• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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7. Hello, I'm going to kill you

According to others, I’ve never been much of a snorer. Sure, I’d mumble and shift in my sleep. I’ve even been known to laugh in my sleep, freaky I know, but never snore like a chainsaw. Or in the dog’s and my Dad’s cases, a freight train. Seriously, they snore the exact same way, it’s kind of spooky at times.

Anyways, there I slept. Not a care in the world. My mind trapped a silent void, a dreamless slumber… as usual. In all honesty, I rarely get dreams. And more than half the time they’re nightmares of me falling to my doom or being stabbed through the heart. But if I had to take a guess, it’s been the Devil trying to scare me. I have no idea why he likes torturing me on occasion. Maybe it’s one of his hobbies.

My limp body lay in the warm sheets, my new scars pressing themselves into the fabrics. The scars along my face and snout boring into the silk pillow. I kid you not, I had a mountain of pillows stocked in my bed last night. Apparently, I’d shoved them all aside except for one, which I now snuggled my face into.

Unbeknownst to me, the door to my room creaked open, allowing a maid to walk in and open the curtains. My vision was suddenly assaulted by blinding light. Eyes burning and mind clouded, I reached for my covers (the one safeguard against this threat) and pulled them over my head. I groaned as I settled back into my bed, my tired mind trying to focus on sleep once more. However, God and the maid had other plans.

“Lord Fang, the Princesses have requested your presents in the dining hall.” Said the mare as she no doubt stood by the door.

I grumbled before lifting my head up and off the comforting cushion. “W-what?” I sluggishly opened an eye to see a cream furred earth-mare with a navy-blue mane, her smile never faltering.

“The Princesses would like to see you in the dining hall, Lord Fang.” She restated with motherly patients. And Lord Fang, what? I gave her a thumbs up and rolled over onto my back, then sat up and rubbed my tired eyes.

“What time is it?” I yawned out, shaking my head after.

“I-it’s currently noon, sir.” I looked up to her staring at my bare chest, my scarred biceps on display. Back on earth, I rarely slept with a shirt on. And coming here and gaining my new figure made me all the happier to do so, as it was still refreshing, even with a black fur coat. I cleared my throat to get her attention, she blushed when our eyes locked.

“Anyways…” I nodded in thanks before standing, slowly gaining my balance. “I’ll get ready and meet you out in the hall. I still don’t know the way.”

“Yes, of course.” She then shuffled out the door in a single motion, gone in seconds. And… was that the sound of a car engine revving?

I shook it off and dragged myself into the bathroom, the warm embrace of the shower awaiting me. After undressing, I stood by as the shower warmed to the point of steam filled the room, taking a resemblance to fog. I then stepped under the pouring water as it soaked my matted fur and trenched my face. I soon opened my eyes, breathing in the warm steam. Slowly, a salty, metallic flavor seeped onto my tongue… I knew this taste…what was it again?


My face took on shock as I looked down at the shower’s drain, copious amounts of blood flowed from reopened cuts and wounds on my body. My heart ceased its rhythm for several seconds, my breathing quickened, eyes widened. But it wasn’t just my body that released the crimson liquid, the water had turned to blood. I was now drenched in the precious fluid that provided life within one’s body.

I wanted to scream, to cry out, plead for help. But I couldn’t speak, my lips had sealed shut. All that effort came out as muffled screams and mumbles. I turned my head to the floor as it began pealing itself away, giving way to a black void. The agenizing sensation of falling flooded my systems, the wind rushing past my ears. I don’t remember seeing the ground rushing toward me, but nevertheless, I hit bottom with resounding crunch.

I found myself in a dark cavern, surrounded by glowing blue crystals, a dull red light further down. Against my better judgement, I started down the tunnel towards the light. But what I saw, I could never un-see. What stood before me was the city of Canterlot, its gleaming alabaster towers now a bruised grey. Its golden palace and shingled rooves resorted to crumbling, decaying heaps. But what made me shiver was not the structure, but the people. Or more precise, the ponies. Their heads down, all staring at the ground. Each and every equine was leashed with thick black shackles, bound to one another as the chains twisted and wreathed their way out of the city and into a Death Star sized hole in the ground. Numerous chains from across the world slithering their way into the pit’s depths, new and old chains coming and pulling into the hole, dragging their captives along with them.

