• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17-6: Rematch: Princess Celestia vs Queen Chrysalis

Rematch: Princess Celestia vs Queen Chrysalis

“You’re kidding me, right? I said that you should rethink your words. But it seems your ego is overriding any and all common sense.”

Princess Celestia stood in front of Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and an exhausted Sunset Shimmer. In front of her, a worn out Queen Chrysalis stared down the princess in a fit of rage. Nearby at the ruins of the castle wall that surrounded the front door, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Spike the Dragon, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem stood there, observing the weaken queen, while Karen barked and growled.

“What do you think mommy is trying to do?” Wanda asked.

“I don’t know,” Twilight said. “But right now, she’s the only one who can bring down Queen Chrysalis.”

As steam poured out from Chrysalis’s nostrils, Princess Celestia stood tall, and yet showed some concern for the changeling queen.

“Chrysalis, now is the time to stand down,” Princess Celestia said. “Not just for your kind’s sake, but also for yours.”

“Do not talk back to me,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I nearly came close to killing you. I can do it again.”

“Not in your condition,” Princess Celestia said.

“Don’t you dare pity me, Princess,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“I am showing pity to you for a reason,” Princess Celestia said. “As I said, you are letting your desire for revenge consume you. If you push this even further, you could end up wiping out your people.”

“And yet you had the audacity to strike back at them, you hypocrite,” Queen Chrysalis yelled, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“Because we have a right to defend ourselves from intruders,” Princess Celestia explained. “Be it changeling, dragon, cult member, or even other ponies.”

“Excuses for a tyrant like you, Princess Celestia,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And your children.”

“Chrysalis,” Celestia said. “Your forces have been beaten. You are in no shape to fight. And we didn’t need any reinforcements like the ponies of Saddle Arabia to bring you down this time.”

“LIAR!” Chrysalis snapped. “You sent that magistrate to distract and humiliate me.”

Suddenly, Celestia’s eyes popped out in astonishment with Chrysalis’ statement.

“If you’re talking about Magistrate Creme Dream, I didn’t send her,” Celestia said. “I assumed that she came to you under her own free will.”

“You and those other ponies are just making excuses for your treachery,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Regardless of your accusations,” Princess Celestia said, “You are in no shape to fight me. I would easily overpower you with either the magic in my unicorn horn, the winds of my pegasi wings, or the growth of plants from my earth pony hooves.”

“EXACTLY YOU COWARD!” Chrysalis yelled.

Chrysalis fired off a blast of magic at Princess Celestia, knocking her to the ground. Everyone gasped in horror at Chrysalis’ actions, especially Wanda and Sunset.

“MOTHER, NO!” Sunset yelled as she struggled to reach out while Princess Cadance held her.

“MOMMY!” Wanda yelled.

As Wanda jumped out to go after Chrysalis, Lemony Gem reached out and grabbed the child with her hooves before holding her close.

“LET ME GO!” Wanda cried as she struggled to break free.

“Wanda,” Lemony Gem said. “Celestia knew what she was doing when she dared Chrysalis into striking her.”

“What?” Wanda said as she started to calm down.

“Trust me,” Lemony Gem said. “It will be alright.”

“She’s got a point there,” Rolling Thunder said, pointing to Princess Celestia. “As a matter of fact, I think your mother will be alright.”

Wanda looked down and saw Princess Celestia get up from the blast. The man’s cub breathed a sigh of relief before wiping her forehead.

“Thank goodness,” Wanda said.

But back outside, as Celestia got up, Queen Chrysalis laughed with glee.

“For one who is still tired,” Princess Celestia said, “You sure are persistent.”

“I am,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Every bit of your magic has been locked away. You can’t use your unicorn horn. Your pegasi wings will no longer lift you into the air. Your hooves cannot summon plants of any kind, and your curse is locked away. You are more helpless than you can imagine. What do you say of that, Princess?”

But Chrysalis’ gloating came to an end when she heard Princess Celestia laugh. And ever bit of her chuckle got under the shell of the changeling queen.

