• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 17,796 Views, 709 Comments

Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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29. An Eventful Birthday

Author's Note:

Happy New Year!!
Got some time off and I thought I'd post this chapter. However, my editors are currently busy with the holidays and I'll upload the edited version when it's out. I wanted to at least time this chapter for a holiday right.
Anyways, hope you enjoy and please let me know what you all think in the comments.

“Run! Go!” Shouted a mustard furred stallion as he ran down an alley, the sand and dirt below his hooves stirring in the morning sun. “Keep goin’!”

Braeburn kept his eyes on the group of ponies racing in front of him, his hands tightly gripping the pistols on his belt, ears swiveling to catch any noise. The sound of a large serpent slithering reached his ears, and as it drew closer, the stallion spun around. Like lightening, his pistols were drawn, and he fired. With each blast fired at the sand scaled snake, a bead of sweat rolled down his neck, his eyes locked with the serpent’s. The snake stopped just a few meters away, raising its head and smiling devilishly.

“Why so afraid?” It asked in a feminine voice, sweet as honey yet cold as ice. “I don’t bite.”

“Yer ah two bit snake, Ah doubt tha’ you any thin’ but bite.” He snarked, keeping his pistols trained on the serpent’s eyes. “Besides, can’t let ya gobble up meh kin.”

“Oh,” Smiled the snake, her eyes lidded in a pleased manner. Her tail came around to stroke his chin, but a quick shot grazed her appendage. “OW! You shot me!”

“An’ Ah’ll do it again!”

“There is no need for blood.” Another snake came around the corner, large and black with poison green eyes. He looked Braeburn over before speaking, raising his head up to the level where the female’s was. “All I want you to do is send for your Princesses. They are the ones who we seek, as well as another.”

“An’ why should Ah do tha’?” The stallion sneered, glaring at the snake from below his hat. “How do Ah know ya ain’t gonna hurt us?”

The snake chuckled, a slight hiss to his next words. “Because if you don’t, you forfeit your lives. Do this, and you will all live.”

The deputy glared up at the giant snake harder, the wind trying to blow his hat off. “An’ what do ya wan’ meh to tell them?”

The leader smiled, his forked tongue flickering. “That I want to speak with the descendant of Raakuh, Warg of the Nahar.”

“You spell Raakuh; R-A-A-K-U-H, Warg is W-A-R-G, and Nahar N-A-H-A-R.” Smirked the female.

-=Back in Canterlot=-

“So… this piece goes here, and… this goes there?” I asked, bent over my desk in the guest room that I’d been staying in for the past two months, placing the numerous pieces of my project per the Warg Queen’s instructions.

“Yes, very good, Fang.” She praised, the Wargess’ ghostly projection circling me to come to my right, looking over my work. “Make sure to lock the crystal harness with the distributer.”

“Ok… like this?” I asked, watching as a smile appeared on Jurdehn’s smoky face, her mental projection moving to lean over my work to get a better look.

“Very good, Fang.” Her voice rang throughout my mind.

For those who’re confused, Jurdehn had used her dream waking (Mind Striding, as she liked to call it) abilities to cast a mental hologram into my brain. Through this action, only I could see or hear her, making it so at least half the conversation was kept secret.

I then looked over the inner workings of Luna’s birthday gift. “Thanks again for helping, I’ll be sure to let her know it came from the both of us. Not just me.”

“I only thank you for the chance to give her a gift on her birthday.” She said with a bow, her expression turning thoughtful soon after. “Now, if only I could send her that gift from her second birthday to her.”

“You sent us the pills.” I said as I snatched up the bottle of glowing medications, looking at her in confusion. “Why not that present too?”

“Because two bottles of tablets are easier to send over than a stack of eight heavy wool, steel entwined quilts.”

My brows and nose scrunched up before I spoke, a face I often made when finding something problematic. “Yikes.”

“Yikes indeed.”

I had until tomorrow to get Luna’s present done. In the past, I’d spent much of my childhood and teen years building with Legos and Bionicles. In this, I’d gained an ability to picture the parts and intricate pieces in my mind, allowing be to mentally put together blueprints in my brain. And through this ability, I could look at the pieces of the lightsaber and mentally place them together. Though it would take some time before I could do it with ease like I had with the Bionicle brand.