I suddenly found myself standing before the pit, it’s gaping expanse threatening to swallow me and all others who approached. I was about to turn and leave when a deep rumble sounded from the pit’s depths. A long, eerie laugh echoing its way up from the pitch darkness.

A slithering voice soon followed, a pair of scaly red lips touching the light. “Son of the Heavens, you’ve come to see me? ~”

I shivered as the creature’s eyes glared at me through the dark, yellow and slitted. But I knew who it was, I just needed to be sure. “What do you want, Beast?”

The huge beast chuckled, a long, forked tongue slipping through its teeth. “You know who I am, child. You’ve known since you came, yet you deny it… why?”

I ignored his question, taking a step back. I nearly missed a screaming pony as she was dragged into the black expanse, vanishing into the depths. “You’re here in Equestria.”

“Oh, I am. I’ve always been here. Going to and fro on the earth, walking back and forth on it. Slithering between the cracks, between tongues and ears, between the hearts of all… except you, Child of Love.”

I gave a quick smirked, remembering something. “Yeah, I’m not yours. I—”

“Oh yes, but you were, once. Since the day you first breathed, you were mine. Your heart was filled with sin and death. But, then again… just another soul, tainted and corrupt by the curse.” The snake seethed, cinders clawing their way up to the surface. “But now… now, you’re a Son of God. My accursed Creator, now just an over powered tyrant who controls the very fabric of reality, time, and space. Your every move is dictated by Him, on His whim you could be cast from His sid—”

“IN CHRIST’S NAME, ENOUPH!!” I shouted, my fists hardening, nails digging into flesh. W-wait…. nails?

I looked down at my hand to seen a pale skinned hand holding a pool of blood, a stinging cut below. I gazed down at the rest of my body to see my human body, the one I died in. Before I could look myself over anymore, a shadow slowly rose over me. Scratch that, seven shadows. I turned to see seven draconic heads, each riddled with horns and snarling lips. Fire foamed from their throats, all threatening to burn me alive.

“The lost child, doomed to burn in the fires.” Said one of the heads to my right. “Once lost, but now is found.”

I gritted my teeth, forcing the chill back up my spine.

“The boy who died will die again.” Another smiled.

“A son will fall to darkness and be swallowed by the Dragon.” One off to my left hissed.

I opened my eyes to see the gaping jaws of all seven heads, all alight with fire, ready to cook me. I held my breath and closed my eyes, waiting for my end. There was no way out of this, if I ran, they’d chase. And if I accepted it, I’d burn.

“The Serpent.”

I released my breath, feeling a warmth spread through my chest, one filled with love.

“The Accuser.” A roar like thunder erupted, smoldering heat engulfed me. And I fell into the void. But I didn’t scream, thrash, nor cry. There was no need. After all… it was only a dream.

I opened my eyes the see the bright blue sky, the smell of flowers, grass, and animals filling my nose. My back ached as I sat up, the view of a large cave filling my vision. And standing tall in the cave’s center, strong and healthy, the Tree of Harmony. In its branches sat the five Elements along with the Element of Magic at the tree’s core. But what caught me off guard was the fact that each element pulsed with its own glow, steady and constant. I stood up with minimal difficulty, slowly strolling toward the tree, its crystalline branches waving in the cool wind. Said wind whistling through the caverns beyond. As I drew closer, the elements shined brighter, the waves of light growing more frequent.

I was a few feet away when a blinding alabaster light illuminated the cave, coming from the tree’s roots. I took a step closer, steadily reaching for the light’s source. Don’t ask me why, but I felt compelled to intervene with the source and see what it was. Through the astonishingly bright light, I could see the roots of the tree spread to give my hand a clear path, the source becoming agonizingly brighter. It was like looking into the sun itself.

I reached further down until my fingers brushed the hole’s end, curling over a small object. Once my hand had clasped fully over my prize, the light dimmed, and I pulled my arm out. The roots returned to their normal areas, signifying that the task was done. Since the light was now shining in my palm, I squeezed my tearing eyes shut. After a short while, say three minutes, I slowly opened my optics and hand to see a golden ring. As the light faded, more of the mysterious object came into view. Said ring had a white jewel on its rim, held in place by two lion heads with their mouths gripping the small stone. The gem itself had no particular shape, looking like a normal dimond.

I turned the ring over to find nothing of note, aside from a few smudges of dirt. It must’ve been under the tree for a good several years.

