the past.”

“Princess?” Shining Armor said, confused. “Are you hiding something from me?”

“Actually,” Princess Celestia said. “Come close, but promise to keep it a secret.”

“I will,” Shining Armor said.

Princess Celestia reached over and whispered something into Shining Armor’s ear. His eyes popped out a bit from the secret.

“You’re not kidding,” Shining Armor said. “Are you?”

Celestia nodded her head in disagreement, all while Cadance and Cinch nodded their heads to Shining Armor.

“To think,” Shining Armor said. “This individual happens to be you-know-who.”

“Even I was surprised to learn this,” Cinch said. “To think I was harsh towards her.”

“But how can we be sure if she is ready for that moment?” Shining Armor asked.

“I don’t know,” Princess Celestia said. “In fact, I think only fate can decide that.”

But as Shining Armor talked with the princesses and the chancellor, the younglings stood excited in their seats, waiting for an announcement of some sort.

“Man, I can’t wait to see what this new ground bridge portal is going to be about,” Moondancer said.

“Some say they hired an alchemist to help create the part needed to connect the two gates,” Sunburst explained.

“Alchemist?” Sunset asked. “They’re barely around in this day and age.”

“That’s what you think,” Sunburst explained. “Many alchemists in Equestria don’t brag about their achievements. They continue to make things using the power of alchemy to synthesize new items, components or just about anything. They also say that Starswirl the Bearded was a renown alchemist. But neither Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna have studied the ways of alchemy.”

“Wow,” Danged Spell said. “Starswirl was an alchemist, but Celestia and Luna aren’t. This makes me wonder who accepted the job.”

“You know,” Moondancer said. “This is the part where you usually let out a pun.”

“Why?” Danged Spell joked. “You like the pun-ishment?”

“Danged Spell,” Most of the younglings said before bursting out into laughter.

“Guess ponies really want a joke,” Danged Spell smirked.

As Starlight Glimmer was laughing, she felt a poke at her shoulder. She turned around and saw Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker standing right behind her, with Sunspot and Stellar Flare right next to them.

“Mom? Dad?” Starlight said. “What are you and Sunburst’s parents doing here?”

“Didn’t you and Sunburst get the message?” Firelight asked, which caught the attention of Sunburst.

“No we didn’t,” Sunburst said. “And I’m surprised that you’re all here.”

“Well, believe it or not,” Starseeker said. “The Windigo’s Guild decided to attack Sire’s Hollow last night. The Wonderbolts and the Royal Guard were dispatched to drive them out, but they overpowered both groups. So we had to evacuate the town.”

“Oh no,” Starlight said. “Now what’s going to happen to us now? Or even for Uncle Meteor Flare’s grave?”

“If this portal does work,” Firelight said, “Then we may have to consider taking up shelter at La Maresa. Right now, Sire’s Hollow has been abandoned. But it looks like we won’t be able to return until the damage has been repaired.”

Stellar Flare walked up to Sunburst and said “I’m sorry, honey. We did all we could to save the town. But at least we were able to get your favorite things out.”

“Oh mom,” Sunburst said, giving Stellar Flare a hug. “At least you and dad are safe, and that’s what matters.”

A little later in the afternoon, everyone had taken their seats, awaiting a big announcement. On the stage, Princess Celestia checked her cue cards while Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Chancellor Cinch stood to the side. Captain Airazor flew in with Magnum and Firefly by her side, landing next to the chancellor.

“Thanks for coming at such short notice,” Chancellor Cinch whispered.

“I heard the portal arc at La Maresa is set up and ready to go,” Airazor said. “Guess Princess Celestia and Princess Luna finally figured out how to replicate the ground bridge portal.”

“They had some help from an alchemist,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“An alchemist, eh?” Captain Airazor replied. “It’s rare to even find an alchemist in Equestria, let alone recruit one to help out with the portal.”

“Well that being said,” Chancellor Cinch explained, “Keep your eyes peeled. The Windigo’s Guild has been on a rampage, lately, starting with the attack on Sire’s Hollow.”

