• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Final Arc(Prelude to the Operation)-1: Gold Banks and the Master Trench Gruff

Final Arc: Prelude to the Operation

Gold Banks and the Master Trench Gruff

It was a dark night at Gold Banks’ castle at the Changeling’s hollowed ground. Deep within the halls of the dark-green palace, Gold Banks wandered down the hallway, ignoring the various statues and art pieces of herself. Behind her walked Grand Philosopher, who stood worried for Gold Banks.

“Mrs Banks,” Grand Philosopher said. “You’ve been wandering your new palace for days since you captured Princess Luna and took control of Canterlot.”

But Gold Banks said nothing. She came to a stop as her gaze was directed outside of a window and towards the cloudy skies above the land.

“You do realize that you have plenty of space within Daisy Joy Tech,” Grand Philospher explained. “There’s still plenty of younglings to enroll into the very school Miss Honey Twist is running, and you still have plenty of other magic to find within the world.”

“And it’s still not enough,” Gold Banks grumbled. “I was this close to capturing Princess Celestia a week ago, along with her snot-nosed brats. How is it that her own sister decided to take the fall so that she could escape? I was this close to capturing her and finally declaring victory.”

“Do not worry, Gold Banks,” Grand Philosopher said. “There will be a way to get into the Golden Land.”

“You don’t get it, do you?” Gold Banks snarled as she turned towards Grand Philosopher. “Princess Luna was able to lock me out of the Golden Land by chucking that crystal into the portal before it disappeared. I have no way of knowing how to reverse Starswirl the Bearded’s technique on how to create ground bridge portal crystals.”

“I beg to differ, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said. “Starswirl was not the only one who knew how to create ground bridge portal crystal.”

“What exactly are you talking about?” Gold Banks said, walking away from the window and towards the staircare.

“You forget that I was once the rival of Starswirl the Bearded when it came to alchemy,” Grand Philosopher explained. “While Starswirl the Bearded, the former king of Everfree City, had the knowledge of how to create these crystals so that permanent portals could be set up between ponymade arcs, I was able to steal his notes and figured out how to make ground bridge portal crystals for Hydia.”

Those words caused Gold Banks to come to a stop. She turned around and faced Grand Philosopher.

“Wait a minute,” Gold Banks said. “You know how to make ground bridge portal crystals?”

“I do,” Grand Philosopher said. “But I barely use them out of fear that someone could reverse-engineer them for their own personal gain. But I figured out how to create one crystal that could generate a portal to any part in Equestria, all without the need for magic”

“One crystal without the need for magic,” Gold Banks said. “Tell me more.”

“Then come with me,” Grand Philosopher said. “I have set up a new workshop underneath your new palace. And I intend on showing you my new portable ground bridge portal.”

“Very well,” Gold Banks said. “After all, I have yet to master the power of portals with my new amulet. So I’ll go on your little tour.”

But before Grand Philosopher could take a step, Gold Banks’ phone went off. Gold Banks pulled it out and tapped the screen before holding the screen up. Immediately, a buff earth pony with a long, shaggy mane and a red bandana on his forehead showed up on her screen.

“Master Trench Gruff, report,” Gold Banks commanded.

“My lady, Operation Daisy Joy is going to commence shortly,” Master Trench Gruff explained. “What are your orders?”

“Hold off on that and report to my palace at the changelings grounds,” Gold Banks said. “I need you here at this moment.”

“Very well, my lady,” Master Trench Gruff said. “The master is outta here.”

Once Master Trench Gruff disappeared from the screen, Gold Banks put her phone away as Grand Philosopher shrugged loudly.

“Trench Gruff,” Grand Philosopher groaned. “I cannot stand that self-centered egomaniac.”

“Oh don’t be such a baby, Philosopher,” Gold Banks said. “After all, he’s the leader of my Debt Collectors and one of the most decorated soldiers in Equestria history.”

“That’s the least of my worries,” Grand Philosopher explained as he placed his hoof on his face. “The guy has a massive ego the size of Manehattan and he enjoys making a mess out of everything around him.”

“That’s just his wild urges,” Gold Banks explained. “Every now and then, he has to go out into the wild to fight like he means it.”

Grand Philosopher just walked up to a nearby chair and sat down in it, placing his hoof on his forehead.

