• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 2-2: The Only Students Left

The Only Students Left

As the school bell rang once more, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Majesty were already waiting in their seats, with Abigail and Spike also occupying a pair of empty desks. In the back, a number of desks were stacked up, indicating the younglings who once occupied this room.

“Man,” Moondancer said. “I knew the school felt a little empty. But this is saying a whole lot.”

“I’m at a loss for words,” Danged Spell said. “In fact, I don’t think I can come up with a pun to describe the atmosphere in the air.”

“We were told that a number of students were pulled from class,” Sunburst said. “But at the same time, it does feel odd to be the only students left in this school.”

“Oh don’t feel like you’re unimportant,” Majesty said, causing everyone to turn their attention to the alicorn. “After all, you all are Princess Celestia’s special students.”

“Special students?” Moondancer said in an unnerved tone. “Excuse me? I don’t see anything in that title.”

“You’re selling yourselves short,” Majesty said as she got up from her desk and walked over to Moondancer. “That's considering the fact that you all faced down the Windigo’s Guild at the Ponyville Providence Fair, fought against Gold Banks’ goons at the Canterlot Hospital, and drove off both the guild and Queen Chrysalis’ changelings during the Grand Gallopin Gala. That’s what makes you special.”

“I don’t know if I should feel proud or disturbed by that statement,” Danged Spell said in an uneasy tone.

Immediately, Starlight jumped out of her seat and ran up to the door. She levitated a stool next to her and got up on it before looking out the window. Her face beamed before she turned her attention towards the class.

“Hey guys,” Starlight said, catching everyone’s attention. “You’ll never guess who’s coming this way.”

Immediately, Starlight jumped off the stool before levitating it out of the way. She ran back to her seat, just as the door opened.

“Well at least class is finally about to start,” Twilight said, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

Behind the unicorn, Abigail and Spike jumped in the air, yelling out “YAAAY!”

The door opened wide as everyone inside waited with anticipation. But as the door finally came open, Wanda and Sunset’s faces popped wide over in total shock.

“Sis…sister?” Wanda and Sunset said as Princess Cadance walked on in.

“Hello class,” Princess Cadance said. “I know you’re expecting my mother to be teaching today, and myself to be taking another class. But due to a number of teachers being laid off, I was asked to fill in for her as the new teacher.”

“New Teacher?” Danged Spell yelled. “You?”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight said before she shook her head in disbelief. “Why did Princess Celestia think this was a good idea?”

Princess Cadance walked up to the desk, faced towards the students and said “It was because she believed I would be capable of doing this after what I did when I was a temporary ruler of Equestria.”

Twilight’s eyes popped out a bit before she said “I’ve forgotten about that. You took over when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were stuck in Saddle Arabia, all while Wanda was sick in the hospital.”

“I’ll never forget that,” Danged Spell said. “In fact, I still haven’t forgotten when Gold Banks broke in with those Debt Collector goons she had, what kind of gas she tortured us with and the way she smacked me aside.”

“None of us are going to forget that moment,” Sunset said. “I still remembered the fact that Gold Banks tried to pull Wanda away from her room.”

“I know,” Wanda said as she held herself tight. “I sometimes get nightmares about that horrible moment.”

“But what’s past is past,” Princess Cadance said as she reached down into the desk and pulled a book up, slamming it on the table. “Today, there is a subject that Princess Celestia wants to bring up with you. Can anyone tell me what today’s subject is?”

As the students just stared at the big book, Majesty was quick to raise her hoof in the air.

“Majesty?” Princess Cadance said, pointing at the alicorn in the room.

“That’s easy,” Majesty said. “Today’s subject is the Elements of Harmony.”

“Correct,” Princess Cadance replied. “But what are the Elements of Harmony?”

But just before Majesty could raise her hoof back into the air, Twilight Sparkle raised hers in the air, catching Princess Cadance’s attention.

“Twilight,” Princess Cadance said.

“The Elements of Harmony goes as follows: Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter and Magic,” Twilight replied. “It was also said that long ago, Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to save Princess Celestia from the Shade of Hate.”

“That’s correct,” Princess Cadance said. “It was also said that these elements came from a sentient plant known as the Tree of Harmony. Where it came from, we will discover more with today’s lesson.”

