• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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41. New Friends and Enemies

Over the next few weeks, we interrogated the cultists and nobility we’d caught, questioning them on the whereabouts of their fellow members. It honestly didn’t take much for them to spill. Just goes to show that if you want results, ask Moon to get them talking… by the wrath of a coffee starved Wargess. Seriously, do not mess with Moon before her morning coffee!

But, regardless of the information we’d gotten from them, we still needed to know the state of their organization. Thankfully, Niko had returned and brought back two other Kitsunes. One was a red vixen sharpshooter, and the other was a cross-fox assassin, both experts in their fields and in need of masters.

In the meantime, Luna helped with unpacking, Haven having been hard at work in her room. We worked the mountain of boxes down until lunch was made. Sitting out on the porch, we’d set up three chairs with a small table in the center, each of us chowing down on the tuna sandwiches I’d made.

Luna hummed as she chewed, stuffing another potato chip in her jaws as she leaned back in her rocking chair. “Mmmm, I absolutely love this. Just a quiet day to relax, at least until we find more cultists to bring down.”

“Agreed, but I kind of want to just find them all and get it over with.” I stated as I placed my plate down on the table. “I’d like for this peace to last and not be interrupted.”

The Princess gave a longing sigh, a sad tone mixed in. “I agree…” Her nose suddenly twitched, and Luna sprang to her feet, startling me as she summoned her spear. “We aren’t alone here…”

I looked around but saw no one. “Where?”

“Behind the meat shack.” She pointed her spearhead to the small shed that acted as a freezer, a surplus of meat stashed inside. “They are Warg.”

“How many?”


I stood up and took control of the earth below us, summoning the dirt to ensnare the trespassers. My success was guaranteed by the startled yelps and shrieks from behind the shack. We made our way around to find two Wargs trapped in earth mounds.

“W-What the hell is this?!” One shouted in a panic.

“Who are you and why were you sneaking around on my property?” I snarled with folded arms, looming over the two.

“I’d listen to him.” Luna warned, pointing her spear at the grey Warg, his amber and blue eyes shrinking at the sight of the weapon.

“H-hey, we were just passing through!” He said, his fear replaced with daring. “Right Asher? …Asher?”

“U-uh, Damian, I’d give you a hand in this debate, but you don’t have milti-tailed fox chick holding a knife to your throat!!” The sandy blonde Warg grunted, his head inclined as said Kitsune vixen shimmered into existence, his green and purple eyes darting to his friend. “Just saying, I’d give you some slack…”

“I believe my boyfriend asked you a question.” Snarled Luna, holding her spear to the grey Warg’s nose. “You had best answer him.”

“W-wait, what’s a hot chick like you doing with this skinny guy? He looks like he’s gone through a warzone!” Asher observed, shutting up as the Kitsune’s grip tightened. “Augh!”

“He’s been through a ‘warzone’ to keep me and my kingdom safe.”

“Huh, so not only is she your girlfriend, but a Queen too? Dude, does she have a sister?” Asked Damian with a smirk, imputing that it was a joke.

“Asami, these two are no threat.” I nodded to the red vixen for her to let Asher go. The four-tailed Kitsune did so and bowed in her green Kimono, dashing away into the woods to the west.

“A smoking girlfriend and a foxy spy? You’ve got everything.” Joked Asher as he relaxed somewhat in his stone prison.

“Moving on…” I looked back to Damian, locking eyes with him as he seemed to try and push himself away from me. Taking advantage of this, I stepped closer and had the earth prisons move them to kneel, ears perked as I loomed over the two. “What are you doing here?”

“W-we were just h-hungry…” Blurted Asher, looking ready to bolt as his ears pinned to his skull, a small whimper escaping him. “W-we’re s-sorry! We s-smelled the m-meat in the shed… and…”

“It’s ok.” They both looked at me with equal amounts of skepticism and uncertainty. “You were hungry and needed food, but next time…” A portal dropped a hefty slab of frozen meat into my hand. “Just ask.”

