• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 23-4: March of the Gold Bankers

March of the Gold Bankers

In the Living Quarters of the palace, everyone nervously sat down in front of the tv screen as they saw a number of Gold Bankers surround the entrance to Canterlot. Starlight held onto her parents Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer. Wanda, Abigail, Sunset and Misty sat on the sofa, glued to the screen in horror. Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow and the Dazzlings sat on the floor next to Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell. Twilight Sparkle sat next to Spike, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, the latter of which had his legs attached to his personal wheelchair. To the left of the couch were Canter Zoom, Silver Banks, Juniper Montage and Golden Lace, while Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch, Vignette Valencia, Wallflower Blush and Gloriosa Daisy stood at the opposite end of the couch.

“What do you think they’re going to do?” Starlight Glimmer asked.

“I don’t know,” Firelight said. “Even compared to the Grand Gallopin Gala, I’ve never seen the Capital this under siege.”

“One moment I was worried about my parents and sister,” Danged Spell said. “Now I’m in fear of my own life.”

“Shhh,” Shining Armor shushed. “We’re about to hear what’s going on down there.”

As everyone stood seated in front of the television, the crowd of Gold Bankers stood in front of the gate with a huge gathering of guards standing in front. High Commander Thompson stepped forward, holding his shield up high before pulling out a bullhorn.

“This is your last warning,” High Commander Thompson shouted into the mic. “Step away from the entrance to Canterlot.”

“Your command means nothing to us,” A Gold Banker shouted. “The fact that you stand with those tyrants Princess Celestia and Princess Luna makes you guilty in our eyes. And for that, you must be punished.”

The guards only had enough time to create a makeshift barricade with their shields as the Gold Bankers charged them. The guards pushed back as hard as they could as the Gold Bankers continued to shove back.

Suddenly, some of the Gold Bankers leaped into the air and landed on the other side, catching the guards by surprise. Before they could turn around, the stray Gold Bankers immediately raised their hooves into the air and slammed them down on the ground.

In an instant, rocks emerged from below the guards, knocking them out of the way. High Commander Thompson was knocked out of the way before he landed onto the grass near the city entrance.

Back in the Palace’s Living Quarters, everyone in the room was horrified at the guards getting knocked out by the Gold Bankers’ use of magic. Danged Spell backed himself into a corner, scared half-to-death.

“Oh my goodness,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“I forgot they could do that,” Shining Armor said.

“This is more dangerous than we realize,” Twilight Velvet said. “If they break through the gates to the castle, we’re all done for.”

“We’ve gotta do something, and fast,” Princess Cadance said.

“There’s another perimeter of guards stationed outside of the castle,” Shining Armor said as he walked towards the doorway. “They’re the last defense against the crazed mob. Get everyone to the Golden Land, and hurry.”

“You’re out of your mind if you’re going to go out there and try to hold them off,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Better than staying in here and acting like a sitting duck,” Shining Armor said.

Immediately, Shining Armor ran out the doorway and down the halls of the palace, leaving everyone else behind. Chancellor Cinch turned towards Princess Cadance as Shining Armor disappeared from sight.

“Go with him,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’ll guide the others to the Golden Land.”

“Will they be alright?” Princess Cadance asked.

“They will,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’m not going to let those ruffians take them away.”

Princess Cadance nodded before she ran down the hallway after Shining Armor. Chancellor Cinch immediately turned towards everyone in the Living Quarters of the castle.

“Everyone,” Chancellor Cinch announced, catching everyone’s attention. “We need to get you to the ground bridge portal leading to the Golden Land, this instant. Follow me.”

As Cinch turned tail and ran out the door, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Misty Brightdawn, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Juniper Montage, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Vignette Valencia, Gloriosa Daisy, Wallflower Blush, Canter Zoom, Silver Banks, Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer ran out the doorway, following Chancellor Cinch down the hall.

“I don’t like what those meanies are up to,” Pinkie Pie said.

“You and me both,” Cozy Glow agreed.

“Just keep running,” Sunset Shimmer explained. “The sooner we get to the Golden Land, the better.”

Meanwhile, the Gold Bankers have made their way into the city of Canterlot as the citizens closed their doors and boarded up their windows.

“Cowards,” One of the maniacs yelled. “The lot of them. What they need is a harsh lesson on ”

“Don’t worry about them,” Another one shouted. “Direct your attention to the Magistrate’s manor and the Castle. We’ll teach them not to disrespect us.”

