• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 24(Hive Under Siege)-1: Coldnelius Snap's Hardship

Arc 24: Hive Under Siege

Coldnelius Snap’s Hardship

A lone Windigo flew above the cold mountains of Winteris, looking around frantically. His eyes saw what appeared to be a battle that took place recently. When he saw his fellow cult members lying on the snow, he flew down to the surface towards one of them and transformed into Coldnelius Snap. Immediately, he picked up one of his cultists, who immediately opened his eyes and turned towards his leader.

“What happened?” Coldnelius Snap said in a horrified tone.

“We were ambushed,” The cultist explained in a weak voice. “By an…army. They used….Fire Nag Miasma. Wiped most of us…out.”

“Hang in there,” Coldnelius Snap shouted. “Don’t you dare die on me.”

“It’s…too late for…most of us,” The weak cultist said. “But…I have…good news. Crystal snow….escaped.”

“Escaped?” Coldnelius Snap asked frantically. “Escaped where?”

“To…sacred place,” The cultist said with weaker breath. “Where no one…dares…attacks.”

With that, the cultist’s eyes closed completely, his fur lost its saturation, and his cosmic core popped out from his body. It pulsed slightly for a moment before it flew off into the stratosphere. Coldnelius Snap looked down at the dead cultist before crying into his cloak.

“This…pain,” Coldnelius Snap cried. “It brings back harsh memories of….my kingdom’s fall…and Queen Icelina…my beloved.”

Coldnelius Snap placed the dead cultist on the snow and placed his hoof on the fallen follower’s head. The cultist’s remains froze in place for a moment. Then, snow flowed from the frozen remains before it disappeared like wind in the snow. Nearby, the corpses of the other fallen Windigos followed suit, freezing in place and disappearing like snow in the wind.

“I swear to Icelina,” Coldnelius Snap said. “If my Crystal Snow has fallen, then Equestria will pay in spades.”

Coldnelius Snap transformed into a Windigo and flew towards the ruins of the Winteris Castle.

Inside, Coldnelius Snap transformed back into his alicorn form before looking around the castle. There were mostly dead cultists lying around, much to Snap’s horror. He ran down the halls of his castle, looking around for any survivors.

“Snow?” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “Crystal snow? Anyone? Are you out there?”

Coldnelius Snap ran down the hallway in a hurry, looking around for any signs of survivors. With each step, his emotions became more and more frantic and his breathing far more rapid.

“IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE?” Coldnelius Snap called out. “ANY SURVIVORS?”

Coldnelius Snap slid to a stop as he entered the ruins of the throne room. In front of him were two thrones. The one on the left was labeled “King Glaceious.” The one one the right was labeld “Queen Icelina.” Around the throne were the lifeless bodies of a number of Windigo’s Guild members, appearing as if life was sucked out of them.

“No,” Coldnelius Snap said in a subtle and broken tone. “This can’t…be.”

Coldnelius Snap struggled to contain himself as his right hoof shook with grief. He collapsed onto the floor, tears flowing from his eyes. He attempted to compose himself as he struggled to get up. But the weight of his burden kept him down.

“CRYSTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!” Coldnelius Snap yelled, right into the ceiling of the throne room.

Coldnelius Snap broke down crying on the ground as his tears fell from his eyes and touched the surface of the floor, freezing on impact. He struggled to get himself up as much as he could, only to slip and fall on his face.

“I’m sorry,” Coldnelius cried. “I failed to arrive in time. This is the fault of Princess Celestia. I shouldn’t have issued that truce.”

“She’s alright.” Coldnelius Snap rose up to see Locust the changeling approach the leader of the Windigo’s Guild.

“Crystal,” Coldnelius Snap said in a frantic tone as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Is she alright?”

“Yes,” Locust explained. “The intruders were able to wipe out most of your kind here in Winteris. But some of them escaped to what you call the sacred place.”

“That’s right,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I instructed her to go there should any trouble arise. But how were you able to access that place?”

“Since you formed an alliance with us,” Locust explained, “Your ice cold magic of Winteris has somehow passed onto us changelings. Observe.”

Locust held up a piece of fruit and proceeded to breathe onto it with a small cold breath. The fruit froze into place, solid cold. Coldnelius Snap walked up to the changeling and touched the frozen fruit, to which it shattered into pieces.

“I did not know that our magic could integrate into other species,” Coldnelius Snap said.

“Not only that,” Locust said. “But somehow, the location of the sacred place was somehow embedded into our minds. Allow me to show you.”

