• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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14. Secrets Revealed

What is known but cannot be named?

That single question burned through my brain as I walked down the city sidewalk, my eyes on the ground as I moseyed along. I was so deep in thought that I barely noticed a small hand grip my own, little fingers clinging to mine. This one contact was enough to rip me from my deepest train of thought. My eyes snapped back to reality as I looked down at Silver, her body language saying she was afraid of the open. Her tail was tucked between her legs and ears flat. The sight tore my heart to shreds. Why did I think it was a good idea to take her along again? I by myself was going to get enough of a beating, but I guess I just wanted to get her out of her comfort zone despite this. Though the other half of the situation was that the pup didn’t leave my side, seeing as she heard Luna and Celestia yelling yesterday. Despite my assurances that she was safe, she still kept close to me. All ways giving me her best puppy pout.

She had me wrapped around her finger and I knew it. Go ahead and say it… I’m a sucker of adorableness.

In all honesty, I also wanted to keep my distance from the Princess of the Night. For reasons I wish I had the answers to, her little episode yesterday set off a warning bell in the back of my head. I kept telling myself it was just my other half being paranoid, but I listened to him anyways. Better safe than sorry.

But despite my own wariness, Luna seemed to be keeping her distance from me. It was when our eyes met that I could feel something was off, not something terrible. There was a slight warning, but overall, it was like her eyes were pulling at me. Drawing me in, begging me to stay with her.

With the two girls pulling at my arms, I barely wanted to go anywhere. I just wanted to be there to make sure they were ok. So, I was here, taking Haven shopping through the streets of the Equestrian capital city.

I was soon broken from my thoughts by Haven pulling me to a store window, her face practically smooshed against the glass and her breath fogging it. It was then that I noticed her eyes were pure bronze and when her eyes reverted to normal, she didn’t seem scared or worried about it. Like she was already used to the fact that there was someone else in her head besides her. The revelation both excited and worried me.

I turned my eyes to where she was still looking, gazing at a set of fancy dresses. Both looked very expensive, little frills on the sleeves and skirt. One was cream with gold trimming; the other was forest green with a tree pattern sown into it. I found the green dress to my liking, thinking the pup would look very nice in it.

I looked down to Silver, her lilac and bronze eyes bright with excitement and wonder. With her hand still gripped around my fingers, she quietly asked if we could go in and see the dresses. Though I had to strain my ears to hear her over the city’s noise, I answered her with a smile and lead the way in.

I opened the door to find a mare and her filly walking out with four bags of clothes. I considered them for a moment and stepped aside, letting them pass. The mother kept her eyes on me warily, keeping her child behind her as she inched through the door and down the sidewalk. With an annoyed huff, I entered the store with Haven behind me. Once inside, all motion froze. Customers and clerks alike stopped their work or shopping to stare at us as we entered. Frozen by fear. I noticed all but the store manager was staring. Instead, the large minotaur with a clean tan shirt and blue tie smiled to us and waved at Haven, a cheerful smile on his bright face.

The minotaur lumbered up to us, his height matching my own, he spoke in a welcoming and deeply friendly tone. A lot like how one would picture Santa, except full of solid muscle. “Welcome, dear friends. Good evening. I am Broad Mangle, establisher and manager of Joyous Frocks. Anything I can help you with today, my fine fellows?”

I smiled at his greeting and effectiveness. “Good evening to you as well. I was wondering if you had another set of those dresses in the window for sale. And… Broad Mangle?”

“Ha! Yes, not my parent’s idea, but my uncle’s. He thought I’d become a fierce warrior one day, and in a way, I am. I hunt for customers and decimate the stock market daily.” His chest puffed out in pride, but then he returned to the moment. “But, to answer your question, sadly no. I just ran out on Saturday, but I’ll be getting in another shipment in next week. Willing to place an order or do you need them right away?”

I looked down to Haven as she gazed around the store, oblivious to our conversation. I turned back to the still cheery Mangle. “I think we’ll place an order, there’s really no need to rush things.”

The minotaur smiled at me, his eyes bright with joy. “Ha, very good, very good my fine fellow.” He looked about at the still frozen crowd, frowning at their fear. “Move about! Move about! Don’t stand there for the duration of the day. I might mistake you for statues and sell you lot to the Swifts next door! Move about and breath, for Faust’s sake!” The minotaur huffed in exaggeration as he moved us to the counter, the customers all resuming their shopping. Though I caught a few giving us scowls.

