• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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20. Returning Home... Wait, We Did This Already!

Through the stone door I stepped, ancient Norse runes edged into the frame and down the middle of the door, coming to find myself in a dense white forest. My pawed feet crunched amongst the alabaster snow, the cool breeze ruffled my silver mane. The tall, thin trees surrounded me on all fronts, shattering the orange light of a campfire in the distance. The dark of the night glistened with many stars, my moon- a miniature moon sat in the sky, spreading as much light as it could. On I walked, curious as to what I’d find in Fang’s dreamscape.

When I finally reached the trees’ boundary, I found a simple fire burning through three logs and Fang laying on a patch of dirt. His eyes were closed as he breathed deeply, the wind falling in sync with each exhale.

“Hey Luna.” Came the black Warg’s casual tone, his pine scent mixing with that of the forest. He cracked an eye open to look at me and gave me a winning smile, his arms folded behind his head. “How you doin’?”

I smiled back, choosing to sit next to him on the earthy patch. “I’m well. You?”

He was slow to shrug, he hesitance showing. “I suppose I’m ok.” He looked deep into my eyes, looking for something, then snapped himself free and continued with honesty. “No, I’m not.”


“I’ve tried to keep it under wraps. To not bother you all with it… no, that’s not right.” He muttered with grinding teeth. He sighed before continuing. “You and your sister have much to do throughout the days, my misgivings could wait for another time. I guess I didn’t—”

“You could’ve come anytime after we returned to Canterlot, why didn’t you?” I asked with a motherly tone, trying to calm him. His hands were clenched, brows furrowed. I could tell he was seething with himself. “Why hide it?”

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped and stared away in thought. Several minutes waned by as silence claimed the area, only the crackling of the fire reaching our ears. Finally, he groaned to himself and rubbed his head, ears pinned back. “I don’t know.”

I kept silent as he sat up and hid his face in his hands.

“My Dad always said that ‘I don’t know’ is never a good answer, so I’m trying to come up with one. But nothing’s coming up.” He growled at himself, clutching his head. “I don’t know why I didn’t bring this to you guys sooner.”

“Have you at least mourned your separation?”

“Almost every night before bed. Though my siblings were bothersome, I still love them. My parents, the same, minus the troublesome part.”

“If you could, would you go back and be with them?” He looked up at me, his face struck with mixed sorrow and hope. “What if we could send you back, alive and well? Human and all?”

Another long pause came and went. “I honestly don’t think I would. Part of me does mourn for them, but another says that I’m supposed to be here. I don’t know why, but I just do. I wish I had answers, but I don’t.” He paused for a short while, rubbing his chin. “This is where I’ve been planted, so this is where I shall grow. I shall bend to my Gardener’s will and sway in the breeze, grow until I become a strong tree.”

I smiled, finding his conviction inspiring. “Is that why you chose a forest?”

He shrugged in response with a goofy smile. Turning towards the fire, he gestured to several logs of meat with a smile. “You hungry?”

I rolled my eyes at him, having already explained that we couldn’t physically eat in the dream realm. I was curious nonetheless, my nose picking up a torrent of delicious scents, my mouth began to water.
“What are they?” I asked in wonder, staring at the fabulous logs of meat as he placed them in buns of bread.


I couldn’t help but lick my drooling lips, my mind focused on nothing but the phantom taste that built on my tongue. Fang handed one to me before I greedily scarfed it down, he just laughed at my unladylike behavior, content to watch as I moaned in bliss. The flavor, the juiciness, the warmth that filled my belly, I loved it all. I licked my fingers, savoring the overwhelmingly delicious flavors of the hotdog.

I opened my eyes to see Fang smiling at me, his smirk bordering on a snicker. “Want more?”

Before I knew it, my head nodded vigorously, my stomach growling for more heavenly meat logs.