“I must correct you, Obsidian.” A feminine voice suddenly called out from the tree, but it wasn’t Luna’s. “Not several years…”

I turned back to the tree to see it’s trunk shining like a star, a shadow forming in its midst. I watched in awe as tall mare stepped from the light, her deep blue eyes being the first thing I saw. A soft coat of pale pink fur laced over her body. Her wild lavender mane was held back by a large golden crown, all six Elements imbedded into it. Lilly white flowers danced in her mane and tail, some even fixed into her alabaster dress. Her long dress flowing over grass and earth alike. A warm smile graced her face, tender eyes locked onto me as she walked forward.

“… but several thousand generations.” She finished, her hands resting over one another. The light behind her blinked out of existence, leaving me and her alone in the meadow.

“W-who are you?” I tested, wanting to see if my suspicions were correct.

The mare smiled wider in response, a smile that would’ve made Pinkie jealous. Maybe even wilt. “Do not be afraid. But yes Micah, I am Harmony. Or to be more exact, the Tree of Harmony.”

I nodded, but after those words, the ring became warm. Its gem starting to pulse lightly. “Uh… what’s going on? What Element is this? It’s not part of the main six, right?”

Her smile became more serious. “No, it is not part of them. It is them… Do you remember what that one character said in one of the stories you read? Evergreen Heart? About love being the birthplace of friendship and all other aspects of it?”

I nodded again.

“Well, here it’s the same. Love is the founding element for all others, just as the Builder is the foundation of all good. God is Love. And everything good comes from him. So, it turn, all the Elements of Harmony come from this single Element. The Element of Love. Or life, however you want to put it.”

“Huh,” I bobbed my head up and down in understanding, looking down at the one ring. After a moment of thought, I spoke up. “What about Cadence? Why doesn’t she have it?”

Harmony looked hurt for a second. “While she is the Alicorn of Love, she only knows it in one way; between partners. Not the way God has it. Love is sacrifice, love in its purest is a wellspring of life. And sadly, she doesn’t know the Builder. As for those who do, only you know him in this world.”

I frowned, my shoulders sinking. “Not even Fluttershy? Surely, she’s heard of Him, what with all the animals talking about Him…”

“Maybe?” I shrugged.

She shook her head. “You aren’t wrong about the beasts. They speak of the Lord all the time, but Fluttershy merely takes it as chatter. Static. Nothing of serious note.”

“Not even the Element of Kindness knows of Him.” I snorted in disgust. “Even she neglects God? That’s… disturbing.”

Harmony nodded. “Yes, even kindness, the element that is perhaps the closest to love can’t even feel Him.”

We both gave long huffs if disappointment.

“Well, you have the ring; the Element of Love and you know where to find me.” She jabbed a finger at the tree, her smile returning. “The ring acts as a condute for God’s power, like Moses’ staff or the Ark of the Covenant.”

“Right.” I gave her a raised brow. “You’re seriously stuck in that tree?”

The mare giggled, “No, no. I can leave anytime I want. But God sent me here to look after you, so that’s what I’m doing.” Suddenly, a pair of huge wings (three times larger than Celestia’s) sprung from her back, a two-foot horn gracing her forehead. “I am your angelic guide, if you will.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Just out of curiosity, are you an Archangel? Or a Cherubim? No, wait, Cherubim have six wings. Not two.”

“I don’t have a rank, not like what you mean.” Harmony giggled out and turned back to her tree. Her wings fluffing themselves as she chuckled. “The fact that I’m sitting here babysitting you should tell you where I rank.”

I couldn’t help but let out a breath of laughter at that. And just as Harmony vanished into the tree, everything went dark.

My eyes creaked open to the sound of a door slipping open, a maid with white fur and an olive-green mane stuck her head in. “Obsidian? The Princesses have set up breakfast for everypony and were wondering if you’d like to join.”

I groaned as I pushed myself up and threw the sheets off, stretching with all four limbs out. “Breakfast? Sure,” I couldn’t stop a loud yawn as it broke my sentence. “Oy… anything in particular we’re having?”

“No,” she took a small bow as she entered further. “Their Majesties said that you could have anything you wish. They even pulled out the predator menus.”

I reached up to scratch my itchy cheek, rubbing my lazy eyes after. I took a moment to think about what to eat. And I suddenly had a craving for waffles. “Waffles sound good.”

The maid smiled, pulling out a pencil and notepad from her pocket. “Very good, sir. Would you like berries, whipped cream, and syrup?”