“Well at least I won’t have to put up with him for quite a while,” Grand Philosopher said. “At this rate, it will take him days to arrive.”

Gold Banks just laughed and said “Oh I wouldn’t say that.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Grand Philosopher said, turning to Gold Banks. “I mean, what’s he going to do? Jump up into the air from where he was thousands of miles away and land near this palace with a loud thud?”

Suddenly, the earth shook violently, rumbling the foundation of the palace in a short time. Once the rumbling settled, someone shouted “YO ADRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!” Grand Philosopher placed his hoof back on his face as Gold Banks walked up to the front door, completely giddy.

“He’s here,” Gold Banks said. “Master Trench Gruff has arrived.”

Gold Banks walked up to the door and opened it with her magic. Standing outside was Master Trench Gruff, wearing a pair of green khaki pants and holding a military bag on his right shoulder.

“Master Trench Gruff, you’ve arrived,” Gold Banks said. “And not a moment too soon.”

“I would have been here sooner,” Master Trench Gruff said. “But I had some unfinished business to take care of involving the armies of King Myrrh. I’ve trained better rookies than what Saddle Arabia had in terms of elite soldiers.”

“Well not a moment too soon,” Gold Banks said. “Come on inside. Grand Philosopher was going to take me on a tour to his secret laboratory.”

Master Trench Gruff took a few steps into the palace, observing the interior of the place with a smile on his face.

“Nice digs you got here,” Master Trench Gruff said. “I heard it took you only a day to get it built.”

“An understatement,” Gold Banks laughed. “In fact, you can thank Grand Philosopher for getting this new palace built in almost an instant.”

But as Gold Banks held her hoof out to Grand Philosopher, the elderly alchemist pony covered his face in shame as Master Trench Gruff walked up to him.

“Hey, Grand Philosopher, long time no see,” Master Trench Gruff said as he grabbed Grand Philosopher’s hoof and shook it. “How’s life been treating you?”

“A lot better than it would treat you,” Grand Philosopher said as he pulled his hoof back in disgust.

“Don’t be such a sourpuss,” Master Trench Gruff said. “In fact, you really need to get out of that workshop of yours and get out into the open, just like me.”

But before Grand Philosopher could speak, Gold Banks immediately said “Okay you two. Enough bonding. It’s time you showed me that crystal that can create any portal desired.”

“Fine,” Grand Philosopher sighed. “But I’m keeping an eye on Master Trench Gruff so he doesn’t cause any problems.”

Holding his staff close to him, Grand Philosopher walked down a leftmost hallway with Gold Banks and Master Trench Gruff following from behind. At the far end of the hallway lay two doors on each side, and a small ornamental bookshelf in front.

“Your own workshop is in plain sight?” Gold Banks asked. “Kinda surprising since I have yet to lay eyes on it.”

“You eyes can easily deceive you, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said, raising his staff into the air.

Grand Philosopher tapped his staff on the ground twice in rapid succession. Immediately, the bookshelf and the wall behind it receded backwards before swinging towards the left side, revealing a secret cavern within the house.

“Well I’ll be,” Gold Banks said. “You built all that into the palace.”

“My alchemy is second to none, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said. “Now come with me.”

Immediately, Grand Philosopher gripped his staff and walked down the hallway with Gold Banks and Master Trench Gruff following from behind.

“A secret passage,” Master Trench Gruff said. “Only a master could figure out something like that.”

“Well that’s the power of Grand Philosopher,” Gold Banks said. “After all, he’s the most powerful Alchemist in all of Equestria.”

Deep within the halls of the secret passage lay a room as big as the eye could see. Shelves were decorated with numerous ingredients, flasks, potions and artifacts. A few tables were laid out with open books, along with a crystal that laid near one of them. A massive cauldron stood in the middle, bubbling wildly. The windows shone a pale light down at the group

“So this is where you conduct your research,” Gold Banks said.

“Welcome to my underground lair,” Grand Philosopher said.

As Grand Philosopher stepped into the room, Gold Banks and Master Trench Gruff walked from behind, amazed by everything within.

“Now this is some place,” Master Trench Gruff laughed. “Imagine trying out some of this stuff and seeing the results.”