“What’s so funny?” Chrysalis said in frustration. “Every bit of your magic is locked, and yet you still have a positive tone. What has gotten wrong with you?”

“Oh nothing is wrong with me,” Celestia laughed. “Except I do have two words for you.”

“I’m all ears,” Chrysalis said in an annoyed voice. “So why don’t you spill it?”

Celestia’s laughter disappeared as she stared at Chrysalis with a smug look on her face.

“Challenge….accepted,” Celestia said.

As Queen Chrysalis was confused by Celestia’s choice of words, the alicorn princess rushed up to Queen Chrysalis and grabbed her by the tail with her teeth. With a powerful thrust of her body, Princess Celestia spun Queen Chrysalis for a bit before tossing her into the air. Chrysalis screamed loudly as she went flying out of control.

“Wow,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I did not see that coming.”

Princess Celestia turned to Sunset, Cadence and Shining Armor before she said “And that’s just the beginning, my daughter Sunset.”

“You better catch up to her,” Shining Armor said. “You don’t want her to get away.”

“Good point,” Celestia said with a smile.

Princess Celestia immediately turned to Wanda and the other younglings. Lemony Gem sets Wanda down as the man’s cub looked downward at her adopted mother with a smile.

“I know this might be a bit of a burden on you,” Celestia asked. “But could you and the others round up everyone? See if you can also find your cousin Prince Blueblood. He should have arrived by now.”

“It will be an honor, mommy,” Wanda saluted.

“That being said,” Celestia said, “See if you can catch up. I would be surprised if I catch up to the group before you do.”

Celestia immediately ran off through the front gate, pursuing after Queen Chrysalis, all while Wanda turned towards Twilight.

“Twilight,” Wanda said. “Take Karen and Spike with you and follow my lead.”

“I’m on it,” Twilight said.

Wanda turned to Abigail and said “Abby. You’re with me.”

“Yaay,” Abigail cheered.

Wanda Young jumped above the wreckage of a wall and ran through the garden all the way to the outer wall leading to the city with Abigail running right behind her. Twilight Sparkle followed from behind with Spike, Karen, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Juniper Montage, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse following from behind.

But as Twilight and her friends ran through, Quickstrike slowly got up on his back and saw Twilight Sparkle run towards him.

“Oh no,” Quickstrike said. “Not now.”

Quickstrike laid back on the grass and shielded his face with his hooves, shaking in fear.

“Please don’t let that filly step on my face,” Quickstrike shook.

Twilight Sparkle leaped into the air over a loose piece of the castle. But as she fell, she landed right on Quickstrike’s crotch before leaping off. Quickstrike yelled in pain from the impact of Twilight’s leap.

“YOU MISERABLE MONSTER!” Quickstrike yelled as he held his crotch in agony. “NOW I KNOW WHY QUEEN CHRYSALIS WANTS REVENGE ON YOU!”

Suddenly, Spike landed right on Quickstrike’s face before leaping off of it. Quickstrike immediately placed his hooves atop his head, screaming in agony, all while Karen ran past the Predacon.


As the younglings darted past a humiliated Quickstrike one-by-one, following Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Karen, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem ran up to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Princess Cadance sat Sunset Shimmer down, who was able to get back up on her four legs.

“Guess Princess Celestia has this in the bag,” Buck Withers said.

“True,” Shining Armor said. “But I would want to check the sideshow just to see how it ends.”

“Good point,” Buck Withers said.

Immediately, Buck Withers and Shining Armor ran off through the gate with Princess Cadance, Lemony Gem and Sunset Shimmer running from behind.

“Pretty typical of those boys to want to see a changeling queen get humiliated,” Lemony Gem said.

“Yeah, but the same can be said of us,” Princess Cadance said. “Especially after what she did during the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“You said it,” Lemony Gem replied.

“That makes me wonder,” Sunset Shimmer said. “How bad did I soften her up?”

“Well sis,” Princess Cadance said. “We’re about to find out.”

Meanwhile, up in the skies above Canterlot, Inferno pursued after Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, his mouth burning with ambition, all while the trio stuck their tongues out at the Predacon.