I popped my knuckles out of habit, taking another stretch as I stood. “Syrup please, oh, and some butter.” Another yawn forced its way out of me as I combed my heir (the matted fur along my scalp). “No berries or cream, not a fan.”

With that, the mare thanked me and slipped out the door. I was left in my room, alone with my thoughts. My awareness slowly returned over the next few minutes, recalling the dreams from last night. So, the Devil apparently paid me a visit. Not a friendly one, filled with threats and the promise of death. Even if I did die, I would go home. Happily embracing my Creator’s arms and worshiping Him. But, Harmony said that no one knows God here. Was this what my Father wanted? To help bring these people find Him, to escape the fires of Hell? No doubt. My job had just begun.

My mission, should I choose to accept it: Teach the populace about God and His love. That, and live life for Him in the best way I can.

A given, I know. But I’ve always wanted to say that line.

I then noticed the ring of Harmony still on my index finger. The golden lions stared up at me, awaiting use, the gem shimmering between their jaws. So, the ring found me. The physical sword of God at my reach, aside from his word. The Bible.

Fearing the shower would spray nothing but the blood of my enemies on me, I washed my head in the sink and dressed for the day. A pair of grey sweats and a blue shirt that read GO WONDERBOLTS!!, a picture of Spitfire zooming under the logo. With my daily wear taken care of, I headed down to the dining hall for breakfast.

As I passed numerous guards, all now switching their night to day shifts, I noticed how none of the Thestrals were giving me cold glares. It seemed that they didn’t mind me as much, seeing as how wolves and bats were beasts of the night. That, and we were both predator-like species. Separate predators, but they seemed to respect that. Or, they possibly thought I was a good warrior.

My suspicions were confirmed when a Thestral guard walked up to me, taking his helmet off and holding his hand out to shake. “Good morning, sir.”

I smiled in thanks, shaking his hand in greeting. “Same to you. Mister…?”

The guard chuckled, his black armor plates rattling. “Oh, yes. I’m Shadow Path. Member of the Royal Night Guard. A tough job, but well worth it.”

My head nodded lightly out of habit. “How so?”

He smiled back, seemingly pleased that I wanted to continue our conversation. The Thestral stallion then walked along side me. “Believe it or not, many Bat ponies don’t sleep during the day. Most having jobs and shifts like the common pony. When the sun comes up, we get up. Same as everypony else.” He paused for a moment, shifting his grip on his helmet. “That and the frequent assassination attempts on Princess Luna recently. Since she transformed and before you woke, a few mercenaries have been sent after her, no doubt the Priests trying to finish the job they started.”

I corked an eyebrow. “Priests?”

“Yeah,” Path nodded. “The Sun Priests. The cult that brought you here and changed you. Plus, saving you from death, so I hear.”

I gave him a sideways nod. I was starting to wonder if this group that brought me here was rough, perhaps the main cult was trying to clean up their buddies’ mess. And with them all dead, they couldn’t be punished and had to settle for killing us.

“Anyways, I wanted to personally thank you for saving the Princesses. All would be lost without them.”

I imagined the kingdom of Canterlot in mass havoc, not a pretty picture. Fires, screams, ponies stampeding over one another… not good. Armageddon, Equestrian style. Before long, after skipping around a few random topics, we arrived at our destination. A pair of tall gold and oak doors looming over us.

“Well, sorry to say, I must take my leave.” Said Path as he stepped to the side, knocking just before the doors began to open. “It was fun talking with you Obsidian Fang, See you around.”

“See ya, Path. And good morning.” With that, I stepped into the dining hall. However, after my first step, a thundering trumpet sounded in my ears before a voice rang out.

Loud and painfully muffled, the Solar Guard next to me announced my arrival. “Obsidian Fang, Savior of the Crown has entered the dining hall!!”

Geez, talk about a wakeup call!

Amazingly, despite the strong ringing in my ears, I could hear every word that was said. Must’ve been my wolf ears, I remembered that animals with pointed ears could hear better than others. At least, that’s what I remember.

“Ow.” Was all I managed to say as I stumbled over to the long table’s edge, pressing a hand to my ringing left ear.

“Fang, are you alright?” Came the muffled voice of Celestia.