“I wouldn’t touch anything in here if I were you,” Grand Philosopher said. “There’s a reason why Alchemy is not for morons and idiots.”

“Oh please,” Master Trench Gruff said, eyeing a bottle of orange liquid. “What harm can one little potion do?”

“In that case,” Grand Philosopher smirked. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Master Trench Gruff grabbed the bottle of orange liquid and down it in one gulp. He slammed the flask down and belched loudly.

“That is considered rude and uncouth,” Gold Banks said.

“Oh that’s the least of his worries when the potion takes effect in three, two, one,” Grand Philosopher said as he covered his eyes.

Immediately, smoke covered Master Trench Gruff in a flash. When the smoke disappeared, Master Trench Gruff floated into the air, puffed up like a balloon. Grand Philosopher looked up at Master Trench Gruff and laughed at him.

“Real cute, Grand Philosopher,” Gold Banks said.

“Well that pea-brained idiot was always full of hot air,” Grand Philosopher chuckled.

“Someone get me down from here,” Master Trench Gruff yelled. “How am I going to fight in this state?”

Grand Philosopher pulled out a dart from his robe and said with a smile on his face “Oh quit whining you simpleton. At least I remembered to create an antidote for my instant balloon potion.”

With a swift snap of his neck, Grand Philosopher threw the dart right at Master Trench Gruff’s forehead, hitting it directly. Master Trench Gruff’s body deflated as air blew right out of his mouth until he was back to his former self.

“Well,” Master Trench Gruff said. “That’s a relief.”

But the moment Master Trench Gruff looked down, he screamed loudly before he fell from above, crashing right on the floor. Master Trench Gruff slowly got himself up as Grand Philosopher chuckled a bit.

“That’s enough, you two,” Gold Banks said. “I came down here to see this portable portal generator.”

“My apologies, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said. “As a matter of fact, look to your right. That crystal on the table is what you’re looking for.”

Gold Banks looked at the crystal on her right before she lifted it off the surface with her magic. She brought the crystal to her eyes and looked inside.

“So, what is the difference between this and an ordinary portal crystal?” Gold Banks asked.

“In the past, you needed two crystals to create a portal between two spots in Equestria,” Grand Philosopher explained. “And the way the crystals were linked was because of a magic spell that was placed on them, allowing for the portal to go from one place to another. That was the philosophy of my former rival: Starswirl the Bearded.”

“And I take it with this design, there is no need for linking the crystals together,” Gold Banks asked.

“Precisely,” Grand Philosopher said. “In fact, the crystal has the ability to create a portal from one place to anywhere in Equestria, all without the need for unicorn magic. Anyone can use it to go anywhere he or she wants to. They can transport goods, prisoners, or just about anything possible.”

“So by simply imagining it, one can create a portal anywhere?” Master Trench Gruff said, slowly getting up.

“Even for one as pea-brained as you, Master Trench Gruff,” Grand Philosopher said.

Gold Banks held up the crystal with her magic and said “And just how does it work in the first place?”

As Gold Banks placed her hoof on the crystal, a hologram pops up, revealing an entire world in front of her with words that popped up on it, indicating the location of every place in Equestria.

“The portal crystal is capable of going anywhere in the world, thanks to the built-in apparatus within the crystal,” Grand Philosopher explained. “You will be able to go to any part of Equestria that has already been listed, plus you can triangulate any unexplored areas of this planet. Even within the Sacred Lands underneath.”

“Such as the ones we went to after we conquered Winteria, the Changeling Kingdom and Mount Aris,” Gold Banks laughed. “You know, I think a demonstration may be in order.”

“So it shall, my lady,” Grand Philosopher said. “Might I suggest opening a portal to Tartarus, and paying a visit to your former mentor, your former husband and the Princess of the Moon that you captured.”

Gold Banks placed her hoof around the hologram marked Tartarus and said “Good idea.”

The moment Gold Banks pressed the hologram marked Tartarus, the crystal’s interface disappeared and the prism fired a beam of light, creating a portal in front of her, Grand Philosopher and Master Trench Gruff.

“After you,” Grand Philosopher said in a pleased tone.

“My, what a gentlecolt,” Gold Banks said as she walked towards the portal.

Gold Banks held onto the crystal as she jumped into the portal and disappeared. Grand Philosopher looked at Master Trench Gruff, who began to freak out.