My hands start to ache as I continued, making the process of finishing Luna’s present difficult. Deciding to focus on my magic, the pieces started to hover in mid-air, lining up like one might see a Jedi do. With Jurdehn and Luna teaching me the basics of levitation, the times I’ve had to use my magic had been less of a struggle. And thankfully, this time I didn’t have any trouble.

With the pieces wrapped in my fiery glow, I rearrange them in the order that the Queen instructed, a smile forming on my snout. Soon the Lightsaber was constructed. However, one final piece remained to be placed; Luna’s crystal. The shard of white gemstone sat on my desk, glowing in the moon’s soft rays.

Jurdehn had said that by Warg tradition, Luna had to be the one to place the crystal. She said it had something to do with a stronger bond between the sword and the wielder. It seemed strange to me, but so long as Luna got the saber on her birthday and she was happy, I would be joyous all the same.

A knock sounded from my door, prompting me to ask, “Who is it?”

“It’s Luna, may I be allowed to enter?”

My gut suddenly twisted with slight unease. Thanks to the pills Jurdehn had given us, the heat’s symptoms were dulled, but they were still active. A thought of what Luna might be waring entered my mind’s eye; not an outfit for children’s eyes, I’ll say that.

Shaking my head, I banished the image and looked to the door again. Looking to Luna’s present, I quickly shouted back. “Uh, just a sec!”

I then picked up the parts in my magic and quickly stuffed them into an open drawer. Once this was done, I stood and walked up to my room’s door. The smell of fresh mint hit my nose like a freight train, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach and my heart skipping. Quickly stealing myself, I opened the door to find Luna waiting patiently in a purple T-shirt, grey vest, and black sweatpants. I blinked at the sight; it seemed far too casual for her.

“Fang? Are you… home?” She asked, waving a hand in front of me.

I shook my head, trying to focus. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, it’s just, uh… no dress today?”

“Y-yes.” I caught the slightest blush on her cheeks, causing the corners of my lips to turn upward. “I felt like wearing something that was closer to myself rather than ‘Princess’ Luna. After all, it is ‘regular’ Luna’s birthday tomorrow.”

“Agreed.” I chuckled, smiling down at her as I leaned against the doorframe. “To be honest, I think you look good dressed like this.”

“You’re just saying that because of… well, you know.” Her blush deepened as she began biting her lower lip, pilling a stray hair from her eyes.

I took me a moment to get my thoughts straight again. “No! No, not at all. Uh, I was just saying that maybe for any old regular day you could dress as you are now; normal attire. And save the dresses and gowns for special events, like parties, meetings, and the Gala. I can say that you look very nice dressed like this and I wouldn’t…”

“Wouldn’t what? You trailed off.” An eager sparkle claimed her eyes, a smile crawling onto her muzzle as she stuffed her fidgeting hands into her pockets.

“I, uh… That I wouldn’t…” I took a long breath to gather what courage I had, my neck and hands soon sweating. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you dress like this again, because… I-I th-think you’re… gorgeous.”

The Princess leaned forward with a smile, her ears perking. “What was that? I didn’t hear that last part.”

“…You’re gorgeous.”


My awkwardness and slight shame flooded my brain as I forcibly filled my lungs with air, preparing to confess. With a shaky inhale, I breathed out. “You’re gorgeous.”

I then felt my entire face burn as I tucked it into my elbow, trying to hide my embarrassment from her. The world seemed to slow down for several seconds as I felt a warm breath on my cheek, soft hands pressing against my chest. Then, warm lips pressed against my exposed cheekbone, the rough surface of a tongue following. What felt like twenty minutes was only two seconds before Luna drew back, her face as red as mine no doubt was.

“T-Thank you.” She whispered, the makings of tears in her eyes and a soft smile on her face. “I’ve never been told that aside from Tia.”

Luna suddenly leapt forward, wrapping her arms around me and began to sob, her smile still present. Hesitantly, I embraced her as well, letting her tears soak my chest. I couldn’t even imagine never being told I wasn’t loved by my parents. I had very good parents in my early life, a loving and kind mother, my father strong willed and brave. Both God fearing and loving, following the Lord throughout their lives. Though that’s not to say that they didn’t have their faults; my dad had a sweat tooth and my mom liked to keep moving, always keeping busy. But in all this, I could never visualize my parents loathing me. Sure, I was difficult, had a temper, and didn’t listen half the time. But they still loved me, and I them, faults and all.