Locust turned his attention towards the thrones before casting an aura around the two chairs. The platform which the thrones rested on slowly moved out of the way before revealing a secret staircase leading downstairs. Coldnelius Snap’s jaw dropped surprisingly.

“I…I don’t believe it,” Coldnelius Snap said. “You’ve opened the way forward.”

“Come,” Locust said. “Some of my queen’s soldiers are with this Crystal Snow and the survivors of your Guild.”

Locust and Coldnelius Snap walked down the stairs leading into the Sacred Place. As they disappeared from sight, the throne platform slid above the secret entrance and shut itself tight. But nearby, Gold Banks emerged from the shadows with members of Debt Collectors and Grand Philosopher.

“The sacred place,” Gold Banks said. “So that’s where they’re keeping the magic of the Windigos.”

“What should we do, my lady?” Grand Philosopher asked.

“Let them mourn,” Gold Banks said. “Once they are out of sight, we’ll take the magic of the Windigos and Winteris away. All while at the same time, Master Trench Gruff is setting up an attack on the Changelings hive.”

As Coldnelius Snap and Locust made their way down the path, they emerged into a beautiful wintery land that expanded as far as the eye could see. The trees were covered in a pile of snow, and yet the light reflected off the small crystals of ice, twinkling as beautifully as diamonds. In the air, lights reflected off the eternally night sky, showcasing a dazzling of colors as far as the eye could see. Despite the beauty of this land, Coldnelius Snap and Locust made their way across the snow field.

“Are you sure she’s safe?” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“I am,” Locust replied. “Some of my queen’s soldiers are stationed there, guarding Crystal Snow and the other cult members with their lives.”

“Very well,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I will trust your word on this. But I vow that for your own well-being, it better be true.”

“It is,” Locust said. “I’ve staked my whole life on this.”

As the two travelers reached a part of the land of winter, they saw a number of changelings and Windigo’s Guild members standing in front of a castle made of ice. Near a statue of Queen Icelina, one cultist stood there, staring up at Coldnelius Snap, who’s limbs shook at her mere sight.

“She’s….” Coldnelius Snap said. “She’s alive.”

Coldnelius Snap ran down the snow and up towards the statue, where he laid eyes on his fellow cult member.

“Is it you, Lord Snap?” the cult member said as she took off her hood, revealing her beautiful face with a color palette that’s in reverse of Coldnelius Snap.

“Crystal Snow,” Coldnelius Snap said. “You’ve made it. What happened?”

“I can’t seem to understand why,” Crystal Snow explained. “But we were ambushed by soldiers representing the kingdom of Equestria. They were dressed up like elite troops and they had these pods that unleashed a miasma that was as hot as the Fire Nags.”

“So it was Princess Celestia who did this,” Coldnelius Snap said, struggling to maintain his composure. “She will pay dearly for taking advantage of our truce.”

Locust approached Coldnelius Snap and said “My queen wishes to speak with you about this matter.”

Coldnelius Snap turned towards Locust, who pulled out an orb and levitated it into the air. Immediately, Queen Chrysalis’ image showed up on the orb itself.

“I was made aware of what Princess Celestia has done to members of your guild, Coldnelius Snap,” Queen Chrysalis said. “No doubt she took advantage of our truce.”

“It was one thing for the princess to trick you into crashing a wedding,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But to resort to this? She’s no better than Hydia.”

“For some reason, I’ve been struggling to contact Princess Celestia and demanding she explain herself about the attack,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And I believe she may target our hive next.”

“And I take it you will need our help in case she tries to ambush us,” Coldnelius Snap asked.

“Correct,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Not only to defend our home from her treachery, but also to avenge your fallen comrades. Return to the hive. We must prepare for war.”

“Very well,” Coldnelius Snap sighed. “We will be there shortly.”

“And Glaceious,” Queen Chrysalis said. “We’ll make sure that we get Crystal Snow to safety. After all, she is your daughter.”

As Queen Chrysalis’ image disappeared from the orb, Locust placed the orb away before turning towards Coldnelius Snap.

“So it’s true?” Locust asked. “Crystal Snow is your daughter?”

“She is,” Coldnelius Snap explained. “One of the many survivors from my kingdom’s destruction at the hooves of that terrible alicorn Hydia. To think that Princess Celestia would step into her hooves and commit the same crime is a cold and cruel act. Now come. Your queen awaits us.”

With that, Coldnelius Snap turned his attention towards an empty part of the valley and created a portal in front of him. Changlings and Cultists walking into the portal, disappearing completely.