“Oh no,” Master Trench Gruff said. “You’re not putting me through one of your shenanigans.”

“Well tough, because you’re getting another demonstration,” Grand Philosopher said as his magic surrounded Master Trench Gruff.

With a swift flick of his neck, Grand Philosopher pushed Master Trench Gruff through the portal before he jumped through from behind. Once both stallions disappeared, the portal vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile within a giant cavern that’s sealed off from the rest of the world, cages lined the walls with a variety of beasts that were trapped inside. At the far end of the cavern were three separate cages that stood out in the open. One held Princess Luna, one held Silver Banks and one had Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty sharing the same cell together.

Immediately, a portal materialized in front of the three cages, catching everyone’s attention. Gold Banks leaped out of the portal and observed her surroundings as she held the portal crystal close to her. Behind her, Grand Philosopher and Master Trench Gruff emerged from the portal before it disappeared behind them.

“I’m alive,” Master Trench Gruff said. “I’M ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!”

“And so you are,” Grand Philosopher said. “After all, my portal tech was not meant to harm anyone who uses it. Besides, I'm not a grossly incompetent moron who cuts corners just to save money.”

“It looks like the new portal crystal worked,” Gold Banks said. “We’re in Tartarus and not a moment too soon.”

Princess Luna got up from the floor of her cage and gripped onto the bars. A ring was placed around her horn, while her wings were cuffed to her body. Her hooves were covered in a pair of iron gloves.

“Gold Banks,” Princess Luna snarled. “What are you doing here this soon?”

Gold Banks walked up to Princess Luna’s cell and said “I came here to check up on you three and to ensure that no one was able to break you out. That and I was testing out my new toy.”

“New toy?” Luna said as Gold Banks held up her new portal crystal.

“This baby will allow me to travel to any part of the world as I see fit,” Gold Banks said. “And you can thank my alchemist for exceeding the skills that Starswirl the Bearded laid out. Once I figure out where your sister is hiding every refugee, we will triangulate on her location and finish her off.”

“Don’t bet on it,” Luna said. “As I speak, they have acquired the Golden Magic of Light. The moment you cross paths with them, they will nullify your Alicorn Amulet and end your time as Empress of Equestria.”

“Let them try,” Gold Banks laughed as she held her Alicorn Amulet up. “I do not fear this Golden Magic of Light. Because with the power of my amulet, I will make them beg for forgiveness.

“Is this what you’ve become? A power hungry tyrant?” Gold Banks turned to the cage where Silver Banks stood within. She walked up to her former husband, who glared at her with a scowl on his face.

“Well well well,” Gold Banks said. “So you’re not willing to give me an apology?”

“I would sooner be banished to the ends of Equestria than to be your husband again,” Silver Banks snarled.

“Well you will get your wish, my former beloved,” Gold Banks said. “But with a catch. I’ll be taking your surname with me. The only thing you’ll be is merely Silver: A pony without a surname to call your own.”

“You can’t do this,” Silver Banks shouted. “What gives you the right to take my surname away for your own personal gain?”

“I have all the rights in the world, Silver,” Gold Banks said. “Far more than you can ever imagine, and far more than my former mentor.”

Immediately, Gold Banks turned towards Creme Dream and Majesty before marching towards their cell. Creme Dream maintained her glare at Gold Banks while Majesty hid behind her mother.

“I’ve got nothing to say to you, traitor,” Creme Dream said, coldly.

“Aww, are you speechless?” Gold Banks smirked.

“More like she’s unamused by your ascension to ruler of Equestria,” Grand Philosopher said.

“That’s a great point,” Gold Banks said as Creme Dream kept her eyes on her former pupil. “Tell you what. Why don’t you and Master Trench Gruff keep an eye out on her while I begin my research into where the Golden Land truly is.”

“It will be my pleasure to do so,” Grand Philosopher replied. “Assuming the imbecile can keep his attention sharp.”

“I’m down with that,” Master Trench Gruff said. “Maybe as a way to keep my mind from going mad during this downtime.”

“Then I must be off,” Gold Banks said. “I’ll figure out a way to get into the Golden Land with your new portable portal crystal. And once that’s done, I’ll torture Princess Celestia and her daughters, and finally win.”

