• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 17,796 Views, 709 Comments

Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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32.Here's a War... on the Dance Floor

Author's Note:

Hello everyone from Quarantine in AK!! Hope everyone is keeping themselves sane!
Enjoy the chapter! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

Needless to say, when one dives headfirst into a pit of bubbling lava, it’s best to watch your footing before jumping. I now had several bumps and bruises to prove my fall down the rocky slope, ending with a belly flop into said lava. I’d say that many have done so in a pool or lake, and we all know it hurts.

Said bruises were the source of my pain as I pulled a white tank top over my head. After the pain dulled and I had rested for a moment, I pulled a snow-white button-down shirt from my bed. My attire for the Gala had been laid out, the former button-down and black slacks being the first to encase my dully aching body. But the pain did not matter. I had offered to escort Luna as her date during the event, and I was planning on doing just that.

I just had to take a mountain of painkillers beforehand.

After the good doctor gave me that legion of painkillers, I finished dressing. My new coat, courtesy of Rarity Bell, was a black suit coat with a deep blue sash over the neck, gold runes similar to my own strewn about its length. Nor, at least, when my runes were visible.

See, when I emerged from the pit’s flaming depths, my body went through several… changes. For starters, the fur along my back had gained a sun gold tint to it, spanning from the back of my neck, across my shoulders, and down my vertebrae, ending in a sharp point that dove into my tail. Speaking of my tail, it had also gained a golden hue, small flecks of gold fur specked around a long, broad streak down to the tip. Also, the fur along my shoulders and upper back had grown, adding two more inches in length. It honestly made a button-up collar a little difficult, the way it would settle against my fur just didn’t feel right.

Bringing my hand up to my forehead, my palm and fingers brushed against two tiny curved bones. My hand ached slightly as the inch-tall horn’s dull points poked it. It was still nerve-racking, feeling the two nubs of sharp bone on either side of my brow. The coloration of my face had also changed; a broad streak of gold flowed up my snout, stopping just between my eyes. Two dots of yellow, like gold coins laid at my inner brow. They then streaked up into sharp wisps towards my ears, just below my horns.

“Well, at least now if I meet Faust again, I can show off my new horns.” Shaking my head at the mirror before me, I chuckled to myself. “I never would’ve thought I’d say that in my life…”

Nor did any of the things we’ve done, at least back when you’re human.’ Chimed my other half, the rings in my eyes pulsing.

“True.” I thought back to all the times we’d fought, Balder taking our magic and controlling it with such ease. “Hey Balder, why is it that when we get some new power, like when we fought those changelings or the snake, we could handle it without any training or previous knowledge?”

He thought for a moment, mulling it over. ‘I honestly can’t say. It all just comes to me. It… it’s like I already know how it all works.’

“Huh, weird.” I then grabbed my necktie and began wrapping it around the collar of my shirt, tying it soon after. As I struggled with my tie, my mind soon wandered from Balder and I’s conversation to my date with Luna. After a long moment of internal worrying, I looked myself over and headed toward the ballroom.

Once I arrived through the maze of hallways, I saw Celestia waiting for me, a warm smile on her face. She beckoned me over and helped fix my tie and coat, explaining the plan. “Alright, so, you know what to do?”

“Just like we practiced; you enter, I wait until the applause stops, and then I come out and down the stairs to join you and Luna. Do I have it all?”

“Yes.” She stepped back to look me over with an approving gaze. “Hm, if you were a stallion, I just might be tempted to steal you from my dear sister.”

“But then we’d have a grumpy Luna on our hands, and we don’t want that.” I chuckled, aware that Luna could be listening from across the stairwell. “Besides… she’s my date, I don’t leave her hanging.”

The Princess’ smile grew as she stepped toward the stairs, looking back at me. “That’s all I ask for.” With that, she notified pony to her left.

“Announcing, her royal Majesty, Princess Celestia is entering the ball room!” The announcer pony shouted to the crowd, his blue tux clean and sharp. “And announcing her Highness, Princess Luna!”

I looked over the stairs to see Luna, dressed in a stunning gown of silvers and blues, descending down the steps, smiling and waving to the applauding crowd. It wasn’t until she landed on the platform behind Tia that she looked my way. My face burned red at seeing her pleasant smile and I couldn’t help but gave her a dopey grin back, admiring her beauty. Her mane had been pulled back, brailed into a single cord and several smaller cords, all pulled over her right shoulder. Her eyes scanned over me as well, a dreamy look coming over her face soon after, a sweet smile gracing her muzzle. After that eternal moment, she turned and joined her sister on the landing, putting on a regal facade.