As the majority of the mob made their way towards Canterlot Castle, a small group broke off and made their way towards Magistrate Creme Dream’s manor, located near the Senate Building.

Inside, Magistrate Creme Dream looked out the window, remaining calm as the Gold Bankers made their way to her mansion.

“Mother,” Majesty said, hiding behind Creme Dream. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, just seeing what kind of temper tantrum Gold Banks is up to.,” Creme Dream said as she took a sip of tea. She turned to her daughter and said “Do me a favor and head to the basement. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

“What are you going to do, mother?” Majesty asked.

Creme Dream cracked a wide, devilish smile before she said “I’m going to teach those hooligans not to mess with the real villain of Equestria.”

Majesty nodded before she took off towards the doorway, leaving Magistrate Creme Dream to stare down her would-be attackers, charging up the magic within her horn.

“That’s right you fools,” Creme Dream laughed. “Come closer and I’ll show you who’s really in charge.”

Magistrate Creme Dream took a few steps back before the Gold Bankers crashed through the window, aiming to grab the alicorn. But with a swing of her head, Creme Dream fired off a gigantic salvo of magic at the incoming foes. On impact, the magic exploded, sending them flying out the window and onto the pavement. Creme Dream looked out the window and smiled with glee before she made her way towards the front door.

“Typical delinquent behavior,” Creme Dream laughed as she opened the front door and walked out towards the Gold Banks supporters, all while they struggled to get back up.

“You wanna talk about that kind of trash again?” One of the mob members said as he stood up against Creme Dream. “Come on. I’ll make you pay for treating Gold Banks like trash.”

“Oh please,” Creme Dream said. “A proper pony would go through the front door. But then again, to call you improper would be a complement.”

“What did you say?” The Gold Banker snarled, looking like he’s about to crush a rock with his hoof.

“Face it,” Creme Dream said. “You’re nothing more than a nobody clinging onto an outdated ideology, thinking that throwing a temper tantrum will get you everything in life. I’d say the only thing you’re good for is garbage. But even garbage has higher standards compared to you.”

In a furious anger, the Gold Bank supporter yelled out “SHUT UP!” before he smashed his hooves into the ground. Creme Dream looked down and jumped out of the way before a rock formation emerged from the ground and extended upwards into the air. Creme Dream just looked up at the newly-formed mountain before yawning.

“That’s your best shot?” Creme Dream said. “How pathetic.”

As soon as the other crazed maniacs got up on their four hooves, they joined the central Gold Banker in charging towards Creme Dream, all while the devious alicorn charged up her horn.

“Mob mentality,” Creme Dream said. “So easy to swat aside.”

Meanwhile, at the gates leading to the castle, Shining Armor ran up to the guards, who stood firm in holding back the mob of rabble rousers. Though despite their will, they started to tire.

“It looks like they’re having some problems with the mob,” Shining Armor said to himself. “Maybe they could use my help.”

But as Shining Armor approached the guards, one member of the crowd jumped towards the soldiers and slammed his hooves into the ground. A tower of rock emerged from the ground, knocking the guards to the side. Shining Armor quickly came to a stop as two of the guards landed near him.

“What happened?” Shining Armor asked.

“The Gold Bankers are getting more prevalent by shaking the earth under our hooves,” The guard said as he slowly got up. “At this rate, they’re going to take down the front gate to the castle.”

Shining Armor turned towards the gate, where the Gold Bankers were pushing as hard as possible in an attempt to knock the gate open.

“Wait here,” Shining Armor said. “I’ll hold them back.”

“Hold on,” the guard shouted as Shining Armor took off for the gateway. “They’re too much.”

But Shining Armor paid no attention to the guard as he ran up to the crazed rabble rousers, who were hitting on the steel gate as hard as possible.

“You stay away from my friends and family,” Shining Armor yelled while charging up his horn.

With a powerful flash, Shining Armor’s horn blinded the Gold Bankers, causing them to stumble away from the gate as they covered their eyes in pain.

“That should do it,” Shining Armor said. “Now to wrap this up.”

But just then, someone yelled out “Shining. I’ve come to help.” Shining Armor turned around to see Princess Cadance fly down to him.

“Caddy,” Shining Armor said. “What are you doing here?”

“Pitching in since an alicorn can hold them back,” Princess Cadance explained.