“Oh I’m aware of it,” Airazor replied. “They’re doing this to avenge the defeat of the changelings during Buck Withers and Lemony Gem’s wedding.”

But as Airazor and Cinch talked with each other, the younglings sat in their seats, awaiting Princess Celestia’s speech. Wanda, however, just looked down at the floor as her mind drifted.

“I can’t wait to see the portal open,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Now we don’t have to go far just to meet up with our La Maresian friends.”

“And I have yet to check out La Maresa,” Golden Lace said. “What’s it like there?”

“It’s more of a countryside compared to Canterlot,” Danged Spell explained. “But the pony folk there are very friendly.”

“What about the food there?” Golden Lace asked.

“If you’re a really big fan of apples,” Sunburst said, “Then they got 'em all. Apple bread, apple pancakes, apple pie, apple coffee cake, apple cider, the whole wazoo. They even have some gluten-free options for those who can't eat that stuff.”

But the only thing Golden Lace was doing was licking her lips in anticipation.

“Wow,” Moondancer said. “Guess Lace must be craving some apples.”

Starlight turned to Wanda and said “Guess what? When they open the portal to La Maresa, you’ll be able to go there anytime you want, and even reunite with our friends there. How cool is that?”

But Wanda continued to drift towards the ground before letting out a big sigh.

“Wanda?” Starlight said. “Aren’t you excited to see our La Maresa friends again?”

“Nightmare,” Abigail meowed.

“Nightmare?” Starlight asked. “Abby, what’s this about a nightmare?”

“Pony…of….Shadows,” Abigail replied.

Starlight looked at Wanda just sitting there, continuing to stare down at the ground. Next to her, Sunset Shimmer just looked down at her human sister, worried.

“I don’t get it,” Sunset said. “Some time after they left, Wanda was actually looking forward to being able to go through the portal and reunite with our La Maresian friends. What happened to her involving this…Pony of Shadows?”

But before Starlight could answer, she heard the sound of a microphone being checked. Everyone, including a depressed Wanda, looked up to see Princess Celestia test out the microphone before placing her lips near it.

“Good afternoon, citizens of Canterlot,” Princess Celestia announced. “As you all know, the dangers caused by the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings have made travel within Equestria much harder than it has to be. For many centuries, we had struggled to figure out the ground bridge portal crystals that Starswirl the Bearded left for us, and thus a shorter means of transportation between two cities. But today, everything has changed, because thanks to a recently hired alchemist, we have figured out the secret of the ground bridge portal.”

The audience cheered as Princess Luna held up her video tablet before firing magic right into it, projecting the image of Bright Mac and Granny Smith into a giant hologram.

“Bright Mac,” Princess Celestia said. “I take it you’re all set on your end.”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Bright Mac said on the projection.

“For those of you who are in Canterlot,” Granny Smith explained, “I will be the volunteer to go through the portal from La Maresa to Canterlot, once it is activated. Are you ready, Princess?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Princess Celestia said, pointing her horn at the crystal.

With a blast of magic, Princess Celestia fired at the crystal connected to the ground bridge portal arch. The center of the arch formed a vortex that grew larger and larger until it filled the entire archway. The crowd oooh and awwed at the sight of the portal.

“Is the portal online on your end, Granny Smith?” Princess Celestia asked.

“It’s on, alright,” Granny Smith replied. “Stand by, because I'm gonna jump in.”

“Granny,” Bright Mac said. “Not so reckless. You don’t want to overdo it.”

“Ahhh phooey,” Granny Smith poo pooed. “I’ve been through portals before. This is nothing.”

Granny Smith ran out from the video projecting. Leaving her son Bright Mac behind.

“My ma,” Bright Mac said with a sweatdrop. “Not willing to waste any moment.”

As the crowd laughed out loud, the portal glowed brightly as Granny Smith emerged from the vortex, unscathed. The crowd’s laughter turned to cheer as Granny Smith bowed to the audience.

