• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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1. Good Morning

The lights of the train tunnel flickered, the sound of people going from place to place ringing in my ears, and the distant sound of train breaks screeching to a halt. The train engine sped by before an explosion of fire and sparks ignited. The cries and screams of the people echoing throughout the halls as they rushed for the exits. I then fell to the floor as pain and numbness filled my body, my eyes half open. A warm crimson liquid stained my hand, my arm laying in my field of vision. Blood… there was so much of it… not just mine, but other’s too. A little African American girl lay a foot away, breathing heavily as her body slowly grew cold. And finally, my vision faded, and all was still.

I was going home.

Or so I thought…

"Hah!" I hollered, jolting myself awake and sitting up. I slowly raised my hand up to my face, my head starting to pound like a drum, only to find a large furry hand with two-inch claws and a padded palm. "W-woah, t-that's not... normal."

I turned the shaking hand over, observing its grey fur along with the arm. "So not normal."

As I looked over my body, I found that my original clothes were gone, replaced by a tight green T-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. I then looked further down to find the hind legs of a dog where my regular human limbs used to be. A large black bushy tail to my right, wagging slightly. How was I not freaking out about all this?

"O-ok, I don't remember having a tail... of any kind in my life." I mused as I looked down at my tail, nearly failing to keep calm as my breathing quickened. But with a few long breaths, I calmed down enough to keep my head on.

Searching my new environment, I noticed that I was in a king-sized bed, covered in discarded scarlet sheets. A mountain of pillows sat behind my head, cushioning my aching cranium with their cloudy likeness. Looking around the room, I saw that it was richly furbished. Gold trimming along the white walls, priceless vases and antiques all around, and a single chair at my bed’s foot rest with an anthro Princess Luna on it…

…Wait, WHAT?!

Doing a double-take, I saw that it was indeed her. The Princess of the Night; Luna, sitting in a wooden chair, watching at me. It was her, but… not. She was of course Luna, she had the navy-blue fur, teal eyes, wavy mane in a nonexistent wind. But that’s where the similarities ended. Her muzzle was longer than it should have been, ears were thinner and driven into sharp points. Her fur looked shaggier, unkept, similar to what it was like in the show and fanfics. Her hands bore similar claws to what I had, ivory white and two inches of I'M GONNA KILL YA. She stared at me with a mix of concern, anger, and relief. After a few more moments of staring, it was getting creepy...

Scratch that, it was creepy long before that! Was she there the whole time?

She spoke with a gentle voice and a sweet smile. “Greetings, I am Princess Luna, Co-ruler of Equestria. And you are?” She had her hands resting on her knees, keeping her regal appearance.

“Uh… I'm Micah Night. Now though, I have no idea if I should get a new name.” I answered, gesturing to my new body. It took all my self-control to withstand a mental breakdown. Seriously, you try dying in a train accident, being revived instead of going to Heaven, and tossed into a werewolf’s body in another world!!

'Lord, I really hope this is part of your plan, cause’ this is really doing a number on my head.' I mentally prayed.

Luna thought for a moment. “Well, if you so wish for a new name, perhaps… hm…” She looked me up and down, her eyes turning into slits every few seconds, only adding to the creepiness she emanated. “How about… Obsidian Fang?”

Made sense, my fur was black and I was a werewolf, thus the ‘fang’ part of the name. Luna’s eyes returned to normal, giving me a smile. “Is there anything you can tell me about yourself before we move on? Anything regarding your entry to this world?”

Wait, how’d she know about that?!

“Uh, I was once a man on the planet earth…” I started, but was stopped as the Princess raised her hand, clawed palm facing me.

“I know of where you come from, I saw your thoughts as I was transformed into this.” She gestured to her wolf-like appearance. I raised a questioning eyebrow, wondering what she was getting at. She probed my head? Not cool.

“To start my side of the tale…” She breathed a sigh. “I was foalnapped by a rogue cult of sun worshipers. They saw my elder sister, Celestia, as a deity, a god. And in turn, saw me as their devil. After capturing me with a rare artifact crafted from ancient days, they took me to the ruined castle in the Everfree. When there, they strapped me down to an alter and started chanting.”

My brows furrowed, there were many things I disliked about these guys. For one; they placed two people above the Lord, that alone made me fume inside. Two; they kidnapped royalty, that was inexcusable. And third, they were about to sacrifice the princess, that’s just above the first.