<=Fang’s POV=>

I awoke to the sound of soft breaths, the gentle caress of warm air along my snout, tickling my nose. My eyes lazily opened to see the serene face of the Lunar Princess, her sweet smile filling my heart with a warm spark. I looked around for a moment, observing the cave’s depths that I -we’d- slept in, but then my vision landed back on the lovely features of the peaceful She-Warg. I felt my face burn as I stared, transfixed on her beautiful face. She wore no makeup, no special dye of her fur, nothing corrupted her features. All was natural and stunning, just as God had made her.

Luna suddenly shifted in her sleep, edging herself closer to me and causing my blush to deepen. I swallowed what saliva I had in my throat and left my esophagus dry, trying to keep quiet and not disturb her. My ears perked at the sound of slow hooves on stone, I looked over my shoulder to see Celestia covering her smile and giggling. I mouthed out ‘help me’ and she used her magic to untangle me from her Warg sibling. I nodded my thanks and turned back to see Luna moaning as her hands searched for me, only to keep searching as her moan became a begging whine. My mood dropped at the sight, prompting me to go back and put that adorable smile back on her face.

“Enjoy your cuddle buddy, or should I have just leave you two to continue the finale?” Celestia smiled, tittering behind her hand again, mirth filling her eyes. My face was burning hot, much like a volcano, so much so that I thought my fur would start sizzling. I tried to hide my embarrassment as I rubbed my tired face. “She’s always been like this. Always the clingy sister. While I, am the refined mistress of sheet tugging.”

“Ha! You snore like a chainsaw.” Came Luna’s retort as she sat up, rubbing her baggy eyes. “And you can’t sing to save your life. You sound like a choking cat, had to shove tofu in my ears once. Remember that?”

The Solar Princess grumbled, eying her sister with a playful deadpan. “And you? Missus-O-so-perfect? If I remember correctly, you were the one who crawled atop me in the middle of the night and drooled all over my mane when we were fillies.”

Luna scoffed, tossing her head into the air with a regal humph. “We did no such thing! And even if We did, We don’t anymore.”

“The pond that was by your head says otherwise.”
I quickly checked my left wing for any excess drool, thankfully, none was found.

Suddenly, numerous shrieks and screams erupted from behind. I snapped around to find Stone walking toward us, every occupant in the room scampering out of his way. I noticed that tuffs of fur and bits of flesh were slowly pealing off of him. Was his animation spell wearing off?

With not so much as a hello, he walked past me and Celestia, approaching Luna. My other half snarled at him, I wanted nothing more that to comply. Stone knelt before her and whispered something in her ear.

The ancient Warg then turned to us with a somber look. “I need to speak with Luna alone.”

Celestia and I shared a concerned look, both wishing greatly that we could bolt the undead Warg to a boulder and send it rolling down the mountainside. However, against our wishes, Celestia nodded and hesitantly stepped away from the area. I lingered for a moment, but followed the Solar Princess, keeping a wary eye on Stone and a sympathetic one on Luna. She gave me a worried look to which I nodded with a smile and mouthed ‘I’ll be out here’. She nodded in return and sat down as Stone approached, I watched until I turned right and leaned against the wall, doing my best to listen in.

However, before I could even begin my spy mission, Rainbow Dash walked up and leaned against the wall alongside me. The mare nodded with an uneasy smile, rubbing her arm, looking like she was trying to say something.

“H-Hey Fang, can I talk with ya for a sec?” She asked, struggling to look me in the eye.

“Sure,” I decided to forget my spying and turned to address the pegasus. “What’d you want to talk about?”

“U-Um… about the way I treated you, back when we first met.” She gulped, rubbing the back of her neck. “I-I’m sorry for how I acted, it was uncool of me.”

I nodded for her to continue, it seemed like she had more to say.

“The things I said, about your beliefs and… well, everything. I’m sorry for insulting you.” She swallowed, scowling at her hooves, thinking. “I should’ve been cooler about it. You don’t hurt anypony who don’t deserve it. You’re nice to everypony you meet… except the guys who try to attack you. Big on try.” She and I chuckled at her little joke.

“But seriously, you deserve more respect than what I gave you back there. What you did for Haven was pretty awesome, giving her somepo- one to call family. You and Luna, I mean. You’re an awesome dude, and I’m all for it if you want to be friends.” She smiled, holding out a hand. “What do ya say? Fresh start?”