“Then any chance you can hold them down?” Shining Armor asked. “I was able to blind them with a flash spell.”

Princess Cadance walked over to the gate and said “If these earth ponies are capable of causing the whole earth to move with their magic, then so can I.”

Princess Cadance raised her front hooves into the air before she slammed them down onto the ground. Vines popped up from below the pavement and grabbed onto the horde of Gold Bankers, pinning them down.

“Perfect.” Princess Cadance said. “That should hold them down.”

As the guards got up, they held their spears and shields out towards the trapped mob, who struggled to break loose.

“Hold it right there,” One of the guards said, pointing his spear at the Gold Bankers. “You’re all under arrest for intrusion and disturbing the peace.”

One Gold Banker looked up at the guards and struggled to lift his hoof into the air before he said “Arrest this.”

As the vines held back his arm, the rabble rouser pushed his hoof downward to the ground, until he was able to tap it barely. Immediately, the ground shook beneath the crowd and the guards, the latter of which began to back off.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Shining Armor said, nervously.

WIth a large quake, the rocks formed beneath the mad crowd, cutting the vines off from their arms and legs. The Gold Bankers got up and turned their attention towards the gate.

“This isn’t good,” Princess Cadance said. “They’re going to tear down the gate.”

Ten of the Gold Bankers walked up to the gate leading into the castle grounds before raising their hooves in the air before slamming them on the ground. The ground beneath the gate shook violently before Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and the Royal Guards ran back towards the palace.

“RUN FOR IT!” Princess Cadance yelled.

And with that, a giant slab of rock popped from beneath the ground, knocking the gate into the air before it landed in the bushes. The Gold Bankers all cheered before they gave chase to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.

“They’ve made it through,” Shining Armor yelled. “Get inside the castle. Our best bet is to get to the Golden Land.”

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Chancellor Cinch led Princess Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, their friends and relatives down towards the vault of the castle in a hurry. Night Light hovered in the air with his magic, keeping his wheelchair off the stairs, all while Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Velvet ran alongside him.

“How are you doing, daddy?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“I’ll be fine,” Night Light said. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

“If you wear yourself out, I can take over for you,” Twilight Velvet said.

“Keep running, everyone,” Chancellor Cinch said. “There’s a certain someone who will greet us at the Golden Land.”

“Are you really sure we’ll be safe in the Golden Land?” Wallflower Blush asked.

“We will,” Juniper Montage said. “I’ve seen it before and it’s as wondrous as the eye can see.”

“I’ve also been in the Golden Land before,” Misty Brightdawn said. “And it’s exactly as Juniper stated.”

“Keep your eyes focused until we reach the portal to the land,” Adagio Dazzle yelled. “The sooner we get there, the better.”

“Easy for you to say when we have the wrath of Gold Banks’ own followers chasing after us,” Aria Blaze shouted.

“As long as they can hold them back for as long as possible,” Sunset Shimmer explained, “Then we can make it to the Golden Land and seal off the path until it’s all clear.”

But as everyone made it to the vault, they surprisingly came to a stop. In front of the group were a number of Gold Bankers who stood in front of them, along with holes on the side of the walls indicating a break-in.

“How?” Wanda said, surprised. “How did they do it?”

As the Gold Bankers marched towards the group, the one in front said “Oh we just discovered the destructive nature of our own magic. Not only can we create rocks sprouting out from the ground, but we can also cause parts of the earth to open up and give us a way. And if you want to know how we found out where you would be going, you can thank Gold Banks for showing us the way.”

“How dare you bring that name up!” Silver Banks shouted. “She does not deserve to be called a Banks after the stunts she pulled in the last week! I hope my divorce sends a message not to cross that line.”

“She’s far more of a Banks than you’ll ever be, you old coot,” The Gold Banker said. “You aren’t worthy of having that name.”

Angered, Silver Banks reached out at the Gold Banker, only to be held back by Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer. Silver struggled to push himself through the two adults.

“Let me at him,” Silver Banks yelled.

“It’s not worth it,” Firelight Glimmer said. “Don’t let him get under your fur.”

“That’s right you idiot,” Another Gold Banker said. “Come and try to attack us. We’ll make sure Gold Banks is the only one with the Banks surname left.”

As Silver Banks came to a stop, haunted by the Gold Banker’s words, Chancellor Cinch turned to the others and shouted “Our path forward has been blocked. Back the other way.”