“And finally, announcing Lord Obsidian Fang, Noble Knight of Equestria!”

Sucking in a breath, I stood straight and stoic. With a neutral face, I descended down the stairs. Each step felt like it dragged me down seven more, as I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me. I felt everyone’s gazes, all the nobles condemning mutterings reaching my ears.

“What’s that thing doing here?”

“Why did the Princess even invite those two? Doesn’t Princess Luna usually stay away from the Gala?”

“I thought she was a shut-in.”

“That monster doesn’t belong here. I’m sure there’s a zoo that misses him.”

‘Not as much as it misses you, you grass-eating prick!’ I shouted into the depths of my mind with clenching teeth.

These and more assaulted my ears, making my teeth grind and fists clench. I then glared at the floor, my face slowly morphing into a scowl. They had no right to say those things! Had they ever stepped up to protect their people? Had they ever risked their lives to defend their kingdom? These idiots had nothing in common with me, nor their ancestors!!

A warm hand suddenly gripped mine, my head snapping to my right to find Luna’s lovely eyes. In that moment, all anger slowly melted away. Their words and opinions didn’t matter. The only opinion I needed to worry about was the Lord’s, no one else’s. And, in all honesty, when one got down to the teeth of it, not even Luna’s opinion mattered. We were called to love the Lord as if we hated our families and friends. But even though I knew this, I couldn’t help but want her opinion.

Bringing myself back to reality, I nodded in thanks to Luna and turned back to the crowd, ignoring them entirely and gently clutching Luna hand. It was then that I heard Celestia wrapping up her speech. “-and it is with great honor and praise that I welcome Princess Luna and Lord Fang to this year’s Grand Galloping Gala!”

The gathering of nobles clapped and applauded for their leaders, though I knew it was only out of necessity, not of true happiness for their Princesses. I only found another reason to dislike these nobles because if it. Squeezing my eyes shut for a moment, I breathed out to clear my head, calming myself down before my mood could sour fully.
“No weapon formed against me shall stand. Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” I whispered, the last of my anger fading.

I then looked down and saw Twilight waving to us from the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes settled on me, in doing this, she did a doubletake. The Princesses had kept my new appearance a secret so that everyone could see me at the Gala, saying that they wanted it to be a surprise.

I continued to look over the crowd, spotting the Mane Six scattered about the grand room, each looking me over with wide eyes and slack jaws. The nobles seemed uninterested in my new look, to which I ignored. Again, I didn’t need their opinions.

Shaking myself from my daze, I turned to my date as nobles began climbing the staircase toward Celestia, raising mine and Luna’s entangled hands into view. “Would her Majesty like to descend the tedious stairs? Perhaps for a drink or a snack?”

A warm smile plastered itself onto her muzzle, and suppressing a giggle, Luna playfully squeezed my hand and allowed me to escort her down the stairs. “Your Maiden permits your assistance. I would be delighted to a snack.”

My own smile threatened to split my face, as I slowly descended the stairwell with the Princess in toe. Ignoring the stares we were getting, I led her Highness to the buffet table, where we found a section at the end filled with various meats and carnivorous dishes. They’d even made Chicken Alfredo, HAHA!
However, I decided against getting any, as it would probably ruin my fancy clothes, so I settled for a plate of sausage, peperoni, cheese, and crackers. Luna put together her own plate of snack food and we made our way to one of the far tables.

As we continued, the musicians began playing a sweet orchestral melody, the tone and symphony enchanting. I then turned to Luna, who bore a sweet smile as her claws danced along the table’s surface. Waiting for a lull in the music, I spoke up. “Would my Lady of the Eve like a dance?”

Luna jumped at my words and faced me with a heated blush. She looked between me and the crowd, swallowing. “Y-yes. B-But, let’s wait, I’d like to begin on a new song.”

“As you wish.” I thought for a long moment, perked up, downed the remains of my drink, and stood. “I’m going to get a refill. Want anything else?”

“No, but thank you though, kind sir.”

“As you wish, my lady.” I smirked with an overdramatic bow, to which Luna giggled at.

Making my way toward the banquet table, I refilled my drink. Thankfully, said table was close to the stage where the orchestra was. All according to my plan. After getting one of the musician’s attention, I asked him to prepare a different tune for the next dance. One that was sure to give the Lunar Princess a smile.