Anyways, I held Luna there, letting her tears trickle away. I suddenly noticed she’d put strands of braided pearls in her heir, finding the action interesting. The pearls shone like twinkling stars in the light. Though they weren’t against her former night-like mane, the pearls still added a strong appeal to her appearance. And though she wasn’t in a gown, she still looked beautiful. Even if her attire were only sweatpants, a purple shirt, and a hoodie, she still had her stunningly natural beauty. After a few more moments of crying, Luna brushed her eyes dry and stood with refined poise. She had a cute blush on her cheeks again, causing my heart to thunder inside my ribcage.

“You going to be ok?” I asked, wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

Luna took my hand and leaned her head into it, a wishful look in her eyes. “I am now, thank you.”

I nodded in reply, licking my dry lips as I thought. “Hey, uh, just a heads up. I’m working on your birthday present right now and I’m almost done.”

“O-oh, I see.” Her ears drooped along with my heart, but slowly got a sly smirk. “Could I see it?”

I chuckled for a moment, the drew a sudden serious face. “No.”

“Not even a little?” She smiled deviously, pressing herself toward me.

I stood tall, my face reddening slightly. “You shall not pass.”

“Humph.” She pouted, her bottom lip trembling, ears wilting, and eyes shining pleadingly. Dagnabbit, why did she have to do that!?

It was getting harder to resist her adorableness. I was starting to think she was giving off the pheromones even with the pills’ grip. “Still no.” I affirmed as I looked away from her loveable face.

My eyes moved on their own accord, watching as several strands of silver hair fell over her eyes, adding an alluring air to her. On my next inhale, I got Luna heavy musk weaving its way through my nostrils, intent of invading my mind. I found myself looming over the Princess as a heavy haze came over my mind, looking deep into Luna’s stunning eyes. However, before we could fall too deep into our desires, a voice drifted to my ear. And by the bashful look Luna expressed, she heard it too.

“Am I interrupting anything?” Queen Jurdehn smirked, walking over to stand next to us both.

“Ah!” Squeaked a surprised Luna, clutching her chest in panicked fright. “Uh, M-mother.”

“Unless I woke this morning as someone else, yes, it is I.” She said cheekily with a wink. “I do hope you’ve both been taking your pills each morning. That is… unless you two decided to get together?”

“N-no! Not-Uh!” I blurted, a heavy blush on my cheeks again. “T-that is… Um…”

“N-no.” Luna came to the rescue, hesitantly smiling up at me from the side. She then turned and addressed me with a polite smile. “For now, I will let you get back to work. Don’t want my present to be half done when I get it, now do I?”

My mood seemed to sour for a moment, up I smiled, nonetheless as I walked back into my room. “Right. See you at the party?”

“It’s my party!” She playfully shouted back, wagging her tail slightly.

“Yeah, yeah sure!” I waved her goodbye and watched as she disappeared around the corner.

“Warming up to her I see?” Came Jurdehn’s mirthful voice before she vanished, leaving me alone in my room. I shook my head and got back to work, trying very hard to ignore the blood rushing to my head.

-=The Next Day, Luna’s POV=-

“I thank you for your gift.” I smiled down at the nearly trembling couple as they descended down the dais’ steps.

“You’re welcome, your Majesty.” Said the stallion as they bowed, scurrying of into the crown that had gathered in the throne room.

I nodded gracefully, keeping the illusion that I hadn’t noticed their anxiety. The room stank of fear. Everypony aside from Tia, Silver Haven, the Element bearers (or the Main Six, as Fang liked to call them), Spike the Dragon, and the guards slunk back to huddle together. Like it was in the days of old; they feared me. Tia seemed to notice as well and placed a hand on my shoulder, letting me know that she’d be with me through it all.

But there was somepony- or rather someone- who I’d yet to see; Obsidian Fang.

The dark Warg had yet to show. I imagined he was still putting the final touches on his gift, a thought that thrilled me to great heights. He’d said that he was working on two presents, both of which he’d kept secret very well.