“Get back here you troublesome brats,” Inferno yelled.

“Make us,” Dumbbell taunted. “You’re as slow as your tub-o-lard queen.”

“Nobody insults the royalty and lives,” Inferno roared, belching out fire at the trio.

As the three colt pegasi dodged the fire, Score yelled out “Is that an original attack? Or did you copy it off a dragon?”

“You fools,” Inferno yelled. “We changelings are superior to the dragons of the dragon land. The Royalty would make mince meat out of those weak and inferior lizards.”

“Speaking of which,” Hoops taunted. “Is that your fat cow of a royalty flying towards you?”

“Royalty? Where?” Inferno said, looking left and right.

In a loud scream, Queen Chrysalis flew out of control and smacked Inferno from behind, sending the two falling downward towards the Canterlot streets. Hoops, Dumbbell and Score looked down with glee on their faces.

“Wow,” Dumbbell said. “Didn’t see that coming.”

“Guess that changeling was far dumber than he looked,” Score laughed.

As the colt trio laughed out loud, Queen Chrysalis landed on the pavement of the city, flattening Inferno. The changeling queen slowly got up and looked down at the unconscious Predacon, groaning in annoyance.

“Oh no,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Thanks to that pompous princess, I flattened my own Predacon soldier.”

“Maybe you need to lay off all that love, Queen Chrysalis.” Queen Chrysalis turned around to see a smug Princess Celestia run up to her.

“You,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You did this on purpose. You let me lock your magic away.”

“Well you did lock it away when I least expect it,” Princess Celestia said. “So I had to resort to these desperate measures.”

With her horn glowing, Queen Chrysalis pointed it at Celestia and said “Bold words. But when I finish with what I started at the Gala, your own people will be desperate.”

But before Queen Chrysalis could fire a blast of magic at Celestia, the alicorn princess noticed a stray metal shield lying on the ground. Once the queen fired her magic, Celestia immediately grabbed the shield with her mouth and held it at an angle. The shot of magic hit the shield and reflected harmlessly into the sky.

“You cheater,” Chrysalis yelled. “You’re not supposed to resort to that trickery.”

Princess Celestia tossed the shield aside and said “After what you did with disabling my magic, all bets are off.”

“That’s it,” Chrysalis snarled. “Playtime’s over. Time to step it up.”

Queen Chrysalis ran towards Princess Celestia, charging her horn up. Celestia just yawned while Chrysalis inched closer to the alicorn queen.

“That’s supposed to impress me?” Celestia yawned. “Give me a break.”

But just as Chrysalis was about to fire off a magic shot, Celestia ducked down and thrusted her body forward. The moment Chrysalis’ legs hit Celestia, the changeling queen screamed loudly as she tripped and tumbled before crashing her back into a metal pole, upside down. Queen Chrysalis looked up at Princess Celestia, who walked towards the dazed changeling.

“You did that on purpose,” Chrysalis snarled. “You wouldn’t let me finish you off.”

“You forget one thing,” Celestia laughed. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had my magic and curse locked away.”

Furious, Queen Chrysalis rolled off the bent pole and got on her four legs. She ran towards Princess Celestia in a huff.

“I’m going to make your daughters orphans again,” Queen Chrysalis said.

But Celestia just stood there with a smile on her face. Before Queen Chrysalis could reach her, Princess Celestia swung around and kicked Chrysalis right in the face, knocking her down.

“That was careless, Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia said.

“Do not call me careless,” Queen Chrysalis said as she got up.

“What should I call you?” Princess Celestia asked. “Incompetent?”

Queen Chrysalis fumed as she got back on her four hooves. She pointed her horn at Celestia and charged it up again.


But before Chrysalis finished her sentence, Princess Celestia charged right towards the changeling queen and slammed right into her. The impact sent Chrysalis flying again as her magic dissipated.


“So you would rather I be down and dead? I don’t think so,” Celestia laughed as she chased after the flying out-of-control Chrysalis, leaving behind a badly-battered Inferno, who struggled to get up.