“Come, my daughter,” Coldnelius Snap said. “We must make our way to Queen Chrysalis’s hive.”

Crystal Snow nodded towards Coldnelius Snap before they both jumped through the portal, with Locust following from behind. Once they were gone, the portal shrunk down and disappeared without a trace.

But nearby, Gold Banks walked up towards the ice castle with a number of Debt Collectors by her side.

“Let us make haste for the magic of the Winterians,” Gold Banks said. “Afterwards, we make haste for the Changelings’ hive and tear their place down.”

“Yes, my lady,” One of the soldiers saluted.

As the soldiers made their way downwards, Gold Banks looked at the magic that poured out from the castle.

“The magic of the Winterians,” Gold Banks said. “Soon, it will be mine, and it will be one step in my plan to conquer ALL of Equestria. Then, everyone will call me…master.”

Gold Banks laughed as they made their way towards the castle.

Inside, Gold Banks walked down the halls of the castle chamber with her guards by her side. The sinister smile on her face shows a pony anticipating great power up ahead. Once she entered the main throne room, she saw the magic that poured from a pit in front of her.

“This must be it,” Gold Banks said. “This must be the source of the Windigo’s power: The magic of Winteris. And it’s now mine.”

Gold Banks pulled out an black amulet shaped into an alicorn with a jewel in it. She held the amulet close to the magic in anticipation.

“Go, my precious,” Gold Banks said. “Take the magic for yourself.”

Once the amulet touched the magical pillar, it siphoned the cold energy right into the crystal. Gold Banks’ laughter became maniacal as more magical energy poured into the gemstone.

“I must thank Grand Philosopher for this,” Gold Banks laughed. “The rush of power is incredible.”

After a moment, Gold Banks pulled the amulet away from the pillar of Winterian magic before turning towards her troops.

“Siphon as much Winterian Magic as possible.” Gold Banks commanded. “This begins our conquest of Equestria.”

“At once, Gold Banks,” The soldiers acknowledged.

The soldiers pulled a pair of briefcases out from their saddlebags before placing them on the floor. They opened them to reveal more jewels similar to Gold Banks’ amulet. As they pulled them out and siphoned off the magic of Winteris, Gold Banks looked down at her amulet.

“Probably too early to give this baby a test drive,” Gold Banks said. “But don’t you worry. This will be the key to which I will control all of Equestria: My new Alicorn Amulet.”

Meanwhile, back at the Changeling’s hive, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator sat down at the bar, drinking the night away with fire water.

“Did you hear about what’s happening?” Quickstrike asked.

“The attack on Winteris?” Inferno replied. “Every changeling is talking about it.”

“Waspinator wants to know why ponies are attacking Windigo’s cultists,” Waspiinator said.

“Word has it that Princess Celestia is violating the truce that Coldnelius Snap set,” Inferno explained. “And by attacking the Winteris ruins, she’s violating that truce and it will lead to a declaration of war.”

“War,” Quickstrike laughed. “Now you’re talking. I’m in the mood to kick their butts after our humiliation at the wedding.”

“Patience, Quickstrike. Patience,” Inferno said. “You’ll get your chance at revenge, once our queen gives us the order.”

“The one thing Waspinator wishes to do is to surrender his medal back to Queen Chrysalis,” Waspinator shouted. “Waspinator now ashamed of what Waspinator did back at Canterlot. Waspinator…”

But Waspinator’s mouth was shut tight by Inferno’s magic, who glared at his brother.

“Now is not the time,” Inferno said in a cold tone. “Understood?”

“Yes,” Waspinator said in a slightly muffled voice.

But as Inferno released his hold on Waspinator, an organic, insect-like, loudspeaker made some noise, attracting everyone within the room.

“May I have your attention? This is your Queen speaking,” The voice on the loudspeaker announced. “I demand all changelings report to the throne room, this instant.”

Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator got out of their stools and chugged down their fire water before slamming the cups on the bar counter.

“Come on,” Inferno said. “Our Royalty demands our attention.”

Quickstrike and Waspinator nodded to Inferno before they leaped into the air and flew off down a tunnel leading out of the bar. Other changelings followed from behind, leaving the bar completely empty.

Meanwhile, in the throne room, changelings and Windigo’s Guild cult members gathered by the hundreds as Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II, Locust, Coldnelius Snap and Crystal Snow stood in front of the throne. Both Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis stood there, fuming angry.

“As you are all aware, there was an attack on Winteris by Princess Celestia’s own military,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “A number of cultists were wiped out by this treacherous and cowardly attack, all while we were in the middle of a truce.”