When this was done, I returned to find Luna chatting with Silken Garb, her handmaiden. I honestly saw Silk as a good friend, one who cared about Luna’s wellbeing, as any good friend should. Even though it was in her job description, it felt like she had a more personal reason for her care.

“Hello ladies, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” I chimed, stepping forward to find Silk in my chair.

“Oh no, never. We were just talking about the weather.” Smiled Silk, waving me off in her green dress. “Shall I leave you two love birds posthaste?”

I didn’t know how to respond to that! And talking about the weather?! Right…

It was then that I noticed the song had finished, an older, more old-fashioned tune beginning to play. “Actually, I believe I owe her Highness a dance.”

I bowed and stretched out my hand in a gentlemanly way, a smile on my face as I tried to forget my uncomfortableness. Luna took my hand and curtsied with a soft giggle. “Why thank you kind sir.”

“Just keeping a promise.”

She took my hand and I led her out onto the dancefloor, the ponies giving us a wide girth. Right off, I noticed that Luna had taken on her normally royal posture, tall and proud as she walked along side me. Yet, after a moment, I could tell that she was anything but calm. I could feel the sweat mixing with my fur, her hand turning warm in my grasp. As a small amount of reassurance, I lightly squeezed her hand, trying to sever her focus on the prying and accusing eyes of the nobles.

“Forget about them.” I whispered at levels only our ears could hear. “It’s just you and me on this dancefloor. No one else.”

“Thank you Fang.” A sweet smile graced her lips, her eyes flicking over toward me. When we finally made it to the center of the dancefloor, I paused after turning to my date, thinking about what we were doing.

This was my first official date, as it was hers. Would she be ok with this? Would she want to instead go to the gardens and flee from the accusing eyes of the nobles? Would she want more punch?!


I blinked away my panic as my eyes refocused on hers, a warmth filling my chest. “Are you alright? You’re shaking.”

I blinked again. Was I? I looked down at my hands to find that they were indeed shaking, but only just. I then took a deep breath and swallowed. “S-sorry, I… haven’t done this in a while. That, and I have to ask; do you not want to dance? I-if you don’t—”

“Shush.” She pressed a hand to my lips, effectively silencing my ramblings. “You did not need to ask. I haven’t danced in a long time either, so we art both ‘rusty’, as they say these days.”

I couldn’t help but smile, ignoring everyone around us to whisper into her ear. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. The Wargess let out a hushed squeak as the space between us was disrupted. “I will admit; I only know two ballroom dances.”

“Um? And what might those be, my daring charmer?” She purred, resting her arms up on my shoulders.

“Let’s see… I know the Waltz and the Fox Trot.” I hummed in thought. “Plus a little bit of Eighties dancing, though I doubt anyone here wants to see that. But you already know this.”

“Yes, that was quite a show you gave a week ago.” The Princess giggled, fluffing her wings. “But yes, I do believe that particular dance is inaccurate for this night.”

“I agree. Though…” I grinned after seeing her radiant wings, bringing my own wings to bare. “If it would please her Highness, I shall drape thy wings over us so that the offending stares shalt be blocked by mine feathers.”

Another chuckle escaped Luna as I demonstrated, unfurling my wings, and curling them around us, forming a shield around the two of us. She thought for a moment, leaning away from me to press herself into the wall of black behind her. My cheeks heated up as I felt her lean back against my plumage, watching as she sighed and hummed in contentment. My face burned even hotter when she suddenly rushed at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and ran her moist tongue over my chin.

After what felt like an eternity of staring past the practically purring Wargess, my eyes focused past my snout and onto Luna, watching as she continued to kiss my chin. I knew what she was doing, what her actions meant. She was saying that I was in charge, that she was submitting herself to me, that I was her Alpha. I blinked, stuffing that realization away for a later conversation.

“A-any way…” I stammered, licking my dry lips, and rubbing my shaggy chin dry. “I-I imagine that you would like a dance?”

Choosing to ignore the stares, Luna nodded and placed her left hand on my shoulder and intertwined her right with my left, as I in turn placed my right hand on her back. We then set off in a soft sway along with the music, and I did my best not to look at my feet.

“You dance very well.” The Princess smiled, keeping her eyes on my face as her voice faded into a whisper. “Though I can tell you are having a little trouble.”