Their prisons fell, the rock and dirt tumbling to the ground as the Wargs stood. Damian stood as tall as me, his slim but muscular body equaling mine, wearing torn and dirtied jeans and a green T-shirt. Asher was a head shorter than both of us, his frame slightly pudgy, wrapped in a pair of likewise muddy pants and grey sweatshirt.

“Why? Why free us?” Asher questioned, dusting himself off. “You believe us, just like that?”

“Because you are not a threat. And I tend to be a very trusting person, even though that trust has been betrayed several times.” I answered matter-of-factly, my fists clenching.

“And… that was you with the earth powers? Are you an Earth Bender?!”

I laughed at that, chuckling as I waved him off. “Nah, just have earth magic, nothing too fancy.”

“Oh yeah, sure…” He rolled his eyes. “Nothing too fancy… YOU HAVE FREAKING EARTH POWERS, DUDE!!!”

Again, I chuckled along with him, looking to Damian soon after. “I imagine that you have many questions?”

“A few…” Said the grey Warg.

“Come on.” I motioned for them to follow, asking Luna to grab Haven. “I’d like to check on the others, but I’ll answer any I can.”

And so we were off, heading for the Palace infirmary. Once there, we stepped into the room, looking over the three Wargs we’d rescued from the Sun Priests the week before. They lounged on large beds, each Warg held by two, as the royal hospital had no cots big enough for beings of our height.

“How’s everyone doing?” I asked the group as they all looked up to give me their attention. “Everyone feeling ok. Danny, how’s lunch?”

We all watched as the brown Warg chowed down on the bowl of pasta in his claws, resisting the urge to shovel it all in one go. “Delicious!”

I smiled at that, looking to the other two. “Maggie? Greg?”

“I’m doing good. Definitely better than what we had back with those cultists!” Piped Maggie, her tan fur glistening like gold next to the window as her tone grew sad but grateful. “And… thanks, we… would’ve…”

“It’s ok, Maggie.” I smiled back, leaning against the wall. “I’m glad you’re doing better. And Greg, how’s life?”

“Like Maggie said, it’s good.” He smiled back, leaning on the mountain of pillows behind him.

“Good, good.” I nodded, nodding to newer arrivals. “Guys, these two are Damian and Asher. They’re good guys and have agreed to my offer.”

“You seriously plan to build us all houses?” Danny looked up from his bowl of noodles. “Wouldn’t that leave you broke?”

“For a small bit.” I shrugged. “But it’s better than leaving you all here. Plus, if you’d all like, I can have your homes build near mine. We could have a small neighborhood, just a thought.”

“I’d like that.” Maggie agreed with a giggle, thanking a nurse as she took her cleared bowl of soup, the fragrance still lingering. “We could have a little wolf pack of our own; I wouldn’t want to live here… it’s too big.”

“Yeah, it’s one of the reasons I moved out. But anyways—”

“Sir!” Shouted a Royal Guard from behind me, making me jump. “Princess Cadenza and Prince Armor have arrived.”

“And I needed to know this within inches of my death, why?!” I gasped, clamping a hand over my pounding heart.

Before the guard could answer, Luna groaned and smacked herself over the forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot! Cadence and Shining are visiting today, saying they had some meeting involving Tia… and I think I heard that their family was going on a Zeppelin cruise next Saturday.”

“Wait, is this the events of Once Upon A Zeppelin? I loved that episode!” Grinned Asher, pumping a fist.

“You a big MLP fan, huh?” Asked Greg, giving the blonde Warg a look. “A… brony, right?”

“Yeah, a brony through and through. You guys like the show?”

“While it wasn’t one of my all-time favorites, it was a way I could hang out with my sister.” I shrugged, looking to everyone as they spoke.

“Eh, I watched one or two episodes of the original series when I was a kid, but it wasn’t for me.” Maggie said as she looked over several magazines.