Queen Chrysalis’ words were enough to cause everyone around her to boo loudly.

“That’s right,” Queen Chrysalis shouted. “All in the middle of a truce that we agreed to, after Coldnelius Snap had to bring back her adopted daughter Wanda Young from the past. Well the time for chivalry is over. We are going to march over to Canterlot and declare war on those miserable ponies for what they did.”

As the changelings and cultists cheered as Queen Chrysalis’ words, Coldnelius Snap stepped forward with a somber look on his face, eyes on the crowd.

“What happened at Winteris is a travesty that should not be repeated again,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Though I hold no grudge against the Man’s Cub Wanda Young, my hate will be directed towards Princess Celestia, and we will ensure that the ponies suffer the same that our kind has been through. Take heed, justice will be delivered swiftly towards the alicorns and their follows, for we are the Windigo’s Guild and the Changeling horde. THE MOST POWERFUL ARMY IN HISTORY!”

The crowd cheered louder from Coldnelius Snap’s speech as the Windigo’s Guild leader took a few steps back. Then Queen Chrysalis stepped forward and held her hooves in the air, quieting the crowd.

“Is there anyone who wishes to speak about our upcoming war with the monsters?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

Immediately, Waspinator stepped forward and threw his medal down on the ground.

“Waspinator not proud to have medal after what Princess Celestia did,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator requests to return medal to Queen Chrysalis because Waspinator stopped Gold Banks from taking Princess Wanda from the wedding.”

Queen Chrysalis walked over to the medal and picked it up from the floor. She observed it for a moment, only for an image of Princess Wanda healing her to pop up in her head.

“Uhh, yeah,” Queen Chrysalis said, hesitantly. “I’ll uhh…look into it.”

“Mother?” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Is something wrong?”

“Err, nothing’s wrong,” Queen Chrysalis said as she held onto the medal. “Our focus should be on Princess Celestia and the kingdom. Justice will be brought to us.”

“What an uninspiring speech.” Everyone turned to the entrance to the throne room, where Gold Banks walked towards everyone on her hind legs, clapping her hooves at Queen Chrysalis. Behind her were five members of her Debt Collectors. Crystal Snow looked at them and screamed in horror.

“That’s them,” Crystal Snow pointed. “Those are the monsters who attacked us.”

“Waspinator recognizes Gold Banks,” Waspinator fumed. “Waspinator remembers how Gold Banks tried to kidnap Wanda Young.”

As a number of Cultists and changelings blocked off Gold Banks’s path, the renegade aristocrat dropped down to her four hooves with a smile on her face.

“You have a lot of nerve to break into our hive while making our announcement, assassin,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Oh you’re only half right on that,” Gold Banks said. “After all, Princess Celestia had nothing to do with what happened in Winteris.”

“And what makes you think I can trust your words?” Coldnelius Snap snarled. “You’re obviously a spy sent to wipe us out.”

“Correction,” Gold Bank said. “I am the one who was one hundred percent responsible for the attack on Winteris.”

Every changeling and cultist gasped in horror at Gold Banks’ confession. Coldnelius Snap dug deeply into the surface of the floor of the throne room before pointing his horn at Gold Banks, charging it up with ice magic.

“You have the nerve to confess your crime to us in front of our faces,” Coldnelius Snap snarled. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end you.”

Gold Banks just yawned before she said “Because if I die, it would give the entire Debt Collectors authorization to launch Fire Nag Miasma into the hive, and wipe out both the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings. Are you willing to face extinction?”

The magic on Coldnelius Snap’s horn disappeared without a trace as the Windigo’s Guild leader took a few steps back. Every cultist and changeling just stood there, horrified by Gold Banks’ threat.

“You lie to us,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Why would someone like you threaten our lives?”

“See for yourself,” Gold Banks said. “You have a means of observing the outside world, do ya?”

Queen Chrysalis immediately turned to her observation orb and zapped it with magic. The orb showed the area around the hive, where it was surrounded by members of the Debt Collector’s Squad. Queen Chrysalis’s jaw dropped in both surprise and horror before she turned to Gold Banks.

“You,” Queen Chrysalis said. “How did you amass an army that size by yourself? And how did you even sneak into our hive undetected?”

“Why, I’ve studied under my former mentor Magistrate Creme Dream,” Gold Banks explained. “And she taught me a variety of tricks to undermine anyone, be it in politics or on the battlefield. You possess magic in this hive that would block out even the likes of an alicorn’s magic. But thanks to the power of alchemy, and Creme Dream’s former alchemist, I can bypass that and claim your land as my territory.”