As the next family approached, I noticed from the corner of my eye that a large, shadowy shape lurked beyond the opened throne room doors. A pair of ocean blue eyes with golden rings gazed at me, sending my heart skipping. Once the family was done and I had said my piece, the room grew silent as everypony (and dragon) watched the black Warg step out of the door’s shadow in either terror or awe. As Fang marched forward, I noticed a decretive box held in his grasp. It was a dark wooden chest lined with silver trimming and opal jewels, wrapped in a silk blue bow. When Fang came before the dais unhindered, he held the box out in offering before I took it in my magic.

The box came alight with blue fire as it drifted up towards me, landing softly in my hands before I unwrapped it and peeked inside. What I saw made my heart and soul leap for joy. A book. And not just any book, it was a bible. I lifted it from its casing and peered through the pages, finding an inscription on an originally blank page.

To her Royal Highness of Butt-Whooping,

It has come to my attention that you have need of your very own bible. As you may know, I’d want mine back. I thought that getting you your own would allow you to grow closer to God. I ask that you treat it well and learn the beginning of knowledge. And to give credit where it’s due; Celestia helped with the physical copying spell.

Best wishes, Obsidian Fang.
Happy Birthday! :P
P.S. When I attack with lightening, raise the blade up to block, and then swing at me from afar. I think you’ll like the affect.

Peering at the last inscription in peeked interest, I looked to Fang for clarification, only to find him glancing down at the box again and again. I followed his eyes and looked inside the box again, finding a secret hatch bellow where the book had previously been. Pulled the small latch up, finding what seemed to be the hilt of a sword with no cross guard. I picked it up and examined it with curiosity, finding similar inscriptions to my own runes and Fang’s. Another thing that made me smile was the crescent moon on the hilt’s top, just blow where the blade would’ve been. Seeing a small black button, I raised an eyebrow and looked to the black Warg, his brilliant eyes still watching me. He smiled, almost deviously, as he motioned for me to hold the hilt away from me and press the button.

Once pressed, a glowing white blade erupted from the silver hilt, its light shimmering like starlight. I smiled like a giddy filly as I gazed at the weapon, a wide smile on my muzzle as I gently swung it in place. I noticed that unlike swords I’d used in the past, this one’s blade weighed next to nothing. As if a single feather was attached to the hilt.
A curt whistle drew my attention from the dazzling light sword. I turned to see Fang smiling wickedly as he gripped his own saber. Was he challenging me?!

I quickly cast several safety wards and shielding spells around the room, boxing just the two of us inside a magical area box. Taking my returned smile as a yes, Fang snarling and charged forward. My invited attacker ignited his lightsaber as he raced toward me, watching as I sauntered down the steps, twirling my sword as I went. Then when he’d gotten close enough, I brought the sword up and blocked. His sword countered, but only just, as if he’d forgotten the form, I’d helped teach him.

It was then that I noticed his smile. Not his usual kind and determined smile that he’d sometimes have while fighting, this was a smile that brimmed with madness and cruelty. This, and the fact that as I kept blocking his advancements, he seemed to struggle slightly with the weightlessness of his sword. But what really put me off were his eyes. Granted, he did have his attractive blue and gold eyes, but there was a shadow spread over them, as if he were nothing but a hollow shell.

I’d seen this look before; before the Changeling’s failed invasion. The same look had been in the imposter’s eyes when she was wearing Cadenza’s image.

This wasn’t Fang.

A sudden rage filled me, burning through my bones and muscles as I struck harder with my weapon, still keeping my smile. The imposter’s eyes grew wide slightly at my advancement, barely managing to block my attacks as I hit him in the shoulder and thigh, smoke rising from his burns. It took all my grace and mental strength to not start roasting him alive with my breath. I usually would’ve just attacked with no mercy and hacked him to pieces, but there was one thing that stopped me.

I wanted to savor his defeat.

The fake Obsidian went to lunge me through the stomach, though I sidestepped and let him pass, spanking him with my free hand. The feat caused a light chorus of laughter from the crowd, I gave him a smug smile over my shoulder, knowing that it stung the imposter’s pride. My attacker then reeled around to lop off my head, to which I easily blocked, not bothering to keep my battle stance and just stood casually straight. To add an extra sting to this move, I let go if the saber and flicked the hilt upward, sending the entire sword spinning over my opponent’s blade twice. The saber hilt landed back in my palm with expert precision.