“As they continued,” She went on, interrupting my musings. “A portal opened next to me, above another alter. After a second, you fell through, a human covered in ratty clothes and bleeding wounds. Your left arm and leg were missing.” Luna nearly gagged at that, but choked it down with a hard face.

“They started swinging an incense bowl over you and your body healed, but also turned you into what you are. Then they did the same to me, turned me into this.” She gestured to her new self. “Once that was done, you awoke. And much to their grief and agony, you didn’t praise them like they wanted, you attacked and killed them all.” Luna forced herself to hold her hand away from her leaking face, tears rolling down her whimpering face.

Seeing what was going on, I got off the bed and shakily went over to her, I was still getting used to having double jointed legs at the time. She looked up at me with fear and pain written all over her, nearly shaking in my shadow. I knelt and stretched my arms around her, embracing her. Luna was hesitant at first, but soon leaned in and accepted my hug, even wrapping her silver tipped wings over me.

“I’m sorry you had to see that… what happened next, if you’d like to continue?” I leaned back, looking her in the eyes, letting her know I was trying to be sincere. “If you don’t, I don’t mind. We can continue another time.”

She nodded and whipping a few tears away, she sniffled. “Y-yes, I am sorry for that. I haven’t seen that much death in some time, I’ll have to get used to it again.”

I gave her a shrug. “Ah, it’s okay. I remember when I first saw death. It was at the end of fall and the chickens were being less and less fruitful, so, we ended them. I mostly turned away from the sight when my dad cut off the heads, but watched as the body ran in circles and eventually collapsed. I think my friend even got a video of the whole thing… showed it to Mom and Aunt Gwen right after.” I chuckled at the memory. “They nearly ran away screaming…” My mood changed after seeing her horrified face. “I'm sorry, I guess... I got carried away.”

Luna shook herself of the painful images that plagued her mind. “I-it’s alright. A fond memory is to be treasured, regardless of how unpleasant it is to others.”

I nodded, sitting back down on the bed. Regardless of however unpleasant it was to others? Sounded almost like something a psychopath would say. Shaking my head, I pushed such thoughts away, wanting to change the subject. “So, please continue.”

She nodded, “Right, after you dismantled them, I lay there waiting for my own end as you hovered over me. But it never came. You simply sat there, watching me through glazed eyes. Some time later, Celestia arrived with her Solar Guard, all surrounding you. But you didn’t move, not until my sister approached me to unlock the straps. You lunged at her, claws drawn and ready to fight. Why, I don’t know, but you attacked any who tried to get near me. Soon, pain spread throughout my body until I lost consciousness... After I awoke, I found myself as this, a mix between an alicorn and a wolf.”

I thought for a few minutes, reviewing all the new info. “How long was I out?”

“Three weeks.” She replied with a straight face.

“Eh, could’ve been worse.” I said with a shrug. “Could have been three years. I would’ve both hated and loved that.”

“Why is that, pray tell?”

I laughed, “Being asleep for three years; I would’ve missed somethings, but I also would’ve gotten one heck of a nap.”

Luna smiled at that, but it seemed almost forced. “True.”

Thinking for a moment, I figured that she had other things to do than to chat with me. Like important reports to sign, nobles to scold, or those night flowers to hang.

“Um, if her majesty has other things to do, I will not stop you from returning to them.” I said with a respectful nod.

She thought for a few seconds, no doubt reviewing her duties. “In fact, I do have other business to attend to. Thank you for reminding me.” She smiled again. “Though, I will have to ask you to stay within the castle grounds until my little ponies are less… riled. I would hate for there to be a panic.”

“I understand. But I know that trust must be earned. After all, I am but a stranger here, and thus, require your subjects’ trust too.” I lowered my hand down near the Princess, offering her a hand to help her stand. She reached out with a hesitant claw, nearly trembling as I towered over her.

“Again, thank you, Obsidian.” Her smile grew.

“Of course, your majesty.” My own sideways smile grew, finding my new name to be growing on me.

I then stepped forward and opened the door for her, catching a glimpse of twenty guards with spears and shields surrounding the entrance. I fully looked out the door as Luna joined me in the activity, both of us looking at the guards quizzingly. My smile soon returned.

“Well, at least you guys are prepared.” I gave them all a thumbs-up. “Good job. Though I do advise on posting more guards. If I do happen to go crazy again, I hope your sister doesn’t have to send them home in shoe boxes.”

All guards present gulped at my words, some shaking in their armor.