Mangle smiled broadly as he punched in his number on the computer, pulling out an order file from behind the desk. “So, just the two? Nothing else?”

I looked around the store with a hum, assessing our targets before filling out the paperwork. “I think we’ll look about and see what we can find. I still need a good stock of clothes, as well as she.” I motioned to Haven, who was now hugging my leg, trying to hide from the stares. I set a hand to her back, rubbing and trying to comfort her.

“I see.” Said Mangle, as he lead us over to the store’s front, pointing down the aisles. “Clothes in your size will be found down isle thirteen and clothes for the little missy here will be in six. Anything else I can do for you today before I leave you?”

I smiled with a shake of my head. “No, thank you for your help.”

He returned my smile with a nod. “Not a problem, sir. If you need anything, just ask my employees or myself, we’re happy to help in any possible way. Have a fine day my friends.”

With that, the minotaur left to continue his work, leaving me and Haven to shop. I would say in peace, but that’d be a lie.

After paying for the order and four bags of new clothes, also handling several insults from passing ponies, we exited the store. I just let their words go, rolling them off my shoulders. But Haven… oh Haven. She was on the verge of tears by the time we left the store. Broad Mangle managed the force a few ponies he caught in the act out the door. I thanked him deeply for that, all the while hugging a trembling pup. With each tear that fell from her eyes, my wolf seethed, vowing that he’d sink his teeth into those whom hurt our charge.

No! I demand VENGANCE!’

I gave him a mental dead pan.

Soon… soon.’ He corrected himself. ‘I can wait, no problem, Fang.’

Once out the doors, we managed to walk to a lone bench were Silver slowly crawled into, I sat down next to her shivering, balled up frame. The moment I leaned into her, an arm draped over her back, she latched onto my side, hugging me for dear life. Her sobs grew louder as the minutes ground on, I ended up pulling her into my lap, giving her soft bear hug. Her little body shook with more tears. She soon looked up at me, eyes red and watering still. The sight drove me and Prowl to madness, both now inwardly snarling and snapping at the ponies who dared brake her heart. Like two savage dogs, ready and more than willing to claim their blood. Once the tears and anger had dried, she looked up at me, face and hands clinging to my shirt. My heart ached for her, the sweet pup in our embrace.

“Ca-can we go?” She wheezed through her sore throat, the sound rattling our cage more.
I nodded, ignoring Prowl’s protests to go back and hurt those who we don’t speak of. “Sure.” I looked around at the stores, catching a fairly large toy store down the street on the opposite side of the road. I pointed to the store, showing Haven. “How about there? The toy store?”

Her only response was a little smile and a nod. Carrying the four bags in one arm, Haven in the other, I quickly crossed the street and entered the store. If this experience was better than the last one, I’d be greatly thankful.
Another long silence settled onto the crowd as we entered, all eyes on us as we stood in the doorway. All but one. To our left stood a grey gryphon, clothed in a white hoodie, torn jeans, and a backwards green baseball cap with a red bill. She stood unaffected, glancing over at us with a small amount of interest before moving back to the books and stuffed animals before her. When she looked again, I nodded in thanks with a smile. She smirked and nodded back, seeming to get my message. Before we could take another step, a lime green stallion stopped us. He looked us over with a scowl, his hands grasping at the rims of his expensive looking jacket.

“I kindly ask you leave this fine establishment, you’re not welcome.” Said the stallion, lifting his nose at us as if we were dirt.

I did my best to settle the rumbling in my throat. “Do you own this store?”

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Absolutely not! I wouldn’t dare waist my time on such a merger business.”

“Then,” I growled out, my other half wanting nothing more than to chew him to bits. “Your words are nothing. Just waisted breath.” I began to walk past him, Silver keeping close.

The stallion gawked at me, his eyes wide as if I’d just slapped him. “I-I still say you’re not welcome! And that is FINAL!”

He attempted to grasp Haven’s sleeve, barley managing to whip his hand away as I snarled and snapped at him like a wild dog. My lips peeled back, eyes narrowed, and claws unsheathing. I stared down at the little pony, keeping myself between him and Haven. Usually I wasn’t this aggressive, but something just snapped.