“It’s been a while.” I whispered back, my ears flicking this way and that as everyone finally went back to dancing and talking. “But I can tell that you are far better than I. Like a beautiful Loon on a lake.”

Luna snickered. “Don’t you mean a graceful swan?”

“Nah, Celestia’s usually compared to a swan in the MLP fanbase. Plus, the Loon is one of my favorite birds.”

“Oh? Why does my fine escort adore this foul so?”

I maneuvered us away from several dancing nobles, avoiding them with swift ease. “My family used to live near a lake, and every morning I’d wake to hear their calls. A haunting and mournful sound echoing across the waters and woods. That, and when we were done with school, I’d sometimes go out and watch them from my climbing tree.”

“It sounds lovely.”

“I totally agree.” I smiled, shifting into a simple and fast paced rhythm as the song picked up. “What about you? Any favorite birds or animals?”

“Hm…” She looked off to the side, down at the blue sash I had over my neck, then returning to my eyes. “I would have to say that my favorite bird is the Kakapo.”

I tilted my head in slight confusion. “I will be honest, I expected it to be some type of owl. But still, I remember that bird, very pretty with the brown and forest green.”

“That is what most expect.” The Wargess smiled in an enduring way. “I do find owls interesting, but I can say that the Kakapo is the one I like the most of nocturnal birds.”

“And the birds of the day?”

“Well… I would say that the Blue Jay is my favorite in that regard. Again, I love the way it looks; the sky blue with the snow white and streaks of black.” She sighed with a playful smile.

I smiled back, finding our conversation enjoyable. Our chat continued as we danced, our bodies swaying with the medieval music. Once the music faded and the attending nobles cheered for the musicians, Luna and I retreated next to the fountain, sitting on the ledge, resuming our talk. However, I soon excused myself to grab myself and my date a drink, leaving Luna to chat and gossip with Rarity, who had come to compliment Luna’s choice of dress. At some point in the evening’s events, Discord had shown up with a green blob, the Smooze. At least it wasn’t the purple Smooze from G1, we could all kiss life goodbye if that were the case.

Grabbing two empty glasses for myself and my date, I began to fill them with water and punch. I wasn’t a fan of punch, or anything besides water and milk. Yes, I’m picky, I’ve known this for half my life.

After this was done, I started on my way back to where Luna was. However, as I maneuvered through the crowd, watching the drinks so they wouldn’t spill, I failed to see what was happening with Luna. A sharp scream reached my perked ears, a loud splash sounding milliseconds after. Forgetting about the contents of my glasses, I rushed forward through the shocked ponies as they surrounded the fountain. When I got to the front of the crowd, I saw a gasping Luna splashing around in the knee-deep water and a floundering green stallion in a yellow suit.

With swift motion, I set the empty glasses down on the fountain’s edge and stepped into the cold water. I then took of my suit jacket, helped Luna to her feet, and placed my outer garment over her back.

“I know this isn’t a towel, but hopefully this will help warm you up.” I whispered as I stretch out my left wing to drape it over her, changeling a portion of my Chroma through its feathers to warm the shaking Princess. “Are you ok?”

“Nothing a long and warm bath won’t fix.” She grumbled, standing straight through her shivering, putting on a more dignified stance. “If it is not too much trouble, I’d like to leave now.”

“I hear you.” I came close to snarling as we passed a group of snickering teenagers, my runes shimmering under my fur. I then stepped over the fountain’s edge and stopped, scooping Luna into my arms and carrying her over the fountain wall. This caused several of the nobles to gasp and I noticed that the Mane Six, though scattered in the crowd, all showed concern and empathy for their friend and Princess. I inwardly smiled at that, knowing that few in this room were not all made of stone.

Luna, upon being set back on her feet, pressed herself into me for warmth. I spared a glance back to the stallion in the pool, noting the drunken air around him with my nose. I scowled at this, choosing to snap back to the matter at hand. Leading the Wargess through the parting crowd, we soon ascended the steps, our claws echoing in the now silent hall. And upon reaching where Celestia stood, Luna turned and looked her in the eye, her body tensing with resentment. With a growling huff, she snapped her head away and watched the floor as we made our way up the right staircase. But just before we exited, with teeth grinding, I glared down at the assembled nobles and party guests, who had done absolutely nothing to help their humiliated Princess of the Night. It was a glare that I felt could melt the flesh off bones, and even send shivers down a dragon’s scales. Before I let my anger boil over, my chest burning with fury, I sharply turned back and shoved the door open. The resounding thud made the windows and chandeliers shake, to which I cared not as I quickly escorted the Warg Princess back to her room.