I looked up and saw her, Luna, the Main 6, Starlight, Trixie, Cadence, Shining, and little Flurry. The kid sat in a blue booster seat, a dress of yellows and blues draped over her, a puffy skirt barely tucked into her seat’s sides. Many still wore their pajamas, aside from the Royal Sisters. Celestia wore a simple dress molded from expensive scarlet silks and golds. Luna wore a similar dress, except hers was with dark blue and silvers. Celestia sat at the table’s head. Luna, Shining, and the other Alicorns off to her right, while everyone else was to her left.

I forced my eyes open before they could shut from a stab of pain, looking the Solar Princess in the eyes. Yet, a small part of me wanted to look away, to show her a sign of respect. Looking her in the eye was a statement of challenge, and by keeping my gaze from hers, respect was gifted to our leader. Our Alpha.

“Yes, your Majesty. Just a little shaken. Still waking up… not used to loud noises in the morning.” I finally answered, shaking my foggy head.

The Princess nodded with a smile. “Good, would you like some coffee?”

My taste buds cringed at the word. Like my Dad; I liked the smell of coffee, not the taste. “Uh, no thanks. Not a coffee fan.”

“I see.” I couldn’t help but detect a slight ping of hurt in her voice. She then waved a servant over who held a platter of glasses filled with water. Once she took her own, the servant went around the table and offered drinks to the others. Until he arrived next to me, shaking like a leaf. The glasses clattering against the iron platter. I quickly took one before the waiter rushed off to gather what remained of his courage.

“I sent Fluffy Feather to take your order, it should be ready in a minute.” The Princess of the Night said, she then leaned closer, her eyes brimming with suspicion. A set of heavy bags under her bloodshot eyes. “Why couldn’t I enter your dream last night?”

A tightness gripped my chest. I struggled to find a way to tell them without being thrown into the dungeons. Finally, I came up with the words.

“I had visitors last night.” I stated bluntly. “Two to be exact.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, holding a glass of wine in one hand. “And who were these visitors if I may ask? Anything of note that should endanger Equestria?”

I took a breath. “The threats were not towards you…”

The Princess stayed frozen, intent to learn just who these threats were for. “Then who?”


The room grew suddenly quiet. So silent in fact, that you could here a pin drop if I were dropped from a mouse’s paws. That is… until the Lord of Chaos burst through the door with a sombrero and a pair of maracas. A red bandana tied around his neck.

“WOOHOO!! Let’s get this party started!!” He shouted as twirled his curly mustache and began moon walking up next to a frozen Fluttershy. Pinkie stole a glance at the Draconaquis, her face saying that was my line.

Discord then realized that everyone in the room was staring at me. His brows creased before he spoke, a frown showing. “What? Are we having a staring contest? Because I’d totally win.”

“Who made them and what were these threats?” Asked the Solar Monarch, ignoring Discord’s bewilderment.

A small trickle of sweat fell down my neck. “Satan. And I quote; the boy who died will die again and a son will fall to darkness and be swallowed by the Dragon—”

“GUARDS!!” Celestia interrupted, standing in her seat. The chair screeched back against the marble floor. “Find this creature and bring him to me for crimes against the crown’s ward!! And for dabbling in Black Sorcery! Such things can’t be ignored. I will—"

“YOUR HIGHNESS!!” I shouted, a small flame bursting from my throat. As the flame evaporated, dark smoke drifted in it place. “You can’t simply go looking for him. Satan was once an Angel, a member of God’s innumerable forces. He can not be seen nor heard unless he wants to be. He came to me as the Seven-Headed Dragon, one of the beasts depicted in Revelations. He said that he’s held this world since the beginning… at least that’s what he said.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Cadence, nervously setting her fork down.

“I mean that the Devil was, is, and always will be a liar, tempter, thief, and deceiver. Once he’d entered Heaven. And when God asked him where he came from, he said, from going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.” I paused and looked around the room, all eyes wide, filled with fear. Little Flurry looked like she was tearing up, about ready to let loose a wailing storm. “He’s been here since the beginning, that I don’t doubt. And once I came, he saw me a threat. He wants me out of the picture. Dead in more ways than one.”

“A-and the second visitor?” Asked a shaking Luna, no doubt wanting to change to a less disturbing subject.

I took another breath. “The Tree of Harmony.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, happy fourth of July. More of less.
Just got a new job. I've been getting that all sorted out. Plus all the other things in life.
Sorry for the wait. Hope you guys like this chapter.

....hopefully won't go out like that:twilightoops::pinkiehappy:

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