Immediately, everyone turned tail and ran back up the staircase, all while the Gold Bankers chased after them in pursuit. As they ran up the stairs, some of them looked behind to see the crazed mob gain ground, especially Silver Banks..

“I should have slugged him for taunting my last name,” Silver Banks said. “But you’re right. It wasn’t worth it.”

“What matters is that we all make it out alive,” Firelight Glimmer said. “But don’t you worry. We’ll make sure your former wife is punished for her crimes.”

“Keep your eyes turned towards the front,” Pinkie Pie yelled. “We don’t want to imagine them catching up to us.”

“Well how are we going to get out of this mess?” Starlight screamed.

“If the front gates and the path to the Golden Land are blocked off,” Chancellor Cinch explained as she ran up the staircase, “Then we may have to head to the top of the tower and hope the Wonderbolts are nearby.”

Chancellor Cinch pulled out her video phone and tapped frantically as the entire group ran as fast as possible up the staircase.

“Captain Airazor,” Cinch said. “This is the Chancellor. We need you to take a number of Wonderbolts and head to the top of Canterlot Castle on the balcony leading into Princess Celestia’s bedroom, this instant. Code Red.”

As Cinch spoke on the video phone, everyone emerged from the staircase and ran down the hallway in a run for their life. Night Light released his hold on himself as his wheelchair landed on the surface of the floor, speeding down the hallway next to his wife and his daughter with Spike atop her back.

“We were so close to the Golden Land,” Juniper Montage said. “And now we’re trying to get away from those mad ponies.”

“Just keep running,” Sunset said. “The sooner we make our escape, the better.”

But as the group ran towards the staircase, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance ran up from a nearby hallway, joining them.

“Shining, Cadance,” Twilight Sparkle said. “What happened?”

“They broke through the front gate,” Shining Armor said. “I don’t know what they have, but they’re stronger than an ordinary Earth Pony.”

“They also cut off our route to the Golden Land,” Twilight Sparkle explained. “We’re making our escape to Princess Celestia’s bedroom and the balcony.”

“How did they know about the location?” Princess Cadance asked.

“I don’t know,” Twilight Sparkle said. “But they seem to be smarter than we make them out to be.”

“Who cares if they’re intelligent or not,” Danged Spell yelled. “Just keep running. We’re sure to get out safely.”

As the group reached the top of the stairs, they ran down the hallway as fast as possible. Some of them looked to the side and saw Gold Bankers emerge from the windows and enter through the bedrooms.

“Okay,” Sunset said. “Now they’re just showing off.”

“What I want to know is how they were able to get that powerful,” Cozy Glow said. “I don’t recall Earth Ponies having that much potential to reshape the land how they like.”

“Neither do I,” Pinkie Pie said. “Even I don’t know how to reshape the land like that, and neither does my mom and dad.”

“I wish we knew what kind of power they have,” Wanda said.

Meanwhile, at the balcony of the castle leading into Princess Celestia’s room, a flock of Wonderbolts landed nearby with four of them pulling an emergency carriage. Captain Airazor landed next to the carriage before opening the door leading into Celestia’s bedroom with Magnum landing near the edge.

“This is where we’re supposed to meet with Chancellor Cinch and the other evacuees,” Captain Airazor said. “All we can do now is wait for them.”

“We’re also here in case that crazy crowd of ponies try anything,” Magnum said as he observed the madness down below.

“Good,” Captain Airazor replied. “Never hurts to have an eye out for trouble.”

But in a flash, the door to Celestia’s bedroom opened up as Chancellor Cinch led the rest of the group towards the doorway leading to the balcony. Captain Airazor opened up the balcony door as Wanda along with the other colts and fillies emerged.

“You’ve made it on time,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Like you said, there’s no time to waste,” Captain Airazor said.

“Then get everyone on board the carriage,” Chancellor Cinch said. “The sooner we’re all inside, the better.”

Captain Airazor nodded before she signaled to the other Wonderbolts, who opened the carriage door. Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Starlight, Twilight, Spike, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell were the first to jump inside the giant coach.

“Thank goodness we’re almost out of that nightmare,” Sunburst said as he began to fasten his seatbelt.

“I’ll agree,” Moondancer said, breathing a sigh of relief. “After today, I dunno how safe I’ll ever be again.”

“Let’s wait for the others to climb in before we’re out of the woods,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Who knows what else would happen.”