My body close to shaking with fury, I turned to Luna as we neared her door, the two guards remained stoic in the face of two carnivorous giants. “I… I’m sorry… for what happened.”

She gave the hall we’d just come down a hard glare, looking back at me with a weary smile. “It isn’t your fault. I should have expected such from them, the stone-hearted buckers.”

I huffed in agreement, a growl rumbling in my throat. “Do you want to be alone, or do you want me to—”


I blinked at her sudden answer, ultimately smiling as my anger stalled. A sigh escaped me as I voiced my mind. “Want to do anything in particular? Watch a movie? Maybe try and have a calm evening after all this?”

Luna brought her own smile to bare, placing her hand on the knob and opening the door to her chambers. “I’d like that. Though I would like to change into something less wet. Give me ten minutes, then a movie?”

“That sounds good to me.” With that, the Princess slipped inside her chambers, leaving me to my thoughts.

By way of a soft nod, I turned and started heading down the hall to my room. The creaking of squeaky hinges reached my ears and the swift clicking of claws followed, prompting me to turn around. “Yes L—”

A pair of warm lips smacked into mine, the shock making me arch my back as an equally warm body pressed against me. My heart pounded in my ribcage, threatening to shatter it, jump about my innards, and plummet into my stomach all at once. My eyes were forced shut and a heated blush enveloped my head, I was barely aware of a pair of arms wrapping around my neck. Upon the lips attempting to extract themselves from mine, I took control of my limbs again and softly grasped the back of my attacker’s head, demanding another kiss.

It was until the other’s head leaned down and her nose brushed against mine that I pulled away, my eyes slowly opening to find Luna standing before me, her eyes a brilliant mix of teal and silver. She then, with a blush and a moment of hesitation, leaned in close to my ear. “Thank you, Micah.”

I was left speechless, not by the fact that she used my original name, but by her actions. She kissed me! She kissed me… ON THE FIRST DATE!!

“Um, Fang? Are you ok?” Her words partially broke me out of my shock. I looked down at her as my heart beat even faster. “D-Do you not want me to use your initial name?”

“N-NO! I-I m-mean… not…” I quickly corrected. “You c-can use my real name.”

“Y-Your real name? Do you not see Obsidian Fang as your name?”

My brain stopped for a second, thinking it over. “W-well, yes and no. Yes, Fang is a name I go by, but Micah still holds a place in my heart. But again, Fang and Micah are just names for this shell.”

“Very well, to me, you shall be henceforth be known as Micah; the mighty and handsome Warg.” She chortled, stepping back. “But for now, let us change attire, I doubt you want your nice clothes to be muddied.”

“Amen.” We then parted ways and I continued my way towards my quarters.


After five minutes of changing, I returned to Luna’s door and nocked. It took her a moment to answer, for reasons that are too distracting.

“Who is it?” Her muffled voice came.

“It’s Fang.” A second passed before I thought of food. “If you’re still busy, I could go get us some more food. Would you like something to eat?”

“…Um, yes.”

“Anything specific?”

“Hm… maybe more of that steamed and honeyed pork?”

“Anything else, your Highness? Royalty should never go hungry.” I coaxed with a grin.

I heard a huff. “If I didn’t know any better, I would dare say that you, good sir, are trying to fatten me up!”

“What!” I played along with an exaggerated gasp. “I have done no such thing! If you had asked for cake, I would… well, I would stay away from that subject, but I’d still get you some.”

“A wise decision, noble knight.” Her giggle was like a sweet melody. “But while we are on the subject of sweets—”

“Oh no. The kingdom is dooooommmmed!!”

“Shut up! Your Princess would like a slice of pie. Apple or peach-cobbler pie to be precise.”

“Alright, anything else?”

She took a moment to think, the sound of shuffling fabric reaching my pointy ears. “I would like some… Manticore ribs, perhaps? They had those down on the table, yes?”

I looked through my memory to make sure. “I think they did. Ok, so that’s… smoked pork, ribs, and a slice of pie?”


“Alrighty, I’ll be back in a bit.” With new vigor, I raced down the hall, toward the kitchens.