Danny nodded as another nurse brought him another bowl. “I stayed as far away from that stuff as I could… besides, Pokémon and Dexter’s Laboratory were always my jam.”

Just then, Roret walked in past me, looking over a clipboard in her hands. “Sorry to break the moment, but I have all their test results back. Danny, Maggie, and Greg are doing fine, they just have a few bruises and weren’t fed very much. My advice is that they get as much rest a possible and eat a lot… and I can see Danny has you two beat.”

We all looked to the blonde Warg to see him chowing down on his third bowl. Greg’s jaw looked ready to hit the floor. “Dude, where are you putting all that?!”

“My grandpa would’ve said ‘he’s got a hollow leg.’” I chuckled from my corner of the room. “We might want to get a barf bag for him though…”

Another guard marched up to Luna, tapping her shoulder to get her attention. “Princess Luna, her Highness, Princess Celestia has requested your presence.”

Luna rolled her eyes and groaned under her breath, leaning into my side. “It appears that I am needed. Keep an eye on everyone while I’m gone?”

“Will do, your Majesty.” I grinned back, planting a kiss between her ears.

-=Luna’s POV=-

I smiled to myself as I treaded down the halls toward the throne room, the warm and ghostly embrace of his lips dancing along my scalp. All four hearts were sent drumming when I felt those lips brush against my head, a sudden heat claiming me as I remembered this was done in front of total strangers. I then promised myself that I would make him pay for that embarrassment!

Arriving in the throne room, I saw the royal pony couple chatting with Tia. Striding up to them, I crossed my arms and waited for a break in the conversation. I didn’t have to wait long, as Cadence and Shining took notice of me right away, stepping away in shock at my new appearance.

“A-auntie… Luna?” Gasped the pink alicorn, looking me up and down as I noticed that Shining had his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Indeed, it is I.” I then looked the two ponies over. “You seem well, Candence. Is Flurry Heart doing well?”

“Yeah, she’s great.” The mare seemed to calm at the mention of her daughter, her smile returning. “It took us a bit to find a babysitter, but thankfully, Sun Burst was willing to help. And, if I may say, your new fur looks beautiful! I’m almost certain that you have that wolf boy wrapped around your finger.”

I repressed the urge to frown, not liking the idea of using Micah as a toy. However, Tia beat me to the answer with a squeal of joy. “Oh, you haven’t heard, Fang and Lulu are a couple now!”

“No way! Auntie, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Cadence gaped before her interest dropped into gossip territory. “So… how is he? Did you—”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” I snarled with an unearthly growl, my voice dropping dangerously low. “We haven’t done anything of that nature. We settled on courting each other, there is no sex involved like what ponies do these days.”

I noticed that Shining had yet to remove his hand from his sword, watching as Cadence retreated a step. “O-ok… I’m sorry Auntie, I just… get excited when new love sprouts.”

“Mmm… tell me, did this interest develop before or after your ascension?”

“Uh… I think it was after. Why do you ask?”

“Hm, it seems to me that you’ve let the title of ‘Princess of Love’ go to your head, Cadence.” I mused allowed, folding my hands behind my back as I looked to Shining. “And I see that the former Captain of the Guard hasn’t lost his touch, but tell me; where was that prestige and dedication when the Changelings attacked? I would say that your twin sister is doing well in filling your shoes, but I loathe lying.”

“W-what?! I was put under a spell and mind controlled! What’s your excuse for not helping?” Growled the unicorn as he stepped in my face, well into my personal space. “And what’s this about Gleaming not doing her job right?”

“I was helping protect the ponies of Canterlot, and when the Changelings were pushed away with that pulse, I helped rebuild a crippled city while you partied.” I huffed, using my magic to scoot him away, back to his worried wife’s side. “And in case you’ve been fed false information; you will hear it from my lips. She almost constantly berates Fang about everything he does near Tia, accusing him of sabotage and other criminal deeds. She held up arms against me when I was—”

“Punching me through a wall?” Snarked Celestia. “ Yeah—”

At that moment, Moon took control before I could stop her and screamed in Tia’s face. And this wasn’t a scream one would hear from any sentient being, this was a bestial shriek, one that sent chills down even my back. We almost sounded like a wailing banshee, the horrific monster of legend.

