• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 22-4: The Making of a Junior Warden

The Making of a Junior Warden

It was evening time in Equestria. Somewhere hiding on a train that was traveling eastward, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse hid away behind a crate and out of sight for the Conductor who was patrolling the cars of the train.

“Too bad this so-called ground bridge portal was not made between La Maresa and Manehattan,” Flam said. “Nor am I willing to go near La Maresa just to go through a portal that leads to Canterlot.”

“You said it,” Flim said. “This is a far more reliable way to travel.”

“Cool your jets, guys,” Hoops said. “We’re here to break into Daisy Joy Tech and cause all sorts of mischief, once we reach Manehattan.”

As the Conductor left the car and shut the door tight, The Scrappies pulled themselves out from behind and watched as his shadow disappeared from the door.

“He’s gone for now,” Rolling Thunder said.

“Good,” Hoops said. “Now we can focus on our anticipation into getting into Daisy Joy Tech.”

“So I take it we’re just gonna trash the place like we did with Coltsom?” Dumbbell asked.

“That’s exactly right,” Hoops said. “Maybe recruit some others who wish to join our cause.”

“Maybe we can get a filly to join this team,” Score said.

“I dunno,” Hoop said. “I mean, sure Wanda is harsh and all. But a filly? Who would be greater than her?”

“I’m surprised that you called her harsh considering that she welcomed us with open arms,” Rolling Thunder said.

“Still,” Hoops said before he flew atop a crate and looked down at his fellow Scrappies. “We’re doing this just to see if we can break Daisy Joy Tech like we did at Coltsom. You guys with me?”

“YEAH!” The rest of the Scrappies chanted.

“Great,” Hoops said. “Now quickly hide again. We may have attracted some unwanted attention.”

Immediately, every member of the Scrappies hid behind crates as the door slowly opened. The Conductor looked inside, searching around the interior of the train car.

“That’s strange,” The Conductor said. “I thought I heard some ponies scream. Oh well. Must have been my imagination.”

As the Conductor closed the door once more, the train continued its way down the tracks towards Manehattan.

Inside the mess hall, every student was licking away at the scraps of food that were on the floors, tables and walls, in total disgust. Especially Sunset Shimmer and her friends, who struggled to lick the food.

“This is an annoyance,” Pinkie Pie said. “All this because someone decided to start a food fight with us.”

“And as a result, everyone gets punished,” Sunset Shimmer said. “What a horrible place this is.”

“It’s not the first time that the headmare did this on purpose,” Misty explained.

“Wait,” Pinkie Pie said. “She did this before?”

“She did,” Gloriosa Daisy said. “Many times just to give us a hard time. Furthermore, her Junior Wardens Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo always snuck in here to start that fight, then choose a student at random to assign blame to and make the rest of us clean this place up without even our hooves.”

“That’s just nasty,” Golden Lace said. “I knew that Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo were despicable. But to resort to that stunt? That is just low.”

“It’s far worse than you can imagine since you’ve left,” Vignette Valencia said as she held Wallflower Blush tight. “Ever since Warden Steel Bolt came to this school, he turned it into a prison. One far worse than any of the prisons I’ve read about.”

“And he has the audacity to treat us like this?” Twilight said.

“He does,” Vignette Valencia said. “In fact, he doesn’t just rule with an iron hoof. He also rules with a sadistic tone, taking joy in the emotional harm of colts and fillies in this wretched place.”

“And here’s the worst part,” Misty said. “Some of the students here didn’t come here because of their parents. They were taken from their parents like a student named Lightning Dust, who came from the far north.”

“That’s horrible,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Why would they do something like that?”

“It’s how they operate,” Misty said. “I also got wind that Gold Banks wants to implement ‘Operation Daisy Joy.’ A program meant to enroll every youngling to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“That explains why Gold Banks wanted to force Wanda to attend Daisy Joy Tech,” Twilight said. “And now, she wants to make every colt and filly in Equestria to attend this horrible school?”

Suddenly, the doors opened wide as Officer Blue Heat walked in with a few guards next to him. When the doors closed behind him, Blue Heat marched with the guards towards Sunset Shimmer and the other younglings.

“We’re here to take two of you to Ms. Honey Twist to begin training Princess Wanda into the new Junior Warden,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“Junior Warden?” Sunset Shimmer shouted. “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh you’ll see,” Officer Blue Heat replied. “And I know two ponies who would be perfect to make sure she gets the job.”

Officer Blue Heat signaled to his companions as they reached over and pulled Starlight Glimmer and Misty Brightdawn from the group.

“HEEEEELP!” Starlight yelled.

Sunset Shimmer tried to reach out , only for a guard to push her back.

“Get back, slime,” the guard shouted. “And know your place.”