At this point, I could see through the imposter’s mask, seeing the boiling anger and shock in his eyes. It settled into a sideward stance, placing my right hand behind my back and my left (my dominant hand) with the saber. I then adopted a bored look as he continued with the charade, blocking and attacking with seemingly little interest. After several moments of this, I actually grew impatient and decided to end his little act.

Accessing my magic, I created twenty runic circles behind me, all launching Null blades from their centers. The imposter’s eyes bugged out, he began yelping and dancing around as he desperately tried to dodge the onslaught of Chroma swords. I inwardly smiled, imagining that this was what Fang would’ve done against this magical attack if I’d pulled it on him during our weapons training sessions. Though, if it were the real Fang, I would’ve shone mercy and shared a good laugh afterward.

Halting the Null blades after fifteen seconds (I think), I brought my light sword up as my attacker charged once more. Positioning it so that when our blades clashed, my snout would be next to his ear. And when it happened, I added more of my Warg strength, making the strike feel like a soft pillow against me.

Through gritted teeth, I spoke, making my anger toward him clear as day. “I know who you are.”

He stiffened; eyes wide.

“You’re not Fang, you are a changeling.” I seethed, using my free hand to grip his throat. “For what purpose you’re here, I don’t know, but you will pay for replacing Fang.”

I brought his face inches from mine, the smell of ash and copper in his air. “Now… WHERE. IS. FANG!!”

“H-he’s-“ His reply was interrupted by a series of harsh knocking on the throne room doors, that had been closed so that the sound of our fight would be muffled.

The guards opened the doors to find a hopping white sack that was wrapped in aqua green chains, the sound of rattling locks reaching my ears. From the dull shape of the bag, I could tell right off that it was Fang. The guards got to work and tried to get the Warg unchained, but to no avail. On that note, they decided to at least cut the sack open. But when the one guard ripped open a space for Fang’s head to peek through, all we could see were the Warg’s angry eyes boring holes into the guard who’d poked him while cutting. The poor guard rapidly covered Fang’s eyes back up and gulped, not wanting to be melted alive by the fuming Warg’s glare.

“Now that he’s found…” I turned back to the sweating imposter with a cold tone, passing on Fang’s infamous glare. “What are you doing here?”

“Uh…Q-Queen Chr-“

“OH, FOR FREAKIN’ SASAFRAS SAKE!! GET ME OUT OF THESE UN-SELTABLE CHAINS SO I CAN TEAR THAT BUG LIMB FROM LIMB!!!!!” Came Fang’s psalm of the day, causing everypony to gasp at his choice of words. “And if you poke me with that knife again, we’ll all get to hear what that bell on your head sounds like!”

The Changeling gulped, or at least tried with my hand still wrapped around his neck. “Y-you won’t k-kill me… right?”

“Only if you tell me why you came.”

The imposter nodded hastily. “Q-Queen Chrysalis… s-sends her regards.”

The room went deadly silent.

-=Fang’s POV=-

“So, let me get this through my thick skull.” I said, pulling my new light grey shirt over my head. “Chrysalis is alive, and she wants… us?”

“It would seem that way, yes.” Replied Luna from the other side of the bathroom door.

I groaned, dragging a hand over my scarred face. “But did the want-to-be assassin really have to knock me out, steal my clothes, tie me in a sack, chain me up, and stuff me in my closet?!”

“Probably not.” Came her reply. “At least he left… mmmhf…your undergarments.”

I felt my face turn a shade of red, knowing that Luna’s was probably doing the same. “Yeah, yay. Everybody got to see me in my underwear for four seconds straight. Fantastic.”

“H-how did he knock you out anyway?” I could practically hear the blush on her cheeks.

“He knocked me out from behind.”

“And?” She pressed, knowing that there was more to the story.

“I may have… been listening to music on my headphones, so I couldn’t hear him coming.” My blush lightened but didn’t go away. It was embarrassing to admit.

“Mhmm…” The Princess didn’t reply for a moment, clearing her throat soon after. “Are you done? I’d like to at least try to enjoy the rest of my birthday without anymore… indents.”

“Sure, just a sec.” I nodded as I pulled the strap for my belt tighter, latching it into the metal brace before exiting the bathroom. I spun in a circle to show off my new attire. “Better?”

She at least had enough joy in her to spill one last joke, a playful pout crossing her face. “Aw, I missed those abs.”

“Yeah.” I played along with her, striking a heroic pose. “Me and my awesome nine pack abs!”