Luna giggled at my optimism. “Indeed. I shall tell Tia. If you would like, I can send a maid with some books and a new set of clothes.”

“Yes, I would like that. Thanks.” I nodded, better to accept her offer before it passed.

I then closed the door as the Princess exited, noticing a few guards giving me death glares. Shrugging them off, I returned to my bed, mulling over all the info from the Princess.

So, I was now in an anthro version Equestria with Luna as the opposite gender of my new species. Celestia and everyone else no doubt disliked me, Luna probably along with them. At least I still had the Lord to love and hold me. And no, I was never Muslim, Catholic, Lutheran, nor Jewish. I am a Christian (or Baptist). With that out of the way, I was also a brony, as much as I disliked the name. For whatever reason, I just didn’t like that name, it always sounded too girlish to me.

Did I mention that I tended to ramble sometimes? I very much hoped that the Main 6 didn’t know about me yet. I didn’t want to be anyone’s science experiment while here, she whom shall not be named. I’d also need to find out when exactly I’d landed, or if this was some alternate reality where none of the canon events happened. That’d suck. Though, I was never into keeping track of the show itself, maybe something would come up and I’d remember.

Before I could continue with my decision, I noticed the mirror in the corner, reflecting the candle light. Deciding to finally get a look at myself, I walked over to the object in question. As I approached, I saw a large black wolf with ocean blue eyes staring back, his mouth slightly agape as mine was. I inched closer to gaze at my eyes, an inner ring being a deep yellow, while outward from the ring was a dark ocean blue. There were no whites in them, as they were replaced by pitch black, furthering my understanding as to why they found me truly frightening. Even Luna seemed scared of me.

As I observed myself further, I saw that I had Norse runes traveling up my right arm, shoulder, and face, ending just before my snout. The runes were painted in a pasty tan color, swirling and dancing around each other like rivers. My observations were interrupted by a knock on the door, a timid voice following, “H-hello? May I come in, please?”

I turned to the door, popping my stiff neck. “Yes. Please come in.”

The wooden door creaked open to reveal a female unicorn, her fur was a light aqua blue, tail and mane a shining silver. Her mane was done up in a bun, a few strands hanging loosely above her forest green eyes. She wore a simple maid’s dress, showing off her curves and chest, though I kept my eyes from that. The maid walked in with a basket of men’s clothes and two stacks of books, her eyes plastered to the bed, evading my gaze. Setting them on the bed, she quickly turned back to the door just before I stopped her with a “thank you”.

She turned back, standing straight and giving me a small smile. “You’re welcome, sir…?”

“Obsidian Fang.” I said with a nod.

The maid gave a bow and shuffled out the door, once again leaving me alone. I looked over to the basket of clothes, figuring I’d better find something nice to wear incase the Princesses wanted to talk. Hey, they’re royalty, not wearing your best is practically a crime! I looked over the shirts and found a light blue collared one, nice and snug, slightly tight over my new biceps. I think I stole Chris Hemsworth’s body. Seriously, I looked like Marvel's version of Thor, lean body and whatnot.

I then checked my pockets and found my phone, the battery was at 89%. Good, I’d need to for music at the least. Looking through the pants in the basket, I found a pair of black jeans that were made with a strong material. Thankfully, underwear was easy. I then filled my pockets back up with my belongings. Seeing as that there were no socks, I simply went bare foot, as I imagined it would be for any in this world. With that out of the way, I sat the basket on the floor next to the door, ready in case it was needed again.

Now looking over the books, there were none that I recognized. Some seemed like earth’s classic novels, such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Dracula, and others. It was after a few minutes that I noticed a black leather book, it’s thin pages tinted gold, the words MacArthur Study Bible – English Standard Version written on its spine. I smiled as I took it in my hands, lied down on the bed, and began to read from Matthew 25:14, where I had left off before current events took place.

I continued through the book, reading Jesus’ parables and thinking on there meanings. After about an hour of reading, a knock erupted from the silence. Jumping out of my bed, I scrambled over to the door and opened it to see one of the guards. He nodded before saying, “The Princesses would like to see you immediately.”

I nodded in turn. “Okay, just a sec.”

I then went back and set my Bible on the nightstand, joining the guard after to head to my meeting. 'This should be interesting.'