Gold Banks held up her portal crystal as the holographic interface appeared. She pressed the word Canterlot on the interface before the portal materialized in front of her. Holding the crystal close to her, Gold Banks turned towards Grand Philosopher.

“Are you sure you don’t need me once you’re done?” Gold Banks asked.

“I will be fine,” Grand Philosopher said “Besides, I can create my own portals with my magic.”

“Suit yourself,” Gold Banks replied. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Gold Banks immediately jumped into the portal, disappearing upon impact. Once the portal shrunk down and expired, Grand Philosopher and Master Trench Gruff turned towards Creme Dream.

“First things first,” Creme Dream said.

“Right,” Grand Philosopher said.

Grand Philosopher raised his staff into the air as Princess Luna and Silver Banks looked on from their cages. With one swift slam, a wave emits from Grand Philosopher’s staff and hits both Princess Luna and Silver Banks, knocking them out cold.

“There,” Grand Philosopher said. “That should do it.”

“Does she suspect anything at all?” Creme Dream asked.

“Not a thing, Magistrate,” Grand Philosopher said. “After all, this is but a test to see how cunning she truly is.”

“I still can’t believe how many of my own troops that I lost for her personal agenda,” Master Trench Gruff said. “Especially one that the man’s cub was able to take down on Mount Aris.”

“Patience, Master Trench Gruff, patience,” Creme Dream said. “It won’t be long until she reveals to us the Golden Land, and the Golden Magic of Light.”

“It is a rather risky plan to trick Gold Banks into betraying you,” Grand Philosopher said. “All this for the magic of the Golden Land.”

“Miss Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat already agreed to this plan prior to Gold Banks taking Princess Wanda and most of her friends to Daisy Joy Tech,” Creme Dream said. “But I am rather surprised that she was able to get this far by kicking the changelings, the cultists and the hippogriffs out of their own home.”

“What’s also surprising was the number of sacred lands that lay underneath Equestria,” Master Trench Gruff said. “Who knows what else this planet has been hiding.”

Creme Dream looked down at Majesty, who barely looked out from behind her mother’s arm, before turning back towards Grand Philosopher and Master Trench Gruff.

“Believe it or not, we are not native to Equestria,” Creme Dream explained. “Our ancestors hailed from the same land that Princess Wanda came from.”

“I know what you mean: Evevanya,” Grand Philosopher explained. “And the same can be said of the other species like the Changelings, the Hippogriffs, the Yaks, the Dragons, the Griffins, the Kirin, and the Abyssians.”

“Correct you are,” Creme Dream said. “But more so, there was an ancient race that existed in Equestria long before we came. They were the ones who created the Golden Magic of Light. A magic that not even Gold Banks can harness.”

“But you can,” Grand Philosopher said.

“Count me out of this Golden Magic of Light,” Master Trench Gruff said. “I’ll be happy to lead you all to it. But not to even touch it.”

“And this is why your loyalty is your greatest strength, Master Trench Gruff,” Creme Dream said. “That and you have a penchant for wanton violence and total recklessness.”

“Well that is me in a nutshell,” Master Trench Gruff said.”

“But that being said,” Grand Philosopher said. “What should we do, my lady?”

“Keep a close eye on Gold Banks,” Creme Dream said. “Ensure that she succeeds in getting into the Golden Land, and ensure that Princess Celestia defeats her. Only then will the Golden Magic of Light be acquired. And if needed, convince her to…pull me and my daughter to the land just to witness her so-called victory.”

“It will be done, Creme Dream,” Grand Philosopher said.

“Oh please,” Creme Dream laughed. “You know what my real name is. After all, Creme Dream is nothing more than a name I came up with.”

To Be Continued in…

No Hope in La Maresa

Author's Note:

My apologies for being away for at least three weeks. I knew I needed a break. But damn. This is a sign that I was beginning to tire from writing.

Anyway, I think I need to explain Master Trench Gruff. This is supposed to be what happens when Rambo had no morals to deal with, and is far crazier than the character that Sylvester Stallone played. Furthermore, I did put out a bit of a rivalry between Grand Philosopher and Master Trench Gruff.

As for Creme Dream, there's more to her than meets the eye. Who do you think she truly is? The truth will be revealed in Saga 3.

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