“For the glory….of the…royalty,” Inferno said before he collapsed from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a group of changelings stared down Helga Hearthsoup, Gad Zookes, Princess Luna, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Danged Spell and Golden Lace on the opposing end. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo were hovering above the group, looking ready to dive bomb the insect ponies.

“These goons don’t know when to give up,” Helga Hearthsoup said, holding her frying pan out in anticipation. “I’ll teach them a lesson for messing up my cafe.”

“You think that’s bad?” Rainbow Dash said, glaring at her foes in a standstill. “We still have a bone to pick with them since the Gala.”

Pinkie Pie pulled out her cannon and pointed it right at the changelings, though none of them seemed deterred from running away from the receiving end.

“I have never seen them be this brave,” Pinkie Pie said. “Then again, I never expected them to be this foolish.”

Priming the magic in her horn, Princess Luna said “It’s too bad my sister isn’t here. She would have enjoyed this moment.”

Luna’s ears began to pick up the sound of hooves galloping. She looked up and saw Princess Celestia run down the street, right behind the changelings.

“Well I’ll be darn,” Luna said. “I take it she’s still looking for Sunset Shimmer.”

The changelings turned around and saw Princess Celestia come down their way. But instead of moving out of the way, every one of them screamed in terror as Celestia ran right through the group. The impact sent them flying upwards before free falling down.

“INCOMING!” Rarity yelled.

Nearly every youngling in the vicinity took shelter from the falling changelings as they landed smack on the ground. Rarity took shelter near a house entrance and watched two of them fall next to her.

“For a princess,” Rarity said, “Celestia knows how to deliver a strike.”

The two changelings looked up and saw Rarity standing in front. The filly backed up as the duo got onto their four hooves and approached her.

“You’re not going anywhere,” one of the changelings snarled.

Rarity noticed a stray umbrella with a violet shade on it. She grabbed it and began to smack one of the changelings on the head.

“NO! BAD CHANGELING! SHAME ON YOU!” Rarity yelled, thwacking the changeling on the head.

As the one changeling ran away from Rarity, the other began to back up next to the door. Rarity pointed her umbrella at the remaining bug pony with a smirk on her face.

“Don’t even think about it,” Rarity said.

“Swipe me all you want,” The changeling said. “I’ll get behind you and take your love of fashion. Then, no pony will save you.”

Suddenly, the door swung open and smashed the changeling on the wall, knocking the poor fool out much to Rarity’s amusement. Stepping outside was none other than Prince Blueblood.

“Sorry I’m late,” Prince Blueblood said. “Got held up in Manehattan, had to hide out once the changelings made their appearance.”

Rarity pulled the umbrella away and said “I think you did that just to mess with these insect delinquents.”

“Guilty as charged,” Prince Blueblood said as he stepped out onto the city streets, where the others looked puzzled at the downed changelings.

Princess Celestia immediately came to a stop and looked around while Princess Luna walked up to her.

“Sister,” Princess Luna asked. “Did you manage to find Sunset Shimmer?”

“I did,” Princess Celestia said. “Or rather, she came to us and softened up Queen Chrysalis in her demon form.”

“That is unexpected,” Princess Luna said. “But where is the queen?”

A loud thud went off without warning, alerting everyone within the vicinity.

“I think that answered your question, your majesty,” Gad Zoookes said.

Celestia turned to Luna and said “Sister. Wanda and the others are supposed to be on their way. I had them look for you all, but I beat her to it.”

“I take it that I should wait for her,” Luna asked.

“Correct,” Celestia said. “I’ll be able to handle Queen Chrysalis without breaking a sweat. I told Wanda to round everyone up. But it looks like almost everyone is here.”

“All we’re missing are Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and Chancellor Cinch to name a few,” Princess Luna said. “That being said, if you can handle Queen Chrysalis by yourself, you should be alright. We’ll catch up.”

Princess Celestia nodded to Princess Luna before turning tail and running down the street. Princess Luna turned towards the youngling group, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup.

“I take it this is where we see how this fight turns out,” Gad Zookes asked.