Starlight and Misty yelled in fear as the guards carried them down towards the door. Another pair of guards opened it up before the first set carried a screaming Starlight and Misty out with Blue Heat following from behind.

“I hope you’ll get to meet the new Princess Wanda Young,” Blue Heat laughed. “Because you won’t even recognize her when she becomes one of us.”

As Blue Heat laughed out loud, he walked outside of the mess hall before the two guards shut it tight, leaving everyone inside.

“Starlight…Misty…Wanda,” Sunset said, helplessly.

“Guys,” Pinkie Pie said. “We’re gonna need a major miracle to get out of this mess.”

Later that evening, Wanda Young continued to hover over Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo as they continued to scrub every dish in the corner. While Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust continued to scrub the pots and pans, their eyes were focused on the agitated Wanda.

“Wanda, are you sure about doing this?” Adagio asked. “I know they were scum for taking up this job. But I think you’re going too far with this.”

“I am,” Wanda said. “They had the audacity to get me in trouble for something I didn’t do, and they want a form of sympathy? I’m not in the mood to be sympathetic, just yet.”

“Sadly, she’s right,” Lightning Dust said. “Wanda was betrayed by these two and her bitterness shows. Right now, we should just let her be for the moment.”

Suddenly, the door opened up as Warden Steel Bolt came down with a couple of guards by his side, catching everyone’s attention, except Wanda.

“Warden,” Marcie Pan said.

“Stay,” Wanda shouted before Marcie Pan could get up.

Wanda slowly shifted her eyes towards the Warden, who walked up to her.

“You, come with me,” Warden Steel Bolt said, pointing to Wanda.

“But I’m not done punishing these two,” Wanda said.

“You’ll get your chance, once I make you the new Junior Warden,” Warden Steel Bolt laughed.

With that, the guards grabbed Wanda and pulled her away from Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo. Wanda yelled and screamed loudly as Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo held each other close.

“What’s this new Junior Warden thing all about?” Adagio Dazzle asked as the guards took Wanda out.

“We’ve been observing her behavior since locking her in here with those two failures,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “In fact, I think she would make for a pretty convincing Junior Warden.”

“You’re sick,” Adagio Dazzle said.

“Well what can I say,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “Anyway, enjoy the night in here before we escort you four to your cells.”

Warden Steel Bolt laughed as he walked out of the room, leaving Marcie Pan, Fawn Doo, Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust behind.

“NOOOOOO!” Fawn Doo said. “Don’t leave us without her.”

Fawn Doo ran up to the door and pounded on it many times in frustration, much to the shock of Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust.

“What do you mean by that?” Lightning Dust asked.

“We’ve gotten used to her commanding us, that it feels empty without her,” Marcie Pan explained.

“For a pair of ponies who were making our lives miserable,” Lightning Dust said, “I do find it partially satisfying to see you both brought down and humbled.”

“So what does the other part of you say?” Marcie Pan asked.

“That seeing you both brought down is far more disturbing than it is satisfying,” Lighting Dust said.

Meanwhile, in the main hall of the Daisy Joy Tech guard quarters, Ms. Honey Twist stood there waiting patiently. Despite the long hours, her smile has not left her.

“I can almost taste the anticipation,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “To turn Princess Celestia’s little chimpanzee into a prime example of harshness and cruelty. Oh this will be so much fun.”

Immediately, the door opened as Warden Steel Bolt walked in with two guards bringiing in Wanda. The door shut behind them as the guards placed Wanda down before Ms. Honey Twist walked up to her.

“Princess Wanda,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “So good of you to join us, tonight.”

“What do you want,” Wanda said, getting up on her two legs.

“I’ve been observing you since you were taken to detention,” Ms Honey Twist said, getting into Wanda’s face. “And I’ve noticed you were extremely harsh on my former Junior Wardens.”

“After what they did to me, they deserve it,” Wanda scowled. “I don’t like being doubled-crossed like that, even if you decided to toss them away for your own amusement. Now take me back. I’m not done punishing them, yet.”

“Very impressive,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “And you’ll get your chance soon. But I had Warden Steel Bolt bring you here because we wish to make you a deal you can’t refuse.”

“What do you mean by that?” Wanda said.

Ms. Honey Twist took a few steps back before turning to Wanda.

“Why, I want you to be my new Junior Warden,” Ms. Honey Twist said.

Wanda paused for a moment with her jaw hanging out.

“Why would I want to be like that?” Wanda yelled.

“Because I know of your true potential, unlike what that stupid chancellor saw in you,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “You hold yourself back, and yet you prove to me that you’re capable of cruelty, of power, and of order. Become our new Junior Warden, and make those colts and fillies learn a lesson they will never forget.”


Ms. Honey Twist laughed loudly as she circled around Princess Wanda Young, much to Wanda’s anger.