I kept my narrowed eyes on him, his horrified face never turning away. “If you are not the owner and you still tell me to leave, I will not listen. If you don’t own this place, then you have no authority. No one here is under you, so I have nothing to fear from you. Good day.” I sheathed my claws.

I turned to leave further into the store, ignoring the fifty stares we were getting. But then I stopped, remembering that Silver was still shy and scared. I looked down to her, her little body shaking ever so slightly against me. My shoulders slumped, heart falling into my gut, feeling foolish for dragging her into this. With my mind made up, I turned back to the entrance, ready to leave. But just as we were two paces away from the exit, a brown stallion in a red vest with an orange sun blocked our path.

“You should’ve listened to him when you had the chance freaks.” The stallion snarked, pulling a butterfly knife from his pocket and flipping it out. I listened as four more surrounded us, Haven clung to my waist, whimpering quietly.

I ushered Haven to stay in front of me as I ached my back over her, a deep snarl clawed its way up my throat. I bared my teeth at our attackers’ alpha, feeling my eyes pulse as they changed to pure gold. Claws unsheathed, sounding with popping bone and slithering flesh. We were ready to lay some hate.

The stallion in front of me looked unconcerned. “Kill it!” He stole a glance at Silver, licking his lips. “And take that one for… some fun.”

From my snarl rose a thundering roar, saliva flying onto his face. We continued to snarl as two thugs charged us from behind, knives raised to kill. Remembering the few moves we could from karate, we roundhouse kicked the two stallions and sent them flying though the store’s left window. Our ears perked at the sound of cracking bone, their skulls no doubt caved in among other bones. We smiled at this, two idiots down, three to go.

With this taken care off, we whipped back to the others. All stared at us. Unmoving. We considered using our lightsaber, but with so many live inside the building and the fact that we didn’t want any traumatized ponies screaming their heads off, yelling about how the thugs were suddenly charred in half.

“They didn’t say he’d be this hard.” One goon squeaked, wide eyed.

“Expect the unexpected, Snow Drift.” Said the leader, glaring at me.

“Dude! Codenames, remember?!”

“You won’t need codenames after this…” We rumbled out, our voices mixing and over laying with each other. “Nor any other day.”

“DIE FREAK!” Shouted the leader, pulling out a six revolving pistol and aiming for my head. Everyone in the room screamed and shrieked at the sight.

“Not today.” We countered, swiping the gun out of his hand before he could fire and crushing it into scrap. We unrolled our fingers to let the bits and pieces fall to the floor, echoing through the store. Haven trembled beneath us, wrapping her limbs around our leg.

We then grabbed the leader by the shirt and lifted him up, so his back was pressed against the roof, gasping at us from above. We eyed the other two, Snow Drift looked ready to bolt, while the other seemed conflicted. We remedied this very quick. Snow Drift was sent flying into the wall above the gryphon from before. Once he landed on the table (hardcover books and toys grinding against his back) and the furniture broke under his weight, the gryphon kicked him in the side and grabbing him by the neck.

“You think he’s the freak?! Look at yourselves, you attack him and his kid, thinking it’s ok? And raping a seven year old?!?!” She snarled, flaring her wings, white feathers brushing against her hoodie. “You’re just freakin’ sick! And I used to think Gilda was bad, but you sickos take the cake!”

She ended her scolding with a fist to his bleeding temple.

We grabbed the other stallion by the shoulder and squeezed. The crook began squirming and whimpering in our grip, his cries for help drowned out by his tears of pain. We stared into his eyes, wanting to hear his bones shatter and organs burst. Yet, another whimper sounded from below. We shifted our view downward to find Silver tearing up at us, her eyes watering as she spoke.

“C-can we go?”

Our resolve wavered, we wanted so badly to send these idiots through the wall. To make sure they never bothered us again. But then, we’d only be called a murderer. With a loud and long huff, we positioned both stallions in front of us, faces inches apart.

“You leave us alone, and you don’t die.” Our voices were lased with rage and spite. The two nodded vigorously.
“And another thing…” The two gulped in sync. “Never come near this store, or anywhere near where in this city, preying on the innocent or you will be torn to shreds. Understood?”

They nodded again. I huffed again in their faces. “Good.”