“Correct,” Princess Luna said. “Everyone, follow me. We’re going to see this to the very end.”

Princess Luna ran off after Princess Celestia, with Gad Zookes, Helga Hearthsoup and the younglings following from behind. But, something seemed to concern Applejack.

“Hey Jackster,” Danged Spell said. “Something up?”

“Call me crazy,” Applejack said. “But I noticed something a bit off from Princess Celestia.”

“How so?” Danged Spell asked.

“I can’t put my hoof on it,” Applejack replied. “But it felt as if a part of her had been locked away.”

“That’s a good observation,” Prince Blueblood said. “I only hope she doesn’t make the same mistake she did during the Gala.”

Meanwhile, Wanda was running as fast as she could through the city with Abigail by her side. She looked up and down the street, but all she noticed were changelings that were lying on the ground in pain.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “Did mommy do this? I swore her magic was locked away.”

Abigail looked up at Wanda and said “Dunno.”

Wanda came to a stop and looked around even further.

“I don’t see the others out here,” Wanda said. “Do you think mommy was able to reach them?”

But all Abigail could do is look at Wanda with a confused look on her face.

“Maybe you’re right,” Wanda said. “But I still wonder if nephew Blueblood arrived, or if I could find Aunt Novo and Cousin Skystar, or even Miss Cinch.”

But as Wanda and Abigail looked around, they were unaware of Gold Banks, who walked down the streets of Canterlot, looking extremely frizzled. The aristocrat has yet to notice Princess Wanda.

“Blast those bugs,” Gold Banks said to herself. “How dare they make a mockery of me. When I get the chance, I’m setting their hive on fire and..”

But when Gold Banks turned to her right, she saw Wanda and Abigail look around. Banks’ face turned sinister upon seeing the man’s cub.

“Well, I may not be able to get my revenge on the hard-shelled hacks right now,” Gold Banks said. “But a certain daughter of Princess Celestia will suffice.”

With her smile now completely deranged, Gold Banks marched right up to Wanda Young in a hurry. The vibrations caused by her hoofsteps caught the attention of Wanda Young, who shrieked in fear over the selfish aristocrat.

“You,” Wanda said.

Wanda quickly turned and made a run for it, only for Gold Banks to cast a spell on her legs, causing Wanda to trip and fall. Wanda turned around and saw Gold Banks hovering over her, just as Abigail ran up and hissed at the rich pony.

“You have a lot of nerve to be separated from your dear mommy, child,” Gold Banks snarled.

“Get away from me,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want to be anywhere near you.”

“Tough luck,” Gold Banks said as she grabbed Wanda by the wrist. “You’re coming with me, whether your mother approves of it or not. And get used to it. You’ll never see her again as long as I have a say.”

As Wanda was about to open her mouth, Gold Banks placed her other hoof around Wanda’s mouth, closing it tight. The tycoon turned towards Abigail before lifting her into the air with her magic.

“Knowing you, you’re going to try to get some help,” Gold Banks said. “So you’re joining your pet with me.”

Gold Banks began to drag Wanda and Abigail off, the former with her arms and the latter with her magic. But as she began to walk away from the street, Waspinator emerged from a nearby house, satisfied.

“Waspinator loved scaring pony bugs,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator should do this again often.”

But when Waspinator turned to his right, he saw Gold Banks hold down Wanda and Abigail, dragging them down the street in a hurry. Immediately, his smile went away as he glared at Gold Banks.

“Waspinator know who Gold Banks is,” Waspinator said. “Since Gold Banks want to take Princess Wanda and cat bug, Waspinator will give her the surprise of her life.”

Waspinator flew right towards Gold Banks, who paid no attention to the Predacon.

“Come on you stupid brat,” Gold Banks said. “It’s time you were taught a lesson.”

Suddenly, Gold Banks felt a hoof tap her shoulder. She growed before beginning to turn her face towards the individual.

“Okay,” Gold Banks said. “Who’s responsible for this?”

But when Gold Banks faced the opposite side, she saw Waspinator, who waved at the aristocrat with a sinister look on her face.