I smiled and shook her hand, holding it with a gentle grasp. “All for it.”

She breathed a sigh of relief, slumping into the wall.

I cleared my throat, not sure if she’d be willing to answer my question. “But… just out of curiosity…”

She looked up with a questioning eye.

“Why did you not like me in the beginning, my faith?”

Her mood went somber, struggling to hold back tears. “I-it’s… It’s privet.” She folded her arms and tensed. “I-I don’t want to talk about it… not now anyways.”

I nodded, understanding. “I get ya. Until you’re ready to talk then?”

“Yeah.” She paused, mulling over something while looking at my wings. “But hey, if you ever want to learn flying lessons from the coolest pegasus around, I’m available.”

I laughed at that, imagining her flying laps around me. “Yeah, sure. But maybe when I get starter lessons though, don’t want to go speeding off and ram headfirst into a mountain!”

The cyan pegasus giggled to herself, giving me a fist bump. “Yeah, probably for the best. I’d hate to see you in a full body cast.”

“I’d hate to be in one, yeesh.” I managed not to snort.

“Been there, done that! Well, see ya around, dude!” With that, she trotted off and joined her friends. Rarity sat with Haven, the seamstress braiding the pup’s hair in erratic designs. Haven just giggled at herself in a hand mirror, her cute smile broadening. I couldn’t help just smile at the scene, warming my heart see Haven connecting with others. My thoughts suddenly returned to Luna’s conversation as I turned back to listen. But yet again, it seemed the Lord had other plans.

“Dad! Daddy!” My ears perked at the sweet voice of Silver rushing up to me, sporting an amazing braided hairstyle. After a second, I realized what name she’d called me by. Dad. My heart froze for a single second and warmed to degrees beyond the sun, a wonderous fountain of joy exploded from my soul. “Look, look!”

I squatted to meet her eyes, looking over Rarity’s work. Haven’s hair mimicked old Norse hairdos, from my limited knowledge at least. But a good job, nonetheless. “What?! No way, that’s awesome Haven! Rarity, you did very good.”

The unicorn replied bashfully, twirling her mane. “Oh, it was nothing darling! Just a simple braid, nothing too difficult.”

“But work this good should be rewarded,” I patted down my pockets to find my ruined wallet, now a mess of leather and string. Probably from the bear’s attack. I frowned at the bundle of fabric in my hands. “Ah, crud.”

“It was very sweet of you, dear, but it’s not needed. I would be more than happy to do so again for the darling, if so needed.”

I finally fished a handful of bits out from my pocket, handing them off to Rarity.

“No, no darling. There’s really no need.” She pressed, smiling as she pushed a loose strand of hair behind Haven’s ear, handing the bits back. “This dear’s smile is all the payment I need.”

I hummed, shoving the coins back in my pocket. “Well, how about a favor for a favor?”

She hummed in return, rubbing her chin. “Very well, I accept. Within reason, of course. Nothing ‘out there’, we’ll keep it civil. How does that sound, dear?”

“Sounds good.” I gave her a thumps up and nodded, hugging Silver with my left.

“WHAT THE ****?!!!” I whipped around to see the stone wall suddenly bulge with Stone’s shape, small sparks of blue lightning cracking the Warg’s impression. Luckily, Equestria had its own universal filter. “We are not the daughter of the Bone Queen!! We art Luna, Princess of the Night and thee shalt remember thy name!!”

The Royal Wargess then marched out of the room, leaving Stone and stomped out of the cave fully, out into the cold. I turned back to Haven, looking her in the eye. “Stay with Rarity. Ok? I’m going to go talk with Luna.”

My feet sped after the She-Warg, running past the gawking ponies. My guess was that they’d never heard, or even dreamed, of the Lunar Princess swearing. I found Luna stomping out into the snow-covered valley, fuming and growling to herself. The snow was dotted with piles of dust, torn rags, and rusting armor plates. I lowered my head in respect for the re-fallen Wargs, taking a moment to mourn their passing. A quick look to my left showed me that the once wrecked train was now unscathed and ready to go, all it needed was fuel… which we’d used for our bonfires. All former cracks, dents, and bent railing was renewed, looking just like its former self (before its tumble off the tracks). Must’ve been one heck of a ritual.