The Wargess snorted in a very unladylike manner, covering her mouth with a hand. “Nine pack?”

I hung and shook my head, smiling all the while. “That settles it. Later tonight, we are watching the Lego and the Batman Lego movies.”

“I shall never question you infinite theatrical wisdom.”

We shared a good laugh as we left the room to rejoin Celestia and the guests. Needless to say, it was a good distraction from the day’s earlier events.

-=Later That Night=-

A genuine smile stretched over my snout as I exited Summer Mist’s dreamscape (a sixteen year old mare), remembering the trouble she’d faced in her dream. She’d recently been dumped over a text by her coltfriend, the news not only hurting her deeply, but it was the way he’d done it. In my opinion, if you have a problem in a relationship, you and the other should speak face to face. Breaking up over text is never a good option, it shatter’s the heart of the receiver.
Anyway, I’d come to her dream to find her surrounded by numerous versions of her former boyfriend, being chastised for how she wasn’t pretty enough or popular enough to be dating him. Apparently, his standards were stupid when it came to those he dated. After extinguishing the giant fakes, we got to talking and I told her that she wasn’t worthless. She was priceless. There was no gold, silver, or jewels that could amount to her beauty.

Once this matter was settled, I exited her dream and came back into the main dreamscape, watching as each dream orb drifted in and out of sight. Suddenly, the orbs whisked past me, the dream realm speeding away as I sped to parts unknown. When I could finally stand without feeling sick, I found myself in a velvet tent decorated with weapon racks, pony guards in gunmetal grey armor, and a long table with a scaled canyon on it. The canyon had an army of red flags at its base, model canons and soldiers lining the walls’ peeks. With a hesitant glance and a testing wave to the guards, I found that I was invisible to them, prompting a relieved smile from me. I then walked over to the table to look over the battle plans, seeing that these people planned to box their enemies in and gun them down in the canyon. The only thing they seemed to be having trouble with was herding their enemies into the canyon.

I didn’t know who these ponies were, nor did I know who their opponent was, so I resisted the urge to mess with their battle plans. I didn’t have to wait long to know who these ponies lead, as the entrance to the tent flapped away to allow several arguing ponies inside. Chief among them was someone I hated, but never physically met; Queen Faust, a hard scowl on her face.

“But my Queen, a move like that would put our warriors at risk!” Braved a copper furred stallion in grey armor and a red sash, his white mane slicked back and wild. He looked to be somewhere in his fifties. “If we could-“

“No.” Said Faust, her tone cold as she glared down at the aged stallion, towering over him at about 9’ 3”. “If I tell you to send the troops into the caverns to block their escape, then you’ll do it.”

I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what they were talking about. I crossed my arms and leaned against a weapons rack in the tent’s corner to listen.

“B-But, my son-“

Faust shut him up with one look. “If he is to die, then let him die with glory and honor!”

“But the front lines?!”

“If you speak out of term again, General, then you will be removed from my services and condemned to the Wargs. Is that clear?!” She fumed, her wings flaring and horn sparking with orange magic.

Still being mindful of my injured hands, I used my magic to experimentally grab a model canon and pictured it pointed it at Faust. To my amazement and everyone else’s shock, it worked; the tiny canon moved sharply and aimed its barrel at the cream colored alicorn. We all stared at the object of interest, Faust slowly picking it up a moment later.

“Guards!” The guards in the tent snapped to attention and out of their stupor as she glared at them. “Search the camp, find whatever monster made this piece shift! NOW!”

“H-how do we-“

The alicorn slapped him across the face, stopping the two remaining guards before they could leave. “Strip this cur of his rank and affiliation with me and dump him near the enemy camp! I said you’d go to the Wargs if you spoke again, and I’m a mare of my word.”

The former general looked pleadingly between the two guards as they gently helped him up. The old stallion stared off into space, tears beginning to fall from his face as he was dragged away. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. What had I done?

Faust looked to the remaining five stallions in the room, all staring at her in disbelief and fear. She turned to a sky blue pegasus with an orange mane with green, yellow, and red stripes. “Congratulations, you are now the First General. And the rest of you are promoted as well.”

The stallions looked away from her, down at their hooves, or after the previous general, almost ashamed of their newly given positions. I couldn’t blame them honestly.

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