Suddenly, they heard Magnum yell out “GET OUT OF THE CARRIAGE, NOW! THEY’RE SENDING A BIG ONE AT US!” Without hesitation, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Spike and Abigail unfastened their seat belts and ran out of the carriage in a hurry.

“What’s going on?” Danged Spell yelled. “A big one?”

As they all ran out, the younglings saw the pegasi unfasten themselves from the harness before they ran into Celestia’s bedroom. Inside, Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage, Misty Brightdawn, Vignette Valencia, Wallflower Blush, Gloriosa Daisy, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker Glimmer, Canter Zoom, Silver Banks, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch backed themselves into a corner while everyone else ran inside.

“What’s this about having to get out of the carriage?” Wanda asked.

Magnum pointed to the carriage and said “See for yourselves.”

The platform beneath the carriage shook violently before a giant jagged mountainous rock pierced through the balcony, impaling the carriage violently. Everyone stood there, shocked at the sight of the rock formation.

“What in Celestia’s name?” Captain Airazor said. “How did they do that?”

“Honestly, I can’t seem to figure it out,” Chancellor Cinch said.

The carriage wreckage teetered to the other side before it fell off the newly formed jagged rock foundation, free falling downward until it crashed right on the ground, shattering into a number of pieces. Captain Airazor, Magnum and some of the Wonderbolts ran up to the balcony to see what’s left of the carriage.

“This has become far worse than we could imagine,” Airazor said. “We’ll have to get them out one at a time.”

Suddenly, vines sprouted up from below the balcony, covering the platform up as Gold Bankers landed on the surface. The moment the vines covered the balcony, no light could pierce through. Captain Airazor, Magnum, and the Wonderbolts backed up as the Gold Bankers advanced towards them.

“Get back,” Airazor said. “You will do them no harm.”

Airazor and the other Wonderbolts jumped up before flapping their wings at the Gold Bankers, creating powerful gusts of wind in an attempt to blow them back. But some of the vines reached out and hit the Wonderbolt crew, knocking them into the windows and door leading inside and shattering them to pieces.

“CAPTAIN!” Princess Cadance yelled.

Captain Airazor barely got up as the other maniacs made their approach to them. The other Wonderbolts backed up towards the group as Airazor stood her ground. But just then, Princess Cadance ran up to Airazor.

“Captain,” Cadance yelled. “I’ll take it from here.”

“Princess no,” Airazor begged. “It’s too dangerous.”

Princess Cadance charged up her horn and fired off a blast of magic at the crazed crowd. But the same vines shot out and shielded the Gold Bankers before the magic blast made impact, dissipating completely on the plant, and leaving Cadance horrified.

“I don’t get it,” Princess Cadance said. “What happened?”

As Princess Cadance, Captain Airazor, Magnum and the other Wonderbolts backed up towards Celestia’s bed, the other Gold Bankers smashed their way through the front door before approaching the group, who was now surrounded in a corner. Firelight and Starseeker held onto Starlight Glimmer. Juniper held onto Canter Zoom. Wanda held Abigail in her arms. The Dazzlings looked horrified. Even Cozy Glow and Golden Lace held onto each other.

“Well well well,” One of the Gold Bankers taunted. “Nowhere to run and no place to hide.”

“You have no right to take us away,” Misty Brightdawn yelled. “Nor do you have the right to separate us from our loved ones.”

“We beg to differ,” Another Gold Banker said. “The parents are what lead the colts and fillies to act like juvenile delinquents. Gold Banks will make sure that every youngling in Equestria is taken away and disciplined into good little peons they’re supposed to be. FOR THE GOLDEN REVOLTION!”

As the Gold Bankers made their way to the group, Chancellor Cinch held onto Wanda tightly.

“Miss Cinch,” Wanda said. “How are we going to get out of this mess?”

Chancellor Cinch looked at the approaching mob and said “Honestly, Man’s Cub. I have no idea on what to do now.”

“Curse you, Gold,” Silver Banks said quietly as a tear fell from his eye. “Curse you for putting us through this mess. I hope it was worth it to you.”

To Be Continued in…

Unexpected Heroes

Author's Note:

Okay. March is a rather big understatement. But as you can tell, Wanda and her friends at the castle are in big trouble. This serves as a sneak peak of what the finale will bring.

If I unintentionally left anyone out, let me know.

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