“What’d I tell ya?” Granny Smith said. “Works like a charm. In fact, we just tested it last night to make sure this darn contraption works.”

In the crowd, the younglings all stared at the portal in amazement. But Wanda, despite looking at the portal, still looked depressed.

“Wow,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Now you can go over to La Maresa, anytime you want. Isn’t that great, Wanda?”

“Whatever,” Wanda said before she slumped her head down.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “I know you were excited to see this happen. What has gotten into ya?”

“Nothing that can be fixed,” Wanda said, turning her head away.

“I think we are due for a trip to La Maresa after this, sis,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Besides, what’s the one thing that can really catch your attention?”

Suddenly, blasts of ice rain down near the audience, causing everyone to scream in fear. Wanda’s heart began to race as she jumped out of the way.

“THAT!” Wanda screamed.

Sunset Shimmer turned to the roof of a nearby building, where Coldnelius Snap and his fellow cultists of the Windigo’s Guild stared down at the ponies of Equestria.

“Note to self,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Never jinx any moment, regardless if its good or bad.”

Princess Celestia marched towards Coldnelius Snap as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance got in front of Granny Smith.

“What do you want, Snap?” Celestia roared.

“I know what you’ve been doing all this time,” Coldnelius Snap said. “You finally figured out Starswirl’s secret to the ground bridge portal. And now, I want it for myself.”

“You will never get it,” Princess Cadance yelled.

Princess Celestia turned to the other stagehands before she said “Luna. Cadance. Keep everyone well-protected, especially Wanda, Sunset and her friends.”

“Roger that,” Luna said as she disabled the video projection with Bright Mac on it.

“I’ll escort Granny Smith to a safe place,” Airazor said.

Granny Smith nodded as Airazor grabbed her and flew her towards the castle. At the same time, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance ran up to the crowd where the younglings, Spike and Abigail emerged. The alicorns stood in front as the Windigo cultists advanced towards them.

“Can’t we go a day without these ice-cold fiends?” Sunset yelled.

“I wish I could say yes,” Luna said. “But they sure know how to crash a party.”

“I just want this to go away,” Wanda yelled. “They scare me.”

“We’re doing what we can,” Princess Cadance said, firing off a few shots of magic.

As one of the cult members marched towards the youngling group, Danged Spell’s eyes shifted, growling once more as he stared down the cult members.

“He’s at it, again,” Sunburst said, noticing Spell’s Wolf’s Breath curse.

As one of the cult members charged up her horn at the group, Danged Spell jumped out and bit her on the arm. She screamed so loud that she shot her ice magic into the air, where it exploded into harmless snow.

“Come on,” Moondancer said. “We gotta drive them back.”

As Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer fired back at the zealots with their magic, Wanda looked up at Princess Luna.

“Come with me,” Princess Luna said. “I’ll make sure you won’t be alone.”

Upon hearing Luna’s words, Wanda’s mood began to lighten. She looked up at her adopted aunt and nodded in agreement.

“Thanks, Aunt Woona,” Wanda said.

Wanda picked up Abigail and ran alongside Princess Luna as Spike ran up to Princess Cadance. Luna ran towards the back of the event area with Wanda staying close behind.

But on stage, Princess Celestia and Coldenlius Snap stared down at each other as if they were ready to blast one another.

“You’ve disturbed the peace of Equestria for the last time,” Princess Celestia said.

“What did you expect?” Coldnelius Snap replied. “After all, I’m just paying you back for what you did to Queen Chrysalis.”

“I was trying to save her from herself, Snap,” Princess Celestia said. “Besides, I know you’re one to resort to vengeance.”

“You’re right,” Coldnelius Snap said, charging up his horn. “After all, I still intend to avenge the death of Queen Icelina, after what your mother did to her.”

Upon seeing Snap’s horn light up, Princess Celestia held a magical shield out with her horn, just as Snap fired right at it. But the shot of ice reflected off of Celestia’s shield, and hit the crystal to the portal. By the time Celestia saw the magical blast of ice hit the portal, it was too late.