“I knew you would say something like that,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “Therefore, I am proposing an offer you can’t refuse.”

With a stomp from Ms. Honey Twist’s hoof, a guard walked up to a nearby wall and pressed the button. The walls pulled itself upwards, revealing a seeing glass with two separate cells. Starlight Glimmer was in the leftmost cell while Misty Brightdawn was in the rightmost cell.

“STARLIGHT! MISTY!” Wanda yelled in fear.

“Wanda, I’m scared,” Starlight screamed as she tried to scratch at the glass with her hoof.

“What have they done to you?” Misty said.

“Do you see now, my precious?” Ms. Honey Twist said. “You have no other choice. Either take up my offer of becoming my new Junior Warden, and become the monster you were meant to be.”

“And what if I don’t want to?” Wanda yelled, furiously, at Ms. Honey Twist.

“Then allow me to show you a demonstration if you don’t,” Ms. Honey Twist said, signaling to the guard.

The guard pressed two separate buttons below the main panel, much to the horror of Wanda, Misty and Starlight. Two orbs hovered over each pony, much to their own fear.

“What’s going on?” Starlight asked.

“It’s worse than you realize,” Misty explained. “She’s gonna torture our emotions.”

Suddenly, powerful waves emitted from the orbs, piercing through both fillies’ heads. They collapsed onto the ground, screaming in agony.

“MOTHER! BROTHER!” Misty screamed. “DON’T LEAVE ME!”


As both Starlight Glimmer and Misty Brightdawn suffered thanks to the orbs, Wanda stood there, emotionless while both Ms. Honey Twist and Warden Steel Bolt smiled with glee.

“As you can see, your friends are helpless,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “But I will only turn it off if you agree to be Warden Steel Bolt’s new Junior Warden.”

“So what will it be?” Warden Steel Bolt said. “Join with me and become cruel and vicious? Or allow your friends to be tortured? The choice is yours.”

Wanda stood helplessly as she saw Starlight and Misty wince in pain. She tried holding back her tears as much as she could, struggling to keep the pressure in her head. But all of it was going through her head, and it was only a matter of time before it all came out.


“Good girl,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “I knew you would see things our way.”

“Turn off the device” Warden Steel Bolt commanded.

The guard pressed the two buttons again, causing the orbs to disable before retracting back into the ceiling. Misty and Starlight slowly got up as they saw Wanda look up at them with shame in her eyes.

“I’m….sorry,” Wanda cried. “I tried to refuse, but I didn’t want you two to suffer.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “After all, they’ll be fine, and so will you.”

“Take them back to their cells,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “They’ve earned their respite.”

Ms. Honey Twist led Wanda Young down the halls while Warden Steel Bolt opened the glass panels up so that his guards could pull the weakened Starlight Glimmer and Misty Brightdawn out.

“Are they going to be alright?” Wanda cried.

“They will,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “As long as you’re cruel and merciless, I will ensure that they will be fine.”

Later that night, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo were scrubbing down the dishes while Lightning Dust and Adagio Dazzle wiped the sweat off their foreheads next to a clean kettle.

“Whew,” Adagio Dazzle said. “Call me crazy, but I would rather be here than to humiliate myself with another test.”

“Agreed,” Lightning Dust said. “In fact, I don’t mind it at all.”

“Why’s that?” Adagio Dazzle asked.

“Makes it a lot easier to cool off,” Lightning Dust said. “The tests and the slop we have to eat is the last thing on my mind.”

“Well at least it can’t get any worse than that.”

Suddenly, the door opened, causing all four ponies to turn their attention in that direction. But when a shadow emerged from the doorway, everyone was horrified.

“Wanda,” Adagio Dazzle said. “Is that you?”

Wanda Young stepped forward towards the group. But instead of the dress she was wearing, Wanda now wore a gray button-down shirt, dark gray pants, black boots, a black necktie and a peaked cap. Her eyes were glowing red and her expression was no longer of innocence. She marched over to Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo with a sinister smile on her face.

“Wanda,” Adagio Dazzle said. “What are you doing?”

Wanda pulled out a handheld blaster and pointed it at Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, causing the duo to hold each other in fear.

“We know what that is,” Marcie Pan said, shivering in fear. “That’s a supersonic blaster.”

“A what?” Adagio Dazzle asked.

“You heard what this fool said,” Wanda said in a sinister tone. “It’s a supersonic blaster, and it’s used for one thing: THIS!”

Wanda pulled the trigger on the blaster, causing supersonic waves to emit from the barrel. Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo held their ears down as they fell to the ground and screamed in pain.


But as Wanda tortured the two ponies with the blaster, Warden Steel Bolt emerged from the entrance, looking satisfied. Lighting Dust turned towards the warden, furious.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?” Lightning Dust yelled.