However, the kitchens only had the ribs. So, I spiced, cooked, and lathered them in BBQ. With that done and smelling good enough to eat, I dropped it off in front of Luna’s door with a note. I then headed down to the Ballroom with an ever-growing scowl, yet, when I came upon the door leading to the staircase, an evil idea sprung forth.

-=Forty-Five Minutes after the Warg couple left the Gala=-

Celestia inwardly scowled and lamented over her actions, standing tall with a pleasant smile as she continued greeting her little ponies. She felt horrible for Luna, horrified that she’d done nothing in her time of need. But, thank the gods, Fang had been there to help. Not only did he help the fallen Princess out of the pool and give her his coat, but he also stayed with her as they left. Celestia’s smile genuinely grew as she thought of how kind and loving Fang was toward her sister. Perhaps that’s why the Tree chose him? His love? But then, why wo—

All light in the room suddenly vanished, sending the partying ponies into a blind panic. They all screamed, the sound of garbled hoof clops echoing through the Day Princess’ eardrums. Above their panicked shouts, above their scrambling limbs, a loud, terrible, and alien scream boomed throughout the room. The shear volume of the roar made the floor beneath Celestia’s hooves tremble, prompting her to find the stair’s railing and hold onto it for dear life.

Then, from out of the shadows, where the room’s main doors lay barred by an unseen force, four pairs of soulless white eyes glared. Celestia couldn’t explain it, but she could tell that from the shadows, the creature’s giant head emerged, adorned with dozens of curved horns. Now in the dim light of its eyes, four arms grasped onto the surrounding pillars, all eight eyes glaring at the cowering ponies. Thousands of black tendrils lashed and flicked about, in an unending dance of madness.

“Void… given… form.” Came a creeping and overpowering whisper, causing everypony to shutter. “Void… given… mind.”

In a flurry of speed, the dark god rushed forward, halting just in front of Celestia. A single, fading light, alone in the dark.

“Void… given… Focus.” Those haunting words echoing, the creature’s eyes narrowed, bathing Celestia in their pale light. “Atone.”

With that, the giant beast vanished like mist, the light in the room returned, and half the food on the buffet table was gone.

-=Fang’s POV=-

I smile triumphantly as I sauntered down the halls, a packed tray of food in hand. WHAT?! Ever since I came here to Equestria, I’d been wanting to try that! Or, at least, something close.

But why the Shade Lord?’ Asked Balder.

“Because he’s one of my favorite characters in Hollow Knight lore. He’s mysterious, powerful, and I just like his design.” I shrugged, careful not to topple my tray.

Hm… if I had to chose who my favorite character in Hollow Knight was, at least from what I know from your memory, it’d be… Quirrel.’

“Hm, why is that?”

‘Quirrel is… a valiant and interesting character. I like how he was an assistant to Monomon the Teacher, then he lost his memory, and came back to slowly realize that he was incredibly old. After Monomon passed, he chose to accept death, seeing as his life had been dedicated to her.’

“And you see him ending his life by leaving his weapon, defenseless against all enemies, as good? Just… giving up on life?” I countered.

He was already at the end. He just chose how to go out.’

“True.” I muttered as I neared Luna’s door. With a little Chroma, the tray floated beside me as I knocked on the wooden door.

Said door opened to uncover Luna as she finished putting her wet heir in a bun, wearing a large yellow sweatshirt with the words “Blame My Sister” and purple PJ’s with little snowflakes on them. She smiled at seeing me using my magic, taking it in her own.

“Thank you Fang. Even though I imagine that you wanted it to be just us, a little someone decided to invite herself.” She turned around and stepped to the side to reveal Haven sitting on the couch, watching Willy Coyote chase the Roadrunner on rocket skates.

I smiled at seeing her, turning to regard Luna and whispered. “Not at all. I honestly prefer that she’s here with us, so she’s not left with them.”

The Princess scowled, knowing full well who I was talking about. “Yes. I too prefer it this way…” She turned around and set the tray of food on a small table. “…even if I wanted to give them all a piece of my mind.”

“Nah, don’t worry, I scared them good when I went to get all this.” I grinned, reaching around her for a slice of honeyed pork.

“Oh, is that what all that screaming was?” She said in a coy manner, looking at me with bedded eyes, her breath tickling the fur on my snout. “Mind telling me the trilling tale?”

My grin stretched even wider before I stuffed what I had in my mouth and swallowed, preparing to retell the epic horror story.


This was the song that I'd thought was playing during the Gala for their dance:

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