Soon after, we arrived in the throne room. Gold trimming lined the pearl white walls, as with the rest of the castle. Yet, when we came to the throne room itself, it didn’t look like the TV show's, more like the new movie version of it. Polished silver floors and walls, decretive scarlet sun and blue moon banners, two ramps leading behind the twin thrones. And both sitting on a raised platform surrounded by six fountains as they spilled into grooves in the floor. The stained-glass windows were still there, shimmering in the sun’s vibrant rays. The air smelt of rich fragrances and fresh mint. All in all, it was more breath taking than the show’s. Just… wow.

And sitting on said thrones were the Princesses in all their glory. However, as I drew closer, I saw how worried they were, Celestia more so than Luna. We stared at one another for several minutes, the only sound being our shallow breaths and the running streams. For some reason, my eyes kept darting back to Luna. No matter how much I forced them, they wouldn’t stay. Celestia finally broke the awkward silence with a polite cough into her hand.

“Well,” She began, “I can see that you’re awake. I was honestly expecting a wild beast, like from before, yet when my sister came back and told me what you were like, I was surprised.”

I cleared my throat. “Yes, well. I’d rather stay out of a cage, if that’s alright with you. Better to have an ally than an enemy. Not that I’d ever want to be against you, your highness.” I bowed slightly.

The elder Princess smiled, turning to her sister. “You mentioned that he was a gentlecolt, but I didn’t except him to be this good.”

Luna smiled lightly as I stood back to my full height. “He is far different from when we first met.” She turned to me. “If you don’t mind, Obsidian, my sister has some questions for you.”

I smiled. “Not at all. Fire away.”

Celestia gave me her own smile. “Luna mentioned that she saw your memories before she changed, is it true that you come from an alternate world and died before coming here?”

I nodded as my smile faded. “Yes...”

The Solar Princess hummed to herself. “Do you have any plans to attack or hurt anypony? Because if you do…”

“No, y-your majesty. I do not. The only blood I will seek is if someone attacks a friend or loved one. And possibly if I have need of food.”

She raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘need of food’? Do you eat ponies?”

“Again, no. As you probably guessed, I’m a carnivore, I eat meat. Flesh, that is what I consume. The closest thing I’ve ever eaten to pony would be moose.” My stomach growled lightly at the thought. "Though wolves are omnivores, so... I guess the same rules apply to me. Same with humans."

Celestia gave me a glare. “And if you are to turn savage again?”

I sighed heavily, already regretting what I could do if that happened. “I don’t know. As for everyday food, the best that I can say is that I will not eat anything that is of high intelligence. Anything below, I ask, can it be for me to eat? Wolves on my world are omnivores, meats and greens. Though I personally prefer my meats more so than any veggies.”

The Princess sat back in her throne, thinking it over. After a while, she turned to Luna who also had been thinking. Possibly realizing that she was now, like me, an omnivore. And she didn’t look happy about it, the prospect of needing meat. Luna suddenly stood, glaring daggers at me. Without a word, she descended from her throne toward me, eyes full of hate. It was now that I noticed she stood up to my chin, her crown reaching the tip of my nose. Did that mean that I was as tall as Celestia herself? As she passed me, she raised her hand, flexed her claws and slapped them across my face. She didn’t draw blood, I checked afterward, but there were some red marks. Then the Princess of the Night left without a word, her sister, I, and the guards present staring after her.

After a few seconds, Celestia shakily spoke up. “W-well, it seems I’ll have to talk with her after we finish. I’m sorry, she shouldn’t have done that.”

“No.” My voice gained a small amount of authority. “I don't know why she did that, but don't punish her. I'd like to know why she hit me first, even if the answer will tick me off.”

The Princess nodded, “Right… well, shall we continue with the questions?”

“Yes.” The questions went on, the usual stuff. What’s your original name? Where are you from? Did you have a family? However, I couldn’t help but think that this was all part of the Lord’s plan; me coming here, the cultists turning Luna into what I was, and whatever else to follow. I just hoped that this wouldn’t end in a disaster. But I must keep faith, do my work, and praise God for whatever comes for good or ill.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been edited again, after much insight from Nocturnal Waltz and all you awesome people. Plz let me know if I missed anything.
Some may ask why I put a Christian into this story. The simple answer is that i had seen other writers do themes similar to this, where Christianity enters Equestria is some fashion, but I wanted there to be a story where an actual believer is sent to MLP. The small curiosity of mine; I wanted to know if this view point could change Equestria. How would the ponies react to someone with such a different mindset than them? How would he react to them? And what would be the outcome?
But all that aside, I just wanted to write a good story.

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