“Your incompetence will be the end of you, Celly…” Moon snapped as Tia paled, the alicorn taking a step back. “I have said this hundreds of times; think for once! Get someone who is actually qualified to lead an army, not just some handsome or pretty numbskull from Canterlot’s Elite. Tell me, Celly, how did Shining Armor and Gleaming get into the guard, hm? Because I’m honestly curious, did you actually see how they were at leading and handling stress before enrolling them? Actually, forget enrolling, try egging them on through privileges. Such as a certain unicorn filly student of yours?”

“Y-you keep Twili out of this!” Roared Shining, pushing toward us again as Cadence stopped him.

“And why shouldn’t I? Tell me Celly, did little eight-year-old Twilight Sparkle recommend her big brother? Or was it sheer coincidence that he was enrolled successfully? From the records, he wasn’t even turned down once, whereas numerous others were rejected repeatedly.”

From Tia’s silence and lack of eye contact, we all knew the answer. Even if some of us didn’t want to hear it, they still needed to know.

“Hm…” Moon smirked, feeling pleased with herself as green flames circled our hand. “It seems that we were correct… but just to be sure…”

A Chromatic portal spiraled into being, the ring of sparks soon ejecting one Gleaming Shield and another Princess Twilight Sparkle, courtesy of Roret via a telepathy spell. Both mares looked around frantically, until they spotted each other and everypony else in the room.

“P-Princess Celestia…w-what… what happened? Why are we here?” Asked a shellshocked Twilight as she stood up, rubbing her sore rump.

“To confirm a past action; recommending your older brother for the Royal Guard at the age of eight.” Both me and Moon said at once, causing the two mares to whirl around and stare up at us in shock.

“O-oh—wait, WHAT?! Shining, is that why you were hired into the guard?! Because of ME?!!” Her mane was sent into a frenzy and she stared at her brother in disbelief.

“And it was this recommendation that spurred him through the ranks.” Scowled the former Nightmare Queen, looking between the three siblings. “The Princess’ student asked for her brother to be in the guard, and so, he was to the point he commanded it. A pony who lacks any attributes to lead or better equip his troops. I imagine that the former Captain of the Crystal Guard was none too thrilled when you came along.”

The stallion in question seethed. “T-that’s not true, he—"

“Stormed off and resigned himself to the point of sending threat notes to you? Yes, I know about those.” We said at once before I took over. “I confiscated those before they could reach you, and relocated the former captain to Filly-Delphia, where he has found love and happiness. You’re welcome.”

“P-princess, I—”

“Why show the same respect to her as you do me? Moon and I share a body, Shining Armor, I never left the room.” I then turned to Tia, Moon joining in my speech. “Not only is the Royal Guard a disgrace to all known militaries, but their former leader was not recommended by a superior officer, but his little sister. We are sure that even the Griffins mock this country outside of earshot. This goes beyond stupidity, Celly.”

We stepped closer, looming over the alicorn with our wings fluffed and outstretched, the shadows of the room growing darker still as our eyes flickered with blue fire. “We art changing the system, alicorn, and we will do so with or without thy help. Impede us, and thee shalt be met with harsh actions.”

I then folded our wings, turned around, and marched toward the door. “Good day.”

The slamming of the large doors ended with them almost falling off their hinges. I spent the next few minutes wondering the castle halls, taking my time in getting back to the infirmary, but when I finally returned, there was a nurse standing outside the door and she waved to me. I walked over and greeted her, asking where the others had gone, as their scents were dull in the now empty recovery room.

“They said that there was this high-pitched ringing and then Obsidian Fang told me to tell you that they were down into the Crystal Mines. Said that they were going treasure hunting.” She answered with a timid voice.