Princess Cadance’s eyes shifted towards Wanda, who had her hand in the air.”

“Sis..I mean Wanda,” Princess Cadance said.

“I don’t know about the name Shade of Hate,” Wanda said. “When I had a nightmare, this Shade of Hate called itself the Pony of Shadows.”

Immediately, nearly every youngling in the classroom let out a loud gasp. The only ones who didn’t were Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright.

“Wow,” Majesty said. “That’s one way to ruin your reputation, Wanda.”

“I’m afraid what she said was true,” Sunset said. “Not long ago, Wanda had a nightmare about being confronted by the Shade of Hate, and it called itself the Pony of Shadows.”

“I know,” Princess Cadance said. “What the Pony of Shadows also told Wanda was that it was her destiny to be all alone for eternity.”

Upon hearing those words, Starlight Glimmer turned towards Wanda, who looked a little depressed. The twin-tailed filly got out of her chair and walked up to the Man’s Cub before getting on her hind legs and giving her a big hug. Twilight, Sunset, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell all let out a big “Awwww” all while Majesty sat there with a slight chuckle.

“Princess Cadance,” Twilight asked. “By any chance, did Princess Luna tell you about that dream?”

“She sure did tell me about that,” Princess Cadance said. “Though I am surprised that you’ve picked up on that.”

“But of course,” Twilight said. “After all, you told me about the dreams Princess Luna looked at, including one about my brother when he danced with you under the pale moonlight.”

Immediately, the entire classroom erupted into laughter. Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Majesty all cracked up with Spike and Abigail giggling. Even Wanda and Starlight couldn’t hold back their laughter as they both tumbled down onto the floor, rolled onto the backs and chuckled loudly. Princess Cadance looked at the entire class as a bead of sweat poured down her forehead.

“Mother told me there would be days like this,” Princess Cadance said as she grabbed a nearby book, opened it and covered her face with it.

As the younglings laughed, Spike and Abigail were able to get their laughter under control before turning towards each other.

“Fun?” Abigail said.

“Fun,” Spike replied.

The two immediately held paws together as they watched the younglings continue to burst out into laughter.

Later that day in the field, Wanda, Abigail, Spike, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Majesty were lined up against the wall, looking eager as ever to await the teacher to instruct them. But Twilight Sparkle looked eager, as she jumped up and down with excitement, catching the attention of Sunset Shimmer.

“Twilight.” Sunset said. “You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Oh I can’t wait,” Twilight replied. “I just got word that my big brother will be serving as the P.E. teacher for today.”

“Wait,” Wanda said. “Your brother will be teaching today?”

“First Princess Cadance as our main teacher, and now Shining Armor as our P.E. teacher,” Moondancer said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Princess Celestia hired Granny Smith or Queen Novo to play teacher for us.”

“Well you could say that this is surely a teaching moment,” Danged Spell chuckled. “Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” Everyone, except Majesty, yelled as Danged Spell laid his back on the wall with a smug look on his face.

“That was worth it,” Danged Spell replied.

Sunset turned to face Majesty, who just stood there with a smug look on her face, confusing the unicorn filly.

“Majesty,” Sunset said. “I’m surprised by your lack of reaction to Danged Spell’s pun.”

“What’s the point?” Majesty said. “Everything in life is like a pun. And no matter what you say, everyone around you will always suffer the pun-ishment.”

Danged Spell’s ears immediately picked up Majesty’s speech as he turned towards the white alicorn. His smug smile flipped downwards into a confusing frown.

“Okay,” Danged Spell said in a cold tone. “That statement was too disturbing, even by my standards.”

“Believe me,” Sunset whispered to Danged Spell. “I’d rather have your cheesy puns compared to what she said.”

But before Danged Spell could open his mouth, he overheard the sound of a whistle being blown. Everyone turned to face the front, where Twilight Sparkle’s face beamed with excitement.

“BIG BROTHER!” Twilight Sparkle screamed.

Right in front of the younglings stood Shining Armor, who was decked out like a P.E. coach, complete with a baseball cap on his head and a whistle hanging from his neck. He held a clipboard by his side with a pen underneath the clip.

“How’s it going, champs?” Shining Armor said as he flicked his hat up a bit with his magic. “Today, I’ll be your new P.E. Coach.”