I turned back to Luna to find her muttering words I shall never repeat, her glare sending chills down my spine. I coughed into my fist before speaking, getting her attention. “Luna, you ok?”


“Define frazzled.” I deadpanned, motioning for her to continue.

“THINE SUPPOSED ‘UNCLE’ TOLD US OF OUR PAST, SAYING THAT WE ART OF AN OLD ROYAL WARG HOUSE. THAT WE WERE SEPARATED FROM THY PARENTS AND USED AS A BARGANING CHIP!” She took a long breath to steady herself, but she still looked miffed, and that’s putting it lightly. “Stone said that we were taken from our true home and raised by the slaughterer of our people. How can that be true?! How can we trust him when he through us unarmed at a monstrous bear and expected us to win?!”

She continued to rant for a good hour, while I simply sat on a boulder and let her vent, listening still. I waited till she was done, offering her a hug with arms outstretched. She accepted it with a beaming smile. I took a moment to collect my words. “Regardless of origin, you are still Luna. Princess of the Night, Ruler of Dreams, Mistress of the Stars, Wielder of Warhammers, and Slayer of Windows. You are who you are, none can change that, regardless of your past.”

“And what of the future?” She asked after a long moment, wrapping her wings around me.

I hummed in thought before pressing my forehead into hers, looking into her beautiful eyes. “I usually leave that for God to figure out. I try to focus on the now… and now, the train’s fixed and we should be able to go.”

She looked over to the train, apparently having ignored it completely in her anger. “We used all the wood and coal for the fires. What will we used for fuel?”

I led her face back to mine with a gentle hand, smiling down at her. “Who says we need wood or coal?”

She smiled back. “Feeling a little mysterious, are we?”

I chuckled with her before looking around at the surrounding dust, putting pieces together. “Stone told you that their spell was dying, I guess? He turned to dust after speaking with you?”

“I assume so,” She heaved a sigh. “After I got angry, I shoved him into the wall—”

“How could we miss the dent he made? Looney Toons style.”

“…Yes, that.” I caught sight of a light blush on her cheeks. “I didn’t stay to witness his departure, I didn’t feel like it, I was too angry.”

I nodded in understanding, knowing the overwhelming power of one’s rage. It wasn’t something I was proud of, but I knew that people just loose control sometimes. “I understand, but even if he wasn’t family, we should still give him a proper funeral. He didn’t get one last time he died, let’s change that.”

Luna nodded, following me back to the cave.

-=Five Hours Later=-

In the past, I’ve never been a fan of playing the trumpet, bagpipes, flute, or any instruments that dealt with lung capacity. Nice to listen to every now and then, but when I tried, I’d always sound like a whizzing duck afterwards. So, seeing as how the train was powered by steam, me, Luna, and the dragons took turns breathing fire into the Furnas. We powered the train with our own breath, the multi-colored flames dancing like from Back to the Future III.

When we finally arrived at Canterlot Station, the dragons (Spike excluded) swiftly departed, only lengthening their farewells so Ember could hug Spike. The two had a good relationship going, Ember was brash and easily tempered, while Spike was her anchor and reminded her of her strong ties to Equestria. I was honestly surprised Spike didn’t just up and go with her, forever held in her embrace. Yet, he still held fast to Twilight and her friends, supporting his status of Equestria’s Dragon Ambassador. Discord decided to wait for the train along with the Main Six, intent on returning to Ponyville (for tea with Fluttershy, we all know this).

I, however, followed the Princesses and their escort. We’d entered one of the Princesses’ chariots and strode through the city, drawing closer to the Castle. However, as we traversed through the streets, my body grew restless. My feet tapped against the floor, hands drummed on my knees, and wings twitched in vain efforts to stretch. I’d been trapped inside a train of the last five hours, my body felt cramped.