We released them from our grip and kicked them aside as exited, giving control back to just one. With our work done, we returned to the castle, relieved that one nightmare was over. I suddenly smelt mint and vanilla as we entered the castle, the smells sending my nose into a tickle fest and other half howling. I did say one nightmare, yes?

“Fang?” Came Luna’s voice, her steps nearing the hall’s corner.

Oh snap.

I turned back to find the Princess giving me a worried look. I managed to gulp as she neared, watching as she advanced toward me. She had a thick scroll under her arm.

I eyed the parchment curiously. “What’s that?”

She breathed a quiet sigh, calming herself. “It’s your property forms… all of them.”

“And?” I asked, looking into her teal eyes. “Do I still need to pic a spot for my house? I thought I’d already done that. Just on the outskirts of the White Tail woods, between Canterlot and Ponyville.”

The she-wolf nodded, holding out the scroll. “You did. But, according to Equestrian law, you must first read and sign this document in order to secure your hold on the marked property.”

‘Uh, Lord? How freaking long is this thing?!’ I took the rolled-up paper, starting to unroll it. “This is the document? It’s huge.”

She only nodded, rubbing her hands. “It is.”

I grasped one end of the scroll, only to watch wide eyed as the rest tumbled down the hall. A guard opened the door thirty feet away as the scroll kept rolling. My mouth suddenly dropped to the floor. “T-that’s like… three miles long?! How the heck did you write all this?!”

She lifted her hands to show the massive coulisses in her fingers. “Since four in the morn.”

I looked down the hall again, not even seeing the end anymore. “Could I just go find the end and sign? My brain’s going to deflate by the time I reach the end, possibly go blind too.”

Luna rolled her eyes at me, suddenly getting a twinkle in her eye. “You read the whole thing and sign, and I’ll reward you with this…”

She then pressed herself into me, her body pushing me into the wall. I felt my face heat up, threatening to burn my skin off. Her hands glided up my arms, palms caressing my biceps. The she-wolf’s leg hooked with mine, preventing me from escape. Her head soon rested on my shoulder, cheek pressing into my neck and slowly up to my own cheek. Her tongue licked along the base of my ear, a tingling starting at my toes and slithering up my lags and spine. My nose flared as she whispered into my ear, nipping at my cheek’s fur. My mind had dived into a haze at this point.

“I know you like this…” She cooed, hands now rubbing my chest.

And suddenly that haze was shattered as I regained my senses and pulled my own move on her. Using our hooked legs, I pushed off the wall with my left arm, spinning on my heel and pushing her along with me. The action brought us into opposite positions, I was standing over her, her back now pressed against the wall. Her bedded eyes gazing up at me in fascination, a smile on her lips.

I cleared my throat, stepping away and straightening my shirt. “I-I’ll, uh… go read the whole thing now…” I shot down the hall, running as fast as I could to retrieve the blasted scroll. I failed to see her still smiling, ears and tail high. Her tail wagging slightly.

-=Underground Changeling Hive, Chystalis’ Private Chambers=-

The Queen of the Emerald Hive lay on her bed, basking the glow of her latest meal. Her spider half’s legs twitched on occasion as her prey soon accepted their end. With the creak of the doors and another twitch of her legs, the Queen was soon interrupted by a sweet voice chiming through the darkness of her room.

“U-Um… Mother?”

Chrysalis looked over her body to find a small nymph, the child’s eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. The Queen smiled down at one of her latest nymphs, the child resembled her brood mates in her flaked chitin. Though this prospect was rare, it was of no concern to the Queen. And though the flaking was only a product of the nymph’s early birth, she was still loved by her mother.

“Yes, my pumpkin?” The large Changeling asked in a tender and smooth tone, hiding her discomfort with ease. Much unlike that clone of her’s.

“I-I was w-wondering…” The nymph stepped closer, her thin limbs clasping onto the bedsheets. “c-could you tell me a bedtime story? I had a bad dream.”

The Queen smiled sadly, she’d felt her daughter’s distress through the hivemind. “I know, dear pumpkin.” She patted a spot next to her, smile warming. “Come sit.”

The nymph eagerly obeyed, slipping up next to her mother and Queen. She snuggled into the sheets, her lime eyes looking up at the Changeling in joy. She waited patiently for her mother to start.

“Let’s see… a bedtime story?” Chrysalis tapped her chin in thought, stroking her nymph’s back. “How about… the Warg Empire’s Fall?”