“You have a lot of nerve to say that when you’ve barely proven yourself worthy,” Queen Chrysalis snarled.

“Not impressed?” Gold Banks laughed. She signaled to her Debt Collector Guards and said “Then perhaps, a little demonstration is in order.”

Suddenly, the horn of one of the Debt Collector Grunts surrounded a changeling within the crowd before pulling it out and slamming it on the floor.

“YOU LET HIM GO!” Queen Chrysalis yelled.

The crowd of changelings and cultists charged at Gold Banks, only for a barrier to materialize and block out the incoming mob. Gold Banks just stood there, smiling at the angry mob as she turned towards her soldiers.

“How can you do that?” Queen Chrysalis yelled as both changelings and cultists watched helplessly at the lone, helpless bug pony.

“The power of Fire Nag Miasma,” Gold Banks said as she pulled out a talisman from her coat, complete with a red jewel on it. “It has the ability to bypass any nullifications that this hive gives off. And not only that, it can also prove fatal towards a Winterian or a Changeling. Observe.”

Another Debt Collector pulled out an organic sac full of a lava-colored liquid. He threw it directly at the helpless changeling before it exploded, setting off a gas that surrounded the hapless victim.

“My queen…” The changeling begged. “Help me.”

“RELEASE HIM THIS INSTANT!” Queen Chrysalis yelled as she fired a blast of magic at the barrier.

“Fool,” Gold Banks laughed.

Suddenly, the magic that touched the barrier exploded, knocking all of the cultists and the changelings down onto the ground. Coldnelius Snap struggled to get up before Crystal Snow pulled him up. The Predacon slowly got up from the impact of the explosion. Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II and Locust got up and watched in horror as the lone changeling was suffocating from the gas, struggling to scream.

“What are you doing, you monster?” Queen Chrysalis yelled as she helplessly ran up to the barrier and pounded on it. “Let him go.”

“Oh but I am,” Gold Banks smiled. “I’m letting him go from his own life.”

Queen Chrysalis could do nothing, but stare as the changeling that was surrounded by the hot gas struggled to reach out.

“My queen,” The Changeling said as he struggled to move. “I’m….not afraid….to die.”

With that, the changeling collapsed on the ground as the gas cleared up around him. His cosmic core emerged from his body as the color around it desaturated. Queen Chrysalis watched in horror as tears fell from her eyes and the cosmic core of the belated changeling flew off into the stratosphere.

“You….You killed him,” Queen Chrysalis cried. “You sick, twisted, monster.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” Gold Banks said. “Now here are my demands. Both the Changelings and the Cultists have one hour to surrender themselves and turn your hive over to me. Failure to do so, and you will face extinction. I also ensured that you can’t contact anyone outside of the hive, which includes Princess Celestia. And don’t bother trying to escape. After all, the choice is yours.”

A portal formed behind Gold Banks as she and the troops turned around and walked towards the vortex. They jumped inside before the portal disappeared. The barrier around the dead changeling vanished as Princess Chrysalis II ran up to the poor creature and picked him up.

“You didn’t deserve this,” Princess Chrysalis II cried. “You didn’t deserve to die.”

Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap walked over to the orb, where the Debt Collectors were stationed, ready to launch an attack. Both leaders had the look of dread on their faces.”

“What are we going to do?” Coldnelius Snap said. “First Winteris, and now the hive.”

Queen Chrysalis turned to Coldnelius Snap and said “There is a secret tunnel underneath the hive. We will make our escape through that route. If we hope to survive, then we must escape.”

“But what about the monster Gold Banks, my queen?” Inferno asked.

“I don’t expect her to give us even a few minutes to decide,” Queen Chrysalis said. “She will launch an attack on us and wipe us out, even if we choose to surrender. We must escape right now, before we are all dead.”

To Be Continued in…

Queen Chrysalis’ Burden

Author's Note:

This is where the series is going to get dark.

For this arc, I introduce the concept of how a character dies. It's more of a nod to the Transformers franchise in two ways.

In Generation 1 and Transformers Animated, when a Cybertronian dies, the color in their chassis desaturates completely.

In Beast Wars, when a cybertronian dies, their spark emerges from their chassis and flies off(Code of Hero).

I chose to combine both elements of how a cybertronian dies and implemented it into One as a Family: When ANY character dies, their body desaturates of all color and then their Cosmic Core flies out from their body before it shoots into the stratosphere.

Also, notice what Gold Banks has? Fans of Friendship is Magic will obviously recognize it.

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