Celestia seemed to notice and smiled. “I whole heartedly agree.”

“Hm?” Came Luna’s hum, snapping from her daydream as she stared out the window. “What was that sister?”

“I just noticed that Fang seems jittery, seeing as how we’ve been cooped up in that stuffy train car for a while, I figure we can ditch the chariot.” She leaned in closer to us, a smirk playing on her lips. “That, and I really would like to stretch my wings too.”

Celestia then ordered the stallions to stop our ride and we filed out of the confined chariot, all three of us taking to the skies. Haven asked to ride with Luna, the Princess lifted into the sky with the pup in her arms, Haven clinging to her body in return. With only four flaps, I was soaring above the whole of Canterlot, gazing down upon the pearl white city. As I drifted along, Luna banked over to my left, smiling at me with childish wonder. I smiled back, beating my wings to speed ahead. Luna soon caught up to me, her lovely smile widening as she expertly barrel-rolled around me. Haven giggled and whooped at the action, asking for her to repeat it with glee. I folded my wings to dived into the streets, my wing tips barely skimmed against the buildings’ sides. I beat my wings harder to gain more speed, dodging lights and signs. I then folded my wings to ran across the city’s numerous sighs, leaping from ledge to ledge before pushing off to soar again.

“FANG!” Luna shouted from above, drifting with the wind to keep up. “You’re on fire!”

Unlike Johnny Storm, I quickly picked up on what she meant. I looked over my shoulder to find the dark feathers on my wings showering sparks and embers along the streets behind me. In response to this, I smiled and swiftly gained altitude, my wings bursting with flame. Balder assured me of our abilities and took partial control of the wings. Once gliding below the Lunar Princess, I twisted around so I was facing her gawking face. I just smiled up at her and winked, beating my wings as fire and smoke tailed me. I gave Silver a high-five, the pup laughing along with me. Upon snapping from her trance, Luna playfully scowled at me.

“You dork!” She laughed, lightly shoving my shoulder, righting me in the process.

“Yes I am!” I howled in laughter, shifting my wings to pull behind and above her. I then reached between her shoulder blades to tickle her, she burst into giggles as I stopped. I didn’t want her losing control of her flight to die laughing. “I totally am.”

“Jerk.” She pouted with a snicker. It was then that Celestia joined us, her white wings like that of a dove.

“Don’t mind me, I’ll just continue my lovely flight.” Smirked the Solar Princess. With our antics halted for the moment, we all headed to the palace for the remainder of the evening.

Later that night, as I lay in bed, I was awakened by a light knock on my door. My hand lifted and ignited, lighting the room up with dull fire. I groggily opened my eyes to see Haven hesitantly peeking in, her cheeks stained with tears. Even on my tired state, the sight broke my heart.

I looked her over again before speaking. “Bad dream?”

She nodded with a sniffle, wiping her eye with her fluffy hippo’s arm, the constant smile of the stuffed toy not helping her mood. “M-mom and dad hi-hit m-me again.”

My heart broke again, the repair team giving me their letters of resignation in response. I lifted the blankets and nodded her over, letting her climb into bed. She snuggled close, her head tucked into the large pillow and her hippo gripped tightly in her arms. I settled down next to her, lifting a wing over her to add warmth.

“D-do you mind that I-I called you Daddy?” Asked the silver pup, her drying eyes shifting up to mine. “Y-you’re not mad, a-are you?”

My smile returned at full force. “No. I liked it, it felt nice. You can call me Dad if you want.”

“And Luna? Can I call her Mom?”

I hummed in thought, trying to come up with an answer before my brain finally shut down. “I don’t know, that’s something you’ll have to ask her. But, maybe.”

She then scooted up and kissed my cheek, snuggling back down into the sheets afterward. “Goodnight Dad.”

If my heart could’ve exploded, it would’ve been nuke worthy. “Goodnight Haven.”

…That night, the repair team exchanged their wills.

Author's Note:

Still alive!
Stone is (was) Luan's uncle?!! Looks like Haven's making new friends. And Luna's fallen in love with hotdogs, apparently. :pinkiehappy:

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