Immediately, Twilight Sparkle ran up to Shining Armor and leaped towards her big brother, causing the hunk of a stallion to grab his sister before he spun around in the air, holding her up tight. The two giggled in front of the rest of the younglings, especially an embarrassed Sunset Shimmer.

“This somehow reminds me of how big sis treated me and Wanda,” Sunset said with a bead of sweat pouring from her head. “But at least it can’t get any weirder.”

But as Sunset shifted her head to the left, she saw Danged Spell staring at Shining Armor, panting like an excited dog.

“Spell,” Sunset said. “What is with you?”

“Come on,” Danged Spell said. “He wants to be Royal Guard material. He’s the kind of stallion to look up to.”

Sunset let out a sigh and said “Yep. It got weird. But it can’t be any weird than that.”

Sunset turned to face Starlight Glimmer, who was squeeing loudly. This also caught Danged Spell’s attention, who turned to face the little twin-tailed filly.

“Hey,” Danged Spell said. “What do you have with Shining Armor?”

“Sure he may not be my big brother,” Starlight said. “But ti’s still fun to hang out with him while living with Twilight and her family.”

And with that, Starlight let out the loudest squee, embarrassing both Danged Spell and Sunset Shimmer. Next to them, Sunburst, Moondancer and Wanda were giggling at the sight of their friends.

“That’s Starlight for ya,” Sunburst said. “She really hates being an only child.”

“Oh?” Sunset asked.

“Sunburst told me about this,” Moondancer said. “Sometime after Starlight was born, her mother Starseeker found out that she could no longer give birth to any more ponies. A condition of some sort.”

“That’s horrible,” Danged Spell said.

“I feel sorry for Starlight,” Wanda said. “To not have brothers or sisters of her own. How did that happen?”

Immediately, Moondancer reached down to Wanda’s ear and whispered something in it. Wanda’s face burst with total shock.

“Oh dear,” Wanda said in a depressed tone. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Just then, the sound of a whistle went off, causing Wanda, Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Abigail and Spike to face towards Shining Armor, who held Twilight in his arms.

“Okay everyone,” Shining Armor said. “Princess Celestia has assigned me to a number of tasks for you on this day. So I want you all to follow me to the middle of the field. I wanna see you all in tip top shape.”

With that, Twilight jumped out of Shining Armor’s arms and landed on the grass. Shining marched over towards the middle of the P.E. field, with Twilight Sparkle following from behind. Immediately, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Spike and Abigail followed from behind.

“So what do you suppose Shining Armor will have us do?” Sunburst asked.

“I’m just hoping he trains us like we’re recruits in a boot camp,” Danged Spell said with excitement.

“You really want to be Royal Guard material, Danged Spell,” Moondancer giggled.

“Guilty as charged,” Spell replied.

“Well let’s hope he doesn’t make us do one hundred push ups,” Starlight giggled, causing everyone to laugh.

Wanda stood there on the wall, watching her friends walk off. She looked as if she was daydreaming without a care in the world.

“It feels great to have friends like those,” Wanda said to herself. “Maybe this is why mommy told me that Friendship is Magic, like how as a family, we are one together.”

Immediately, Wanda shook her head, popping herself out of her trance. She looked a little anxious as she marched in place at a frantic pace.

“Oh my gosh,” Wanda said. “I need to catch up.”

But just as Wanda was about to run after her friends, Majesty tapped her on the shoulder, causing the man’s cub to stop in place and turn towards the alicorn filly.

“Eh?” Wanda said, confused.

“You seem to be in a hurry to catch up to your friends,” Majesty said.

“Well yeah,” Wanda said in a hesitant tone. “After all, mommy told me…”

But Majesty put her hoof on Wanda’s mouth before she said “I know what you’re thinking. But here’s the reality. Friendship won’t last forever.”

Wanda moved Majesty’s hoof from her mouth and said “Say what?”

“You heard about what’s going on across all of Equestria,” Majesty said. “Ever since the attack on Canterlot during the Grand Gallopin Gala, ponies have been moving away from each other, becoming more distant.”

“I am aware of that,” Wanda said. “But the one thing I can hope for is that our friendship remains bright as ever.”