“Oh no,” Celestia said. “What have I done?”

The ground bridge portal began to go haywire, spinning the vortex faster and faster as thunderbolts fired off from it. Horrified, Princess Celestia and Coldnelius Snap turned to their respective groups.

“Everyone, get away from there,” Celestia yelled. “It’s too dangerous.”

“All cultists, fall back,” Coldnelius Snap commanded. “That’s an order.”

Immediately, everyone within the vicinity ran away from the malfunction portal as Celestia and Snap ran off stage. Chancellor Cinch ran up to Princess Celestia, horrified as the Princess.

“What just happened?” Chancellor Cinch asked in a fearful tone.

“I think I did something horrible to the portal when I deflected Snap’s magic,” Princess Celestia said.

As citizens, cultists, alicorns, the Chancellor and even the younglings ran to the the back part of the assembly area, an image of a demonic alicorn with white fur, a fire red mane, and dark, orangish eyes appeared at the center of the portal, cackling loudly.

“Who in the world is that?” Chancellor Cinch asked.

“That’s…me,” Princess Celestia said. “Back when I was…Daybreaker.”

As the image of Daybreaker disappeared, magical tethers shot out from the portal, darting right towards the group of younglings at a fast speed.

“LUNA!” Princess Celestia yelled. “DON’T LET IT GRAB THE KIDS!”

Princess Luna jumped right out in front of every youngling and stood tall as the magical tethers flew towards her.

“I don’t know what kind of sick magic this is,” Princess Luna said. “But I will not let it take a single youngling.”

Princess Luna held her horn out and created a shield that surrounded her and the younglings, just as the tethers were about to grab her.

“Do your worst,” Luna shouted.

Suddenly, the tethers pierced right through the shield, detonating the magical ward and knocking Princess Luna down.

“LUNA!” Princess Celestia yelled.

Princess Celestia ran up towards Princess Luna in a hurry, who slowly got herself up. But before she reached her sister, she heard the sound of Wanda screaming in terror.

“Oh no,” Celestia said as she turned to the left.

The magical tethers had wrapped itself around Wanda and Abigail, pulling them towards the portal.

“WANDA!” Celestia yelled.

Princess Celestia ran towards Wanda and Abigail as the tethers pulled them towards the portal.

“MOMMY!” Wanda cried. “SAVE US!”

But before Celestia could grab onto either Wanda or Abigail, another tether flew right at Celestia and hit her hard enough to send her to the ground. She looked up to see Wanda and Abigail being pulled closer to the portal.

“WANDA!” Celestia cried.

But as Princess Celestia reached out, the tether pulled both Wanda and Abigail through the portal. In a flash of light, the portal disappeared without a trace, leaving everyone horrified, even Coldnelius Snap.

“What the cold heck just happened?” One of the cultists asked.

“I had no idea I could do something like that,” Coldnelius Snap said, struggling to catch his breath. “Whatever that was.”

Princess Celestia slowly got up, staring out at the deactivated ground bridge portal, looking like she was on the verge of crying. Princess Luna, having got back up, walked towards her sister, holding the video tablet with Bright Mac on it. Behind them, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Golden Lace stood there in disbelief, not moving a single inch.

“Tell me,” Princess Luna said in grief. “Did they make it through? Are Wanda and Abigail safe in La Maresa?”

Bright Mac took his hat off and placed it against his chest before lowering his head.

“I’m sorry, Princess Luna,” Bright Mac said in a somber tone. “They didn’t make it.”

Princess Celestia, upon hearing those words, broke down into tears.

“WANDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Princess Celestia cried as she thrust her head towards the sky.

To Be Continued in…

Lost in the Past

Author's Note:

This was a moment I've waited a long time coming. And you thought Wanda suffered during the first parts of this saga, she's going to go through a lot more than what she did. And if you can tell what the arc's name is, then you should know where Wanda's heading to.

I also laid down hints of what Wanda's going to confront, and it ain't going to be pretty. But what is to be expected? Stay tuned.

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