“Oh no,” Gold Banks said.

“Waspinator know you take Princess Wanda for your own gain,” Waspinator said. “So Waspinator give you TOTAL NIGHTMARE!”

With that, Waspinator transforms into what appears to be a giant, bipedal, purple teddy bear. Gold Banks looked up at the bear and released her hold on Wanda and Abigail.

“What in the world?” Wanda said, confused.

Gold Banks just stared at the giant bear in horror as it looked down at the scared capitalist.

“Would you like to be my super dee duper friend?” Waspinator’s purple teddy form asked.

Gold Banks screamed in horror as she turned around and ran off in a hurry. Wanda and Abigail just stood there with a surprised, yet amused, look on their faces while Waspinator transformed back into his changeling form.

“Gold Banks vanquished, thanks to Waspinator,” Waspinator said.

But before Waspinator began to fly off, Wanda ran up and tapped him on the shoulder.

“I’m curious,” Wanda said as Abigail stood by her. “Why did you save me from Gold Banks?”

“It’s simple,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator know Princess Wanda is enemy. But Waspinator believe Gold Banks far more despicable. If given choice, Waspinator make Gold Banks’ living chaos.”

As Waspinator flew off into the air, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and Chancellor Cinch ran up from a nearby street, surprised by both the presence of her and the Predacon.

“Smallfry,” Queen Novo said. “Are you hurt?”

“Not by that changeling,” Wanda said. “But by Gold Banks.”

“Gold Banks?” Chancellor Cinch said. “I heard she was coming over her daughter and husband.”

“Did that naughty Gold Banks try to grab you?” Princess Skystar asked.

“She did,” Wanda said. “And I feared that I would be her captive. But for some reason, that changeling who called himself Waspinator scared her off before leaving me behind.”

“That is rather odd,” Queen Novo said. “I’m surprised he didn’t take you captive.”

Suddenly, Wanda heard someone yell out her name. She turned around to see Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Spike, Karen, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Juniper Montage, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem run up to her.

“I’m alright,” Wanda said.

As the group ran up to Wanda, Twilight and Sunset leaped onto her and gave the man’s cub a big hug.

“We saw Waspinator fly off into the distance,” Twilight said. “And we assumed the worst.”

“Well you wouldn’t believe this,” Queen Novo said. “But little Wanda here claimed that Waspinator saved her from Gold Banks.”

“That’s pretty typical of that monster,” Cozy Glow yelled, stomping her hooves on the pavement. “I hope she doesn’t succeed in taking Wanda away.”

“Glad she’s gone for now,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Anyone who takes my sister away, answers to me.”

“That makes the two of us, Sunset,” Twilight said.

But as Chancellor Cinch smiled at the presence of the youngsters, Princess Cadance walked up to her and tapped the chancellor on the shoulder.

“Any sign of the others?” Princess Cadance asked.

“I did see Princess Celestia run through the streets of Canterlot,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “But no sign of anyone else. That being said, I also saw Queen Chrysalis fly through the air like she was hit by something.”

“That was mother,” Princess Cadance said. “She lost her magic, but she was able to send that changeling flying.”

“Then we must find that queen and make sure she doesn’t finish Celestia off,” Chancellor Cinch said before running off in one direction.

“Wait,” Princess Cadance said as Cinch ran off. “I think Celestia has this in the bag.”

“I don’t know,” Shining Armor said. “I think we should make sure she does.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Princess Cadance said.

Queen Novo turned to Wanda and said “I’ll let you ride atop my back for the time being.”

Wanda nodded as Queen Novo lowered her back down. Wanda leaped atop of Novo’s back before the hippogriff queen raised herself up. Abigail leaped up and landed in front of Wanda, who held onto the kitty cat with ease. Twilight levitated Spike onto her back while Sunset Shimmer stood by her lavender unicorn friend.

“Come on,” Queen Novo said. “Let’s see how this story ends.”

With Wanda and Abigail on her back, Queen Novo rode off after Chancellor Cinch. Following from behind, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Princess Skystar ran after Queen Novo. Buck Withers and Lemony Gem nodded to each other.