But just as Wanda was about to run after the group, Majesty let out a big “I don’t think so.” This caused Wanda to trip and fall down on her face.

“Oww,” Wanda said as she slowly got up.

“I’m not kidding,” Majesty said as she walked up to Wanda. “There could come a day where all your friends will move away from Canterlot.” Those words made Wanda a little nervous.

“What do you mean by that?” Wanda asked.

“It’s simple, really,” Majesty said. “Because of the threat of the Changelings and the Windigo’s Guild in Canterlot, their parents may force their kids out of this school and away from Canterlot. One moment, you’re close to your friends, the next moment they will be long, long gone.”

“Long gone?” Wanda screeched.

“And unfortunately, what I say is the truth,” Majesty said. “Ponies are beginning to distrusts being in Canterlot, and as a result, more ponies will not be anywhere near this capital. Which also means, you may have to say good-bye to your friends.”

Tears began to flow in Wanda’s eyes. She looked as if she was about to cry.

“That….that’s not true,” Wanda said as she struggled to hold her tears in.

“Like it or not,” Majesty said in a somber tone. “It’s the truth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Princess Celestia decided to ship you to a family far away from Canterlot. Maybe to one that is completely foreign to you just for your sake. It’s the new reality we live in.”

Immediately, Wanda bawled her eyes out before running away from Majesty, bolting down towards the back entrance of the school. Majesty stood there with a smug look on her face.

“I can’t believe she’s so easy to break,” Majesty said to herself.

But further up on the grass, Shining Armor had his eyes on Majesty and Wanda. He watched as Wanda ran through the doorway, crying her eyes out, before the stallion shifted his eyes to Majesty. Abigail, Spike, Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, Moondancer and Danged Spell also watched, glaring down at Majesty.

“I can’t believe Majesty made my sister cry,” Sunset said as she stomped her hoof on the ground.

“Neither do it,” Shining Armor said. “I’m going to have a word with her.”

Immediately, Shining Armor left the group of younglings and ran up to Majesty. Everyone else stood there, glaring at Majesty’s smug smile.

“The nerve of Creme Dream’s daughter,” Moondancer said. “She’s more obnoxious than Golden Lace was before her reform.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “And she made my time as a bully look amateurish in comparison.”

“At least this day can’t get any worse,” Sunburst said.

Suddenly, Twilight turned to Sunset Shimmer, who was laying on her side, groaning in deep pain. Twilight immediately rubbed her hoof on Sunburst’s shoulders.

“Guys,” Twilight said. “We’ve got a big problem now.”

Immediately, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Abigail and Spike turned to face Sunset, who was suffering in pain all while a dark reddish aura glowed around her body.

“Sunset?” Moondancer said. “What’s going on?”

“The…pain,” Sunset said. “It’s….coming…back.”

Immediately, Danged Spell turned his head towards Shining Armor and yelled out “COACH! COACH! GET BACK THERE!” Just as Shining Armor approached Majesty, he turned around at the sound of Danged Spell’s voice and saw Sunset laying on the ground in pain.

“Oh no,” Shining Armor said. “Princess Celestia told me this would happen.”

Immediately, Shining Armor ran from Majesty towards the rest of the younglings, keeping his eyes focused on Sunset Shimmer. The aura around the sun pony glowed bright and brighter as everyone stood there, helpless.

“Shining Armor,” Sunset said in pain. “Help….me.”

Immediately, Shining Armor turned to Twilight and said “Twili. Follow Wanda and find Princess Celestia. Tell her Sunset’s demon side is starting to take hold of her psyche.”

“On it, big bro,” Twilight said as Spike jumped on the filly’s back. Immediately, Twilight raised herself into the air and ran off in the opposite direction with Spike holding onto her.

As Twilight ran off towards the back entrance of the school, Shining looked down at Sunset and said “Hold on, Sunset. Help is on the way.”

Deep in the halls of the School for Gifted Unicorns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked alongside a slumping Princess Cadance. While the two older alicorns looked cheerful, Cadence felt embarrassed.

“Still thinking about your first time as teacher, Princess Cadance?” Princess Luna asked.

“It’s about that dream with Shining Armor,” Princess Cadance said. “Why did Twilight had to go and let the cat out of the bag?”