I nodded in thanks and summoned a portal down to the mines, reaching the old tunnels in seconds.

“Ha ha! Found one! Good grief, that screeching was annoying!” Shouted a voice from down the tunnel to the right.

“Holy crap! I got two!!” Called another, squeing in joy. “And their red! HEHEHEHE *wheeeeeeeeze*!!!”

Curious, I ventured toward the happy giggles and almost mad cackling, the sounds of an overjoyed fanboy. Once entering the new tunnel, I saw Danny and Greg, both of them holding small glowing crystals. Danny was giddy as a school filly and hand two red crystals, while Greg held a single green one.

“Excuse me, but where is Micah? And congratulations of finding your crystals.” I smiled at the memory of Micah first showing me the crystals he’d retrieved from these mines and the epic tale that had followed.

“Uh, down this tunnel and to the right, he was with Asher last I saw.” Greg gestured to said way, looking to Danny as I scooted by. “So, I take it you’re a Sith fan?”

“Heck yeah! The Prequels, Originals, and Sequels. I love them all!” Danny voiced his glee.

“The Sequels?! Those aren’t canon!”

I shook my head with a smile as they argued. I was surrounded by nerds in my life, and I had no qualms about becoming one of them.

Uh, you may not, but I do!” Grumbled Moon. “I do not want to be known as the Nerdy Princess. I have an image of intimidation to keep up, you know.”

“’An image of intimidation’ you day? What about that massive plushie collection you have stashed away in our closet?” I teased back.

If Moon had her own face, it would’ve turned red. “You have the things that you like, and I have mine. And don’t you dare lay a claw on my teddy-bears!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it…”

Following Greg’s directions, I soon met up with Akiira, who was helping Maggie put together her own lightsaber. I said my greetings, but then rushed off and followed Micah’s scent, chasing it down the cavern. When I did meet up with him, he was happily chatting with Damian, both of them lounging atop the grey dirt.

“Hey Luna!” Smiled Micah, waving me over when he caught sight of me. “How was your talk with Celestia? You see Cadence and Shining?”

“It… could have gone better…” I anxiously rubbed my neck, feeling the fur stand on end as I looked away in shame.

Before Micah could reply, the wall behind him exploded, a large, clawed fist smashing through earth and crystal. As the dust settled, the silhouette of a Warg appeared. His horns were curled around his ears, much like a ram’s, but black and chipped. His fur was similar, pitch black like invading smoke, his eyes a blood red with dim sickly green rings.

“Which one of you is called ‘Obsidian Fang?’” He snarled in an scratchy voice, crossing his thick arms over his toned chest.

With cracks forming in the cave ceiling and lava dripping down, Micah glared at the new arrival as he stood up. “That’d be me. What do you want?”

The Warg laughed maniacally. “Hell yes! Makes my job all the easier, and for that, I’ll kill you quickly. Maybe I’ll take the pretty girl home with me.”

“Away from Micah? Ha, you just try!” I snarled back, igniting my lightsaber, and summoning a Chroma blade.

He smiled with a creepy, lopsided grin. “Oh-ho! I LOVE a girl with some fire in her!”

“Good, you’ll be seeing a lot of it!”

“Hey, starting the party without us?!” Came Danny’s voice from behind, before he and the others joined us, bringing their own lightsabers to bare. Red, green, blue, yellow, purple, and orange lit the cavern. The eight of us stood together, lightsabers and weapons drawn, ready for the ensuing battle.

“What is this?” Spat the Warg, laughing. “Some crappy Star Wars Sequels remake?”

“See, I told you they were trash!” Greg mocked Danny, sticking his tongue out at him.

“Shut up, dude!!”

Author's Note:

While the chapter may be a shorty, I hope it brings smiles all around. As always, please leave me your thoughts. Your comments and words of inspiration have kept me going for so long, and I love you all for it. Thank you all for the support and God bless!

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