“Just a typical day?” Buck Withers asked.

“Just a typical day,” Lemony Gem laughed.

And with that, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem rode off after Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Princess Skystar with Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle with Spike on her back, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Karen the Alicorn Bulldog, Juniper Montage, the Dazzlings, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse following from behind.

But near the entrance to Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis struggled to get herself up. Her vision had become blurry and she stumbled a bit.

“Uggh,” Queen Chrysalis said. “What did that blasted princess do to me?”

Queen Chrysalis shook her head as her vision returned. She looked in front of her to which Princess Celestia ran up to the queen. But nearby, Princess Chrysalis II and Locust emerged from a nearby hole, and noticed Queen Chrysalis struggling to keep herself up.

“My queen,” Locust said, startled by her queen’s condition.

“NOOO!” Princess Chrysalis II yelled.

Princess Chrysalis II ran up to Queen Chrysalis, only for Locust to hold her back.

“It’s too dangerous,” Locust said. “If Queen Chrysalis dies here, you’re our new leader.”

“But that’s my mother,” Princess Chrysalis II cried.

“Your safety is now our concern, princess,” Locust said.

Queen Chrysalis stumbled towards Princess Celestia, who stood tall against the Queen, but also worried for her.

“Queen Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia said. “You are in no shape to fight at this point. Stand down for your sake.”

“Never,” Queen Chrysalis snapped. “I WILL NEVER STAND DOWN!”

Queen Chrysalis charged up her magic and fired it off at Princess Celestia, who only took a few steps out of the way as the shot flew past her and exploded harmlessly.

“I want your daughters,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I want your kingdom. I WANT TWILIGHT SPARKLE!”

“I know you do,” Princess Celestia said. “But I’ve become concerned for both your physical and mental wellness.”

“Do not take pity on me,” Queen Chrysalis yelled. “I am Queen Chrysalis, and I will rule over your people with an iron grip. THIS IS WHO I AM!”

Queen Chrysalis charged up her horn and pointed it at Princess Celestia, who stood perfectly still.

“I failed to kill you long ago,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I will not fail, and your daughters will mourn your death.”

Queen Chrysalis fired off a blast of magic right at Princess Celestia’s face. But it only extended up to a few inches to Celestia’s snout before disappearing without a trace. Queen Chrysalis looked up and was horrified.

“This can’t be,” Queen Chrysalis shrieked. “My magic. It can’t run out.”

Queen Chrysalis fired off another blast of magic, only for it to extend to around four feet before disappearing. She tried firing off another shot, but nothing came out of her horn.

“Why has my magic disappeared?” Queen Chrysalis cried. “WHERE IS IT?”

“You’ve exhausted yourself, Queen Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia pleaded. “For your well-being, please stand down. I don’t want you to die.”

“You may not want me to die,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And I may not have my magic. But I will kill you by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!”

Queen Chrysalis ran up to Princess Celestia in frustration, pointing her horn at the alicorn. But Celestia stood there, now with a tear falling from her cheek.

“This is for your own good,” Princess Celestia said.

In a flash, Princess Celestia dodged to the side, leaving her front left hoof out. Chrysalis tried to slow down, only to trip over Celestia’s hoof. Queen Chrysalis lost control of herself, tumbling down the street before she crashed into a wall.

“MOTHER!” Princess Chrysalis cried.

Queen Chrysalis fell to the ground and lost consciousness as Princess Celestia walked up to her.

To Be Continued in…

A Queen’s Lament

Author's Note:

I thought this would end after 2 more parts, but it seems it will go on longer than usual.

So unlike the last time they fought, the fight was far more in favor of Princess Celestia. Even despite her magic being locked away, Queen Chrysalis was too exhausted from her fights against Magistrate Creme Dream and Demon Sunset. Furthermore, I knew this fight wouldn't be interesting if Celestia used her magic. But then again, I made it too much in Celestia's favor after what happened during the finale of Life in Canterlot.

So there are truly two more parts left. Stay tuned.

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