Princess Celestia giggled and said “You think that’s embarrassing? You should have seen the fifth day of class where Twilight mentioned a dream where she and Shining Armor were playing together in the fields as if they were both the same age. And even more so, she claimed she saw a glimpse of Princess Luna in her dream.”

“Twilight may be a lot to handle,” Princess Luna said. “But she still has a heart of gold. And that’s saying a lot since she drove Queen Chrysalis away from Canterlot.”

But suddenly, Princess Celestia’s ears began to perk up as she heard the sound of a little girl crying. She held her arm in front, stopping Princess Luna and Princess Cadance.

“I take it that something happened to Wanda,” Princess Cadance said.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “And judging by the volume of her voice, she’s close.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia ran down the hallway with Princess Cadance and Princess Luna right behind her. She immediately turned her head to see Wanda Young bawling her eyes in a nearby corner. Celestia ran up to Wanda and placed her wing on the Man’s Cub’s back.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said in a sweet tone. “Are you alright? What happened?”

Wanda wiped the tears from her eyes before she faced Princess Celestia and said “It’s Majesty. She told me that my friends will one day move away from Canterlot, and I would have to be shipped away to a family I don’t even know.”

“I’m terribly sorry,” Celestia said as she got down and pulled Wanda to her with her wing before she gave her adopted daughter a hug. “No one is going anyway, and you’re not going to move away from us.”

“You think so?” Wanda asked.

“I know so,” Celestia said. “In fact, I have been speaking with their parents recently and they have agreed to let them stay in Canterlot. In fact, I may arrange for Starlight and Sunburst’s parents to move here to help out.”

Wanda’s whimpering began to settle down as she hugged Princess Celestia closely. The Man’s Cub barely cracked a smile as she rubbed her face on Celestia’s chest, just as Princess Cadance and Princess Luna walked up to Celestia.

“I take it Majesty said something to Wanda that made her cry,” Princess Luna asked.

“Correct,” Princess Celestia said. “As soon as Wanda’s all better, I’m going to have a talk with Majesty.”

“I hope you do,” Princess Cadance said. “Wanda’s my sister, and I don’t like it when someone else gives her a hard time for their own amusement, even the daughter of the Prime Magistrate of Equestria.”

Suddenly, everyone’s ears began to perk up. They turned their heads further down the hall to see Twilight Sparkle riding on in with Spike holding on tight. Wanda lets go of Celestia as her attention is shifted to her close friend.

“Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “Did something happen?”

“It’s Sunset,” Twilight said. “She collapsed on the field with some kind of strange aura surrounding her.” In an instant, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Wanda all began to worry.

“I was hoping this wouldn’t happen,” Princess Celestia said. “But it seems the very demon within her is starting to take over.”

“D…demon?” Twilight asked.

“Back when Wanda was a baby,” Princess Luna said. “There was a report of a demon that attacked the orphanage. They were able to locate all but one orphan, which Wanda somehow was able to discover.”

“That orphan was one who became our own sister: Sunset Shimmer,” Princess Cadance replied. “Mother was able to put two and two together and was able to keep Sunset’s Demonic spirit at bay with her magic.”

“But it seems the ward that has kept it at bay is beginning to weaken,” Princess Celestia said. “Come. We must get it under control before it’s too late.”

Celestia laid flat on her stomach as Wanda climbed onto her back. The eldest alicorn got up her four legs, then signaled towards Luna, Cadence and Twilight.

“I’m hoping you can help her, Princess,” Twilight said. “Sunset’s not just your daughter, she’s also our friend.”

“Then let us make haste,” Princess Celestia said.

Wanda held onto Princess Celestia as she rode off down the hallway, with Princess Cadance and Princess Luna in pursuit. Twilight turned her head towards Spike.

“Help…her,” Spike said.

“I know, Spike,” Twilight said. “I’m just hoping that they can.”

And with that, Twilight ran off after Wanda, Celestia, Luna and Cadance with Spike holding onto her.

To Be Continued in…

The Sister’s Demonic Curse

Author's Note:

What do you suppose will happen to Sunset Shimmer? How can Princess Celestia help save one of her daughters from this kind of pain? Stay tuned tomorrow for the conclusion to this second arc.

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