The Changeling child beamed with a gasp. “Really? That’s one of my favorites!!”

“Oh I know, dear one, I know.” The Queen smiled knowingly. “Now, where to begin? Ah, yes! There once was a kingdom, long, long ago. Ruled by a great emperor with great magical power—”

“Oh, oh! Wasn’t he the one that wore a black robe, was really old, and laughed creepy-like all the time? Moowahahahahha!!” Interrupted the nymph, only to stall as she realized her mistake, clasping her hands over her mouth.

Chrysalis giggled at her daughter’s antics, shifting her legs to better lay down. “No, but that’s close. Different story though.”

The child settled once again with her own giggle.

“Now, back to the story…” She gave her daughter a warning glance. “The Warg King as he was called, was said to be a master at all magics. Fire, lightning, earth, wind, and ice. But chief among them, were the Six Chromas. Each Chroma controlled a different side of magic and reality. Many of the names were lost, but only two have been recalled from ancient times. Rage and Ward, my dear pumpkin.

“After thousands of peaceful years under his watch, the royal family was soon blessed with a daughter. It was said that her fur was dark as obsidian and the deepest oceans, and eyes like the dancing stars. The king was so taken by his daughter, so pleased with his rule and might, that he failed to see an army massing at his city’s gates. He went out to meet them and soon met his enemy’s commander and general…” Chrysalis paused, baiting her daughter with the still air. “Ruler of the Equines and Alicorns, Queen Faust. Goddess of all ponies and the equine world, she lead their armies against this rich and legendary Empire. For what reason nopony knows, but the queen sought out all Warg’s blood. She wanted them dead, every last one.

“With the coming wars, their once great capital and jewel was laid to ruins. Betrayed by her own husband, Faust swore that he was bewitched. The prince came to the Warg King, begging for the war to end. For his wife’s life to be spared. The King knew that time was short, that he and his mate wouldn’t survive the coming battles. So, with a heavy heart, he placed a spell on his daughter and sent her with the prince, hoping the last of the royal family could be saved from their own fate. When the prince returned, Faust rebuked him, saying he had gone insane and had him executed. And the child… she was abducted by the Alicorn Queen.

“After hearing this from his spies, the King went into a rage. Within seconds, he and his queen burst through their ruined castle and sped toward the Alicorn, screaming in rage. Their massive wings carrying them farther than any pegasus or alicorn. Once there, the two tore the pony’s army apart. Ice, fire, earth, and much more. The very land turned against the ponies. Faust was at a loss for tactics, until she got an idea. A very wicked idea. Knowing the Warg princess was still alive, her soldiers having cared for the infant at her orders. She was right when she said that the pup could be useful. She presented the Warg Princess to the royal couple, both now weeping and begging the alicorn to hand their child over. At the promise that they’d leave in peace if the child was spared, the Wargs left the ponies be. Faust smiled victoriously at her new prize, the child sleeping comfortably against her armor. Through the years, the child grew, unknowing of her true heritage.”

“Did she really not know, Mother?” Asked the awed nymph.

“Yes, but now, our commanders in the Sun Priests tell me that she’s on her way back to her roots. And, with half of the crime syndicates and cults in our grasp, all is according to plan. As it was all those years ago.”

“And we’re the best at our ancestral practices, aren’t we mamma? Queen Riotous, the First Mother, ‘Tampering with creation’ she said. Right?”

Chrysalis beamed down at her child, impressed by her knowledge of their history. “Why yes, pumpkin. Our kind have always been the best at genetics and biomass manipulation. And thus…” She flexed her lower half, presenting her spider half to her daughter. “We can splice ourselves with any beast we require. Even create clones of ourselves.”

The Queen sighed, relaxing into her bed, feeling her body grind it meal into paste. “I so do love my work. And my little ponies, they’re such good cattle. Like hogs to the slaughter for us. Food.”

“Ponies are really yummy, aren’t they mamma? When I get bigger, can I eat them too?”

“Yes, my little Proto-queen. You’ll be as ravenous as you wish.” Chrysalis smiled as her nymph crawled closer into bed with her, snuggling close to her mother.
“I love you mommy.”

“I love you too, my sweet little Riot.”

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone! Hoping you're all still enjoying the story.
Finals are coming up, that should be fun.

Please let me know what ya'll think.

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