“Why, we made her see the error of her way,” Warden Steel Bolt said. “And we asked her to pay back two former Junior Wardens for treating her like dirt. That happens to be a miniature version of our special device that creates supersonic waves meant to magnify either bad memories or their worst nightmares.”

“That’s despicable,” Adagio Dazzle yelled.

“Flatter will get you nowhere,” Warden Steel Bolt said.

Warden Steel Bolt signaled to Wanda, who smiled back at her new supervisor and shut off her handheld supersonic blaster. She walked up to the Warden before turning back to Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust.

“Guess the score’s been settled,” Wanda smirked. “I’ll see you clowns tomorrow.”

As Wanda laughed alongside Steel Bolt, the two walked out of the room and slammed the door before locking it tight. Lightning Dust and Adagio Dazzle ran up to Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, who looked weak and on the verge of tears.

“What did they do to you?” Lightning Dust asked.

“They put some images into my mind,” Marcie Pan cried. “It was as if my parents were dying in front of me.”

“We wanted it to stop,” Fawn Doo said. “But she tortured us horribly.”

Lightning Dust turned to Adagio Dazzle and said “I don’t know what Ms. Honey Twist did to your friend, but I’m afraid she’s gone for good.”

“This….this can’t be,” Adagio Dazzle said. “She couldn’t have fallen that easily.”

But in the mess hall, everyone looked exhausted and worn out with some of them sticking their tongues out. The walls, the floors and the tables were cleaned off, but the morale of everyone was at an all time low.

“Uggh, I don’t want to lick a surface ever again,” Pinkie Pie complained.

“I’m with you on that,” Sunset Shimmer said. “This was the worst thing I have ever done.”

“I thought they were cruel when we stayed here before,” Juniper Montage said. “But this is far worse than we imagined.”

Immediately, the doors slammed open as a number of guards surrounded the students, forcing them to get up, despite their tiredness.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked. “Why are we being picked up?”

But when Sunset Shimmer turned to the front, her jaw dropped down in horror.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “What did they do to you?”

In front of the door, Wanda Young marched through the mess hall towards her friends, twirling her supersonic blaster in her hand. She stood over Sunset Shimmer, still in total shock.

“Do you like the new me?” Wanda asked.

“No,” Sunset said. “No I don’t. What did they do to you for Celestia’s sake?”

“They took away the one weakness that held me back,” Wanda said with a sinister glee. “And they made me a complete monster.”

“No,” Golden Lace said. “That’s not true.”

“I thought you originally wanted cruelty, Lace,” Wanda said. “You really disappoint your own mother.”

“Wanda, you snap out of it this instant,” Golden Lace said.

“I’m sorry,” Wanda said. “But the old Wanda is dead, and the new Wanda has taken her place.”

Wanda turned to the guards and said “Take them to their cells. They’ll spend the entire day tomorrow locked in there as a lesson for starting a food fight.”

“Yes, Junior Warden Wanda,” The guards saluted.

One by one, each of the guards grabbed the students and took them out of the mess hall. Wanda looked down at Sunset Shimmer as the guards grabbed Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia, and Gloriosa Daisy before taking them away.

“Mother is going to be disappointed in you,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Let her,” Wanda said, forcing Sunset Shimmer up. “Actually, tell her that the daughter she knew is dead, and I will no longer call her mommy.”

With that, Wanda led Sunset Shimmer out of the mess hall before the doors shut behind her, completely.

But at the train station in Manehattan in the early morning, the Scrappies snuck out of the train car and onto the pavement. They ran off from the train and towards the streets of Manehattan, looking around.

“So,” Dumbbell asked. “Do you know where Daisy Joy Tech would be?”

“No clue,” Hoops said. “But I recall it looked like a giant building.”

“Allow me to pinpoint its location,” Flim said, pulling out a video phone.

Flim touched the screen with his hoof many times while inputting “Daisy Joy Tech” onto the prompt. A map of Manehattan popped up, pointing to a location that is ten miles away.

“Bingo,” Flim said. “That’s where we’re heading to.”

“Great,” Hoops said. “Come on, boys. Let’s go crash the party.”

With that, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse walked down the street towards Daisy Joy Tech. But meanwhile, Prince Blueblood was watching the whole thing unfold.

“Daisy Joy Tech, huh?” Prince Blueblood said. “I’d like to see why those delinquents are heading there.”

Prince Blueblood follow the Scrappies from behind as the sun began to rise in the east.

To Be Continued in…

Break-In at Daisy Joy Tech

Author's Note:

This was something that I didn't think about until I started writing this part: The idea of Wanda's dark side coming out because of what Ms. Honey Twist did to her. I didn't write the exact details on how she became evil because I think it would have been too disturbing to say the least.

How will this play out? The next two parts will talk more about this new Dark Side form of Wanda.

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